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Fill my questionnaire to be typed by me.


New member
Nov 23, 2017
Frist post here, so here we go !

Section A: The Basics

If you had an entire day to do whatever you wanted, how would you spend it?

Do you mean a classical day off ? Or a day I can really do whatever I want that is not currently possible? (Time, money, etc).
Anyhow, I would say : paragliding or jumping of a plane.
The best would be to go climbing with my friend. I started climbing indoor a few month ago and I made many friends there but so far I've never got the chance to climb outdoor with them.

Describe your ideal day/night in.

With my familly, eating good food, enjoying my sister craziness and my father's passion in whatever he's doing (plane, programming, music (piano or something else), crosswords, etc). Ow and I would cook something. We would play board games and laugh.

Describe your ideal day/night out.

I would say skiing with friends or familly. I love the fun you can get by skiing fast, the shared memories about it, being in a group. That's also trigger a lot of very very good memories when I was younger. The snow crunching, this particular feeling when it's cold and the sky is blue. The end of the day when you're drain out and you enjoy a fondue savoyarde.

List five things you like about yourself.

I like how I connect things in my head. I don't really know how to explain, but I feel that I deal with a lot of information quickly and understand it quickly and know what to do with it. It's like I have a big theory and every piece of information must fit in it ortherwise I have to redefine my theory. With time, I get more and more acurate but also more flexible.
I like the way I can be really childish.
I like the joy I get get from simple thing.
I like being efficent.
I like my seek of being a better person.

List five things you dislike about yourself.

My lazyness. My lack of organization. Being sometimes just clueless about others feeling. On that topic, I feel that I've learned a lot and use my brain to be friendly and I'm quite good at it. I have no shame to talk to people I don't know (wasn't the case when I was younger). And actually, I do that a lot. I feel that we lack social link (idk if that make sense in English...) with others, I want to be part of those who fight against this so I've learn to open up. But it must also linked to me being annoyed things doesn't go as I want things to be. I don't like akwardness so if I have to, I do what it must be done so that everyone (including me) has fun. But if I can do less, I let that to others.

How have others described you? (Please only use examples from people you have a neutral-positive relationship with, whether criticisms or compliments. Criticisms from people who dislike us and compliments from people who are infatuated with us tend not to hold much truth.)
I'm not very aware of what others thinks of me as I care not that much. But I remember one girl who was really different from me saying that I seems very snob. I worked on that since.
I have a recent friend saying that I'm very calm, soothing, reassuring because I was able to plan the day but at the same time being fleible and reorganizing the day on the go each time it was needed. I don't feel that laid back. Maybe that's something I've learn idk.

What do you consider your skills?
Smart, can handle crisis, logical.

What motivates you?
I like things that have a purpose. I work in IT BUT in a hospital. First I wanted to be a physician. I could not work for banks. I work for a non profit organization for climate change and we do some non violent action.

Section B: Digging Deeper

What is your general outlook on life/the world?

As occidental we denied other views on life as non rational but there were some truth in it and somewhat helped in a purpose and I see that today we lack of what those old views gave us. So never judge what someone believes, there some reason to that that you cannot understand. And respect. It's not because you don't understand that it's not usefull. As long as it works...
I feel quite pessimitic but I believe that everything is possible if we really want to and I know that what I believe and what everyone believes shape the world so as I want a better world, I try to be optimistic. I also know that we dismiss too easily what is good to focus on the bad. The good is everywhere, where someone holds the door for you. I believe that I have an impact (small tho) on others and that matter so that why I try to be kind to others. I'm helped with my ability to see the good in everyone.

Do you believe you have a purpose in life? If so, what is it?

I talked about it in the previous question !

How do you typically bond with other people? (i.e. slowly or quickly, through what type of activities, etc.)

aah tought question. I can bond quite quickly but the trick is on the long run. I'm not the best to keep friendship. I can remain silent for long and as I child I wasn't mature enough to ask the mail address of a friend who was leaving the country to keep in touch. I was so sad to lost that friendship. That's why I have not many friend that I would say that are very close, and even then, we're not in touch that often. When I was younger I was often isolated bcause I could not fit in the group, I could not understand the group dynamic and was perceived weird. I felt very lonely apart from the school from 6 to 10 years old where I had the same classmate during those years and we were in a very protective environnement. So friendships are really not easy for me and I really have to control myslef to make those happening.

What do you find yourself thinking about most frequently?

what to do next, how to improve this or that.

What are you most afraid of?

Being alone

What traits do you admire in others?

Smartness but recently what we call emotional intelligence (which I lack)

What traits annoy you in others?

Not being smart and not compensate it in others ways. I enjoy people who aren't smart as long as they bring something valuable : it's often on the social skills level that they're usefull.

What was your childhood like?

I was good at school. I really enjoyed class. Not easy at all with others.

What do you want most for yourself?


What do you want most for others?


Section C: Interests and Values

What are your favorite things to talk about?

Healthcare systems ? I don't know that's the first thing that came out of my mind (that the current topic I could talk to anyone who show a little interest on it). The cultural differences between countries, how everything can be seen differently, how the world works.

What are the five most important things to you?

My familly. Democracy (we're gonna loose it folks!). Health (I'm loosing it). Food (thank god we have plenty). Hug (everyone doesn't have enough, the world would be better with hugs)

What do you think the world needs more of?

