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Why is this number everywhere?


Active member
Feb 5, 2015

If you create a wheel with nine teeth or an enneagram and start at Point One and count thirty-seven places you end up starting the next count of thirty-seven from Point Two, count thirty-seven steps and you start again at Point Three and the process is endless each time you start at the next number after the last you started from. 37 divided by 9 = 4.11111111111111

Four triangles fit within one triangle. Ethos, Pathos, Logos. Place Persuasion in the central triangle.

Aristotle identified that the art of persuasion consisted of three parts:

1) Logos — Appealing to Logic
2) Pathos — Appealing to Emotions
3) Ethos — Appealing to Ethics, Morals and Character

...................... Logos

................... Persuasion

Pathos ................................. Ethos

A triangle has three points and a hexad has six points an enneagram has a triangle representing the law of three and a hexad representing the law of seven. The enneagram of personality models the basic structure of mind.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Because you have an undiagnosed mental illness.
That's so shallow.

You, lake the perspicacity to see so you label me as being mentally ill.

So, my guess is if you came across an individual who was centred in their sub-Conches, you would define them as being mentally ill. Or would you define that person as being dangerous?

The Helix utilises Six-Points of The Enneagram Symbol.

...................................................... @

................................................... Logos

............................ @ ............................................... @

............................................... Persuasion

........................ Pathos ........................................ Ethos

@ ................................................. @ ................................................ @

The Enneagram Symbol has Nine-Points.

37 divided by 9 = 4.11111111111111

Is saying. Take 37 steps around the symbol four times and you will end up starting at the next number along the sequence 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, (1), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, (2) 3, 4, ... and so onwards. It is a mechanic. The same as the Hole Braian Thinking Model is a mechanic. The same as the MBTI is a mechanic. The same as the Three Instincts are a mechanic, and so on. This mechanic is a plausible reason as to why so many people in the video piked the number 37. The Law of seven at work in now-time narrative.

Think of it as one lap around the enneagram for Logos, one lap around the enneagram for Pathos, one lap around the enneagram for Ethos, and one lap around the enneagram for Persuasion. All nine energies interacting with all four - "Sets", Logos, Pathos, Ethos, Persuasion.

...................... "Logos"

.................. "Persuasion"

"Pathos" ............................ "Ethos"

The point is we all utilise al nine energies all nine points. I am seeking to un tease clues. Clues to help understand the hidden mechanic of minds operations utilising a concept of measurement called Mathematics.

What is so mentally ill about that JocktheMontie?

I can add more complexity if you like. But I think the ten Point triangle may upset you. You would have to deal with the complexity of flux, and I don't think you like lateral thinking.

JocktheMontie, lateral thinking is a Hole Brain Thinking Quadrant: D - Trait.

And for your edification JocktheMontie, being on the autistic spectrum is not a mental illness.

One finger stands tall for you!
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Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
As far as I can tell, the YouTube channel Veritasium is one of the more legit science and engineering YouTube channels I've encountered. Maybe there is something to the importance of 37.
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Habitual Fi LineStepper
Nov 20, 2008
So, my guess is if you came across an individual who was centred in their sub-Conches, you would define them as being mentally ill. Or would you define that person as being dangerous?
No, I would call them a hermit crab.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Thirty-six years ago, I was lucky enough to have the experience of clinical depression an amazing experience, after having taken two courses of Roaccutane for cystic acme four or five-year earlier. Some may say that's crazy to describe clinical depression as amazing, but it was. Having all that artificial vitamin A release from the fats in the brain produced an unusual experience of self. Emotion was reduced to duality of Presence and logical minus the spontaneous cognitive creativity of thought. Something in the trinary of sense think feel was impaired, Instinct was dulled and all I could do was observe and embrace my experience as it was as a new norm. It probably took 3-5 days to release and flush out all the artificial vitamin A from my brain fats and three to five mouths to gain my old normal stability of everyday cognition.

I was proactive at the first chance. After about a week to a fortnight once I tamed some self-destructivity thoughts to seek assistance. I took two paths at once, psychotherapy via a psychodrama workshop which was heart focused and I sought a switch on psychiatrist. Believe me when I say finding a switch on psychiatrist requires visiting and assessing more than one psychiatrist to find someone who authentically hold insight into the human mind and human condition.

I was lucky I found one such person a INTFP 5w6 So/sx. I could speak my mind in my venerable state, and he would lessen and deliver a reply, an antidote that would hit the nail on the head. We played the game of truthful communication a very intermit interaction that left me with a up lifted volume a bounce in my step as I left his office each time over the 4-5 mouths of weekly visits. Shore enough once the egoic mind hade fully reestablished and I was no longer venerable the interest in the game of truth waned and my normal selfish interests, driven via my attitude and behaviours, wanting to be actualised (levels 4-6 of the levels of development) retook my focus of interest.

