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Morpeko Types You in 2022


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant

Enneagram: 5w6 3w2 1w2 sp/sx

So, the 5w6 core is pretty self-explanatory. You illustrate the core fears and desires well, and many of the typical type 5 behaviors. You fit the triads perfectly: rejection, competency, withdrawn, and you do have a strong head triad energy. I think you are nearly equal on 4 and 6 for your wings, but I leaned toward 6 to give you more of that straight-to-the-point analytical vibe instead of the more creative 4/5 intersection. Now, I'm going to be honest in saying that I see some 2 flavouring in you. Not enough for an actual fix, but something that I think can be illustrated in your type. Anyway, you have sort of a teacher-like vibe and are exceedingly good at helping other people in a logical, competent way (hence triple-competency). Your professional advice is actually rather amazing, which you have given to me and some others in their private blogs, from what I remember.

I considered, and have at some point, vibe-typed you as sp/so because I don't really see any sx in your behaviours. However, I realize now with slightly more knowledge of variants than before, that sp/sx doesn't tend to be so showy about the sexual variant. I think that you are very soc-blind, and don't place too much importance into social spheres, which affects the detached way you interact with others on the forum. But I do see that you have made that sx connection with certain users sometimes, and you gravitate toward talking with them more. Your variants do seem to be at odds in a contraflow-type way.

Attitudinal Psyche: LVFE

1L-A. I think you do clearly have an accentuated 1L function, a clear cut example of this type and subtype. You're confident and protective of your own logic, very results focused as well as you're quick to come up with answers and give them. A search for the logical truth, which is consistent with the LVFE type itself. I can see this in you: LVFEs often believe that their method for discerning what is true is correct by default, yet this does not stop them from attempting to instruct or lead others to the same conclusions. This type prefers that all parties lay their opinions out on the table and take the information that they need, rather than endless discussion and processing for the sake of banter.

2V-1. I think your second Volition function has some accentuated aspects, though you are more process-oriented regarding it, able to think about different plans in terms of career and making goals, rather than being too tunnel-vision about it, from what I can tell. You're also open to discussing this function with others, being a leader about it (hence the 1 subtype), without needing to hold back. It's confident but you also want the best for others in terms of their own decision-making.

3F-A. I'm not entirely sure about the subtype, but for 3F itself, think you can be pretty 3F in an inferior Se sort of way, Physics doesn't seem to be an aspect that you are entirely aware of or value compared to the other attitudes; however, you do engage in bettering yourself in it in some ways (i.e. exercise, choosing clothes to suit your comfort, etc.). 3F can make you rather picky about these sorts of things, which I do see in you. It can also lead to perfectionism regarding this trait, though you are just perfectionistic in general.

4E-2. While I generally think that you are more unbothered about the Emotion aspect, especially in yourself, you are results-focused and others-positive which is why I think it's your fourth aspect. I would go for the second subtype because you're pretty open-minded about it: The 4-2’s barometer for dealing with discussion and processing of the aspect held within is extremely high. This may come off as confusing for others, as the 4-2 subtype can abruptly shut off communication once they feel that they have received enough information to decide. They are truly searching for results in the aspect, but they do so by venturing through the information and opinions at hand. This gives them a friendly, honest, and genuine aura.

Ni > Te > Si > Fi > Se > Ti > Ne > Fe
You seem like a secondary-Te meme to me, and the tertiary Fi can be evident at times during times which you are more exploratory of yourself and values. I've contemplated both IxTJ typings for you, but Ni-dom probably fits better as I can understand inferior Se more than Ne for you.

Temperament: Melancholic-Choleric
Hogwarts: Ravenclaw, Slytherin
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Bonus: I associate you with the colours navy blue and grey.


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant
@Lord Lavender

Enneagram: 7w8 3w4 9w1 so/sp

So, I thought about this a little bit more, and while 7w6 descriptions fit you more as w8 descriptions have an "earthier" stereotype that you lack, I think that you are actually w8. I agree with SS (who knows you better than anyone else here), there's not much actual 6, and I can see some 8, personally. You have a strong connection to all three of the gut types, even though I do think that 9 is your fix (hence why I selected a 1 wing for you here). I'm very confident that 7 fits you the best because I believe you're frustration and positive outlook at the same time, at your core. The desires and fears fit you, as well as even the stereotypes for both positive and negative qualities. I honestly can't see anything else as being your core type.

