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[Traditional Enneagram] Are there people who don't fit into any of the Enneagram types?


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant
A few questions on Enneagram type. Do you think this system works for everyone? What has been your experience?

1. Do you think there are people who don't fit into any of the Enneagram types?

2. Did you have a difficult time figuring out your type?

3. Are you sure of your type now? How long did it take you to arrive at that point?

4. When you read your type, does it truly resonate with you?

5. The way I look at it, people are at a point on the circle. What if you are exactly in the middle between an 8 and a 9 or a 3 and a 4 (for example)? Do you think this is possible?

Interpreting Your Enneagram Test Results — The Enneagram Institute

Peter Deadpan

phallus impudicus
Dec 14, 2016
1. No, unless they are personality disordered/mentally ill.
2. Yeah, sorta. I had it narrowed down to two (4 and 6 for core). This was solely due to poor mental/emotional health and confusing circumstances which have since passed.
3. Yes. I actually did test as a core 4 within my first couple weeks on forum (4 Sp). It took a few months to settle on it definitively, and now I am 100% certain.
4. Yes. It was uncomfortable at first because I hadn't realized certain things about myself.
5. Well, I do see things in shades of gray, but overall, I think that any blurring is due to wing influence. I also think that as one matures and experiences more in life, their perspectives broaden and they can relate to more aspects of various types. I can find something relatable in anyone if I look hard enough.
Apr 24, 2016
1. Do you think there are people who don't fit into any of the Enneagram types?

I think it's possible, or at least a lot harder to come to a definite conclusion for some. I'm sure there are people who can relate to more than one type, and perhaps even none at all.

2. Did you have a difficult time figuring out your type?

No. I always tested as 4 around 98% of the time. It's the most fitting for me.

3. Are you sure of your type now? How long did it take you to arrive at that point?

The very first time I took an enneagram test and read the description. It was like looking through a mirrored image of what my life was like right before my very eyes. Sometimes I question it at the back of my mind because my behavior can be quite 9ish at times, and even 3ish as well because I relate to the desires and fears of a 3, too. But then I realize throughout the day just how much my thoughts always correlate with 4 related concerns without me forcefully and consciously doing it. Moreover, my desires and fears resonate with 4 the most. So yeah, I am pretty much clear on my core enneagram typing.

Additionally, there were times when I questioned my wing, and sometimes still do to an extent. This is mainly because I always used to test as a 4w5, but later realized I was denying a part of myself that I didn't want to fess up to, which correlated with 3 attributes. I have trouble sometimes feeling comfortable identifying as a 4w3 because I don't relate to the descriptions of one behavior-wise, especially the more outgoing and shallower depictions of being a 4w3. I always could relate more to the behavior of a 4w5 and can come off that way in reality at times, in addition to identifying better with well known 4w5 types. But I'm near 100% certain I'm a 4w3 now, as I relate more to the core 3's basic fears and desires.

4. When you read your type, does it truly resonate with you?

Yes. Almost entirely for the core 4. Not as much with the usual wing 3 descriptions.

5. The way I look at it, people are at a point on the circle. What if you are exactly in the middle between an 8 and a 9 or a 3 and a 4 (for example)? Do you think this is possible?

I think I am a 4 that leans closer to the 3 scale. However, I also have pretty discernible 5 traits as well, but still believe I lean a bit closer to 3 over 5 on the scale overall. I think it's possible to be a balanced wing, and I may be a few feet away from it, but not enough to say for sure.


Dec 1, 2014
Instinctual Variant
1. Yes. There are always exceptions to the rule. Personality systems are limited and flawed, and people are complex and cannot perfectly resemble any archetype.

2. Not really. I typed as a 9w1 when I first came here but I'm definitely a phobic 6 and have typed as such for a long time. The hardest for me is my heart fix, because it's my weakest one and thus hardest for me to determine.

3. 100% sure. Research.

4. No type description ever fully resonates with me because I am more than they will ever be able to comprehend, but it resonates with me a lot better than my MBTI types' descriptions do.

5. See answer 1


Aug 30, 2013
Instinctual Variant
9 types those seem limited. And 9 is supposed to be the catch all type. I don’t know..

Same as MBTI 16 seems too short. Yes yes I know combinations. But still.

