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INTP or not INTP. That is the question.


New member
Mar 22, 2015
This isn't a "what's my type" thread. This isn't "am I INTP or not." I feel like you made this thread to justify why you think you're an INTP. You're clearly not that open to others' insights. :shrug:


Injustice Needs To stoP
Feb 19, 2015
Instinctual Variant
This isn't a "what's my type" thread. This isn't "am I INTP or not." I feel like you made this thread to justify why you think you're an INTP. You're clearly not that open to others' insights. :shrug:

That was a Shakespeare pun but ok.
My point was for the people doubting the truth to eat the truth hard.
But, guess what? Reverse psychology happened! Oh god...
And yes, you're right in one way: I didn't make this because I didn't knew my type. I know to 100% that I'm an INTP.
I basically asked them 1 + 1 and they answered with "3".
MBTI is like Math. There is only one correct answer.
But guess what? Humans are vicious animals that can't be trusted.


New member
Mar 22, 2015
That was a Shakespeare pun but ok.
My point was for the people doubting the truth to eat the truth hard.
But, guess what? Reverse psychology happened! Oh god...
And yes, you're right in one way: I didn't make this because I didn't knew my type. I know to 100% that I'm an INTP.
I basically asked them 1 + 1 and they answered with "3".
MBTI is like Math. There is only one correct answer.
But guess what? Humans are vicious animals that can't be trusted.

I understood the Hamlet pun. Just not sure how it was appropriate in regard to the actual motive behind your thread.

And eh, I'd disagree with you on the whole MBTI/math thing. Type theory is just that--a theory. I think anything that has to do with classifying human personality is bound to have some holes in it. We're just so complex and unique. 7 billion of us.

Vicious animals for disagreeing with your self-typing? Seems a little extreme. :unsure:


New member
May 27, 2015

9. What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
When I was 8, I was at the funeral of my deceased brother. I physically hurt myself so I can cry just so I can blend in with the crowd. Now I pretty much forgot my brother.

You cared so much about blending in with the crowd that you physically hurt yourself enough to cry? Yes, blending in with the crowd usually leads to saving more energy and not being the center of attention which is a more idealistic situation. However, why did you use that specific example? Surely you've had more times in your life you've cried. That could be the only moment you remember which makes sense but the question is aiming for a more genuine moment of sadness. Based on your reactions to other comments you're most likely not a sociopath. You used that example because you wanted to make the point that you are a thinker over a feeler. "Now I pretty much forgot my brother" also is unnecessary unless you want to make it clear you're a thinker. However, I hardly doubt an actual INTP would need to make that point unless they just want to feel that they're an INTP when they're not. You want to find security in, "I'm an INTP." That's why you created this thread and am trying to answer questions in a clear "I'M AN INTP" so you can get security from other people you are one. It's also the reason why you try to block other people's view that you may not be INTP. This thread is just for you to feel security in something you want to be but you aren't.

However, this is purely just my point of view and could be completely wrong since I probably know close to nothing about you. It's just my take that you're most likely not an INTP and if you are, than an insecure and/or unhealthy one.


New member
May 27, 2015
You could also be trolling in that INTP fashion which is likely as well.


New member
Jun 3, 2014
Instinctual Variant
I don't see you as a Ti dom based on your questionnaire. It's possible that you are an INTP but you are projecting an abrasive image here that is coloring your answers.

I can understand why you're getting typed as ISXX. Maybe it would be wise for you to focus on enneagram so you can know why you're motivated to behave the way you do.


Injustice Needs To stoP
Feb 19, 2015
Instinctual Variant
You could also be trolling in that INTP fashion which is likely as well.

Too good to be true.
No. I just wanted to eliminate everyone doubting my INTPness just like Hitler killed off all of the other competitors so nobody defies him.
Basically I just wanted to control their knowledge.


Injustice Needs To stoP
Feb 19, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I don't see you as a Ti dom based on your questionnaire. It's possible that you are an INTP but you are projecting an abrasive image here that is coloring your answers.

I can understand why you're getting typed as ISXX. Maybe it would be wise for you to focus on enneagram so you can know why you're motivated to behave the way you do.

I can't. That's my point.
And in enneagram, I'm 7w8.
It was my 8 trying to force you to agree.


New member
Mar 22, 2015
Too good to be true.
No. I just wanted to eliminate everyone doubting my INTPness just like Hitler killed off all of the other competitors so nobody defies him.
Basically I just wanted to control their knowledge.

You aren't eliminating us. I don't really think there's a way to eliminate people who disagree with you, especially on an internet forum. Additionally, don't you think comparing yourself to Hitler is kinda gross?


New member
Jun 3, 2014
Instinctual Variant
I can't. That's my point.
And in enneagram, I'm 7w8.
It was my 8 trying to force you to agree.

You may want to consider 8w7? Or maybe CP 6. You seem to have some 6ish flavor.

