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I suspect I might be an INTP, not INTJ. Type me?


New member
Jul 12, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Title says it all. Do respond. I would appreciate it.
Tests generally type me as INTJ, INFJ and INTP in terms of preference, but upon reading up on Ni and Te, I realised that I seem to confuse that with Ti and Ne. As such, I would require opinions on my possible type... and if possible, an explanation.. I do not know how much information is needed. Ask and I will share.

1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type?
The lack of a life purpose. Most INJ descriptions tend to describe the kind that has an ultimate goal in life etc, the one with the vision, the strategic planner. I would consider myself a strategic planner, but I do not have an ultimate goal in life, I have multiple goals in multiple areas. Ultimately I just wish to pursue the things that interest me and I find beneficial to those other than myself.

2) What do you yearn for in life? Why?
Confidence and some ONE I can be open with, just one.
I used to have identity issues, but I decided to focus on everything beyond myself and let ideas define me. The confidence I require would somewhat enable me to go ' out there ' and expose my ideas, concepts freely, instead of just keeping them to myself. I don't care about feeling normal, but I do not wish to be completely erased from society, yet.

3) Think about a time where you felt like you were at your finest. Tell us what made you feel that way.
I guess you could say I was much more balanced emotionally. I am a 5w4 btw, and I relate to the type 5 descriptions, then 4, followed by 8.
I was a lot more determined, focused and well, everything I'm currently lacking, was once mine.
I was a bit more compassionate and open minded though.

4) What makes you feel inferior?
Being told my ideas and skills were useless, though I don't give up on them, I just give up on explaining them to others. Being around people. Being forced to do what I hate. Being controlled, used, disrespected. I deal with these by isolating myself and well, the less I have, the less I can give, and the number of rules, and wants being imposed on me would decrease.

5) What tends to weigh on your decisions? (Do you think about people, pro-cons, how you feel about it, etc.)
Pro - cons. The most logical long term solution. I only consider those close to myself, which as of now is just myself. If it makes sense, then I lighten up and let my feelings in a bit, and that will ultimately strengthen and ignite determination of some sort or leave me completely cold while convincing myself of it.

6) When working on a project what is normally your emphasis? Do you like to have control of the outcome?
Yes. The end result is important to me. I am rather closed off to my ideas though. I only follow through, if it is something I created in my mind. If its someone else's I tend to do the absolute minimum. I will have trouble in the working world if I don't plan out my future right. Result and Concept first. Meaning later.

7) Describe a time where you had a lot of fun. How is your memory of it?
Can't recall.

8) When you want to learn something new, what feels more natural for you?
Closing everything off. I would say my thoughts are fuelled by... idk feelings? something greater than what I have control over. I would go into hermit mode and plan out my learning process. Do up a chart or something and then work on it, towards the knowledge and skill set I seek. However, I only learn something when I have an ulterior goal in mind for that sector. I don't just learn it for the sake of learning it, but more so because it would benefit me in whatever it is i have in mind, that would require that skill.

9) How organized do you think of yourself as?
Organised when working on projects, goals, charts, lists, but I tend to miss out the small stuff like cleanliness. I can literally go on for days while working on a project without thinking about eating and everything else simple. Sometimes bodily needs can be a burden.

10) How do you judge new ideas? You try to understand the principles behind it to see if they make sense or do you look for information that supports it?
I look for evidence first. If there is info supporting it, then I look at the principles to try and break it down.

11) You find harmony by making sure everyone is doing fine and belonging to a given group or by making sure that you follow what you believe and being yourself?
Harmony isn't of much importance to me. Its beyond my control. I just go with myself. Others can do what they feel they must to preserve whatever it is they want to, but I will play no part in it.

12) Are you the kind that thinks before speaking or do you speak before thinking? Do you prefer one-on-one communication or group discussions?
Think before speaking. Sometimes I'm, a day late when it comes to having conversations. Responding a day later on an already closed topic. One to one.

13) Do you jump into action right away or do you like to know where are you jumping before leaping? Does action speaks more than words?
Every once in a while i force myself to jump first. Somedays I just wish I could surrender completely to life as I don't feel as if I'm able to experience it first-hand. By default I plan, which would mean knowing what exactly I'm getting into before taking a step forward. Words are equally important, as long as they represent action, otherwise, generally, words are meaningless.

