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Petr's miracle: Why was it lost for 100 years? (Mathologer Masterclass)


Active member
Feb 5, 2015

Petr's miracle: Why was it lost for 100 years? (Mathologer Masterclass)

This is a very interesting mathologer masterclass. I thought it was interesting from a number pattern viewpoint and an enneagram viewpoint because from a numerical/numerology standpoint the angle degree's always sum to 9 and a sum18 in one of the angles necessary e.g. in one example (nine) three times and eighteen (once). Why is that important?

36 degrees 3+6 = 9

72 degrees 7+2 = 9

108 degrees 1+0+8 = 9

144 degrees 1+4+4 = 9

108 degrees 1+0+8 = 9

144 degrees 1+4+4 = 9

180 degrees 1+8+0 = 9

216 degrees 2+1+6 = 9

252 degrees 2+5+2 = 9

288 degrees 2+8+8 = 18

I think it's important because of the two layers of nine energies and eighteen egoic mind sets/ personality subtypes (e.g. Types 1-9 and INTP, ESTP, ESNTJ and so on...). My model has eighteen set egoic mind sets. The regular 16 MBTI types plus 2; INFTP 5w6 and ESNTJ 1w9.

This video masterclass is basically about geometry. It did not acer to why it may be so important until I woke up lucid dreaming about it this following morning from having watched it yesterday.

I am subscribed to the mathologer channel, and it did not come up in my feed two weeks ago when it was released as a monthly video about the same time, I posted my diagram of the sub-Conches diagram. I was curious it a video had been released so I searched though list of all subscribed channels and the mathologer channel which has always been there is now not on my list for some strange reason. Soi response to that I will be conservative in what I post.

Those with a keen eye would have noted I had simply unravelled the Hilex suggesting as personality evolves it twist from to as below, also note the six ways you can sum nine three in each set. This pattern could be an important clue to other workings in play. 8+1, 5+4, 7+2 and 8+1, 7+2, 5+4. seven plus has two different locations in each set. So, it could be five or six ways. Or a set of three plus ten possible set patterns. This is also interesting because thirteen fits my well within my number pattern my thirteen-point model in the dark energy number pattern. (See my model for the thirteen-point starting point idea for the flux of mass and energy underpinning mass and energy forming creation the objective universe). Sun, galaxies, planets and all objects.

May 31st, 2024 Two week before the video.

......................... 8 .......... 2
....................5.....Six Parts .. 4
......................... 7 .......... 1


......................... 8 .......... 1

....................7.....Six Parts .. 2
......................... 5 .......... 4

So why do I think the geometry presented in this video is important? The first reason is I think there are to scales of math at work within the universe. One for the workings of big things operating at scales larger that atoms and the other scale of math is for operations smaller than an atom like quantum mechanical actions. Simply put it mind is linked to the four forces or three forces plus gravity mind can be thought of as a quantum computing object.

So, this video in that reference promotes a structure that woke with numbers that add to 9 and 18.

I was thinking in my lateral thinking before I awake that the three columns hundred ten's units could be or are the X, Y and Z access in quantum space, space that underpin three-dimensional coordinate space within objects.

Some this leaves room for new math rules like the rules I have been promoting via my number pattern.

I have faith in this because I find real math so hard to grasp, I can learn it today with great effort and forget it and have to relearn it tomorrow. The point being my mind is more InTouch with the sub conches than the conch's the logic mind can grasp.

An example I believe we can count to ten two ways 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 because we are governed by the enneagram law one and nine energies. Mind cannot be separated from logic. So, I believe we are incidentally missing 1/2 of our logical computing power. The sub-Conches. I make that ok because I know exercising the sub-conches before people who are not in touch with their own sub-conches scares them. We are not ready for telepathy advanced receptivity and such. But let's not get of track. No one really care about the sub-conch's conch's duality. Some who are interested in phycology and the enneagram maybe, but most people prefer the opaque the egoic mind set yields.

So, after you watch this video, I invite you to laterally think about the different degree angles like 72 144 216 ... the add to 9 and 18 in a way that yields a conceptual view of a flux like five points or ten points or three points or eight points and within that flux there is another flux at work via the three columns hundred ten's units.

The five points, the three layers of angles and the and the tens and units and unit's and ten's and hundred's columns as it the three columns hundred ten's units are operations linked to the quantum field hosting the three-dimensional hole number angles.

I am not saying this is going to open the door to understanding the workings of the sub-conches and the workings of mind and psychometrics the flux of personality from moment to moment. It may help relate numbers as labels to the workings of the nine energies and the unity of the nine energies as one synergetic action.

Something real has shifted in my thinking I feel more confident in my belief that a dual math underpins the workings of mind and the physical universe. I did not know that such math was possible. Iam glad I did not worry that people may think I am a nut for not letting go of my number pattern ideas.