I did think about 3w4 versus 4w3 as your heart fix, and I definitely lean toward 3. I know you constantly acknowledge feeling misunderstood about people perceiving you as "lighter" and "fluffier" than you really are, and that has caused you to consider 4 before, but 3 really is one of the most misunderstood types. You have that sort of 3 polish and attention to your image, and I think that it fits your so/sp variants super well, affecting how you interact with others. You definitely have the 4 wing flavouring which makes you prefer a more "unique" and "brooding" image, and just the fact that I really cannot see 2 at all in you. I can't consider anything else as your variants, there's a lot of so/sps around but you embody this combination super well.

Attitudinal Psyche: EFLV

1E-A. You have a very strong Emotion-based attitude, and it shows in how exploratory you are of your own emotional state and self-discovery. You are interested in typology, and applying it to other people (which makes sense as you are soc-dom), but you always go through your own lens first. Emotion seems to be something you want to think about privately first, and it also seems to be a realm in which you are confident and self-assured, which is admirable.

2F-4. I typed you as 2F because from my perception you do seem process-oriented in physics to me, from what I've perceived you are making plans regarding your own aesthetic and are open-minded toward others' physics as well. But you're not as assertive about it. I don't see any sort of insecurity from you in terms of your physics, I think you possess the ability to discuss your own pretty well.

3L-A. You remind me of Saturn through this aspect especially, I think you both are similar in that you definitely do not want to be seen as stupid (and neither of you are, to make it clear), but it's definitely an insecurity that I'm pretty sure is evident based on your openness about it. The website describes this aspect as being more difficult to pin down, which I can see from you, because there are times when you react more others-positive toward logic and other times you shut down and focus on your own. Which isn't a bad thing at all, just your terms of processing it.

4V-2. You type as EVLF and you may very well be right, I can see that too, and although you do seem others-positive and open-minded toward volition, I've perceived you to be more straight-to-the point about this aspect in particular. This is what I thought about you, taken from the website: They are truly searching for results in the aspect, but they do so by venturing through the information and opinions at hand. This gives them a friendly, honest, and genuine aura. The 4-2 subtype is looking for ideal opinions but cannot quite grasp them. Much like a bulk shopper, they are trying things out to get the best deal that will last them long enough to place any concern on the back burner.

Ne >Ti > Fe > Fi > Te > Ni > Se > Si
Your Ne is so prominent that it's hard for me to fathom you being anything other than ENxP. I understand why people make the cases for ENFP for you, and you are sort of leaning toward dichotomy-F, but I think that you're on the Ti/Fe axis in actuality. I think you have strong Fe and often loop, but I don't see as much Fi besides what's superficial.

Temperament: Sanguine-Phlegmatic
Hogwarts: Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Bonus: I associate you with the colours lavender (duh) and hot pink.

Earl Grey

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I'm interested in a typing!

Burning Paradigm

Vibe Curator & Night Owl
May 16, 2020
Instinctual Variant
Love this thread! I'd like a spot in line too, please :D


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant

Enneagram: 7w6 4w5 9w8 sx/sp

I'm going to be quite honest, you're one of the hardest for me to type in this thread because you don't often share so much about yourself, so I have very low confidence in my typings for you. Maybe I should have paid more attention in the Discord server but the forum posts are easier for me to look at. I guess I lean away toward 4-core since you're not particularly emotionally open like a lot of 4s I've talked to, even though triads such as frustration and withdrawn make absolute sense for you, though can be explained also by your fixes and tritype. I'm not quite sure but I sense a lot of distraction-tendencies from you and escapism which makes me lean toward a 7-core, you have some assertive triad in your own way and you have an interesting sense of humour. Maybe that's why I see 9 fix as well in you, though 1 is certainly not out of the picture, 1 fixes with 4 or 7 do seem extremely different than regular 1s.

