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Uumlau's Enneagram?


Happy Dancer
Feb 9, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I am very certain of my MBTI type, INTJ. I haven't much of a clue what my Enneagram type is. Nothing seems to fit very closely, certainly not so closely as MBTI plus a clear understanding of Ni and Te and Fi fit me.

The tests I've taken from time to time (just free online ones) end up being fairly evenly weighted across the types.

In terms of description, 5 and 9 seem to fit the closest, and aspects of 5w4, 5w6, 9w8 and 9w1 seem to apply to a degree. The odd thing is that the wings generally seem to be "more off".

5 applies insofar as I am very intellectual and idea-oriented, and will tend to prefer to retreat into my head rather than deal with the real world.

9 applies insofar as I strive to have a very centered state of mind. I don't perceive myself as having the neuroses of a 5w4 or 5w6 - they just don't seem to fit. I think that they may have fit to one degree or another in the past. 9w1 and 9w8 seem to be off in that 9w8 seems too leadership-oriented in terms of expressing will, though the "polite with occasional harshness" seems apt. 9w1 is off in that while I was very much a model child as I grew up, it was never really an ideal for me.

So, how am I misunderstanding Enneagram, and what should I looking for to help me decide one way or another? Especially helpful would be any impressions those of you who follow my posts might have of me, since oftentimes the personality type is more visible from without than within.


Active member
May 22, 2010
Hi Uumlau.

Here is a description of the 5w6 from mindheart.org

Balanced 5/6 gains social ease. Deep perception and serene faith combine for a kind of knowing that focuses on the truth of human interactions. Healthy 5/6 overcomes the fear of intimacy and finds satisfaction in genuine relationships. A balance is struck between the urge to withdraw to sort things out and the desire to feel safe among trusted friends.

The 2 true INTJs that I know are both hard core scientists...but with a very human, compassionate side. I could see you fitting into this description.


Active member
Nov 19, 2008
While both 5s and 9s are withdrawn types, they withdraw for entirely different reasons:

  • 5s fear being engulfed by the world, and so withdraw by hiding or remaining detached - choosing not to participate.
  • 9s happily merge with others and with the world in order to "keep the peace", and so withdraw by being too accommodating.

So ultimately, where do you think you have the most problem - are you too accommodating, or too detached?


I am very certain of my MBTI type, INTJ. I haven't much of a clue what my Enneagram type is. Nothing seems to fit very closely, certainly not so closely as MBTI plus a clear understanding of Ni and Te and Fi fit me.

The tests I've taken from time to time (just free online ones) end up being fairly evenly weighted across the types.

In terms of description, 5 and 9 seem to fit the closest, and aspects of 5w4, 5w6, 9w8 and 9w1 seem to apply to a degree. The odd thing is that the wings generally seem to be "more off".

5 applies insofar as I am very intellectual and idea-oriented, and will tend to prefer to retreat into my head rather than deal with the real world.

9 applies insofar as I strive to have a very centered state of mind. I don't perceive myself as having the neuroses of a 5w4 or 5w6 - they just don't seem to fit. I think that they may have fit to one degree or another in the past. 9w1 and 9w8 seem to be off in that 9w8 seems too leadership-oriented in terms of expressing will, though the "polite with occasional harshness" seems apt. 9w1 is off in that while I was very much a model child as I grew up, it was never really an ideal for me.

So, how am I misunderstanding Enneagram, and what should I looking for to help me decide one way or another? Especially helpful would be any impressions those of you who follow my posts might have of me, since oftentimes the personality type is more visible from without than within.

I get more of a 9 feel from you than 5. Not that I can know for sure from one post. You seem very neutral, not particularly opinionated. What motivates you in life? What are you seeking, if anything? What terrifies you?


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
Out of the types you've suggested, I would pick 9w1. You don't seem particularly 5-ish to me... while you are analytical, you just don't seem to have the same kind of detachment and obsessiveness.

Your avatar gives me this xSFP vibe that I know doesn't fit with your posts. The only thing I can gather from it is more evidence towards 9, because 9s are a type in the "gut triad" that tend to have their energy center in the body, but also tend to deny and detach from it. Your interest in dancing might be an indicator that you reconnected with and made peace with that energy? I'm not sure, though.