Petr's miracle: Why was it lost for 100 years? (Mathologer Masterclass)

Ten gon/ten agon/ten-gon. Not shore how to spell it (octagon: 8 tenagon: 10)

36 degrees 3+6 = 9

72 degrees 7+2 = 9

108 degrees 1+0+8 = 9

144 degrees 1+4+4 = 9

108 degrees 1+0+8 = 9

144 degrees 1+4+4 = 9

180 degrees 1+8+0 = 9

216 degrees 2+1+6 = 9

252 degrees 2+5+2 = 9

288 degrees 2+8+8 = 18

Eleven nines are 99 one unit short of 100. Could that unit be a one-dimensional host point? (Perhaps n=1) all numbers come from one unit a one-dimensional unit. I am not a mathematician but that my lateral thinking idea. one leading to a sum of 99. 1% of 100%. A 1 and two zero. Three parts like the law of three at work deep within the workings.

How could this number pattern be of use to psychometrics?

.............................................................................................. 9/0
...................................................................................... 8 ................ 1
................................................................................ 7 ......... .................. 2
.......................................................................................Egoic Mind
................................................................................. 6 ..........................3
.......................................................................................... 5 ....... 4

Screenshot (255).png

I added this because Don Riso's enneagram questionnaire has 144 questions and that launched into searching for a number pattern in nature and led to my dark energy number pattern model. One reminds me to think of gravity and the other three forces, Strong Weak and electromagnetic force.

That's just how I synthesise ideas as a type nine, INFP 9w1 Sx/Sp 1221 D type.


It an interesting abstract idea that the enneagram may evolve into this Ten agon pattern once we reach the epoch of our egoic maturation. Or a Ten agon may turn out to be useful for describing human phytocentric/human personality. I can almost imagine it vibrating between an enneagon state and a ten agon state. Each intern popping in and out of existence via its host field/fields. Like all of creation made of atoms is said to. maybe atoms vibrate because they are a flux of fluctuation form states working as one to be one object able to work as components with componentry of other form/formed object components.

....................................... 9 ..........0
............................. 8 ............................. 1

......................... 7 ..................................... 2

............................. 6 ..............................3
....................................... 5.......... 4

A Ten-dimensional self? That lives in a ten-dimensional universe. You can look at the absolute as being the tenth but if we can identify the absolute then the absolute must be within us. So, it's not such a crazy idea.

Ok so I forgot to stick to the goal of being conservative. Next time I will try harder.
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Active member
Feb 5, 2015
I made the statement.

It an interesting abstract idea that the enneagram may evolve into this Ten agon pattern once we reach the epoch of our egoic maturation. Or a Ten agon may turn out to be useful for describing human phytocentric/human personality. I can almost imagine it vibrating between an enneagon state and a ten agon state. Each intern popping in and out of existence via its host field/fields. Like all of creation made of atoms is said to. maybe atoms vibrate because they are a flux of fluctuation form states working as one to be one object able to work as components with componentry of other form/formed object components.

....................................... 9 ..........0
............................. 8 ............................. 1

......................... 7 ..................................... 2

............................. 6 ..............................3
....................................... 5.......... 4

I am not opposed to the standard model it is correct. But the context of fluctuating enneagram as if it was a vibrating flux of parts is also possible.

Last night I watched this video In Search of the Miraculous - PD Ouspensky on George Gurdjieff.

I made a comment that captured what I would call the point zero type. It simply refers to a person who is switched on and also can draw upon all nine energies as well as holding the viewpoint from state from their sub-conches. This was the video, and this was the comment I wrote.

Gurdjieff and Ouspensky were seekers but the problem they faced was simple they did not have one foot in the sub-conches and one foot in the egoic mind set. So, the SEARCH OF THE MIRACULOUS was elusive. Presence and Intuition lead to experiential insights but the metaphysical logos they hole to contact within remained an ideal.

They both were good people who strived for knowledge and subjectively they did good in the world by handing down their insights via teaching and writing. But sadly, they missed some simple basics pertaining to the structure they both were seeking to understand. The miraculous is viewed from the logic logos of the sub-conches inhabited. The egoic mind set is of the adult mind is difficult to transcend momentarily in order to reinhabit the sub conches viewing point. The egoic mind set is set fast and opposes voluntarily yielding its viewpoint stance.

If Gurdjieff and Ouspensky had authentic ability to make the Law of three with and produce intuition of a spiritual order. Presence filtering via their own sub-conches would have mirrored awaking's instantaneously within their students. Such is the nature of human receptivity.

Heart has its own electromagnetic field and the seeker IN SEARCH OF THE MIRACULOUS knows when the Heart is active because experiencing the active heart's participation in the higher state is part of what make it a miraculous experience.

