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Type Me


Feb 2, 2020
Instinctual Variant
1) Context:
a) What is your age range and general location (Country so that cultural values can be taken into account)? Do you have any impairments that may affect the way that you answer this questionnaire? Any religious or political beliefs (or anything else along those lines) that also might have an effect? I'm 26 and live in the southern-central area of the United States. I struggle with C-PTSD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, autism, and some physical birth defects that have made my life more difficult than it was going to be already. I'm an atheist who escaped a cult I was raised in, and I often vote for self-described "socialist" politicians, even if they are really more social democratic in nature. I know what its like to suffer and I don't want others to suffer, so in addition to supporting politics that increase the number and quality of free public services, I also chair a local Democratic Socialist of America pre-organizing committee. We do public service projects like cleaning parks, feeding the hungry, and registering people to vote. We allow everybody to register to vote, even conservatives, though I honestly fail to understand how anybody could hold such harmful views in this day and age.

b) Which types are you currently considering? Why are you considering them and why haven't you decided on one? INFP or INTP, with unusually pronounced Si. I considered ISxJ for a bit, but my struggle with disorganization, poor memory, and slow mental processing speed seemingly precludes high Te, and my lack of awareness of current social norms seems to preclude high Fe. Meanwhile, my inquisitive nature and desire to always be learning to the extent of always listening to podcasts on current events and podcasts on psychology, sociology, and other social events seems to suggest at least decent Ne, especially since I sometimes turn new ideas that intrigue into new paintings or poems or short stories. INFP could fit since I'm moody and try to live my values as best as I can regardless of the current social atmosphere I find myself in, and I'm often oblivious to the current social atmosphere, anyway. This wouldn't be such a big problem if the "social rules" weren't always changing and weren't so different between cultures. I do attempt to follow etiquette and be cordial, but I often "put my foot my mouth", figuratively speaking. That said, I don't always get it right. On the other hand I don't just "follow my heart", either, and I attempt to always logically weigh the pros and cons of my actions before acting, at the expense of sometimes failing to act in time.

I'm looking at 6w5, 9w1, 2w1, and maybe 4w5, but 4w5 is less likely than the other 3 types. 6w5 could fit due to my inquisitive, withdrawn, and political nature. I care for other people in part because I want them to be there for me when I need their help, and that's also a 6ish quality, even if I also need a lot of time alone and try to develop my own skills, knowledge, and resources in the inevitable event of somebody betraying me in my moment of need. 2w1 also fits for this reason because I feel intense guilt if I don't help somebody I'm able to help and I genuinely enjoy being in the caretaker position, so long as the person I'm caring for doesn't become too harsh, demanding, or ungrateful. I can't even begin to recount how many times I have over-helped to the point of having put myself in a precarious situation and whoever I had been helping becoming very critical of me when I was unable to provide the same level of help I had been providing. I've become more guarded with age because of those experiences and I try to limit how much I help people now since there are many people who are like bottomless pits who will take everything I have if I let them, or worse, they will turn on me despite all the loyal aid I have provided. 9w1 fits because I have very high ideals I like to discuss with others regarding how the world could be a place of universal interdependence where everybody worked to the benefit of everybody else, am slow to anger (to a fault, even), am very forgiving, am very mellow, and can be trusting to a fault at times. I'm also likely to try to leave the room rather than engage in conflict, and I'd rather just sit quietly until somebody leaves or calms down if they are yelling at me. I wish to be unaffected by the trials and tribulations of others unless I am capable of helping in some way, and would remove myself from the world and live in a private bubble away from society if I could afford it. I'll mention that I'd still do large philanthropic projects if I moved into that bubble, but I'd be giving from a distance rather than in person. People find the practical help I give to be unsatisfactory since I'm so slow and clumsy, and I'd rather help people by giving them money or (at the most besides money) giving verbal emotional support and/or helpful advice, though I'll never turn down a request to help when asked. 4w5 makes sense due to my depression, many disabilities, and the many traumas I had to endure during my very sad childhood. Also, I have a personal sense of style and interests in several different art forms. 4w5 seems the least likely of the 4 types, though, since, while I would rather be included, protected, and appreciated (maybe even loved?). I have no desire to be different or stand out, beyond just being seen exceptionally friendly, pleasant, and harmless. That said, as a male, I think I should start working out so I look strong enough to make people who might want to hurt me think twice about it, even if I have no intent of harming anybody. Besides, being physically stronger will be good for my health and make me live healthier for longer.

2) What do you deem as your purpose in life? I am torn between finally enjoying my own life now that the hardest parts of my life are probably hopefully behind me on one hand, and being of service to others. I still feel guilt if I am not being of service to the needy in some way, even if I try to suppress that guilt to focus on my own security and comfort these days.

3) Of the seven deadly sins, which one(s) do you relate to the most and the least and why? I relate most to sloth and gluttony. I'd like to sit and chill at the beach all day getting brought delicious foods all day from a personal chef if I could get away with it, preferably alongside somebody I have an emotional connection with. Also, I'd like somebody to go to dinner shows and restaurants and movies with. Just pleasant, easy interaction with a trusted companion in comfort, with some occasional intellectual stimulation. I probably relate the least to lust and wrath. I am slow to anger and trusting (both to a fault at times), and I also couldn't just treat somebody as an object--I need a deep sincere connection with somebody to even begin to date them, much less do anything else.

4) Analyzing your relationships with others, briefly describe:

a) The type of people you are drawn to I am drawn to people more confident and extroverted than myself, especially if they have good business sense, care about the welfare of others, are kind, and are financially independent. I ask how they do what they do and I try to emulate their success, since I live in a very competitive society that values wealth, and I'd like to make more money doing less work whenever possible.

b) The type of people who are drawn to you All kinds of people. I'm pretty relaxed and welcoming, and so people come to me just to chat all the time no matter where I am. Sometimes I get more attention than I want, even. Some of the people who come to me are mean, though. I don't like mean people.

c) The type of people you are repulsed by Mean people. Also, I have a love-hate relationship with the very wealthy. Its more of a hate relationship if they never use their wealth and power to better the community and help people, though. Not that I'll directly confront them on this, but I see them and I'll keep in mind they could be providing for the needy and chose not to. Ideally, the world would be structured in such a way that everybody was equal and there weren't these higher and lower classes of people, and I'm not just talking about financial classes, either. Everybody should be equal, or at least able to live in dignity and comfort, if not equal.