Happy Dancer
Feb 9, 2010
Instinctual Variant
OK, I took the test PB mentioned. Here are the results:

Type 1: 24
Type 2: 7
Type 3: 21
Type 4: 13
Type 5: 22
Type 6: 10
Type 7: 9
Type 8: 18
Type 9: 20

This wide distribution is typical of the Enneagram tests I've taken. It's very frustrating.

These numbers in this case would make me either a 1w9 or a 9w1. Note that there are several scores in the 18-24 range: 1, 5, 3, 9, 8. I identify with 5, 9, 1, 8 and 3 in that order. The 5 matches me based on my overall historical geekiness. 9 matches me based on temperament. 1 and 8 tend to describe how I go about doing things should I focus on accomplishing a task.

Here's the cute pic they give for me:

I'm not sure how the scores should be weighted, but the only "3 in a row" is "8, 9, 1," which would suggest 9w1 over 1w9. Notice that 4 and 6 are minimal.

I also note a couple lines in the Interpretation section of that testing link which read:

  • If you have a number of close ties, you could be a Three, a Six, or a Nine.
  • If you have a scattered distribution of scores across three to five types so that there doesn’t seem to be any discernible pattern, you could be a Six.

Which suggests 9, again, since I don't identify with 6, and 3 feels weak to me, also. The funny thing is, the 9 descriptions tend to be "too nice" to describe me, though I would admit most people describe me as very nice or sweet. My intellect tends to take them by surprise unless they already know my profession or education (or they're family).


New member
May 1, 2009
I dont know you at all to make a real guess but i think you have always vibed to me very similar to fidelia enneagram-wise; i knoe both of u r Ni doms, but not in that sense more like 1 - precision oriented, perfectionistic, flaw oriented. But I dont know.
You aparently, based on your scores are not 5:/
Do you have very high moral standards?
How do you react to conflict?

I was just talking to my IxFJ friend today and we were both undecided about wether shes a 9 or 1, because she is very perfectionistic and she CLAIMS to be v judgmental... But again i know her quite well and she never "explained" to me how to live a life, which is something that every 1 i ever knew does in a way. She is also very agreeable, cant say "no" to people and not aware to which degree it goes; i noticed in 9s in my life (INTP, INFJ, IxFJ=her) that they appear to me like bodies floathing in the ocean, never choosing directions just going wherever waves take them... Lose a lot of day time to simple activities bu missing "important" stuff. 1s are much more focused, know what is important to them very well.
But since i am not so sure with my ixfj friend...
EDIT: I read all your posts in this thread, I'm leaning twds 9.
1. Your 7/4 scores are very low; your 3 score is high and expected for your age.
2. Your "happy dancer" and as someone said avatar seem 9ish
3. You vibe like infj 9 male i know
4. One is very TJ so maybe theres where you appear so..
5. A few 1s I know (most infj) are not really called often "nice people" haha


Jan 7, 2009
As you ponder potential 9'ness ... read this: http://sites.google.com/site/upatel8/personlitytype9 ... In particular, focus on the Directions of Integration (Security) and Disintegration (Stress) and see how it resonates. Check out 1 too while you are there from the top links. See what you think.

And consider the following question: how much do you feel compelled, feel drawn, to help be a bridge of understanding when disparate viewpoints are presented here on the forum?


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
OK, I took the test PB mentioned. Here are the results:

Type 1: 24
Type 2: 7
Type 3: 21
Type 4: 13
Type 5: 22
Type 6: 10
Type 7: 9
Type 8: 18
Type 9: 20

This wide distribution is typical of the Enneagram tests I've taken. It's very frustrating.

These numbers in this case would make me either a 1w9 or a 9w1. Note that there are several scores in the 18-24 range: 1, 5, 3, 9, 8. I identify with 5, 9, 1, 8 and 3 in that order. The 5 matches me based on my overall historical geekiness. 9 matches me based on temperament. 1 and 8 tend to describe how I go about doing things should I focus on accomplishing a task.

