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What´s my type on your opinion?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017
Hi, I think I already know my 4-letter type and personality, but I wish to hear second opinions. I am not familiar with ennegram, so I would like to be typed in the ennegram thing too. Thanks for reading.

I will answer some questions and then show my function stack order.

I vs E

When I was a child, I used to be extroverted (others could tell). However, as a teenager, I got, well, well… Bullied… and then I got very introverted and been introverted since them. Question is – am I introverted (by my present) or am I extroverted with bad experience/undeveloped social skills? Usually good things dont happen when I talk too much. I already wrote about this subject in MBTI a lot, but I would like to hear others opinions.

This trauma stills changes my personality today (it persists, that happened almost 10 years ago), although I have been recovering and getting better each year. I get a little bit prudent with socializing, and I think that people are a little too much toxic, and I prefer more one one or close friends today because I know they wont f—k me up. Some people are just too intoxicating and I prefer to simply quit or try to avoid fighting them.

Personal concepts
1. What is beauty? What is love?

Descripting beauty is like descripting color red to a blind man. It just cant be done. At least not simply or with a short description. Love is a little bit different, but very hard to explain. Love is more or less the moment where you appreciate, care, and worry about someone you like soo much.

2. What are your most important values?

My most important values are being honest, honor (honor your words, honor your values as much as you can), empathy (however not everyone deserves my empathy). It is very important to not be guilty for the terrible things that happens to others in any way and it is very important to either have a good moral compass or be capable of have a strong and inteligence thinking of what is right and wrong.

3. Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?

I am agnostic, the person who says that maybe God is real, maybe God is unreal. Agnostic are very honest about the other life: We just dont know. I believe, not hardly, that we have a soul and life doesnt end in death, but life could just end in death, or not.

4. Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?

Not every war is stupid, but most of them usually are. I just hope I am not forced to fight a stupid war. Power to me is the ability to have and do anything you want anytime.

5. What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?

My interests are varied, sometimes it is like I have interest in everything and sometimes I dont have any interest at all. I like gaming - racing simulators, FPS shooters and Sim Builders (Sim City and cousins); I do like statistics, I do like a bit of psycology (just found out in a few years), I do like science, but I already took a lot of it and that subject is on vacation for some time, I do like cars, I do like music (just listening, maybe I could try some program that creates/generates music) and as far as I remeber thats it. Saying why is long and complicated, I prefer just say that I just like. I would also want to say that I dislike programming and hate learning language with passion (english is useful at least, but I just wish everybody talked the same language).

6. Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?

As a conversation topic, no. My knowledge of medicine is small, but it is focused on my body needs. My body needs just to be fine, I had some sleep issues (and I have some knowledge on that because of the issue).

7. What do you think of daily chores?

I try to not do them, and if I have to do them, I do it fast (as fast as I can).

8. Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.

Lots of books and films. My most favorite book is the Principle 80/20 from Richard Kchoff (I dont know how to write kchoff), I usually read some self-help and productivity books, and I have a book or two about astronomy and a book or two about jokes. I dont like story-telling books because I prefer to see the movie – you take 20-30 hours to read the book and just 2 for the movie, so, the book is better and more deep but it takes way too much time. But a good story telling book without a movie is a sure-read, and in this matter I like The Foundation Series from Isac Azimoov (I would had dismissed the book for the movie if it had a movie). About movies, I do like super-hero movies (avengers rules in this subject) science fiction movies (specially movies that challanges your inteligence a bit, like Inception and Donnie Darko), I also like adventure movies (I like Indiana Jones).

9. What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?

I smile because of lots of things, I smile when I find out something really interesting I didnt know about, when my gaming goes sucessfully (and when I made some cheaters angry), when someone does something great and sometimes I smile out of my own thoughts, when I daydream something funny for me (ok, I daydream a little bit too much). I cried in the exercise of facing death (a book recommended it, it is a good exercise when done properly), I usually cry when I miss someone soo much. To be honest, I dont cry much because I used to have a lot of apathy and my culture disencourage crying. I cried in Titanic movie, but because I was watching it alone, I master suppressing my cry because I need to.

10. Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?

I dont feel at one with my enviromnment and my sense of belonging used to be none, and today I am developing a feel/sense of belonging to the good side of this world (too hard to explain). Some people are just evil or disgusting, I am in a place where stealing is usual and my country is ranked very well in murders rate, my values are stepped every day, soo I actually feel I dont belong.

Evaluation & Behaviour
11. What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?

