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[Type 4] The difference between 4's

Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I'm always sure I give off a 5-vibe more than anything else, IRL. But I suppose you mean slightly deeper than just impressions from strangers.

Well, yeah. Wanted to be authentic is a common feature. Maybe that looks different in each manifestation, but at the root, it's the same thing.


Hotel California
Nov 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant
:shrug: I still get typed 9 and 7 and even 2 before 4 by those that don't know me, so there must be something I'm doing wrong in the vibe department.

Southern Kross

Away with the fairies
Dec 22, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I'm personally not stoic. I've always been called temperamental from a young age. But there's something more contained, yes. I suspect the sp/so is most contained, perhaps seconded by the so/sp. Southern Kross is notably less fiery than me. There have been a few lengthy threads where my more raw communication wasn't under much bubble wrap.
Outwardly, yes, it's different, but I totally understand the fire. I get it and feel it, but perhaps not with the same immediacy - I usually feed it through a filter when I express it. I actually struggle to break down my wall of inhibition and get to the raw stuff.

The whole fire and ice thing is fairly accurate assessment of Sx/Sp and Sp/Sx (of all types) IME. The "ice" part isn't always cold and distant - it can manifest as being relaxed, chill, focussed, steady, centred. Nor is the "fire" always aggressive and full of rage - it can manifest as being very excitable, passionate, expressive and driven (often once they get the bit between their teeth they just won't stop). Of course, it varies depending on whether they're introverts of extroverts; it can be a subjective standard relative to that person's nature (and enneatype).

To me the main thing about these two stackings is how quickly they can switch gears, and I mean that in both a positive and negative sense. I generally don't (or can't) shift my own emotional headspace that fast and I can be more easily overwhelmed when others do - my emotions move more in steady gradients (internally anyway), rather than sudden spikes and drops. I've had times where people come up to me suddenly and rip me apart for something, and I just stand there like a dodo. 10 minutes after they've stormed off, I'm really mad and want to give them a piece of my mind, but the moment has well and truly passed by then. :doh: It's only if they hit the secret red button of death which overrides the lag, snaps my mind into gear, and suddenly I'm totally present and ready to unleash (that or being an immediate family member :newwink: ). Perhaps in a sense this can make me seem more 9-like at first glance?

This doesn't seem the case with Sx/Sps and Sp/Sxs - they seem more changeable and more prepared for sudden emotional change. OTOH, I think the So/Sps (and maybe Sp/Sos?) are better able to handle social, cultural, conversational, informational and situational shifts. I don't know, perhaps you guys will disagree. :shrug:

I am so/sp and I can be very passionate and temperamental, the only difference is, that my passion is usually not turn toward a person, but more toward idea, opinions, politics, social systems, changes...I can be very passionate in debate, but cold in relationship.
Yeah, this is true of me too. Get me talking about an idea that grabs me (or irritates me) and I will come off like a Sx-dom. My intense rants about ideas have rather surprised and unnerved people in the past - either that or they laugh at me and tell me to calm down. You could say Social 4s are rather cerebral creatures and that's why ideas make them come alive, whereas the Self-pres and Sexual 4s have a more naturally instinctual bent.


New member
Aug 23, 2011
:shrug: I still get typed 9 and 7 and even 2 before 4 by those that don't know me, so there must be something I'm doing wrong in the vibe department.

Did they give any reasons? Chances are they are being conservative in their determinations and working under the premise that a four is guilty of being mistyped until proven innocent. They need to know you're not one of the admirers who wish to be one (though why people would want to be one when you remove the "unique" and "creative" labels beats me). It's unfortunate but can't be helped. Eventually the type will be exposed and will no longer be seen as cool and you can go on your merry way. Alternatively it will become virtually impossible for anyone to take a 4 (and perhaps 5 and 8) typing seriously.

I'm no good at typing but you do give out "vibes" different from the other ENFPs on here (if that means anything) and the only one who I felt it similar too was SillySapienne who also typed herself as a 4.


Hotel California
Nov 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Did they give any reasons? Chances are they are being conservative in their determinations and working under the premise that a four is guilty of being mistyped until proven innocent. They need to know you're not one of the admirers who wish to be one (though why people would want to be one when you remove the "unique" and "creative" labels beats me). It's unfortunate but can't be helped. Eventually the type will be exposed and will no longer be seen as cool and you can go on your merry way. Alternatively it will become virtually impossible for anyone to take a 4 (and perhaps 5 and 8) typing seriously.

