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Could my gut fix be 8 instead of 9?

What is Chanaynay's gut fix?

  • 8w7

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • 8w9

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 9w8

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • 9w1

    Votes: 3 30.0%

  • Total voters


Nov 23, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Something I've been contemplating lately - I've heard 728 is the most extroverted tritype possible and that could explain why my level of extroversion is generally higher than other ENFPs. Here are some random thoughts I have (I know a lot of em could possibly be applicable to other types but this is just what had me thinking):


  • Not averse to conflict; I readily put myself in the line of fire a lot.
  • When I get angry I express it more than repress it.
  • 728 could explain level of extroversion.
  • I like the feeling of "conquering" my environment (but good god I do no want the responsibilities that come with it :laugh:).


  • While I'm not averse to conflict - I don't like it. It drains a lot from me rather than firing me up.
  • 729 makes more sense given my demeanor and endless (blind) optimism.
  • I like the feeling of peace and everything flowing smoothly; when everyone and everything is getting along that is when I'm most comfortable
  • I'm not as obtrusive to my environment.

And knowing me personally might be some help too. :D
[MENTION=9602]YWIR[/MENTION] [MENTION=4945]EJCC[/MENTION] [MENTION=5494]Amargith[/MENTION] [MENTION=5684]Elfboy[/MENTION] [MENTION=8031]Ginkgo[/MENTION] [MENTION=18819]five sounds[/MENTION] [MENTION=10082]Starry[/MENTION] [MENTION=5418]Lady_X[/MENTION] (didn't you struggle between 729 and 728 as well? I'd be interested in hearing your experience. I know you also debated 729 and 749 but yeah haha) [MENTION=6109]Halla74[/MENTION] [MENTION=16139]Honor[/MENTION] [MENTION=15318]Nights and Days[/MENTION] [MENTION=10757]Nicodemus[/MENTION] [MENTION=360]prplchknz[/MENTION] [MENTION=10496]skylights[/MENTION] [MENTION=9273]Vasilisa[/MENTION] [MENTION=11928]Vetani[/MENTION] [MENTION=7254]Wind Up Rex[/MENTION] and more GO


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
FWIW, my ENFP bestie is 278 and her expressions of anger are much more intense. (From my limited experience, 9 anger is probably the least scary, in practice, of all the gut types.) Then again, I'm not sure if I've ever seen you get really angry? So I dunno.


Nov 23, 2012
Instinctual Variant
FWIW, my ENFP bestie is 278 and her expressions of anger are much more intense. (From my limited experience, 9 anger is probably the least scary, in practice, of all the gut types.) Then again, I'm not sure if I've ever seen you get really angry? So I dunno.

Maybe that's another point for 9? :newwink:

Because really, I can't honestly remember the last time I got angry either. I mean, red hot fiery angry. My usual form of anger is explaining why what someone did/said was fucked up smoothly and firmly. There's always emotion in my voice though so they get the picture - that's more unconscious though.

Oh wait, I can remember it. It was when my friend tricked me and bested me at a game we were playing and I was so made that he lied to me to trick me to win that I just started throwing things at him and punching him until he got bruised. :blush: I made him run to his room for the rest of the night hehe.

But given that was about being lied to maybe it was my 6 wing going counterphobic? Dunno. :shrug:


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
^ Yeah that definitely seems like a point for 9. IME, 8 has a visibly angry undercurrent fairly frequently, 1 appears completely neutral until anger explodes out of nowhere, and 9... who even knows? Maybe irritation. Maybe being frequently annoyed and judgy. :shrug:


Nov 23, 2012
Instinctual Variant
^ Yeah that definitely seems like a point for 9. IME, 8 has a visibly angry undercurrent fairly frequently, 1 appears completely neutral until anger explodes out of nowhere, and 9... who even knows? Maybe irritation. Maybe being frequently annoyed and judgy. :shrug:

Hmm, I'm not sure how my undercurrent appears tbh. Interacting with Dee and Rex, they both seem like super lovable people - so does my IRL friend Alexa. But the visibly angry undercurrent you mention maybe is harder to see when an 8 is talking to people they like? :shrug:

Yeah, mine doesn't really explode out of nowhere like a 1. I mean it does, because most don't see it coming given my upbeat/chill demeanor but yeah. Since I assume you're voting 9, what wing do you think I lean towards?