I dont track what people think about me by some time now. I wish I had a better appearence, although I am not ugly, I wish I could be more disciplined, I wish I had a bit more lucky, I wish I mastered english, I wish I wasnt a little bit lazy (I am fighting laziness and proscratination all the time, thats my biggest problem), I wish I had a photography memory so I wouldnt need to keep re-reading things until I finally remember it, I wish I could find better friends in real life, ok, done with wishing because its starting to go beyond the question.

12. What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

I have a paradox of being pride in some moments and incredibly shameful in others. Im more in the pride day today. I like my inteligence, although I am not a genious, I like my good moral compass although I feel many people around me hate it, I like my capacity of understanding manipulation and my partial but good immunity to manipulation (“did they thought they were going to catch me with this primitive old trick? Seriously?”), I like how I deteced and controled my greed. I could go with this list.

13. In what areas of your life would you like help?

I dont know!

14. Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

I havent got what the word rut means on the easy google dictionary, it means something like getting the same thing over and over again and not being able to move? If yes, I would say that when it happens its not my fault, I can move, the enviroment, however, loves to force me to not move, except when I used to have lot of apathy or when I am being a little lazy.

People & Interactions
15. What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?

I like honesty, good character, open minded, inteligent and cool. I dont like people who judge me with poor base/arguments, I dont like people who are greed and wants money, prestigie and put themselves above you and desperately wants you to envy them so they feel better. I dont like people who are way too stupid or way too terrible in the activity we are doing, but I dont need my friends to be inteligent, just not too stupid.

16. How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?

I dont exactly know the first question. The second, I would repeat the answers on 15, although I would add compassion/empathy and not being ugly.

17. If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?

What a question! I would be concerned if my child gets a little too evil, if my child is too stupid, I would try to get a little bit more organized for the child´s sake and I would ensure the good things for him/her.

18. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?

Inward reaction is anger, actually this happens all the time. My beliefs evolved to be a little bit more than just mere beliefs, since I always looking for what is right all the time. If the friend says something valid, no anger, just a lot of listening. But if it is something toxic I get angry inside. I used to show the anger outward, but to be honest, I dont know if I should just get away and escape the conflict or if I should face it, either option usually dont end up well.

19. Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.

A prevalent social problem? I live in Brazil and the social problem list is endless. Ok, in fact, not endless, just super big. The main one is high gini coefficient, aka high inequalty, seeing homeless is usual, and although I usually gives a coin, I feel a little bit bad for them and a lot angry about the situation (but my anger is not towards the homeless, it is towards the situation).

20. How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?

This question is tricky and could get me banned on the fórum because of the rules, so I skip this one. But I actually learned to perceive patterns of behavior that predict conflict before the conflict happens. For example, on my FPS Shooting online friends, there was a guy which I predicted I was going to fight, so I avoided him (and even had to play alone because of that sometimes), and one day my friends showed up saying: “Hey, we fought him and his friends” and I said “Wow, I avoided him because I knew I was going to fight him, but I didnt expected you guys to fight him so hardly”.

21. How do you behave around strangers?

Normal. Just say good morning/evening/night and then move on.

22. PS

I would like to add a very important thing.
I do get angry very usually, but I dont show it (it nevers ends well and I cant really show it anyway), but I never destroyed anything or like that. My anger is that some stuff are just stupidly unfair, and I hate how much people (Im saying in my country in general) create fake values, beliefs and ideas (I repeat: All fake) to justify what they want (real example translated: “Taxes are unethical, it is a crime made legal by a mafia we call state.” usually followed by “not paying them is self-defense” and then, for self-defense, includes faking documents, paying and corrupt authorities, and so on) (if I found it, its mine then, nothing more fair than that) (every one of the other gender is just bad) (and the list goes on… annoying!). Everyone has beliefs, no one has a moral compass that works. Ok, actually, most people here has beliefs, and few people has a true moral compass, and the beliefs exists just to serve their own selfish and unethical purpose. Sometimes I like being alone, isolated, not because I hate people, but to escape from all of this. Even typing people is a escape from that.

23. Cognitive functions

Test A.

Cognitive Process Level of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)
extraverted Sensing (Se) ******************** (20.9)
limited use
introverted Sensing (Si) ************** (14.7)
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ***************************************** (41.5)
excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) *************************** (27.7)
average use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ******************************* (31.9)
good use
introverted Thinking (Ti) ******************************** (32.2)
good use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ***************** (17.5)
limited use
introverted Feeling (Fi) ***************************************************** (53.2)
excellent use

Test B.


Well, thats it, thanks!


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Here's a good questionnaire, could you fill out out?
New Questionnaire To Fill Out!

If you feel up to it, you could also make a collage of images that speak to you.