5)What are the traits in others that you admire but you cannot emulate yourself? Elaborate. I'd love to be more organized, productive, efficient, and better able to follow through on my intentions. Its nearly impossible to do what I need to do if I'm not in the mood. Also, I'd love to have better business sense and better confidence and charisma. Money makes the world go around and if I can't personally help with something or procure something for myself for free, I can always help somebody by giving them money or buy what I want. If something can't be bought with money, it just can't be had by any other means anyway.

6) Describe your relationship with the following:

a) Anger -- I didn't even think I got angry until I was 16 or 17. I just accepted what was in the past was in the past, and I let bygones be bygones, and I just wanted to move forward towards making things better for all parties involved, even if I was the one who had been wronged. Honestly, though, I do resent people who don't reciprocate my help and who disturb my peace. I just won't bring it up.

b) Shame -- I have guilt and shame when I am unable to be of service or help somebody in need. I have shame of my disabilities for this reason. I have always felt needing anything was selfish, and my disabilities make me needier than a lot of people, but as I'm getting more financially stable and independent, I use money as the cure all to help myself and others.

c) Fear -- Fear-- I fear health problems, fear conflict, fear financial problems, fear going without my basic needs for prolonged periods of time (homelessness would be awful, especially with the way America treats the homeless compared to most other highly developed countries) also, once I've grown to care about somebody, I fear losing them or misfortune befalling them.

d) Love/passion So rare, its something I've mostly gone without over the course of my life, but I'd be open to the opportunity.

e) Conflict Only if the cause is just, and even then, only as a last resort. Sometimes people need to stand up to defend the helpless, even if its unpleasant.

7) What are some of the themes that have played a prominent role in your life (ie. A struggle you've been unable to conquer, etc)? I'm always too slow in my mental processing and physical movements and it makes people angry how slowly I talk and move, and I can't go faster no matter how hard I try. Also, I've always been too eager to please, even to my own detriment. I've nearly destroyed myself several times trying to help somebody in need, and I finally decided to start limiting how much I try to help.

8) Answer only one of the following:

a) [College aged and above] What is your area of work/study? Why did you choose this and would you change it? If so, what would be your ideal? I teach high school business classes, and I chose this for the summers and holidays and weekends off, better pay than I had been receiving, and the less physically demanding nature of the job. Ironically given how much social conventions confuse me at times, I think I'd make a good tele-therapist as I am a very patient listener, can usually connect with people one-on-one if given the opportunity, and would like the comfortable work environment most tele-therapists have. I would ideally be a therapist to the wealthy, and would offer my services on a subscription basis monthly, letting them talk to me and be subject to my theraputic treatments as often as they needed that month so long as they paid their monthly fee. Given how important it is to me to maintain my comfort and security, this seems like a good career to pursue after my teaching career has concluded. In some ways, this will be an easier group to focus on for therapy since the wealthy will probably have the resources to actually pursue whatever the best solution is, but it will be more difficult since I'd be targeting people more wealthy than I'll ever be, and those people probably are out of touch with how normal people live. So long as the pay and working conditions are good, though, I'll pretty much do anything that doesn't hurt people, though.

b)[Under college aged] What do you plan on studying/working as in the future? How did you go about deciding this? If this is not your ideal area of pursuit, what would be?

9) When meeting a new person, what do you tend to focus on? What are their interests? Can I help them with anything? Can they help me with anything? What are their values?

10) How do you feel about humanity as a whole? What do you feel are some of the biggest problems the human race faces and why? Humanity is too divided when it could be working together to solve problems. We are more alike than we like to admit at times and we would all be stronger if we worked together. I like to help others see that.

11) What are some of your hobbies and interests? I like to paint, write stories, relax in bed a long time, practice lucid dreaming, take warm baths, read journals of psychology and journals of sociology and journals of history and educational magazines and nonfiction books, and I like to watch movies. I also love travel and try to go somewhere new every year, but I'm partial to tropical beachside locations with an interesting history. I used to like reading sci-fi/fantasy books, too, and I'm trying to get back into those, but my tastes have changed a bit over time.

13) How do you usually "hang out" with your friend(s)? When answering, think about what activities you tend to choose, whether you hang out with one person at once or many, whether or not you initiate the interaction. We meet at a restaurant or over a potluck at one of our houses, and I meet with between 1 and 5 people at a time, but prefer smaller groups. In bigger groups, I'm more of a quiet listener, listening to the conversations of others. I talk more if I'm only meeting with 1 or 2 people, and will usually talk about politics, current events, or leisure activities.

14) What is more important, actions or words? Why? Both are important, but actions moreso because actions prove your words are sincere.

15) Oh dear, you've been cursed by a witch! It's ok though, you get a choice on which curse you will receive. Will you choose?

a) To never be able to experience the sensation of taste
b) To be immortal Hopefully this immortality also stops my aging process and returns me to a 20-something-year-old level of health from whenever this happens, but even if it doesn't, this is the best curse since I could keep amassing wealth and in just a few short hundred years, I could be a living god, capable of granting wishes to all who approached me, assuming the wish could be bought, while living in ultimate comfort myself. I've already lost many major relationships and have moved into new friend groups before, and it hurts, but while those around me come and go, I persist. I've gotten used to it. When I could afford it, though, especially if technology allows it eventually, I would seek to extend the youthfulness and health and lifespan of whoever my current companion was. I don't abandon people.
c) To lose your memories
d) To be poor for the rest of your life
e) Or to never experience passion
Elaborate on why!

16) What do you hope to avoid being? If it helps, describe a person who embodies what you avoid/you as a villain, etc? We could go in two directions with this-- either the homeless needy person who most people avoid because they need to much, or the tyrannical cruel rich guy who harms others in the pursuit of wealth.

17) How do you relate to obsession? Do you tend to "merge" with others or your interests? How do you feel about the idea of doing this? Sounds lovely to have a person to merge into, but it would have to be the right person.

18) Organized or messy? Plans and blueprints or impulse and surprises? What are you preferences and tendencies? I prefer order, but usually have to pay others to provide it for me. I have so much trouble focusing and initiating unpleasant tasks that my house is disgusting pigsty in between cleanings and I struggle managing all my duties. An ideal partner would help me manage this.

