A trinary is three separate parts working together or as one like the three instincts, like the three primary types: 3, 6, and 9. Like in the Instinctual variants on the hexad of the enneagram figure at Points 8, 2, 5 the So/Sp, Sp/Sx, Sx/So are a grouping and the grouping of three are called The Team Work types. And Points 7, 1, 4 the So/Sx, Sp/So, Sx/Sp are also a grouping and the of three makes up The Personal types.
It's a funny thing I am not sore why so many things in nature work in patters of three. Three Primary colors. Positive , negative , neutral.
there is a left and right in nature so three becomes six in the workings of the Instincts. Three instincts and six instinctual variants.
Three parts not sore what to call the grouping of them, Id, Supper ego, ego. That's another three or trinary grouping.
- At a deeper level the Id is linked to the SX Instinct at Points: 4, 5, 9.
- At a deeper level ego is linked to the SO Instinct at Point: 7, 8, 3.
- At a deeper level supper ego is linked to the SP Instinct at Point: 1, 2, 6.
I have thought about the trinary thing quite a bit thy three. I even thought about M Theory/ membrane theory,. it is said that the universe may exist within a membrane and that for 99.999999 %, percent of its time it is three things the microwaves created from the big bang and microwaves created from the decay of all created after the big bang until it all brakes down into microwaves. And the third part is the the space between both types of membranes and that to maybe a trinary of three part united due to condition Dark Matter Dark Energy and Gravity. Then two membranes vibrating like two drums filed with two types of microwaves like a multiplicity may attract and collide to evolve in another epoch of two universe evolving.
Three or things working in a trinary seem to be a basic thing that happens.
Pluss Zero Minus.
Four side of the mi
nd like Hole Brain Thinking Model is kind of like two or four set of three if you think of the Hole Brain Central Point in the middle.
A Middle D
D Middle A
C Middle B
B Middle C
A Middle B
B Middle A
A Middle C
C Middle A
D Middle B
B Middle D
D Middle C
C Middle D
That's twelve sets of three.
That shapes lends its self to a three dimensional Cartesian plain but the thirteenth is the Place Of The Zero at the Centre.
I spent some time thinking about this when I had an idea that electromagnetic radiation, Lightning, and the electrical activity fired between synapse maybe moving in a zigzag manner because It is transferring information or instruction. Language. Its an odd idea but if Greater Nature coordinates instruction or information or it is alive maybe it has a mechanical language with a mathematical underlying order. So I had this set of ideas and put it on paper.
View attachment 25918
If nature has a complex language and it is a mathematical set of languages it most likely will have a link to the number line and algebra and the quantum mechanical field and I suspect temperature also will be involved because everything at every level has a temperature and the temperature of an Atom will be different to the temperature of the organ and different to the temperature of the body the organ is in and so on and so on.
I also tried to make sense of the Cartesian plain and when I pulled it apart I found this pattern and after one year of thinking about it I think it is a quantum switch it has four patterns of workings of three.
View attachment 25919
I was struggling to develop an understanding of fractions and how do they work mechanically. So one way I think of this image/ diagram of functions is as if it is a two dimensional impression of the three dimensional Cartesian plane with X, Y, Z axis's.
I know it seems simple so please don't laugh at it I believe it is simple because operations at the quantum level are simple. I don't know what dimension the quantum level of the sub conches is it maybe represented by the blank in the bottom right. I have the number zero penciled in there but it may have nothing to do with zero it could be a logos of some natural order of dimensional orders. A construct made of invisible parts that involve Dark matter dark energy and gravity.
And lastly or minds like to make sense of the would as a three dimensional plain.