Towards the end the last six weeks or so we would talk about the mind and the human condition as two friends with a common interest. I introduced him to the enneagram and gave him two books to cut his teeth on the subject and he explained the system he utilised in his communication therapy. A model that focuses on the five defensive strategy patterns the egoic mind natural utilises when it fills it is phycological under threat. The Computer, The Distracter, The Blamer, The Placate er, And-Fear.

It was all good but one day the last day I walked in and sat down and had nothing to talk about or say and he look at me and said your fin your health now and I thanked him for his help and left.

But the whole point of this story in this post is one day we were talking about the brain and brain chemistry, and he shared with me that there were 96 acids. He may have said 98 but I am shore he said 96 and I was amazed and sat in intuitive silence, and finally said really, 96. Something clicked within my understanding, but my mind or sub-Conches would not illuminate in thoughts structure the connection.

It has happened many times before the mind does not have word knowledge or a sufficient contextual construct to handle the cognition, so it protects the egoic mind and leaves an intuitive curiosity, there is something to be known.

It's easy to say the soul is in control of life and all events. And I needed to tinker with my own RMA at the age of 4-5 in order to experience this form of clinical depression to go on and learn six model describing the mechanics of mind and soon and learn that there are 96 acids in the human brain. But most people don't think humans have that level of interaction with their own mind and especially at the age of 4-5. So, I have no interest in arguing the point with others relating to this topic.

Karlos suggested I could learn within six months by studying the structure of the brain's chemistry. I told him that I was not capable of learning that level knowledge even though I would love to understand it.

Anyway, the point of this post is I agree with largest part of the enneagram as a model, and it has differing interpretations Vering from school to school. A bit like religion but mot as Exstream. But I don't know if it is because of that system thing Alfa informs Beta. Some if not a large amount of knowledge is withheld reserved for qualified academics only.

It is obvious to me as a layman the workings of the enneagram are much more complex than nine points on a diagram and this nonsense about how the enneagram only works as it is taught is not true. It is simply much more complex. And I would say a Ten-dot model. Or ten Point model is equally likely. Reason being is we are made of atoms which are made of parts, and we have a physiology at work within the interplay.

Sadly, I don't know about chemistry and acids. So, I can't seek the corelations I suspect are most likely real. Maybe I will find the energy to cut my teeth on the subject but all I impression is a never-ending quantity of slow-paced learning. Or maybe the patterns will be easily visible.

So, this is my way of seeing Gurdjieff's enneagram. The Blue, Red and Yellow sets of nine are representative of the three instincts, Sense at the instinctive level, Feel at the instinctive level, Think at the instinctive level. Note think at the instinctive level relates to the metaphysical level of cognition. Not thinking about how to build a rocket but cognition relating to the six fields and self's receptivity as a seventh field all fields working as a synergy. That type of think. Id's deeper implicate, thinking that acers when we sense think and feel simultaneously and are centred in our sub-Coche's with the ego receded into its Beta role of service unto the Alfa sub-conches. Law of three law of seven and law of one stuff.
I like to think of one as ten. But its law of one law of one it is.

------- (9)
- (6)--@--@- (3)

---------- @
-------- @--@
------ @--@--@
---- @--@--@--@

---------- @
-------- @--@
------ @--@--@
---- @--@--@--@

---------- @
-------- @--@
------ @--@--@
---- @--@--@--@

This part below I see a working in unison with within the three sets of nine above. And I see the Hole Brain Thinking model, and the Three Instincts (remembering the three instincts have three layers as Russ Hudson teaches, and the Six Instinctual Variants) and MBTI, and Logos, Pathos, Ethos, Persuasion.

The Helix utilises Six-Points of The Enneagram Symbol.

...................................................... @

................................................... Logos

............................ @ ............................................... @

............................................... Persuasion

Pathos ........................................ Ethos

@ ................................................. @ ................................................ @

The Enneagram Symbol has Nine-Points.

37 divided by 9 = 4.11111111111111

Is saying. Take 37 steps around the symbol four times and you will end up starting at the next number along the sequence 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, (1), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, (2) 3, 4, ... and so onwards. It is a mechanic. The same as the Hole Braian Thinking Model is a mechanic. The same as the MBTI is a mechanic. The same as the Three Instincts are a mechanic, and so on. This mechanic is a plausible reason as to why so many people in the video piked the number 37. The Law of seven at work in now-time narrative.

As for number patterns I think it's really interesting. Because if I remembered correctly and there are 96 acids in the human brain the possibility of a complex number pattern is likely.

For those who follow my logic in dealing with number values will know that I start by thinking dark energy is a logos ordering atomic structure. I suspect due to a bifurcation between layers, below and above the subatomic layer math works differently. As if the law of three is in play. And Greater Nature/ Dark energy is the Third Implicate creating hosting a third implicate.