I'm no good at typing but you do give out "vibes" different from the other ENFPs on here (if that means anything) and the only one who I felt it similar too was SillySapienne who also typed herself as a 4.

Ne bounciness was the reason for 7. I also have a fascination with mediation which looks like peace keeping=9

These two are in my tritype as well.

As i was figuring myself out over the years, i tried not to get in other peoples way by being overaccomodating. Iow i spent a lot of time in my 2 while chronically stressed. And true to 4form, i was ashamed of who i was and how it affected others, so i locked it all away.

Im Enfp like SS, where most 4s are introverted, hence the off vibe :)


I am so/sp and I can be very passionate and temperamental, the only difference is, that my passion is usually not turn toward a person, but more toward idea, opinions, politics, social systems, changes...I can be very passionate in debate, but cold in relationship.

I do the whole Fi rant thing too about the above. I think the difference between my rants and those of the social dom, though, is they seem to think their ranting/passion will actually change things and their rants have a longevity. Meanwhile, I'll get pissed off about something and then the next day completely forget about it. Also, I feel like what can I really do, anyway, so I just let go of it.

I think I have a strong social instinct for it being last in my stacking. Not about 'wanting to belong' but being interested in what's going on outside of me and having strong Fi ethics/empathy when it comes to the plight of others (especially animals). I think the fact that I come from a family that is very socially oriented in a political/social causes sense has a lot to do with this, not to mention just being a Fi dom. The whole instinct order for me, though, is a tough call, I admit. I definitely feel all three. That's why I have to look at the overall way I've lived my life to make sense of it.

[MENTION=5494]Amargith[/MENTION], I also think it has to do with your being sx/so. Having that as your stacking really counteracts the withdrawn vibe most fours give off. I think so/sx fours can seem un four-like for that reason as well.


I am
Jun 6, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I do the whole Fi rant thing too about the above. I think the difference between my rants and those of the social dom, though, is they seem to think their ranting/passion will actually change things and their rants have a longevity. Meanwhile, I'll get pissed off about something and then the next day completely forget about it. Also, I feel like what can I really do, anyway, so I just let go of it.

I think I have a strong social instinct for it being last in my stacking. Not about 'wanting to belong' but being interested in what's going on outside of me and having strong Fi ethics/empathy when it comes to the plight of others (especially animals). I think the fact that I come from a family that is very socially oriented in a political/social causes sense has a lot to do with this, not to mention just being a Fi dom. The whole instinct order for me, though, is a tough call, I admit. I definitely feel all three. That's why I have to look at the overall way I've lived my life to make sense of it.


Yes I agree this discussing venting can be very much relate to Fi. I still believe that the individual can actually change something in our society the problem is, that a lot of people who have some idea about how they could change things around can't actually think about all the consequences, all the support and tools they would really need to make a difference. A lot of people are just very naive with their ideals and then it can be hard for them to make them come true. I had some problems with instinctual variants as well, but then I realized it's actually pretty simple. A lot of people see sx last as no passion, but it's not about passion, or temperament sx instict is about intimacy. What sx dom types really strive for is an intimate, close relation. I've always placed relationships and love matters at the last place and never cared for them that much. I much care about belonging in a group, getting a social status and filling dreams, or ideals that I want for myself. I think this clearly makes me an so/sp. What I really had a trouble with is my wing... I think I might actually be a 4w5, but seem as 4w3 becuase of the strongest social instinct.


Yes I agree this discussing venting can be very much relate to Fi. I still believe that the individual can actually change something in our society the problem is, that a lot of people who have some idea about how they could change things around can't actually think about all the consequences, all the support and tools they would really need to make a difference. A lot of people are just very naive with their ideals and then it can be hard for them to make them come true. I had some problems with instinctual variants as well, but then I realized it's actually pretty simple. A lot of people see sx last as no passion, but it's not about passion, or temperament sx instict is about intimacy. What sx dom types really strive for is an intimate, close relation. I've always placed relationships and love matters at the last place and never cared for them that much. I much care about belonging in a group, getting a social status and filling dreams, or ideals that I want for myself. I think this clearly makes me an so/sp. What I really had a trouble with is my wing... I think I might actually be a 4w5, but seem as 4w3 becuase of the strongest social instinct.

