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Many have failed to type me, will you be the one to succeed?

Your Verdict for my MBTI type

  • ISTJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ISTP

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • ISFJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ISFP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • INTJ

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • INTP

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • INFJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • INFP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ESTJ

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • ESTP

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • ESFJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ESFP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ENTJ

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • ENTP

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • ENFJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ENFP

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters

Doctor Business

New member
Sep 18, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Hello Everyone,

First three words of caution:
(1) Sorry if this is too long, I already tried to cut out what could be cut out
(2) I am actually pulling an all nighter on this so if something is stated wrong, repeated or mistake ridden, please ignore it and contact me if there is something that needs clarification
(3) I am terrible at "social intercourse" and common sense, so please, I strongly ask of you to tell me anything I am doing wrong.

I am someone who is obsessed...err...fascinated by MBTI (studied it for 2 years) and has taken everything from free online tests, to official stuff from various colleges I attended, to the fully priced $165 dolor real deal with a "free" consultation session and career report. My very first typing came from the Kersey Temperament sorter, as I got ISTJ, now one thing led to another (and another hundred things) and now I "am" an ENTP. I swear I was even typed F at some point. I actually went to the Personality Café a year ago (where unsurprisingly everyone had different theories and ideas about me) but we agreed on INTP (although the poll did end up highest for INTJ) Now I am not exactly sure anymore.

Anyway, that's enough about me, what about...me. I know some of these observations span more than one dichotomy, but I am trying to keep it simple. (in that I mean this will not take more than 30 years of your time, feel free to skip to what is more relevant for you to type me) I like to write. (I also try to make sure that I do not get blasted, so please let me know if there is a post size limit, for future reference as I am too lazy to read the rules deeply)

Extroversion vs Introversion - (strangely enough my official MBTI test gave me 15/30 points for Introversion, the feedback coach typed me as an Extrovert)
(1) I Like to be emerged in activities and am "novelty seeking" (Promethease's words not mine, in other words its more than a trait, its my genes)
(2) I do not like to read (I usually try to figure everything out on my own)
(3) I initially appear calm and reserved, but am quick to anger. (usually when someone is in my way in one way or another)
(4) I am only interested in people from an analytical standpoint.
(5) Small talk and theorizing are both interesting to me (to a point)
(6) I am very impatient and look like I need anger management (although, much to other people's surprises, I tend to be cool when they expect me to burst)
(7) I am very reflective, I am the center in all my activities (nope, I'm not a narcissist, but yes I'm an egomaniac)
(8) Can't focus on anything, the more an activity displeases me, the more likely I will drop working on it. (weirdly, this has never been a problem for me at work)
(9) I talk very fast (I put Steve Woodmore to shame) however, I get very drained after speaking 3 hours nonstop
(10) I do not contribute (verbally) in groups, or talk to people at all. Unless I have power, or know that my voice and my expertise will not be ignored

Intuition vs Sensing - (MBTI test got me at 2/30 in favor of intuition)
(1) Fantasizing is the best thing since shrooms (I don't know about you guys, but I can't tell the difference)
(2) I really don't like lectures and discussions about theory. (I'm one sided and prefer to learn on my own, although I am not against using a soundboard)
(3) I always seek the truth and proof, (sometimes mixing the two up)
(4) I dislike authority (except if I am in charge, or if the boss is a flake)
(5) I can't think of new ideas when I want to; and yet, tend to jump all over the place in my head when I have to focus
(6) I am future oriented (this ties in with point 1)
(7) Not very curious and I like to BS (although many find my insights to be rather truthful...)
(8) I don't like change (although my actions do seem to cause a lot of change around me)
(9) My genes report that I have a GG Genotype for intelligence (yea, I find that hard to believe, but hey what do I know, all hail DNA)
(10) Furthermore, the lords of the codes (and my parental units) have bestowed upon my the power of an enlarged Hippocampus