14) It's Saturday. You're at home, and your favorite show is about to start. Your friends call you for a night out. What will you do?
Depends who my friends are. I only have like one close friend, but he isn't the kind who would go out much. He's 9w1. If other acquaintances ask me, I would just tell them I'm not interested, that way they won't bug me again about this. If I do go out, I go alone, just to feel the rush from it.

15) How do you act when you're stressed out?
Ridiculously intense. Consciously detached, I tend to take risks, and do things I wouldn't do normally, crazy things, isolated from others, so only I know. Then I just get this really dry muddy feeling of apathy and emptiness, which I solve by buying multiple philosophical books and reading them at a slower rate the buying.

16) What makes you dislike the personalities of some people?
Unnecessary reactions. Materialism and cowardice, such as hypocrisy.

17) Is there anything you really like talking about with other people?
Not many people around me like the things I like or know about them. My attempts to reach out have failed continuously so, I decided to just keep to myself.

18) What kind of things do you pay the least attention to in your life?
My physical body, the small things. I tend to be strategic about how I would go by doing what I want to, but at the same time, unaware of where I'm going in the real world, half-developed. People give me shit due to that.

19) How do your friends perceive you? What is wrong about their perception? ? What would your friends never say about your personality ?
I have no clue. I don't care enough to figure that out.

20) You got a whole day to do whatever you like. What kind of activities do you feel like doing?
Probably brushing up my skills and learning, philosophy, music projects, painting, gaming, etc. I don't like going out. I found out I had slight anxiety attacks when out in public after like idk, 6 years. I had no clue, thats how detached from my body I am when I go out.


King Ping
Oct 3, 2016
Instinctual Variant
It's hard to tell. Imo, I see Intj over Intp. In terms of F, you seem more concerned with what you personally rather than reference social value, so stronger Te-fi axis. Here's a few weed-out questions. When considering a logical choice, are you to put more weight on what makes sense to you or what is deemed logical by others (ie. experts, specialists. etc)?
Which of these statements sounds like you the most?
(A) "I don't get it. This makes perfects sense to me, yet others seem to do otherwise. Their way is not logical, but they want me involved anyway."
(B) "This is what has to be done. I know it does not feel right, but I have to put my sentiments aside for this is the most efficient decision."


New member
Jul 12, 2016
Instinctual Variant
It's hard to tell. Imo, I see Intj over Intp. In terms of F, you seem more concerned with what you personally rather than reference social value, so stronger Te-fi axis. Here's a few weed-out questions. When considering a logical choice, are you to put more weight on what makes sense to you or what is deemed logical by others (ie. experts, specialists. etc)?
Which of these statements sounds like you the most?
(A) "I don't get it. This makes perfects sense to me, yet others seem to do otherwise. Their way is not logical, but they want me involved anyway."
(B) "This is what has to be done. I know it does not feel right, but I have to put my sentiments aside for this is the most efficient decision."

TBH In that situation, it would makes sense to me because of the evidence that supports it.
Evidence would be equivalent to what others deem logical etc. So (B) stands out more for me.
Naturally, I tend to learn more from others to 'upgrade' my thinking style and find a more effective way to actualize my thoughts.


King Ping
Oct 3, 2016
Instinctual Variant
TBH In that situation, it would makes sense to me because of the evidence that supports it.
Evidence would be equivalent to what others deem logical etc. So (B) stands out more for me.
Naturally, I tend to learn more from others to 'upgrade' my thinking style and find a more effective way to actualize my thoughts.

B is more Te reasoning, so I'm am more set on identifying you as an intj.


Oct 17, 2013
Definitely not INTP. Either an INTJ stuck in Ni Fi loop land, or something else entirely.

Harmony is paramount to INTPs because inferior Fe, and we don't identify ourselves by our ideas. That's a Te-Fi thing, and why INTJs get so butthurt if you insult an objective idea they've adopted as a personal identifier. INTPs are immune to that kind of "triggering."


one way trip
Sep 2, 2016
Instinctual Variant
I'm pretty sure that you are an INTJ, though you may be in an Ni-Fi loop.

