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Well, I will give this a try.

Red Memories

Haunted Echoes
Jun 3, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I've been here a bit longer now, and I am genuinely curious how I am perceived by others so.

ask me questions if needed.

but type me. MBTI, socionics, and enneagram is all welcome. If you have any particular logics as to why you chose what you did I am most willing to hear it as well.

and suggested by a friend before.
I normally spend an hour or so a day reading a book.
My favorite genre falls under fiction, usually coming-of-age novels or dark depressing types like The Lovely Bones or If I Stay. I like that style. But I want it realistic to character, not shallow development just for feels (looking at you John Green).

Currently I identify as an xNFP. 164 or 162. Socionics EII.'

adding a questionaire to this

1. What drives you in life? What do you look for?
A desire for something better. You cannot change the world by sitting and complaining about it, you change the world by putting yourself out there and being the change YOU want to see. I look for peace, and little joys. A flower blooming, a bird flying, the music in the backdrop.

2. What do you hope to accomplish in your life?
Well I think in the long term my desire is to be remembered for something good. To really make a positive impact on this broken world, make people feel they were loved and cared for regardless of everything. Secondary to prove those wrong who said I could not do it. In a less serious note becoming that singer-songwriter with a grammy isn't too shabby. ;)

3. What do you hope to avoid doing or being? What values are important to you?
I hope to avoid a very lonely death. I fear becoming this evil, bitter person who is unworthy of anyone. Shutting everyone off and just dying alone, not even a cat. NOT. EVEN. A. CAT. even the cat will despise me.
Values? Erm, I guess I am confused what you mean by "values". I value family, value loyalty and honesty. I dislike a lack of ambition, people who don't care how their actions hurt other people. etc. If it makes any sense.

4. What are your biggest fears (not including phobias)? Why?
1. I fear I will die alone
2. I fear failure, to the extent of fearing I will not be able to provide for myself or my family if I do fail.
3. I fear I will not find true happiness.
4. I fear I am a bad person undeserving of being a part of the world.
5. I fear people’s true intentions
6. I fear I will give up myself or my beliefs in order to be loved by someone.
7. I fear being emotionally abused again.
8. I fear not having an achievement to prove my worth with.
9. I fear I will discover all the things I have fought for and believed will all end up being false, just a figment of my mind.
10. I fear my life actually means nothing.
11. I fear I will be trapped in mundane reality with no escape.
12. I fear being forced to be someone I am not.
13. I fear being forgotten about.
14. I fear being replaced by people in life.
15. I fear being misunderstood.
16. I fear ruining a close relationship with conflict. Conflict feels easier to handle if people are a distance from personal connection.
17. I fear not being able to express myself.
18. I fear I will die in poverty.
19. I fear people are speaking badly of me when I leave a room.
20. I fear losing my loved ones.
21. I fear everyone actually hates me and only pities me.
22. I fear I am unworthy of love or unloveable.

5. How do you want others to see you? How do you see yourself?
First, I want to be seen as kind. Kindness is important when it feels like this world is turning more selfish every day...
Secondly, Intelligent. I am tired of being seen as stupid frankly. It is less important as I already think I am intelligent though. I more question my character.

6. What makes you feel your best? What makes you feel your worst?
I honestly feel my best when I put music in my ears, and tune out the world, going to my own personal wonderland and fantasy away from everyone and everything. Reality drains me sometimes.

7. Describe how you experience each of: a) anger; b) shame; c) anxiety.
A: THE RAGEEEEE. My anger is impulsive and cruel, but you have to press it enough to make it come out. My tongue gets sharp and I lack the soft kindness I usually have if I express it. I hold a lot of rage.

B: Shame is something I feel on the daily, it just kind of follows me. I guess I see shame as a force of change though, to remind you to not go back there.

C: Anxiety disorder. I usually try to hide it until I just have a meltdown of freaking out over something dumb like textbooks... XD

8. Describe how you respond to each of: a) stress; b) unexpected change; c) conflict.
A: Stressss....is similar to anxiety. I sort of hide it until I just freak out.