Thinking vs Feeling (I got a 9/30 on the Thinking side of things)
(1) I am an ungrateful, inconsiderate, cold hearted demon (all things I gladly take in as compliments, and yes I have been called these things)
(2) I love animals, especially cats (coughcatgentlemancough) not so much people (although did have some pleasurable meetings with people)
(3) Depends on my mood, I am either very formal and impersonal (bad mood) or I can be very approachable (good mood (constitutes about 1% of the time))
(4) My allies get my soft side, I am playful, friendly and easygoing, I look out for them. My enemies get a more Machiavellian me.
(5) I am not logical, but I am very rational
(6) Most of my decisions are based on circumstances, but I am very swift in the decision making process and I automatically factor in circumstances.
(7) I express my emotions freely (If I don't than I really feel nothing at that point, which is rare though)
(8) I see myself as very reasonable
(9) I am very sensitive to criticism (unless its work related, which is fine if there is a decent argument involved)
(10) The gene gods have given me the power of insensibility (unicorns, rainbows, and puppies have no effect on me...now as for those cats...)

Judging vs Perceiving (6/30 on perception island)
(1) I usually begin with a carefully crafted plan (which falls apart during implementation, so I see planning as a hobby, rather than something that is useful)
(2) Power...me...like...(drools on the floor)
(3) I tend to be somewhat of a parody of a stereotypical dictator (I like bossing people, but I also like style...the two go so well together, just see my minions on tutu day)
(4) I am very facetious, eccentric, and unconventional
(5) Sameness bores me (now that I think about it new things bore me too)
(6) I like responsibility...and feeling special (not that I see any distinction between the two
(7) I like positive surprises (the opposite is true for negative surprises
(8) I am very bad with timing.
(9) I have very good reaction time (I can beat the wheel of fortune without even trying)
(10) I have a very childish character (can't say the same thing about appearance

Si - I have a weird memory system, where I can never remember specific things, only the important stuff
Se - I fail to notice things and my coordination is improving but still requires some practice
Ni - The epiphany part happens to me at times (usually when its too late)
Ne - I do bounce around a lot (yet I have to add that everything I say relates to the topic discussed)
Ti - most of my family has this in their stack which contradicts a lot about me (Ti users strike me as more careful and thoughtful. I am more impulsive)
Te - I like to organize my environment (not my room though)
Fi - I feel like I have this function (does not go so well with ENTP but...) to me my values, feelings, and ideals are ruled by the triumvirate me, myself, and I
Fe - Also major in my family (virtually everyone in my family is a Feeling type, I even have two INFJs) not me though. I am a cultural revolutionary.

Top 50 facts about me (hey its the condensed version, the original had about a googolplex statements (give or take a million points))
(1) I am a Libertarian, a Deist, a Hobbesian and an Anarchist (I barely know much about them)
(2) My favorite philosopher is Plato
(3) Some TV characters that remind me of myself include House (House M.D.) Crowley (Supernatural) Rafael Barba (Law and Order SVU)
(4) I am ignorant of popular culture
(5) I am attracted to Psychology, Psychometrics, and Piracy
(6) I am probably going to switch colleges more than 2 times before I get a bachelor degree
(7) At one point I had 50 people who worked for me (best year of my high school life) lets just say many thought that we were the answer to the principal's "dissenter" problem and in many ways we were.
(8) I like Videogame Soundtracks and I have an ability to memorize every beat.
(9) I like horror movies
(10) I like to wear suits (even when the alarm goes of in Pompeii) mostly because of self esteem issues
(11) The Big 5 tells me I am virtually 100% neurotic and 0% agreeable and the rest is in between.
(12) I had about 100 new venture ideas that I scrapped due to the inability to actually implement them
(13) Very, very big on puns, slogans, and humor (anything from slapstick to intellectual)
(14) I am a night owl charged by Red Bull (I am writing this when in two hours the world awakens...then I must return to my crypt for the night)
(15) my face looks like that of a Persian cat (stereotypical INTJ death stare like) meaning eyebrows drooping, ancient half open eyes and a nasty sneer.
(16) I am very clumsy
(17) I have very high standards (personal standards are usually higher than those meant for others)
(18) I look very old and I very much use it to my advantage (I look like a 68 year old college professor more so than a 18 year old college student)
(19) I like to look at the consequences before engaging in something
(20) Everything I write ends up being all too long
(21) I am a terrible listener and I enjoy being a presenter
(22) I have never been in a love relationship nor am I interested
(23) I have an obsessive and compulsive nature (I have been writing this post from 12am to 6am EST, nonstop)
(24) I can be very disrespectful, that is why I tend to have disclaimer notes on speed dial
(25) I like to buy new cool toys (tech stuff mostly, but marshmallow and potato guns count)
(26) I like to consider other people's ideas and opinions but can be standoffish and issue ultimatums
(27) My heroes (other than myself) include Napoleon Bonaparte, Thomas Jefferson, and
(28) I play videogames for the same reason I watch movies (to emerge myself in the story, akin to reading books)
(29) I am a Conventionalist via Strong Interest Inventory
(30) I get bored easily and feel imprisoned when I am traveling or am tired
(31) I can fix technological things usually without instructions, I am a good trouble shooter.
(32) I can easily tell someone's MBTI type accurately after speaking briefly with them
(33) Controversy does not affect me
(34) I am oblivious in regards to current events and politics and am neither a Democrat nor Republican.
(35-50) My experience with getting along with different types are as follows:

-ISTJ = I very much respect them, they work very hard (the ones I know) I had an ISTJ friend and he was very intrigued by my approach to life. A very focused and smart guy (he is an engineer who wants to form a fracking gang) Another ISTJ I knew was a well respected lawyer doomed to a life of running a middle school academic camp (he still took this fall from grace well and marched on) again I find ISTJ to be amazing role models although I bit set in their ways but not unreasonable.

-ESTJ = I really don't get along with most of them (I actually engaged in a shouting match with a number of them, some of them were my superiors even) I did get along with one ESTJ administrator who ironically gave me autonomy to run my committee (under her) in my own way provided I provide adequate results. Other than that

-ISFJ = my mentor in high school was an ISFJ, she saved me from the streets (I am being figurative) and was my go to person when the world felt overbearing for me. I had another ISFJ as an employer and she was very appreciative of my efforts.

-ESFJ = never ran into those guys, heard they like to run criminal syndicates (just kidding)

-ISTP = my female parental unit is one of them, she is a little too action oriented, which annoys me, but she knows when to stay back.

-ESTP = I met two very smart ESTP one who was my role model in high school, he was a typical mafia guy, slick hair, tux, tough slang talk. (He also shares a habit that I have and that is pacing when talking) and the stories, oh dear Jefferson, if only high school was like that forever, I also had a ESTP boss who liked to organize fun things all the time (and interrupt everyone's thinking process) generic ESTP encounters were not as favorable, I actually had a nasty run in with one of them on the street today, it ended with me ordering him out of my sight (I very, very rarely loose my cool outside my home)

-ISFP = my female grandparent is one. I like them in a sense that they make good yes people and are probably one of the few types that can calm me down.

-ESFP = Never met any. I wish though, oh the things we can accomplish.

-INTJ = mixed bag, my college advisor was one and he was my greatest asset and resource, very knowledgeable, open, and friendly. He also enjoyed my jokes (he laughed so hard at times that he had to cover his now puffing red face). I also have ran into some of the more TJ heavy ones as teachers (who for some reason respected me unconditionally which made me very suspicious) there was also a very jealous Enneagram 3 INTJ who butted heads with me because she always tried hard to succeed and I always got in front of her (unintentionally, I just get lucky sometimes) and she really took it personally)

-ENTJ = Ah my playthings (I had an ENTJ who was my second in command who was charismatic, powerful, and well respected in my high school, he had many positions and was known through, a little known fact about him was that I used him to vent my frustrations, and many of his friends usually had to speak to me on his behalf because they said he was intimidated by me (wait ENTJ's intimidated???))

-INTP = I have the best conversations with them, they love to ask questions, I like to answer questions, the perfect connection.