19) How do you subjectively view comfort and how do you create comfort in your life and surroundings? I try to buy soft bedding and stay on top of laundry, as challenging as that is at times.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
Fi. Not sure of Se vs Ne but leaning towards Se.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
9 core seems extremely obvious. 926 or 962 sp/so is my best guess.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Interesting observation. What is your reasoning?
I'll highlight all the parts that stood out for 9 core...
1) Context:
a) What is your age range and general location (Country so that cultural values can be taken into account)? Do you have any impairments that may affect the way that you answer this questionnaire? Any religious or political beliefs (or anything else along those lines) that also might have an effect? I'm 26 and live in the southern-central area of the United States. I struggle with C-PTSD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, autism, and some physical birth defects that have made my life more difficult than it was going to be already. I'm an atheist who escaped a cult I was raised in, and I often vote for self-described "socialist" politicians, even if they are really more social democratic in nature. I know what its like to suffer and I don't want others to suffer, so in addition to supporting politics that increase the number and quality of free public services, I also chair a local Democratic Socialist of America pre-organizing committee. We do public service projects like cleaning parks, feeding the hungry, and registering people to vote. We allow everybody to register to vote, even conservatives, though I honestly fail to understand how anybody could hold such harmful views in this day and age.

b) Which types are you currently considering? Why are you considering them and why haven't you decided on one? INFP or INTP, with unusually pronounced Si. I considered ISxJ for a bit, but my struggle with disorganization, poor memory, and slow mental processing speed seemingly precludes high Te, and my lack of awareness of current social norms seems to preclude high Fe. Meanwhile, my inquisitive nature and desire to always be learning to the extent of always listening to podcasts on current events and podcasts on psychology, sociology, and other social events seems to suggest at least decent Ne, especially since I sometimes turn new ideas that intrigue into new paintings or poems or short stories. INFP could fit since I'm moody and try to live my values as best as I can regardless of the current social atmosphere I find myself in, and I'm often oblivious to the current social atmosphere, anyway. This wouldn't be such a big problem if the "social rules" weren't always changing and weren't so different between cultures. I do attempt to follow etiquette and be cordial, but I often "put my foot my mouth", figuratively speaking. That said, I don't always get it right. On the other hand I don't just "follow my heart", either, and I attempt to always logically weigh the pros and cons of my actions before acting, at the expense of sometimes failing to act in time.

I'm looking at 6w5, 9w1, 2w1, and maybe 4w5, but 4w5 is less likely than the other 3 types. 6w5 could fit due to my inquisitive, withdrawn, and political nature. I care for other people in part because I want them to be there for me when I need their help, and that's also a 6ish quality, even if I also need a lot of time alone and try to develop my own skills, knowledge, and resources in the inevitable event of somebody betraying me in my moment of need. 2w1 also fits for this reason because I feel intense guilt if I don't help somebody I'm able to help and I genuinely enjoy being in the caretaker position, so long as the person I'm caring for doesn't become too harsh, demanding, or ungrateful. I can't even begin to recount how many times I have over-helped to the point of having put myself in a precarious situation and whoever I had been helping becoming very critical of me when I was unable to provide the same level of help I had been providing. I've become more guarded with age because of those experiences and I try to limit how much I help people now since there are many people who are like bottomless pits who will take everything I have if I let them, or worse, they will turn on me despite all the loyal aid I have provided. 9w1 fits because I have very high ideals I like to discuss with others regarding how the world could be a place of universal interdependence where everybody worked to the benefit of everybody else, am slow to anger (to a fault, even), am very forgiving, am very mellow, and can be trusting to a fault at times. I'm also likely to try to leave the room rather than engage in conflict, and I'd rather just sit quietly until somebody leaves or calms down if they are yelling at me. I wish to be unaffected by the trials and tribulations of others unless I am capable of helping in some way, and would remove myself from the world and live in a private bubble away from society if I could afford it. I'll mention that I'd still do large philanthropic projects if I moved into that bubble, but I'd be giving from a distance rather than in person. People find the practical help I give to be unsatisfactory since I'm so slow and clumsy, and I'd rather help people by giving them money or (at the most besides money) giving verbal emotional support and/or helpful advice, though I'll never turn down a request to help when asked. 4w5 makes sense due to my depression, many disabilities, and the many traumas I had to endure during my very sad childhood. Also, I have a personal sense of style and interests in several different art forms. 4w5 seems the least likely of the 4 types, though, since, while I would rather be included, protected, and appreciated (maybe even loved?). I have no desire to be different or stand out, beyond just being seen exceptionally friendly, pleasant, and harmless. That said, as a male, I think I should start working out so I look strong enough to make people who might want to hurt me think twice about it, even if I have no intent of harming anybody. Besides, being physically stronger will be good for my health and make me live healthier for longer.

2) What do you deem as your purpose in life? I am torn between finally enjoying my own life now that the hardest parts of my life are probably hopefully behind me on one hand, and being of service to others. I still feel guilt if I am not being of service to the needy in some way, even if I try to suppress that guilt to focus on my own security and comfort these days.

3) Of the seven deadly sins, which one(s) do you relate to the most and the least and why? I relate most to sloth and gluttony. I'd like to sit and chill at the beach all day getting brought delicious foods all day from a personal chef if I could get away with it, preferably alongside somebody I have an emotional connection with. Also, I'd like somebody to go to dinner shows and restaurants and movies with. Just pleasant, easy interaction with a trusted companion in comfort, with some occasional intellectual stimulation. I probably relate the least to lust and wrath. I am slow to anger and trusting (both to a fault at times), and I also couldn't just treat somebody as an object--I need a deep sincere connection with somebody to even begin to date them, much less do anything else.

4) Analyzing your relationships with others, briefly describe:

a) The type of people you are drawn to I am drawn to people more confident and extroverted than myself, especially if they have good business sense, care about the welfare of others, are kind, and are financially independent. I ask how they do what they do and I try to emulate their success, since I live in a very competitive society that values wealth, and I'd like to make more money doing less work whenever possible.

b) The type of people who are drawn to you All kinds of people. I'm pretty relaxed and welcoming, and so people come to me just to chat all the time no matter where I am. Sometimes I get more attention than I want, even. Some of the people who come to me are mean, though. I don't like mean people.

c) The type of people you are repulsed by Mean people. Also, I have a love-hate relationship with the very wealthy. Its more of a hate relationship if they never use their wealth and power to better the community and help people, though. Not that I'll directly confront them on this, but I see them and I'll keep in mind they could be providing for the needy and chose not to. Ideally, the world would be structured in such a way that everybody was equal and there weren't these higher and lower classes of people, and I'm not just talking about financial classes, either. Everybody should be equal, or at least able to live in dignity and comfort, if not equal.

5)What are the traits in others that you admire but you cannot emulate yourself? Elaborate. I'd love to be more organized, productive, efficient, and better able to follow through on my intentions. Its nearly impossible to do what I need to do if I'm not in the mood. Also, I'd love to have better business sense and better confidence and charisma. Money makes the world go around and if I can't personally help with something or procure something for myself for free, I can always help somebody by giving them money or buy what I want. If something can't be bought with money, it just can't be had by any other means anyway.

