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Interviews by ENFP


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Heather and Holly about their similarities and differences as standard and jumper ESTJs. We started with Heather, who is the standard ESTJ, explaining her compulsion to narrow things down as soon as she is presented with information. Heather said that chaos is not a huge problem, it's more of a nuisance but nothing she can't deal with. Holly, who is the jumper ESTJ, talked about wanting the new and having trouble narrowing things down. Similar to Heather, she doesn't like chaos either but she's more in touch with it seeing as she is an ExxJ-ExxP. We then got into the topic of Fi and they talked about feeling like a bad person if they try to do what they want. So instead, they try to mold themselves to the tribe which ends up badly because they blow up later for not being able to be themselves. They also discussed the differences between blast and consume. Heather talked about just wanting to get started while Holly wanted to keep gathering new information because she feels she doesn't have enough. Mainly, Holly said she doesn't want to get caught by the tribe not knowing something so she goes to gather more information which ends up being a vicious cycle. We also discussed values and how as ESTJs, building themselves is actually more important than building in one specific career path. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I talked to Xavier about what it's like to be an ENTP Ne-Ti CP/S(B) FF. During the interview, we talked about his NT consume and how he goes whenever trying to solve a problem by immediately doing research. He'll either consume from an online source or talk to someone. In regards to NT consume first, Xavier is also hyper-aware of how he comes across so before he leaves the house, he wants to make sure he presents himself well to the tribe by wearing the appropriate outfit. We also talked about his NF play and how he derives a sense of meaning and purpose with the tribe. Specifically, Xavier talked about always wanting to get to know what people are up to and what their goals and missions are in their life. Next, we discussed his ST sleep and Xavier talked about how he does things that are very personal to him. He said he gets really mad at backseat drivers trying to tell him how he should drive. Xavier also talked about his ST sleep demon and being terrible at the whole taking care of health things until recently. He said it takes him forever to book a doctor's appointment and having an exercise routine is something he only started this year. Finally, we talked about his SF blast last and it looks like thanks to his upbringing and family influence, Xavier has function use of it! This makes it tricky for him because he won't have the same issues as other ENTPs with blast last because of his ability to use it. We also discussed him being a tester and visual and how he has a visual memory and is a bit picky when it comes to food. The last thing we discussed is being an ENTP in the LGBTQ community and how some ENTPs can get weird with the Si label. Xavier said he doesn't personally care about the label and he's fine with what people want to call him as. He joked that one of his professors called him David for an entire semester and it didn't bother him at all. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Grace about what it's like to be an ISTJ Si-Te BS/P(C) FF. During the interview, we talked about her double-activated double feminine ST blast first. Grace said that even though it's double activated ST blast, she doesn't feel confident about the stuff she is saying because it's double feminine. We then talked about her SF sleep and she said she didn't start doing health routines until the pandemic started. However, she still has trouble seeing a doctor or dentist. We then talked about her NT play and she talked about helping her decider friends figure out how to deal with people. When we discussed her double masculine NF consume, Grace said that new experiences make her feel like a new person. And even though she doesn't want to consume, because it's double masculine, she oftentimes will. The problem lies with absorbing the information. Despite her consuming new information, retention is a huge problem. We also talked about her tester and visual sexual modality and Grace talked about having lots of scented candles and how smell brings her back to old memories. She said the memories can be very powerful and will emotionally hit her hard when she smells something familiar. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Jake about what it's like to be an ESFP Se-Te PC/B(S) MM. The first thing we talked about is his double masculine double-activated ST play. Jake talked about being a doer and getting things done is all that matters to him. He said he is often blind to the emotional vibe of the tribe because, in his mind, nothing else matters except getting things done. We then talked about his SF consume and Jake mostly talked about playing tons of video games ever since he was a kid. We then talked about his NT blast and he said that comes from the bible. His known information and abstract lessons are from the bible and he teaches them to others. Then, the funny topic of NF sleep last came along and Jake went on a rant that most NFs he hears sounds like "WEE WEE WAAAA WOOO". He said it doesn't make any sense and doesn't create any real value in life. He also talked about his kinesthetic being bad because he wasn't active when he was younger and is paying for it now that he is older. However, his audio is very good which seems to compensate for his kinesthetic being severely underdeveloped. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got to talk to Will about what it's like to be an INFJ Ni-Fe BP/C(S) MF. Will is the most extroverted INFJ type, having Ni+Fe and Fe-Se as his saviour animals. During the interview, will talked about thinking he was either an ENTJ or ENFJ before getting officially typed. Will then talked about his NF blast and how flexible he is at using it when teaching the tribe something. His SF play is more prominent seeing as it's double activated and he uses it to give his friends recommendations all the time. He talked about his vices being cigars and he likes to give his friends recommendations on which cigar flavour to try. Will also talked about his double masculine ST consume and how he gathers info in regards to music since that's what he's into. We then talked about his NT sleep last and Will talked about being pessimistic about long-term planning because of his feminine Ni knowing that things change so much there's no point in planning. We also discuss him being audio kinesthetic and it's obvious music is something he is really good at. Ironically, he said kinesthetic is something he is not particularly good at. Lastly, we talked about him being an IxxJ and the chaos he hates is hot weather that makes his face sweaty and the gross feeling of hugging people when you're sweaty. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got to talk to Brian about what it's like to be an ESTJ Te-Si BP/C(S) MF. During the interview, Brian talked about his ST blast being his go-to when giving instructions when working in NASA. However, he tends to be very flexible with people, especially when it comes to brainstorming sessions thanks to his double feminine double activated NT play. Brian also talked about his NF consume which he personally likes because it gives him a chance to get to know other people at a deep level. He also travels quite a bit and he derives some sense of purpose from that. We then talked about his SF sleep and he is proud of his baby Fi. He said he never really cried when he was younger but as he got older, he was wondering what the watery stuff was coming out of his eyes and later realized he was crying. At first, it freaked him out but he then realized that emotions are what it takes to be human and so Brian is learning to lean towards feelings. We also talked about SF cool and he did mention at one point in his life, that he was wondering what cool really meant and used his NT to try and figure it out with his friends. In the last part of our interview, we talked about his audio kinesthetic, and turns out he's quite competent at learning musical instruments, listening to people's voices, and doing body movements. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this explainer video, I analyzed the INTP weaknesses with the help of Jessica, an officially typed double introverted INTP type. Jessica shared with me her biggest life problems and I analyzed them. Throughout the video, I talked about Jessica's specific animal stack and how her play demon and blast last are causing people problems in her life. I did a deep dive on her specific INTP personality type and provided solutions to her problems. The video starts with me breaking down the parts of Jessica's type both the INTP strengths and weaknesses. Then, I analyzed the four dimensions of her NF play and SF blast. I then identified which section of each of those animals that Jessica has an issue with and provide concrete and actionable solutions to her people problems. Watch this explainer video here:


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Hello everyone! In this explainer video, I analyzed the INTP weaknesses with the help of Jessica, an officially typed double introverted INTP type. Jessica shared with me her biggest life problems and I analyzed them. Throughout the video, I talked about Jessica's specific animal stack and how her play demon and blast last are causing people problems in her life. I did a deep dive on her specific INTP personality type and provided solutions to her problems. The video starts with me breaking down the parts of Jessica's type both the INTP strengths and weaknesses. Then, I analyzed the four dimensions of her NF play and SF blast. I then identified which section of each of those animals that Jessica has an issue with and provide concrete and actionable solutions to her people problems. Watch this explainer video here:
Hi Kendrick.

A paramedic INTP is not very plausible. Secondly INTPs have inferior Fe but your guest can use her emotional expressions quite skillfully suggesting high Fe. She certainly comes across as an introvert.

If I were to guess her type, I would guess ISFJ. Funny thing is ISFJs' tert and inferior functions make an INTP. She says she wants an outdoorsy partner, meaning a Se-dom partner. She says her mind goes to overdrive and tries to predict everything that can go wrong i.e. catastrophizing, that suggests inferior Ne.

It would be nice if you could crosscheck her enneagram type. Enneagram 9 and 2 would make sense for an ISFJ.

And to me you come across more like an effeminate gregarious male Fe-dom, probably an ENFJ. I saw that you've worked as a fitness/life coach, you have the aura of a youth camp activity leader, you probably like addressing/coaching groups.