(I will get back to the rest soon. I’ll edit later)


New member
Oct 26, 2017
Instinctual Variant
1. Do you think there are people who don't fit into any of the Enneagram types?

No. I think there are people out there who lack the ability to accurately type themselves, but I've yet to encounter someone who didn't fit into one or another.

2. Did you have a difficult time figuring out your type?

No. I took a few tests to see the most likely types I could be, did my own research and pinned down 9w1 quite fast.

3. Are you sure of your type now? How long did it take you to arrive at that point?

Yes. I am confident with my type. All it took was research and a bit of insight.

4. When you read your type, does it truly resonate with you?


5. The way I look at it, people are at a point on the circle. What if you are exactly in the middle between an 8 and a 9 or a 3 and a 4 (for example)? Do you think this is possible?

I'll believe it when I see it.

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
1. Do you think there are people who don't fit into any of the Enneagram types?

I think most people fit into a E-type if we look at the whole picture and the obvious exceptions are those who are mentally unhealthy.

2. Did you have a difficult time figuring out your type?

Nope not really once I started doing my own research and and I can confirm I am a 7w6 and 9w1 but yes my heart fix gives me trouble since its so vauge my heart energy but I incline 3 with mixed wings from self study.

3. Are you sure of your type now? How long did it take you to arrive at that point?

Yes I'm pretty confident now of my current ennegram typing and it took a few months.

4. When you read your type, does it truly resonate with you?

So freaking much :cry: esp the 7 and 9 profiles since the traits of both have caused me to behave in unhealthy ways in the past.

5. The way I look at it, people are at a point on the circle. What if you are exactly in the middle between an 8 and a 9 or a 3 and a 4 (for example)? Do you think this is possible?

Yes I personally see ennegram as more of a sliding scale than a circle with points. Like someone who is on the boundary between 3 and 4 or 6 and 7 will have traits and core motivations and fears of both. I esp relate to 6 and 1 core fears via wings on my 7 and 9 and I also have both core 2 and 4 fears via my 3.


Alongside Questionable Clarity
Jun 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
1) Probably not. Maybe if someone had a mental illness or went through a distinct trauma, but I'm pretty sure all people should be able to fit into the theory.
2) Yeah. I went between 5,6 and 9 core for a while before settling on 9w1 sp/so due to disintegration. As for my tritype I'm still uncertain, leaning towards 9w1 5w6 3w4 sp/so at the moment but no one knows for sure. A lot of people have argued I have 7w6 in my stack, others 4w3, others still 6w7. Sp/so was always really obvious though.
3) As stated above, sort of. I've researched the theory for a couple of years now, so I'm pretty sure about my core.
4) Depends on the description. 9w1 usually resonates outside of the passive aggressive behavior, sp/so resonates on its own, 9w1 sp/so usually doesn't (9w1 sp/sx does, but I'm definitely not that I don't think).
5) I can see that s being a possibility, though I'd assume its fairly rare. I'd imagine that most people have a distinct preference for one type over the other though.

Siúil a Rúin

when the colors fade
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
1. Do you think there are people who don't fit into any of the Enneagram types? Very possibly

2. Did you have a difficult time figuring out your type? I'm externally a bit like a 9, but internally much more of a 4, probably 459 tritype

3. Are you sure of your type now? How long did it take you to arrive at that point? I'm sure. I didn't try that hard, but mostly the second time I looked over the possibilities, it seemed close enough for jazz.

4. When you read your type, does it truly resonate with you? Parts of it did embarrass me about the extreme sensitivity. I don't think Enneagram is completely accurate, though. The part that strikes me now is this idea that all of the heart-centered types are image focused? I think that's an oxymoron and fundamentally dismissive of some of the processes that would motivate a 2 or 4 in particular. I think 3 may be image focused because it can see power hierarchies and relate to them, and perhaps 2 or 4 are imaged focused when they have a 3 wing. I'm more internally driven than some of the 4 description because I'm not competitive or trying to make myself appear some way to people. I do care about absolute originality and authenticity and there are many artists like me to tend towards seclusion and non-interference from the outside world to achieve that. True originality is completely at odds with competition because two things cannot be compared to determine relative value unless they have commonalities, so the more original, the less you can compare it to other things.

