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[NT] What Do You Live For?


Another awesome member.
Jan 22, 2011
What I live for is fairly simple, to learn, "to observe and experiment, thats all. Thats what I live for. Everything in the world is my test subject. Of course that includes myself as well..."


Apr 24, 2008
And one day the villagers came with fires and pitchfork to get Frankenstein


New member
Jun 29, 2008
I was just wondering what are some of the reasons you NTs get out of bed for in the morning.

Close enough, INXP.

I am sure you have plenty of unique goals. Other than world domination, I would really like to know!

Ah, half the time I'll like, "I'll kill myself tomorrow. But right now I'm going to watch a movie."

Do you pursue material wealth

Not much.

, knowledge,


Yes. If you define power as "force x distance/ time", then yes. There are two kinds of power, actual physical power, and mental power. Of course, mental power is the path of electrical charges in the brain, and the lipids are built up from use and Omega 3 fatty acids. So it is actual work in the physical sense, since chemicals and charges are moving. Also, mental power can benefit the process of increasing "(force x distance)/time" for all matter. Thus, in working on "mental power" you can both be contributing to the benefit physical power, or in increasing the brain for it's own sake, if that has value.

Since all of life is in the brain, then I would argue that it has value to benefit the brain for it's own sake. I live primarily in my "mind and heart". Your physical property and all you have goes back in the box once you die, so in essence, it is meaningless now. Also, material objects or people can be removed right now, or next week. Yet, the mental process continues until death. So since physical property is so transient, it is better to develop the mind.

One of the main goals of the improvement of mental life is to live with peace or pleasant emotions or harmony. It's not just for "power", but for harmony. I wish to better deal with the depressions that plague me, and I constantly work to increase my ability for philosophical and emotional tranquility.

Do you care where you will be ten years from now? Do you have a concrete plan for the next decade?

Not much. I love to speculate about possible futures. However, I try to effect general trends. My only plan is to get out of debt, if possible, and try to prepare for the hard times that are ahead (preparing both physically and mentally).

Do you have a detailed agenda for the next week? Or do you take it one day at a time?

The nature of my job operating a fish hatchery REQUIRES detailed planning in short term and long term. Thus, even though I originally tested almost completely "perceiving", I need to think about the plan. Indeed, if I'm going to have "unstructured" time that I prefer, then I must be as rigorous as possible at work.

Further, I'm "naturally" almost 100% introverted, but I have to conduct meetings where I schedule not only my own time, but everyone else too. Also, I make (or contribute to) the printed weekly routine.

Do you know EXACTLY what you want, or is your purpose in life a big question mark?

Lets see what you're all about!

Ah, yes and no. I have only vague and general ideas of what I want personally.


New member
Feb 23, 2011
I would just like to lay in bed... but just laying around and thinking without anything new entering my mind causes me to go in circles. I get up to experience new things.

My goals include doing things I enjoy and being with people I like. I just want to laze around and/or think about things.

I don't care for material wealth. I like things that look cool or make me think, but I don't need them and would rather spend money on things like travel. As for wealth ingeneral, it is the means to get what I need to survive day to day or things that interest me. Accumulating wealth for the sake of wealth or a sense of security does not appeal to me. I am very much after knowledge. I'm not really after power; too much responsibility. As for peace, I agree with others in what they have said about achieving mental harmony.

I have an idea about where I want to be, but I like to keep my options open and not assume too much about the future.

I have a 'plan' for the next week and days, but it isn't detailed. It's very flexible. I have to keep some sort of memo or note of what happens, referring mainly to important things, or I'll completely forget them. Having a general idea or plan of what happens in the future is important, even if I don't really commit to it.

There are somethings where I know exactly I want, but it's not really specific. I don't worry or think about my purpose in the world often.

Kenneth Almighty

New member
Oct 18, 2009
My biggest goal is to have the most ultimate control of my bodily functions.

This involves hooking myself up to a bunch of machine wires daily for the sake of biofeedback. I'm going to be cyberpunk before cyberpunk, bitches.

and exercising penis muscles


New member
Jan 22, 2009
I am frightened of people that take it "one day at a time;" I have nightmares over that maxim.