-ENTP = I very much envy them, I had a good ENTP friend and he was just perfect (he had his issues though) but I really wanted to be just like him (seems I somewhat succeeded) He was ingenuous, quick, and clever, and also the school pariah but I always had his back.

-INFJ = my successor was an INFJ and so was a good friend of mine. And so are two family members, and so are several therapists I burned through and some bosses (for the rarest type, they sure magnetize to me a lot, I don't think I met any other time as often as I met these guys and gals)

-ENFJ = see ESFJ but think "Russian" mafia

-INFP = by looking on the inside I tend to be a lot like them, but for some reason many of them try to sneak past me on the street.

-ENFP = Just like the ESFP I did not get much of opportunity to meet a lot of them.


Senior citizen
Jan 15, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Not a narcissist, you say? Alright, but your post isn't exactly humble.

You're probably hard to type/confused about your type because:

a) You don't seem to know a lot about the functions.
b) You strike me as very unbalanced/unhealthy.

This feels more like a cry for attention than a sincere request. I'm sorry, but it had to be said.

/2 cents


May 15, 2014
It is a sign of language fluency to be able to make your thoughts both coherent and concise enough for others to partake in.

I see no reason why your OP post couldn't be distilled to something under 500 words. That is the absolute maximum a complete stranger from the other side of the world will commit to reading.

Still there is one thing, one brazenly obvious thing that I can take out of the train wreck. You are not a J.


Jul 3, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Napoleon Bonaparte, Thomas Jefferson, and...




Senior citizen
Jan 15, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Charles Manson?

(Just a wild guess.)


Jul 3, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Charles Manson?

(Just a wild guess.)

I'm getting serious Robert California vibes from him. Something sinister.. it's palpable.


New member
Sep 12, 2014
INTP and I think it's cute how you act a little evil. (Sorry, I have to disagree on sinister though, lol)

You also spend a lot of your attention making up for your supposed egomania by framing things for the reader to understand your thought process.


Senior citizen
Jan 15, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Hmm, I can't really see the N. At least not genuine iNtuition. OPs post just kind of screams ISTP trying to act like an evil professor-type INTx.


failed poetry slam career
Oct 18, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Do you want to take over the world?


New member
Sep 12, 2014
Hmm, I can't really see the N. At least not genuine iNtuition. OPs post just kind of screams ISTP trying to act like an evil professor-type INTx.

I think you're reducing things too much. Just given the overall context OP is obviously an intuitive. Actually his post is a big Ti-Ne dump. How else do you stay up all night writing a huge disjointed post about yourself in a maybe unconscious attention-seeking way? I sure hope an ISTP would get bored of that.

I'm genuninely curious what has triggered OP recently though, no disrespect meant....


Senior citizen
Jan 15, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Yes, perhaps you're right, but to me it just felt like an act. But like I said, OP does seem quite unhealthy, so...

Doctor Business

New member
Sep 18, 2014
Instinctual Variant
I have had experiences with people walking all over me and a leadership position in the past has shown me that there are ways to gain respect. I don't see myself as narcissistic because deep inside I resent all my failures and myself. (I happen to be a lot more tolerant of other people's failures, primarily since I have accepted that the human race is flawed) I thought narcissism stands for unconditional self love? I do love attention (maybe an E quality?) but what I love more is being able to know my strengths and limits so that I can focus on something I am good at (society has a way of not allowing people to contribute, and yet society keeps on pushing on us to contribute, so the next step for me is to rebel to this lack of clarity). I have seen 11 therapists, 3 Psychiatrists, and voluntarily tried to commit myself to several mental health facilities (the first time just for fun, I was really bored), the therapists just said I'm rebellious, the Psychiatrists said all I have is Anxiety and Depression and the institutions would not take me in because I'm not a threat to myself or others. So I do recognize there is something wrong with me, but uniqueness is something I treasure more than anything, so I will not give it up without a worthwhile replacement.

500 words it is, from now on I will keep it between 450-550 as a compromise.

