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What other type would you want to be?

If you had to change your type, what other type would you be?

  • Total voters


Sep 11, 2007
Well, no offense to her, but I don't think she impressed me enough to change my mind.

Oooh, look at that, you caught me in a gender assumption.

And I'm supposed to be a pinko...

Stop checking me you do-gooder!!!


Fine, I'll give you a reputation point but only this one time!

The Third Rider

New member
Sep 12, 2007
I don't think we're heartless in comparison to ENFjs, we're less "social" let's say. Which entails the possibility of dedicating the excess free time that comes from lack of socializing towards making money, among all the available options.
I don't think that ENTjs are not social, I just saying it from the that point that my best bud is an ENTj and sometimes he seems to have very little less simpathy for "things" than I do. I wish I didn't have to deal will all my emotions and be a little more "cold" like him.


New member
Sep 30, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Let's suppose that you were forced to or had to change your personality type and you could be any other type. What would you choose to be and why? Go with the first answer that comes to your mind, not what you reason would be the best.

No copping out and saying you would stay with your current type, I want to know if there is a bias toward any particular personality type or if there is a pattern by which people would choose types if they could. And of course, I will make the poll "onymous". :D

The first answer that came to mind was ENFP, based on the reasoning that I could not imagine not being Fi, but often my extreme introversion gets in the way of the pursuits that Fi motivates me toward. but even tho an ENFP does use Fi, its not their dominant function, so its hard to imagine what my mind would think like if the roles of Fi and Ne were reversed...

alcea rosea

New member
Nov 11, 2007
My ideal type would be ENFJ.

I thought that I was ENFJ at one time in my life but then noticed that it was too good to be true. I'm too P for that and don't have Fe as my dominant function.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007

I am a little surprised to see who voted the same way I did, but then it makes sense too in an MBTI-ish sort of way.

Alcearos, athenian200, INTJMom, Jennifer, lecky, Usehername

I chose ENFJ because I was thinking I'd get more done. I never have enough energy to do all my chores. ESTJs have the most immaculate houses, but I dislike all the ESTJ women I know.

I love ENFPs but I wouldn't want to be one because I'm afraid I would procrastinate too much.

I wouldn't want to be an S. I prefer being an N.


New member
Nov 5, 2007
If i was not a intp, i think the type i'd want to be (but know i couldn't ever for they are too cool for alex :D) is a INFJ, ENTP or a ISTP (i never met one but i like thier description)


Pareo cattus
Jun 7, 2007

Just being an "E" would be different. Of all the types, ENTPs seem the most laid back and that's something I'd like to try for a while.


Jun 21, 2007
I choose my type, INFJ but my favorite type is INTJ. I seem to get a long with them very well. I wonder why that is? *besides being married to one*


Highly Hollow
Dec 24, 2007
Weird timing... I've just been spending the last several days wishing with all my heart I were another type. ESFJ, preferably. So I could be useful in my chosen job, stay-at-home mom and wife. As an INFJ, I am failing abysmally. The only side of INFJ I do like is Fe, so I'd like to keep that and keep being a "warm" mom and wife. But I'd give anything to get rid of this utterly useless iNtuition and get some good grounded Sensing instead. And Extraverted because I'm sick and tired of always having to avoid people and cancelling on stuff and being generally useless socially. I'd much rather be one of those annoying human locomotives that are always getting things done.

And not only would I jump at any opportunity to change my type, I would actually PAY to get my type changed, if that were possible. I hate being a useless* INFJ with every fiber of my being.

(* I'm not saying all INFJs are useless: I'm just saying that no matter how hard I try, I just can't find a way to make my type work for me and my life. If I were stinking rich, with a maid and a cook and a nanny at home, and I could spend my time writing or something, then I guess being INFJ would not be so bad. As my life is, though, it's a curse.)


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
I choose my type, INFJ but my favorite type is INTJ. I seem to get a long with them very well. I wonder why that is? *besides being married to one*

Shared Ni dominance is my guess. ;)

Weird timing... I've just been spending the last several days wishing with all my heart I were another type. ESFJ, preferably. So I could be useful in my chosen job, stay-at-home mom and wife. As an INFJ, I am failing abysmally. The only side of INFJ I do like is Fe, so I'd like to keep that and keep being a "warm" mom and wife. But I'd give anything to get rid of this utterly useless iNtuition and get some good grounded Sensing instead. And Extraverted because I'm sick and tired of always having to avoid people and cancelling on stuff and being generally useless socially. I'd much rather be one of those annoying human locomotives that are always getting things done.

And not only would I jump at any opportunity to change my type, I would actually PAY to get my type changed, if that were possible. I hate being a useless* INFJ with every fiber of my being.

(* I'm not saying all INFJs are useless: I'm just saying that no matter how hard I try, I just can't find a way to make my type work for me and my life. If I were stinking rich, with a maid and a cook and a nanny at home, and I could spend my time writing or something, then I guess being INFJ would not be so bad. As my life is, though, it's a curse.)

Wow. You really have some issues with your type. I don't really see Sensing as "good" or "grounded" like that. It's useful, but useful isn't necessarily better. And I really think it's too bad you're in a position where your weaknesses are emphasized. I think you should consider changing your expectations of yourself to fit your needs, rather than trying to change your needs to fit your expectations of yourself. That's not easy, of course, but... Does that make sense?

