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Your reactions to other types

stellar renegade

Jul 13, 2009
I was just thinking about this earlier when I gave StephMC reputation.

There's a girl on the Keirsey board who is an ISTP as well, and we seem to get along swimmingly. Judging from those two it seems to be a trend.

I don't know if it'd go so far as extreme attraction with an ISTP girl, although I could see casual dating a possibility since we get along so well.

So list your basic reactions to other types (taking gender into account too, possibly).

ISTP girls - instant awesomeness

ISTP guys - combined, we are masters of disaster

ESFP guys - constantly playing off each other's jokes, hella fun activities

INTJ guys - interesting discussions

INTJ girls - interesting discussions and no prohibitions ;)

INFJ girls - basically consists of me trying to seduce them and bring them out of their shell

INFJ guys - kinda annoying but interesting discussions

INFP girls - awesome

INFP's in general - very fun-loving and easy to influence, A++++

ISFP guys - constantly playing off each other's jokes, very collaborative

ISFP girls - cute and very worthy of attempts at seduction

ESTP guys - no stopping us. be afraid, be very afraid

ESFJ women - hotttt
please stop making my heart beat so fast...

ISFJ girls - very protective and desirous of commitment so friendship is alot of work but pretty sweet in the end

ENTP guys - somewhat awkward companionship since we're approaching from different angles but makes for some amusing repartee

INTP guys - on-and-off. sometimes they don't like my insincerity (approaching an issue for how I can manipulate it rather than simply looking for accuracy) but the mutual badassery is off the hook.

INTP girls - their intellect is pretty smokin'.

ISTJ guys - kinda annoying to work with, but pretty tolerant all said and done, become plenty amused at my antics (although frustrated at other times, haha)

I'll post more if I think of them.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Don't know.

There are people I'll like instantly, but this feeling doesn't develop after getting to know them.

For example, there's a difference between an INFJ I don't know well and an INFJ I've known more intimately.

But there are factors unrelated to personality type that lead to a shallow or intimate knowledge of someone.


New member
Feb 1, 2009
ISTP girls - Who???

ISTP guys - ??

ESFP girls - Seem a lot of fun. Saturday night with an ESFP gal, watch out.

INTJ guys - Intrigued, as much as they stress me out, there is just something ..

INTJ girls - Most on here are great.

INFJ girls - A bit to fluffy for my liking.

INFJ guys - ??

INFP girls - ??

ISFP guys - ??

ISFP girls - ??

ESTP guys - I can only think of Halla74 on here (might of got the name wrong), super nice human being. Wicked sense of humour. Best mate material.

ESFJ women - Don't know anyone IRL, one on here, she seems nice.

ISFJ girls - Loyal, loyal, loyal.

ENTP guys - Freaking hot intellectually. One on here, i would love to have sex with his mind. No i am not telling. ;)

INTP guys - Really nice, not possible relationship material i think.

INTP girls - I think there may be one that i wouldn't mind killing.

ISTJ guys - Love them for their practical nature.
Last edited:


Freshman Member
Nov 7, 2008
Instinctual Variant
ISFJs - Fair enough. We don't have much to identify on usually, but since I've learned to be respectful of them they typically do the same for me. I've got a guitarist in one band who's ISFJ and his Si-driven near-perfect pitch for single notes is pretty amazing. Predictable and stable, won't pull any punches and that's cool in most contexts. My boss at one job is an ISFJ, and he can get a little pissy at times when stressed but generally he's fine. Relationship quality 5/10

ESFJs - Occasional arguments when one of us does something that slightly offends the other, usually Fe/Ti clashes. Other than that, we seem to avoid each other when not involved in some similar activity where an external goal or group activity gives us something to talk about. My mom is an ESFJ and we had a lot of issues when I was younger, but these days I understand her value system and really appreciate her a lot more. Relationship quality 5/10

ISTJs - Hmmm, had a couple of issues on occasion, usually over fairly trivial stuff about minor details, haha. Anyway though, most of the time they're just fine; I like that ISTJs these days are more cynical and less tradition-driven because so much more information is readily available now. My old boss at a pizza store was ISTJ and, while he didn't joke around or socialize much at all, he was very consistent and able to handle work-related problems very impersonally and effectively. (I remember being particularly impressed with how sound his judgment was in one particularly nasty disagreement between a young female ESTJ coworker and myself.) Relationship quality 4/10

ESTJs - Oh boy. I'm trying hard, I really am. I've mentioned my overbearing ESTJ older sister a number of times and it's tough, but at the same time I had a girlfriend in high school whose sharp wit I absolutely loved and only years later did I realize she was an ESTJ as well. These types are very polarizing--the aforementioned ESTJ coworker and I actually had a great relationship at first...which later turned absolutely sour. If you can make them laugh and get on their good side, they give you waaaay more leeway, but if they don't like you, they make you very aware of it. Typically the hardest type for me to get along with, but slowly improving. Relationship quality 3/10

ISFPs - I really enjoy these people, though if I spend too much time with them we just run out of things to do together when the obvious common interests in artistry and debauchery get old. I went on a couple dates with a ISFP girl recently that ended up just fizzling out because, while there was great surface chemistry, we didn't really share any passions. Nonetheless I have a very positive image of most of the ISFPs I know, and I think it's amazing how they manage to get through life living almost entirely on impulse. Relationship quality 7/10

ESFPs - For the most part I love them because Se dominance really makes the P characteristics show, and I'm a really big P. I'm kind of particularly attached because I happen to really like the ones I know, but if they get a bad first impression of you they seem to have a lot of difficulty letting it go. Other than that though, they treat everyone like friends until given a reason not to, and that's cool. You can even get them to pay attention to certain iNtuitive concepts if you keep drilling the point long enough and phrase it the right way, at least in my experience. Oh and of course they're absolutely amazing in bed. Relationship quality 7/10

ISTPs - Either very impressive or very stupid. The stupid ones do things like get caught racing at 90mph while drunk and carrying a ounce of coke in their pocket--their short-sightedness can be astounding. The smart ones, however, blow me away with the unique combination of calm, logical Ti dominance (in this way they look like INTPs) and secondary Se's flexible, real world pragmatism. They always destroy you at anything involving hand-eye coordination, and they can fix anything just by fucking with it. I particularly enjoy ISTP women for their non-judgmental attitude and tough skin; they're not easily offended at all (that's a big deal for me!) and sometimes it's comforting to know that they're not reading ten levels into everything I say for the sake of competitive mind games like INTPs. (Which is fun in its own right, but gets exhausting.) Relationship quality 7/10

ESTPs - Ehhh, amazing in certain contexts, otherwise a little blunt and hard-headed. It's cool if I have an ESTP on my side trying to convince someone of something, or if I want to go out and have a good time at the best places in town, etc. It's just that I don't have as much use for that as often. When you're forced to work with them, they'll become unreasonable if you do anything to threaten their Se dominance of the immediate situation, and that's kind of annoying. Intoxicated ESTP women are adorable when they like you, but quite a pain in the ass when they don't. I like that they play the who-can-burn-the-other jabbing game, except without the subtlety that ENTs use so it actually becomes endearing in its childlike quality--but the spirit is there. Ahh, ESTPs. Relationship quality 5/10

INFJs - In a way they bug me because they're one of two types (the other being INTJ, the other Ni dominant) that I frequently find myself not fully grasping their thought patterns, yet still recognizing the value in their conclusions. Ni doms are a mystery to me, and the F variety is especially alluring because they can teach me so much about two functions that, at this point in my life, I am very interested in improving for strategic value (Ni and Fe.) This one guy at work is an INFJ with brilliantly developed Fe, so at first his Ni filtering through these interpersonal skills made him appear both extroverted and extremely intuitive, so I labeled him as an ENxP. Only after finally discussing typology with him and analyzing his thought processes together did we arrive at INFJ, and he consistently confounds me with his ability to remain fundamentally impersonal in his evaluation of a situation while still appearing outwardly personal to the other people involved. Anyway, on the down side, they're annoying when they get too attached to a particular moral ideal and won't let it go, or when they try to over-intuit my feelings like NFPs, but as an Ne I can't help but love them because there's so much under the surface that makes me more and more curious to know them better. I feel that INFJs come as close to being an NT as possible without being one, and that ENTPs do the same with NFs...hence the connection. Relationship quality 8/10

ENFJs - They're cool and it's nice to hang out with them and catch up on the million different things they have going on every now and again, but often I just find myself wishing I could talk to their Ni more and that Fe would go take a break for a bit. Once we finish the social graces and the updates on our lives, the conversation often trails off. As an N dominant type myself, I'm just way more interested in the Ni, so I keep wishing they'd just be INFJs, haha. Seriously though, their charisma is absolutely amazing and I find myself being very careful not to tread on dominant Fe, lest they use their powerful abilities to turn other people against me. If I do offend one, I find that it's pretty difficult for me to rectify because I try to resolve most disagreements in Ti terms, and that's entirely unattractive to an Fe dom. Being around them teaches me a lot about my tertiary Fe, and I love how they can get people mobilized to accomplish whatever they want. I appreciate the power. When I am in work-related contexts or new places where no one knows me or anything about me, I try to project an ENFJ image because it's so incredibly advantageous. Also great for asking advice when you're having any kind of interpersonal or ethical trouble. Relationship quality 6/10

INFPs - This one depends very, very heavily on the maturity level of the individual. I have one INFP friend who is so well-balanced I can't think of a single person having expressed a negative opinion about him in the last 5 years. Less balanced ones tend to take criticism too personally and imagine hostility in people's words or actions when none was intended. Of course, if you really probe an INFP, you'll find a wealth of in-depth analysis of every implication of every moral position and action conceivably possible, but the ability to separate one's own idealistic, perfectionist high standards from the standards to which one holds others is something that will have to come with maturity for the INFP. Once there, they are incredibly understanding people with extraordinary depth of feeling--but god damn it's hard to fix it when you piss them off, and it's worse because sometimes they expect you to know everything about how they're feeling and are disconcertingly anti-confrontational. And the passive aggression that results...suffice it to say I've had a couple of bad experiences. But I do love the amazing conversation they provide when on the right topic--just have to poke until Ne comes out, and learn how to minimize Fi's involvement in your interactions with them. Relationship quality 6/10

ENFPs - In general I love them. They're so bubbly and consistently entertaining and I love the fact that we can just have nonstop brainstorm practice in everything. Random connection to this, association to that, quote this movie, repeat that in-joke. It's all kinds of fun because their sense of humor is right up my alley; the only problems come when we get to more serious fare like politics or interpersonal ethics. Frankly it's annoying that most of them always take the hard left position on virtually any political issue. There's this condescending air sometimes of, "You're not a socialist? Idiot!" (And please, please, please don't show up here informing me of what a conservative ENFP you are and why I'm so awful for generalizing; I know they exist. Stop taking things so personally.) Anyway, ENFPs are fucking great at parties and the women are terrific in bed (I still can't decide whether ENFP or ESFP is my favorite!) I love that they can follow and truly appreciate most of the things I think about, and they provide much-needed encouragement and ego boosting in dark times. And my god, did I mention the sex? :) Relationship quality 8/10

INTJs - Wow. Consistently impress me in many of the same ways that INFJs do, except in even more purely scientific terms. INTJs are all about making progress at all costs, and if that means inventing an entirely new area of technology to get to the goal we want, then we're going to do it. My father and younger brother are both staunch INTJs and at this point I've learned to minimize almost every disagreement with them so I can study the Ni+Te approach. Their flat out stupidity when it comes to interpersonal connection is almost ironically humorous at times, though, because they insist on such a high level of theoretical competence in virtually everything they do, and yet they're often fumbling around at times when they know they're supposed to be appearing emotional for strategic value. (We see right through it, guys!) They don't have much interest in dealing with the interpersonal arena at all, and when they're forced to do so the results can be funny--I like to poke at this weakness and try to get them out of their shells, and it's very rewarding when it works. In any event, it's amazing to me how they can just visualize all kinds of long term goals and then just do them. Rivers Cuomo from Weezer, at age 18, set out a grand strategic plan for becoming a rock star--and he did it. It doesn't matter how lofty the goal is; INTJ will find a way to rethink its approach and get around it. Relationship quality 7/10, because they're often so insistent on not crafting deeply personal relationships.

ENTJs - I can usually understand why they're doing everything they're doing; I just tend to think they're going about it the wrong way, and that's exactly what they usually think of my approach, too. I used to date an ENTJ and it was cool for a while because we loved arguing and the sex was terrific (she was VERY confident and that's always hot), but it kind of died off when we realized that was the extent of what we had in common. I'm impressed with the ENTJ's ability to take command and lead the group toward far-reaching and difficult goals with ruthless efficiency, but I'm frankly nonplussed with their "ends justify the means at all times" attitude and flagrant inattention to the feelings and viewpoints of others (and if an ENTP is pointing that out about you, it MUST be pretty bad.) I like that they almost always know their shit; if they're going to seriously undertake a goal, they're going to research it and have a plan for how to deal with every aspect of it that might come up, and they won't falter in that resolve. There's a lot to be said for that, but I feel they place career success above interpersonal success to a prohibitively high degree, at times. Relationship quality 6/10

INTPs - I have a never-ending bipolar love affair with INTPs, my functional comrades in Ne and Ti. Many of my very closest friends have been INTPs and I think they understand me better than any other non-ENTP type could, and I appreciate that they can fill in the logical gaps in my Ne-heavy approach to problem-solving while still following my weird trains of thought. I also think they get way too mired in Ti over-analysis and end up becoming negative nancies who ruin their own potential by stifling their imaginations with excessive insistence on internal logical correctness, but if they can avoid that trap and learn a little Te then they'll usually end up doing something fairly unusual with their lives that makes them pretty happy. Sadly many of them just end up a ball of wasted potential that turns to depression--I wish I could help you guys out of the Ti holes that you dig for yourselves, but many of you seem intent on self-destructive behaviors and attitudes. Nevertheless, the near-total understanding is usually worth all the neurotic tendencies--hell, I have all the same ones anyway. Relationship quality 9/10

ENTPs - As expected, most of these friendships/relationships are great when they happen. We can get into heated arguments but since that's how we bond and learn each other's boundaries anyway, it works perfectly. I still don't know any ENTP women in real life, unfortunately. If you are an ENTP woman, move to Atlanta and marry me. End of story. Relationship quality 10/10


New member
Aug 11, 2007
Well, it all depends on the person. But, based on some stereotypes and people I've known in my life to fit some of the stereotypes:

INTPs: I've never met any in real life, but in forums I seem to get along great with them.
ENTPs: Very similar sense of humour, good connection
INTJs: I've never met anyone in real life and I don't really care to meet any.
ENTJs: Ok-ish in social settings, hellish to work with
ISTPs: I get along great with them
ESTPs: I get along famously with most I've met, except maybe from my boss (who I still find him ok for a boss, anyway)
ISTJs: I generally like them, but we can't seem to find many topics for conversation
ESTJs: Like ENTJs, they're hell to work with, but they're pretty ok in more relaxed situations.
INFPs: Great connection, but we will mutually get annoyed to each other when it comes to closer relationship.
ENFPs: Same as INFPs, I feel sometimes I have to tiptoe around various issues when talking with them
INFJs: I've met one in real life and I find her endlessly annoying.
ENFJs: A bit overwhelming to me, I generally find them tiring
ISFPs: Depends totally on the person, but I mostly like them
ESFPs: I like them instantly but I'm quite cautious with some of them, there are some tale-tell signs I've learnt to recognise and to be careful.
ISFJs: Great on social settings, many love to give too much unwanted advice
ESFJs: I like them but I find a bit overwhelming the ones I work with


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I don't really have any preferences as such, but i notice that i often have problems with xSTP guys, ExTJ girls. Oh and ENFPs in general annoy the hell out of me for some reason


New member
Jun 13, 2009
This one guy at work is an INFJ with brilliantly developed Fe, so at first his Ni filtering through these interpersonal skills made him appear both extroverted and extremely intuitive, so I labeled him as an ENxP. Only after finally discussing typology with him and analyzing his thought processes together did we arrive at INFJ, and he consistently confounds me with his ability to remain fundamentally impersonal in his evaluation of a situation while still appearing outwardly personal to the other people involved.

that's me to a "t"! :D Excellent observation, there. :heart:

stellar renegade

Jul 13, 2009
Wow, I work with a guy who that's a perfect description for, and he's scored as an INFJ. I thought for sure he was an ENFP before. That's really cool.

I'll read more later.


triple nerd score
May 30, 2009
These are purely gut reactions, based on my heavily biased experiences (or lack of experience with ESXX types)

ENFP: They seem super sweet, all the ones here are very agreeable, but I'm not sure that I know any in meatspace, at least not well.

INFP: Creative and lovely, but the flaky/moody young ones can get on my nerves so it's best to limit the amount of time I spend with them.

ENFJ: ENFJs always seem really supportive, I have an ENFJ friend who somehow always manages to be there for me no matter how bitchy I am. She can be really annoying, and we butt heads a lot which is kind of funny more than anything. Also I've never met anyone so naturally perfect for being a mom.

INFJ: Being with them is an odd combination of awesome and creepy. INFJs generally seem to understand me, and vice versa. I once made the mistake of dating a moderately crazy one, but it was a learning experience, and we're still friends.

ESTJ: I'm not familiar with any. I think they are the people in real life who don't really talk to me (I just graduated high school though, so the majority of my experience with people is filtered through that environment)

ISTJ: My hetero life partner is an ISTJ. I can't really get theoretical with her, but I've rarely had such a natural friendship with anyone. When I don't know ISTJs well, I don't really care either way about them, but at least they don't push any of my buttons.

ESFJ: I think I dated a male of this type once. He's really sweet and was always very good to me...but too emotionally needy. I have a real soft spot for this type, but I think it's best kept platonic.

ISFJ: Same problem with ISTJs' lack of interest in my bizarro scientific pursuits, with the added emotional needs that I don't really know what to do with. They make pretty good minions though, and they've got a certain cuteness that just makes me want to mother them. And order them around.

ENTP: I've got a crush on like every ENTP I meet.

INTP: The ones I've known in real life were mostly male and kind of awkward to hang out with (conversation! it is a thing!). I have mad love for the ones here though.

ENTJ: I have to be careful around older ENTJs because if we end up in any kind of debate they usually just talk over me and defeat me by sheer force of will. I have a lot of fun with the ones my age though.

INTJ: They're pretty weird honestly. I don't think I've ever met another INTJ that didn't kind of creep me out, other than my dear old dad, who I suspect is also INTJ.

ESTP: Don't know any in real life, and would probably just run away if I did.

ISTP: I know an ISTP girl, and I love the combination of adventurousness and practicality. We share a similar temperament, but not one that is conducive to any kind of close mental or emotional connection. Also the way she drives scares me. Not sure about the guys, but I imagine they're ok.

ESFP: I'm sure I've known a lot of female ESFPs and don't particularly click with them. I would probably avoid the boys too, although I suspect that both genders are a lot of "fun".

ISFP: I have mixed feelings about the one ISFP I know in real life, even though he's one of my best friends. So the fact that I like them even when I hate them probably attests to the fact that I could get along with mature ones reasonably well.


Sugar Hiccup
Mar 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
ESTJ: They can seem very smart and admirable, but then they get too bossy & judgmental. I find they laugh me off as "odd" more than I care for. Generally, I don't interact on any deep level with these. We go through life on parallel paths that never intersect.

ISTJ: A little too uptight with keeping things orderly, but I find them surprisingly caring about people, and they can have a great dry sense of humor. Most of the ones I know are men. We almost never have similar interests and I don't form close relationships with them.

ESFJ: Relationships tend to stay very surface with them. They can be so warm & friendly, but there's a disconnect in perspective that is hard to bridge. I always feel like I am dealing with a gossipy housewife, no matter what they actually do for work. I can't think of any ESFJ men I know....

ISFJ: If they care a lot about you, then they can be incredibly nurturing and encouraging and fiercely loyal. If they don't care much, then they can just be really annoying. I get the same domestic vibe as I get from ESFJs, but more gentle. ISFJ men can be charmingly earnest. The sense of humor is pure cheese though.

ESTP: They can seem so great, right up until the knife cuts into the flesh....
Most of the ones I've known are sales people or dumb jocks, so I often get a manipulative or meathead vibe. I get the uneasy feeling that the ones who like me just want to use me. I know one who is pretty cool though, but he may be an ISTP. I do like their spontaneity and how they have the guts to just go for something.

ISTP: The ones I've known well were actually very friendly for SP introverts, and they had a great sense of adventure, spontaneity, and a lot of creative talent and/or technical skill. The downside is they can seem immature, overly impulsive, and too into the physical realm for my taste (although it often results in the guys having great bodies). Because of that, the relationship always feels shallow to me. The women ISTPs tend to be too tom-boyish for me. I'm really girly, and tom-boyish girls get too judgmental of traditionally feminine traits sometimes.

ESFP: I have some close ESFPs in my life, and it works as long as our Fi don't clash. They can be too dramatic and bossy at times, but they're also very fun and loyal. I find them very genuine for the most part. I get annoyed with their hedonism though and sometimes wish they'd act as smart as I know they are.

ISFP: I don't know too many IRL, even though I went to design school, because we don't click. The ones I have met are very artsy of course, and we often have similar interests and seem like we'd be great friends on paper, but Se & Ne seem to clash. It's like we're similar & dissimilar in all the wrong ways. I tend to be more intellectual also, and I think that screams "nerd" to them. On the other hand, some of them seem painfully "cool" to me.

ENFP: I generally like them a lot because they seem like someone I'd like to be (the more outgoing, less inhibited version of me). Like ESFPs, I get frustrated when they lose their sense of right and wrong and Fi values get all distorted in the name of external pleasure. They usually like me also, as I'm a more level-headed and insightful version of them, but I find they can also get very annoyed by my introversion. I think because they feel similar to me, they don't accept me as introverted, but unfairly write it off as being unfriendly or snobby in some situations.

INFP: I get along pretty well with most INFPs and the smoothness & stimulation of the conversation is refreshing. INFP men give me a buddy feeling though. I feel like I met my fraternal twin sometimes. I don't think it could ever be romantic. Occasionally, I meet the INFP who is too self-absorped and that is a turn-off.

ENFJ: For the most part, I love these guys. Some of my best guy friends are these. It's unusual for me to click quickly with someone and feel close fast, but when I do, then odds are it is with an ENFJ. Second only to an ENFP friend I had, they've been the closest to giving that "partner in crime" dynamic. The main frustrations I have is when they rely too much on Fe and can feel shallow/insincere, because like EXFPs, I usually can tell when they have more depth & intelligence than what they are showing.

INFJs: Don't know any IRL really. Online and in the public eye, I think they are pretty awesome, witty, and insightful. I have a feeling we'd either really click or clash. I think INFPs tend to admire INFJs more than the other way around too. Sometimes I do find INFJs a little too self-righteous and critical.

ENTPs: I only know a few, most notably my dad. They're usually very smart, talented, and have a good sense of humor, but also can be too arrogant, condescending and extremely into themselves. It can seem that NOTHING is ever taken seriously too. Ultimately, their abrasive side & levity can make me retreat into my shell, so I don't usually connect with them.

INTPs: After ENFXs, I connect the best with them. If the INTP is healthy and balanced, then they can seem very smart, funny, and interesting. It seems the conversations can go on forever, and they have the depth I crave and often miss in extroverts. On the other hand, if they slip into an unhealthy pattern of belligerence and condescension, then it can go south very quickly. I can be too sensitive for them, and they can be too incompassionate for me.

ENTJs: I suspect my aunt may be one. If so, then they can be very funny, independent, smart and interesting. They also can be hypocritical, stubborn, and downright mean. I find their pliable morals and insistence on having their way a turn-off. My aunt LOVES quiet people, and if that's how all ENTJs are, then that is pretty cool. Besides the morality issue, I could see myself clicking with one.

INTJs: Like ISFPs, they can seem like good friends on paper, but we don't click. I often end up on first dates with these guys that go nowhere. Some are incredibly hilarious and interesting. I like their irreverent humor, but it can also cross the line. The guys have a tendency for misogynistic chips on their shoulders . They also seem to have trouble grasping that someone can be sweet and smart, so they write off an INFP like me as a simple fluffy bunny too fast. That is annoying to me of course, because I'm a lot more complex than that.


New member
Jun 29, 2009

These all come from the people in my real life. I made them all take the MB test ;-) heheh they totally all caved

ENTP: great advice to me, good taste, complains, and generally can be a jerk and likes to agitate in conversations for fun. Can't spend alone time with them unless I am asking for advice and get them off the snark train. Socially yes they are fun.
ENTJ: worked with one as my boss-never again! Burned the bridge with me completely and that never happens with me! Another ENTJ (with 40% F) in life is a close friend although a little "cold". But he is definitely a great advice giver, lives out loud, driven, and listens well and I just somehow know he wouldn't burn me like the only other ENTJ because his actions show he cares about my feelings even if he doesn't show his all the time.
INTJ: moth to flame with a male INTJ even though he argues the hell out of some things which is also fun to imagine turned on us scattered ENFJ's. Someone with focus, intelligence and intensity (like our Fe burn!).Fascinating!! when he actually appears in public with mutual friends. But I know that he in no way would work long term being a hermit reading, on the computer, working,working more, talking at me about technology, watching transformers...Also shows like -12 on emotion scale. Are you alive? ENFJ's need some emoting. some will do...His hug to me was the most uncomfortable hug I have ever received and took knowing him a LONG time.hahahaha (INTJ's you are not normal!) A girl INTJ was a aggressive lawyer but able to turn off being serious around me. Still not normal unless consciously went into "social" mode by choice decided to relax and listen.
ISTJ- my father is this and he is emotionally not expressive at all. Great with money and self preservation as a way of showing love. Private, very consistent, loyal, but wants me to learn by stepping out myself. He was a very supportive father in being there practically (every time) but not verbally affectionate by nature.
INFP- my sister is this and she drives me bonkers with low self esteem (and she is like 30). BUt her sweetness always makes me forget the next time I see her (which is usually a while in between because she is hermit-ish) My friend for the past 2 years has been an INFP but the private-ness and serious withholding of feeling is a problem that may defeat the friendship. She also never initiates or expresses emotion verbally. I also find Fi people selfish by default so it is hard to not change INFP's for me even though they have a depth of conversation that is rare and keeps me coming back.
ESFP- little flaky and won't say what they want to when mad. That is frustrating. Seem needy with the 2 I know can't use their head in a relationship to save their lives. Make huge mistakes in who they date without thinking about the quality of the person at ALL! I feel like I need to teach them a lot.
ENFJ's: I have met 2 other ENFJ's IRL. felt competitive with the male one immediately and resorted to negative puns aimed at each other subtly. Got under my skin and felt superior to me! No thank you! The other girl I appreciate because she will be open, sweet, talk about things I find interesting in general, and plan socially which takes the burden off me being the sole social planner around! Thank you! She is also a bit narrow and religious and not able to be around other views without getting uncomfortable.
ESTJ: Nice socially and our values tend to align. A little to hands off in the way they organize people and tend to seem a little not caring because they stop short of completion in my opinion on finishing a job with people. Needed in society. Pessimistic also and probably misunderstood me mostly.
INFJ: Know one in real life and her moral stance made me feel judged all the time (she may not have meant it) but generally was great with children and is a teacher who was moody when she came home. Always needed time alone to get out of her bad moods but was nice a little once given time. The sedond one I know is so moody and annoying because she is like being around Eeoyre. She complains and always wants to hang one-on-one and that can't be my main grouping. Sorry but I am an extrovert so learn that I can't always be one-on-one. She didn't like that at all.
ISFP/ISTP: one friend, she is skeptic and good to ask questions and opinions to. She is often needing to be alone and I know it isn't personal it just DOES not make sense to me that she can be so detached and she is a reporter/newspaper editor so she is naturally objective and tested ISTP on a second mb test I made her take. Not someone who I could be close with or my emotion would overwhelm them and my fast pace too.
INTP:: INTP's please please buy a clue? Attracted for sure to them once they notice anyone around them they come after me (usually like months after I notice them...) and have been asked to commit by 2 (I made them take the test! hehehe). Unflinchingly determined once they decided to date me but it couldn't work. The angry words once said (that they had no idea they said) are like strikes and you got 3 outs before you knew it. Also by a normal outfit? For real once tried to meet me out at a fancy bar in tennis shoes, t, and jeans! Embarrassing! Also the second one who asked to date me was boring. Wanted me to stay in on weeknights and do mellow things...I wanted to be out doing things with people...E/I scale was too different but he did know how to not hurt my feelings while being T. Dang it!:wubbie:


New member
Dec 21, 2008
ENFP - Good people, I generally get along well with them. They have good ideas, and can be very agreeable.

ENTJ - The ones I know are very disciplined, and no-nonsense. I get along with them in many ways, but we sometimes clash over work-related things.

ENTP - Cool people, fun to be around, and can be very thought-provoking. Usually seem like they're in good moods, and they are laid back.

ESFJ - Caring people, I usually have no problems with them. Can sometimes be overly emotional though. They are very kind.

ESFP - Very very fun people, great to be around at pretty much all times. I like them.

ESTP - Fun people, I get along with them really well, usually witty and fun-loving.

INFJ - Great people, I get along with them great, very intuitive, sometimes overly emotional but usually great to chat with.

INTJ - Good people, logical. We sometimes clash but at other times, they can be very interesting people.

INTP - Very quiet, we don't get in each other's way. We usually get along very well.

ISFJ - Good people, sometimes take things the wrong way, but usually I get along with them well.

ISFP - They make up most of the people I know. Easy to get along with, simple and usually reserved people. Get along with them the best, we usually click.

ISTJ - I only know one ISTJ that I've confirmed. We can get along if we have similar interests. Have good common sense. Sometimes they are too structured.

ISTP - Good people, they usually don't get in my way, which I like. Can initiate fun activities too, which is always a good thing. We get along well.

ESTJ, ENFJ, INFP - don't know a single person IRL.


Controlled Mischief
Mar 2, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Hahahah.. I didn't see this until just now. Thanks Stellar :hug:

ESTJ - Some of the best people to be friends with, both guys and girls (Not as a boss!). We seem to have a mutual admiration for each other. I'm always so amazed at how much they can get done in a day, and they always seem intrigued by my go-with-the-flow attitude. They really take care of the people they love.

ESFJ - They're always so -giving-! Again, they really take care of those they love. My mom is an ESFJ... I admire how people automatically take to her and feel comfortable around her. And they have these random streaks of spunk that just cracks me up... it's so cute.

ISTJ - They're more fun than they have a reputation for. The ISTJ I know has super high goals, and always seems to accomplish them. Respect!

ISFJ - My sister-in-law is an ISFJ... She is very sweet, and a wonderful mother. She also knows how to stand her own in arguments with my INTJ brother. She's very nurturing. As for guy ISFJs, we have a weird dynamic. We argue a lot, but we always seem to connect as friends well.

ESTP - Guys: Awesome. The more outspoken, blunt version of me. We always connect instantaneously. We have a deep understanding and mutual admiration for each other. I always admire how -everyone- seems to get along with them immediately, and act pretty much themselves. Girls: Again, awesome. Outgoing and spunky. The ESTP girl I know is a little more in-your-face than the ESTP guy I know, as STP seems more typically a guy type (Trust me.. I know.). She's fun, and always the life of the party. Always blunt and honest.

ESFP - I've come across a few, and they seem like super fun people.. however, there's something about our type dynamic that keeps us from ever becoming close friends. They're a little much for me, I think.

ISFP - The feely version of me. We always get along great. We have fun, spontaneous adventures, and I always look to them for how I should approach things more sensitively. They always offer very diplomatic advice. They really are loyal to the people they care about.

ENFP - Whew. Always interesting. They're all over the place! We -always- have fun together. They're so different from me, and I'm very interested in what they have to say. I've learned a lot from them, and they really wear their name as "The Inspirer" well. I seem to have a magnetic draw to them. I respect the advice they give, and often use them as a guideline to balance out my inferior functions (Fi, Ne, etc).

ENTJ - We get along great as friends. More mutual respect here. I really admire their go-get'um attitude and how they can just make things happen. They're so ambitious! However, they're the only type I ever feel the need to parent. They see things in black and white too much sometimes, and I frequently have to play devil's advocate and point out other perspectives. Thankfully, when they're in good-humored moods, they don't seem to mind my advice, and actually take it to heart. I've learned to only give advice when they ARE in these moods... :doh:

ENTP - Barrels of fun. We always manage to paint the town red together. They're endless sources of amusement... And we're always laughing our asses off. I absolutely -love- them as friends. However, I've learned the hard way that we were only meant to be -friends-. Turns out I can get slightly irritatable when I have a hyperactive ENTP boyfriend endlessly using he Ne: "Wouldn't be weird if this and this and this happened? I'd do this and this and then I'd be like that and this..." ..........

INTJ - Always looked up to them. Both my dad and oldest brother are INTJs. I wish I had their strategic ability. However, we never seem to have close relationships, even if we respect each others' differences.

INTP - Ah, my intuitive cousin. We're -very- much alike. We understand each other pretty well. We are generally interested in the same things, just on different aspects of that thing. We're perfect roommates.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
Instinctual Variant
These are purely gut reactions, based on my heavily biased experiences (or lack of experience with ESXX types)

ENFP: They seem super sweet, all the ones here are very agreeable, but I'm not sure that I know any in meatspace, at least not well.

omg what the hell are ya talkin about there poppy? meatspace?


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
Instinctual Variant
well...i got the meaning...but really...what the hell ?? what an odd word...it sounds kinda yuck. :D


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
INFJs: Always easy to read. Either fairly interesting and easy to relate to, or a depressing reminder of what kind of stupid things I could have valued if my situation had been different.

INTJs: Easy to read. Extremely provocative, at least to me. I pretty much either love them or hate them... they always get a strong reaction. Subjectively, I'd say INTJs feel like an inside-out version of me.

ENTPs: Fairly easy to read. They can throw me off a little at first, but once they "click," I usually get them. They tend to be relaxing via their openness, funny, and easy to relate to. They feel like a "mirror" version of me, flipped horizontally and vertically.

ENFPs: Harder to read. They're interesting and passionate. They're easy enough to get along with, but they have a combination of intensity and crudeness that keeps me on edge. I'd have to say I like them, though.

INTPs: Very similar to ENTPs, but with less of a connection. I can still relate to them with relative ease if I put my mind to it, but it takes more work and isn't as natural.

INFPs: Worst connection of all N types. I feel as if I constantly offend them without meaning to. They constantly grate on my nerves as well. There are a few I like, but the majority of them I don't. Five of the ones I liked later turned out to be ISFP, ENFP, INTP, INTJ, and INFJ. Hard to believe that one letter makes such a difference...

ENFJs: They can be a lot like ENTPs when things are going well. Plus, there's an additional layer of connection I don't get with ENTPs. So it can be pretty good. The only thing that tends to bother me is the way they treat my IxTx friends sometimes, pulverizing them with unjustly applied Fe. It makes me sick to watch them subjugate Ni to Fe. It feels like the psychological equivalent of watching a bully hit a guy in a wheelchair. *shudder* It seriously strains, if not breaks, our friendship most of the time.

ENTJs: Pretty much an ENFP clone with better organizational and leadership skills, from my perspective.

ISFPs: Fairly easy to read. They're always interesting to talk to, as they have similar concerns to myself, and yet have completely different perspectives on them. They feel different from myself, yet somehow similar. They make up for their lack of raw intellectual depth with a certain way of just... being there with you, paying attention, caring. They often possess good instincts and unconscious wisdom.

ESTPs: Some of them have an unnerving intensity that bugs me. Others just have this really laid-back, calm attitude towards everything. They're both willing to take risks, but for different reasons. The first type seems to feel a need to "prove" something, and the second just seems to causally disregard the danger, or not even think of it. Also, the first type will get mad and insult me if I point out the danger, and the second type will stop, think about it, and either change their mind or convince me it's not a real problem. Needless to say, I like the second type better. :)

I haven't met enough of the other types to make any judgments, so that will have to wait.