Hugs as I just say. Love basically. Not being afraid of change. That everyone takes part in what he wants to fight against. A massive and mortal plague.

What do you think the world needs less of?

Humans. Luxury. Money.

What is your favorite quote? What significance does it hold for you and why?

The whole movie holy grail. I like absurd, it holds some truth.
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Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Section A: The Basics

If you had an entire day to do whatever you wanted, how would you spend it?
Id go for a fun time out with friends/family and have a nice peaceful day out :).Id also love to spend time on reading books and doing relaxing activities.

Describe your ideal day/night in.
Sitting on my computer all day chatting to online buddies, listening to music, watching some nice TV, have a nice bath/shower then finally lie in bed and sleep with pleasant dreams :D.

Describe your ideal day/night out.
My ideal day out is a relaxing outing with people I like a lot having a pleasant time or trying out a new hobby out. My ideal night out is a chill house party or a nightclub outing.
List five things you like about yourself.
. My smartness
. The fact im very optimistic and kind towards other people.
. My composure which gets me a lot of respect
. My creativty
. The fact I tend to not be aggressive or harsh

List five things you dislike about yourself.
. The fact I can become very lazy and complacent.
. My deep inner feelings of shame and being not normal
. The fact I find it hard to be super serious
. My fear of upsetting others and conflict which can lead others to take advantage of me.
. I cant think of a fifth.

How have others described you? (Please only use examples from people you have a neutral-positive relationship with, whether criticisms or compliments. Criticisms from people who dislike us and compliments from people who are infatuated with us tend not to hold much truth.)
Charming, Kind, Peaceful, Timid, Funny, Imaginative, Shit stirrer

What do you consider your skills?
My sense of humor and my quickness to learn new things.
What motivates you?
Money, Admiartion, Sucess, being a good freind to others.

Section B: Digging Deeper

What is your general outlook on life/the world?
I tend to have a very rose glasses outlook on life I think that we all have good in us and that most "bad people" are just people in a certain situation that makes them act that way.
Do you believe you have a purpose in life? If so, what is it?
Hmmm not really I am here to live and pass my DNA on :)
How do you typically bond with other people? (i.e. slowly or quickly, through what type of activities, etc.)
I tend to bond with people hmmm quickly and via talking to each other and relating.

What do you find yourself thinking about most frequently?

Hmmm im not sure actually. I tend to have a blank mind.
What are you most afraid of?

Failure, being hated, being lesser than others, being abandoned.

What traits do you admire in others?
Confidence, Funnyness, Kindness, Depth,

What traits annoy you in others?
Lack of respect for others,Being a bore who wont change.

What was your childhood like?
Pretty good id say actually, I had my ups and downs but overall good.

What do you want most for yourself?
To be well liked and have a peaceful laid back life with nothing bothering me emotionally and with a lot of excitement and novelty as well.

What do you want most for others?
To be happy and not suffering

Section C: Interests and Values

What are your favorite things to talk about?
Hmmm I talk about a very wide range of thing so its hard to say. I do like intellectual topics though a lot as well as gossip :blush:

What are the five most important things to you?
Peace, Getting on with others, Success, Being connected with my loved ones, Fun

What do you think the world needs more of?
Hmmm more fun and openess.
What do you think the world needs less of?
Less focus on peoples worth based on what they do but who they are.

What is your favorite quote? What significance does it hold for you and why?
Shines a good deed in a wary world, Its a good one since it shows light will win :D.