That said, I do feel bad about myself a little when I compare myself to ESxx types and see how good their social skills are. But all I have to do is look at how awkward some NT's are, and then I realize that I'm still pretty well-off in many ways. Also, I've learned to appreciate my abilities to understand what I read in a more lucid way, to figure out someone's motivations, etc.

Mort Belfry

Rats off to ya!
Jan 12, 2008
I love being an INTP, but the one function I'm jealous of is Introverted Intuition. My Ni is incredibly low as I don't trust it all.

But I don't care that much for Extraverted Feeling or Thinking, so if I wanted to be a different type it would be an INTPNJ which is obviously imaginary.


heart on fire
May 19, 2007
If I had to pick another type, I would pick INTP, but for all its pitfalls, I would prefer to stay INFP.


New member
Jan 15, 2008
If I had to choose another type it would be ESTP. I need to be more outgoing and self confident in my job and life in general. I am usually sure of what I am doing, but I tend to avoid conflict and overlook some things, which does not help me to be a good supervisor.

As far as IQ goes, I feel that the testing used is fundamentally biased, and not a true measure of intelligence at all. (So saying, my IQ is in the 130 - 140 range. Certainly not exceptional, but I get by) ;) ;)


Highly Hollow
Dec 24, 2007
Wow. You really have some issues with your type.
Yeah, I do. It never did much for me, and it's only getting worse.

I don't really see Sensing as "good" or "grounded" like that. It's useful, but useful isn't necessarily better.
That depends on your personal values, doesn't it? I happen to think that yes, useful is better. Which is why I would happily trade my DomNi for an AuxSi (and I'd still have TerNe, so it's not like I would be entirely deprived of iNtuition anyway).

And I really think it's too bad you're in a position where your weaknesses are emphasized.
I was *always* in such a situation! There was NEVER in my life a time when being an INFJ was an unmitigated advantage. *If* it was an advantage for something, then it was always an advantage I had to pay a huge price for in some form or other.

I think you should consider changing your expectations of yourself to fit your needs, rather than trying to change your needs to fit your expectations of yourself. That's not easy, of course, but... Does that make sense?
Not completely, because I'm not sure what you mean by "needs". What I do know, though, is that there are things in my life that I just HAVE to do - and that I not only don't know how to do, but RESENT having to do, because it goes straight against my grain. Attending to Sensing stuff, following routines, stuff like that just KILLS me inside - and yet there is simply NO WAY I can escape it. I'm not a pure spirit, my family are not pure spirits, and we don't live on a cloud: as distateful as it might be to my excessively Introverted and iNtuitive self, that's reality and I've got to deal with it.

That said, I do feel bad about myself a little when I compare myself to ESxx types and see how good their social skills are. But all I have to do is look at how awkward some NT's are, and then I realize that I'm still pretty well-off in many ways.
The "look how much better you have it than X or Y" trick has never worked on me. If anything it makes me feel worse.

Also, I've learned to appreciate my abilities to understand what I read in a more lucid way, to figure out someone's motivations, etc.
Oh sure, I appreciate, even love those abilities! But I love OTHER abilities better. I'd much rather be practical, efficient, and all those things people have listed about ESFJs. It's like: I love coconut, but I love chocolate even more. That's not a statement about coconut itself, it's just a statement about me preferring chocolate. I love what I can do as an INFJ, but I'd love to be able to do what ESFJs do even better - far better.


New member
May 2, 2007
I did not look at the entire postings, but this (I presume) would be a tell-tale sign of distinguishing sensing and intuition preferences. I would think that the average type preferring intuition would ask this at some point, whereas the average type preferring sensing would only want to be what they truly are, and being okay with that for better or worse.


heart on fire
May 19, 2007
I did not look at the entire postings, but this (I presume) would be a tell-tale sign of distinguishing sensing and intuition preferences. I would think that the average type preferring intuition would ask this at some point, whereas the average type preferring sensing would only want to be what they truly are, and being okay with that for better or worse.

It might also just show who was making peace with themselves and wanting to stop wishing they were different and instead work on being the best version of themselves that they could be.

I have often wanted to be a thinker to be able to detach from emotion more often, but then I realized I would have to give up the high points that come from Fi and the vision it can give and then I realized I don't really want to be anything other than what I am, even though it does have its downside.

Still if I had to decide on another type, I would pick INTP. I admire their purity of thought.


New member
May 2, 2007
I have often wanted to be a thinker to be able to detach from emotion more often, but then I realized I would have to give up the high points that come from Fi and the vision it can give and then I realized I don't really want to be anything other than what I am, even though it does have its downside.

Still if I had to decide on another type, I would pick INTP. I admire their purity of thought.
Again sensing types in general, don't want to be anything other than what they are, especially ISPs.


heart on fire
May 19, 2007
Again sensing types in general, don't want to be anything other than what they are, especially ISPs.

So your logic here is that only ISP can come to the point where they want to accept themselves and work on being true to their own inner vision/voice? INTP and INFP cannot come to this juncture, no matter how old they get or how much they develop inferior functions? The internal certainty of Fi or Ti plays no part in this decision at all huh? It is only S?

None of the other N types can ever decide they want to try and accept themselves as they are and work to be the best they can be as they are?


Apr 23, 2007
So your logic here is that only ISP can come to the point where they want to accept themselves and work on being true to their own inner vision/voice?

Uh, no. :huh:

"?" said that Sensing types are not prone to wanting to be other than they are. Nothing was said of whether Ns can attain this state of self-satisfaction; "?" just stated that Ss and especially ISPs are in that state by default.
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