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Dungeons & Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, Chronicles of Darkness, Other TTRPGs

The Cat

The Cat in the Tinfoil Hat..
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
I think maintaining a small business is important if you want to maintain your financial freedom.

Do you offer paid insurance plans for your staff?
Right now its a one man one lizard show. But as the party is successful Joe is a working man, so he's gonna make sure anyone he hires pays their staff a decent living wage. As we go around I pay a local caster to cast the skywrite spell in the area: E A T A T J O E S with a little arrow pointing to where the tavern is gonna be set up while the party is in the area. Eventually the plan is to hire an apprentice train em up right, and set them up with their own Local Joe's Tavern. The DM will let me add them to my list of local contacts across faerun; which will give the dm lots of logical openings to send the party to go do things or investigate things that the party players might not otherwise think of doing. But it will also give the party some reliable safe houses in several areas. The goal is to have a Joe's Tavern in every major city town and settlement in the forgotten realms by level 20.

But Joe as a former true believer in a sinister Powerful Faction(The dm is cooking over whether it will have been a dark faction of the lords alliance or the Zhentarum) I think Zhentarum makes the most sense, but im fine either way. Joe believes that a well cared for employee is a loyal employee. And Joe wants to be a legitimate pipeline from the cooking and brewers guilds to his businesses. The real trick is finding out which apprentices he can trust with the secrets of poisons venoms, and toxins of all kinds. Because those apprentices will have a harder line to tow, because if Joe hears of someone abusing what he taught them. They'll have a special private meeting with him, where they will ultimately decide its best for everyone if they vanish without a trace and are definitely not made into food in any way shape or form. That would be rediculous, could you even imagine? Ha. I say. Ha and Fie. With such jokes as these, I see why the alcohol always sells out. I like the idea of the betrayor coming home, going about their evening routines, then noticing a single fortune cookie on the hearth. The open and the fortune says something like: "Your life will be an inspiration to others..." or "Today is not your lucky day." or "Live each day as if it were your last." Most likely Joe would just send them whatever their favorite drink was with something extra: "The fangs of the Spider Lily." or "The Black Tears of the Weeping Death Lotus." or worst of all, a toxin so deadly and dangerous that it's kept in a lead box inside another lead box inside a larger lead box and that box buried in the corner of a dark crypt somewhere non disclosed. Joe refers to it only as: "Denise." If you ask him to elaborate he get's this wistful pained far away look before shaking his head as if clearing it, and says "Don't ask."


Currently I'm chugging along quite well with a comfortable lifestyle while paying a modest lifestyle expense for various contacts from my past, most of the contacts I have right now, likely know me from my bounty hunting days so the payments I send them are not always seen as charitable as much as intimidating, because no matter where they go, they're paid on time by someone.

For reference anyone wanting to know what kind of bounty hunter Joe was in his old life:
He told the party that Geb saved his life in more ways than one. The truth is Joe was a bad guy who hunted people for an organization he'd spent his life being groomed into a monster. When he first met Geb, he figured that the blind ranger would be just another casualty interfering with his hunt...Turns out the ranger was also a blind monk with elite special forces training in addition to monk training. Geb had blind fighting fighting style so he had blind sight within 10 feet and a passive perception of 22(bad eyes, good ears) So Geb thoroughly kept getting in his way and more than a few targets were lost to Geb's meddling. Eventually Geb kicked Joe's ass so thoroughly, then showed him proof of the organization he worked for, plus every encounter they had, Geb always gave Joe the "You don't have to be a monster, you can be something else, I can save these people!" speeches every singe time they faced off. It started having an effect. Eventually Geb kicked Joe's ass so thoroughly before showing him the truth of the org he'd put his blind faith into...It broke him. Joe dropped his weapon and would have let himself be killed by collapsing ruin, but Geb saved his life...after everything... Joe entered the Monestary and even trained with Geb, teaching him how to blind fight. And how to begin his redemption... Joe has been doing his best since. But he is not a good person. He in many ways feels like a monstrosity from one of the monster manuals that they sell at adventure's guilds sometimes. He was hoping to travel with Geb and his new friends a while, learn how to be a good person, but with some training wheels... But now Geb is dead, and Joe has found himself being welcomed by Geb's comrades. Idealists. Big Damn Heroes. Meddling fools who will no doubt run across far more sinister threats than Joe, but...the thing about heroes Joe has observed...They don't always think through their heroic actions and are often left defensless from more indirect forms of villainous attack... Joe knows just how dangerous some of the enemies the party has already made are...and here he is with a debt to a dead man that he NEEDS to pay...A debt that can never be repaid in gold... So here's Neutral Evil Joe a snake in the grass amid men and women who's goodness brings the sting of shame to his mind and heart, and now the man who was once called Death's Shadow by those in the know...is Uncle Joe. The affable, perpetually buzzed chef who makes people rice balls and delicious noodle dishes, sushi, and the best buns outside of Kua Toa, the homebrewing, moonshining bartender who hands out folksy wisdom and plays the violin for his patrons. The party caterer. All my weapons are flavored as cooking implements kinda thing. So it should be a pretty wild ride going forward. Especially as more of Joe's backstory comes out. So far the party has chalked up any weirdness as well, what else would you expect from a friend of a man who had this portrait as the center piece for his funeral:
Airbrushed onto black velvet of course.
The celloists played thunderstruck, everybody who wanted to, got laid. It was a great funeral.