It's like saying "I am going to build a house one brick at a time with no blueprint to follow" or "I am going to build a brick wall one brick at a time but I have no idea why I am building it in the first place."

I literally have the next decade of my life planned out. And of course, contingency plans over contingency plans all laid out just in case things go south.

As for the "one day at a time" maxim, the best way I can explain it (not sure if other NTP's relate), is that I like to see what the world brings my way rather than FORGING and forcing things to go my way. There are so many freakin' variables in life, that "planning stuff out" almost seems futile at times. Like, I have a J friend who plans his entire week. What he's going to wear, everything. On Sunday, he knows exactly what he'll be doing next Thursday. I can't live like that. I want to see all the variables of Thursday take shape first, and then I can decide on Thursday morning what I will be doing Thursday. It could rain Thursday, I might not feel well on Thursday, my grandpa might have to go back in the hospital on Thursday, I might have to work overtime on Thursday, I might feel like going to the gym Thursday (or maybe I'll just feel like relaxing instead).

Point is, I won't know any of these things until Thursday. And to think about all of the contingencies and how I'll react in each of the different scenarios - it might be mentally stimulating (like a puzzle of sorts) - but I'd rather just chill out and not think about it - until Thursday. Cuz I know that once Thursday rolls around, I'll have complete information, so I'll be able to make better decisions - decisions based on the context of that specific day and what is currently going on around me. Then I'm not stressed out when all my plans get ruined or sidetracked because all the variables changed. Just chill out and then decide that day what the best course of action is. For me it's just so much easier and simple that way. More time for other mental puzzles. :D

I'm not saying one way is right and the other is wrong. Just saying the way I think about it - P style. I think J's tend to get more stuff done in their lifetime, but I think P's tend to enjoy life a little more and to have more relaxation/leisure time. Obviously a good "balance" is the best way to go - but surely, your average J and your average P will disagree on where that balance is. Even a "balanced J" would probably seem anal and workaholic to an average P. And an balanced P would probably still seem laid back and passive to an average J.


New member
Jan 22, 2009
The other thing too, for NTP's I think, is that if everything is all planned out, then it takes creativity out of the equation. It just becomes about following a list. About 3 days of that and I start to feel like a drone or a robot. I get off on reacting to things "on the fly", having to improvise. I make my best decisions when I have to react to something RIGHT NOW - not 4 days ahead of time.


New member
May 21, 2010
As for the "one day at a time" maxim, the best way I can explain it (not sure if other NTP's relate), is that I like to see what the world brings my way rather than FORGING and forcing things to go my way. There are so many freakin' variables in life, that "planning stuff out" almost seems futile at times. Like, I have a J friend who plans his entire week. What he's going to wear, everything. On Sunday, he knows exactly what he'll be doing next Thursday. I can't live like that. I want to see all the variables of Thursday take shape first, and then I can decide on Thursday morning what I will be doing Thursday. It could rain Thursday, I might not feel well on Thursday, my grandpa might have to go back in the hospital on Thursday, I might have to work overtime on Thursday, I might feel like going to the gym Thursday (or maybe I'll just feel like relaxing instead).

Point is, I won't know any of these things until Thursday. And to think about all of the contingencies and how I'll react in each of the different scenarios - it might be mentally stimulating (like a puzzle of sorts) - but I'd rather just chill out and not think about it - until Thursday. Cuz I know that once Thursday rolls around, I'll have complete information, so I'll be able to make better decisions - decisions based on the context of that specific day and what is currently going on around me. Then I'm not stressed out when all my plans get ruined or sidetracked because all the variables changed. Just chill out and then decide that day what the best course of action is. For me it's just so much easier and simple that way. More time for other mental puzzles. :D

I'm not saying one way is right and the other is wrong. Just saying the way I think about it - P style. I think J's tend to get more stuff done in their lifetime, but I think P's tend to enjoy life a little more and to have more relaxation/leisure time. Obviously a good "balance" is the best way to go - but surely, your average J and your average P will disagree on where that balance is. Even a "balanced J" would probably seem anal and workaholic to an average P. And an balanced P would probably still seem laid back and passive to an average J.

The opposite of what you just said is true for me.

Your friend's obsession with planning is identical to mine.