Active member
Oct 4, 2016
I was getting INFx vibes the whole time, mostly INFP. Those results you posted seem to match that, but I have a feeling you'll contest what I write ;)

I thought I'd reply, though, because you helped me. Take what you like, ignore what you don't.

And I've never met someone who isn't at least a little bit curious about languages! (Besides my mom, of course.) I love learning them, so that came as a surprise. It would be more efficient to speak the same language as a whole of humanity, I think, but something would be lost in the process. Why do you dislike it?


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
From what you already posted, I think you are a 1w9 enneagram wise. I'll wait for you to answer the other questionnaire before I go further.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017
1) Context:
a) What is your age range and general location (Country so that cultural values can be taken into account)? Do you have any impairments that may affect the way that you answer this questionnaire? Any religious or political beliefs (or anything else along those lines) that also might have an effect?

Age 25, location Brazil. Political beliefs is one of myself and it is super open. But the political thing in Brazil is one source of my anger. It drives me mad, both sides, although one side is mostly evil and the other one is just a little bit uninteligent (sometimes a lot stupid). The most usual source of my anger lately is politics and the bad people around it. People in my country are just stupid when the subject comes. Super stupid! And they create their fake codes of justice using this, and that drives me maaaadd. Its a complicated thing so I better not continue so I wont enter in a rage feeling again.

b) Which types are you currently considering? Why are you considering them and why haven’t you decided on one?

I would like to skip that answer so my thinking doesnt interfere. I do have something in my mind although, just like hearing what others has to say.

2) What do you deem as your purpose in life?

I had tried to find, but I couldnt find a purpose for my life. I just want to have a good life for a moment. I would like to change the world, but I am one in a world of 7 bilion.

3) Of the seven deadly sins, which one(s) do you relate to the most and the least and why?

The most is anger. Although I eat a little bit more than I should and I am a little bit lazy sometimes. I am usually way too angry. And the least is one is greed.
I have anger to things derived by greed.
I had answered before way, but I should be less stressful – I will just try to not care about it.
And my greed is under my complete control.

4) Analyzing your relationships with others, briefly describe:
Already answered

5)What are the traits in others that you admire but you cannot emulate yourself? Elaborate.
Discipline. I wish I was more consistent.

6) Describe your relationship with the following:
a) Anger
High, way too high. Already answered.

b) Shame
For myself I dont, but some people like to try to make me feel shameful but that make me angry instead.

c) Fear
Sometimes I do have fear, sometimes I dont. I used to have a lot of fear, but I am better for now.

d) Love/passion

Passion is not a emotion that I usually feel. I dont have a very specific passion, I do have some interests, but not the passion. I do feel some love but more on a friendship or self way, I havent find my perfect match yet.

e) Conflict

I avoid it, but sometimes I just face it.

7) What are some of the themes that have played a prominent role in your life (ie. A struggle you’ve been unable to conquer, ect)?

Already answered

8) Answer only one of the following:
a) [College aged and above] What is your area of work/study? Why did you choose this and would you change it? If so, what would be your ideal?
Thats an opportunity to express a part of myself I did miss in the other questionarie. Im an engineer! But, well, I am switching to working for the government and I am currently studying law (studying, not graduating, I dont have plans for becoming a lawyer) because the “market entity” kind of forced me too (engineering paying bad). I do like dealing with data, data analysis,a lot, I like to analyze things too, and I do like physics and mathematic is something useful in my day life, it is a knowledge that I never regret it. Mathematic create shortcuts and do a lot. Under-college I was good at physics and like geographics at the same time, really awkward. I never seen myself as engineer or as someone from with any label like that, I never saw myself as a man of math and math´s sciences. I am not a fan of biology and chemistry, not a fan of history, but philosophy and psycology do look cool for me. I used to have a discipline called humanities in my university and everybody hated – except me. Actually, some teachers liked me in school and the humanities liked me because she noticed I was open for listening and learning while others students were procrastinating and ignoring the discipline hardly. I sometimes mix stuff, like to put math on where it doesnt belong, but I always hide it. For example, when typing others, I like the cognitive functions and their order because I first see typing as an equation, with sums and subtractions. And in contact with MBTI I used to have some Te but then decided that some Ti is useful as well, só now I appreciatte both of them, with Te fowards and Ti to fixing stuff. I also used to be known as being a lot of objective, but I use both objective and subjective criteria to make decisions (and sometimes that confuses the text), I evaluate both, and then I judge both solutions and I elect which one is right for the ocasion (the objective criteria wins more than subjective, but not always). My feelings and thinking are somehow in harmony, só an F or T in my typing wouldnt change much, I prefer to understand typing through the functions and not the 4 letter code because of this reason. And I am surely not alone on that. Also, I am not an artistic guy – at least not in visual arts. I do like music, and maybe in terms of sound (math is useful for that), but visual arts is not my thing because I am not good ar drawing. Also, I tend to switch ways of thinkings easily and by my own convenience.