6) Describe your relationship with the following:

a) Anger -- I didn't even think I got angry until I was 16 or 17. I just accepted what was in the past was in the past, and I let bygones be bygones, and I just wanted to move forward towards making things better for all parties involved, even if I was the one who had been wronged. Honestly, though, I do resent people who don't reciprocate my help and who disturb my peace. I just won't bring it up.

b) Shame -- I have guilt and shame when I am unable to be of service or help somebody in need. I have shame of my disabilities for this reason. I have always felt needing anything was selfish, and my disabilities make me needier than a lot of people, but as I'm getting more financially stable and independent, I use money as the cure all to help myself and others.

c) Fear -- Fear-- I fear health problems, fear conflict, fear financial problems, fear going without my basic needs for prolonged periods of time (homelessness would be awful, especially with the way America treats the homeless compared to most other highly developed countries) also, once I've grown to care about somebody, I fear losing them or misfortune befalling them.

d) Love/passion So rare, its something I've mostly gone without over the course of my life, but I'd be open to the opportunity.

e) Conflict Only if the cause is just, and even then, only as a last resort. Sometimes people need to stand up to defend the helpless, even if its unpleasant.

7) What are some of the themes that have played a prominent role in your life (ie. A struggle you've been unable to conquer, etc)? I'm always too slow in my mental processing and physical movements and it makes people angry how slowly I talk and move, and I can't go faster no matter how hard I try. Also, I've always been too eager to please, even to my own detriment. I've nearly destroyed myself several times trying to help somebody in need, and I finally decided to start limiting how much I try to help.

8) Answer only one of the following:

a) [College aged and above] What is your area of work/study? Why did you choose this and would you change it? If so, what would be your ideal? I teach high school business classes, and I chose this for the summers and holidays and weekends off, better pay than I had been receiving, and the less physically demanding nature of the job. Ironically given how much social conventions confuse me at times, I think I'd make a good tele-therapist as I am a very patient listener, can usually connect with people one-on-one if given the opportunity, and would like the comfortable work environment most tele-therapists have. I would ideally be a therapist to the wealthy, and would offer my services on a subscription basis monthly, letting them talk to me and be subject to my theraputic treatments as often as they needed that month so long as they paid their monthly fee. Given how important it is to me to maintain my comfort and security, this seems like a good career to pursue after my teaching career has concluded. In some ways, this will be an easier group to focus on for therapy since the wealthy will probably have the resources to actually pursue whatever the best solution is, but it will be more difficult since I'd be targeting people more wealthy than I'll ever be, and those people probably are out of touch with how normal people live. So long as the pay and working conditions are good, though, I'll pretty much do anything that doesn't hurt people, though.

b)[Under college aged] What do you plan on studying/working as in the future? How did you go about deciding this? If this is not your ideal area of pursuit, what would be?

9) When meeting a new person, what do you tend to focus on? What are their interests? Can I help them with anything? Can they help me with anything? What are their values?

10) How do you feel about humanity as a whole? What do you feel are some of the biggest problems the human race faces and why? Humanity is too divided when it could be working together to solve problems. We are more alike than we like to admit at times and we would all be stronger if we worked together. I like to help others see that.

11) What are some of your hobbies and interests? I like to paint, write stories, relax in bed a long time, practice lucid dreaming, take warm baths, read journals of psychology and journals of sociology and journals of history and educational magazines and nonfiction books, and I like to watch movies. I also love travel and try to go somewhere new every year, but I'm partial to tropical beachside locations with an interesting history. I used to like reading sci-fi/fantasy books, too, and I'm trying to get back into those, but my tastes have changed a bit over time.

13) How do you usually "hang out" with your friend(s)? When answering, think about what activities you tend to choose, whether you hang out with one person at once or many, whether or not you initiate the interaction. We meet at a restaurant or over a potluck at one of our houses, and I meet with between 1 and 5 people at a time, but prefer smaller groups. In bigger groups, I'm more of a quiet listener, listening to the conversations of others. I talk more if I'm only meeting with 1 or 2 people, and will usually talk about politics, current events, or leisure activities.

14) What is more important, actions or words? Why? Both are important, but actions moreso because actions prove your words are sincere.

15) Oh dear, you've been cursed by a witch! It's ok though, you get a choice on which curse you will receive. Will you choose?

a) To never be able to experience the sensation of taste
b) To be immortal Hopefully this immortality also stops my aging process and returns me to a 20-something-year-old level of health from whenever this happens, but even if it doesn't, this is the best curse since I could keep amassing wealth and in just a few short hundred years, I could be a living god, capable of granting wishes to all who approached me, assuming the wish could be bought, while living in ultimate comfort myself. I've already lost many major relationships and have moved into new friend groups before, and it hurts, but while those around me come and go, I persist. I've gotten used to it. When I could afford it, though, especially if technology allows it eventually, I would seek to extend the youthfulness and health and lifespan of whoever my current companion was. I don't abandon people.
c) To lose your memories
d) To be poor for the rest of your life
e) Or to never experience passion
Elaborate on why!

16) What do you hope to avoid being? If it helps, describe a person who embodies what you avoid/you as a villain, etc? We could go in two directions with this-- either the homeless needy person who most people avoid because they need to much, or the tyrannical cruel rich guy who harms others in the pursuit of wealth.

17) How do you relate to obsession? Do you tend to "merge" with others or your interests? How do you feel about the idea of doing this? Sounds lovely to have a person to merge into, but it would have to be the right person.

18) Organized or messy? Plans and blueprints or impulse and surprises? What are you preferences and tendencies? I prefer order, but usually have to pay others to provide it for me. I have so much trouble focusing and initiating unpleasant tasks that my house is disgusting pigsty in between cleanings and I struggle managing all my duties. An ideal partner would help me manage this.

19) How do you subjectively view comfort and how do you create comfort in your life and surroundings? I try to buy soft bedding and stay on top of laundry, as challenging as that is at times.
There's a ton of 6 and 9 in your responses, and quite a bit of 2 also...

