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Discover Your MBTI Type for Free With Our AI-Powered Analysis Platform!


New member
Jun 7, 2023
Hello everyone!

We've developed a unique platform that harnesses the power of advanced AI to predict your MBTI type based on text you input!

Our web application takes in your dialogue and sends it through an intelligent system. This system has been designed to examine your expressions, cognitive patterns, and language use to speculate your MBTI type! Isn't that cool?


We've designed the platform keeping user-experience at the forefront.

  • It is free to use! Yes, you read that right! We want everyone to have access to this fascinating technology.
  • Worried about ads ruining your experience? Don't be! Our platform is non-intrusive ad-supported. This means you'll never have to worry about ads distracting you from the main interface or experience.
  • Users can sign in with Google, making it an effortless process to begin using the platform.
The application interface is clean and simple. You simply type or paste your dialogue in the text box provided and click on "Analyze". The AI system will then process your text and output an insightful analysis of your potential MBTI type. If you're familiar with React or Firebase, you'll love our code's simplicity and elegance!

Remember, the AI's predictions are experimental and results can vary. It’s not about a perfect prediction but about creating fun, insightful, and self-reflective experiences.

Feel free to explore and have fun with the platform. Try different dialogues and see how the AI perceives your personality type. It's a fun and engaging way to discover more about yourself through the lens of MBTI!

The link to the platform is: https://typewhisperer.com

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there!

TL;DR: We've developed a unique, free, non-intrusive ad-supported platform that uses advanced AI to predict your MBTI personality type based on your dialogue. Come and discover your type!

Made with ❤️ by MBTI Enthusiasts!


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
It types me as FiNe in the majority of posts. I'm actually NiFe, but admittedly many of my posts are written from an FiNe perspective.

Can you explain this?
"Overall, the combination of dominant Fi, secondary Ne, and tertiary/inferior Te/Ti align with the cognitive function stack of an INFJ." - it should say INFP, not INFJ.


New member
Jun 7, 2023
It types me as FiNe in the majority of posts. I'm actually NiFe, but admittedly many of my posts are written from an FiNe perspective.

Can you explain this?
"Overall, the combination of dominant Fi, secondary Ne, and tertiary/inferior Te/Ti align with the cognitive function stack of an INFJ." - it should say INFP, not INFJ.
That is an issue it sometimes has and we are working on refining it be be better with every result.

Saturnal Snowqueen

Solastalgia 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
Jan 9, 2019
Instinctual Variant
Based on the dialogue provided, the person seems to be an INFP. Here's a detailed analysis of the cognitive functions:

Introverted Feeling (Fi): The person talks about how they feel disgusted for assuming that the cash given to them was meant for groceries instead of paying off a credit card. They also mention feeling incompetent and being terrified of getting fired. These are all signs of Fi, which is the dominant function for INFPs.

Extraverted Intuition (Ne): The person talks about how excited they get for St. Patty's day and the reasons why. They also mention imagining a character from a movie as an American Girl and focusing on the cute baby bears instead of the comedy. These are all signs of Ne, which is the auxiliary function for INFPs.

Introverted Sensing (Si): The person mentions having stomach cramps for 3 days after eating at Taco Bell and wanting to go to the library and Goodwill. These are all signs of Si, which is the tertiary function for INFPs.

Extraverted Thinking (Te): The person mentions getting a yellow warning at work for assuming that the cash given to them was meant for groceries instead of paying off a credit card. They also mention having to shadow other cashiers and not wanting to look like a fool. These are signs of Te, which is the inferior function for INFPs.

Overall, the person's dominant Fi suggests that they are more focused on their own values and feelings rather than the external world. Their auxiliary Ne suggests that they are imaginative and open to new possibilities. Their tertiary Si suggests that they have a good memory for past experiences. Their inferior Te suggests that they struggle with making decisions based on logic and are more likely to rely on their feelings. These traits are all consistent with the INFP personality type.

Based on the dialogue, I would guess that the person is an INFP.

Introverted Feeling (Fi) is the dominant function of INFPs, which is evident in this dialogue through the person's emphasis on their emotional state, their attachment to their childhood home, and their desire to improve their mental health. They seem to be very introspective about their emotions and identity, and they express a concern for the meaning of life and what happens after death. Their Fi is also evident in their desire to work with dogs at the animal shelter.

