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Is it just me?


Lex Parsimoniae
Apr 24, 2007
Okay there's plenty of examples of the whole "is it just me?" syndrome but one has come to light for me in the past couple of weeks.

I was looking for an alternative to driving or walking to work. It's too close to drive and not feel like some couch potatoe (or start to resemble one) and it's not good for my nitrous rollerskate either. I was initially looking at getting a bicycle after seeing some new sale or something on TV but when I looked into it I failed totally to see the point. Yeah sure there's the flash bikes but they look as painful to ride as all the others and the Indian style chopper bike just screamed wannabe to me. So I figure for more comfort and new stuff I'll have a look at a recumbent bike and whilst doing that I found recumbent tricycles (not fancying trying to balance with my arse as the centre of balance) but they were hideously expensive and looked like an excellent way of covering yourself with road grime before work, plus I have no where to store a bike at either my house or work nevermind a recumbent tricycle!! So as I'm looking around the websites I stumble across an old friend the skateboard. I used to have one as a kid and looking through them just gave me the desire to have one again but lo what do I find.. longboards! Apparently they're better for "crusing" and travelling across distances which is just what I was looking for. Okay so they're 3 to 4 feet in length and could quite possible scatter me across the road whilst pelting down the slope that takes me to work but hell they looked fun.

Me being me I decide to see what others think to the idea and whether they'd be up for getting one just for messing about on and perhaps a blast around the shops on the odd occasion. Now to describe the look I got I can only really put :thelook: combined with :huh: and :rolli:.

According to my "advisors" I may have struck my head on something solid or be experiencing some kind of need to revive my childhood. Pah says I. Is it just me? Am I the only person who can see the logic behind the enthusiasm and how fun can be combined with such a practical, if a little unconventional, solution?

Of course when reviewing the course today as I walked to work the impracticalities did occur like the breaks in the pavement or the bad joins between two slabs. Those areas where I'd come off or careen into someone's car. I figure the practicality has dropped off in my eyes but I still see the recreational value to the idea. Who wouldn't like to surf the tarmac and gently roll along rather than plod? I figure it'd be good exercise too what with falling off and getting back up every five minutes (I don't go for the whole "low impact" philosophy :) ) even if trying to propel a wheeled surf board at high speed doesn't do much.

Mind you this is the same crowd who gave a similar reception to water cooling my computer. Okay so I fried it already and had to replace a bunch of parts but it was entertaining. When did people get so boring?

Anyhow, are you the innovator?
Do you tend to get that look from people that intimates that they think you've just fallen off the back of a space lorry and hit your head?
Why do people stop trying such things?
What is it that dies within them?
Is it they who lose something or me who's gained/ lost something?

(Oh and if you're wondering why this is in the psychology section and not the more fluff zone areas it's because I see this as related to psychology in a larger fashion as beneath the surface influence on many areas. Also I'm looking at this and wondering if keeping your "youth" in such a fashion is a sign of development or regression.)


My termites win
Aug 6, 2007
  • Anyhow, are you the innovator?
    A wannabe. I haven't been in a while because I've stretched myself too thin. It is in a narrow area of pushing the design envelopes in the particular design problems I face.
  • Do you tend to get that look from people that intimates that they think you've just fallen off the back of a space lorry and hit your head?
    Yup. It used to be a sign of encouragement.
  • Why do people stop trying such things?
    Busy-ness, in my case.
  • What is it that dies within them?
    ???A sense of security as a basis for taking risks?
  • Is it they who lose something or me who's gained/ lost something?
    I think they lose something.


Lex Parsimoniae
Apr 24, 2007
  • Do you tend to get that look from people that intimates that they think you've just fallen off the back of a space lorry and hit your head?
    Yup. It used to be a sign of encouragement.
Encouragement? :huh: How so?
  • Why do people stop trying such things?
    Busy-ness, in my case.
Do you not find that it's an off shoot of looking at things sideways?
  • What is it that dies within them?
    ???A sense of security as a basis for taking risks?
I guess so. I was linking it to the weight of this so called "grown up world" but I find that insufficient. All people do is replace one set of fantasies for another so I have to wonder why the desires change.
  • Is it they who lose something or me who's gained/ lost something?
    I think they lose something.
Good. As long as I haven't lost all my marbles :)


~dangerous curves ahead~
Nov 15, 2007
Mind you this is the same crowd who gave a similar reception to water cooling my computer. Okay so I fried it already and had to replace a bunch of parts but it was entertaining. When did people get so boring?