9 vs 2: it seems that you do all you do for others because it would upset your internal compass (9) moreso than that it's important you do it for more image oriented reasons (like not wanting others to think you're bad in some way).
9 vs 6: there's a lot of overlap, especially in how you view people and the world, this fits really well: (from https://www.enneagrammer.com/fixes-stems)
2-6: Friendly, helpful, kind, worried about others, “of course I’ll help,” people-oriented, amiable
2-9: Receptive, helpful, kind, caring, focused on needs of other, forgets self, “nice,” good samaritan, people-focused
6-9: Tracking others/socially aware, “folk”, doubt, uncertainty, not pushing buttons but will fight back if necessary, humility, rabbit, glorifying "uniqueness" as something to celebrate, underdog, friendly, adaptable, "real life," humanity, defying labels and categories, seeing pieces of themselves in many types, "it depends on the situation"
Triads: Superego/Compliant, Positive, Attachment
but in favor of 9, you are quite withdrawn and comfort seeking. You're more inclined to want to take it easy rather than work, work, work. You have a hard time getting going, but once you do, you can continue on and persist.
I'm pretty sure, with your focus on comfort, that you're sp dom, and of these, the 9sp seems to fit better: (from https://www.typologycentral.com/threads/hudsons-27-type-profiles.109541/)
  • 6sp:

    The SP6: the passion of anxiety in the SP zones. For me, this is "concern & worry about self pres matters." SP6s are the Sixes who worry & focus on issues of security, safety, stability, & "planning for a rainy day." They probably invented banks and insurance companies. SP6s are generally cautious & methodical. This doesn't mean they can't cut loose & have fun. They do! But they feel it is their duty to be the custodian of the safety of not just themselves, but also their loved ones. They work hard trying to hold their world together. SP6s tend to focus on the practical maintenance zone of SP. They take on their responsibilities with a seriousness that can look like type 1. Yet their home life is also important as a place to unwind from the stresses of their work. Home is a sanctuary to be protected. When troubled, ALL 6s can have issues w. anxiety, depression, substance abuse & aggression. Paranoia here tends to be about SP matters ergo intense & survival-based. At their bests, SP6s contribute their intelligent awareness to maintaining the foundations necessary for life

    Naranjo called SP6 Affection--here I see it differently. His description of traits for SP6 are to me those of the SO6 because ALL SO types emphasize connection. I also experience that all 6s can be warm. This does not distinguish the instincts. For me, SP & SO got reversed. I call SP6 Responsibility, like Naranjo's name for SO6, Duty. I find SP6s to be more serious about responsibility--willing to do even unpleasant tasks if it means maintaining the safety & security of what they care about. They don't need glory, just want the work done. SP6s may show love by supporting others through taking care of the SP details of life--paying bills, doing contracts, saving money, doing chores etc. They are not doing this for attention--finishing tasks helps SP6 relax, but also really is a way of supporting loved ones.
  • 9sp:

    SP 9 is the passion of sloth applied in the Self Pres Zones. SP 9 is an interesting contradiction--at once the most easygoing 9 but also the most stubborn. SP9s tend to be grounded & to appreciate simplicity. They generally prefer to keep their lives uncomplicated as possible. The SP variant of each type tends to introversion, and SP9 is no exception. SP9s enjoy solitude & are particularly attuned to nature. They have a live & let live attitude but are also the 9s who can most easily tell people off if offended. They like to go at their own pace. They can be very practical & are often valued for their common sense. Of the 3 zones, they tend to have problems w. self care & are the 9s who can get caught in ruts--becoming resistant to new experiences. They can be brilliant & creative, but are also genuinely humble.

    Naranjo called SP9 "Appetite"--referring to one way this type may try to narcotize. I call this combo "The Comfort Seeker"--noting that there are many ways we humans try to be comfortable, & the healthy side of SP9 is the capacity to relax & simply be. SP9s help others land too.
Hope that's helpful!


Feb 2, 2020
Instinctual Variant
I'll highlight all the parts that stood out for 9 core...

There's a ton of 6 and 9 in your responses, and quite a bit of 2 also...

9 vs 2: it seems that you do all you do for others because it would upset your internal compass (9) moreso than that it's important you do it for more image oriented reasons (like not wanting others to think you're bad in some way).
9 vs 6: there's a lot of overlap, especially in how you view people and the world, this fits really well: (from https://www.enneagrammer.com/fixes-stems)

but in favor of 9, you are quite withdrawn and comfort seeking. You're more inclined to want to take it easy rather than work, work, work. You have a hard time getting going, but once you do, you can continue on and persist.
I'm pretty sure, with your focus on comfort, that you're sp dom, and of these, the 9sp seems to fit better: (from https://www.typologycentral.com/threads/hudsons-27-type-profiles.109541/)

Hope that's helpful!
Yes it is helpful.

When I was younger, I thought I was a 6 since I get a bit 6ish under stress, and one of the things that can stress me out is when I get a suspicion my coworkers are trying to undermine me, and I have to get to work to really sniff out whether those suspicions are true. Another thing that can stress me out is worrying about whether my finances or health are going to fail me, or if I'll have to live in pain without comforts again at some point in the future. But, yeah, mostly, I just want to withdraw from the world to a comfortable place where I won't be affected by all the turmoil I immerse myself in every time I step outside the house. I feel like I don't really live in my body most of the time and I'm just going about the duties required of me with a smile plastered on my face while I feel dead inside. I'd like to really feel alive, instead of just meandering through life half-asleep.

I'd say I'm 962 rather than 926, since I very much seem to live mostly on the 9-6 line, and only "turn on" the 2 fix if I feel like I can actually provide something of value. If I can't draw someone in through doing things for them, though, I draw them in through sympathy by talking about my woes and problems...like a hurt child seducing a mother to come help them...but I prefer to win people over by helping them if that's an option, plus I feel like its just the right thing to do to help people who need help, even if I'm too tired/lethargic to follow through on my good intentions at times.

I've been going on dates with the hope that if I find the right relationship, I won't feel so dead inside. I live alone with my dogs, and my dogs only provide a certain level of company.

As comfort seeking as I am, though, one thing that seems un-body-type-like about me is how clumsy I am--I always seen to have bruises on me from how often I fall and trip and bump into things.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
one of the things that can stress me out is when I get a suspicion my coworkers are trying to undermine me, and I have to get to work to really sniff out whether those suspicions are true.

Don't tell that to a psychiatrist. That's a symptom of schizophrenia and can get you put on horrible meds.


Feb 2, 2020
Instinctual Variant
Don't tell that to a psychiatrist. That's a symptom of schizophrenia and can get you put on horrible meds.
I've caught some rats before, all three times its been a younger white blonde lady in her 20s who seemed bubbly and friendly on the surface but was sabotaging me and other people behind our backs for some unknown reason. It would be weird enough if this happened once, but its happened three times with three different ladies in the past 3 years. Makes me suspicious of overly-friendly young women--what are they hiding?

Indigo Rodent

Active member
Apr 4, 2019
I've caught some rats before, all three times its been a younger white blonde lady in her 20s who seemed bubbly and friendly on the surface but was sabotaging me and other people behind our backs for some unknown reason. It would be weird enough if this happened once, but its happened three times with three different ladies in the past 3 years. Makes me suspicious of overly-friendly young women--what are they hiding?
Aren't these usually ExTPs? Probably learning early on that they can get away with a lot of stuff by manipulating people.