The sub-conchs' higher emotion, higher mind, the heart and body are all active ingrediencies. The difficulty is the overcoming the fear of how powerful the logos-fractal nature of the miraculous state is. It's so powerful we all chose the lesser easer to control state being the egoic state.

I think as a collective humanity will reach this epoch, but it will take time to. Nature works in steps sequentially. AI may be one of technologies that helps us towards bridging the gap. Because when we inhabit our sub-conches, it is as if mind has Ai assistant ability. It is as it the seventh part of the making of the law of seven within is AI like in its assist ability to the authentic I am.

Hope that was helpful.
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The point is This I am state is a personality state so it can be thought of as a tenth energy state. It is slightly different than being one of the nine energies as a personality. But you can say this tenth state is the making of the three laws as one within. I think if the enneagram is a process the zero point is the awaked person/man and all nine following are phycological attribute energy points. The tenth being a phycological attribute energy points. The attribute being centred with the self's own sub-Conches connected to heart and higher emotion and higher thinking.

Conservative traditionalists may not like this extension to the standard model. The same conservative traditionalists cannot explain the physics of the mind and the mechanics that makes mind work. So, I don't care about what they think because they operate like Liberians who have limited authority and limited understanding. I'm into new ideas to understand the MIRACULOUS of going within and holding that viewpoint onto the world.
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Active member
Feb 5, 2015
This post is slightly of topic, but it has a number pattern with five components of .5 reminded me of the Petr's miracle video above. I posted this on my Kitchen fly's Number pattern topic post and thought it may be of interest to readers, so I posted it here without starting a new topic post.

Note to self.

leaning to read equations.

Isn't that amazing there are 24. As there are also coincidentally 24 fields.

Screenshot (262).png

The following are my idea of five or six example-Equations.

Sensing Thinking Feeling Intuition
..................... Intuition

Sensing Thinking Feeling
................ Intuition

sx/so sx/sp sp/so sp/sx sx/sp sx/so
......Intuition of a spiritual order


Election cloud, quantum flux within the electron cloud maybe linked to gravity and the trinary of head heart body/gut.

head heart body/gut
........... Intuition




2.5 2.5

2.5 = .5+.5+.5+.5+.5

Gravity like = binary. A-one and A-zero all parts above the line; (2.5 2.5) = 10 All unit values belong to zero on the continuum of the number line between 1-10.
One below the line equals gravity in all four components of the three plains x, z, y and time.

1+10 = 11

Four quadrants Hole brain thinking. four dimensions.

Tern and direction in time between quantum ream and relativity realm (quantum state classical state). Quantum cloud within the electron orbital realm. Popping in and out of existence. Linked to (QCD) Quantum chromodynamics. Twenty-four fields. Quantum foam. 24 fields?

left, right, back, wards, forwards. Flux in motion. like open strings?

Quantum field One trinary. The eleven represented as a multiplicity with the Law of Tree. Zero linking to all nine energies.

............. 0


# + # + # + # + # + # + # + # + # = 9 energies. Nine enneagram energies.

S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7
# , P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7
# , # , D3, D4, D6, D6, #
, .# , .# , F4., F5., .# , #

Six on the left-hand side and Three on the right-hand side.

This video may be of interest.

Sean Carroll, "Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime"​

Screenshot (263).png

The four in my equation 10+10 reminds me of entangled particles with opposite spins.

2.5 2.5

The one could be thought of as being the Higgs particle.

The 24 could be thought of as four expressions at work within the six points of the hexad. Four components of the three plains x, z, y plus time.

The Law of seven time and space/spacetime.

Sixteen fields plus the zero spin Higgs field equals seventeen fields.

Reminds me of the MBTI having sixteen parts and the seventieth the zero spin Higgs field remind me of entangled particles with opposite spins and this could be ambidexters T&F and S&N four parts. Type: INTFP 5w6 and Type: ESNTJ 1w9.

If this turns out to be real, true and correct, this could be important for a true and correct model of psychometrics for the operation of mind.

Ten sets of .5 would be linked to the hole brain model and my Ten Point Tenia gram with points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 with point 0 being the authentic self-energy and the nine egoic energies. The zero passion being for recognising what is real via an esoterically lead viewpoint. Same enneagram model reframed for receptivity unto the quantum nature of reality.

Two sets of five within 2.5 is like a left right duality at work with psychometrics and the human mind. One simple example male/female. Left brain right brain.
Two ways around the enneagram. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

So, I leave you with one last though for mind. When thinking about how the MBTI and the Enneagram interconnect 72 and 144 supper states may be involved. For the eighteen enneagram subtypes each have eight functions (E I S N T F P J).
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