Here's the cute pic they give for me:

I'm not sure how the scores should be weighted, but the only "3 in a row" is "8, 9, 1," which would suggest 9w1 over 1w9. Notice that 4 and 6 are minimal.

I also note a couple lines in the Interpretation section of that testing link which read:

  • If you have a number of close ties, you could be a Three, a Six, or a Nine.
  • If you have a scattered distribution of scores across three to five types so that there doesn’t seem to be any discernible pattern, you could be a Six.

Which suggests 9, again, since I don't identify with 6, and 3 feels weak to me, also. The funny thing is, the 9 descriptions tend to be "too nice" to describe me, though I would admit most people describe me as very nice or sweet. My intellect tends to take them by surprise unless they already know my profession or education (or they're family).

All of that helps me see 9. I think that the reason you don't seem as "sweet" as a typical 9 is because of the influence of a wing, perhaps 1 or 8. The fact that you use 1 and 8 when doing things, seems to suggest a 9 core type, as those are both wings of 9.

Oh, and the "other" information you gave me, strengthens my conviction that you're a 9. I'm also noting that you scored high on 3, and integrating 9s grow towards 3.

Hmm... I never would have expected to see an INTJ 9, but I can see how it works with you.


Jan 31, 2010
I don't know enough about Enneagram to type people with any confidence, but based on what I've read in this thread... 9 seems most accurate. In particular, your scores on PB's test are very high in the Instinct Triad (8-9-1), pretty scattered apart from that. That seems like a logical tiebreaker and would suggest 9 rather than 5. Since you identify most with 5 and 9, however, it might make sense to focus on Trifix/Tritype (9-5-3) rather than wings.

Alternatively, in MP's and Evan's system, you could be 5 > 9 > 1 or some such, since they regard the wing system as artificial. Their system seems to jive better with your test results than the traditional wings do.

If you're committed to identifying with a traditional wing, 9w1 certainly seems like a better fit than 5w4 or 5w6.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Ummy and I read the ennegram book last night. Based upon the ten pages I read, I shall dump some Ne garbage...recognizing I am totally ennegram ignorant. :)

So according to the book (which could be horrible flawed), a normal type 5 development would be (with my MBTI comments in parentheses):

7 (unhealthy, similar to an INTJ in Se inferior) to 5 (INTJ in heavy Ni mode) to 8 (INTJ with a well developed Te)

However older INTJs like ummy, highlander and many of the folks at INTJf display a lot of compassion and wisdom...they are perhaps starting to follow where an type 8 would naturally progress to....

8 (INTJ with well developed Te) towards 2 (INTJ with well developed Fi? )

To be honest I love the way the dynamic nature of personality is explored, but I have no idea what "type" to call ummy. Do you refer to the natural type-type 5? or do you refer to the current type expression...an 8? or do you refer to where he is headed...type 2? Whatever number he is, I do love my ummy very much. Perhaps I should add up all of his numbers and call him a type 15, because he is really is that wonderful. :wubbie:


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
Ummy and I read the ennegram book last night. Based upon the ten pages I read, I shall dump some Ne garbage...recognizing I am totally ennegram ignorant. :)

So according to the book (which could be horrible flawed), a normal type 5 development would be (with my MBTI comments in parentheses):

7 (unhealthy, similar to an INTJ in Se inferior) to 5 (INTJ in heavy Ni mode) to 8 (INTJ with a well developed Te)

However older INTJs like ummy, highlander and many of the folks at INTJf display a lot of compassion and wisdom...they are perhaps starting to follow where an type 8 would naturally progress to....

8 (INTJ with well developed Te) towards 2 (INTJ with well developed Fi? )

To be honest I love the way the dynamic nature of personality is explored, but I have no idea what "type" to call ummy. Do you refer to the natural type-type 5? or do you refer to the current type expression...an 8? or do you refer to where he is headed...type 2? Whatever number he is, I do love my ummy very much. Perhaps I should add up all of his numbers and call him a type 15, because he is really is that wonderful. :wubbie:

Ummlau is male? He always seemed so laid back and tolerant for a male INTJ. Thanks for sharing that with us.