The rules of math are true and correct but at the subatomic level the rules of math may work in strange ways mechanically. I showed a number pattern for two constants and how they simply can be linked together and bridged within the structure of the dark energy number.

Looking at this pattern, the number fifteen jumps out at me and because this pattern I link to the above pattern in the shape of a tetractys/tetraktys (whatever the correct spelling is) a ten-point model. the number 45 is visible to me. If you follow my work 45 and 54 are important numbers in my number pattern model.

But note the three sets of four from point to midpoint of the edge-lines. there is in itself a grouping of three set of four.

...................................................... @

................................................... Logos

............................ @ ............................................... @

............................................... Persuasion

Pathos ........................................ Ethos

@ ................................................. @ ................................................ @

I think while lateral thinking this pattern some numbers, I could see with the larger enneagram in mind was,16, 15, 45, 5, 10, 6, And thinking about zero at Point:9 and 9 at Pint nine I started to layer numbers on numbers as if I was constructing a three-dimensional number pattern. where numbers were parts. and mechanics moved in more than one direction e.g. 45 is 54, sixteen is ten and six. Sounds quite abstract and I myself leave it or in the perhaps, perhaps not bracket until I see a more than likely pattern. like my dark energy number pattern.

I don't say my model is more accurate I say the model of the enneagram is more complex that the layman's model officerly presented as the standard accepted model the enneagram.

With AI advancing in medicine, mathematics, and AI Self learning machines moving ahead rapidly I enneagram will be left stagnant if new ideas are not explored. I think nature and the enneagram are closely linked. So, math and human biology and physics also must be linked with nature and the enneagram.
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Active member
Feb 5, 2015
This Mathologer video was posted just an hour ago and I thought for fun I would post it because it relates to cercles, and triangles.

Conway's IRIS (another beautiful one that was missed for thousands of years)​

Screenshot (90).png

Screenshot (88).png

One thing I found interesting in the proofs is the three different Lenths segments of the colour line segments.

Screenshot (87).png

The green, yellow and red reminded me of the differing strengths of focuses as an average, my tri-type ( Sx/Sp/So),
seems to like to hold as an average in my, at rest trance state. Obviously, my tri-type fluctuates. In a way the three lines
reminds me of the three instincts. A super position of flux wherein no bias between all three instinct and six instinctual variants
would via the receding of the ego/ egoic trance.

Yes, this has me thinking in part about the sub-Conches and the symbol of
The Absolute in motion.

Screenshot (60).png
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Active member
Feb 5, 2015
I find the nature of mind amazing. For those who think there is no such thing as a collective subconscious or collective mind how is this for an example.

As you can read above, I have been thinking about the 96 for some time and I posted about it on Saturday. I have been working on thinking about things in a context of math and the Cartesian plain. At a really simple level because math is not my strength.

And then today I watch this video that was released 15 hours ago. What do I find in it. Chat GP-3 has a self-attention language model with 96 multi-headed attention blocks.

Screenshot (94).png

So, it seems I don't need to push for something to happen that seems is already happening. If Thay Universities and the private sector are doing this, they will most likely be doing the kind of brain modelling I am imagining could take place.

Thats all good news it means I can sit back and think about other things that interest me like making another coffee and planning my next adventure playing Sniper Elite 4 and 5.

Life is good and the power of intuition is amazing.

Visualizing Attention, a Transformer's Heart | Chapter 6, Deep Learning​

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Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Someone with JocktheMotie's avatar might be a bit further along on their journey than you are.
False reasoning. It doesn't take a towering intellect to find a JPEG of a really smart character and upload it.

The white raven is a Prometheus figure but that doesn't make me Prometheus, does it?

The Cat

The Cat in the Tinfoil Hat..
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
False reasoning. It doesn't take a towering intellect to find a JPEG of a really smart character and upload it.

The white raven is a Prometheus figure but that doesn't make me Prometheus, does it?
Not unless you can regrow your liver every day.
Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Not unless you can regrow your liver every day.
Well, I've had periods in my life where I felt like someone was chewing out my liver.

I would say I'm not Prometheus because I don't create or introduce anything that benefits humanity.

I'm not being punished for anything in particular. There is no meaning to the pain I've experienced. This is perhaps the way it always is. Nobody gets "rewards" just for learning a lesson.

The Cat

The Cat in the Tinfoil Hat..
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
Well, I've had periods in my life where I felt like someone was chewing out my liver.

I would say I'm not Prometheus because I don't create or introduce anything that benefits humanity.

I'm not being punished for anything in particular. There is no meaning to the pain I've experienced. This is perhaps the way it always is. Nobody gets "rewards" just for learning a lesson.
Learning a lesson is a great reward in and of itself. Especially if you live through the learning.