How did you water cool your PC? :rofl1: Why not just turn a fan on at it?

Anyhow, are you the innovator?
Do you tend to get that look from people that intimates that they think you've just fallen off the back of a space lorry and hit your head?
Why do people stop trying such things?
What is it that dies within them?
Is it they who lose something or me who's gained/ lost something?

Yes, but I've learnt to live within J bounds so such looks have lessened to :static: or :thumbup: vs :shock: :rolli: or :huh: . :D

Perhaps you stop trying such things because you've found enough to rest. And that rest gives you the chance to reflect/contemplate. You take flight again if required. But if what you've found is gold. Well. Would you fly from it? Contentment.

Winging it in a sea of boundless opportunities leads to exhaustion. Perhaps that realisation makes people settle. Giving up = death? Or is that growing up? Question of perspective.

(Oh and if you're wondering why this is in the psychology section and not the more fluff zone areas it's because I see this as related to psychology in a larger fashion as beneath the surface influence on many areas. Also I'm looking at this and wondering if keeping your "youth" in such a fashion is a sign of development or regression.)

Arrested development. :yes: *hides from Xander* At what cost would you continue to pursue Pness?

But normalcy is relative anyway.


Lex Parsimoniae
Apr 24, 2007
How did you water cool your PC?
With water. Jeez stop hanging upside-down. It's doing funny things to yer head :tongue10:
:rofl1: Why not just turn a fan on at it?
I used air cooling for years. Bored now, time to change.

It was a challenge and the results are semi pleasing. I'm a bit too perfectionistic to rate it any higher though. Knocking 40c off the temperature of one of the components versus straight air cooling is more than enough reason to have tried it though imo.
Yes, but I've learnt to live within J bounds so such looks have lessened to :static: or :thumbup: vs :shock: :rolli: or :huh: . :D
Hell even the Ps tend to look a bit gone out at me when I come up with some of my more radical ideas but that's basically only because I've challenged their concrete base. I can't help it if I have no respect for the foundations people build their thinking on.
Perhaps you stop trying such things because you've found enough to rest. And that rest gives you the chance to reflect/contemplate. You take flight again if required. But if what you've found is gold. Well. Would you fly from it? Contentment.
Resting is not contentment. If you are content when flying what happens then? What about if you don't fly because you get too lazy and so rest upon whatever was beneath you when you gave up flying and crashed down? What about being content to return to one place each day but fly all over in between?
Winging it in a sea of boundless opportunities leads to exhaustion. Perhaps that realisation makes people settle. Giving up = death? Or is that growing up? Question of perspective.
Oh no they give up for fear of death. Hiding from it in their own little worlds with their own rules where death is the intruder, the usurper.
Arrested development. :yes: *hides from Xander* At what cost would you continue to pursue Pness?
Pursue what? Being a P, possibility hounds me, I only chose to pay it some mind before lunging for it's throat with the talons of well honed "sensibility". Sensibility being that commonly accepted way of thinking which strangely reinforced our current mindset and fails to really ever challenge it.
But normalcy is relative anyway.
You haven't met my relatives!! :eek:


~dangerous curves ahead~
Nov 15, 2007
With water. Jeez stop hanging upside-down. It's doing funny things to yer head :tongue10:

I used air cooling for years. Bored now, time to change.

Tsk, you fuzz-brained English, of the infinite variety of insults available in your language, the best you could come up with was :tongue10:?

I meant, did you drop your whole CPU into water? How'd you waterproof everything?

It was a challenge and the results are semi pleasing. I'm a bit too perfectionistic to rate it any higher though. Knocking 40c off the temperature of one of the components versus straight air cooling is more than enough reason to have tried it though imo.

Knocked 40C off and knocked it off too. I'm impressed. I quote a wise lady, "you're English, you pwn weird"

Hell even the Ps tend to look a bit gone out at me when I come up with some of my more radical ideas but that's basically only because I've challenged their concrete base. I can't help it if I have no respect for the foundations people build their thinking on.

Leave them their thoughts. Would you catch them if they fall from their towers?

Resting is not contentment. If you are content when flying what happens then? What about if you don't fly because you get too lazy and so rest upon whatever was beneath you when you gave up flying and crashed down? What about being content to return to one place each day but fly all over in between?