C: Conflict oh gosh. I hate conflict, but I find it necessary too. I only pick a conflict if I feel the person is hurting someone or generally defending a value. If someone actually picks an argument with me I will want to run away. Will fall into guilt and shame and withdraw kinda.

9. Describe your orientation to: a) authority; b) power. How do you respond to these?
A: Authority is fine, as long as it is reasonable. I will disobey authority if I think the authority is questionable.

B: Power? I think as it is this world is far too power hungry. Everyone wanting to rule over each other. I rather just have world peace.

10. What is your overall outlook on life and humanity?

Grim. Very grim. I distrust people. Don't know their intentions. Feel most of humanity has become greedy and selfish, and doesn't actually give a shit about anything if it doesn't benefit them. Yea. Don't ask me about the state of "humanity" The depressing thing is I have to live here.
Now I'll go back to wonderland.

1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type?: Sometimes I think my Fi may be stronger than my Ne, and I wonder if I have Ni or Ne. or if I lack understanding of other functions outside of feeling. XD
2) What do you yearn for in life? Why?: I yearn for peace. There is so much turmoil and conflict in this world...
3) Think about a time where you felt like you were at your finest. Tell us what made you feel that way.: Straight a's, putting bitches in their place, and looking stylish while doing it.
4) What makes you feel inferior?: Usually talking over my head, or someone receiving more attention for doing something similar to me.
5) What tends to weigh on your decisions? (Do you think about people, pro-cons, how you feel about it, etc.): First: Do I think it is okay to try this? Second: What are the pros and cons to doing this? Third: Is my view correct? if I even think it through. sometimes I just say or do... XD
6) When working on a project what is normally your emphasis? Do you like to have control of the outcome?: Erm usually my projects are done in the moment with diligence. I prefer independent work. I get annoyed working with people.
7) Describe a time where you had a lot of fun. How is your memory of it?: I had fun today buying socks and stuff with my mother. But I am easily excited. XD
8) When you want to learn something new, what feels more natural for you?: I like to first study from books. self-study. then I will test my ideas against others views of the same thing. See where things lie.
9) How organized do you think of yourself as?: Did you just suggest I am organized? I mean...I can be.......rarely.......
10) How do you judge new ideas? You try to understand the principles behind it to see if they make sense or do you look for information that supports it?: Erm usually I test it against my own principles. I'll read your evidence and listen to the principle but ultimately if I decided years ago it is wrong I am unlikely to adjust.
11) You find harmony by making sure everyone is doing fine and belonging to a given group or by making sure that you follow what you believe and being yourself?: I follow what I believe. Sometimes a lack of harmony is necessary to have a true self.
12) Are you the kind that thinks before speaking or do you speak before thinking? Do you prefer one-on-one communication or group discussions?: Speaks before thinking. One-on-one communication.
13) Do you jump into action right away or do you like to know where are you jumping before leaping? Does action speaks more than words?: Depends how emotional I am if I jump right in or not. Actions speak.
14) It's Saturday. You're at home, and your favorite show is about to start. Your friends call you for a night out. What will you do?: ...well it depends how friendy this friend is to me...but I hate spontaneous occasions. I need a 24 hour notice. I will probably say I am busy and ask to hang out another time.
15) How do you act when you're stressed out?: RAGEEEEEEE. more irrational than usual. lol. I find myself in more conflict than necessary.
16) What makes you dislike the personalities of some people?: Insensitivity, laziness, a lack of desire to change their stupidity.
17) Is there anything you really like talking about with other people?: I am kind of random tbh. XD I just like chatting. I'll usually discuss most things, but I love a good deep conversation at times. One requiring the use of real thought or imagination.
18) What kind of things do you pay the least attention to in your life?: ...good question...I guess the big picture. Sometimes I miss the whole point to the little things I find beautiful.
19) How do your friends perceive you? What is wrong about their perception? ? What would your friends never say about your personality ?: hm people usually perceive me as irrational, compassionate, friendly, courageous. Underneath a lot of my strength is a lot of terror.
20) You got a whole day to do whatever you like. What kind of activities do you feel like doing?: WRITING. SINGING. WINDOW SHOPPING. PET LOVE. Chatting with people I like. :p
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Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Based on our interactions id say xNFP 1w2 6w7 3w4 (Your no 2 or 4 fix IMO). You do have a competency outlook in heart IMO. As for the xNFPs id say INFP but considering your personal expiences I could see repressed ENFP which along with your 1 core means you look more INFPish.