You do seem very soc-blind, and I think that sx/sp is a good fit. Synflow as in your variants work well together and don't seem at odds. I've contemplated other variatn sets, including sp-first, due to your withdrawn-ness, but I don't see it as a dominant variant as much as something that you use as a vehicle to follow sx. Also, you do just give me that sx/sp vibe, I think it's a set of variants I'm better at understanding and seeing in others. You seem soc-blind in all your fixes, though your level of self-preservation and sexual instincts sort of varies based on the day I witness you, etc. You're quite a mystery, but I'm sure on this part.

Attitudinal Psyche: ELFV

1E-4. I think that you are 1E but it tends to be hidden. You do give me the vibe of being intrapersonal, despite not talking too much about things from an attitudinal Emotion standpoint. Your posts make it show you have personal growth. This makes sense for you, I think: The 1-4 subtype is the most hidden of the confident attitudes. This type is taking their vulnerability and burying it under a layer of analytics. They prefer to blend into situations rather than immediately assert their opinion like the 1-1 (accentuated) or 1-2 subtype. They will put their gift of strength within the aspect on standby until it is needed.

2L-A. You are very observant, though quiet. And you're also open-minded. You have a pretty strong sense of logic, I believe, and you're quite exploratory about it. Even when you post about stupid personality tests, you tend to have pretty insightful to say. I think this fits you: They tend to have a huge range of information and opinions towards the aspect. There is a constant need to move forward with this subtype so they can explore every piece of information that is illuminated in their own mind. They focus on a balance of information between themselves and others. For this reason, they are always testing their opinions with others, desiring to have consistent dialogue.

3F-2. You strike me as a fellow 3F, though in a different way. You also seem to have a certain kind of pickiness in some things that 3Fs seem to have, and then not so much pickiness in others, so a bit of inconsistency in this attitude. It's hard for me to quantify. You do seem to approach it in a way that doesn't show any insecurity, which makes me believe it's not an accentuated subtype.

4V-A. You're also pretty chill about Volition, I think. Not in a bad way at all, but it's not something that you seem to focus on. You do seem "Live and let live" for both yourself and others, which makes me think you're others-positive and not pushy about this Attitude. I choose the accentuated subtype because it seems to be on the back burner. Though, it's pretty impressive how you've kissed thousands of people.

Fi > Ne > Se > Ti > Si > Fe > Ni > Te
It's hard to articulate, but I do agree with Fi-dom for you. I think you could easily pass as a Se-aux although Ne makes more sense overall. You seem fine on most of your variants, but then not valuing Te as much (seems like an accurate inferior function for you).

Temperament: Phlegmatic-Melancholic
Hogwarts: Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw
Alignment: True Neutral, leaning toward chaotic
Bonus: I associate you with the colours grass green and peachy orange.


New member
Dec 27, 2021
Instinctual Variant
Can you type me in Attitudinal Psyche ? And maybe Enneagram too, but I don't know how you'll do it as I'm new to the forum


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant

Enneagram: 5w6 3w4 9w1 sp/so

I actually think you're one of the easiest for me to type even though we've never spoken privately or anything like that. You seem like such a clear example of the Thinker tritype, double competency yet double withdrawn and double attachment. Head core, you are super 5. I was torn between the two wings, but I don't see much indication of 4 in your life based on what I know from you. 5w6 has more of an academic-style to it, which I sort of see in the way you write. Besides that, I'm going with a 3w4 fix because you do seem polished and image-oriented in a 3-ish kind of way, though definitely not as a core. The triads fit well, and plus, you're just not 2 or 4 at all. The gut was a little bit harder and I did consider 1, but you do have a 9-ish spin that makes you appear to be less overwhelming than a triple competency type.

I am pretty sure that you are sx-blind as not only are you lacking in that energy, you seem to acknowledge it as a blind spot. I see a lot of difference with how you approach people and things in comparison to actual sx-users, both dominant and auxiliary. Meanwhile, self-preservation fits you well, you know what's best for you and how to take care of yourself, and any focus on the social atmosphere that you have seems to benefit the self, not in an inherently selfish way, but a protective way.

Attitudinal Psyche: VLEF

1V-A. I ruminated a few possibilities of types for you, but I think you're pretty assured in terms of volition, and results-oriented here. So I think you're the accentuated subtype since it fits you well. Whenever you blog about work, you're pretty set on getting shit done without being bothered, and you know what to do and how to do your own thing. You're an accomplished person, and I see that in your exercise, your career, etc. It's not something you really discuss for the sake of discussion with others even though you are capable of giving good advice regarding work, and you hold a lot of self-confidence in forging your own path for these matters.