5. The way I look at it, people are at a point on the circle. What if you are exactly in the middle between an 8 and a 9 or a 3 and a 4 (for example)? Do you think this is possible? I think every psychology system is reductive, it is a lower resolution of reality to create category and approximation, so yes, reality is always in higher definition than these systems. There are infinite points between any two categories in any system in my estimation.


Coolatta® Enjoyer
Apr 22, 2008
1. Do you think there are people who don't fit into any of the Enneagram types? Yes. But I don't know that it happens often, they'll lean some way.

2. Did you have a difficult time figuring out your type? Not really but I liked the enneagram better than MBTI and spent a little more time educating myself on it.

3. Are you sure of your type now? How long did it take you to arrive at that point? Yes. Early on I thought I was a 5 but that never felt accurate at all. It was just that there are many INTJ's that are 5's and I was letting it influence me.

4. When you read your type, does it truly resonate with you? Yes, absolutely. Not that I wanted to be when I first read it - the 8 type sounds like mental illness in itself at first glance.

5. The way I look at it, people are at a point on the circle. What if you are exactly in the middle between an 8 and a 9 or a 3 and a 4 (for example)? Do you think this is possible? I do think that's possible. Life experiences or other factors could create a type like this and I think it's foolish to dismiss anything in regards to human behavior and personality.


Active member
May 5, 2007
Do I think the system works for everyone. No.

I was certain until I started dealing with some wackos claiming to be my type. ;)


New member
Nov 19, 2017
I think everyone fits somewhere on it, but I also think various interpretations have varying degrees of objectivity.

I myself identify as 8w7, but I wouldn't say I would close the book on it, there are other types that also resonate, and I can relate to, some more than others.

I do think the point on the circle is the best explanation. You could say someone has a heavy or light wing. However, I think there is no center point where you can say you are both types in equal balance, because of the growth/stress lines and how they almost contradict each other. For instance, I have felt I could just as easily be a 7w8, but that means that the 5 growth line would somehow "make sense" to me, and it does not. The 2 growth line does. I flourish when I focus on using my strength to provide for others. 5 feels to me like the missing piece. When stressed, I use the 5 line rather than 8 tactics to prevent the downward spiral.

I think when you have found your type, the growth/stress lines make sense to you in a way that no other type would. For example, I would rule out 6 for myself, simply on the grounds that when stressed, I don't somehow get switched "on" or deceive others (or myself) or any other explanation that flows with the 3 line.


New member
Apr 4, 2015
Instinctual Variant
1. Do you think there are people who don't fit into any of the Enneagram types? No.

2. Did you have a difficult time figuring out your type? Nope cause 4w5 never really sat well with me. I joined the 9 group and it all made sense.

3. Are you sure of your type now? How long did it take you to arrive at that point? I am sure cause I know about actual enneagram rather than the crap 9w1 descriptions that make us sound so bland. I'd say it took me at least a month or two to figure it out.

4. When you read your type, does it truly resonate with you? No because the 9w1 descriptions are crap. A Fi dom isn't going to read 'lacks a sense of self' and think that's totally me.

5. The way I look at it, people are at a point on the circle. What if you are exactly in the middle between an 8 and a 9 or a 3 and a 4 (for example)? Do you think this is possible? I'm not in the middle of any type. I do think it's possible to have a fix or integrate slightly however. I'd say I may have a 4 or 1 fix (even for a 9w1) cause i'm a lot more harsh and critical than the average 9w1.
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Boogie man

Da Voodoo
Mar 19, 2014
1. No. I do believe that not everyone is setup to profit well from this theory, but I do think that everyone has a type. At least, I have yet to see the exception.

2. Immensely. Turns out that the male Sexual 2 is hard to recognize over just forums. I have typed all-over the place before, nothing quite fit, especially on the motivation and fears front. That is until I finally looked into type 2 for myself. Took me far too long.

3. Years. Mine was a very difficult case. I am excellent at reading others, but it comes with a price; I am my own blindspot, no matter how well I believe I know myself. My type stands without question.