9) When meeting a new person, what do you tend to focus on?

I look for patterns to see if we are going to have a bad fight in the future. I look if the person is honest. I focus on… I cant really say that, besides these two first observations, I do have a focus in that matter.

10) How do you feel about humanity as a whole? What do you feel are some of the biggest problems the human race faces and why?

I feel that humanity is kind of a blur, an unknown, a mix of forces. The bigger problem is evil, but real world evil is not a villain that show how bad he is, have a cool super suit, some terrible plans and all that stuff. Evil is hidden, the bad guys usually dont think they are the bad guys or are good at hiding that action. Also, good people are not entirely good – the good side is full of flaws. There is a lot happenning besides what it is published and the world in deep is not at all how we think it is. It is incredibly complex and complicated. Things are complicated, but I have no doubt that this good and evil stuff do play a lot role. I usually dive this stuff with that or sometimes with crazy theories that are só doubtful and shocking but makes good sense (Im talking something more smart than flat earth) that I prefer to keep to myself – but sometimes I build beliefs around them, my beliefs are build in a more rational sense, but not in a rational-cold sense.

11) What are some of your hobbies and interests?

Already answered.

13) How do you usually “hang out” with your friend(s)? When answering, think about what activities you tend to choose, whether you hang out with one person at once or many, whether or not you initiate the interaction.

I do hang out with one person and with many persons. I usually go to the movies or go to the mall, I am not the sports guy. I usually dont start the interaction, sometimes I do, but not usually.

14) What is more important, actions or words? Why?

Actions. Words can be manipulated, words can be lies. Although some actions are means of manipulation, they are more close to the truth.

15) Oh dear, you’ve been cursed by a witch! It’s ok though, you get a choice on which curse you will receive. Will you choose….
c) To lose your memories
Elaborate on why!

I had bad and good moments in my life, but there were dark days where I wished I lose my memories. There are things I want to forget, although there are things I want to remember forever, and in the end, they most equal each other (ok the good memories wins by a little bit).

16) What do you hope to avoid being? If it helps, describe a person who embodies what you avoid/you as a villain, ect.

I avoid being guilt of someone elses disgrace. I am not going to fix the world, and no ones truly need to, but not being guilty by someone elses disgrace is something essential. I avoid being too bossy, too “greedful”, too arrogant, too stupid.

17) How do you relate to obsession? Do you tend to "merge" with others or your interests? How do you feel about the idea of doing this?

I am not an obsessed person and I didnt get what merge with others means.

18) Organized or messy? Plans and blueprints or impulse and surprises? What are you preferences and tendencies?

I am good at creating reasonbly good plans and I am terrible at following them. I stop creating plans because of that. I am neither organized nor messy. I have a controlled and organized mess (basically, I am not very organized but I do keep track on the important stuff). Preferences and tendencies? Well, I think I already answered that.

19) How do you subjectively view comfort and how do you create comfort in your life and surroundings?

Comfort in terms of being stable, I seek it for survival. Stability is essential in an enviroment that is considered hostile, and my enviroment is a little hostile, só I seek for it. Stability is a way to freedom, it does makes sense in my scenario not in US or Canada. If I were on a developed country I wouldnt seek much for stability, but right now I live for my future stability where I wont be left to suffer in poverty only because of bad luck or by someone elses greed.
Comfort in terms of enjoying life, I do like comfort. I do like a good bed, I do like to have some fun.
I do create comfort by studying (strange but study does make comfort), basically. Not sure if I got this question right by the way.

I was getting INFx vibes the whole time, mostly INFP. Those results you posted seem to match that, but I have a feeling you'll contest what I write ;)

I thought I'd reply, though, because you helped me. Take what you like, ignore what you don't.

And I've never met someone who isn't at least a little bit curious about languages! (Besides my mom, of course.) I love learning them, so that came as a surprise. It would be more efficient to speak the same language as a whole of humanity, I think, but something would be lost in the process. Why do you dislike it?

