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What's my type? Enneagram tritype would be great!

Arcadian fox

New member
Dec 13, 2023
a) What is your age range and general location (Country so that cultural values can be taken into account)? Do you have any impairments that may affect the way that you answer this questionnaire? Any religious or political beliefs (or anything else along those lines) that also might have an effect?

I'm 32 years old from the US, I do have a slight learning disability but nothing else major that would impair me doing this questionnaire.

b) Which types are you currently considering? Why are you considering them and why haven’t you decided on one?

I don't have any in mind.

2) What do you deem as your purpose in life?

To be able to live in peace, make few friends here and there and follow my goals I set for myself. I wish to learn more unknown truths (more on that later) of the world be able to solve hidden meanings too.

3) Of the seven deadly sins, which one(s) do you relate to the most and the least and why?

Sloth and gluttony, manly due to me being lazy/oblivious at times especially at work and overeating is one of my problems I get too comfortable I feel at times so much so I eat not so healthy foods and I need to loose weight I'm around 220lbs only 5'10. I know I'm overweight and need to stop eating the carbs and sugar.

4) Analyzing your relationships with others, briefly describe:
a) The type of people you are drawn to
I'm drawn towards chill, quiet informal types of people that share same hobbies/interests even weird or unusual is fine. The ones who can talk for hours and I just listen to them and give my input on the subject.

b) The type of people who are drawn to you

No one that I know of is drawn to me like having an interest in chatting me up, I really don't have time for surface level stuff into more deep technical topics.

c) The type of people you are repulsed by

Just in general: hard drug addicts/alcoholics that talk big and pretend to be on your side, tricks who take advantage of women, Creeps that harm children, coworkers who gossip and don't work two faced. I have no tolerance for these types I see and have to deal with them.

5)What are the traits in others that you admire but you cannot emulate yourself? Elaborate.

Being able to move things along able to handle big crowds of people and talking to several at once this is draining for me. I think it's a strong character trait it shows others you mean what you say and that's attractive. I try that and get shoved away quickly. The second would be brainstorming with ideas and workarounds for certain problems thinking out side the box so to speak.

6) Describe your relationship with the following:
a) Anger

I keep it under wraps till it boils inside at that point it will erupt I become vocal and not myself. Doesn't happen often to me as much anymore.

b) Shame

When I hurt someone else directly that I'm close to it's not a common thing for me since I'm single I have felt shame it was awful.

c) Fear

Social phobia, I have some social anxiety fear of talking since not knowing what the other person thinks of me. Also don't like being called out for something I had no control over.

d) Love/passion

I don't experience love much anymore I think I'm too old for that. I put in lots of passion into my hobbies and work take care of my tastes.

e) Conflict

I hate conflict and will go far to avoid it as much as possible. I stay in my head to keep focused on my work and ignore the drama. I like to say that if conflict was a person she be obsessed with me to a point I need to stay away from that.

7) What are some of the themes that have played a prominent role in your life (ie. A struggle you’ve been unable to conquer, ect)?

Not having much luck? Always overcompensating for others I hate having to do that because I'm only one person not a collection of people you know. Being kept in the dark and having to find out the answers from other iffy sources or after the fact. Being left out of the loop since I try to keep the peace so much I get passed in relationships.

8) Answer only one of the following:
a) [College aged and above] What is your area of work/study? Why did you choose this and would you change it? If so, what would be your ideal?

I work two jobs:
backroom receiver for a warehouse I do lifting, scanning and keeping inventory on a big list. Other job I work is wood crafting I love making things out of wood little simple things, nothing complex that would require me to buy the more expensive tools haha. I didn't have much to choose from sadly. I would turn to computer hardware or even shoe repair but it is what it is.

9) When meeting a new person, what do you tend to focus on?

The vibe I get, energy level, the humor, how understanding and attuned they are to me.

10) How do you feel about humanity as a whole? What do you feel are some of the biggest problems the human race faces and why?

A crisis point no hope left.