The person also shows signs of Extraverted Intuition (Ne), which is the auxiliary function of INFPs. They seem to be open-minded and interested in new experiences, as evidenced by their excitement about moving to a new place, trying out new crafts, and going on dog field trips. They also seem to have a tendency to overthink and ruminate, which is a common trait of INFPs with strong Ne.

The person's tertiary function is likely to be Introverted Sensing (Si), as they express a sentimental attachment to their childhood home and the memories associated with it. They also mention their desire to make a new space their own and to decorate it with thrifted items, which shows a preference for familiar and comfortable surroundings.

Finally, the person's inferior function is most likely Extraverted Thinking (Te), which is evident in their desire for self-improvement and their tendency to overthink and analyze everything. They express a concern for measuring their mental health and understanding the end goal and what comes after that. They also mention their nervousness about working with heavy and jumpy dogs, which could be a manifestation of their inferior Te's tendency to feel overwhelmed by unfamiliar or challenging situations.
Based on the dialogue, I believe the person is an ISFJ. Here is my analysis:

Introverted Sensing (Si) - The person is focused on past experiences and how things have been done in the past. They are anxious about the new system because it is different from what they are used to. They also mention being put back on the front, which suggests they have experience working there before.

Extroverted Feeling (Fe) - The person is concerned about how their actions affect others. They mention not blaming ISFP for advocating for them to get more training, and they also mention feeling bad when they thought Thinker's behavior was just for giggles.

Introverted Feeling (Fi) - The person has strong personal values and emotions. They mention feeling anxious about the new system and wanting to do things before the year ends. They also express their love for animals and feel weird about putting stuffed animals on a shelf.

Extroverted Intuition (Ne) - The person is open to new ideas and possibilities. They mention wanting to take a trip somewhere random or look at train trips. They also mention the adult class that offers watercolor or Asian cooking training.

Overall, the person's preference for Si and Fe suggest they are a Judging type, and their focus on personal values and emotions suggest they are an Introverted type. The combination of these preferences points towards ISFJ.

I don't get this 3rd one, why it went for tertiary Fi instead of Ti, but I suppose if you look at it from a socio perspective it's fair game. Overall got my type pretty solid, I'm low key shocked how well it went into depth with each function(I just had it analyze a few of my emotional blog posts).


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014

Fair enough.

So, I finally got an Ni result. It was a future focused post. It seems that this AI greatly associates Ni with the future, when Ni is a lot more than that. A lot of my Ni was being taken as Ne.

If I knew how to define the functions I would tell you and you could create updates, however I have not been able to put it into words at this point. I just categorise what I'm seeing.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Ran this https://www.typologycentral.com/thr...m-do-you-wanna-get-typed.114917/#post-3356076

"Based on the dialogue provided, it seems like the person who is ... is an ENFP (Extraverted Intuition, Introverted Feeling, Extraverted Thinking, and Introverted Sensing) type. Here's my analysis of the cognitive functions that support this conclusion:

1. Extraverted Intuition (Ne): The person seems to be highly imaginative and open to new experiences. They are interested in exploring different personality typing systems and offer a collage option to their customers, which suggests that they are open to using visual cues and symbolism to understand people better. They also seem to be spontaneous and playful, as seen in their use of giphy and pop culture references.

2. Introverted Feeling (Fi): They express a strong sense of individuality and authenticity by offering a personalized service that caters to the customers' specific needs and preferences. They also seem to be empathetic and value harmony, as seen in their request for people to be excellent to each other.

3. Extraverted Thinking (Te): They are practical and organized in their approach to running their business, as seen in their clear terms and conditions, and their request for customers to fill out a questionnaire to provide more accurate typing. They also seem to be analytical and logical, as seen in their use of dichotomy in MBTI typing.

4. Introverted Sensing (Si): They value nostalgia and tradition, as seen in their reference to their grandmother's ginger cookie recipe and their appreciation for classic movies like Airplane!. They also seem to be detail-oriented, as seen in their warning to read all labels before washing.

Overall, the person running Lumi's Type Emporium seems to be an ENFP type, which is supported by their use of Ne, Fi, Te, and Si cognitive functions. They are imaginative, empathetic, practical, and detail-oriented, which makes them ideal for running a personalized typing service."