I will say that I don't think the directions of disintegration and integration would completely change the person's basic "vibe" or energy, though. I think the core type is still the most important influence. The biggest thing I want to emphasize, is that there is NO WAY that he could be an 8, or have any strong influences from 8. I've known some 8s, and they have this angry, assertive energy, even when they try to be nice. Even female 8s, but especially male ones. Ummlau doesn't have this kind of energy at all, but rather has a much softer energy, like a 9 or a 5. I can imagine Ummlau being very cold and indifferent in person, compared to how we see him on here, but not deliberately angry or assertive like an 8.

If Ummlau is a 9w1, it all makes sense... the 1 wing might be the source of what looks like Te, and the 8 might have an occasional secondary influence, but not a strong one.

Oh, and as far as calling him a type 15? That's actually not a bad idea, because I'm not sure that the Enneagram actually makes any logical sense, or that the type can be determined. I've never been able to figure out my own Enneagram type. :laugh:


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
It would be interesting to meet you. My current...soon to be old boss...I believe is an INTJ. He has a softness which is very strong Fi, but still maintains that hard headed Ni-ness trait as a preference. In my opinion he cycles between Te and Fi pretty quickly and easily. To me he seems almost too Fi for an INTJ, I dont know if this is just how he is at work. He seems to really enjoy his job. We work in different states and I have never met him, only conference calls and one-on-ones over the phone along with IM. I dont know enneagram to much except the instincts.

I dont ever think I could see an INTJ as a 9 all around. Maybe in certain circumstances. I dont sense the "issue" side in regard to 5 at all, but I am not around him much outside of here. I dont see U at all as a strong leader, just like my boss. He is to soft to be a strong leader, though can get things done. I know personally my boss brings out my protective side because he is very open about his Fi. Almost like a mixture of he cant/doesnt want to hide it. I really dont know how I would pin U on the enneagram, I could see a 9 with a 1 wing.


i love
Jul 6, 2010
Instinctual Variant
yeah. uumlau you have a "calm" to your posts that seems like it could be 9. it's not the same as with the 5s i know well, but they are Ti doms, and i always attributed your softer/steadier bearing to Te/Fi. both of my 5s are very "nice", though. reserved and kind - perhaps more so than me, upon first meeting.

it strikes me that 5 and 9 both are "removed" types in a way.


Happy Dancer
Feb 9, 2010
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=5999]PeaceBaby[/MENTION] mentioned this test, so I figured I'd take it. Same damn results. Here's the pertinent info (sloppy cut and paste from web page result):

Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Congratulations uumlau!

You have finished the complete Enneacards Test.

We recommend that you print or save this report.
Your results will not be saved by Enneagram Explorations.
This report has been sent to you by email.

Your Report Summary:
Top ranked Enneacard overall: Type 9
Top Ranked Enneacard in your Enneaspread: Type 9
Potential Wing(s): not suggested
Potential Tritype: 953

Enneacards Enneagram Personality Report
Below you will find your top ranked Enneacard, your six card Enneaspread and your Tritype. If you also took the Instinctual Subtypes Test, your Instinctual Subtype Report will be found below as well.

The Enneacards Test reveals a great deal more than your dominant Enneagram Type. Please take the time to carefully read this report to fully benefit from the profound insights into your behavior, values, and motivation this test reveals.

The Enneacards Test was given to you in two parts. The first part revealed your Enneaspread. The second part revealed your Tritype. To determine your most likely Enneagram Type, you were asked to choose between the results from both sections of the test.

This test employs a sophisticated use of pattern sets based on extensive research into the language usage and self-image of each Enneagram Type. The order in which you were shown the Enneacards was predetermined to yield the most accurate results. The first three sets of Enneacards you were shown were arranged in one order and the second three sets of Enneacards were arranged in a different order. This was done to improve the accuracy of your rankings and to yield both your Enneaspread and Tritype.

How does the test work?
In the first section of the test you were asked to choose the Enneacard that was most like you out of a set of three Enneacards six times. This has resulted in your choosing a total of six Enneacards from a set of eighteen. These six Enneacards comprise your Enneaspread. From these six, you were asked to choose two final Enneacards and then you were asked to choose between your top two choices.