Oh no they give up for fear of death. Hiding from it in their own little worlds with their own rules where death is the intruder, the usurper.

What if the purpose of flight is a returning? Is flight possible without rest? One defines the other.

I merely meant for those who take wing, there comes a point when the heart finds a peace. And that is rest to me. Same as for those who've never flown, perhaps it is time to soar on ether.

And yes, content birds in flight do something known as coasting, not crashing. A difference of two letters.

Pursue what? Being a P, possibility hounds me, I only chose to pay it some mind before lunging for it's throat with the talons of well honed "sensibility". Sensibility being that commonly accepted way of thinking which strangely reinforced our current mindset and fails to really ever challenge it.

Some common sense is necessary to live. I doubt your talons are sensibility. More like restlessness. :D

you haven't met my relatives!! :eek:

More Englishmen?! Well. As Thumper said, "My daddy always said, if you can't say anything good, then don't say anything at all"


Lex Parsimoniae
Apr 24, 2007
Tsk, you fuzz-brained English, of the infinite variety of insults available in your language, the best you could come up with was :tongue10:?
Insult? I'm a little short on insults for you dear. Perhaps if you were to be gracious enough to raise your platform so I may meet your eye we can stare each other out instead?
I meant, did you drop your whole CPU into water? How'd you waterproof everything?
Well you don't actually put it in the water, well not intentionally... :whistling:. You have copper heatsinks which are fed water through pipes. the water is pumped around and through an aircooled radiator to keep it cool. It helps maintain very stable temperatures and low noise.
Knocked 40C off and knocked it off too. I'm impressed. I quote a wise lady, "you're English, you pwn weird"
Oh no that component is fine. It was the motherboard. Kinda got wet when the plumbing came loose :whistling:
Leave them their thoughts. Would you catch them if they fall from their towers?
Depends. Sometimes you waste their journey by halting their fall and other times you destroy their peace if you don't. Sometimes it's both.
What if the purpose of flight is a returning? Is flight possible without rest? One defines the other.
Darkness is the absence of light but flight is not the absence of rest. One is a thing which cannot be another, darkness is never light, where as it is the flyer which rests or flies. Ergo the analogy is flawed that far but I get your meaning. In which case we agree. Everyone flies and everyone rests. In which case one who will not fly is broken the same as one who will not rest.
I merely meant for those who take wing, there comes a point when the heart finds a peace. And that is rest to me. Same as for those who've never flown, perhaps it is time to soar on ether.
Balance is the key to all things.
And yes, content birds in flight do something known as coasting, not crashing. A difference of two letters.
NT/NF ? :devil:
Some common sense is necessary to live. I doubt your talons are sensibility. More like restlessness. :D
The talons are not mine though I can formulate a similar tool when necessary.
More Englishmen?! Well. As Thumper said, "My daddy always said, if you can't say anything good, then don't say anything at all"
That smiley is god awful. Even I wouldn't stoop that low!!

Oh and you forgot that a largish portion of my family are female... ie even madder :D


ish red no longer *sad*
Apr 23, 2007
Okay there's plenty of examples of the whole "is it just me?" syndrome but one has come to light for me in the past couple of weeks.
Are you starting to pick up story rambling habits off these ENTPs? Kidding!
Anyhow, are you the innovator?
I call myself a combinator more than an innovator. I snag ideas off different places and stick them together into something new. Though the outlet of the thinking is typically graphics (2D) orientated. Most of it becomes ideas backlogged in my mind though, as I don't have the technical skills to transform the ideas into reality.

Do you tend to get that look from people that intimates that they think you've just fallen off the back of a space lorry and hit your head?
A space lorry... I have to agree with Ae there... you pwn weird. Anyways, to answer the question... yes. Especially when you get me started on something I found interesting. People give me the :shock: look and tries to back away.

Why do people stop trying such things?
Ran out of time? Life gets in the way of a lot of junk...

What is it that dies within them?
Some people aren't interested to begin with. The transition between ideas into practice is also difficult. People's minds can bounced onto other ideas.

Is it they who lose something or me who's gained/ lost something?
Both side gains and loses something. They lost the creative spirit (if they have it to begin with that is) but they gain the time to do common enjoyable pastimes. Just because you have an innovative idea doesn't mean it'll work out. It might be fun experimenting, but if it fails... you got to admit you've wasted a lot of time.

Also I'm looking at this and wondering if keeping your "youth" in such a fashion is a sign of development or regression.)
Is innovation considered as keeping your "youth"? Some people were never innovative to begin with... they seem perfectly happy with doing stuff the way they were told to.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
When did people get so boring?

Anyhow, are you the innovator?
Do you tend to get that look from people that intimates that they think you've just fallen off the back of a space lorry and hit your head?
Why do people stop trying such things?
What is it that dies within them?
Is it they who lose something or me who's gained/ lost something?
(g'day mate!)

So, are you getting a longboard?! I think you should! My 17 year old son is a skateboarder. He likes the Canadian maple ones the best for durability.

Do you happen to have a high S factor? You could perhaps be experiencing the ISTP side of yourself.

I don't think you're old enough yet for a mid-life crisis, are you?

People lose their child-like idealism when they get out into the real world. Some people lose it sooner than others, based on how well they can roll with the punches. Sometimes life's wounds are deep and there's not always help available for recovering from such. I think that we should make it our aim to stay open and not become cynical. But I do believe the daily grind of life at the grindstone makes it easy to work our way into a rut, and forget the beautiful things about life.

It takes the example of the fun SPs to break us out of our thinking every now and then.

Don't let life bring you down!
:run:Get out there and have some fun!:happy2:


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
(g'day mate!)
People lose their child-like idealism when they get out into the real world. Some people lose it sooner than others, based on how well they can roll with the punches. Sometimes life's wounds are deep and there's not always help available for recovering from such. I think that we should make it our aim to stay open and not become cynical. But I do believe the daily grind of life at the grindstone makes it easy to work our way into a rut, and forget the beautiful things about life.

Yes, this would be true for me. In my mid-20's I really lost the idealism and got stuck in a rut and became rather cynical and despised the 'real world' - mostly because I didn't like how I'd become (I hated being cynical) and wanted to figure out a way to 'survive' and thrive in the world without my spirit being held ransom in the process. So the past 2-3 yrs I've consciously worked backwards, so as to reconnect with my more idealistic, childlike mentality. It's just not worth it to me to be anything otherwise. Why waste time being bitter? For me it came down to a choice. How to I want to choose to view things? Life is too short.

So these days I'm so not about the daily grind and try to stay on top of my life so as not to fall back into a wake-work-sleep-wake-work-sleep routine. Doesn't mean I'm always on top of it (because I'm not), and doesn't mean I'm always loving my life (because I'm currently dissatisfied with some things :). But my overall mentality is back to being more idealistic, which I like. I do many activities that most soon-to-be-30-somethings don't do, and I travel as much as I can, which is something many people push off til retirement. But I'd rather do it now while I'm healthy and have the opportunity, because frankly I may not live til 'retirement', and there's really no point in holding off. Life and snatching opportunities in the NOW is something I'm more and more trying to do.

Pretty much everyone my age is already married by this point (at least where I live :), and aside from my friends are living lives that are far different from mine, so I can't really connect on a 'We're-on-the-same-path-in-life' level. I suppose I'm still a kid inside in some ways, if you would compare me to others my age who are pursuing vastly different things than I.


ENFJ In Chains
Nov 5, 2007
Instinctual Variant
This man may be rattling on about innovating space lorries for some time, people. His flu caught the Xanders and isn't functioning properly yet.


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
Anyhow, are you the innovator?

Do you tend to get that look from people that intimates that they think you've just fallen off the back of a space lorry and hit your head?

Occasionally, but sometimes I'm also the one looking at people like they're crazy for such ideas, although I'll be more open to them than most are, if they can assuage my specific misgivings about it.
Why do people stop trying such things?

Because they prefer to stay within what other people accept more easily, don't want to take risks or draw attention to themselves.
What is it that dies within them?

A sense of adventure and boldness, perhaps a sense of rebellion.
Is it they who lose something or me who's gained/ lost something?

Both. They gain stability and acceptance/respect at the cost described above, while people who continue to try such things sacrifice some stability and acceptance/respect. It's a trade-off... what do you value more?

Ghost of the dead horse

filling some space
Sep 7, 2007
Anyhow, are you the innovator?
I do invent new stuff sometimes, mostly I just look for new things others have invented that the great mass of slow adapters haven't yet figured out.

Do you tend to get that look from people that intimates that they think you've just fallen off the back of a space lorry and hit your head?
I almost exclusively speak in understandable language in the real world. But, every now an then I get the whim to express some obscure things.. and then, I get it.

Why do people stop trying such things?
It's hard for people's thinking processes to make something new. Most people notice they're better at using what there already is. With 6bn people on this planet, there are plenty of interesting and useful things others have invented, so it's a hard competition. Most feel they're not up to the job.

What is it that dies within them?
Their confidence and ability to renew themselves. Pressure to conform takes over. They're not that able to deal with the new things with an independent thought that they'd find value in it.

Is it they who lose something or me who's gained/ lost something?
They've lost.
Edit: after reading athenian's comment, yes they have gained in polishing their normal, conforming image. People as a whole aren't able to invent much, and think of inventors with suspicion.. People accept that somebody DID invent something, but they aren't accepting to the idea that mostly anyone WILL invent something in the future (damned #%""#!$ Si !!!!! :steam: )!! People who can't invent should stop from uttering simplicities like "it's never been done".. omg.. they're not fit to evaluate anyone else's capabilities for invention.


~dangerous curves ahead~
Nov 15, 2007
Insult? I'm a little short on insults for you dear. Perhaps if you were to be gracious enough to raise your platform so I may meet your eye we can stare each other out instead?

Well, if you would deign to come down from your fluffly little flu cloud, you pseudo-angel, there could be a meeting ground. :whistling:

Oh no, I couldn't stare you out, I may stare you down though. :devil:

Well you don't actually put it in the water, well not intentionally... :whistling:. You have copper heatsinks which are fed water through pipes. the water is pumped around and through an aircooled radiator to keep it cool. It helps maintain very stable temperatures and low noise.

Oh no that component is fine. It was the motherboard. Kinda got wet when the plumbing came loose :whistling:

I think it wasn't the motherboard that got wet there. :rolli:

Depends. Sometimes you waste their journey by halting their fall and other times you destroy their peace if you don't. Sometimes it's both.

Darkness is the absence of light but flight is not the absence of rest. One is a thing which cannot be another, darkness is never light, where as it is the flyer which rests or flies. Ergo the analogy is flawed that far but I get your meaning. In which case we agree. Everyone flies and everyone rests. In which case one who will not fly is broken the same as one who will not rest.

Balance is the key to all things.

I did not say one is the absence of the other - I asked is flight possible without rest. One defines the other. Do you really know what is flight if you have not rested. Do you know what is rest if you've not flown.

I thought INTPs were good on details.

I'm as much an ENFP as you are an ENTP.

The talons are not mine though I can formulate a similar tool when necessary.

That smiley is god awful. Even I wouldn't stoop that low!!

You don't have to stoop to get there actually. :devil:

Oh and you forgot that a largish portion of my family are female... ie even madder :D

Ah. That's a matter of perspectives. That which you call gray is but fine lines of black and white beyond your vision.

This man may be rattling on about innovating space lorries for some time, people. His flu caught the Xanders and isn't functioning properly yet.

Ahhh. Wisdom from my favourite ENFJ. :D


Lex Parsimoniae
Apr 24, 2007
Are you starting to pick up story rambling habits off these ENTPs? Kidding!
Wha? Oh hell no... *runs off to go a scrub clean with a garden broom*

I was actually noting that such "human interest" angles tend to engage people more. I guess I'm trying to be accommodating in my usual Ti fashion :D
Anyhow, are you the innovator?
I call myself a combinator more than an innovator. I snag ideas off different places and stick them together into something new. Though the outlet of the thinking is typically graphics (2D) orientated. Most of it becomes ideas backlogged in my mind though, as I don't have the technical skills to transform the ideas into reality.
Oh what I wouldn't give to have clarity of image... I can't draw basically because I can't fix the image in my mind clearly. I'm jealous.
Do you tend to get that look from people that intimates that they think you've just fallen off the back of a space lorry and hit your head?
A space lorry... I have to agree with Ae there... you pwn weird. Anyways, to answer the question... yes. Especially when you get me started on something I found interesting. People give me the :shock: look and tries to back away.
INTP. :hi: Hate to says things the normal way.
:doh: why do people struggle with this?
Anyhoo, the whole interest thing is precisely what I'm on about. It's virtually anything that I have specific interest in which garners that type of response. I'm thinking it has something to do with having an unformed filing system for information. When I recompile it the links aren't necessarily where people expect them to be.