4. Yes. Truly truly. The motivations, the fears, they all add up. I express myself the way the Sexual 2 is reported, and even on a blind test I strongly relate to statements said by Sexual 2's. I use type 2 language and body language, and I witness my inner dialogue almost constantly being about interrelational transaction, about being liked and about feeling conflicted about being needy. It is almost more obvious than the sun to me.

5. No, I don't see that as a possibility. I do like the circle aspect, because I do believe that people will have variously different wing strengths. However, the core type has an enormous pull on you. You just cannot be left "hovering in between" two types. I don't see that as possible. Your existence itself, your ego, demands a defense strategy to survive in the world. It's not a choice we make, it is an inevitability.


clever fool
Feb 13, 2013
Instinctual Variant
1. Do you think there are people who don't fit into any of the Enneagram types?


2. Did you have a difficult time figuring out your type?

Yes, very much so. And I'm not the only one who has trouble figuring out my type: there is no consensus on what my type is on this forum for example, everyone has a different theory. I've heard 3w2, 3w4, 4w5, 5w4, 5w6, 6w5, 7w6, 8w7, 8w9 etc.

3. Are you sure of your type now? How long did it take you to arrive at that point?

No, I am not. I've known about the enngeagram since 2002 btw.

4. When you read your type, does it truly resonate with you?

See above. Unlike with Socionics, there is no type in enneagram that resonates with me over the others.

5. The way I look at it, people are at a point on the circle. What if you are exactly in the middle between an 8 and a 9 or a 3 and a 4 (for example)? Do you think this is possible?

Why not.


New member
Jun 11, 2016
1. Do you think there are people who don't fit into any of the Enneagram types?

Yes. I think human beings are far too complicated for everyone to fit into one of X types, because there's a huge amount of room for anomalies and unique development patterns, so even if the enneagram is thoroughly researched and widely supported, which I have no idea if it is or not, I don't think it would fit absolutely everyone.

2. Did you have a difficult time figuring out your type?

Yes. I still haven't decided on which type fits me best. But I haven't done a huge amount of research on it (because I never really relate to any of the enneagram types so I don't really find it interesting haha)

3. Are you sure of your type now? How long did it take you to arrive at that point?


4. When you read your type, does it truly resonate with you?


5. The way I look at it, people are at a point on the circle. What if you are exactly in the middle between an 8 and a 9 or a 3 and a 4 (for example)? Do you think this is possible?

I think anything's possible. But I don't know enough about the enneagram theory to give a more detailed opinion than that.


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Do you think this system works for everyone? What has been your experience?

1. Do you think there are people who don't fit into any of the Enneagram types?

Well, from my personal experience, none of the Enneagram types are a great fit for me. I don't read any and think, "Holy shit this is me." However, there are quite a few types that I relate to in almost equal amounts, so I'm having an extreme difficulty figuring out which is my core. Maybe I'm just not self-aware but I've been typed all over the board by others.
Based on this, I think that if someone has a problem finding their Enneagram type, it's not that they don't fit into any. Instead, they probably fit in too much. Enneagram is pretty diverse so I think anyone should be able to relate to at least one of the core fears/desires, even if not a lot.

2. Did you have a difficult time figuring out your type?

God yes. I still don't know what it is.

3. Are you sure of your type now? How long did it take you to arrive at that point?

I am finally assured of my fixes, which I believe are 3w4 and 1w9. Either of those might be my core, but I think that I'm a head core but I'm not sure which one: I test and vibe as all of them, and relate to all their descriptions easily. I've been going at this for about five years now on-and-off.

4. When you read your type, does it truly resonate with you?

I resonate with a type 5 or 6 description much more than most others (like a 2 or 8 description), but there are always things I find that I cannot relate to.

5. The way I look at it, people are at a point on the circle. What if you are exactly in the middle between an 8 and a 9 or a 3 and a 4 (for example)? Do you think this is possible?

I think this is when you have to look at the core fears/desires. An 8w9 vs 9w8 or a 3w4 vs 4w3 may share many similarities in personality but their motivations are different.


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant
4. When you read your type, does it truly resonate with you? No because the 9w1 descriptions are crap. A Fi dom isn't going to read 'lacks a sense of self' and think that's totally me.

Even this one doesn't resonate? Gotta fix the videos. A couple of them got taken down over the past few weeks.