To finish my thought on "Napoleon Bonaparte, Jefferson, and" I would say...Caligula...Just kidding, maybe Al Capone. (Trust me Charles Mansion was a charity worker compared to Caligula (the Roman leader))

When I watch movies, play games, or that astrological phenomenon of me actually reading a book, I always root for evil, I always fantasize about taking over the world, and usually come up with weird ways to do so.

On the outside, I always seem to be like an evil villain and consciously have thoughts commanding me to suppress those who stand in my way. However, I always feel bad when people are being mistreated by others, and have in the past rewarded the loners and those rejected by society and publicly humiliated and punished the powerful and the ones who got it all.

I have been acting all my life (if I did not have to memorize lines I would go into acting) as no one really bothered to assign me a personality that fits me, so I bounce around and use the types as I see fit, I have expended my personality rubber band to the point that it is now very elastic, and now I fear that breaking point.

MY ISTP mom and I really don't share anything besides 13 chromosomes.

I started writing this thread as a continuation of the $165 official MBTI. I need to be absolutely (I'll compromise for 90%) sure that it is my type.

I see MBTI as a personality test that speaks about ones natural aptitude, so it is important for me to know what I am capable of.

You can feel free to ask me anything. Thank you everyone (phew just under 550)


May 15, 2014
I do agree with the others. You strike me as an NTP, and perhaps the ambiversion has made it difficult for you to assign yourself a type.

If pushed, I would place my bets with ENTP, actually. INTP is probably the most withdrawn personality type of all.

I am less sure about your Enneagram, as it is very, very unusual for an Extraverted and Thinking type to be a 4 (you'd pretty much have to be mistyped in MBTI, but I am not convinced of that).

Doctor Business

New member
Sep 18, 2014
Instinctual Variant
I was actually looking into Robert California a few hours ago, and he strikes me as a boss I would enjoy working under, but he does not resemble me (he strikes me as very intelligent and sophisticated on the outside, but has a simple inner world) If anyone watches Supernatural then Crowley is a close resemblance to me (from his simple way to explaining complex things, to his tripolar (I like making up words) nature (from being easygoing and mischievous to lashing out and being strict to being calm and analytical)) I heard Crowley is either an INTJ or ENTP and these are among the top four scores I get.

funny thing is, I took a very complex test:

The MBTI Reading test

My top four highest scores were ENTP, INTP, ENTJ, INTJ (all visionaries) and the lowest were ISTJ, ISFJ, ESFJ, ESTJ (all traditionalists)

Looking at this from a temperament perspective I seem to be NT>SP>NF>SJ

A few more notes from my googolplex facts about me list:

(1) I do not like superficiality but I love to be superficial myself (It is a means to an end)
(2) I am of average intelligence (fake IQ tests in the 120-130 range, I project the real thing in the 110-120 range)
(3) Speaking of Projection, I am guilty of psychological projection in order to survive in my society (deep inside I am very sensitive and held back)
(4) I am very blunt and not manipulative, although I do omit facts for practical purposes, but it is hard and I find myself completely incapable of consciously lying
(5) Paperwork, procedure, and step by step programs irritate me, I usually let my subordinates...err family members do that for me unless it is something that I deem important to me (ie, I find a very interesting job, paperwork and procedure does not slow me down)
(6) I like to figure things out on my own, no manuals, no advice, and would rather fail than follow suggestions (personal and recreational stuff only, I welcome suggestions at work)

Also this is a little off topic but are there any tests online (free or otherwise) that are open ended where one completes a comprehensive questionnaire in short answer form (short answer form...hehehe) and an interpreter then makes a selection that best fits? I like Personality Café and Typology Central because they are the closest I came across (I am very skeptical of close ended personality tests, even the real thing)

A few more questions that I cannot answer:
(1) What does my writing style say about my MBTI? (Which MBTI writes the most)
(2) What is the most closet paranoid type? (I am very paranoid but am also very self aware, my paranoia manifests in uncomfortable physical feeling)
(3) Which type is so engrossed in fantasy that they try to bring the latter into the former, no matter how absurd? (no I'm not talking about uniting the two (that would be Schizophrenia) I am talking about building a one way speedway from fantasyland to realityvile)


Jun 9, 2014
ESTP 6w7 so/sx

I gave a false opinion on one set of data here.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
-ENTJ = Ah my playthings (I had an ENTJ who was my second in command who was charismatic, powerful, and well respected in my high school, he had many positions and was known through, a little known fact about him was that I used him to vent my frustrations, and many of his friends usually had to speak to me on his behalf because they said he was intimidated by me (wait ENTJ's intimidated???))