2L-1. Now this was fun to think about, I could have typed you as 1L but I think you're more 1V. I can see some exploratory, process-related aspects in how you approach Logic, hence this typing. I can easily see this description in you, in favour of flexible logic: VLEFs explain the inner workings of their projects. They easily explain what drives them to learn subject matter in depth and can encourage others to figure things out for themselves as well.

3E-2. I don't think that the Emotion-based attitude is something that you say you hold a lot of power in, but it's not exactly something you say you're insecure about either, which I think is appropriate for your type. You are respectful, and it makes me think that you take Emotions in a process-oriented way. At the same time, you're pretty honest about it, which I've seen in your replies to me in my own blog. I know that Emotion is not really your focus within all these aspects but you have the ability to handle it well despite that, while focusing on describing things through Volition and Logic.

4F-A. Besides exercise, you just seem pretty unbothered about physics. You don't focus on aesthetic as much as most users on this forum, not any of the sort of pickiness, but you don't seem to be bothered by anyone else's choices regarding how they deal with these things. We haven't really spoken about this subject but this is probably where I see you in terms of physics: The 4-4 subtype is the most apparent and easily recognizable of the unbothered subtypes. They tend to downplay the importance of their fourth aspect but will easily incorporate new blocks of information from outside sources.

Ti > Ne > Te > Si > Fe > Ni > Fi > Se
I can't even really see ENTP just because INTP fits so accurately, but it's probably your second most likely type. You're pretty clearly a Ti-dom influenced by auxiliary Ne, and I think inferior Fe colours a lot of your interpersonal interactions.

Temperament: Melancholic-Phlegmatic
Hogwarts: Ravenclaw, Gryffindor
Alignment: True Neutral
Bonus: I associate you with the colours stone grey and Tyranitar green.


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Can you type me in Attitudinal Psyche ? And maybe Enneagram too, but I don't know how you'll do it as I'm new to the forum
Yes, I'll try. I'll go off of your questionnaire.


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant

Enneagram: 8w7 3w2 6w7 so/sx

I'm not too confident in this typing because I don't know you all that well, and most of my guessing is based on the limited posts you've made from 2020-2022 (I don't feel comfortable typing people based on posts much older than that, even that is too old for me but I don't have much of choice). I think that the 368 tritype suits you well, overall. Double assertive, double reactive (which can come off assertive), and double attachment. I think double 7-wing explains why you might seem like a 7 fix (along with just being an assertive type in general). You have the bluntness that people of this tritype and fixes tend to have.

I initially got the vibe that you were a 3-core, you have that sort of charismatic polish that they have, but you also have somewhat of a gut-core grittiness and rejection triad feel that I can see from an 8-core, so I will agree with that typing for you. Also, you were really blunt in the "COME HERE NOW?!" thread based on what I'm reading, that seems more 8 than 3. I'm not exactly sure of your variants because to determine that needs an observation of how you interact with others and the world, but it's clear that you do seem to not focus on self-preservation very much. I'm not seeing the contraflow push/pull in your variants yet, nor have I witnessed too much sx, but that's subject to change as you post more.

Attitudinal Psyche: VLEF

1V-A. You just seem to be really assured about your Volition, your place in the world, getting things done, and you exuberate confidence in it. You seem to know your own character as well. Maybe this description applies to you: VLEFs set their own priorities after exploring the rationale for their decisions. They feel no need in adjusting their volition and willpower to what others desire, unless they have a chance to test it out themselves. They take charge without spending more energy than they have to. VLEFs turn from heartbreak and other difficult emotions to focus on their work and come back with a new perspective on life. This type commits to their goals even if their lifestyle is not comfortable or particularly optimal health-wise.

2L-1. You seem fearless about your logic to the point where you give some 1L vibes, but overall, I think you're more prone to discussion about logic/theories as well as delving into the process of your logical thinking than a 1L would be. You're positive about your own logic, you don't hold back, and can act as a leader based on it, but patiently listen to other people's opinions too. I mostly saw this in the thread where you say if the person above is accurately typed, and the aforementioned COME HERE NOW?! thread.

