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Who are you?


Sep 24, 2010
No one will ever know me. It really isn't possible for another person to know me I don't think.


Apr 24, 2008
Seems like your plan has some major flaws, I know you now :)


New member
Feb 23, 2011

I am here to get a better idea of what typology I am. I have for some time heard some talk about this stuff and think it sounds fascinating. I have done some research of my own but think this sounds like a pretty right on spot to figuer this shit out.
Some insight would be great!


Description of self:

*I am a relativity lazy however ambitious and creative person.
*I like to sometimes sit around and do nothing but think, plan and come up with fun ideas. but I also like to do things.
* I love adventure! I love creating things! I love anything productive and interesting anything!
*I can be overly enthusiastic at times.
*I have a hard time understanding peoples needs.
* I can't stand people who have boring dispositions or just want to have small talk about pointless bullshit. It bothers me.
*I hate routine.
* I am very interested in many things and have a very hard time deciding on a career.
*I am unconsciously but I think I am starting to notice, consciously a very competitive person. However would never stoop to being a complete ass-jerk of human to fulfill my desires and goals.
* I am usually very good at starting projects and finishing them them.
*I consider my self 80 percent of the time, very very self confident in my skills. and ability's to do things.
* I get bored by things relatively fast.
* I like people but sometimes like being with my self. Mostly because human blabble and complaining is very annoying to me.
* I like to read, however usually only how to books or comic books.
* i am somewhat easily annoyed by overly conventional people. Mostly due to an inflexible sense of everything! Or at least it seems like it.
* I hate texting!
* I have a not so hard time getting girlfriends, but keeping them is a different story.
* I fucking hate drama! With a capitol 'FUCKING'
*love nature and animals!
*slightly feel better in a working situation that involves high risk or constant stimulation of some kind.
* find the female body ridiculously attractive.
*Usually am very tactical in my approach to dealing with business matters.
*Enjoy composing music. and has been told is good at it!
* Easily make friends, but don't necessarily want them. Unless they want to either do something fun, or creative. Or play video games!
*Loves trying new things!
*love eating food.
* Is good at accomplishing set goals for self.
* am very good at remembering where things are and what they are.
*joking around, getting things done, whipping up ideas and asking 'how have you been/what have you been up to and then getting response, is really all the communication with people I need.

I've heard, ENTJ, ENTP, ESTP, INTP, INFP, ISFJ, they all make very little sense to me.

I know that it has something to do with career also. here is a good idea of careers I think would be fun.

I would enjoy a career as a: pilot, chef, claymation animator, adventurer, field scientist, comic book creator, EMT, TV producer. cartoon creator, musician/composer, park ranger, etc...

they all sound good.

I get pretty good grades so I think I might be able to pull one of these off with ease.

fuck you get the idea.

Any ideas?



I am here to get a better idea of what typology I am. I have for some time heard some talk about this stuff and think it sounds fascinating. I have done some research of my own but think this sounds like a pretty right on spot to figuer this shit out.
Some insight would be great!


Description of self:

*I am a relativity lazy however ambitious and creative person.
*I like to sometimes sit around and do nothing but think, plan and come up with fun ideas. but I also like to do things.
* I love adventure! I love creating things! I love anything productive and interesting anything!
*I can be overly enthusiastic at times.
*I have a hard time understanding peoples needs.
* I can't stand people who have boring dispositions or just want to have small talk about pointless bullshit. It bothers me.
*I hate routine.
* I am very interested in many things and have a very hard time deciding on a career.
*I am unconsciously but I think I am starting to notice, consciously a very competitive person. However would never stoop to being a complete ass-jerk of human to fulfill my desires and goals.
* I am usually very good at starting projects and finishing them them.
*I consider my self 80 percent of the time, very very self confident in my skills. and ability's to do things.
* I get bored by things relatively fast.
* I like people but sometimes like being with my self. Mostly because human blabble and complaining is very annoying to me.
* I like to read, however usually only how to books or comic books.
* i am somewhat easily annoyed by overly conventional people. Mostly due to an inflexible sense of everything! Or at least it seems like it.
* I hate texting!
* I have a not so hard time getting girlfriends, but keeping them is a different story.
* I fucking hate drama! With a capitol 'FUCKING'
*love nature and animals!
*slightly feel better in a working situation that involves high risk or constant stimulation of some kind.
* find the female body ridiculously attractive.
*Usually am very tactical in my approach to dealing with business matters.
*Enjoy composing music. and has been told is good at it!
* Easily make friends, but don't necessarily want them.
*Loves trying new things!
*love eating food.

fuck you get the idea.

Any ideas?

Ha! Perfect response to this thread.


Gotta catch you all!
Mar 31, 2008
Like our friend Victor already said, maybe I'm just a fluttering butterfly of the noosphere, and who could tell the difference if the real me is located in Paris, France?

Identity. It's curious because everyday or so, I sometimes experience a mild form of identity loss, especially when I look at my face upon the mirror while shaving.... Who is this? Who am I?
And sometimes, When I concentrate too much upon a specific technical issue (What kind of endomycorrhiza does a Metasequoia glyptostroboides need?), or a very general one (What is mankind? What are the stars?), I can also experience the same weird feeling. It can take me almost a minute to realize once again who I am supposed to be, and even what my name means.

So tell me...

I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man.

-Chuang Tzu


Gotta catch you all!
Mar 31, 2008
The sun is slowly rising over Paris. It's a grey winter day, with clouds hovering low around the Eiffel tower... The noosphere will never ceases to quiver, probably long after our deaths: some sleep, some dream, while others are awaking or already delving in the middle of a full busy day. So who are we? Does it really matter?


Mar 20, 2008
Nosing the answer in the noosphere.

Identity. It's curious because everyday or so, I sometimes experience a mild form of identity loss, especially when I look at my face upon the mirror while shaving.... Who is this? Who am I?

And as dear Blackmail stands in front of the mirror shaving, we are standing behind him, looking at his face in the mirror.

We smile because we like what we see, while Blackmail stands in front of us perplexed asking, "Who am I".

Blackmail himself can see no answer in the mirror, but standing close behind him all we have to do is sniff, and immediately we recognise the pleasant odour of Blackmail.

And not only do we like the smell of Blackmail, but those olfactory gurus called dogs also love Blackmail.

Blackmail of course is literate and literacy has privileged his eye, but the noosphere returns the balance to all the other senses, in this case our olfactory sense.

So to answer the question, "Who am I?", all we have to do is let the air waft the answer to our delicious noses.

In the noosphere we can simply nose out the answer.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Senisifickle (adj): An infuriating hybrid of sensible and fickle.


New member
Feb 19, 2011
There's many ways of chracteristing oneself, as (a/an)...

1) Biological organism
2) Historically situated--in my case, back to one Chinese emperor :)
3) Having the ability to decide for myself
4) As dependent on the bacteria that co-exist in me
5) Wonderful assortment of atoms, whose existence dates back to at least one minute after the Big Bang

And so on and on. It's impossible to have a complete description of oneself.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
First God made heaven & earth 2 The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. 3 And God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. 4 And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day. 6 And God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters." 7 And God made the firmament and separated the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. And it was so. 8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day. 9 And God said, "Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear." And it was so. 10 God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered...

And now you too can hear God speaking to you.


i love
Jul 6, 2010
Instinctual Variant
of course. but it is the easiest thing in the world to be yourself. you can't fail :)