Man alive there should be some kind of a meme between door to door missionaries and people who are excited about their new D&D character. "Hello friends, Have you given any thought to where you're character is going to spend all of Downtime?" :cheese:



Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
So we made a few adjustments to our PF2 campaign to help mitigate the huge HP swing in a single round + to enable casters to be more competitive at least at lower levels. We will continue to tweak as needed, but we might have averted needing to switch systems.

Last night was so par for course. Our entire plan was to go to the pirate port isle to check in with the pirate's council and the governor to see if we could acquire standing as free pirates and/or receive marks in service of particular factions (to gain some legitimacy). After all of this joking while discussing the rules mod about fighting always breaking out, we went to the local bar in order to build our notoriety and brag about our deeds.

Tyria is not a Charismatic character but with all the character deaths, she had the most social skills (mostly Performance, but passable diplomacy as needed). She's also now a master in Athletics, so we got ourselves a table in this bar of pirates by her challenging the most buff guy in the room to an arm wrestling competition and pretending she was a bit foo-foo. She took him without a lot of trouble, to the cheers of people across the bar. When he accused her of cheating and took a drunken swing at her, she tripped him, then stomped on him twice to knock him out. The others dissuaded his companion from starting shit.

So we bought two rounds of drinks for the house, then Tyria began her crowd performance in leaping about and acting out our exploits, using props from our victories and other members of our group portraying roles to cement the accuracy of our deeds. We ended up getting a LOT of notoriety off that, which should help when we go to hire more sailors and some marines for our main boat. We also got invited to the Pirate Council's ball on the main part of the island in two days, so we plead our case then.

And then, of course, the fight.

We noticed someone slipping things into a table's round of drinks and recognized her as crew from the pirate ship we started on, where the captain was known for drugging and kidnapping people for his crew. When we tried to stop her from escaping, suddenly everything went to shit. Tyria had grabbed the girl's wrist and suddenly was surrounded by four other thugs. She crushed one guy's pelvis as he tried to position herself, another grabbed her and a third shoved a bag over her head. As our tank jetted over, she managed to undo the bag, shove it down the guy's throat, break every rib in his chest, and punch the other guy in the face. (God, it's fun to be a monk.) But the girl escaped upstairs and was kicking casks down the steps towards us.

A woman Tyria recognized as an apprentice for the laboratory she escaped from a few years ago shouts out a price of gold on her head for her capture and hit her with a nasty spell she saved on, but still momentarily stunned her. Now there are just groups of combatants swarming us.

meanwhile, near the other side of the room, a bunch of drunk patrons who think our resident goblin is a Smoker (one of the goblin crew running submarines) decides to try to string him up, so half our group is fighting them + the kobolds who we offended earlier.

We're mid-level characters in essentially a bar fight with low-level pirates, so we're easily kind of dominating this fight, but there are just so many of them. Meanwhile, people from our fights who get knocked into other tables are now triggering those folks to leap up and start swinging. The whole room is breaking out, the casks hit the bar and broke open and of course the booze got set on fire, and it's just pure pandemonium as drunk people, anti-Goblin mobs, bounty hunters trying to capture Tyria, and other people from our past are popping up. meanwhile, we are trying to NOT cause a lot of property damage because we are trying to (1) attract crew and (2) not piss off the rulers of the island.