New member
Nov 22, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Section A: The Basics
If you had an entire day to do whatever you wanted, how would you spend it?
I would spend the day with my best friends, doing anything. Whether that would mean going out and having coffee with them and conversing for hours or going to a theme park to have fun. So long as my friends were enjoying the time equally as much - I would be delighted.
Describe your ideal day/night in.
Netflix (watching TV series that I've already seen many times before), eating ice cream, board games with my friends (though I'm not competitive at all so most the time I'll be beat, but it's still fun), a night to myself to read these types of forums and fill out questionnaires.
Describe your ideal day/night out.
I like being around a lot of people so.. concerts, parties, whatever else.
List five things you like about yourself.
1. I have an amazing ability to read others and their emotions
2. Open minded
3. Flexible in terms of opinions and listening to others
4. Loyal beyond belief
5. Forgiving - I do not hold grudges unless someone has done something horrible to me... yet to have any though.
List five things you dislike about yourself.
1. Overly attached to others (needy at times)
2. Insecure
3. Procrastinate tendencies
4. Addictive tendencies
5. Worried about hurting other people, worrying about what others think about me
How have others described you? (Please only use examples from people you have a neutral-positive relationship with, whether criticisms or compliments. Criticisms from people who dislike us and compliments from people who are infatuated with us tend not to hold much truth.)
•leader oriented
•funny (at times)
•in tune with emotions of myself and others
•wise (philosophical)
•emotionally intelligent
•open minded
•need to be right sometimes
What do you consider your skills?
Talking to people and listening to them with my full attention, I enjoy hearing people's stories and then helping them by giving them emotional advice that caters to their needs. I'm good at being social and being a leader, in every job I've had I've always ended up being one of my main people in charge of things even though I am quite young. Miscellaneous skills: good at playing piano, writing, reading, etc.
What motivates you?
My job... I work with children and they truly motivate me more than anyone else. They mean the world to me and someday I will do everything and anything for my own child to make sure they feel supported and happy.
Section B: Digging Deeper
What is your general outlook on life/the world?
I am a glorified optimist. I believe that no matter what happens, there is a way to get through it. In every negative situation, there is some sort of positive that will surface (even if it is over a long time). Life should not be wasted with grudges, enemies, sadness etc. That is simply a waste of time and energy.
Do you believe you have a purpose in life? If so, what is it?
I don't believe anyone really has a purpose but there are things that each of us have that (traits) that are positive and should be utilized. I think if I did have a purpose, it would be to be a listening ear for anyone that needs it, altruism, etc.
How do you typically bond with other people? (i.e. slowly or quickly, through what type of activities, etc.)
Quickly - if I like you, I can be quite overbearing (whether that be in a relationship or friendship). Any activity is fine with me, especially if the person I'm attached to is showing me something they're passionate about, if they like it/love it.. I will too.
What do you find yourself thinking about most frequently?
Other people. My friends especially and those I love. I am constantly thinking about how to see things from their perspective and about how I can help them if at all possible. I want everyone I love to be successful and happy - I spend hours just thinking about those around me.
What are you most afraid of?
What traits do you admire in others?
Intelligence and intellect in general, those that are more logical than myself especially.... it's very admirable and fascinating to me.
What traits annoy you in others?
Rudeness and close mindedness.. I can't deal with these types of people (though, I will to avoid conflict). I will simply lose respect.
What was your childhood like?
Emotional. Anxiety filled. .. the complete opposite of the person I am today.
What do you want most for yourself?
A child, a career as an Elementary teacher (my goal), a husband that I can trust unconditionally and learn from
What do you want most for others?
Success. I want them to be happy and successful more than anything else.
Section C: Interests and Values
What are your favorite things to talk about?
I enjoy talking about anything that is important to the person I am conversing with. Seriously.. anything. So long as they care about the topic then I am all ears and become passionate about their passions.
What are the five most important things to you?
1. Friends and family
2. Genuine behavior
3. Loyalty
4. Compassion/understanding
5. Logic
What do you think the world needs more of? All of the above listed traits.
What do you think the world needs less of? Hate and bias.
What is your favorite quote? What significance does it hold for you and why?
"Positive thinking is powerful thinking. If you want happiness, fulfillment, success..start thinking you have the power to achieve those things" - G.K


Alongside Questionable Clarity
Jun 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Either he’s on vacation or I think he gave up.

Probably just gave up. A lot of people really took to this thread anyways, and that's what usually happens with threads like this anyways. Too bad :/


New member
Jul 22, 2016
Probably just gave up. A lot of people really took to this thread anyways, and that's what usually happens with threads like this anyways. Too bad :/

We could try transforming this into a mutual typing thread. Sorry for mentions, but:

(X > Y means X types Y)

[MENTION=34748]LucieCat[/MENTION] > [MENTION=29921]awbro[/MENTION] > [MENTION=18559]Fay[/MENTION] > [MENTION=27809]Lotus[/MENTION] > [MENTION=31348]Peter Deadpan[/MENTION] > [MENTION=32548]Glados[/MENTION] > [MENTION=34313]RooibosKrayfish[/MENTION] > [MENTION=35809]ugghh[/MENTION] > [MENTION=35814]Introspector[/MENTION] > [MENTION=35841]KBi[/MENTION] > [MENTION=30122]Cat Brainz[/MENTION] > [MENTION=35834]noneya[/MENTION] > LucieCat

There's a lot of information in here. It would be a shame throw this into a bin. Nobody is forced to type others, it's just a suggestion. If someone doesn't get typed in a few days, I'll try to do it.


Alongside Questionable Clarity
Jun 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
We could try transforming this into a mutual typing thread. Sorry for mentions, but:

(X > Y means X types Y)

[MENTION=34748]LucieCat[/MENTION] > [MENTION=29921]awbro[/MENTION] > [MENTION=18559]Fay[/MENTION] > [MENTION=27809]Lotus[/MENTION] > [MENTION=31348]Peter Deadpan[/MENTION] > [MENTION=32548]Glados[/MENTION] > [MENTION=34313]RooibosKrayfish[/MENTION] > [MENTION=35809]ugghh[/MENTION] > [MENTION=35814]Introspector[/MENTION] > [MENTION=35841]KBi[/MENTION] > [MENTION=30122]Cat Brainz[/MENTION] > [MENTION=35834]noneya[/MENTION] > LucieCat

There's a lot of information in here. It would be a shame throw this into a bin. Nobody is forced to type others, it's just a suggestion. If someone doesn't get typed in a few days, I'll try to do it.

That's actually a really good idea, I didn't think of that. I should be able to do that within a day or so

Peter Deadpan

phallus impudicus
Dec 14, 2016
We could try transforming this into a mutual typing thread. Sorry for mentions, but:

(X > Y means X types Y)

[MENTION=34748]LucieCat[/MENTION] > [MENTION=29921]awbro[/MENTION] > [MENTION=18559]Fay[/MENTION] > [MENTION=27809]Lotus[/MENTION] > [MENTION=31348]Peter Deadpan[/MENTION] > [MENTION=32548]Glados[/MENTION] > [MENTION=34313]RooibosKrayfish[/MENTION] > [MENTION=35809]ugghh[/MENTION] > [MENTION=35814]Introspector[/MENTION] > [MENTION=35841]KBi[/MENTION] > [MENTION=30122]Cat Brainz[/MENTION] > [MENTION=35834]noneya[/MENTION] > LucieCat

There's a lot of information in here. It would be a shame throw this into a bin. Nobody is forced to type others, it's just a suggestion. If someone doesn't get typed in a few days, I'll try to do it.