I wont contest, I wont contest anyone I think, I do already have something in my mind but I also like to gather a different point of view.
I dislike the small but several rules around these languages - these verbs, terms, the whole thing around them. For me the message is important, not the means, thats why I dislike poems (except when they create good music). Too many languages separate us, create barriers and it is not efficient and not effective at all. My memory sometimes fails me and I dont like having too many words for one meaning. The only language I want to learn in the future is esperanto and getting my english finished (I wish I only had to do the esperanto, but you know the United States invested in having the language advantage and didnt cared about the others) and then Im done! I dont see the beauty in languages as some do, I just see them as a mean of communication and thats it. And having a communication mean complex, more hard in terms of access (it should be as accessible as possible) is something I dont like and see it as unefficient (and I see no beauty on that).


Active member
Oct 4, 2016
I dislike the small but several rules around these languages - these verbs, terms, the whole thing around them. For me the message is important, not the means, thats why I dislike poems (except when they create good music). Too many languages separate us, create barriers and it is not efficient and not effective at all. My memory sometimes fails me and I dont like having too many words for one meaning. The only language I want to learn in the future is esperanto and getting my english finished (I wish I only had to do the esperanto, but you know the United States invested in having the language advantage and didnt cared about the others) and then Im done! I dont see the beauty in languages as some do, I just see them as a mean of communication and thats it. And having a communication mean complex, more hard in terms of access (it should be as accessible as possible) is something I dont like and see it as unefficient (and I see no beauty on that).
Interesting. You're probably not interested, but here's my view on it. You seem to think it'd be easier to communicate almost as if by telepathy by way of a shared tongue. In my view, and yes, it quite matches what I've read, languages develop verbs forms based on cultural norms, and different words to convey nuances that aren't able to be conveyed directly, because we don't have telepathy. So for Korean, which I study, the verbs are placed last in the sentence because Koreans themselves like to frame what they say in vaguer terms, so you must wait 'til the end of the sentence to hear their true intentions. Language and culture are inextricably intertwined. I'd be interested to see, if we had a conlang like Esperanto as our international language, or even universal language, would dialects and offshoots still develop? At present native Esperanto speakers (yes, there are some, if you didn't know) have developed new terms and a culture that is not so international. The language has also been critiqued for being less than ideal, as it doesn't draw from African, Asian, or indigenous fonts, despite claims that the language is easiest to learn out of all currently available. So my question to you would be: what is the most efficient, culturally-sensitive language for a global population to speak? ;)
I'm also learning Spanish, and my journey will never be finished if I intend to learn all the complexities of Spanish-speaking cultures.

Haha, I got up on my soap-box there because languages are my passion. Forgive me if I offended.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Thanks for answering the other questionnaire. I still think you're 1w9 because so many of your answers center on right/wrong, and I can see hints of 9 peeking through. I would guess sp/so for instinctual variant stacking. Otherwise, I think 5 or 6 (most likely 5), and probably 3 for the rest of your tritype.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017
Thanks for answering the other questionnaire. I still think you're 1w9 because so many of your answers center on right/wrong, and I can see hints of 9 peeking through. I would guess sp/so for instinctual variant stacking. Otherwise, I think 5 or 6 (most likely 5), and probably 3 for the rest of your tritype.

Thanks! In terms of MBTI, what do you think? And why?

Interesting. You're probably not interested, but here's my view on it. You seem to think it'd be easier to communicate almost as if by telepathy by way of a shared tongue. In my view, and yes, it quite matches what I've read, languages develop verbs forms based on cultural norms, and different words to convey nuances that aren't able to be conveyed directly, because we don't have telepathy. So for Korean, which I study, the verbs are placed last in the sentence because Koreans themselves like to frame what they say in vaguer terms, so you must wait 'til the end of the sentence to hear their true intentions. Language and culture are inextricably intertwined. I'd be interested to see, if we had a conlang like Esperanto as our international language, or even universal language, would dialects and offshoots still develop? At present native Esperanto speakers (yes, there are some, if you didn't know) have developed new terms and a culture that is not so international. The language has also been critiqued for being less than ideal, as it doesn't draw from African, Asian, or indigenous fonts, despite claims that the language is easiest to learn out of all currently available. So my question to you would be: what is the most efficient, culturally-sensitive language for a global population to speak? ;)
I'm also learning Spanish, and my journey will never be finished if I intend to learn all the complexities of Spanish-speaking cultures.

Haha, I got up on my soap-box there because languages are my passion. Forgive me if I offended.

Well, the proposal of Esperanto is not to kill other languages, but rather create a international that links everybody, so people can still "have fun" with their languages. Esperanto as far as I understood wasnt created to be a native language, Im surprised that it has native speakers. It is not ideal, but it is better than English, because it is easier to dominate.

