Enneagram: 6w5 9w8 3w4 so/sp
You're one of the first 6s I've ever been able to enjoy talking to, but you embody 6w5 soc dom too well. You fit so well into all the triads: reactive (oh, so very reactive, but I get it lol), attachment (clearly very much so, since I type you as triple), head/anxiety, and to a lesser extent, compliant. The wing 5 is clear in how you hoard information, and you do seem quite 5-ish based on how you approach academia and research, anyway. You have the positive stereotypes of 6 like being inquisitive, but also the negative sides to it like testing behaviors, that push/pull, etc. You are very clear aware that you're a 6 so I don't need to go into much more detail about that.
I know you're less set on your fixes, but I think that based on triads and core fears, 9w8 and 3w4, with these respective reactive wings, fit best. Yes, you're reactive AF, but I don't really see anything else about 8 that fits you, besides it being a wing flavouring. No rejection triad, no core fear or desire, really. There's no 1 either. But you do have that 9w8 gut energy, in my opinion. It's a bit hard for me to articulate, for some reason, especially since descriptions of type 9 tend to be bad so I can't rely on them as much for quoting. As for 3w4, I know you've considered 4 fix in the past, but besides (of course) the reactive triad, I don't see much of that type in you. Your relation to the underdog is very 6-like, you have more of a competency focus than seeking authenticity in the introspective way that 4s tend to do (which isn't a bad thing at all).
I relate to you sometimes, but definitely not through variants, and you seem aware of these instincts so there's not much more on which I can elaborate. You pretty much personify so/sp who tends to deal with the sx blind spot unhealthily. Your sp is present and quite good, there to protect you, but it always does bow down to your soc variant.
Attitudinal Psyche: LEVF
1L-A. You seem pretty stereotypically 1L to me. Easy to identify, present. You are confident in your own logical decision making and thought processes, not so apt to listening to others in this regard. We both know several 2Ls and you lack their teaching and elaboration. To quote the website, this fits you: "view their opinions as standalone and obvious, so the internal thoughts are, 'Why would I need to explain, as what I said speaks for itself.' However, they are also aware of how they can be harmed and make sure they are constantly developing their skills within the aspect to avoid weakness."
2E-3. I think this subtype makes sense since you are considering the possibility of being 3E itself (I just strongly think you are 3V personally, which leaves me with 2E for you as process of elimination). This tends to be more of a negative take regarding Emotion than other 2Es like myself, and even brings a more "Logic-based" take on this attitude. At the same time, it can also be exploratory and positive about Emotion during healthier states, which I have seen in you as well. I think you are open to other people's input about the subject, like a 2E.
3V-2. Basically explains why you may also consider 2V for yourself. Volition doesn't seem to be an aspect in your life that you are more comfortable with, but you also don't tend to talk about it too much. I think you can be self-deprecatory about it (and you are about yourself in general anyway), and more open to input than some of the more argumentative 3Vs, while also being set in your ways.
4F-A. You honestly just seem very unbothered when it comes to Physics. You don't leave conversations regarding it, but it's not something you're an expert in, or something you bring up at all. I think this description fits you: "The accentuated subtype has the easiest time shutting the aspect off when there are other issues happening affecting their first three attitudinal aspects. They behave as chameleons when information regarding the aspect is brought up, willing to go with others so long as it means they do not have to engage and process it themselves."
Again, I am still not good with subtypes.
Ne > Ti > Te > Fe > Ni > Si > Se > Fi
It can be hard to tell whether you are xNTP because your Ne and Ti are pretty close, and you don't seem either heavily introverted nor extraverted. I do think you seem to process things outwardly rather than inwardly first, though, and despite awkwardness I don't think that you are inferior Fe, inferior Si tends to make more sense to me. I don't think INTP is out of the picture, though.
Temperament: Choleric-Melancholic
Hogwarts: Ravenclaw, Gryffindor
Alignment: True Neutral, leaning toward chaotic
Bonus: I associate you with the colour fiery orange (same shade as Charmander from Pokémon)