3E-4. You seem process-oriented in Emotion but that it's not your focus. I think you use it in an exploratory way, for example "Yeah that's what I also thought, people pay too much heed to the EXPRESSIVENESS OF FE and NOT THE IMPACT IT CAN HAVE EMOTIONALLY. Yeah, I get called a troll quite a bit, like to ruffle some feathers at times." I chose the 4th subtype because you seem to have a results spin too: "Yeah, I am not good at keeping relationships. I can just about do it, but it never works well and I can't maintain it for long at all. I prefer visible cues instead of guessing things."

4F-4. You just seem unbothered about Physics. I don't see much effort put into your aesthetic, comfort, living spaces, etc. And you don't really partake in anything regarding these topics, from what I can tell. Anyway, you explained why you don't relate to Si as much and I think that description can apply to why Physics isn't a big thing for you. You likely only engage in this attitude when it applies to the other attitudes you prioritize, namely Volition.

Se > Ti > Fe > Te > Ni > Si > Fi > Ne
You do seem like a strong candidate of the Se/Ni axis, and Se-dom makes perfect sense for you. I think that the function stacking for ESTP makes the most sense, as it does seem you use apparent introverted thinking and extraverted feeling. Hard to see anything else as a possibility for your type.

Temperament: Sanguine-Choleric
Hogwarts: Gryffindor, Slytherin
Alignment: True Neutral(?)
Bonus: I associate you with the colours blood red and navy blue.


Feb 13, 2022
Me please

1. Is it worse to fail at something or never attempt it in the first place?

Failing at something ( although it's okay sometimes If you know you don't have enough ingredients to succeed but you try anyway )
I care about the result, if it is not perfect and successful in the end why should I try and work so hard?

2. If you could choose just one thing to change about the world, what would it be?

I will change this question in part: If I ruled the world, what would I change? Well, first, I will make changes that alleviate hunger and poverty in poor countries, end wars and abolish the idea of complete separation of countries from each other.

I will make them linked together but I'll retain local people's right of partial rule (almost like the United States of America, where every state sets its laws, but it is linked to a central government )

3. To what extent do you shape your own destiny, and how much is down to fate?

As a religious person I believe that everybody has the right to choose what he wants, from simple things to even the most complex

However, fate still controls our lives in one way or another.

So, I make my own chosen path, and continue on it until there is a circumstance that prevents me from continuing and forces me to change that path.

4. What happens after we die?

Either to be rewarded or punished

5. Should people care more about doing the right thing, or doing things right?

Doing things right, because the result is important, and I don't mind doing the right thing too even though I don't focus on this that much

6. What one piece of advice would you offer to a newborn infant?

Live your life without causing harm to others, never be silent when someone hurms you, but do not be so aggressive that others feels that you are a barbarian.

Don't regret what you did, laugh at your mistakes and learn from them, don't take everything too seriously but don't be silly and foolish, cooperate with others but don't expect them to always be kind

7. Where is the line between insanity and creativity?

Insanity is sometimes creativity if it is out of the ordinary and unconventional, but it is not so if it causes any life-threatening harm or attacks any human being, race, religion or public value ( which is not primitive or stereotypical).

8. What is true happiness?

is to live beautiful moments

Happiness is not permanent, life requires you to stand on your feet and face pain sometimes

9. What things hold you back from doing the things that you really want to?

Honestly Nothing

10. What makes you, you?

Life , it is normal for a person to change as he gets older and goes through different circumstances

As for distrust of people, It grew up because many of the people I trusted betrayed me, divulged my secrets, accused me unfairly of things that had nothing to do with me, or did not trust me (even though I don't divulge or betray).
I still deal with people and sacrifice my needs also sometimes, but I do not expect to return the favor or gratitude as much as I used to, although I still keep something simple from this expectation, or it is my desire for them to return the favor
But I won't sacrifice if I feel like someone else is taking advantage of me

11. What is the truth?

It's what really happened

12. If lying is wrong, are white lies okay?

Sometimes to get things done but I won't use it unless I need it

13. How do you know your perceptions are real?

When I am convinced of it and I do not see a source that opposes it

14. What makes a good friend?

When a person is honest, funny, friendly, has little idea of the personal boundaries between us, helps me when I need, trusts me and asks for my help, It is okay to go to others sometimes and talk to them in simple conversations but stay with me mostly ، I will consider them a close/best friend

For others, it is enough to talk to them more than once because they are considered acquaintances, but not close friends

15. Why do people fear losing things that they do not even have yet?

I honestly don't understand why someone would do this, it sounds strange

Re-reading the question, I remembered that when I set a goal or want to accomplish a task, I would prevent any negative possibility that comes to my mind from happening, but I don't worry about it happening because it remains only a possibility
What I said has nothing to do with the question, but anyway....