Yes, when you look at it that way it is quite simple. In that case I would be an obvious social last/ sexual first.

Edit: [MENTION=18559]Polly[/MENTION], something else I've noticed is that social types seem to desire systemic change while social last are more about individual change. For example, a social first type may say 'We need to push for everyone to become vegans!' while a social last would probably be more likely to say, 'I don't feel right about eating meat so I will stop but it's up to others whether they want to or not. If more people would stop that would be cool, but I'm not going to push it on them.'


I am
Jun 6, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Yes, when you look at it that way it is quite simple. In that case I would be an obvious social last/ sexual first.

Edit: [MENTION=18559]Polly[/MENTION], something else I've noticed is that social types seem to desire systemic change while social last are more about individual change. For example, a social first type may say 'We need to push for everyone to become vegans!' while a social last would probably be more likely to say, 'I don't feel right about eating meat so I will stop but it's up to others whether they want to or not. If more people would stop that would be cool, but I'm not going to push it on them.'

I actually relate more to your last statement...I don't know if you noticed (probably yes), that I am a vegetarian. But I only know 2 other people, that are vegetarians and I never forced anyone in my family, or my friends to give up on eating meat. At wednesday I went with my friends to a bar and they all ate a huge portion of a pork meat...I didn't eat it, but I didn't say anything against all of my friends who did... It would be great if we all go vegetarian, or vegan, but I also think it's everyone's free will to decide what to eat...I only dislike people, who discriminates vegetarians and are against them like we are wierd, or there is something wrong with us, then I usually get to this protective mode when I can attack someone else's opinions, but just because the person attacks mine. But I think this is puerly an Fi thing and it's not that much about enneagram instincts. I think a Fe person would feel responsible for others who eat meat, and might forced them to become vegetarians/vegans, because the person believe it's a social-group problem.


[MENTION=18559]Polly[/MENTION], yeah, ok. After I wrote that I wondered if that may be more of a Fi/Fe thing.

Sunny Ghost

New member
May 28, 2010
4's inflate themselves so they can feel special, and its actually healthy for them if you call them out on their shit and find ways to show them how incredible they are for being normal.

In my experience:

INFJ 4 = "Look at how beautiful and Powerful I am!"
ENFJ 4 = "look at how smart and prestigious I am!"
INFP 4 = "Look at how pathetic I am"
ISFP 4 = "My hometown is shittier than your hometown!"
ENFP 4 = "su su summertime, summertime sadness"
ISTP 4 = "Look how hardcore and badass I am!"
ESFJ 4 = Idunno... rihanna?
I don't think all four's do this. At least not in the more healthy levels.

Chad of the OttomanEmpire

Give me a fourth dot.
Jun 9, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Wait didn't I post this? I don't know what happened. I've got incense burning my eyes.
Maybe you're a 728 then! I have a neighbor in the same position--I thought she was a sp6 or 7 with a 2-fix, and I assumed a 9-fix, till I realized she basically doesn't give a crap about The Peace. If anything, she's tough, pragmatic, and inclined to throw surprising amounts of indignity around. She's super-nice, though. The last fix can be hard to see.

[MENTION=18576]Sanjuro[/MENTION]-very interesting. And thanks for the input. I've been trying to read through it all, but there's just so much. And I don't always feel as though instinct descriptions are concise.
I thought some stuff out this weekend. I don't have it in front of me, but I'll try to put up my ideas shortly.

That makes sense, and I agree the sp and so combos appear the most contained. Still, you seem more contained than me. Compared to a sx/so, though, I look very contained (I think). I think sx/sps can be especially confusing because of our pronounced on/off switch. I think a good portion of the time we can seem sp/sx to others, unless we're on. Then you see the dominant sexual instinct in all its over-the-top glory. Sx/sos strike me as more consistently on.
It's interesting, because I'm pretty sure I'm sx/soc but I'd never describe myself as "on". I think I'm very contained most of the time (I'm talking in the general public)--I'm still a 4w5, and I still have an ability to disappear and go unnoticed. I occasionally counteract this with a "LOOK AT ME" flamboyancy streak, but sadly, my overall life is a tale of obscurity.