11) What are some of your hobbies and interests?
I like listening to music that is different from the rest, weird strange and grunge at times, I can't live without music. Watching good bad movies like samurai cop, Neil breen, troll 2, 80s action cheese with sexy women and horrible acting lol it's a dying breed. As for good movies I like found footage and drama high in tension, experimental horror, exploitation genre.

13) How do you usually “hang out†with your friend(s)? When answering, think about what activities you tend to choose, whether you hang out with one person at once or many, whether or not you initiate the interaction.

We hang out over and each others place doing the same thing, watching movies or games, talk a bit of life here and there. I usually have to text them first.

14) What is more important, actions or words? Why?

Both, but honestly action shows impact and everything else is afterwards, you can be mute or without a voice but can display action through the body.

15) Oh dear, you’ve been cursed by a witch! It’s ok though, you get a choice on which curse you will receive. Will you choose….
a) To never be able to experience the sensation of taste
b) To be immortal
c) To lose your memories
d) To be poor for the rest of your life
e) Or to never experience passion
Elaborate on why!

D can have lots of meanings I mean poor in what sense? So I would pick A since I could go without having a sense of taste.

16) What do you hope to avoid being? If it helps, describe a person who embodies what you avoid/you as a villain, ect.

A corrupt heartless manipulator that uses others for personal gain and amusement that never learns from those mistakes has to resort in pulling strings from behind.

17) How do you relate to obsession? Do you tend to "merge" with others or your interests? How do you feel about the idea of doing this?

I can be really agreeable with others never going too far with that.. I think about a history subject or missing person case that gets me thinking a lot on it, seems like I'm absent minded not in the present but I do the best to not let it get to me. I'm not sure if that answers the question?

18) Organized or messy? Plans and blueprints or impulse and surprises? What are you preferences and tendencies?

Messy always have been haha. I try to plan out things in advance that I know about beforehand like going to the grocery store umm I don't take a list with me either. I get back home and oh crap I forgot one thing at the store again.. That kind of stuff.

19) How do you subjectively view comfort and how do you create comfort in your life and surroundings?

I must have comfort in my room and where I sit at all times, the amount of light to the snacks I eat, everything must not be too loud or overbearing in my room for focusing. The chair has to be soft, no strange pains or hurting bum from the seat. etc etc. I'm aware of my comfort zone.

Please let me know if there is any other questions or need for clarifying as I'm in a rush to get things done might of been vague in some answers.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2011
9w1 sp/sx

overeating is one of my problems I get too comfortable I feel at times so much so I eat not so healthy foods and I need to loose weight I'm around 220lbs only 5'10. I know I'm overweight and need to stop eating the carbs and sugar.

You don't have to completely cut out carbs and sugar. However, stay away from processed food and junk Food...foods that you can't just eat one of but end up finishing the whole box. You would want to combine that with increased activity. Take up some leisure sports, get exercise and be inefficient in ways that require more movement.

In general, over-eating and over-weight is impossible to weight typologically because it so culturally prevalent.
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Arcadian fox

New member
Dec 13, 2023
Thank you for typing me, can you explain how you came to that type? I took some tests before and usually get E4, E5 sometimes and E9 but never knew if I really was E9 or my tritype was involved in the tests. I did think I was self pres first wasn't sure on the second one, as I'm not really group orientated much as in I don't stay long for groups meetings etc.:)

I been typed delta introvert most say SLI or EII.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
My best guess is 96x (really hard to guess your heart type), and sx last.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Thank you for typing me, can you explain how you came to that type? I took some tests before and usually get E4, E5 sometimes and E9 but never knew if I really was E9 or my tritype was involved in the tests. I did think I was self pres first wasn't sure on the second one, as I'm not really group orientated much as in I don't stay long for groups meetings etc.:)

I been typed delta introvert most say SLI or EII.
The social instinct isn't just being focused on groups, see this: https://www.typologycentral.com/threads/instinctual-zones.106991/