Kanra Jest

Av'ent'Gar'de ~
Jun 30, 2015
Instinctual Variant
No, I don't. I hate structure, I hate rules and I hate authority. If all you've said was true, I wouldn't have gotten banned 3 times in a row. Okay, technically, I didn't do anything wrong. Let alone that I never do wrong. It's always everybody else' fault.

So basically, what happened is: [MENTION=195]Jaguar[/MENTION] 's wrongness aggravated me to the point that I couldn't think anymore, and you know what happened after that.

So you're typing me S just for the lolz?
Baseless conjecture.
And you typed me F because you believe I take it personal?
No. People that are wrong are like annoying flies that have to be swat.
And you say I'm a J because I want to study law?
Look, I'm aiming to be an attorney, who helps people escape the law, and not the public prosecutor, who rubs it down everyone's nose. Justice is chaotic, not lawful. For example: the eye-for-an-eye concept. Someone wrongs you. Now you have the right to do whatever he did to you back to him. Now. When you do this, he sues you and you're in prison for a couple of years, considering you didn't sue him, and it was a hard crime.
You see how the law is preventing justice?

Btw: You're an INTJ, not a P. Ps don't do intuitive leaps like that. I double-check everything I write to make sure there are no mistakes.

Now that we got that out of our way, let's talk about Game Of Thrones.

Why do you feel the need to point out you were banned and blame it on everyone's else fault? That hardly matters then if you apparently dI'd nothing rule breaking and just got screwed over.

Yeah. [MENTION=195]Jaguar[/MENTION] aggrivating you. Your responses got more unecessary in tone. Case in point. Emotions shouldn't get in the way of objective discussions. Unless it's subjectively driven.

Yeah. Wow. Baseless conjectures all over the place. .
I didn't type you as F. What's your point?

You have your own sense of Justice however. Kind of like Light did in Death Note there, and that there are rights you believe that shouldn't be punished. I find flaws in the justice system too, because of a different understanding of justice than what others in that position may percieve. But the justice system is there for a reason and if nothing was there it'd be absolute freedom which is no better than chaos. If you kill someone, get executed. Sounds nice but rarely served do to moral qualms. That is justice though, but others may not see it that way. I guess that makes Justice subjective.

I've been getting contradictory answers by people. But thanks for the input, I guess. I did take an intuitive leap.. didn't feel like reading into everything at the time.

Kanra Jest

Av'ent'Gar'de ~
Jun 30, 2015
Instinctual Variant
That was a Shakespeare pun but ok.
My point was for the people doubting the truth to eat the truth hard.
But, guess what? Reverse psychology happened! Oh god...
And yes, you're right in one way: I didn't make this because I didn't knew my type. I know to 100% that I'm an INTP.
I basically asked them 1 + 1 and they answered with "3".
MBTI is like Math. There is only one correct answer.
But guess what? Humans are vicious animals that can't be trusted.

If you think you know for a fact then what was the point of this thread? To prove your right or drag us all into a debate. No self evolution though.

Humans being vicious animals and cant be trusted. What does that have do with this?


Injustice Needs To stoP
Feb 19, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Why do you feel the need to point out you were banned and blame it on everyone's else fault? That hardly matters then if you apparently dI'd nothing rule breaking and just got screwed over.

Yeah. [MENTION=195]Jaguar[/MENTION] aggrivating you. Your responses got more unecessary in tone. Case in point. Emotions shouldn't get in the way of objective discussions. Unless it's subjectively driven.

Yeah. Wow. Baseless conjectures all over the place. .
I didn't type you as F. What's your point?

You have your own sense of Justice however. Kind of like Light did in Death Note there, and that there are rights you believe that shouldn't be punished. I find flaws in the justice system too, because of a different understanding of justice than what others in that position may percieve. But the justice system is there for a reason and if nothing was there it'd be absolute freedom which is no better than chaos. If you kill someone, get executed. Sounds nice but rarely served do to moral qualms. That is justice though, but others may not see it that way. I guess that makes Justice subjective.

I've been getting contradictory answers by people. But thanks for the input, I guess. I did take an intuitive leap.. didn't feel like reading into everything at the time.

I can relate to that. I'm tired and want to go to sleep. It's 4 AM where I live right now. (GMT +1)

But the difference is: Yagami Light was an ENTJ. I'm more like L in terms of thinking and stuff.


Injustice Needs To stoP
Feb 19, 2015
Instinctual Variant
You may want to consider 8w7? Or maybe CP 6. You seem to have some 6ish flavor.

Actually, 6 is the type I'm the least according to test results.


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
That was a Shakespeare pun but ok.
My point was for the people doubting the truth to eat the truth hard.
But, guess what? Reverse psychology happened! Oh god...
And yes, you're right in one way: I didn't make this because I didn't knew my type. I know to 100% that I'm an INTP.
I basically asked them 1 + 1 and they answered with "3".
MBTI is like Math. There is only one correct answer.
But guess what? Humans are vicious animals that can't be trusted.