In the second section of the test you were again asked to choose the Enneacard that was most like you out of a set of three Enneacards six times. However, this time the Enneacards were in a new order. This was done to determine your Tritype, your dominant Enneagram Type in each of the three Enneagram centers:head, heart and gut.
Your Enneacards Enneagram Personality Report

Your Top Ranked Enneacard
Enneagram Type 9
Enneagram Type 9:

Peacemaker, Mediator, Naturalist, Accommodator or Abdicator
You want to be agreeable, peaceful, natural and comfortable. More importantly, you want to be calm and, if at all possible, to avoid conflict. You see yourself as accepting, unassuming and laid-back. You would like others to see you as humble, easygoing and approachable. Your idealized image is that you are content and harmonious.

Desiring union, harmony and unconditional love, you get along with most people that you meet. Considerate and gentle, you have an innate ability to make people feel comfortable and at ease. You are very accepting and readily empathize with others. Focused on the well being of others, you may at times lose sight of your own agenda. More intellectual than you let on, you have a natural gift for seeing many different points of view. You are able to see all the shades of gray in any given situation and have a way of diffusing conflict and being calm and steady in a crisis. Focusing on similarities rather than differences, you make an excellent mediator and peacemaker.

You don't want to be drawn into conflict and avoid being pressured to react. Self-forgetting by nature, you repress your anger and neglect your needs in order to avoid the discomfort that comes with conflict. At times, you may be complacent and minimize anything that is upsetting. qBecause you may lose yourself in life's simple pleasures, the needs of others, or the basic task of living, you may never go after what you truly want. You may struggle to find your one true passion.

Often the strong silent type, you have the power of patience, persistence and resistance. You see yourself as having stamina and take pride in your ability to endure. You tend to procrastinate and take longer than others to make up your mind. When you do make a decision, you are like an unstoppable elephant pursuing its goals. Not one to self-promote, you would rather be discovered than announce yourself. Others may underestimate you due to your casual and nonchalant attitude. This is nearly always a mistake—one that you are happy to let others make because you prefer not to flaunt your talents or appear egotistical.

You need simplicity, peace, harmony and to be appreciated. Because you are highly empathetic, you need to know that the people around you are relaxed in order for you to be able to relax. To truly be at ease, you need to have your creature comforts and are unwilling go without them. Publicly, you may go along to get along, but when in private you make sure that you have what makes you feel happy and comfortable.

You avoid conflict, complications and judgmental people. Being shut down, overlooked and not included by others are among your greatest fears. You are afraid of being loveless and of not receiving or being able to give love. Paradoxically, your avoidance of anger and conflict can lead to more conflict. You don't want to deal with anything until you are good and ready. It is hard for you to say no, so yes means maybe and maybe means absolutely not!

Your virtues are your acceptance, peacefulness and ability to see universal truths. Open and receptive, you easily relate to others. When you are at your best, you can be both personally and universally connected. Whether you prefer simple pleasures or intellectual pursuits, you are always seeking what is harmonious. You often show your love by working hard, and you can make great contributions to others. Down to earth, steady, patient and easygoing, you bring a sense of calm to any given situation. Steadfast and persistent, you are able to endure even the most tedious and difficult circumstances.

Your vices are indolence, inaction or sloth. This can lead to self-forgetting and neglecting your needs and/or the needs of others. Your inattention and forgetfulness can manifest as "crimes of omission". You may also be stubborn or turn a blind eye to someone in need. Everyone thinks that you are on his or her side and can interpret your understanding as agreement. Overly avoiding conflict, you are most likely to hurt the people around you by not keeping promises due to your lack of follow through. This can make for a passive-aggressive stance in life where you don't see the impact of your inaction and can appear callous or indifferent.

Your attention goes to identifying with and merging with others. Your soft, pillowy energy tends to spread outwards and become diffuse. Because you sense and champion the needs and feelings of whatever group you are in, you are a natural group anchor. To avoid feeling tension and conflict, you may reach for substitutes for love by eating, focusing on the minutia or getting lost in unimportant tasks.

Spiritual Path
Your spiritual journey is to reclaim your sense of right action and awaken from the coma of self-forgetting. Spiritual growth will come to you as you reclaim, define and assert your sense of self in the world.