Feb 2, 2020
Instinctual Variant
The main counterpoint against type 9 I can think of is that there are several times in my life I've caused huge conflicts and felt justified doing so because I felt I was doing the right thing. A lot of my withdrawal is due to realizing I'm just one person and I don't want to be bothered with something I know I can't fix.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
9 core seems extremely obvious. 926 or 962 sp/so is my best guess.

The main counterpoint against type 9 I can think of is that there are several times in my life I've caused huge conflicts and felt justified doing so because I felt I was doing the right thing. A lot of my withdrawal is due to realizing I'm just one person and I don't want to be bothered with something I know I can't fix.

I am leaning towards 926 = ISFJ. ISFJs are particularly involved in charity work and socialism is an FJ thing.

You sound as if you have a compulsion to be of service/help to others, and some opporunist types are trying to take advantage of that.

I don't understand the atheism, ADHD, autism, messiness though.

I have no desire to be different or stand out, beyond just being seen exceptionally friendly, pleasant, and harmless. That said, as a male, I think I should start working out so I look strong enough to make people who might want to hurt me think twice about it, even if I have no intent of harming anybody. Besides, being physically stronger will be good for my health and make me live healthier for longer.

ADHD, autism and low physical capacity might make sense if you were an INFJ instead of ISFJ. Would also explain your fear of not having finances and ending up on street, which might signal low Se.

Can you name a couple of tv/movie/anime characters that you particularly identify with and for what positive/negative reasons? Can you paste their photos here please?


Feb 2, 2020
Instinctual Variant
I am leaning towards 926 = ISFJ. ISFJs are particularly involved in charity work and socialism is an FJ thing.

You sound as if you have a compulsion to be of service/help to others, and some opporunist types are trying to take advantage of that.

I don't understand the atheism, ADHD, autism, messiness though.

ADHD, autism and low physical capacity might make sense if you were an INFJ instead of ISFJ. Would also explain your fear of not having finances and ending up on street, which might signal low Se.

Can you name a couple of tv/movie/anime characters that you particularly identify with and for what positive/negative reasons? Can you paste their photos here please?
I am leaning towards 926 = ISFJ. ISFJs are particularly involved in charity work and socialism is an FJ thing.

You sound as if you have a compulsion to be of service/help to others, and some opporunist types are trying to take advantage of that.

I don't understand the atheism, ADHD, autism, messiness though.

ADHD, autism and low physical capacity might make sense if you were an INFJ instead of ISFJ. Would also explain your fear of not having finances and ending up on street, which might signal low Se.

Can you name a couple of tv/movie/anime characters that you particularly identify with and for what positive/negative reasons? Can you paste their photos here please?
I was raised Jehovah's Witness. I would have been 5th generation had I stayed in. Until I was a teenager, I was a true believer in the organization, but after the death of my father at the age of 4, my mother was unable to homeschool me, so I went to public school. I was a precocious reader and I taught myself how to read before starting school. While I mostly kept to myself growing up and got good grades with very little effort due to my ability to just understand concepts intuitively, I still had interactions with the other students and eventually I wanted to do my own research to better do apologetics for my faith, since classmates asked me questions about my beliefs that poked holes in the stories I was taught, and I didn't have good covers for those holes. Note that a lot of my classmates were also Christian, but they weren't as radical or fundamentalist or conservative as how I was raised to be. I decided to start with Noah's Ark, which is a story my childhood church said was a story that literally happened exactly as it was written in the Bible. The story had a number of problems, namely, the boat was too small to fit 2 of every species of animal aboard, the boat was too large to withstand the swells and currents that would have inevitably been present, and even if God did some kind of weird dimensional pocket that somehow made the boat bigger on the inside than the outside and somehow able to withstand the storm, the whole story started to seem a bit convoluted to me to have come from the mind of an omnibenevolent omnipresent omnipotent omniscient being. It seemed like a fable when I examined it closer and read what biologists and geologists had to say about it. I also researched the history of my childhood organization and learned that its predicted the end of the world dozens of times and those predictions never came to pass. For an organization that claims to be infallible, it got a lot wrong. I studied the Bible and history and science to give a better defense of my church, but ended up leaving not just my church, but Christianity as a whole. I've come to the point where I find the very concept of God deeply offensive. The idea of a god who answers prayers does not fit what I see in the world. Parents beg god for food and shelter all the time all over the world, but they still die of hunger and exposure. It rubs me the wrong way that some people have the arrogance to think that prayer will help them find their car keys or solve their problems when people with far worse problems die and suffer needlessly. God either is evil, impotent, or doesn't exist, and I'm pretty sure its option 3. Gods and spirits and the supernatural won't solve our problems. Only humankind can solve humankind's problems. This is why I advocate both for world federalism and democratic socialism. We are but one race--the human race, and our continued survival as a species will require full cooperation in a way that ignores border and language and ethnicity. We need strong global governance that ensures climate action is in line with what is needed to keep our planet habitable, that ensures the worst off people in the world still have food, shelter, education, healthcare, and dignity, that ensures world peace, and that ensures democratic norms are upheld around the world. I'm not so naïve to think this will happen overnight, but we could start with regional unions like the European Union and maybe similar analogues like an African Union or an Anglo Union of UK/US/NZ/UK/CA/SA. This would help keep the world federation from backsliding into colonialism, but even then, the regional groupings of countries should still at least cooperate with the rest of the world on climate as that is an urgent problem. I often feel frustrated with the lack of foresight and lack of self-reflection our political leaders and voters often display, so I often self-soothe with food and sleep to mask that feeling of disappointment somewhat.

Mustapha Mond's "Christianity Without Tears" is idealistic to me because I share his end goal of a peaceful world of pleasure where morals and hardship are no longer necessary because such an orderly perfect world has been crafted by science that nobody suffers anymore.

The Dictator from "The Great Dictator" shares a lot of my ideals, as well. I have a very harsh rigid idealistic inner critic, but my absent-mindedness and forgetfulness keeps me from always living up to my ideals or being as organized as I believe I should be, which is why when others criticize me, I don't feel like they are adding anything of value because I'm already well aware of my flaws, I just literally can't fix them because they are medical problems and are resistant to treatment. That said, like the dictator here, I like to appeal to people's better nature and the benefits of cooperation and working together for the greater good.