Ran this https://www.typologycentral.com/threads/where-were-you-on-9-11.116156/#post-3369246

"Based on the dialogue provided, the individual seems to be an INFJ.

Here is the analysis of the cognitive functions:

Introverted Intuition (Ni): The individual seems to be focused on abstract ideas of what could happen in the future. They are worried about the possibility of people being rounded up in camps based on their race or nationality. They also seem to have a strong sense of what is right and wrong and are willing to fight for it.

Extraverted Feeling (Fe): The individual is empathetic toward others, as shown by their concern for people of certain nationalities or races being targeted. They also seem to have a strong sense of what is right and wrong and are willing to fight for it. This is a common trait of Fe users.

Introverted Thinking (Ti): The individual is able to analyze and evaluate information logically, as shown by their ability to argue with their educational psychology professor. They also seem to have a keen sense of what is true and what is not.

Extraverted Sensing (Se): There is no clear indication of this function being used in the dialogue provided.

Overall, the individual seems to have a dominant Ni, with a strong Fe and a well-developed Ti. This is consistent with the INFJ personality type, which has a dominant Ni, auxiliary Fe, tertiary Ti, and inferior Se."

I'm wondering how the test differentiates between Fi and Fe... or Ni and Fi, for that matter... but it's interesting and fun to play with.

Kingu Kurimuzon

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I'm a little embarrassed to share what I wrote, because I was talking out of my ass and didn't take time to refine my thoughts.

I wrote:

we're living in the early stages of the apocalypse. civilization is usually transitional, and mini-apocalypses (AKA collapses) are nothing new, but this time will be different. no one living through a collapse realizes they are experiencing societal collapse, as it rarely happens overnight, but rather over a period of several years, sometimes a lifetime.

past collapses of civilizations happened on a local or regional scale. we have never seen societal collapse at the global level. Such a widespread collapse will have dire consequences for human beings. The planet is correcting itself, but at the possible cost of human survival. The chickens are coming home to roost, so to speak

The wealthiest humans will attempt to escape on generational ships, or colonize Mars and more distant worlds. The poorest, least fortunate humans will ultimately pay the price of the damage caused by the elite ruling classes. All while the elites laugh their asses off in their cozy generational ships.

Our best bet is rule by AI. I realize that scares a lot of people, but an impartial AI acting in the best interests of both humanity and the global ecosystem will curtail the worst effects of human hubris.

It then responded:

Based on the dialogue, the person seems to have a strong interest in the future of humanity, global issues, and the impact of technology on society. They are also highly concerned about the collapse of civilization and how it will affect humanity. They seem to be looking for solutions that will benefit both humanity and the environment. Based on these characteristics, I would suggest that the person could be an INTJ.

Here is a detailed analysis of the cognitive functions that led me to this conclusion:

Dominant Function: Introverted Intuition (Ni)
The person is looking at the bigger picture and analyzing how past events can lead to future consequences. They are predicting the future and considering the impact of current events on humanity. Their focus is on the long-term future and how to navigate it.

Auxiliary Function: Extraverted Thinking (Te)
The person is using logic to analyze and come to conclusions about the situation. They are looking for practical solutions and considering the most efficient and effective way to solve the problem. They are also considering the broader impact of their solutions on society as a whole.

Tertiary Function: Introverted Feeling (Fi)
The person has strong values and concerns about the well-being of humanity and the environment. They are considering the impact of their solutions on both. They may be driven by a desire to protect humanity and the planet from harm.

Inferior Function: Extraverted Sensing (Se)
The person may be aware of the current state of the world and how it is changing. They are considering the impact of these changes on society and how to prepare for the future.

Overall, the person's dominant function of Introverted Intuition and auxiliary function of Extraverted Thinking are both characteristic of an INTJ. Their focus on the future and concern for humanity aligns with the INTJ's Ni-Te cognitive function stack.
Make what you will of that. I don't know if I agree, but it's an interesting and fun tool.

Kingu Kurimuzon

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I’ve ran several of my blog posts through it and gotten multiple types: INTP, INFP, ESTJ, ENTJ, INTJ, ISTJ, INFJ, ISTP, ENTP so far. The most frequent results are INFJ, ISTJ, INTJ and INTP

I don’t see this as a reliable typing tool.
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Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
  • It is free to use! Yes, you read that right! We want everyone to have access to this fascinating technology.