Peter Deadpan

phallus impudicus
Dec 14, 2016
I was looking for an unbiased typing. That defeats the purpose.
Therefore, do not include me in your little plan.


New member
Nov 22, 2017
Instinctual Variant
There's a lot of information in here. It would be a shame throw this into a bin. Nobody is forced to type others, it's just a suggestion. If someone doesn't get typed in a few days, I'll try to do it.

I'm willing to have anyone who wants to give it a go try and type me. I think it would be interesting to see how others view of me. Take a stab at it. (anyone):D


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Section A: The Basics

If you had an entire day to do whatever you wanted, how would you spend it?

I would be in Bora Bora and sleep in. Relax, reading a book in the afternoon and maybe take a nap. Go out to dinner at a nice restaurant with a good bottle of wine. Oh and good sex. I almost forgot sex.

Describe your ideal day/night in.

Watching a good movie.

Describe your ideal day/night out.

Luxury theatre, served dinner and wine at my seat.

List five things you like about yourself.

I'm persistent, hard working, enterprising, insightful and not bad looking

List five things you dislike about yourself.

I can be selfish, reactive, arrogant, prone to anger and procrastinate

How have others described you? (Please only use examples from people you have a neutral-positive relationship with, whether criticisms or compliments. Criticisms from people who dislike us and compliments from people who are infatuated with us tend not to hold much truth.)

Smart, intense, observant, knowledgable, independent

What do you consider your skills?

Entrepreneurial, expert knowledge, persistence, driven, good writer

What motivates you?

Striving for accomplishments that are unique in some way. Treading new ground

Section B: Digging Deeper

What is your general outlook on life/the world?

I could make something up don't have a particular outlook per se.

Do you believe you have a purpose in life? If so, what is it?

I have always felt that I was brought onto this earth for a specific reason. When I figure out what it is, I'll let you know.

How do you typically bond with other people? (i.e. slowly or quickly, through what type of activities, etc.)

Working together. Talking in depth.

What do you find yourself thinking about most frequently?

When I was 18, it was most definitely sex. Now - hm I'm not sure. Just generally coming up with ideas on how to improve stuff I suppose. I'm coming up with ideas or insights on something I'm hearing about or observing - getting to the heart of the matter. I think about things in some level of depth.

What are you most afraid of?


What traits do you admire in others?

Interpersonal skills, intelligence, strong work ethic, integrity, not full of themselves

What traits annoy you in others?

Arrogance, stupidity, inflexibility, unreliability

What was your childhood like?

Pretty good. I was picked on at times until I remember this guy made me fight him after school. I kicked the shit out of him. After that, people mostly left me alone. Middle school kids are such morons.

What do you want most for yourself?


What do you want most for others?


Section C: Interests and Values

What are your favorite things to talk about?

I love learning. Also like brainstorming and discussing ideas of a practical nature. I hate small talk. Bores the crap out of me. I also really like getting to know people one on one and learning things about them.

What are the five most important things to you?

Love, travel, family, financial security, physical comfort

What do you think the world needs more of?


What do you think the world needs less of?


What is your favorite quote? What significance does it hold for you and why?

Life is a grand adventure. Or nothing.

I guess I think we should live life to the fullest.



New member
Aug 2, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Anyone can try and type me if they want. I'm not really confident with typing others without extensive personal interaction, so I'll refrain from doing so.

Peter Deadpan

phallus impudicus
Dec 14, 2016
Sorry I was weirdly bitchy [MENTION=28497]Clegane[/MENTION]. I'm broken this week. It'll pass.


New member
Nov 19, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Ok, I'm supposed to type [MENTION=35841]KBi[/MENTION] so here I go.

Do you mean a classical day off ? Or a day I can really do whatever I want that is not currently possible? (Time, money, etc).
Anyhow, I would say : paragliding or jumping of a plane.
The best would be to go climbing with my friend. I started climbing indoor a few month ago and I made many friends there but so far I've never got the chance to climb outdoor with them.
Maybe Se? Those are Se activities but it is a little too early to tell.

With my familly, eating good food, enjoying my sister craziness and my father's passion in whatever he's doing (plane, programming, music (piano or something else), crosswords, etc). Ow and I would cook something. We would play board games and laugh.
This seems like a giant Fe indicator, considering the emphasis on family and the social aspect.

I would say skiing with friends or familly. I love the fun you can get by skiing fast, the shared memories about it, being in a group. That's also trigger a lot of very very good memories when I was younger. The snow crunching, this particular feeling when it's cold and the sky is blue. The end of the day when you're drain out and you enjoy a fondue savoyarde.
Definite Fe, but also features a lot of Si it seems. You talk a lot about the memories you have and how they make you feel, so at this point in time ISFJ or ESFJ wouldn't be a surprise.