It just comes to show the difference between Ps and Js.

Ps are more relaxed and know how to enjoy life to the fullest, (most) Js shiver in freight at the though of not having an agenda.

I've got every minute of next week planned out perfectly. Every item of last week's agenda was executed perfectly, no interruptions.


New member
Jan 22, 2009
The opposite of what you just said is true for me.

Your friend's obsession with planning is identical to mine.

It just comes to show the difference between Ps and Js.

Ps are more relaxed and know how to enjoy life to the fullest, (most) Js shiver in freight at the though of not having an agenda.

I've got every minute of next week planned out perfectly. Every item of last week's agenda was executed perfectly, no interruptions.

I admire that ability in NTJ's. I really do. But, when you're executing your agenda perfectly, do you ever think, "Damn, this is boring"?

Or, to take it another direction, when you wake up on Friday morning with your pink shirt/grey slacks laid out and ironed, do you ever get a "wild hair" and go, "You know what? I don't feel like going with my plan today! I just feel like being a rebel and wearing a yellow shirt today"?


New member
May 21, 2010
I admire that ability in NTJ's. I really do. But, when you're executing your agenda perfectly, do you ever think, "Damn, this is boring"?

Or, to take it another direction, when you wake up on Friday morning with your pink shirt/grey slacks laid out and ironed, do you ever get a "wild hair" and go, "You know what? I don't feel like going with my plan today! I just feel like being a rebel and wearing a yellow shirt today"?

Yes, I do get those wild hairs sometimes. Clothing is not a priority, so I'm not overly concerned about what I wear as long as I look spiffy and neat.

And yes, I plan for the breach my planning obsession - It's called vacation.

June 18 I'm going for a two day stayover in Reykjavik, Iceland and off for some fun to my cousins apartment in Nijmegen for a week.

My calendar reads: "Do whatever the fuck you want in this one week timeframe"

June 25 I'm flying back home, and thereafter every minute of my time is dictated by my agenda.

Some weekends are an exception, of course.


New member
Jan 22, 2009
Yes, I do get those wild hairs sometimes. Clothing is not a priority, so I'm not overly concerned about what I wear as long as I look spiffy and neat.

Yeah, I hear you - was just using clothing as a very simple example of J vs. P.

And yes, I plan for the breach my planning obsession - It's called vacation.

June 18 I'm going for a two day stayover in Reykjavik, Iceland and off for some fun to my cousins apartment in Nijmegen for a week.

My calendar reads: "Do whatever the fuck you want in this one week timeframe"

That's what my calendar says every week of the year. No, seriously though, sounds like a fun trip! Have fun. :bananallama:


New member
Dec 27, 2010
I prefer just living for myself, not depending on people or things and just learning about things inside and outside of school. I guess at this point my life is about school, even though I struggle with deadlines and really dislike the structure, my parents have invested a lot on me and I can't let them down. It wouldn't bother me now, but I know it will later on. I want material comfort, not wealth, and I enjoy the search for intellectual stimulation in others. School forces me to schedule my life, and right now my day-to-day existence is based on my grades and keeping up. University has little to do with intellect, it has a lot to do with planning, and I am a shitty planner. All that school crap aside, at this very moment I live for the few people close to me and stuffy loud lecture halls.


Coolatta® Enjoyer
Apr 22, 2008
I admire that ability in NTJ's. I really do. But, when you're executing your agenda perfectly, do you ever think, "Damn, this is boring"?

Or, to take it another direction, when you wake up on Friday morning with your pink shirt/grey slacks laid out and ironed, do you ever get a "wild hair" and go, "You know what? I don't feel like going with my plan today! I just feel like being a rebel and wearing a yellow shirt today"?

We do that. We just have to plan for it. I know that makes no sense but in general I think the J's say exactly that in their heads but it goes on the calendar or in their phone or whatever. It's never boring because the alternative is basically unthinkable to terrifying.

Vorm Krieg

New member
Mar 1, 2011
Knowledge, useful and trivial.

Altering perceptions, both for myself and others for the sake of understanding and acceptance.

Relationships. When you can connect intellectually and emotionally, and feel a little less alone.

Self improvement. I am on a constant quest of maximizing my human potential.