I remember seeing in a history book about a language created in europe to commerce and mercantilism (for international trading and diplomacy) by someone who mastered something like 5-10 languages and was someone who studied language for life. But the history book said that his language didnt got traction because there were much more people interested in spreading french instead. I would also guess that every europe country truly wanted their language to be the one instead, as US also did the same thing later. Esperanto, instead, was, at least as far the internet says, created by a doctor, I think? Who was in a country which was a mess of languages, with many languages and bad communication between. The first case was the ideal, a language created to reunite all ABC speakers. I say ABC because reunite the ones that dont use ABC is too complicated and perhaps impossible. And second, isnt strange that we have so many ABC languages? It is as if ABC language was just one at very begining. It should be one single language in a very early point that started to diverge slowly. But we, as usual, never have the ideal case, so Esperanto is way better than nothing (2 years ago I thought that there was nothing on the subject "easy international language"). It would be better that Esperanto was created in a professional way by multiple professionals (we could say the same thing about MBTI, since the Te,Fe,Se..comes from Jung, which was a professional, but the types INFP,ISTJ,ENTP... was created by Myers Briggs which wasnt a professional), but it didnt happened. I think that every professional either has a passion and would fear to see their hundreds of languages and dozens of regular languages being reduced by 10 times or they dont do it because it would reduce the professionals in the area, since translators and language schools would be less demanded. It would be bad for the professionals and bad for business, so thats my guess why it was never done (almost never) in a professional way.

Also, although I never said directly about the culture thing, Esperanto is meant to be international and not to overwrite culture. Culture can exist in others forms such as music, poems, art, etc.. culture doesnt depend on language, it does depend on communication, which can be done visually or in terms of non-language sounds too. Finally, telepathy does not necessarily is language-less. Computers do somehow have telepathy, they can communicate without visual or air, but their telepathy uses language, if humans develop telepathy (that could happen in thousands or hundreds of years.. when you and I are long dead) it is likely to still have languages and very likely to have culture manipulations.

And about the topic, I would like to ask you what you think about the introversion vs extroversion thing?


Active member
Oct 4, 2016
And about the topic, I would like to ask you what you think about the introversion vs extroversion thing?
Ask me? If not, ignore me.

I said introvert, because I saw Fi first, not because I thought you were quiet or anything. I could see an argument for extrovert, though. I still stick with introvert.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014

I think INFP seems reasonable.

From looking through your posts (which are mostly typings of people) I can see that you tend to start the post with something regarding your personal motivations.

Then you get into a line of thought which seems to be looking at possible answers and the implications of that, and grounding it in terms of what you know (or don't know). I guess that this is Ne+Si. There's often no clear point where the Ne ends and Si begins so I would say your Ne and Si are often working together.

Then you'll often mention something regarding the MBTI tests, e.g. making a recommendation. I would say this is your Te-inferior "specialty" (often the inferior will have a narrow focus because the person will struggle with the function more broadly but can bring it in if the topic is something they're comfortable with/interested in).

Not a clear read, but it's the best I think I can do with the posts you've made thus far.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017

I think INFP seems reasonable.

From looking through your posts (which are mostly typings of people) I can see that you tend to start the post with something regarding your personal motivations.

Then you get into a line of thought which seems to be looking at possible answers and the implications of that, and grounding it in terms of what you know (or don't know). I guess that this is Ne+Si. There's often no clear point where the Ne ends and Si begins so I would say your Ne and Si are often working together.

Then you'll often mention something regarding the MBTI tests, e.g. making a recommendation. I would say this is your Te-inferior "specialty" (often the inferior will have a narrow focus because the person will struggle with the function more broadly but can bring it in if the topic is something they're comfortable with/interested in).

Not a clear read, but it's the best I think I can do with the posts you've made thus far.

Thanks, I got it mostly. But I have a little disagreement, and it is in terms of cognitive functions (not 4-letter code) so I am going to say it. In the tests says I am Si and Fe lacking. Although I use the word "usually" usually, I am usually usually Si lacking! I was raised by an ISTJ, I think thats why I usually say usually too usually :D. Also, I am not a fan of languages, not a fan of traditions and I also tried to push my past away and forget as much as I could about my bad times (I failed and had to face it eventually). My Te isnt baby at all, it is quite developed, not only due to profession because it wasnt bad before that. Also due to MBTI I became aware of Ti and decided to apply Ti in more situations or in paralell with Te in order to fix a lack of data, unclear sets and cases with too much exceptions (which is the case of MBTI).
Aug 7, 2019
An engineering graduate INFP. Interesting.
You do like statistics, and science? Myers Briggs (typology identification: INFP) also learnt statistics to develop the MBTI.