I like how I connect things in my head. I don't really know how to explain, but I feel that I deal with a lot of information quickly and understand it quickly and know what to do with it. It's like I have a big theory and every piece of information must fit in it ortherwise I have to redefine my theory. With time, I get more and more acurate but also more flexible.
I like the way I can be really childish.
I like the joy I get get from simple thing.
I like being efficent.
I like my seek of being a better person.
At this point, I'd definitely say that Fe is high in your stack. You like being a good person and helping the world, and also seem to be very feeling-oriented, with lower Ti helping organize thoughts in your head.

My lazyness. My lack of organization. Being sometimes just clueless about others feeling. On that topic, I feel that I've learned a lot and use my brain to be friendly and I'm quite good at it. I have no shame to talk to people I don't know (wasn't the case when I was younger). And actually, I do that a lot. I feel that we lack social link (idk if that make sense in English...) with others, I want to be part of those who fight against this so I've learn to open up. But it must also linked to me being annoyed things doesn't go as I want things to be. I don't like akwardness so if I have to, I do what it must be done so that everyone (including me) has fun. But if I can do less, I let that to others.
Lack of organization is probably a low Ti struggle, and you also talk about some Fe sociability and self-consciousness. I'd say EXFJ at this point.

Smart, can handle crisis, logical.
Inferior Ti probably.

I like things that have a purpose. I work in IT BUT in a hospital. First I wanted to be a physician. I could not work for banks. I work for a non profit organization for climate change and we do some non violent action.
This screams Fe but I'll try not to focus on that because it is already very obvious that you use Fe. Your wanting to get things done might be tertiary Se kicking in.

I feel quite pessimitic but I believe that everything is possible if we really want to and I know that what I believe and what everyone believes shape the world so as I want a better world, I try to be optimistic. I also know that we dismiss too easily what is good to focus on the bad. The good is everywhere, where someone holds the door for you. I believe that I have an impact (small tho) on others and that matter so that why I try to be kind to others. I'm helped with my ability to see the good in everyone.
I'm going to stop talking about Fe but this seems to show some Ni goal setting and an Se execution of those goals. ENFJ is a good possibility.

I'm skipping a bunch of Fe-Ti stuff because it is obvious at this point that you use Fe and Ti.

Healthcare systems ? I don't know that's the first thing that came out of my mind (that the current topic I could talk to anyone who show a little interest on it). The cultural differences between countries, how everything can be seen differently, how the world works.

My familly. Democracy (we're gonna loose it folks!). Health (I'm loosing it). Food (thank god we have plenty). Hug (everyone doesn't have enough, the world would be better with hugs)
I'm leaning ENFJ because you do seem to be very set on a singular vision for the future (Ni) that you seem to be putting into effect (Se).

Hugs as I just say. Love basically. Not being afraid of change. That everyone takes part in what he wants to fight against. A massive and mortal plague.
Pretty certain on ENFJ now, an ESFJ might be more hesitant of change.

If I had to guess your MBTI and Enneagram type (I'm not that great at enneagram), I'd say that you are an -ENFJ 9w8 so/sp. I talked about the ENFJ part, but I'd say 9w8 because you are very focused on peace and understanding, as well as understanding other people, but you also seem to have an intensity about it and a more passionate side that seems to be an 8-wing. For the instinctual subtype, I'd say so/sp because you seem to be very social but also have a more reserved quality. Anyway, that was my take on the whole thing.

I hope you found this interesting and accurate. I'm still not completely sue of your type, just how I'll never be completely sure of my type, but that is my take from it. I'd be willing to do more typings, but hopefully they wouldn't need to be this long because that took up way more time than I thought it would. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this!

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New member
Nov 24, 2017
If you had an entire day to do whatever you wanted, how would you spend it?
Probably alone, walking the streets and people watching, or curled up at home with music.
Describe your ideal day/night in.
cuddling and interesting/intellectually stimulating conversation with one of the 2 people I'm close to.
Describe your ideal day/night out.
A quiet evening with one or two other people, doing pretty much anything.
List five things you like about yourself.
I like that I am usually pretty independent
I'm pretty "tough"
I am good at seeing others people's side of things
I can get along well with pretty much anyone.

List five things you dislike about yourself.
I'm a doormat
I find it almost impossible to express myself verbally
I can't really trust people. No matter how much I want to
I can't beat depression. It always comes back
I can be socially awkward
How have others described you? (Please only use examples from people you have a neutral-positive relationship with, whether criticisms or compliments. Criticisms from people who dislike us and compliments from people who are infatuated with us tend not to hold much truth.)
Super serious
What do you consider your skills?
Idk, cooking?
What motivates you?
Not wanting to disappoint the people I'm close to. Also the fact that basically my entire life is a competition with myself.
What is your general outlook on life/the world?
Do you believe you have a purpose in life? If so, what is it?
yes, but I haven't figured it out yet.
How do you typically bond with other people? (i.e. slowly or quickly, through what type of activities, etc.)
I'm usually pretty slow to do so. My close friendships have always started after I've had at least a couple years to observe the person, and the other person initiates friendship. Also vulnerability is a necessity for me to be able to connect and begin to trust their motives.
What do you find yourself thinking about most frequently?
People, really. I'm always watching those around me, having imaginary conversations, etc
What are you most afraid of? The people close to me seeing me the way I see myself.
What traits do you admire in others?
What traits annoy you in others?
A "victim" mentality
Constant talking
What was your childhood like?
Not great. Extremely manipulative and controlling mother, other abuse by another family member
What do you want most for yourself?
I want a purpose. To know that I'm not just here to live and eventually die. To know that I've made the lives of those close to me better for me having lived.
What do you want most for others?
I want those close to me to be happy. To have a full life.
What are your favorite things to talk about?
Life, the universe, and everything? Really, pretty much anything with those I'm close to.
What are the five most important things to you?
What do you think the world needs more of?
Not to sound Hippy, but love.
What do you think the world needs less of?
I know this is an unpopular idea, but less race baiting, for one thing. Can't we just all accept that all people are equal, no one's ancestors have all been innocent, and where people are today is largely because of their, and their recent generation's, choices.
What is your favorite quote? What significance does it hold for you and why?
at the moment, "This too, shall pass." It serves as an encouragement that no matter how bad things are, if I can hold on a little longer, that situation will change. But it also serves as a reminder during good times, to truly live in the moment and enjoy what I have while I still have it


I am
Jun 6, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I should type [MENTION=27809]Lotus[/MENTION]

I see a lot of Fi in your answers. You seem to know clearly what matters to you, what is important to you and you mentioned that a lot of times in your answers. There is a lot of emphasis on being creative, unique and imaginative and I think this stems from the need to somehow being able to express your feelings that are the main source of inspiration for you in a combination with an enneagram type 4.

You also said that you have a good sense of style and an artistic taste. You don't seem to be someone who likes to play with too many different options and ideas, you're rather focused on being "an artist" which is a 4ish trait of wanting to protect your sense of identity, but it's also Ni>Ne. I haven't seen much Ne in your answers over all. I think you value Se (style, taste, beauty) over Ni. Your Ni is quite well developed thanks to your enneagram imho and gives you the access into the land of hidden meanings and imagination.

I think you're a ISFP in MBTI. Your enneagram is most definitely 4 with a 3 wing. I see you're quite intellectual and you seem to like to seek for information so I also see some 5ish influence. 9 is definitely your gut type, there's no doubt about it. I'd say you're 459. You seem to be quite drown in your own self, sense of identity and you're very protective of your perceived self image, I think your main motivation is to survive as the person you believe you are and tha is quite typical for sp 4s. Your second stacking is probably sexual as I don't see much interest in social causes or wider social circles.

In socionics I think you're ESI - Fi, creative subtype.


New member
Nov 25, 2015
Love your questions. This is for my cousin who filled his out. Would love to see what you think his type is. thanks!

Section A: The Basics

If you had an entire day to do whatever you wanted, how would you spend it?
Facials, full body message, get a reiki chakra cleanse, then full positive meditation, then go gambling, then finish the night by going out in the town drinking with friends. The goal? not leaving without a girls number! (at least)

Describe your ideal day/night in.
Umm, procrastination? Maybe netflix, figuring out my MBTI type (sigh), listen to dubstep, meditation, think about reading something (but never really read anything)..... more procrstination. oh, probably get hooked on a game similar to clash of clans.... only to later uninstall the application for no reason. (Will likely re-download again next week.)

Describe your ideal day/night out.
Well, drinking obviously. Try to get laid, without putting any real effort in. Prob just hit up the bar with friends, maybe play pool (And kill it!), followed by talking about our day, work, drama, "What song is this?", get into a technical debate about the song playing in the bar (when we can easily google this). I'm usually down to leave before all my friends. But my friends also like staying out until like freaking 5AM!

List five things you like about yourself.
My hair, duh! I like my comedic wit or charisma. (Not to give in that I'm an extrovert, I can be very quite sometimes.) I like how I can handle my short comings. I love my persistence. I also love how I can be a natural chameleon in conversation.

List five things you dislike about yourself.
Taking risks for no reason. Lack of self control (Like should probably exercise or not buy that thing. I wish I could follow through! I lack a healthy routine. Wish I would read more often.

How have others described you? (Please only use examples from people you have a neutral-positive relationship with, whether criticisms or compliments. Criticisms from people who dislike us and compliments from people who are infatuated with us tend not to hold much truth.)
Can sell ice to an Eskimo, great actor, asshole, and hops around to much (like from pursuit to pursuit). I've gotten stand up comedian and comedic re-leaf at best

What do you consider your skills?
I'm great at reading people. I can hold my own in a debate. I can also get reactions from people that I need, in an attempt to get what I need out of them (Not to sound like a cynical douche).

What motivates you?
To be the best!.... I really don't know. I cant think of anything. Maybe prestige and independence.... look, I listen to tony robins when I'm feeling a little blue and then I hit the gym! I really don't know....

Section B: Digging Deeper

What is your general outlook on life/the world?
You are what you practice. Everybody is on a mental program of some-kind. And here comes the big one, everybody is out for themselves (Sorry just keeping it real)

Do you believe you have a purpose in life? If so, what is it?
I don't think I found my purpose, I'm still trying to figure out me right now and how I function. My purpose might be creating my own business some day, who knows.

How do you typically bond with other people? (i.e. slowly or quickly, through what type of activities, etc.)
As surprising as this sounds, it takes a while to bond with me. I size people up. Not to say I cant start conversations. But I naturally become reserved when meeting people. I'll still socialize, but its like a video game with me. You need to win a few levels before you can unravel the union. I enjoy games as activities as a great way to bond (board games or card games) But I normally prefer one on one conversation.