True love is action and not passive acceptance. To be truly loving requires that you define your values and take a stand for what you believe is important—regardless of the conflict it may cause. Indecisiveness and a fear of upsetting people can prevent you from taking appropriate action. Remember that no decision is a decision, and a "stitch in time saves nine".

If you are the Enneagram Type 9 with the 1 Wing, you desire to appear elusive. You see yourself as pragmatic, clear, collected, funny, calm and harmonious.

If you are the Enneagram Type 9 with the 8 Wing, you desire to be natural. You see yourself as dignified, comfortable, loving, aloof, strong and kind.

Famous 9s
Loni Anderson, Bali, Annette Bening, Tony Bennett, Ernest Borgnine, Matthew Broderick, Sandra Bullock, George Burns, Art Carney, Keith Carradine, Julia Child, Connie Chung, Bill Clinton, Columbo, Gary Cooper, Kevin Costner, The Dalai Lama, Jeff Daniels, Oscar de la Renta, Clint Eastwood, Dwight Eisenhower, Queen Elizabeth II, Shelley Fabares, Peter Falk, Gerald Ford, Dennis Franz, Annette Funicello, Mahatma Gandhi, John Goodman, Tipper Gore, Elliott Gould, Charles Grodin, Woody Harrelson, Patty Hearst, Mariel Hemingway, Audrey Hepburn, Barbara Hershey, Anjelica Huston, Shirley Jones, C.G. Jung, Grace Kelly, Nancy Kerrigan, Lisa Kudrow, Stan Laurel, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Abraham Lincoln, Andie MacDowell, Mr. Magoo, Dean Martin, Jerry Mathers, Dan Quayle, James Earl Ray, Ronald Reagan, Ralph Richardson, Carl Rogers, Roy Rogers, Gena Rowlands, Eva Marie Saint, Garry Shandling, Martin Sheen, Tom Skerritt, Ringo Starr, Mary Steenburgen, Daniel Stern, James Stewart, Eric Stoltz, Billy Bob Thornton, Andy Williams, Tricia Yearwood, Renee Zellweger.

All content Katherine Chernick Fauvre, David W. Fauvre, Enneagram Explorations, © 1995-2008
Enneagram Type 9

Enneagram Type 9 Collage

Your Enneaspread Results

Your top ranked "Enneaspread" Enneacard is Type 9
Your 2nd ranked "Enneaspread" Enneacard is Type 5
Enneagram Type 9
Type 9 Enneagram Type 5
Type 5

Enneagram Type 3
Type 3 Enneagram Type 9
Type 9
Enneagram Type 6
Type 6 Enneagram Type 6
Type 6
Your 6 Card Enneaspread Interpretation

Your Enneaspread
The Enneacards Test was originally developed to quickly and easily determine Enneagram Type. We soon found that not only was the test very accurate, but also that the final grouping of six Enneacards revealed additional key personality traits. It is important to look for certain patterns in your Enneaspread.

Are your top two ranked Enneacards the same Type and a pair?
How many head, heart or gut Type Enneacards did you choose?
Is a potential wing indicated?

You have all three Bonders Enneacards
(Enneagram Types: 3, 6 & 9) in your Enneaspread.
Your emotional energy goes towards seeking attachments with ideas and others. You want to be bonded to people. You also want to create balance and are uncomfortable with extremes. You tend to see relationships as a part of yourself. Overall, you are positively identified with others and may have amnesia for the more difficult or negative aspects of your relationships.

Enneacard pairs: 9, 6

Potential Wing: not suggested

What is a 'Pair'?
A pair occurs if you have two Enneacards of the same Enneagram Type anywhere in your Enneaspread. This is particularly important if your top two ranked Enneacards are a pair.

Our research suggests that if you have a 'pair' as your top two Enneacards in your Enneaspread there is a 90% probability you are that Enneagram Type. In giving the test to thousands of test takers we have seen very few exceptions to this.