Tyria was holding back a bit, but with this apprentice casting spells at her, she's going to switch into Tiger stance and go for the woman, if she can just get free of these mobs.


EDIT: This was a fun session. Here's the opener of the writeup and what happens when someone without a lot of charisma has to make a speech.

Any affection we had for the little sprite Finneas quickly dissipates as he continues to exploit his value and make additional demands we are unwilling to agree to. In a moment of soft-heartedness, we decide to pay him off and graciously “encourage him to depart” at the next port instead of just sinking him in a barrel in the middle of the ocean – since it would be a waste of a good barrel.

When we manage to prepare the dead for sea burial, after the horrific encounter with Captain Snithers Wormwithers, everyone stands around on deck looking awkwardly at each other until Tyria – as current Captain -- realizes she is expected to say something.

“Uh, yeah,” she says, looking over the stack of corpses. “We’re all here to say goodbye, I guess, to these unlucky fellows -- fellow pirates, obnoxious coworkers, more than occasional dickheads too at times, am I right? And most of these guys died as they lived – doing a half-assed job at their assigned posts and then lying face-down on the deck like they would after a long-night bender when they weren’t doing their jobs either. What more can we say -- except why didn’t you try a bit harder and maybe learn how to shoot a fucking ballista for once? Dear god, ask for some training courses, if you need them next time.”

A lot of the crew is looking uncomfortable over this benediction, although is that Aeon smirking slightly? Brandr clears his throat and motions that maybe it’s time to move on …

“Right. Well, Chuck – you all know Chuck, raise your hand and wave, good sir –“ Chuck awkwardly lifts a hand in the air as everyone looks at him, “-- Chuck Flagon here bested them all by surviving that catastrophic explosion of the Wormwood and so I’ve asked him to be your new Quartermaster – so if you need shit, please for the love of Barasma don’t bug me about it, just go talk to Chuck. That’s his job now, he’s on top of it and he’ll do you good.”

Looking about and seeing no questions, she nods to the burial squad and they start rolling bodies off the deck into the ocean below.

Soon enough, Tyria looks down at the last wrapped corpse, smaller than the others, positioned near the rail.

“And now, well… now here is Grik, son of Grak. Grik wasn’t with us very long, but I remembered how eager he was to volunteer when he joined this crew, after we took the Tidewater. He comprised himself well when we looted that Taldorean schooner, sniffing out every treasure they tried to hide from us, and even snubbing their First Mate as we sailed off.

“Grik could blow shit up really good and poison people with the best of them. Maybe he was just a kobold and not much to look at, and sometimes his handle on Taldorean dialect was a bit strained, but most of you were not here to witness his final act of heroism – taunting that large blue fucking sea devil right before stabbing it in the back and jamming a potion down my throat to keep me alive. He never ran from a fight and was still trying to save people when the Wormwood blew, which is why he’s lying here today.

“In the future, I would encourage you all: Don’t be a dick. No. Be a Grik.”

Tyria looks over at Brandr and raises an eyebrow, inviting him to say something.

The dwarf isn’t sure how to follow that up, as all eyes turn to look at him. “Yeah, okay, well, I dunno… I’m not really sure what more could be added to that eulogy, or what needs to –”

There’s a loud splash as Tyria plants a boot on Grik’s body and pushes it overboard into the ocean’s embrace, before wheeling and stalking back across the deck.

“Okay, folks! Man your posts, we’re heading for port – and we’ve got coin to burn! I’ll be in my quarters.”
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The Cat

The Cat in the Tinfoil Hat..
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
Getting ready to start running an Eberron Campaign. Woo!