Alright, don't know where to start with this...

1+1=2 yes, but what has been left up to determination is whether or not what you have stated, what you have shown, and what you are, is actually a 1 or another number. Typing appears to be sort of one dimensional yes in the way that it is defined by cognitive processes, but generally those processes are just an outline that suits what is likely to be of interest to the body. You could have an INTP who is interested in body building, or an ESTP... Or ESTJ, who is interested in nuclear physics-or even the technicalities of the mbti. What you seemed to have laid out, and what I kind of think is one of the main issues with questioneres in general, are actions- ones that are common to the human experience in general, motivations related to actions- again high probablity that answerers just recycle the superficial, deeming these as a poor measure of type as a whole. Doing something in the contexts of someone elses structure doesn't seem like a very open way, a very individual way, of determining someones thought processes and the structures behind them. They skim the surface at best... And best is only if you go into them innocently.

If you go into answering them with a specific type in mind, to prove a particular type... Check out my wall if you want- I discussed you, then you are going to get absolutely nothing from it. But I really doubt you were expecting to, you only wanted to string people along point out how prototypical you are of an INTP, and then prove it by whatever means necessary. Any time someone would question you or suggest an alternative, you would get more aggressive- because as I said before-you were not removing yourself from this identity that you have formed to protect yourself. This idea that you have that being an INTP is special, that it removes you from what you see as the evil you have experienced, gives it reason. You are an intuitive, and the sensors just cannot understand you. So much easier to slap labels upon reasons, accept them as someone elses fault, (of which you seem partically cognitively aware), and whitewash an entire group as evil and you as beloning to the higher poor understood. But I already said that I believe.

You create a type me thread. Ok. But type is composed of more than just what you can read, what you can say, what you did say. You can express similarities with a type and present nothing like it, because type is a subjective within an objective, and it can appear to overlap. This is what we have, a discrepency between what you say(determined by what you individually want, how you want to be perceived, very emotionally determind: not really your fault though, much of it borders probably on the subconcious), and how you are percieved. And that is primarily what people are judging you off of. Cognitive functions, again, need to organize this later- phones suck really-, determine the how and not the what- and they may or may not line up.

And again, you may see ENTJ as your ideal type- but you do not see it as the ideal for yourself. You have not fully identified with it in fhe way you have INTP.

I absolutely believe you are a 6. A CP 6, but a very young one making you difficult to type. Tests don't mean anything if you are not objective in taking them. Anyone can memorize or understand the basics beyond what a question is asking if they have the slightest understanding of the system. And really you cannot determine whether you are objective or not... Huh? Reason to make a type me thread? An attempt at impartiality? But I definately believe you are a feeler. IXFX. CP 6. Or disintigrated 9.

Good luck though, I really mean it. Hope you get what you need from this site.


Nov 23, 2012
Instinctual Variant
He's 14 why is anyone even trying to type him

The only proper way to handle a situation like this is log everything embarrassing he says and show it to him in 4 years. Then he'll know.
Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
He's 14 why is anyone even trying to type him

The only proper way to handle a situation like this is log everything embarrassing he says and show it to him in 4 years. Then he'll know.

I'm surprised that he's 14. He seems older. At the age I mostly lurked.

I think the INTP typing is accurate. He's probably a loner trying to find some form of self-definition to make sense of his own experiences.


New member
Jul 16, 2015
Instinctual Variant
OP, you need some help knowing how to channel your aggression.


New member
Mar 30, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I think your understanding of sensing/intuition is limited and I tend to agree with half the people there that you could possibly be STP. The problem is, you are still engrossed in the stereotypes of the dichotomys and are associating sensing with superficial thinking and memory and intuition with imsgination. I encourage you to talk to a certified mbti insteuctor instead of getting your information off of tumblr blogs written by sensors who think they are intuitives but allow me to help while I'm here.

Sensing is concrete, literal processing. Sensor thinking is filled with intangibles. They often confine to one task and focus on the here and now when making decisions.

Intuition is abstract, figurative processing. Intuitive minds are filled with intangible things like concepts and theories. They focus on the big picture, or future anticipation when making decisions.

Being a sensor does not make one unaware of possibilities and intuition does not make one unaware of facts. In fact, when you define facts and possibilities, mbti has nothing to do with them. These words were basically used to help stupid people understand the difference between tangible and intangible. In fact, a possibility can be in tangible form and a fact can be in intangible form. Based on the reasoning you've used to type yourself as an intuitive, you are probably a sensor who has fallen into the trap of taking mbti theories too literally. But here's something to help distinguish the difference. A sensor would think about the tangibles around him/her and the possible uses for them. An intuitive would think about the deeper meaning behind the tangibles and how it playa out in the bigger picture. Also there's the mountain analogy. A sensor sees a mountain as a large rock that can be carved into anything they might use. An intuitive would see a mountain as an ancient foundation that plays a part in the bigger picture somehow.