Red Memories

Haunted Echoes
Jun 3, 2017
Instinctual Variant
in the shame of being unaware of how to properly tag someone I am just gonna do it this way lol.
[MENTION=29256]There[/MENTION] [MENTION=5643]EcK[/MENTION] [MENTION=22178]magpie[/MENTION] [MENTION=360]prplchknz[/MENTION] [MENTION=5627]BlackCat[/MENTION] [MENTION=9913]captain curmudgeon[/MENTION] [MENTION=19719]Forever[/MENTION] [MENTION=29687]Frosty[/MENTION] [MENTION=32548]Glados[/MENTION] [MENTION=20829]Hard[/MENTION] [MENTION=29287]Obfuscate[/MENTION] [MENTION=18445]thoughtlost[/MENTION] [MENTION=32581]GloriaInExcelsisDeo[/MENTION]

and [MENTION=1545]Atomic Fiend[/MENTION] if you wanna add anymore peeps, cuz I have seen you claim you suck at typing. :p


Jan 25, 2014
I am much too tired to read, but what I will say outright is that if you claim ENFP and E1, one of them is very likely incorrect. It's possible, but extremely rare. I would only weigh it until all other possibilities that could appear like that (and there's a lot) have been eliminated.


Aug 30, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I wouldn't want to type you, thank you for tagging me.

I feel it'd take out the mystery out of you, which I value in you right now.

Sorry #changed :p

if I am in the mood to spontaneously combust and change, I'll type you sometime :p but now I feel not to impose my [subjective] technical understanding onto you



I am
Jun 6, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I relate to about 90% of your answers.

1. You seem like a person who wants to impact the world, make it a better place, which means you care about your enviroment and the culture you live in. Social first, sexual second.
2. You're highly idealistic, but you care about how others see and how much you do things with "style." Enneagram 1 is not the only idealist that wants to change the world, I want the same and I'm quite positively a 4w3. You seem to be very much aware of your image and how it impacts others but your idealism and individualism is stronger than that. Image type, there's no doubt about that, 4w3 so/sx.
Other proof is how much you like to daydream and reality can be draining, 1 would not say that, even if they were actually doing it.
3. Your believs are strong and personal, but you seem to be the kind that likes to show them, let people know what you think and I can easily imagine you bein in a leadership position. Your energy is strong and emotionally you're very much out there, orriented at the world and others. You want to be kind, compassionate etc... Many people think that Fe doesn't have strong opinions, oh yes it does. I'm not 100% sure about it, but take a look at ENFJ and decide for yourself. ENFP is ok, I feel like strong 3 wingers and social first always have that "Fe" energy no matter what.
4. You sound like someone who actually does things, even though you're an idealist you kind of seem to be a doer as well. (That's also why you're maby more Ni+Se than Ne+Si, we Ne+Si people are lazy af). You mentioned you have issues with your anger if it's once triggered by something, 1 wouldn't say this, even a 1 fixer would not, anger is the primar source of their shame. It sounds quite 8ish to me.
7. I think you're ENFx, 4 with strong 3 wing and social first. Tritype 478 The Messenger:
"The 847 is the passionate, cutting edge, innovative, compassionate, freedom seeking, creative, non conformist focused on implementing and manifesting their original vision."
Mar 7, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I agree with Cat Brainz. You sound like "The Taskmaster" (136, 361, 613) archetype with basic fears of corruptness, worthlessness and being without support if it ever should be needed, and also the virtues of serenity, authenticity and courage.


Honeyed Water
May 20, 2013
I am even more sure that you have an Fe energy. Your answers to the questionnaire lead me to think that your core type is either one of the frustration triads (1, 4 or 7) but 6 is also likely as your core.