I'm sure.
  • Worried about ads ruining your experience? Don't be! Our platform is non-intrusive ad-supported. This means you'll never have to worry about ads distracting you from the main interface or experience.
So what is the angle on this? Is this just a private hobby venture/project that is being done in someone's spare time, with them just sinking time/resources into the project for fun? What is the ultimate goal for this project?

  • Users can sign in with Google, making it an effortless process to begin using the platform.
If it's a private venture or just for fun, what's the point in having a login? Obviously there's at least a mailing list being built here. Is there a good reason to tie this to someone's personal Google account, which is usually tied into a bunch of other things nowadays as well?

Remember, the AI's predictions are experimental and results can vary. It’s not about a perfect prediction but about creating fun, insightful, and self-reflective experiences.

Feel free to explore and have fun with the platform. Try different dialogues and see how the AI perceives your personality type. It's a fun and engaging way to discover more about yourself through the lens of MBTI!

TL;DR: We've developed a unique, free, non-intrusive ad-supported platform that uses advanced AI to predict your MBTI personality type based on your dialogue. Come and discover your type!

Made with ❤️ by MBTI Enthusiasts!
Yeah, I went to the page, and there are no links describing who you are, who is responsible for the project, more information about the project, or what your ultimate goals are with the project. You are "MBTI enthusiasts" -- great, so are we. That tells me nothing.

I'm not trying to be a downer, but being a little more forthcoming about this effort would be really helpful to assess whether it's worth participating. Typically other things like this will at least share information if they tie to your Google account or are more clear on what the goal is (for example Midjourney clearly is going for subscription fees). Maybe you just need random input to test your algorithms. Maybe there's some other purpose in mind. Let us know what that purpose is and what your ultimate plans for your site happen to be.

Kingu Kurimuzon

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
but skynet needs accurate personality assessments before it can begin its work... don't question it. this will help it better predict the resistance members' plans, movements, and perspectives on the 2029 hellscape


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
but skynet needs accurate personality assessments before it can begin its work... don't question it. this will help it better predict the resistance members' plans, movements, and perspectives on the 2029 hellscape
well, hey, if it's about THAT -- I'll just tell them where John Connor lives and save everyone the work.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 16, 2011
I used my intro thread post from over a decade ago and this was the result I received:

Based on the dialogue provided, the speaker exhibits certain language patterns and thought processes that can be analyzed to predict their MBTI type. Let's break down the dialogue step by step and identify the cognitive functions at play.

1. Ne (Extroverted Intuition): The speaker shows a tendency to generate novel ideas and explore possibilities. They mention noticing a pattern in typology-based forums and share imaginative scenarios, such as envisioning themselves as a mythical being transcending time and space.

2. Si (Introverted Sensing): While not prominently displayed, there are brief references to past experiences, such as sitting alone at lunch and wetting the bed until a specific age. These references indicate an awareness of personal history and a potential inclination towards introverted sensing.

3. Ti (Introverted Thinking): The speaker engages in logical analysis and introspection. They mention the use of MBTI as a means to answer previously inexplicable mysteries and acknowledge the possibility of self-delusion. Their statement about thinking of the forum as a therapeutic experience suggests a preference for internal logical consistency.

4. Fe (Extroverted Feeling): Although not strongly emphasized, the speaker shows some consideration for social norms and the desire for acceptance. They mention the shared experiences of others and express a desire for common ground and connection.

Based on the presence and relative emphasis of these cognitive functions, the likely MBTI type of the speaker is INTP (Introverted Thinking, Extroverted Intuition, Introverted Sensing, Extroverted Feeling). The dominant function is Ti, followed by Ne, then Si, and lastly, Fe. This cognitive function ordering aligns with the language and thought processes observed in the dialogue.


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Hello everyone!

We've developed a unique platform that harnesses the power of advanced AI to predict your MBTI type based on text you input!

Our web application takes in your dialogue and sends it through an intelligent system. This system has been designed to examine your expressions, cognitive patterns, and language use to speculate your MBTI type! Isn't that cool?

View attachment 28871

We've designed the platform keeping user-experience at the forefront.

  • It is free to use! Yes, you read that right! We want everyone to have access to this fascinating technology.
  • Worried about ads ruining your experience? Don't be! Our platform is non-intrusive ad-supported. This means you'll never have to worry about ads distracting you from the main interface or experience.
  • Users can sign in with Google, making it an effortless process to begin using the platform.
The application interface is clean and simple. You simply type or paste your dialogue in the text box provided and click on "Analyze". The AI system will then process your text and output an insightful analysis of your potential MBTI type. If you're familiar with React or Firebase, you'll love our code's simplicity and elegance!

Remember, the AI's predictions are experimental and results can vary. It’s not about a perfect prediction but about creating fun, insightful, and self-reflective experiences.

Feel free to explore and have fun with the platform. Try different dialogues and see how the AI perceives your personality type. It's a fun and engaging way to discover more about yourself through the lens of MBTI!

The link to the platform is: https://typewhisperer.com

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there!

TL;DR: We've developed a unique, free, non-intrusive ad-supported platform that uses advanced AI to predict your MBTI personality type based on your dialogue. Come and discover your type!

Made with ❤️ by MBTI Enthusiasts!

Can you talk about how this works? I'm curious because I just did a similar project for school last fall. We used NLP.


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
ok im not sure if i like this.

Not because its bad but because Im surprised on how… specific it is and how it is actually able to summarize and seemingly interpret further?

Its cool but scary lol.

Based on the dialogue provided, it is possible to identify the likely MBTI type of the speaker by analyzing their language use, patterns of thought, and decision-making style. Let's break down the cognitive functions demonstrated in the dialogue step-by-step:

1. Extroverted Intuition (Ne): The speaker demonstrates Ne by exploring multiple possibilities and considering various factors when discussing their father's health condition, such as the supplements he takes and the potential causes of his elevated liver enzymes.

2. Introverted Sensing (Si): Si is exhibited when the speaker refers to past experiences, such as the previous test results showing mildly elevated liver enzymes and the current severe elevation. They also mention their mother's reluctance to start treatment due to the fear associated with the word "chemo."

3. Extroverted Thinking (Te): Te is evident when the speaker mentions relying on medical professionals' opinions and waiting for the doctor's diagnosis to determine if their father's condition is more than gallstones. They also mention the mild and well-tolerated nature of the chemo treatment for CLL, relying on external information.

4. Introverted Feeling (Fi): Fi is displayed when the speaker expresses their personal emotions and concerns, such as worrying about both parents' health issues and wondering if they might be somehow responsible. They also mention feeling blessed for being mentally healthy despite the challenging external situation.

Based on the cognitive functions demonstrated in the dialogue, the most likely MBTI type for the speaker is an INFP (Introverted Feeling, Extroverted Intuition, Introverted Sensing, Extroverted Thinking) or an ISFP (Introverted Feeling, Extroverted Sensing, Introverted Thinking, Extroverted Intuition). Both types share the same four cognitive functions but in a different order.

To determine the specific type between INFP and ISFP, we need further information to identify their dominant function (the first function in their stack) and their auxiliary function (the second function). The dominant function is either Fi (INFP) or Si (ISFP), while the auxiliary function is either Ne (INFP) or Se (ISFP). Without additional information, it is challenging to definitively determine the exact MBTI type between the two possibilities.


May 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I think it tends to conflate Ni with Ne a lot.


New member
Nov 26, 2022
ok im not sure if i like this.

Not because its bad but because Im surprised on how… specific it is and how it is actually able to summarize and seemingly interpret further?

Its cool but scary lol.

Based on the dialogue provided, it is possible to identify the likely MBTI type of the speaker by analyzing their language use, patterns of thought, and decision-making style. Let's break down the cognitive functions demonstrated in the dialogue step-by-step:

1. Extroverted Intuition (Ne): The speaker demonstrates Ne by exploring multiple possibilities and considering various factors when discussing their father's health condition, such as the supplements he takes and the potential causes of his elevated liver enzymes.

2. Introverted Sensing (Si): Si is exhibited when the speaker refers to past experiences, such as the previous test results showing mildly elevated liver enzymes and the current severe elevation. They also mention their mother's reluctance to start treatment due to the fear associated with the word "chemo."

3. Extroverted Thinking (Te): Te is evident when the speaker mentions relying on medical professionals' opinions and waiting for the doctor's diagnosis to determine if their father's condition is more than gallstones. They also mention the mild and well-tolerated nature of the chemo treatment for CLL, relying on external information.

4. Introverted Feeling (Fi): Fi is displayed when the speaker expresses their personal emotions and concerns, such as worrying about both parents' health issues and wondering if they might be somehow responsible. They also mention feeling blessed for being mentally healthy despite the challenging external situation.

Based on the cognitive functions demonstrated in the dialogue, the most likely MBTI type for the speaker is an INFP (Introverted Feeling, Extroverted Intuition, Introverted Sensing, Extroverted Thinking) or an ISFP (Introverted Feeling, Extroverted Sensing, Introverted Thinking, Extroverted Intuition). Both types share the same four cognitive functions but in a different order. An amazing piece written by an amazing author who deserves recognition for his actions—not everyone in their fourth semester can make such a claim. Regarding macro, I must admit that during my time working in this industry, my close friends provided me with a great deal of assistance with formatting document formatting service . Without their support, I would not have been able to handle the volume of documents I was receiving, but thank God they were there for me. And once more, my buddy, you have my utmost regard for the wonderful job you've done.

To determine the specific type between INFP and ISFP, we need further information to identify their dominant function (the first function in their stack) and their auxiliary function (the second function). The dominant function is either Fi (INFP) or Si (ISFP), while the auxiliary function is either Ne (INFP) or Se (ISFP). Without additional information, it is challenging to definitively determine the exact MBTI type between the two possibilities.
Well, based on my calculations, I’m still more inclined to Se (ISFP), the probability is many times higher.
Last edited:


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
Coming out of the shadows to necro this thread and say I pasted in an old (way over the 6500 character limit so I had to shorten it a bit) list of me describing myself from back in 2013.

Based on this analysis, the speaker's dominant function is Ti (Introverted Thinking), followed by Ne (Extroverted Intuition), Si (Introverted Sensing), and Fe (Extroverted Feeling). This corresponds to the INTP type in the MBTI system.

I'm probably the least thinking person one could meet....

Tried an even earlier thread from 2011:

"Given the above analysis, the likely MBTI type for the speaker is INFP. The function stack for an INFP is Fi-Ne-Si-Te. The presence of Fi as the dominant function is evident from the speaker's strong internal values and emotions. The secondary function, Ne, is demonstrated by their tendency to explore possibilities and generate novel ideas. The presence of Si is indicated by their references to past experiences and self-comparisons. Finally, the presence of Te is shown through their references to making mistakes and their struggle with practical problem-solving."


(Corvus corax)
Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Coming out of the shadows to necro this thread and say I pasted in an old (way over the 6500 character limit so I had to shorten it a bit) list of me describing myself from back in 2013.

Based on this analysis, the speaker's dominant function is Ti (Introverted Thinking), followed by Ne (Extroverted Intuition), Si (Introverted Sensing), and Fe (Extroverted Feeling). This corresponds to the INTP type in the MBTI system.

I'm probably the least thinking person one could meet....

Tried an even earlier thread from 2011:

"Given the above analysis, the likely MBTI type for the speaker is INFP. The function stack for an INFP is Fi-Ne-Si-Te. The presence of Fi as the dominant function is evident from the speaker's strong internal values and emotions. The secondary function, Ne, is demonstrated by their tendency to explore possibilities and generate novel ideas. The presence of Si is indicated by their references to past experiences and self-comparisons. Finally, the presence of Te is shown through their references to making mistakes and their struggle with practical problem-solving."
You've always seemed introverted, though. Even for the forum.


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
You've always seemed introverted, though. Even for the forum.
I've always been unsure about that. Everyone who knows me and spends lots of time around me has told me I talk too much and sometimes over others. I'm in the ongoing process of changing that as I don't like that I'm doing this.

I know it should be about what energises you and this dictates extraversion/introversion, and by that criteria I'd be more introverted than extraverted, since I'm more likely to seek a solitary activity then a social one, but others just don't agree with that due to being talkative. Is that reasoning inaccurate? Or maybe a bit superficial?