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got to talk to Amy about what it's like to be an ENTJ Te-Se PC/S(B) FM. We started the interview by talking about her ST Play (Te-Se). She said she works in a kitchen and likes working with people but has no problem working alone. We then talked about her double activate double feminine SF consume (Se+Fi) and she said she kind of liked her own style even when she was young and she prefers to be comfortable rather than doing what's cool or popular. We then talked about her NF sleep (Ni+Fi) and Amy talked about her philosophy of loving one another. We discussed her being energy dominant and being NT blast last (Ni+Te) and she said that what gets her in trouble is not speaking up. She said that she doesn't speak up to avoid trouble but there's bigger trouble if she doesn't speak up and she would know that if she uses her Ni more to plan what's going to happen in the future. Finally, we talked about her being an ExxJ and rejecting compliments which resulted in her feeling unloved when she was young when in fact, she was probably complimented or loved but she deflected them because she's an ExxJ. Watch this interview here:


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got to talk to Amy about what it's like to be an ENTJ Te-Se PC/S(B) FM. We started the interview by talking about her ST Play (Te-Se). She said she works in a kitchen and likes working with people but has no problem working alone. We then talked about her double activate double feminine SF consume (Se+Fi) and she said she kind of liked her own style even when she was young and she prefers to be comfortable rather than doing what's cool or popular. We then talked about her NF sleep (Ni+Fi) and Amy talked about her philosophy of loving one another. We discussed her being energy dominant and being NT blast last (Ni+Te) and she said that what gets her in trouble is not speaking up. She said that she doesn't speak up to avoid trouble but there's bigger trouble if she doesn't speak up and she would know that if she uses her Ni more to plan what's going to happen in the future. Finally, we talked about her being an ExxJ and rejecting compliments which resulted in her feeling unloved when she was young when in fact, she was probably complimented or loved but she deflected them because she's an ExxJ. Watch this interview here:
@34:35 mark in the video she says she doesn't care about things, what she cares most about is that everyone in the world or people around her is happy and cared for and are not upset and and then she would feel completely at peace, she compares herself to enneagram 9.

@37:25 she says she has hard time accepting compliments, and has had low self esteem, another sign of IxxJ.

How is that ENTJ? If I were to guess, I'd say she's ISTJ or ISFJ cause she doesn't come across as overbearing. She averts her gaze and retreats inside when thinking. A Te-dom's focus would be on the person they are addressing. She has some masculine qualities to her facial features like square jaw and masculine nose so ISTJ is possible.