16. Who decides what morality is?

Any system that establishes moral values that do not infringe on others is qualified to decide what ethics are, and the freedom to choose which one decides remains for the individual himself,There is no objection to a person placing a few of his own values, as long as he does not force others to accept them

17. What is the difference between living and being alive?

Living is your normal daily life devoid of anything special

Being alive means being adventurous, living in luxury and trying something new, being happy

18. Is a “wrong” act okay if nobody ever knows about it?

Sometimes, but not always

19. Is there a reason to life?

I am on the fence in this matter, apart from religious matters, there will be no particular reason for living unless you make your life meaning, unless you are distinguished and known

20. What is true strength?

I don't have a definition of true strength, but everyone has a strength that distinguishes them in something
If a person knows how to use it for the benefit of himself or others, consider him strong, and if he wastes it, I will feel sorry for him and perhaps annoyed with him, and if he uses it for evil, I will for sure hate him.

21. What is true love?

To be there for the one you love, to sacrifice for him , to be passionate about each other

22. Is a family still relevant in the modern world?

I don't think so , even in younger children, family and family harmony do not play a large role as before

Although children receive basic knowledge from their family, especially moral knowledge, but the greater role is played by external upbringing, such as school and other children

I find that the Arab family is still more cohesive than its Western counterpart, although this cohesion varies from one region to another

For me, the family does not play a big role in my life but it is still in it, I do not care about attending family meetings and I rarely visit relatives even those who live above my house, but I never alienate them Except for those who openly show me their distaste

23. What role does honor play in today’s society?

Honor is reputation, and reputation is important, so honor is important to live with dignity among others

I am not more familiar with the role of honor in society than reputation

24. If money cannot buy happiness, can you ever be truly happy with no money?

I don't know, maybe if I live a satisfying life with someone I love, despite this I will still look for a source of income because happiness in our modern society requires money ( such as needs, and paid services such as sites and applications that provide paid services and require a subscription)

25. How should people live their lives?

As they want, without avoiding or breaking laws (said by the most evasive person from obligation and responsibility, I still obey the laws outside the home if it's not against my interests, and its breach does not cause any legal problems though )

26. How much control do you have over your life?

I can't give a percentage, I don't live completely dependent on others, but I am not completely independent, sometimes I consult those close to me, rely on them as well, and act on their opinions if I do not have a desire of my own (then the priority of my decision, especially if it relates to my future, my life path or my way of living)

27. What is freedom?

To live happily without anyone interfering in your and imposes on you a certain way of life or changes you

28. Does nature shape our personalities more than nurture ?

As I mentioned in the family question, yes

29. What defines you?

What I go through in life in terms of situations, people and things, and how I interact with all of this defines me, and my arrival at what I aspire to does the same thing too

30. Do you make your own decisions, or let others make them for you?

I usually make it myself, but I don't mind being influenced by the opinions of others or consulting them sometimes, especially if I don't have this strong desire

31. What is reality?

It's life, anything around you

32. Is trust more important than love?

Kinda yes, it is not necessary to love everyone, but it is necessary to have mutual trust even if it is partial, but with very close friends and boyfriend , love is very important as much as trust is important and both cannot be separated

33. Is it easier to love or be loved?

To love I think?
I'm not that much loved lol , I'm sometimes manipulative with people who loves me , part of this is because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, the other part is because I'm running away from commitment

although, Despite that, I want to reach the status and fame that gives me love and I will work on that, although sometimes I lack the necessary determination if I feel pressure and great commitment and the inability to pursue my interests,If no one imposes his expectations on me, I will give the best result, especially if I like what I do

34. Is it better to love and lose or never to love?

To love and lose ,life easily leads you to disappointment, but it is okay for this disappointment to be because of love
As for you never love, what's the point of your emotions then?