"I'm playing all the right notes. Not necessarily in the right order." ~Eric Morecambe
Why do people stop trying such things?
Ran out of time? Life gets in the way of a lot of junk...
It seems to me that people are over obsessed with the mundane and the systematic to even think of innovation half the time but I guess I appear as backwards to them as they do to me.
What is it that dies within them?
Some people aren't interested to begin with. The transition between ideas into practice is also difficult. People's minds can bounced onto other ideas.
Everyone innovates when they're a child. It's called not knowing the "correct" response and so coming up with their own. It just seems to me that people go through half their life trying to be the same only to give up and be individuals when they are older and have gained enough gumption to actually say "balls to convention".
Is it they who lose something or me who's gained/ lost something?
Both side gains and loses something. They lost the creative spirit (if they have it to begin with that is) but they gain the time to do common enjoyable pastimes. Just because you have an innovative idea doesn't mean it'll work out. It might be fun experimenting, but if it fails... you got to admit you've wasted a lot of time.
Ah sometimes it's the journey :D

I was looking for the perfect representation of this with the Garfield cartoon where Jon's saying something about a mad guy diving off a roof and falling to his death thinking he could fly with Garlfield running past him wearing a paisley cape saying "yeah but he didn't believe!!!".

Sometimes it's the "sane" one's that are of the most concern.
Is innovation considered as keeping your "youth"? Some people were never innovative to begin with... they seem perfectly happy with doing stuff the way they were told to.
Not the innovation necessarily as that's just how the conclusion is formulated but the desire to actually do things in your own fashion and not decided by general consensus.

Thinking about it I think that's just splitting hairs. Yes I do think that innovation is a sign of youth. It's common place in the young and rare in the "normal" "mature" *people* (read 'flock').


Lex Parsimoniae
Apr 24, 2007
(g'day mate!)
:hi: Sheila!!! How you doin?
So, are you getting a longboard?! I think you should! My 17 year old son is a skateboarder. He likes the Canadian maple ones the best for durability.
Well with an out of shape 30 year old on it I'd best go for durability eh? ;)

Yeah never truely got on with skateboards per se when I was young. Too highly strung. They'd rock under my feet. I was the only guy to alter mine so that only the front trucks had any steering and the back truck was locked. Couldn't get to grips with the four wheel steering convention ;)
Do you happen to have a high S factor? You could perhaps be experiencing the ISTP side of yourself.
High S factor? Who me? Nothing would surprise me in that regard though I'd not class myself as ever ISTP. I can't do the whole literal logic for that long without including some form of induction... Either that or I'm just defining it too harshly.
I don't think you're old enough yet for a mid-life crisis, are you?
Well it was a day ending in day so quite possibly yes :D

Anyhow surely to know if it's a mid life crisis I'd have to know how long I'm going to live? :devil: :whistling:
People lose their child-like idealism when they get out into the real world. Some people lose it sooner than others, based on how well they can roll with the punches. Sometimes life's wounds are deep and there's not always help available for recovering from such. I think that we should make it our aim to stay open and not become cynical. But I do believe the daily grind of life at the grindstone makes it easy to work our way into a rut, and forget the beautiful things about life.
See now this is where my thinking wanders now. Is it the "real world" or is it simply a different set of ideals? Is one superior to another or simply more acceptable?
It takes the example of the fun SPs to break us out of our thinking every now and then.
That's one reason why my ESTP is both berated and praised. Sometimes you need someone who'll do something random just to make you see that not everything has to be perfect to work.
Don't let life bring you down!
:run:Get out there and have some fun!:happy2:
Just one request. Can I mostly stay in and have some fun? :ninja:


Lex Parsimoniae
Apr 24, 2007
Yes, this would be true for me. In my mid-20's I really lost the idealism and got stuck in a rut and became rather cynical and despised the 'real world' - mostly because I didn't like how I'd become (I hated being cynical) and wanted to figure out a way to 'survive' and thrive in the world without my spirit being held ransom in the process. So the past 2-3 yrs I've consciously worked backwards, so as to reconnect with my more idealistic, childlike mentality. It's just not worth it to me to be anything otherwise. Why waste time being bitter? For me it came down to a choice. How to I want to choose to view things? Life is too short.