What do you find yourself thinking about most frequently?
"What are you going to do today? (then not do it) what am I feeling on netflix? Should I quit my job? fuck it, I'm calling in tomorrow, I just cant even with that place (Joking, kinda) I should just go read the secret or something, followed by meditation. ( Gets hungry, procrastinates, and nothing happens.)"

What are you most afraid of?
Heights! and crazy looking spiders!

What traits do you admire in others?
Traits of assertiveness and standing up for themselves.

What traits annoy you in others?
When your friend bails on you or the kind of douchie trait of not being invited to the whatever event/gathering that everybody went to. So what if I was going to stay in anyways! Nice to be invited and not watch the fun on snapshot.... ANNOYING! I mainly however, I don't like inconsiderate people...

What was your childhood like?
Your normal american family, the bitching, the yelling, the arguing, the divorces, Me playing with G I Joes just to kill time..... I will say however, I was spoon fed. I had plenty of friends and my family did love me a lot.

What do you want most for yourself?
Success and.... well thats it.... maybe some prestige with that would be nice.

What do you want most for others?
To be themselves and program a level of confidence in themselves.

Section C: Interests and Values

What are your favorite things to talk about?
MBTI, personalities, drama, how work was, what i might do someday.

What are the five most important things to you?
family, friends, my vehicle, my cell phone, my laptop

What do you think the world needs more of?
Consideration for others. everybody just needs to stop being a bunch of dicks to each-other!

What do you think the world needs less of?
Negativity! this country especially needs to clean its chakras, if chakras is a real thing.

What is your favorite quote? What significance does it hold for you and why?
Let us rather run the risk of wearing out than rusting out- Theodore Roosevelt. I love his quotes, he's a real badass! I could use that advise myself


New member
Nov 19, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Well this thread completely died. Yikes.

If necessary, I can help out with some of the typings since there are so many people who haven't gotten typed yet, and I'm sure a lot of time was put into these questionnaires. However, that's not preferable and everyone should try to type their assigned person (I don't mean to sound super strict but I still want to make a point about it).

If that doesn't get done, though, I can take over typing. I consider myself decent at it but I'm certainly not the best.


Alongside Questionable Clarity
Jun 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I believe I was supposed to type you. Sorry it took so long, I have a calculus exam this week and had to study a bit before I could get to this. My gut tells me ENTP with a low grade 8w9 fix.

Section A: The Basics

If you had an entire day to do whatever you wanted, how would you spend it?
- So I have a day off? As in, I don't have to/get to study? I'd love to hang out with one or more of my friends, be outside in nature, go see a concert, have a few drinks, chat about philosophy or politics.

Describe your ideal day/night in.
- Again, assuming I'm not studying, I'd like to hang out with one or more friends and play computer games, discuss intellectual topics and drink wine.

Describe your ideal day/night out.
- I love concerts and festivals - the presence of the musicians, the energy of the audience, the sensation of the bass drum in my chest. Bonus points if I get a drink!

List five things you like about yourself.
- I'm smart, funny, curious, good at solving problems and open-minded.

List five things you dislike about yourself.
- I worry too much. I often find it hard to determine what I REALLY want/like/think. I find it hard to concentrate, and to finish projects (could be undiagnosed ADHD rather than type related). I wish I was good at being warm toward people I don't know too well. I get bored easily.
None of these really have much to do with cognitive functions or type generally, though lots of this hints towards extroversion and perhaps a high Pe user. The first sentence of your like/dislike response sort of suggests that you have a low grade feeling function, but could just be underdeveloped Fi.
How have others described you? (Please only use examples from people you have a neutral-positive relationship with, whether criticisms or compliments. Criticisms from people who dislike us and compliments from people who are infatuated with us tend not to hold much truth.)
- I'm likable. I'm very confident and assertive. I'm extroverted. I'm argumentative. I was recently compared to Saul Goodman in breaking bad. I can be intimidating when giving criticism. I can be a perfectionist. I'm very driven for achievement. I have a "masculine" personality. I have also been described as empathetic by people who know me well.
Looking at quotes from Saul Goodman (forgive me, my grasp on culture is non-existant), if you were compared to him, you're likely an ExTP of sorts. A lot of this sounds like a 3w2, which pushes towards ExTP rather than ExFP.

What do you consider your skills?
- Math/statistics, music, problem solving. I'm a quick learner.

What motivates you?
- Understanding the world, experiencing new things.
I'm betting on 378 for enneagram

Section B: Digging Deeper

What is your general outlook on life/the world?
- I honestly have no idea how to answer this.

Do you believe you have a purpose in life? If so, what is it?

- I don't think there's an objective purpose, no. You can create your own purpose, but that doesn't make it "true" in any sense.

How do you typically bond with other people? (i.e. slowly or quickly, through what type of activities, etc.)

- Quickly, through conversation, jokes, shared interests.

What do you find yourself thinking about most frequently?
- Music, food, the future, random things I want to know or learn more about.
This all sounds a lot like Ti aux and probably Ne.

What are you most afraid of?
- Disease, suffering. Being controlled.

What traits do you admire in others?
- Competence above all else. Social competence. Quick wit.
Disease and suffering-7 Being controlled-8 Competence both socially and with wit: 3 so

What do you want most for yourself?
- An interesting job, being comfortable financially. I want to be in as good health as possible, and to have time to pursue my interests in my free time. I want to have meaningful relationships with other people.