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Hmm, I'm not sure how my undercurrent appears tbh. Interacting with Dee and Rex, they both seem like super lovable people - so does my IRL friend Alexa. But the visibly angry undercurrent you mention maybe is harder to see when an 8 is talking to people they like? :shrug:
Maybe it's just something I notice because I relate to it so much -- I tend to feel a mind-meld with most of the eights I come across (especially the ExTx and xSTJ eights). The "1 as 8 in chains" thing, probably. And I don't see it as any less lovable -- I just see a wellspring of anger under that aggressive drive.

I don't know how well I'm articulating this. :/ You know how sometimes you see someone vent, and you think to yourself, "jeez, I wonder how much more of that they have bottled up in there"? That's the 1 and 8 "scary" anger I was talking about, that I don't really see with 9.

Yeah, mine doesn't really explode out of nowhere like a 1. I mean it does, because most don't see it coming given my upbeat/chill demeanor but yeah. Since I assume you're voting 9, what wing do you think I lean towards?
I'm not sure what I'm voting, since I'm unclear on what 9w8 looks like. I know very little about it. :/


girl with a pretty smile
Jul 11, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Something I've been contemplating lately - I've heard 728 is the most extroverted tritype possible and that could explain why my level of extroversion is generally higher than other ENFPs. Here are some random thoughts I have (I know a lot of em could possibly be applicable to other types but this is just what had me thinking):


  • Not averse to conflict; I readily put myself in the line of fire a lot.
  • When I get angry I express it more than repress it.
  • 728 could explain level of extroversion.
  • I like the feeling of "conquering" my environment (but good god I do no want the responsibilities that come with it :laugh:).


  • While I'm not averse to conflict - I don't like it. It drains a lot from me rather than firing me up.
  • 729 makes more sense given my demeanor and endless (blind) optimism.
  • I like the feeling of peace and everything flowing smoothly; when everyone and everything is getting along that is when I'm most comfortable
  • I'm not as obtrusive to my environment.

And knowing me personally might be some help too. :D

[MENTION=9602]YWIR[/MENTION] [MENTION=4945]EJCC[/MENTION] [MENTION=5494]Amargith[/MENTION] [MENTION=5684]Elfboy[/MENTION] [MENTION=8031]Ginkgo[/MENTION] [MENTION=18819]five sounds[/MENTION] [MENTION=10082]Starry[/MENTION] [MENTION=5418]Lady_X[/MENTION] (didn't you struggle between 729 and 728 as well? I'd be interested in hearing your experience. I know you also debated 729 and 749 but yeah haha) [MENTION=6109]Halla74[/MENTION] [MENTION=16139]Honor[/MENTION] [MENTION=15318]Nights and Days[/MENTION] [MENTION=10757]Nicodemus[/MENTION] [MENTION=360]prplchknz[/MENTION] [MENTION=10496]skylights[/MENTION] [MENTION=9273]Vasilisa[/MENTION] [MENTION=11928]Vetani[/MENTION] [MENTION=7254]Wind Up Rex[/MENTION] and more GO
Hmm, interesting! I'm not sure yet. I will think on this today.

For some reason, I have quite a few friends who are 9s. I say "for some reason" because I feel like my personality clashes with 9ness. The thing I notice about them is that denial plays a huge role in their lives (i.e. denying unpleasant feelings, denying reality). They also very easily take on the identity/worldview of those around them that they want to preserve a relationship with no matter how absurd or departed from reality those views are. They think of it as being "flexible" and see others as "rigid" for not doing so. Can you relate to any of this so far?



Are you withdrawn (When problems arise, do you tend to withdraw into your own head, using logic or emotions?)

Or assertive (When problems arise, do you address them assertively to get what you want?)


Are you reactive (You get very volatile and reactive under stress?)

