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Calum Graham


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
This particular piece of music is one of my favourites when I want to chill out. When I left home some of my closest friends were buskers who loved playing solo guitar. Very much the sound they often strived for was very much what is contained in this piece of music. I find this piece of music amazing because it like metaphorical speaking has all the scales and tricks of generating that contemporised folky sound. I have never watched an interview of him speaking and I thought tonight I would check out if here are interviews on YouTube of Calum Graham. Since I am into a little bit of a what type is this person phase over the last week or so I thought I would post this and ask what people thoughts are. I have my own idea so what I think is not really important I already know what I think. I am curious as what type people think Calum Graham is.

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