What do you want most for others?
- Whatever they want, that does not cause harm for anyone else.
I skipped some stuff because I was becoming repetitive. You sound a lot like a 3w2 so/sp with the presence of Fe. The first response confirms sp presence.

I read the rest of the questionaire, but decided not to include my commentary because it was repetitive and unnecessary. I'm glad I read this a second time before responding because the first time around I didn't come to a definite conclusion, but I think ENTP 3w2 so/sp would make the most sense for you, purely based on this. My guess for your tritype would be 3w2 7w6 8w9 so/sp, though there's not a ton of information to go off here so that could be off. ESTP might also be something to look into.
Last edited:


New member
Nov 28, 2017
Section A: The Basics

If you had an entire day to do whatever you wanted, how would you spend it?

I would sit around home and just lay down and watch a movie or read a book. Or I would take a walk during the nightfall.

Describe your ideal day/night in.

A day when I have nothing to do. No pressure, no expectations whatsoever. So I can have the whole time in the world and just to do my own thing. Maybe I would write something or stare through the window, focusing on nothing.

Describe your ideal day/night out.

My family and me going out on a dinner with my dad's colleagues and their children (my childhood friends), whom I haven't met in several years. And just talk stuff with the grown children :D. Just telling each other how our lives went and what direction have we took.
Or going out with a friend and take a walk somewhere.

List five things you like about yourself.

Trying to be true to myself, being open-minded towards people, realistic expectations, knowing where my flaws lie, kindness(I suppose)

List five things you dislike about yourself.

Lack of motivation, episodic energy hits that fade away quickly, sometimes I am being a social chameleon towards people (who are friends of my friends) I dislike, because I don't want my friends to get hurt or be angry at me, usually I am a maniac about security and being paranoid from time to time.

How have others described you? (Please only use examples from people you have a neutral-positive relationship with, whether criticisms or compliments. Criticisms from people who dislike us and compliments from people who are infatuated with us tend not to hold much truth.)

Usually they describe me as a kind, laid-back person. Or as a weirdo. Some even said that I respond with inadequate answers :D

What do you consider your skills?

Once I get how things get done, I have no problems using them. Also being quite adaptable to changes, though i dislike the concept of changes.

What motivates you?

I don't really know. Maybe to understand the world better, to understand how a human's mind work and understand people in general.

Section B: Digging Deeper

What is your general outlook on life/the world?

Life is a pretty complex thing to be said. I believe that life is something to be experienced, though the methods are infinite to do so. From my point of view, life is about doing what you like regardless of what people think, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. Sooner or later, death comes by and grabs you, so...

Do you believe you have a purpose in life? If so, what is it?

Well, I want two things that kind of contradict each other - either to be remembered, or be forgotten. I'm very much afraid of life passing by and not being able to do what i want.
What I want is just to make someone happy - and that's what's gonna make me happy as well. Oh, and I enjoy writing stuff, but I don't believe this is a purpose.

How do you typically bond with other people? (i.e. slowly or quickly, through what type of activities, etc.)

Very, very slowly. Just through communicating actually. I believe I am a pretty hard person to know due to my aloofness and social awkwardness. And I don't trust people as a concept really.

What do you find yourself thinking about most frequently?

Life, death, fears, stuff like that. The more i think of it, the more bleak and empty it seems to be.
I think about the person I like, about my family.

What are you most afraid of?

Life passing by and me missing opportunities to experience it.

What traits do you admire in others?

Honesty. Kindness. Extrovertion(really). Being able to focus on one thing without losing the big picture.

What traits annoy you in others?

The feeling of supremacy in some people. When people think they are better than others. It really makes me sick.
Also grandomania ambitions.
The "You must give 12000% of yourself to accomplish this. And teamwork leads to everything".. I just don't get it.

What was your childhood like?

Happy, happy, happy. Carefree and nice. I loved it. I loved the freedom. I loved the cartoons. I loved that carefree feeling when you are a child.
Things started to go wrong when school came. I disliked saying this I do not want to say, learning stuff without seeing any purpose of knowing them, I hated feeling controlled. I came to terms that this is gonna last and I have to deal with it, but it's never going to feel natural.
Also I felt quite misunderstood by most of the children. And didn't quite get their interests. They loved playing football, I loved watching cartoons.

What do you want most for yourself?

To feel content, to not feel empty. To live in a way that can be helpful to me and the people I love.

What do you want most for others?

Whatever they want, to become true, as long as it doesn't hurt others.

Section C: Interests and Values

What are your favorite things to talk about?

I like to talk about common interests. I love when someone presents his/her point of view on something. I am not a very talkative, so it's sometimes difficult and awkward. I dislike smalltalks. I enjoy when people open themselves. It makes me feel more comfortable.

What are the five most important things to you?

Family, friends, music, books, movies.

Love, honesty, melancholy, nostalgia, understadning.

What do you think the world needs more of?

More modest people, who don't care about latest trends and stuff.
Also more delayed everyday life. I dislike things going fastpaced.
More time with nature.

What do you think the world needs less of?

Grandomania. Overly-ambitious people.

What is your favorite quote? What significance does it hold for you and why?
"If I can't be my own, I'd feel better dead" by Layne Staley. I don't know why, but it really means a lot to me.