You said that you close yourself off and that your thoughts are fueled by feelings. This sounds like an Ni-Fi loop. I believe I was stuck in one before as well, so I can relate. Your underdeveloped Te would explain things like your lack of concern for things like cleanliness and your lack of a cohesive vision for your life. Your spontaneous recklessness has that all or nothing character of inferior Se. Your dealings with others also do not strike me as inferior Fe, but rather a complete lack of Fe.

The key may be differentiating Ti-Ne from Ni-Te. I used to think that I was a Ti-dom, because I loved coming up with theories, but when I thought carefully about it, I realized that I was not interested in logical frameworks, or anything of a Kantian character, for lack of a better word. I see things in terms of perspectives and big pictures, and at the end of the day, I only care about knowledge that has potential for actual application. In your case, you see no point in knowledge for the sake of knowledge, and seek evidence before theory, which strikes me as more Te than Ti.

You say you think about what you say before you say it. This is more characteristic of INTJ than INTP. INTJs tend to plan out what they say and be very deliberate in their actions, where as INTPs are more likely to think aloud.
Tell us more about your decision making process. Where do feelings come into the picture? How do you prioritize things?


New member
May 9, 2016
Instinctual Variant
I also thought INTJ over INTP reading your answers


New member
Jul 12, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Tell us more about your decision making process. Where do feelings come into the picture? How do you prioritize things?

Decision wise, I believe I am biased. I am very selective about what I expose myself to. Generally, my feelings are there, but I don't pay much attention to them as I lack the means to understand them externally. As such I keep them in a box. I express them through some sort of art, but its hard to tell they're emotive. Its the passion I express, not the feeling. Like music, the concept, the big picture is a whole lot more important to me than the overall feeling, and I couldn't care less about how others feel about it, the passion = how thought provoking it is. Its camouflaged, but there. I do not know how else to say it.

I am rarely comfortable with my emotions. Only when I am truly alone, then do I dive in to sort them out and try to get them to fit a framework. I develop certain morals, selectively. Subjectively. I tend to revaluate and get stuck in loops when stressed out, which would explain my philosophical tendencies and my love for nietzsche.

I prioritise things by necessity for the overall goal. Basically, feelings wise, I don't place a high importance on others feelings, and mine are highly internalised so much such that they seem inexistent to most people. I do extensive research before making a decision, but at times I get a hunch on the 'right' one and go with it. However, I still research no matter how strong the feeling.

I suck at explaining them, but they are there. My feelings are there mostly, I just don't actively go looking for them or express them as they are not a priority to me.
Last edited:


King Ping
Oct 3, 2016
Instinctual Variant
You are an intj! And your love for Nietzsche just solidifies my opinion. But in all seriousness, Intj with developed Te-fi axis.


Aug 20, 2016
Instinctual Variant
you sound like an intj to me... ten, sixteen, nineteen, and eleven are my primary reasons for stating this (well, that isn't true... my primary reason is that you wondered if you are "my type", thereby drawing my interest to your thread in the first place)... ten is very unlike intp...

oh, and i liked your answer for four... the idea behind what you said there is very familiar to me...


one way trip
Sep 2, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Decision wise, I believe I am biased. I am very selective about what I expose myself to. Generally, my feelings are there, but I don't pay much attention to them as I lack the means to understand them. As such I keep them in a box. I express them through some sort of art, but its hard to tell they're emotive. Its the passion I express, not the feeling. Like music, the concept, the big picture is a whole lot more important to me than the overall feeling, and I couldn't care less about how others feel about it, the passion = how thought provoking it is. Its camouflaged, but there. I do not know how else to say it.

I am rarely comfortable with my emotions. Only when I am truly alone, then do I dive in to sort them out and try to get them to fit a framework. I develop certain morals, selectively. Subjectively. I tend to revaluate and get stuck in loops when stressed out, which would explain my philosophical tendencies and my love for nietzsche.

I prioritise things by necessity for the overall goal. Basically, feelings wise, I don't place a high importance on others feelings, and mine are highly internalised so much such that they seem inexistent to most people. I do extensive research before making a decision, but at times I get a hunch on the 'right' one and go with it. However, I still research no matter how strong the feeling.