I have question. How do you find engineering as a subject and as a profession? Scientist do differ in pursuit with engineer, don't they?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017
An engineering graduate INFP. Interesting.
You do like statistics, and science? Myers Briggs (typology identification: INFP) also learnt statistics to develop the MBTI.

I have question. How do you find engineering as a subject and as a profession? Scientist do differ in pursuit with engineer, don't they?

I did graduate just recently and I had never worked on the field. Not exactly by my option but I prefer to not talk about it.
I do like statistics and science but I never truly had one single main interest. When I had to choose my profession, I had 5-6 different options where I couldnt choose. I let my mom literally take out 3 of them (although she took statistic out and I could be happier with statistics but she had a good reason at that time, which it was that stats in these times in my enviroment was a profession to get poor and frustrated, just like >80% of professions in Brazil), took one out by my own, and decided to try two different university admission tests, and I happened to pass at engineering. I cant even recall which were the other options beside statistics.

When I was at school, I used to like Geography, I was very good at physics, that was a subject that was intuitive and easy to understand to me at the beginning (but when physics gots trashy [EDIT: By trashy I mean super-complicated hardcore] at university I turn out to be not so good at it). I had a love and hate relationship with math. Math is extremely useful but some subjects are quite complicated. I did appreaciatte philosophy but, well, you cant decently do that for a living even on developed countries. I was undifferent for Biology, arts (impossible to do a decent living on this one either), history. I hated local language (portuguese) and I was bad at chemistry (I dont hate chemistry, I am just bad at it).

And as a last note, well, I was leaded to think that I am an F because of my Fi preference(my Fi is high indeed) and my constantly (although I try to control and usually fail) Fi rage, as I expressed in this topic slightly. But if you pay attention to my function stack, you can see that Fi is in front, Fe is in last, Te and Ti are just middle. It happens that if you sum Te+Ti it is very close to Fi+Fe. These achile heels for INFP Te doesnt apply to me (although I dont have a strong Te, but it isnt weak either). Actually, the achile heels Fe from INTP does apply to me better. Since Fi is hidden emotions and Fe is the expressed emotions, I am more of a rational for people who doesnt know me well (not in MBTI forums because I dont need to hide my Fi here). Also, there are some moments where I write a lot like an INTP. In that same subject, I have been thinking of migrating and try to have a preference for Ti instead of Te. Before I knew the stacks, I did had preference for Te in my very first test (which used to lead me to think that I am ENFP because of tertiary Te) but when I read about Ti, I thought to my self: "I am missing an important aspect of thinking". Today, I have no preference, and maybe I could get a preference for Ti (slightly) so at least I could get some use of INTP advantages (I actually see more virtues in INTP type than the INTPs themselves). I never really managed to get my Te work fully. I could create great plans, with detailed, strategic thinking, but I was terrible at following them (they were good but somedays I was just not in the mood for them). I used to have good control over my perfomance and how my goals were doing. I also was never truly organized nor truly messy, just a middle point. My computer used to be very organized (today is organized. My PC desktop is super clean) for example, while I always had a place for misc stuff which always turned to be messy. In my life, I always had been in the middle in terms of organization and messiness, with some moments being more organized while other being less. Excessive organized enviroment annoys me (I only see point in organizing in terms of efficiency; If you spend more time organizing your enviroment and handling details because of that than looking for lost stuff than thats unefficient unless you need to show off organization). Somedays I could follow an efficient schedule perfectly, but I could never stick on it for more than a week.
Aug 7, 2019
You are an INFP in the MBTI. It is hard to understand the cognitive functions and It seems that you feel some portion all of those cognitive functions in you. It could be because of Fi. I have been observing Se-Fi as a type that have some psychological aptitude in play acting, pretending like an actor, actresses.

The cognitive functions works in in conjunctions, not one by one. In INFP, when they feel, they are also intuiting. Introvert judging is spontaneous, rather than planned. In practice, When you feel something, it would be good if you write it down.
Some INFP has some aptitude in literature . Do you like reading novels, write and poems?
In INFP, When they think, they also sensing.
When Fi-Ne conscious, Si-Te unsconscious. It means when you are feeling intuiting, you can't be simultaneously sensing and thinking.
It would be balanced when you could get conscious of both interchangeably.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017
You are an INFP in the MBTI. It is hard to understand the cognitive functions and It seems that you feel some portion all of those cognitive functions in you. It could be because of Fi. I have been observing Se-Fi as a type that have some psychological aptitude in play acting, pretending like an actor, actresses.