Sweeny Todd has been horribly wronged many times in his life like I have and, while his methods go further than I would go, he and I are both willing to seek justice and use whatever methods move us towards our goal as the ends justify the means. Sometimes what is good is not nice, and you have to do bad things to serve the greater good. Sweeny Todd is also very critical of his homeland, and points out that while he has seen cruelty all over the world, nowhere is as cruel as London. Where I disagree with him, however, is I think America is worse at this point. We both dislike the same kinds of people, though. We both despise those higher social standing and wealth who oppress those of lower social standing and wealth, especially since the oppressors already have so much and the oppressed already have so little.

Blue Diamond is another good example, as she is sentimental for the belongings of her loved ones, has experienced great trauma, and sought to preserve innocent life even as she planned to destroy the planet that she believed took her loved one and threatened her empire. Like me, she enjoys her baths and her alone time.

If I'm not actively crusading against something, or I need to recharge, or I need to self-soothe after a string of disappointments, I go to a beach and eat junk and enjoy the sun and sounds of waves and the salty air a while to heal and enjoy the peacefulness.

Lebowski is also relatable because he was a radical leftist in his youth but he got defeated and decided to retreat to a world of simple pleasures and drifting. He's outwardly pretty chill even when he is unfairly victimized by people trespassing into his home. He seems to adopt a mantra of "this too shall pass" if he feels he has no control of a situation.
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Feb 2, 2020
Instinctual Variant
I find myself getting lost in the music of Enya, lately, too. It's a very dreamy sound that talks about a lot of the topics that often weigh on my mind.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I didn't read a lot of the early stuff in detail but did read through your latest long post.

I could identify with some of it myself, except that you seem to be more more F in your response to that childhood than I was. (I'm INTP e549, although I have a decent grasp of Fe and have been developing a better sense of my own desires over the years.)

I was raised Jehovah's Witness. I would have been 5th generation had I stayed in. Until I was a teenager, I was a true believer in the organization, but after the death of my father at the age of 4, my mother was unable to homeschool me, so I went to public school. I was a precocious reader and I taught myself how to read before starting school. While I mostly kept to myself growing up and got good grades with very little effort due to my ability to just understand concepts intuitively, I still had interactions with the other students and eventually I wanted to do my own research to better do apologetics for my faith, since classmates asked me questions about my beliefs that poked holes in the stories I was taught, and I didn't have good covers for those holes. Note that a lot of my classmates were also Christian, but they weren't as radical or fundamentalist or conservative as how I was raised to be. I decided to start with Noah's Ark, which is a story my childhood church said was a story that literally happened exactly as it was written in the Bible. The story had a number of problems, namely, the boat was too small to fit 2 of every species of animal aboard, the boat was too large to withstand the swells and currents that would have inevitably been present, and even if God did some kind of weird dimensional pocket that somehow made the boat bigger on the inside than the outside and somehow able to withstand the storm, the whole story started to seem a bit convoluted to me to have come from the mind of an omnibenevolent omnipresent omnipotent omniscient being. It seemed like a fable when I examined it closer and read what biologists and geologists had to say about it. I also researched the history of my childhood organization and learned that its predicted the end of the world dozens of times and those predictions never came to pass. For an organization that claims to be infallible, it got a lot wrong. I studied the Bible and history and science to give a better defense of my church, but ended up leaving not just my church, but Christianity as a whole.

I wasn't JW, just basic Christianity but pretty committed -- I grew up through the camping program, was a counselor at Christian camps, was a worship leader in various churches for many years in adulthood, wrote Christian music and teaching programs (locally). I went to a few Christian counseling courses under Larry Crabb (a Christian psychologist who seemed to get deeper roots as he aged). I thought about God regularly and was trying to make sense of it all, and of course voted Republican based on where I grew up. I left the GOP first after enough political outrages (lol), then eventually left church because despite my studies of apologetics I could no longer justify belief, and in my growing collection of life experience, there were just other realities that were more likely. It's like the more I learned, the less I could believe even if I had wanted to. (A dream that sticks with me near the end was where I awoke in an empty house with my husband gone, even though his presence used to be palpable, and alone I felt because, well, I was alone -- it was my unconsciousness trying to process the loss.)

Sometimes I regret all the time I spent in that worldview, except that it framed a lot of life for me otherwise. Kind of like doing Wordle -- the "misses" can be almost as important to finding truth as the "hits." Those experiences still shape us, teach us things, and move us forward -- maybe fuel our passions.

I've come to the point where I find the very concept of God deeply offensive. The idea of a god who answers prayers does not fit what I see in the world. Parents beg god for food and shelter all the time all over the world, but they still die of hunger and exposure. It rubs me the wrong way that some people have the arrogance to think that prayer will help them find their car keys or solve their problems when people with far worse problems die and suffer needlessly. God either is evil, impotent, or doesn't exist, and I'm pretty sure its option 3. Gods and spirits and the supernatural won't solve our problems. Only humankind can solve humankind's problems.... This would help keep the world federation from backsliding into colonialism, but even then, the regional groupings of countries should still at least cooperate with the rest of the world on climate as that is an urgent problem. I often feel frustrated with the lack of foresight and lack of self-reflection our political leaders and voters often display, so I often self-soothe with food and sleep to mask that feeling of disappointment somewhat.

I tend to be a lot more detached in my response. I am almost 54 now, and in the last 7-8 years I've been surprised to actually have some really intense responses to the political turn of events nationally and world-wise -- I'm not typically one to have such responses, so it's a newer thing for me. Just a lot of inner fury at times, and I'm amazed at my own capacity for intensity. But usually I drop into a detached mode if I have no direct way to resolve an issue, because there are a lot of daily issues I face along with physical exhaustion.

Anyway, all that said to leave me feeling like you're definitely speaking from a more F core than I experience.

If I'm not actively crusading against something, or I need to recharge, or I need to self-soothe after a string of disappointments, I go to a beach and eat junk and enjoy the sun and sounds of waves and the salty air a while to heal and enjoy the peacefulness.

Yeah, with me, I tend to not feel a need to crusade (which I perceive as another Fi thing), I usually feel more fulfilled trying to put ideas together and getting a bigger picture of the universe and distilling idea and truths from that. Again, that kind of philosophical detachment, I guess. Interesting that you recharge on a beach and find peace in interacting with the physical world. Maybe looking at that and similar actions you take will help pinpoint particular function use, in terms of how you recharge and relax from the normal pressures.

EDIT: I skimmed through the opening post. I've kind of given up on "typing someone" by a laundry list, although it's useful I guess as supporting material. I find it much easier to get a feel for someone I'm actually interacting with. Like, sometimes as soon I've spent five minutes with someone, I will get a quick read on them. I guess I am holistic in my approach.

