To begin always nice to meet another high Se sensor, welcome. Hail and well met *Viking handshake*.
Tis wise to not date at work. Even if it works out for a while and the end isn't bitter, work needs to be a place free from those kind of memories ime. Not saying it can't workoit for folk, just feels like a bit of an unnecessary complication. Anyways, I will say I don't nessesarily think you're doing anything wrong, you seem like you're focusing on getting where you want to be with your personal professional goals and that will make it easier imo to find what your looking for long term. You've got a good head on your shoulders from what I can tell so far, and I'm guessing you're pretty good at active observation? (High Se one typically is whether we advertise it or not)
As far as boys being intimidated, alas tis often too true, but trust me there are guys out there who like strong women who don't fit any kindof stereotype of behavior/aesthetics. If you have personal interests that take you out where others gather, kyaking, hiking, going to conventions, DND(if you're nerdy🧙) and you might meet someone who you just can sort of naturally get to know and see what happens.
You seem to be pretty Frank and up front about who you are, and that's a fantastic trait, many guys will appreciate that. And you touched on it before, but there's nothing wrong with dating someone older if you connect better. Whatever you decide. Just keep doing you. Don't feel the need to change who you are o. The surface toease someone else's insecurities. As far as more submissive guys, the puppy mode isn't nessesarily the mode all of them stay in, some switch. Some never puppy at all...🤔...unless you want them to.
One of the things I like to do when dating is develop my own hobbies and interests and see if I happen to connect with anyone along the way. That way regardless what happens, I'll have improved myself and the rest is just adventure time. Good luck. Hope to see you around forum.