So these days I'm so not about the daily grind and try to stay on top of my life so as not to fall back into a wake-work-sleep-wake-work-sleep routine. Doesn't mean I'm always on top of it (because I'm not), and doesn't mean I'm always loving my life (because I'm currently dissatisfied with some things :). But my overall mentality is back to being more idealistic, which I like. I do many activities that most soon-to-be-30-somethings don't do, and I travel as much as I can, which is something many people push off til retirement. But I'd rather do it now while I'm healthy and have the opportunity, because frankly I may not live til 'retirement', and there's really no point in holding off. Life and snatching opportunities in the NOW is something I'm more and more trying to do.

Pretty much everyone my age is already married by this point (at least where I live :), and aside from my friends are living lives that are far different from mine, so I can't really connect on a 'We're-on-the-same-path-in-life' level. I suppose I'm still a kid inside in some ways, if you would compare me to others my age who are pursuing vastly different things than I.
You may well be more mature than they. I've noted that often the most secure people are those who are different to the stock. They are less afraid to move and more open to change.


Lex Parsimoniae
Apr 24, 2007
This man may be rattling on about innovating space lorries for some time, people. His flu caught the Xanders and isn't functioning properly yet.

Yes. It's you.

Why I ought ta :steam:
You know that sometimes, like now, actually giving the logically correct and perhaps cynical answer is innovation in itself as so many would not think and just give a flippant answer.
Occasionally, but sometimes I'm also the one looking at people like they're crazy for such ideas, although I'll be more open to them than most are, if they can assuage my specific misgivings about it.
So you innovate but not necessarily by such chaotic methods as most associate with the word? Would that be a fair summation?
Because they prefer to stay within what other people accept more easily, don't want to take risks or draw attention to themselves.
Hmm. That's almost precisely what makes me give up on some of these ideas. I guess that when there is a lack of energy from others for the scheme such things weigh more heavily. Well at least that's how I perceive it.
A sense of adventure and boldness, perhaps a sense of rebellion.
Aha. That's kinda what I was feeling. They have obviously never been told to avoid going quietly into the night!!

Viva la revolution!
Both. They gain stability and acceptance/respect at the cost described above, while people who continue to try such things sacrifice some stability and acceptance/respect. It's a trade-off... what do you value more?
A jedi craves not these things :smile:

I think I'm distinctly in the rebel camp though I know not how I came to be here.
Anyhow, are you the innovator?
I do invent new stuff sometimes, mostly I just look for new things others have invented that the great mass of slow adapters haven't yet figured out.
That's sometimes all that is required to be classed as an innovator. I was always surprised that I got classed as an innovator for just spending five minutes thinking about a solution to a problem instead of just carrying on.

Mind you though you should see my database. It's so full of "innovations" that a pro had a look and was amazed that it worked at all :whistling:
Do you tend to get that look from people that intimates that they think you've just fallen off the back of a space lorry and hit your head?
I almost exclusively speak in understandable language in the real world. But, every now an then I get the whim to express some obscure things.. and then, I get it.
Oh I tend to get it even when I'm using easily understood english. I get ignored if I go all tangential :D
Why do people stop trying such things?
It's hard for people's thinking processes to make something new. Most people notice they're better at using what there already is. With 6bn people on this planet, there are plenty of interesting and useful things others have invented, so it's a hard competition. Most feel they're not up to the job.
Well if they want to compete globally then there's little point in many things but if you don't try then how will you know? Many of my theories on psychology or philosophy have been thought up in isolation only to find that it's already been thought of. My personal joy comes from thinking it up. It doesn't matter to me so much that someone else has already thought of it. To me it's an innovation even if to Mr Smith of Wiltshire it's been fact for ten years.
What is it that dies within them?
Their confidence and ability to renew themselves. Pressure to conform takes over. They're not that able to deal with the new things with an independent thought that they'd find value in it.
It always confounds me how people fail to reinvent themselves. I've been told it's an NTP trait to be able to flex so much. I always figured it was common place. Most distressing to find out that what you think is normal is alien to so many.
Is it they who lose something or me who's gained/ lost something?
They've lost.
Edit: after reading athenian's comment, yes they have gained in polishing their normal, conforming image. People as a whole aren't able to invent much, and think of inventors with suspicion.. People accept that somebody DID invent something, but they aren't accepting to the idea that mostly anyone WILL invent something in the future (damned #%""#!$ Si !!!!! :steam: )!! People who can't invent should stop from uttering simplicities like "it's never been done".. omg.. they're not fit to evaluate anyone else's capabilities for invention.
:D I'm guessing you hit that wall often ;)