So you love Nietzsche? So do I :). I'm guessing that you are also an existential nihilist? Anyway, being uncomfortable with and lacking understanding of your emotions does not strike me as particularly of INTJ-like (Seems more like inferior Fi, though it could be inferior Fe). INTJs are likely to be somewhat in tune with their emotional states and aesthetic preference, though they would subordinate it to pragmatic and objective thinking (Te-Fi), and use it as the driving force for their life-vision (Ni-Te). You could be at the stage where you are developing your tertiary Fi.

So far, I don't see anything to suggest that you are an INTP. You said that you could be confusing Ni-Te for Ti-Ne? What specifically did you mean by that?


New member
Mar 16, 2015
I suck at explaining them, but they are there. My feelings are there mostly, I just don't actively go looking for them or express them as they are not a priority to me.
Do you see yourself as a 'Thinker' because you believe that your feelings are not a priority for you? If that is the case then you may want to consider taking another look at F versus T. The preference for F or T is based on how you make judgements, which is different from wanting to ignore your feelings.


New member
Jul 12, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Do you see yourself as a 'Thinker' because you believe that your feelings are not a priority for you? If that is the case then you may want to consider taking another look at F versus T. The preference for F or T is based on how you make judgements, which is different from wanting to ignore your feelings.

For the longest time, i considered the possibility of being a feeler instead. However when comparing my mindset, decision making and use of reasoning, I am rather separated from feelers. The alienation there is normal, expected as I was surrounded my feelers in my personal life. When I refer to priority, I meant it in the sense of making decisions. Pro cons first, feelings later. They will be considered at some point time, but pro-cons and long term potential first.


New member
Mar 16, 2015
For the longest time, i considered the possibility of being a feeler instead. However when comparing my mindset, decision making and use of reasoning, I am rather separated from feelers. The alienation there is normal, expected as I was surrounded my feelers in my personal life. When I refer to priority, I meant it in the sense of making decisions. Pro cons first, feelings later. They will be considered at some point time, but pro-cons and long term potential first.

Your pros and cons might be based on top of values that come from feelings. In which case you would not realize that at the very basic level your decisions are feeling based.

The quote below contradicts what you are saying.
I am rarely comfortable with my emotions. Only when I am truly alone, then do I dive in to sort them out and try to get them to fit a framework. I develop certain morals, selectively. Subjectively. I tend to revaluate and get stuck in loops when stressed out, which would explain my philosophical tendencies and my love for nietzsche.

My impression is that your feelings are constantly coming up and you do your best to dismiss them.


New member
Jul 12, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Your pros and cons might be based on top of values that come from feelings. In which case you would not realize that at the very basic level your decisions are feeling based.

The quote below contradicts what you are saying.

My impression is that your feelings are constantly coming up and you do your best to dismiss them.

I personally find my pros and cons based decision to be highly detached, which is why I considered INTP and decided to start this thread(the Ti detachment).
I suck at explaining this. Actually my feelings don't come up. I go down and attempt to control them by getting them to fit into a framework. So they somehow back me up instead of being completely useless. The only other way I can think of explaining it is: reading philosophy, selectively agreeing with what I find useful, and logical and beneficial in terms of improvement and self actualisation in the long run. Then forcing my feelings into that, unconsciously. Sorta.


New member
Mar 16, 2015
I personally find my pros and cons based decision to be highly detached, which is why I considered INTP and decided to start this thread(the Ti detachment).
I suck at explaining this. Actually my feelings don't come up. I go down and attempt to control them by getting them to fit into a framework. So they somehow back me up instead of being completely useless. The only other way I can think of explaining it is: reading philosophy, selectively agreeing with what I find useful, and logical and beneficial in terms of improvement and self actualisation in the long run. Then forcing my feelings into that, unconsciously. Sorta.
Are you at all invested in being typed as a T rather than F, or are you at all invested in being typed as a particular type?
I can help you investigate your T versus F preference. I would have to ask you many probing questions, and you would have to do some self examination and answer honestly and in detail. If this does not appeal to you, then that is fine, but if you do want to proceed then you should be prepared to put in the effort, otherwise it will be a waste of time.


New member
Jul 12, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Thank you all for responding.
For the time being, I will be figuring this out with the help of robert666.