Enjoy some mini's of NPC's my players will meet:


The Cat

The Cat in the Tinfoil Hat..
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
Drew from the deck of many things. Got a level bonus and a magic item. Then we all went up a level at the end of the campaign. I'm level 10 monk. Im so excited.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Drew from the deck of many things. Got a level bonus and a magic item. Then we all went up a level at the end of the campaign. I'm level 10 monk. Im so excited.
Grats! After all, that coulda gone REALLY badly ROFLMAO

The Cat

The Cat in the Tinfoil Hat..
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
Grats! After all, that coulda gone REALLY badly ROFLMAO
The Wizard drew the Knight, our druid drew after me i drew after the wizard the paladin drew after the druid Druid drew the Donjon. which sucks. and we were on a planar train that went through celestia, pandamonium, aasgard, and the abyss before we got it to mechanus. We drew from the deck before we disembarked the train, the paladin drew the vizier so we can find where our druid was sent by following the hags who have a hold of her soul, but we have one of the hags true names along with the names of three demon lords. Found out Orcus was briefly Primus and took some of mechanus back to the abyss...he's found a way to unite demons and devils and we foiled them from stealing the planar express(a train that travels through all the planes.) so we saved the universe. Again. We got back to baldurs gate, but ten years have passed. and the world is not in good shape. when we were on the train some npcs got dragged there by the fey and told us everything was falling apart six months after we left, the paladin is pretty depressed he thinks his barony is gonna be destroyed. The wizards orphans are all grown up and his assistant died of old age. Fortunately Riding Lizards are extremely long lived so Leon is probably fine. I managed to rescue my old characters soul coin, but I pushed it into the druid, temporarily a nerid made of water, so she would know we would come for her and so she wouldnt be alone wherever she ended up. the dm had it go with her. Its also motivation for my neutral evil monk who is new to the party to find her. I burnt thorugh all of my ki points at level 8 and went anime to the max through out. But i never in my wildest dreams thought it would go as well as it did. Im now level 10 with perfect body perfect soul immune to poison and disease, plus i can run up vertical surfaces and across water. Plus i have a magic item coming my way so im pretty stoked.
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The Cat

The Cat in the Tinfoil Hat..
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
the logo for my mobile tavern is a lucky cat dressed like my character and carrying a sake and a rice ball

The Cat

The Cat in the Tinfoil Hat..
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
When the feels hit in D&D:

I'm not crying, you're crying!


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
The remainder of the bar room fight.

Session 22: Last Drunkards Standing


The Cat

The Cat in the Tinfoil Hat..
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
Saturday at 11am est is my first new DM D&D game. My first time dming in Eberron one of my favorite settings without dark suns. Ive got four potentially 5 players ready to go for two to three weekends. heres hoping my outlines work and i cn focus long enough to set up how i want


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
And so the Pirate's Ball is done -- and we are free captains!


The Cat

The Cat in the Tinfoil Hat..
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
The Grey Earl's Gambit is underway!


The Cat

The Cat in the Tinfoil Hat..
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
When your player playing the party cleric prays before trying a hail mary and includes the phrase, please help...anyone."

God I love that. Such a magical word for a dm. "anyone." I love answering prayers.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
When your player playing the party cleric prays before trying a hail mary and includes the phrase, please help...anyone."

God I love that. Such a magical word for a dm. "anyone." I love answering prayers.

Especially if it's a little innocent child's voice that responds, that ends up belonging to a spider demon lord of the pits or something similar...
Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I've only played D&D once, but that was as a Druid (specifically a Dwarf Druid, which I would imagine is an unusual class for a Dwarf). I'd play as that again, for certain. I had a lot of fun with changes of shape and hue. Once I turned into a giant spider which terrified some people. I had a chance to change into a shark or some kind of sea creature, but it wouldn't have benefitted the campaign.

Playing as a Druid it's kind of like playing as Merlin in The Sword in the Stone.

As a matter of fact, I've always been fascinated by the druids and dressed up as as one for Halloween when I was a kid (which I thought was an appropriate occasion to dress up as a druid). Unfortunately, there isn't a lot of what we actually know about druids and I don't think any of it is from their point of view.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Dwarf druids? The only druid I ever ran was a hill dwarf (moon druid with some decent damage spells too). Her name was Mudds Bearbottom.

The shapechanging / tanking was a blast, but she was basically a grubby crawl-in-the-mud / mechanic like dwarf, lol, who was usually high smoking weed. Everyone underestimated her.

Yeah, real druids are probably pretty different from D&D druids.
Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Dwarf druids? The only druid I ever ran was a hill dwarf (moon druid with some decent damage spells too). Her name was Mudds Bearbottom.
I think I was the mountain circle, which I thought tied into the whole Dwarf thing, although I had lived as an urban Dwarf my whole life before the campaign got underway.