Or optimistic (You try to see the silver lining of a situation under stress and keep an optimistic outlook?)


Which of these do you relate more to?

You have a compulsive need to control situations that you're in.

When serious problems arise, you tend to withdraw into your head to find inner peace. Conflict wears on you.


Active member
May 22, 2010

Both - is that an option? :D Because it's true.

I think there'll be quite a few people that will disagree with me here but I'm going with 8 for you. I (personally, imo) think it's a mistake to try and rule a point like 8... either in or out on the basis of how reactive an individual is...or 9 by how seemingly peace-loving a person appears to be. <-If we're trying to ascertain an individual's core type...Yes. But here were talking about a fix... and while we may speculate as to what that may "look like" ...no one really knows. I mean, there are so many problems with the core descriptions already ha.

All I want to know is "when the shit comes down" what is Chanaynay going to do? What is your trigger? Yes, you want peace and social niceties...but when you are pushed too far I believe you will stand your ground and fight.


"when the shit comes down" what is Chanaynay going to do? What is your trigger? Yes, you want peace and social niceties...but when you are pushed too far I believe you will stand your ground and fight."

I think so too [MENTION=10082]Starry[/MENTION].


Active member
May 22, 2010
"when the shit comes down" what is Chanaynay going to do? What is your trigger? Yes, you want peace and social niceties...but when you are pushed too far I believe you will stand your ground and fight."

I think so too [MENTION=10082]Starry[/MENTION].

I also think anyone with the nickname "the King of Extroversion" needs something other than a 9 to explain that haha.


I also think anyone with the nickname "the King of Extroversion" needs something other than a 9 to explain that haha.


Also, I guess the stuff I posted on the first page would really only be helpful for figuring out your core, if anything, huh.


Active member
May 22, 2010

Also, I guess the stuff I posted on the first page would really only be helpful for figuring out your core, if anything, huh.

I feel kinda weird right now...I'm working on a small screen and I didn't read through the responses. I would have surely phrased my post differently if I had. The truth of it...is there are a variety of ways to go about these things. The other day...I had commented on another members type...and that individual responded by saying something along the lines of..."I don't think someone that doesn't know me very well could know my type..." And yet in my experience...for what we are examining/discussing here...I see more accurate typings out of individuals that don't know each other well precisely because we are dealing with sorta these "superficial outlines." ime sometimes the more we know of a person...the most confusing things become...the more of our own personal expectations and crap we've dumped onto another person the closer to them we become. <-My point is merely to say there's no right or wrong way to do this. Everyone has their own methods...and there's much we can learn from one another. My comments were to Chanaynay since I saw nothing of the core issues in his op haha. Edit: you can consider behavior...but Chanaynay himself needs to decide on the core issues...if that makes more sense.


Aug 28, 2008
Not to focus so much on anger...

The main things I exhibit that make me confident in my 8ness.. despite others disagreeing at times:

- My anger is a measurable and very real part of my daily life. It motivates me, or de-motivates me, depending.. but it is not something I can avoid. I'm an angry person. This isn't to be confused for being unhealthy.. I clearly don't go around yelling at people all the time, or losing my temper at any one thing. But controlling my anger was something I had to learn at a young age, and I struggled with it growing up. Usually I'll pick up trash not because "Oh, yay, I'm helping the environment! and I wouldn't want to see litter around... " but more "What an ass, throwing this cup on the ground. Fuck him or her." Part of the reason I feel so much better about exercise is because its a healthy way to vent my stress and anger--and I do have it. I'm a very happy, optimistic, and chipper person.. almost to an annoying extent sometimes. But my anger is a major motivator for me to actually move.

- The only thing more motivating than my anger is my feeling of needing to be in control. I dislike the court systems and judge them based on the fact that it's almost always out of your [read: my] control and you're at the whim of others who don't recognize common sense. I liked my career in the army because I actually had some say in how jobs went, and who was working under me and how I ran things. I'm going to school now even though I HATE school so much because I want to be in control of my life and my current career choice is allowing me to do that. I get scared to start relationships, even though I know I want one to last in my life, because it really is out of my control.. I can only do so much--I have to rely on the other person entirely.. and their minds change a lot quicker than mine tends to. I love budgets because they're visible "I love me and the control I have in my life" documents. Everything is about this sense of independence and control.