You'll learn, young Jedi apprentice, that ENTJs and ESTJs can become intimidated, particularly when presented with someone who has a higher IQ than they.

Arctic Hysteria

an abyss of Nothingness
Jun 20, 2014
Instinctual Variant
I don't see myself as narcissistic because deep inside I resent all my failures and myself. (I happen to be a lot more tolerant of other people's failures, primarily since I have accepted that the human race is flawed) I thought narcissism stands for unconditional self love?

Not necessarily. Sometimes, one is fully aware of their shortcomings and failures, but instead of committing to improving and correcting oneself, he or she takes them as a part of their identity, talks about them openly with the kind of "this is who I am, I'm THAT cruel / cold / evil / heartless / unempathetic / vain / etc., but that's all okay" attitude. Though they don't deny their negative attributes, they show somewhat egotistically arrogant pride of those attributes. THAT is narcissism too, buddy, from which you might be seriously suffering.

(1) I Like to be emerged in activities and am "novelty seeking"
You need constant adrenaline rush. Symptom of hypomania hence bipolar disorder.

(2) I do not like to read (I usually try to figure everything out on my own)
(6) I am very impatient and look like I need anger management
(8) Can't focus on anything, the more an activity displeases me, the more likely I will drop working on it.
[...]I can't think of new ideas when I want to; and yet, tend to jump all over the place in my head when I have to focus
Or maybe just ADHD

I am an ungrateful, inconsiderate, cold hearted demon (all things I gladly take in as compliments, and yes I have been called these things)
[...]The gene gods have given me the power of insensibility.
[...]I do not like superficiality but I love to be superficial myself
Proved my point on narcissism.

I do not contribute (verbally) in groups, or talk to people at all. Unless I have power, or know that my voice and my expertise will not be ignored
[..] Power...me...like...(drools on the floor)
[..]I tend to be somewhat of a parody of a stereotypical dictator (I like bossing people, but I also like style...the two go so well together, just see my minions on tutu day)
I initially appear calm and reserved, but am quick to anger.
Smart, unpredictable, too charming, calm and collected at first then too quick to anger, obsessed with power and control while despise authority, huge ego, lack of empathy and emotions and take pride in that lacking. Boy, you said yourself you've visited dozens of therapists, I strongly suggest you give it a few more tries because I can describe a sociopath and it sounds a bit like the way you talk about yourself here.

If you're suffering from disorder, the strong urge and desire to type yourself is going to be disappointed. For now, you for sure do sound like an xxTP. But I'm disturbed.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Not necessarily. Sometimes, one is fully aware of their shortcomings and failures, but instead of committing to improving and correcting oneself, he or she takes them as a part of their identity, talks about them openly with the kind of "this is who I am, I'm THAT cruel / cold / evil / heartless / unempathetic / vain / etc., but that's all okay" attitude. Though they don't deny their negative attributes, they show somewhat egotistically arrogant pride of those attributes. THAT is narcissism too, buddy, from which you might be seriously suffering.

Narcissists don't always talk about this disorder openly. Those with higher IQs know to hide their narcissism from the general public.

Arctic Hysteria

an abyss of Nothingness
Jun 20, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Narcissists don't always talk about this disorder openly. Those with higher IQs know to hide their narcissism from the general public.
He said his is average :shrug:
He brought it up in defense that he doesn't have it. But I have the vibe from his some thousands words of posts in total.
Anyway, I'm mentioning all this not to point finger, just to suggest that maybe he needs some help.