(I am writing this answer while remembering the one love I lived, it lasted for a long time and I still remember it even though it ended long ago)
Last edited:


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Me please

Since I haven't posted my questionnaire yet , here is it
I will be thankful if you typed me in enneagram/tritype/instinctual variant + attitudinal psyche and maybe temperament and alignment system

If you can't, just do what you want and it will be okay

Thank you
Yes, I've been formatting everyone's the same way, I prefer doing enneagram/tritype/variants + AP in detail, and then minimal effort on the others. I'll try all of those and you're added to my queue.


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant
@Neal Caffreynated

Enneagram: 2w3 6w5 9w1 so/sx

You type as 3w2 and I can definitely see that, but so far, I would type you as a 2w3 core. You are very image core triad (not a bad thing, I am too) and I can see how heart motivations are driving your behaviours. Definite 2/3 intersection, that's for sure. While you are very attachment (I can see a 6 and 9 fix though), I do sense some rejection triad in you that can be your core. I think at the core you're a giving person who wants to be loved, even if you are driven. You also have a double positive outlook type of resilience despite all that you've been through (I have thought about 379 as your tritype in the past but I do not see 7 at this point).

For your fixes, I see 6 in how hard it is to trust others, and how you are analytical of their moves, your push/pull, etc. I also see repressed anger in the form of 9. Those triads also make a lot of sense for you. I don't want to go into too much detail and give away private information or anything. I think that your variants are indeed so/sx, you are very aware of social dynamics/atmospheres/etc. That gives you some more of a distance from others while being aware, and I think that means your sx is second place. You do seem self-preservation blind from what I know.

Attitudinal Psyche: FEVL

1F-3. As an artist, I can see you as being confident in your Physics. I think you're more raw about it than a 1st or 2nd position would be, and you do seem to be willing to discuss it. You also have some vulnerability to this Attitude such as health, but overall, I think that this position and subtype fits you rather well. You do appear to be results-oriented in terms of Physics, especially through what you do. This might apply: The 1-3 subtype needs to figure out how they could be harmed so they can protect their greatest gift. However, though they themselves are willing to share and be candid about what they are experiencing, this does not mean they want you to tell them what to do or how to live.

2E-A. You are open to exploring the Emotions of others and talking with them about it, when you have the energy and time to do so. You give yourself, and others space. I think you have a natural knack for knowledge in this realm and are willing to share it with others who you think need help. I think you're also process-oriented regarding it rather than being short and to the point, you are fine with discussing it and genuinely learning through it.

3V-A. I'm going to be honest, I don't really understand 3V as well, I think V is my weakest point of knowledge when it comes to AP. However, I can see you as potentially being self-negative and others-negative toward this attitude. I think this might fit: Being able to seek out a philosophy that fits their knack for enjoyment and pleasure, while energizing them in the process, tends to be an ideal solution for most FEVLs. This type is anxious in the midst of those who expect them to make decisions without discussion first. They appreciate those who take the time to compliment their efforts and refuse to pressure their progress.

4L-2. We haven't had much Logic-based discussions, not even about typology, but I can see you as being open to the feedback of others about it and sharing your own thoughts too. Perhaps because of your Ti, you do seem results-oriented about Logic, though. Maybe this applies: They are truly searching for results in the aspect, but they do so by venturing through the information and opinions at hand. This gives them a friendly, honest, and genuine aura.

Ne > Fe > Ti > Si > Fi > Se > Te > Ni
ENTP sounds most correct for you, and I think that you have strong Fe for one. ESFJ isn't very likely because you don't seem to be inferior Ti, but I put it as your second type just to accomodate for when you Ne/Fe loop sometimes. You do seem inferior Si, though none of your functions seem that weak.

Temperament: Sanguine-Phlegmatic
Hogwarts: Ravenclaw, Gryffindor
Alignment: Neutral Good
Bonus: I associate you with the colour of the grey winter sky, and electric blue.


Feb 13, 2022
Yes, I've been formatting everyone's the same way, I prefer doing enneagram/tritype/variants + AP in detail, and then minimal effort on the others. I'll try all of those and you're added to my queue.
Thank you