Don't trust -- 90% of their typings are wrong.
INTJ 8, or maybe cp6. I think he's a strategist, not a traditionalist.
Also, the way he will do photo ops with his shirt off - so inferior Se, haha!
e8 I think. 8w9 perhaps?
ISTP I would think. I think he is a T dom.
You've followed Putin? You are not much into politics or politicians I've noticed.
ENFP!!!!! Prove me wrong!!!
Dem NF feels... Poor Vlad...obviously he is an INFJ 1w9
Don't trust -- 90% of their typings are wrong.
I usually trust forum typing discussion a lot more, even when it leads to a wrong conclusion, because at least that way I get to see people's reasoning -- and sometimes they cite evidence.
[MENTION=13589]Mal12345[/MENTION] What makes you say ISTJ?
As for, those type calls were formed 'by committee,' not by the site owner. And like most if not all committees, they are comprised of sheeple who merely follow the strongest voice.
I'm reading a Putin biography by Masha Gessen. So far I've been searching for more evidence for my 683 call, particularly the 6 as a core fixation. Even if 8 was his core fixation, the wing would not be 9 because Putin has utterly no 8w9 characteristics, either physically or mentally. Yet a lot of people see him as the 8w9 for some reason. His Cp6 fixation, however, is most strikingly described - Putin was a small guy overcoming bullies, although he had his friend's help and admired his expertise at man-handling them. His biography in many ways resembles that of Cp 6w5 G. Gordon Liddy (and yes I read his autobiographical book Will). Putin also "willed" himself to the top. He was not a rich kid, although somehow they managed to be better off than most in a place and time where being better off than others was frowned upon.
"During the failed August 1991 coup, he [Putin] was on the barricades in front of the Russian White House, physically helping to defend his government." 6w5 Defender.
But more toward the 6-specific aspects of the man, you can see when he makes televised speeches that he is highly changeable. Watch his expressions, one second he will show distinct anxiety, the next second his eyes will flare up with anger.
Vladimir Putin matches the personality type described at this page:
ISTJ personality | 16Personalities
Putin is responsible, practical, gets the job done, forms the core of organizations (KGB in his case), is independent, fights his own fights, worked his way through the ranks, is conservative and from his military moves and from his biography it is easy to tell that he looks back with nostalgia to the glory days of the USSR. Putin is also a populist who feeds off the nostalgia of the Russian people for those glory days, unlike Boris Yeltsin who did not think about it at all. So in that sense, Putin has a 3 trifix, and this gives him an edge as a politician. But first, he had to go through his spy period:
"We all want our children to grow up to be a better, more successful version of ourselves. Vladimir
Putin, the miraculous late son of two people maimed and crippled by World War II, was born to be a
Soviet spy; in fact, he was born to be a Soviet spy in Germany. During World War II, the senior
Vladimir Putin had been assigned to so-called subversive troops, small detachments formed to act
behind enemy lines. These troops reported to the NKVD, as the Soviet secret police was then called,
and were formed largely from the ranks of the NKVD. They were on a suicide mission: no more than
15 percent of them survived the first six months of the war. Vladimir Putin’s detachment was typical:
twenty-eight soldiers were air-dropped into a forest behind enemy lines about a hundred miles from
Leningrad. They had had about enough time to get their bearings and blow up one train when they ran
out of food supplies. They asked the locals for food; the villagers fed them and then turned them in to
the Germans. Several of the men managed to break out. The Germans gave chase, and Vladimir Putin
hid in a swamp, submerging his head and breathing through a reed until the search party had given up.
He was one of only four survivors of that mission."
Vladimir Putin is an ISTJ.
I don't really know. He just comes across to me as like this dorkish kid who only became popular because he has rich parents or something, and then became cocky and arrogant because he thought his classmates actually thought he was cool as a person. You know, the kind that pays bullies to bully kids they don't like and goes all Draco Malfoy when something they don't like happens ('MY FATHER WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS!'). Not that I think Putin is like Draco Malfoy, he isn't stylish enough to be like Draco Malfoy. If anything, he'd be Draco Malfoy who drank Polyjuice Potion, so he can pretend to be Dobby. I mean, whatever he does, to me he'll always be an upstart dork who looks like Dobby. Anyway, I don't really know what type that makes him.
I'm reading a Putin biography by Masha Gessen. So far I've been searching for more evidence for my 683 call, particularly the 6 as a core fixation. Even if 8 was his core fixation, the wing would not be 9 because Putin has utterly no 8w9 characteristics, either physically or mentally. Yet a lot of people see him as the 8w9 for some reason. His Cp6 fixation, however, is most strikingly described - Putin was a small guy overcoming bullies, although he had his friend's help and admired his expertise at man-handling them. His biography in many ways resembles that of Cp 6w5 G. Gordon Liddy (and yes I read his autobiographical book Will). Putin also "willed" himself to the top. He was not a rich kid, although somehow they managed to be better off than most in a place and time where being better off than others was frowned upon.
"During the failed August 1991 coup, he [Putin] was on the barricades in front of the Russian White House, physically helping to defend his government." 6w5 Defender.
But more toward the 6-specific aspects of the man, you can see when he makes televised speeches that he is highly changeable. Watch his expressions, one second he will show distinct anxiety, the next second his eyes will flare up with anger.
Vladimir Putin matches the personality type described at this page:
ISTJ personality | 16Personalities
Putin is responsible, practical, gets the job done, forms the core of organizations (KGB in his case), is independent, fights his own fights, worked his way through the ranks, is conservative and from his military moves and from his biography it is easy to tell that he looks back with nostalgia to the glory days of the USSR. Putin is also a populist who feeds off the nostalgia of the Russian people for those glory days, unlike Boris Yeltsin who did not think about it at all. So in that sense, Putin has a 3 trifix, and this gives him an edge as a politician. But first, he had to go through his spy period:
"We all want our children to grow up to be a better, more successful version of ourselves. Vladimir
Putin, the miraculous late son of two people maimed and crippled by World War II, was born to be a
Soviet spy; in fact, he was born to be a Soviet spy in Germany. During World War II, the senior
Vladimir Putin had been assigned to so-called subversive troops, small detachments formed to act
behind enemy lines. These troops reported to the NKVD, as the Soviet secret police was then called,
and were formed largely from the ranks of the NKVD. They were on a suicide mission: no more than
15 percent of them survived the first six months of the war. Vladimir Putin’s detachment was typical:
twenty-eight soldiers were air-dropped into a forest behind enemy lines about a hundred miles from
Leningrad. They had had about enough time to get their bearings and blow up one train when they ran
out of food supplies. They asked the locals for food; the villagers fed them and then turned them in to
the Germans. Several of the men managed to break out. The Germans gave chase, and Vladimir Putin
hid in a swamp, submerging his head and breathing through a reed until the search party had given up.
He was one of only four survivors of that mission."
Vladimir Putin is an ISTJ.
He also has a good PR team, with articles and videos about him doing manly things like having his own tiger and holding a rifle.
I think he's a 6 too. He's got that political weight and dutiful quality, with yes the reserved quality of a 5 wing. He's scary smart though. SCARY SMART. His lack of moral fortitude is actually covered by his intelligence unlike the majority of IxTJs.
I don't have proof he's INTJ. If I saw a convincing argument for genius ISTJ I would believe it. Your argument is not convincing enough but it's possible. He's been married for like 100 years and is extremely dutiful and went through all the proper channels.