The cognitive functions works in in conjunctions, not one by one. In INFP, when they feel, they are also intuiting. Introvert judging is spontaneous, rather than planned. In practice, When you feel something, it would be good if you write it down.
Some INFP has some aptitude in literature . Do you like reading novels, write and poems?
In INFP, When they think, they also sensing.
When Fi-Ne conscious, Si-Te unsconscious. It means when you are feeling intuiting, you can't be simultaneously sensing and thinking.
It would be balanced when you could get conscious of both interchangeably.

If you are talking about these shadow functions, rigid function stacks, and etc.. well it happens that they dont proceded empirically. I still "believe" in the cognitive functions in their own sake (and I think its reasonable to consider them), but not their rigid stacking. They are very complicated to understand and their interactions, with that not only I agree but today I think nobody truly ever figured this out - maybe in the future.

I did a lot of personality tests by some years, and after some evaluation in long terms I am a NP person. I have been introverted through some years but I believe these are the circumstances. And I have not exactly a feeling or thinking. INFP for now (or ENFP in the past or long term evaluation) is a good fit especially because my Fi is more visible (especially when i am at a bad humor) than any of my thinking functions.


New member
Aug 31, 2019
Hi, I think I already know my 4-letter type and personality, but I wish to hear second opinions. I am not familiar with ennegram, so I would like to be typed in the ennegram thing too. Thanks for reading.

tricky... infp or isfp. Say, are you competitive?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017
tricky... infp or isfp. Say, are you competitive?

I am not competitive...

And I had taken dozens of different MBTI tests, with cognitive functions or dicthonomy, I already got I/E, F/T, and even J (although that was wrong) but every single test I get an N with no exception. Maybe my N is not as strong as it should be (maybe I should develop my intuition more...? And how...?) and I dont get where you see S towards my messages..


New member
Aug 31, 2019
I am not competitive...

And I had taken dozens of different MBTI tests, with cognitive functions or dicthonomy, I already got I/E, F/T, and even J (although that was wrong) but every single test I get an N with no exception. Maybe my N is not as strong as it should be (maybe I should develop my intuition more...? And how...?) and I dont get where you see S towards my messages..

The test are not always very reliable. I noticed you talked about playing FPS etc, that's why I ask. When I play, I hate losing. Since isfp has Se as auxiliary, they sort of get a bigger pleasure at beating others than infp would, I think.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017
The test are not always very reliable. I noticed you talked about playing FPS etc, that's why I ask. When I play, I hate losing. Since isfp has Se as auxiliary, they sort of get a bigger pleasure at beating others than infp would, I think.

I get how it makes sense and I used to think that way (associating Se and xSxP with FPS) but the reality is a little bit different. I like stats and there is one in special about MBTI and FPS. There is little to nothing about it, with one exception. One guy went out through forum and social media on Counter Strike: GO and asked people to do a survey and one of the questions was which MBTI type the respondent were. He gost almost 200 answers, which is quite a good number for these kinds of searchs (we know that nobody that has resources will do these kind of searchs) .

Counter Strike: Global Offensive vs Myers–Briggs Type Indicator

The most common type was INTP, with 28,6% (more than a quarter), followed by INTJ and ISTP with 9,7% each and ENTP in 4th with 8,7%. We know that internet searchs are more prone to INxx, but even considering that, the number of INTPs on these games are quite significant, so FPS is not really about Se, there is at least many other roles as well (also consider that most INTJ are poor at Se and yet they got second place).

On my experience, I met some good bunch of S on Battlefield in the brazilian community (I stopped by a year now because of personal reason but I dont plan to come back, battlefield became not only a poor game, but full of cheaters), but in battlefield stats I noticed a lot of people which didnt interact when play and were highly unacessible. My guess is that from these people the most common type should be INTP.
Aug 7, 2019
I never really managed to get my Te work fully. I could create great plans, with detailed, strategic thinking, but I was terrible at following them (they were good but somedays I was just not in the mood for them).

Somedays I could follow an efficient schedule perfectly, but I could never stick on it for more than a week.

Yeah. Sounds like like a usual behavior of P dichotomy in MBTI, who behaviorally do not stick to the plan, they tend to let their "option" open.

I wonder whether you have ever reckoned that when you schedule something, you may not do it for yourself. You may do scheduling for other party. Doing so, you don't have to follow the schedule; others may have to do so, because according to the schedule, they will have accomplished a work by some time in the future.

Psychological functions Si-Te may perform at their best when doing scientific research. The end of the research project is writing a report and may be teaching of what they have found and learnt.
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