Can elaborate, but I'm trying not to hijack too much.

Ne bounciness was the reason for 7. I also have a fascination with mediation which looks like peace keeping=9

These two are in my tritype as well.

As i was figuring myself out over the years, i tried not to get in other peoples way by being overaccomodating. Iow i spent a lot of time in my 2 while chronically stressed. And true to 4form, i was ashamed of who i was and how it affected others, so i locked it all away.

Im Enfp like SS, where most 4s are introverted, hence the off vibe :)
I think my sister is the same tritype as you, and I didn't know she was a 4 either--I thought 9 or 2. Something about that tritype keeps the 4ness inside. She's an INFP, so even more internal than you.

I'm an Ne-dom, though, and I get plenty of stuff about how I seem "seveny", at least online. I don't think 7 is even my head-fix, though. I appear introverted to most IRL.

I don't think all four's do this. At least not in the more healthy levels.
Yes, that's sort of a misinterpretation of the type. I'll put up my categories shortly!!


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Maybe you're a 728 then! I have a neighbor in the same position--I thought she was a sp6 or 7 with a 2-fix, and I assumed a 9-fix, till I realized she basically doesn't give a crap about The Peace. If anything, she's tough, pragmatic, and inclined to throw surprising amounts of indignity around. She's super-nice, though. The last fix can be hard to see.

I thought some stuff out this weekend. I don't have it in front of me, but I'll try to put up my ideas shortly.

It's interesting, because I'm pretty sure I'm sx/soc but I'd never describe myself as "on". I think I'm very contained most of the time (I'm talking in the general public)--I'm still a 4w5, and I still have an ability to disappear and go unnoticed. I occasionally counteract this with a "LOOK AT ME" flamboyancy streak, but sadly, my overall life is a tale of obscurity.

Can elaborate, but I'm trying not to hijack too much.

I think my sister is the same tritype as you, and I didn't know she was a 4 either--I thought 9 or 2. Something about that tritype keeps the 4ness inside. She's an INFP, so even more internal than you.

I'm an Ne-dom, though, and I get plenty of stuff about how I seem "seveny", at least online. I don't think 7 is even my head-fix, though. I appear introverted to most IRL.

Yes, that's sort of a misinterpretation of the type. I'll put up my categories shortly!!

yeah...kind of a trip to sort of realize this.

but i never did relate much to nine...except for my generic idea about them being mellow. i relate about as much as i relate to six being my wing i guess...which is only that it sort of adds this anxious self doubt manic type thing but...only in a slightly jokey way that's just there and i'm not quite sure i believe or it just comes up to be questioned.

i hope the enfp speak is going to work for ya there because i'm just not in the mood to try harder. :/ eek haha

Chad of the OttomanEmpire

Give me a fourth dot.
Jun 9, 2013
Instinctual Variant
yeah...kind of a trip to sort of realize this.

but i never did relate much to nine...except for my generic idea about them being mellow. i relate about as much as i relate to six being my wing i guess...which is only that it sort of adds this anxious self doubt manic type thing but...only in a slightly jokey way that's just there and i'm not quite sure i believe or it just comes up to be questioned.

i hope the enfp speak is going to work for ya there because i'm just not in the mood to try harder. :/ eek haha
I felt that way about my 6-fix, but it makes total sense now that I understand it.

Why'd you think 9 to begin with?


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I felt that way about my 6-fix, but it makes total sense now that I understand it.

Why'd you think 9 to begin with?

i think i took a tritype test that said that.

but i also always type as 7w8 but think 7w6 fits better.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Tests are lame. Glad it all makes sense now!!

yeah i think it might! and...i always think it's important to check it against how someone close to you thinks and my bf thinks i'v got 8 in there. he said that description of 728 fits way better. i'm kinda all about freedom to do my own thing.

thanks for your help!

Chad of the OttomanEmpire

Give me a fourth dot.
Jun 9, 2013
Instinctual Variant
yeah i think it might! and...i always think it's important to check it against how someone close to you thinks and my bf thinks i'v got 8 in there. he said that description of 728 fits way better. i'm kinda all about freedom to do my own thing.

thanks for your help!