Still, I get why people were getting Se (at least as one function in your makeup) vibes from you. You bring up physical things/outlets (hey, even bedding) more than I typically see in these kinds of posts. Like, I like bedding and pillows too, but they would never cross my mind to mention in answering questions related to my personality. It's just interesting. And you're right about the "crusade" aspect -- it's in a lot of your writing, with how intense you burn and the conscious need to fight for something.

You remind me a bit of my ESFP kid, and maybe that's why xSFP was coming up in the discussion here as well.

Side note that Extraverted Sensing as a coping/relaxing tertiary is ENTJ or ENFJ. Ever consider ENFJ? Just saying it as something to look into.
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Feb 2, 2020
Instinctual Variant
I didn't read a lot of the early stuff in detail but did read through your latest long post.

I could identify with some of it myself, except that you seem to be more more F in your response to that childhood than I was. (I'm INTP e549, although I have a decent grasp of Fe and have been developing a better sense of my own desires over the years.)

I wasn't JW, just basic Christianity but pretty committed -- I grew up through the camping program, was a counselor at Christian camps, was a worship leader in various churches for many years in adulthood, wrote Christian music and teaching programs (locally). I went to a few Christian counseling courses under Larry Crabb (a Christian psychologist who seemed to get deeper roots as he aged). I thought about God regularly and was trying to make sense of it all, and of course voted Republican based on where I grew up. I left the GOP first after enough political outrages (lol), then eventually left church because despite my studies of apologetics I could no longer justify belief, and in my growing collection of life experience, there were just other realities that were more likely. It's like the more I learned, the less I could believe even if I had wanted to. (A dream that sticks with me near the end was where I awoke in an empty house with my husband gone, even though his presence used to be palpable, and alone I felt because, well, I was alone -- it was my unconsciousness trying to process the loss.)

Sometimes I regret all the time I spent in that worldview, except that it framed a lot of life for me otherwise. Kind of like doing Wordle -- the "misses" can be almost as important to finding truth as the "hits." Those experiences still shape us, teach us things, and move us forward -- maybe fuel our passions.

I tend to be a lot more detached in my response. I am almost 54 now, and in the last 7-8 years I've been surprised to actually have some really intense responses to the political turn of events nationally and world-wise -- I'm not typically one to have such responses, so it's a newer thing for me. Just a lot of inner fury at times, and I'm amazed at my own capacity for intensity. But usually I drop into a detached mode if I have no direct way to resolve an issue, because there are a lot of daily issues I face along with physical exhaustion.

Anyway, all that said to leave me feeling like you're definitely speaking from a more F core than I experience.

Yeah, with me, I tend to not feel a need to crusade (which I perceive as another Fi thing), I usually feel more fulfilled trying to put ideas together and getting a bigger picture of the universe and distilling idea and truths from that. Again, that kind of philosophical detachment, I guess. Interesting that you recharge on a beach and find peace in interacting with the physical world. Maybe looking at that and similar actions you take will help pinpoint particular function use, in terms of how you recharge and relax from the normal pressures.

EDIT: I skimmed through the opening post. I've kind of given up on "typing someone" by a laundry list, although it's useful I guess as supporting material. I find it much easier to get a feel for someone I'm actually interacting with. Like, sometimes as soon I've spent five minutes with someone, I will get a quick read on them. I guess I am holistic in my approach.

Still, I get why people were getting Se (at least as one function in your makeup) vibes from you. You bring up physical things/outlets (hey, even bedding) more than I typically see in these kinds of posts. Like, I like bedding and pillows too, but they would never cross my mind to mention in answering questions related to my personality. It's just interesting. And you're right about the "crusade" aspect -- it's in a lot of your writing, with how intense you burn and the conscious need to fight for something.

You remind me a bit of my ESFP kid, and maybe that's why xSFP was coming up in the discussion here as well.

Side note that Extraverted Sensing as a coping/relaxing tertiary is ENTJ or ENFJ. Ever consider ENFJ? Just saying it as something to look into.
Anything extroverted would be a bit of a stretch, as I spend a lot of time alone, and I'm usually more focused on my thoughts than my surroundings. I go out into the world from time to time, but it quickly depletes me. I also tend to be a bit physically clumsy. Something that's difficult for me is a high school teacher is sensing that my kids aren't really into the material, and I'm not 100% sure how to liven it up for them. I'm generally not a fun/jovial type. If anything, I appear very laid back and even a bit lazy to most people, so long as you haven't violated my values, and even then, I'm usually pretty diplomatic if you haven't caused an emergency. I'm going through a depression right now that's really drained my energy levels. At least, the doctors are calling it depression right now. No treatment has an effect on it. I've had to delegate a lot of my duties to other people just to make sure everything gets done, and I use more worksheets and lesson types that let me stay at my desk instead of having to make me expend a lot of energy. Its like the life has been sucked out of me and I'd probably be laying in bed full time were it not for my obligations at work and bills to pay. Its about time to call the maid again, too. I try keeping my area organized/clean, but clutter and chaos follow me wherever I go.

Hello ENFJs and INFJs! In this video, you will learn how to use SF Play if you have it in a demon state. SF Play is a combination of two functions which is Se+Fe. Personality types that are more likely to have demon SF Play are INFJs and ISTPs. ENFJs and ESTPs can also have SF Play demon but it's not as frequent as the INFJs and ISTPs. Learning SF Play is important because certain types take themselves way too seriously and expect others to do so as well. Ironically, it's those who respect SF Play that is taken more seriously. If the tribe doesn't like you, they won't care to get to know the real you (NT inside). My goal for this video is to demonstrate how SF Play works and provide you with examples from different types that have SF Play. Watch this video here: INFJ, ENFJ, ISTP, ESTP - How To Use SF (Se+Fe) Play - YouTube

If I am ENFJ, I'm one of those "play last" ENFJ's.


Feb 2, 2020
Instinctual Variant
Anyway, I may end up leaving my teaching career (and America) behind to pursue a master's degree in Euroculture in Sweden. Not this year, not next year, but maybe the year after next.


Feb 2, 2020
Instinctual Variant
Anyway, I may end up leaving my teaching career (and America) behind to pursue a master's degree in Euroculture in Sweden. Not this year, not next year, but maybe the year after next.
I'm not 100% sure, though. I have been simmering in quiet resentment since my efforts at reforming the local community have fallen through. It seems my neighbors would rather suffer than fix their problems. Will moving help? Maybe. Moving could also be a case of "same shit, different toilet"


Feb 2, 2020
Instinctual Variant
I may get weight loss surgery before I try moving abroad. I'm very obese.