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Holly about what it's like to be an ESFP Se-Te PC/B(S) FM. During the interview, we talked about her ST play and how she's go-go-go when it comes to helping others doing things and it wasn't until she was older that she realized it was too much and she needs to set boundaries with the tribe. We also talked about her double feminine SF consume and how she always wanted to present herself as feminine as possible since consume is having external self-awareness and seeing yourself from a third person point of view. We then talked about her double masculine NT blast and how she only feels confident using it if it's a topic she knows thoroughly and is well prepared to present. We also discussed her masculine Ni 4th function and how a lot of things in her mind freak her out like exploding airlines. Finally, NF sleep is her biggest life problem, and she has not learned from her self patterns over the years. She's now working on her NF sleep last to grow as a person. Watch this video here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got to talk to Ella about what it's like to be an ISTJ Si-Fi SB/C(P) FF. We first talked about her double feminine ST play saviour and Ella said that when she is at work, she is pretty friendly and flexible when it comes to helping other people. We then talked about her double-activated SF sleep and she said she can be pretty aggressive and pushy to those around her, primarily because of her masculine Fi. We talked about her SF self-care routine and how she's very much on top of it. Ella also talked about the SF side of her SF sleep which makes her care a lot about the clothes she wears and also about sharing the stories she creates. When it comes to feelings, Ella likes to go over her emotions over and over again until she can find the reason why she feels the way she does. Next, we talked about her double masculine NF consume and she's hyper-aware of how she comes across from an external perspective because her consume is double masculine. Ella also talked about liking sci-fi and deep storylines when she does consume. Finally, we talked about her NT play and she said she has trouble doing this because she prefers to work on her own. But it's possibly because she is play last and she tends to avoid people unless she really knows them all. We then talked about her being a tester and she talked about wanting to try different honey and also smelling different scented candles. She also has a visual memory which we briefly touched on. In the end, Ella really wants to grow and be a better person and wants to challenge herself so even though she is play last, she wanted to do the interview to push herself outside her comfort zone which is very awesome of her to do so. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I talked to several personalities struggling with using their introverted thinking functions. During the interview, we talked about their inner self being NT sleep for the ENFJ, INFJ, and ESTP, and ST sleep for ESFJ and ENTP. We discussed how your inner sleep animal (Ni + Ti or Si + Ti) is the source of your confidence and insecurity. During the conversation, we talked about the importance of showing your authentic true self to other people because that is the part of you that you want people to like and respect. And if you never bring it out, then no one gets to know the real you which can lead to feelings of disrespect, frustration, and loneliness. Each individual in the panel shared their experiences and struggles and their path of growth as they got older when it comes to projecting their true inner Ti self to others. Watch this panel interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Anthony about what it's like to be an ENFJ jumper Fe-Se PC/S(B) FF. During the interview Anthony started with his double feminine SF play and how easily moveable and relaxed he is with the tribe. He said that he's always seen the tribe as weak and sees himself as the threat that needs to be caged up so he doesn't hurt anyone. We then talked about his double-activated ST consume and how he gathers a lot of facts to build up his NT sleep. The problem; however, is that his extroverted sensing is feminine and when someone challenges his NT sleep, he would look stupid because he forgot the sensory that he used to build up his NT worldview. Anthony then talked about his NT sleep and even though it's a triggering animal, the fact that it's double masculine makes him hyper-aware of it. The cool thing about Anthony is he is happy to share and build up his identity and inner world. He happily talks about his hobbies breeding snakes, playing with airsoft guns, and collecting knives. Finally, he discussed his NF blast, and even though he finds other people's NF to be offensive, he said he likes his own NF. He also said that teaching his known information is only hard at first but once he gets started, he's fine with it since it uses his first two functions as an ENFJ. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to a panel of individuals whose types all have demon Fi. The interview first started with everyone sharing their struggles with not being able to do what they really want to do and expressing the feelings that are buried beneath their extroverted thinking. We then switched over to each individual asking questions towards the panel and that's when things got interesting. Alan, our double masculine ENTJ started trolling the entire group which lead to some hilarious interactions. And of course, our INTJ was hit hard by chaos from the sensory, and every time she would talk, she would freeze because that's the exact time her internet connection would act up. Questions asked include was their identity changed because of their official typing results, how everyone is working on their Fi, how each person is categorizing other people, labels and feedback they get from others, and self-betrayal. Watch this panel interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this video, I got a chance to speak with the ESTJs about their differences thanks to having different sexual modalities. We got a chance to discuss the MM's kinesthetic and audio modality, the FF's tester and visual, the MF's audio and kinesthetic, and finally, the FM's visual and tester. They also shared how it affects their functions with their different sexual variations. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this second part of the ESTJ interview series, I talk to the ESTJs about their differences being info and energy dominant. It was surprising to see what both versions are looking into when interacting with other people. It makes sense why people miss each other when talking because they're talking about completely different things. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In the third part of the ESTJ series, our panel discusses their struggles with their demon-introverted feeling. It was interesting to see the stark contrast between demon feminine Fi versus demon masculine Fi. It was also polarizing to see the huge difference between the Fi of the double masculine ESTJ (Kim) and the double feminine ESTJ (Nina). While the visual (Esra) and audio (Brian) ESTJ were not as extreme in comparison. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Tarek about what it's like to be a jumper INTJ Ni-Fi SC/P(B) MF. The most obvious thing about Tarek is his obsessive sleep processing. As soon as the interview started, he went inwards right away. As the interview progressed, his extroverted functions and animals came out and he became more energetic but it took time to get there. He talked about his NF sleep beliefs and self-control and self-purpose that he wants to do. He said he's a dreamer because he dreams big but has a hard time executing his dreams due to NT blast last. He also talked about his double masculine SF consume and how he wants to be left alone when learning or reading or watching videos. He did say at the end of the day is when his PB comes out and he harasses his tribe members. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Lawrence about what it's like to be an ESFP jumper Se-Te PC/S(B) FF. We started the interview talking about Lawrence's Fi and what he likes and how he knows what he likes. He also talked about his double activated SF consume and being obsessive and gathering new information as well as perfumes, and art. Lawrence then talked about his double feminine ST play and how flexible he is when it comes to working with others and it can even come across as Fe. Lawrence then talked about his NF sleep and his personal code. We finally got to NT blast and Lawrence talked about the figuring out part being the hardest part of the NT blast. We had a discussion on NT in general and I gave him an example on how to use it which made Lawrence realize he's not using his NT as much as he thought he was but at the very least is now aware of the missing puzzle in his animal stack. We ended the conversation talking about function and animal hierarchy and discussed the importance of cooperation with the tribe while actively working on yourself. Watch this interview here: