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[ENTP] Wiki project - entp description


Apr 24, 2008
In an effort to better the quality of type descriptions, the idea came up to start a community project in which everybody who feels like gives his opinion on his type description.

The goal is to get typeC's own type descriptions, which reflect the collected knowledge of its members. Being the world's leading website on this topic I think we have the competence to produce some good stuff.

Regarding the entp description an intresting thing would be the entp I and E balance. Many entp's think that they could be intp's aswell because they are socially kinda introverted. Therefore it need to be pointed out that there is a difference between social extroversion and between that what mbti calls an extraverted perceiving function. I think this could help some people.

Another intresting thing in particular I think maybe here's an opportunity for woman that are entp to bring more of them into the type description. I have the impression the entp description is kinda genderless, yet it's often female entp's who have pointed out in threads on the forum that they didnt identify with a thing from a description.

Well first of all I think it would be a good idea to do it like the istp's and skip thru entp descriptions, marking what's good about them and what's not.

Here's the istp model:

Find entp descriptions on the internet (it's ok if you post some double, more opinions improve quality) and then mark them as follows:

1. Bold things that are true for you
2. strikethrough ( tags) things that are not true for you

3. (optional) change to blue the things that you think are true "in general" for your type
4. (optional) change to red the things that you think are false "in general" for your type or apply to all types equally
5. (optional) change to green the things that are type-specific but not exclusive to one type (ex: NT traits)
6. (optional) Feel free to add any general comments or things that the descriptions lack! Or post other istp descriptions you like.

You can modify this system as you wish, just explain it to others. Later on someone needs to collect all the data gathered, I dunno if that will be me you know motivation is a fragile thing, that's why I want to leave it totally open to everyone to sum things up at some point in the thread and to modify the evaluation system as you want.

The big goal in the end is to get a new entp description.

Since we are all entps, if you feel like it, you may very well write a description yourself. I'ld still want others to evaluate this then too. Think we wont get around the evaluation thing :)

Have fun ! :)

P.S.: here btw's the main discussion: TypeC wiki project


Apr 24, 2008
Ok obviously this will be harder than I thought. Havenbt found much to criticize really, probably because I suck at criticizing anyways. :)


"Clever" is the word that perhaps describes ENTPs best. The professor who juggles half a dozen ideas for research papers and grant proposals in his mind while giving a highly entertaining lecture on an abstruse subject is a classic example of the type. So is the stand-up comedian whose lampoons are not only funny, but incisively accurate.

ENTPs are usually verbally as well as cerebrally quick, and generally love to argue--both for its own sake, and to show off their often-impressive skills. They tend to have a perverse sense of humor as well, and enjoy playing devil's advocate. They sometimes confuse, even inadvertently hurt, those who don't understand or accept the concept of argument as a sport.

ENTPs are as innovative and ingenious at problem-solving as they are at verbal gymnastics; on occasion, however, they manage to outsmart themselves. This can take the form of getting found out at "sharp practice"--
ENTPs have been known to cut corners without regard to the rules if it's expedient -- or simply in the collapse of an over-ambitious juggling act. Both at work and at home, ENTPs are very fond of "toys"--physical or intellectual, the more sophisticated the better. They tend to tire of these quickly, however, and move on to new ones. ( Sounds like we are little devils. Dont think an entp would break rules just as easy without looking at the consequences, plus I think the majority of entps doenst intend to do harm, but rather likes to play by the rules (if it's funny). The thing regarding toys I havent understood )

ENTPs are basically optimists, but in spite of this (perhaps because of it?), they tend to become extremely petulant about small setbacks and inconveniences. (Major setbacks they tend to regard as challenges, and tackle with determin- ation.) ENTPs have little patience with those they consider wrongheaded or unintelligent, and show little restraint in demonstrating this. However, they do tend to be extremely genial, if not charming, when not being harassed by life in general.

In terms of their relationships with others, ENTPs are capable of bonding very closely and, initially, suddenly, with their loved ones. Some appear to be deceptively offhand with their nearest and dearest; others are so demonstrative that they succeed in shocking co-workers who've only seen their professional side. ENTPs are also good at acquiring friends who are as clever and entertaining as they are. Aside from those two areas, ENTPs tend to be oblivious of the rest of humanity, except as an audience -- good, bad, or potential. (I stroke that through so we look better in public :))


The Memes Justify the End
Nov 21, 2008
I think it'd be better to say what we think is true about us rather than our type. Because people tend to associate themselves with their types too much.
Then you can just look at the data you get and see what's the general tendency.


Active member
Jul 9, 2010
"Sounds like we are little devils. Dont think an entp would break rules just as easy without looking at the consequences"

Actually knowing the consequences and seeing the big picture would make you pretty good at breaking rules...

I think each of us should contribute with something to the descriptions, because honestly the descriptions on the internet SUCK.

For instance showing a correlation with the classical temperaments would be interesting. From what I've observed ENTPs tend to be quite sangvinic/melancholic. Also showing how types process information, I haven't seen much of that on the internet. And the correlation between information processing and the brain.

Anyway, we should make some descriptions that FIT, a lot of descriptions describe the ideal behavior of types...and the circumstances reality offers are far from ideal.


Active member
Jul 9, 2010
It's actually very interesting, that ENTPs generally do not see themselves as extraverted as the other types.
ENTPs are socially extraverted when they're excited. (when they're traveling, having fun, or talking/doing something interesting, or when they meet someone interesting)

I sometimes feel like I'm a mobile wikipedia. :laugh:

Also, there's a high need for stimulation...this explains running away from boredom...and the extraversion...ENTPs don't get that stimulated from their inner world, they are dependent of interesting things happening outside of them...and here's where the E comes from. It's where they take that interesting from that differentiates ENTPs from ENFPs, because ENFPs are very interested in people...like wanting to know what's going on what they're doing etc, ENTPs aren't generally that interested in people...however I am interested in understanding why odd/weird people are like that, and where does the general belief that they're odd come from.

And ENTPs seem more emotional/dramatic than other NTs, and take other people's feelings into consideration, I haven't seen the same thing in INTJs for example, they'll say pretty much anything...generally a lot of I TJs don't have the emotional barrier. But I may be wrong...


Apr 24, 2008
Good points from all of you, agree with them :).

I just had the thought, I read in socionics entps suck at maintaining the "right psychological distance" relationship-wise with people. Think that's an important thing missed to in many mbti descriptions. It means so much as if you hang around with the captain from your military squad in a bar you're the first one to treat him as a pal. So rank, standing and hierarchy doesnt mean a thing to entps.

It tho can create problems in other situations, like when you are defending an idea someone else had and you found good, but actually you cant really defend it, because lets say you aint a woman :)


Active member
Jul 9, 2010
Fe seems something very interesting in ENTPs.

I generally hate conflicts...well..unless I'm provoked, but I usually don't cause much conflict, since where there's conflict there's no fun. And fun is always more important than conflict for me.

Thus the : "Why can't we all get along and do something interesting" attitude.

I usually feel bad when I say inappropriate things and hurt others without wanting...and feel bad if I hurt other people's feelings. I take them into consideration.

ENTJs and INTJs don't have a feeling borderline they don't cross.

And INTPs I don't know.


Apr 24, 2008
Agree 100% with you and it's good to see others feel and think that way too, good you said it.

I am always thinking why do all the descriptions say that entps like to argue, tho actually I am a very harmony seeking guy and actually really like the idea of why cant we all work together. Then one day I asked my gf if I am often provoking arguements and she said yes. Well she's a Fi-dom and seems sometimes like pretty easy to set up, yet I dont think its her fault. It came very surprising to me, still obviously it holds truth, yet makes no sense to me. Why doi I provoke tho I want harmony ?


The Memes Justify the End
Nov 21, 2008
Also people are often tempted to associate the 'platonic' idea of entp with the actual people. Some description confuse us with people with add. In my case I most certainly am not some kind of odd human spring.

oh, one thing that might be interesting if people agree. I may explain it in more details later as I'm already late for a meeting (yes, i'm awesome at time management)
I'm good at knowing how people work, what their directions and underlying dynamics are yet whenever I am concerned I tend to be quite oblivious to how people actually feel about me. It led me to perhaps over do things in the past, act like some kind of comedia\entertainer to reassure myself as to my capacity to hold other people's interest.


Apr 24, 2008
A good thing I can relate to again. I often noticed that by being the comedy / entertainer guy, I was tho that I had a billion friends, still always the one who was alone the most. I think it's mandatory to learn in life that you cant make things pleasant for everyone, at some points in life you have to take an opinion and to step on some peoples toes. A wisdom I learnt very lately in life


Active member
Jul 9, 2010
I'm good at knowing how people work, what their directions and underlying dynamics are yet whenever I am concerned I tend to be quite oblivious to how people actually feel about me. It led me to perhaps over do things in the past, act like some kind of comedia\entertainer to reassure myself as to my capacity to hold other people's interest.

Yes I tend to be oblivious about how others feel about me, that doesn't really come handy when it comes to women. :laugh:
I talk to people who HATE me like nothing's going on sometimes :laugh: And then other people tell me...hey that guy hates you sooo much, why do you even talk to him? Can't you see you're annoying him even more ? And I'm like...hmm ...what? Where did that come from?:laugh:

I am always thinking why do all the descriptions say that entps like to argue, tho actually I am a very harmony seeking guy and actually really like the idea of why cant we all work together.?

I don't argue that much either...but if I hear something like: "God punishes people from the US with tornadoes" which is pretty much RETARDED, I will start arguing, and tell that person he has a retarded point of view. I mean...someone actually said that...I can't believe how retarded it sounds...

A good thing I can relate to again. I often noticed that by being the comedy / entertainer guy, I was tho that I had a billion friends, still always the one who was alone the most. I think it's mandatory to learn in life that you cant make things pleasant for everyone, at some points in life you have to take an opinion and to step on some peoples toes. A wisdom I learnt very lately in life

I'm also very entertaining, and people think I have a shitload of friends and I'm like having fun most of the time. And it's pretty weird ...because I have less intimate friends than them I just have a lot of random acquaintances, I am not a womanizer, and I don't go to parties all day long.

"The chase is better than the catch" - this seems one of the ENTPs motto.


Active member
Jul 9, 2010
And I forget things. I forget where I put things. I forget I have to do things.

I locked myself outside of my apartment.
And I locked myself outside of my car.

Which was pretty ridiculous.

I forgot my laptop in a cab, but the cab driver shouted at me to come back and take my laptop. Leaving tips can be useful... :laugh:

I forget birthdays, I forgot ...again..how old is my mother..but I've asked her like 2352 times.

I'm late, and sometimes I'm very early...like...an hour early :laugh:

It's so funny... :laugh:

Bad things/situations may seem funny to me... I don't know... pissed people tell me pretty often...what's funny? Can't you see we're fucked?!?! :laugh:

A window to the soul

^I left my new camera in a cab in Las Vegas. If my EZTag wasn't stuck to my windshield, I'd be stuck in a toll booth every morning on the way to work. It's because I'm already juggling too much responsibility, and I don't get enough sleep, which I'm not complaining about. I've already started working on my yard getting ready for Spring. I've got 10-projects going on almost simultaneously. It's kind of funny to step back and look at that. Bet it looks like I don't know what the hell I'm doing, but when I'm done, there's no denying that I DO and it's AWESOME!

Edit: BTW, when I say 'done', I mean I'm at a stopping point where I'm satisfied with my work. I have many thoughts of future enhancements.

For me, it's tough not to laugh at pissy people because I've already considered the possible outcomes and given the heads up of what's the most likely scenario. I often begin with, "I predict" and end with "I told ya so." I've noticed that after that happens a couple of times, people start taking me seriously when it counts and those that don't, get left behind by their own choosing. :)


Apr 24, 2008

I agree, I am on a job that requires a lot of management and I forget things a lot. I stack things in an ordner in which I will do them in my head, like project 1, 2 and 3, but I've always only room for two projects to remember, everything before that sometimes is just gone. Gladly I somehow manage to remember before the deadline surpases, yet I do not understand why I am such an idiot at times.

Glad I trained myself to always check for door keys before I leave the apartment. It looks like a nervous tick nowadays but if I hadnt that, I'ld made the lockpicking service already rich :D


Active member
Jul 9, 2010
Glad I trained myself to always check for door keys before I leave the apartment. It looks like a nervous tick nowadays but if I hadnt that, I'ld made the lockpicking service already rich :D

Hahaha I do the same thing...it's so obsessive compulsive ...but if I don't do it...I'll surely forget something.

I check for keys, cigarettes, lighter, subway ticket, and money.

And I didn't come up with this... somebody told me...:laugh:..and it's helpful..sort of...I still forget the lighter though.

Today I asked a girl for a lighter, and she said she didn't smoke, we were waiting for the bus...and then I realized I had a lighter on me...so I took it out of my pocket and lit my cigar, I remember asking myself...I wonder what she's thinking? Me lighting a cigar 1 minute after I asked her if she has a lighter :laugh:


Apr 24, 2008
Hahaha, ok I can really identify with this :D.


Early statement on provoking arguments even though we enjoy harmony. I tend to realize that provocation can lead to an openness and when festering wounds are opened and allowed to heal properly a more harmonic environment is created overall. People just have to accept that this will be painful, depending on the depth of the scars.


The Memes Justify the End
Nov 21, 2008
Hahaha I do the same thing...it's so obsessive compulsive ...but if I don't do it...I'll surely forget something.

I check for keys, cigarettes, lighter, subway ticket, and money.
I had to develop a routine of checking and rechecking for keys everytime I go out otherwise i'd get locked out of my place 5 times a month.


good hair
Jan 10, 2011
Hahaha I do the same thing...it's so obsessive compulsive ...but if I don't do it...I'll surely forget something.

I check for keys, cigarettes, lighter, subway ticket, and money.

Hahaha...I try to be that way, but sometimes I get to fed up with the details that I just say FUCK IT and go out the door without checking twice. If I've left something then I guess it'll just be a chance to improvise a solution. :laugh: Not the best mentality, but sometimes I just can't be bothered.


good hair
Jan 10, 2011
I think it'd be better to say what we think is true about us rather than our type. Because people tend to associate themselves with their types too much.
Then you can just look at the data you get and see what's the general tendency.

Yes. Agreed. This. This makes sense.