- When I do participate in things out of my control, and that I'm not allowed to be angry at, I am very, very hesitant to let them go. I have a best friend currently that sucks as a best friend, and I'm about to tell her to take someone else to a musical I spent money on for her and I to go. But I'm really scared to just say that even though I want to.. because I've spent a lot of time with her being my friend. I really don't have any female friends after she's going to be gone.. and there's no way for me to change that entirely on my own. I have to have females wanting to be close friends to me--not a common thing to find at my age.. usually you make them young.

- Challenges come in all forms. I am very competitive--with myself.. not so much with others. I like the occasional games, I like watching sports and my teams winning, etc. But the major way I challenge myself is in my own life. I wanted to control my anger because it was challenging for me--and I wanted control of my life. It all fit together perfectly. I'm challenging myself to work within a budget. To build a house despite having never built a structure on my own before. I don't really challenge others, and I think social conditioning is a lot to blame for that (i.e. I never win wrestling matches with dudes back when I did that a lot.. not because I couldn't.. but sometimes because I just knew it wouldn't benefit either of us. I'd get pissed that they'd claim they went soft when I know they didn't, and if I lost then.. meh.. all's normal..), but it works out in the end because I'm pretty good at challenging ideas and concepts without being truly upset about them. Not perfect.. and I think I do frequently come across as really bitchy or angry when I really feel I'm not and have no intentions to be. No, not perfect at all. But it's something in the right direction.

- I have resting bitchy face. That's apparently a thing, and I definitely have it. (Note: this has nothing to do with anything.)

I don't feel like I'm unhealthy, and there are many things I've learned in my life to just live-and-let-live.. and I'm still learning how to do that. But the big difference I see between myself and others is--I'm LEARNING it.. It doesn't come naturally to me. I'm completely cool with people being hippies about their health despite not agreeing with them entirely, but I had to learn to be cool with that for my own sake. It's a work in progress, and one I'm getting better at with time and age.

:shrug: Just my two cents. Sorry it's long.

five sounds

Jul 17, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Interesting starry. Would 9w8 be like a good middle ground? I see what you mean, Chan about your extra extroversion. It's more of a direct drive you have than me, which seems to be a good argument for something 8-ish in there. I've seen you take hard stances and react when something comes up, but not being able to recall the last time you really got angry makes me think 9w8 might be more likely. I read 9w8 called 'the mountain' before. So maybe that isn't 'forward' enough gut energy...8w9?


Active member
May 22, 2010
Interesting starry. Would 9w8 be like a good middle ground? I see what you mean, Chan about your extra extroversion. It's more of a direct drive you have than me, which seems to be a good argument for something 8-ish in there. I've seen you take hard stances and react when something comes up, but not being able to recall the last time you really got angry makes me think 9w8 might be more likely. I read 9w8 called 'the mountain' before. So maybe that isn't 'forward' enough gut energy...8w9?

Contrary to the laid-back reputation of the peaceful 9...both the 9w8 & the 9w1 (but moreso the 9w8) can react aggressively/assertively when tested. I personally believe this goes for cores as well as fixes but especially for fixes I think everything needs to be stripped away so that all the individual is considering are the core fears of the...what the hell are they called haha I can't remember...whatever...the group. Chanaynay has already ruled out 1 so in my mind that leaves but two questions he needs to ask himself... "when the shit comes down" ...is he more likely to fight or 'flight.'

What do you fear more Chanaynay...being controlled or being separated?


Active member
May 22, 2010
^^I guess I should add that...if Chanaynay was a 729 and a social dom...I would expect him to never react to much really. I can't explain what I have seen of him with merely an 8 wing of a fix. He's still quite young and he's pretty dominant/forceful...and I actually would expect him to become moreso as he ages... but that's just my take on things.