Types 6 and 9
The only exception is if you are a Type 6 or 9. Sometimes a Type 6 or 9 will chose a pair of 4s or a pair of 2s as their top ranked Enneacards. So, if you have a pair of 2s or 4s as your top ranked Enneacards and you have a Type 6 or 9 in your Enneaspread, we strongly suggest that you consider Types 6 or 9 as well.

Due to the nature of the defense strategy of Type 6 and 9, we have found they have the most difficulty identifying their Enneagram Type. Type 6 is naturally doubting and seeking certainty and Type 9 is identified with aspects of all of the Types. This is particularly true with the Social Subtype of Type 6 and 9.

Types 6 and 9 are often more accurately typed by the Centers grouping of Enneacards as shown by your Tritype Results. If your top ranked Tritype Enneagram Type is a 6 or 9, there is a strong possibility that you are one of those Types.

This is true even if your top ranked Type overall in this report is not a 6 or 9. In testing, both 6 and 9 tend to focus on their behavior and how they feel they should be, could be, want to be or might be, instead who they actually are. This makes testing very difficult for these Types.

In summary, if you have any Type 6 or 9 Enneacards in either your Enneaspread or Tritype results, we recommend you take a few minutes to explore Type 6 or 9.

If you have a 6 in your Enneaspread. We suggest that you read the Personality Report for the 6. If you have a 9 in your Enneaspread. We suggest that you read the Personality Report for the 9.

Does my Enneaspread suggest my Instinctual Subtype?
Often it does. We find that Sexual Subtypes will often choose the Type 4 Enneacard, particularly the one with a green border. For example, a Sexual 7, often has Types 4 and 7 as their two top ranked Enneacards.

We find that strong Social Subtypes will often choose the 1,2,6 or 7 Enneacards. For example, a Social 2, often chooses 7 as one of their two top ranked Enneacards.

We find that Self-Preservation Subtype will often choose gut center (8-9-1) Enneacards even if they are not a gut type. For example, a Self-Preservation 3, may have Types 8 and 1 in their Enneaspread.

As this is not conclusive, we highly recommend you take the Instinctual Subtypes Test. However, your Enneaspread pattern reveals much more about you than your dominate Enneagram Type.
Your Tritype Results

You ranked the Gut Center as your preferred Enneagram Center
Within the Gut Center, you prefer to use Type 9

Enneagram Type 9
Type 9

Enneagram Type 9
Type 9

You ranked the Head Center as your next most preferred Center
Within the Head Center, you prefer to use Type 5

Enneagram Type 5
Type 5

Enneagram Type 5
Type 5

You ranked the Heart Center as your least preferred Center
Within the Heart Center, you prefer to use Type 3

Enneagram Type 3
Type 3

Enneagram Type 3
Type 3

Understanding your Tritype Spread

What is the Tritype?
The Enneagram is a trialectic system. The Tritype concept suggests we have three Enneagram Types that we use in a preferred order. These three Enneagram Types will always be located one in each of the three Enneagram centers: head (5,6,7), heart (2,3,4) and gut (8,9,1). This concept has been researched and developed extensively by Enneagram Explorations. The term Tritype means three types.
Enneagram Centers

How the Tritype works
Your Tritype is like your own unique Enneagram thumbprint. It shows the strategies you employ to negotiate life and what motivates you. Further, it reveals why you are different from others of the same Enneagram Type with a different Tritype. Although one of the three Types in your Tritype is dominant, or your primary Enneagram Type, the other two Types play a large role in your life.

What is surprising is that these two other Types are not always the Types along the lines of connection (the lines connected to your primary Type by the Enneagram symbol). For example, if you are a Type 9, even though a line on the Enneagram connects you to Types 3 and 6, you may or may not have Type 3 and or Type 6 as part of your Tritype. You could have a Tritype of 9-2-6 or 9-3-6 or 9-4-6 or 9-2-5, 9-2-7 and so on.

Someone with a Tritype of 4-6-8 will predominantly use Type 4. However, if the Type 4 strategies don't work they will next use the strategies of Type 6 and then Type 8. Enneagram Type 4 will still be in charge, however, when the 4 strategy fails to produce results and all permutations (wings and lines of connections) of Type 4 have been exhausted, the person with this Tritype will then shift to use their dominate Type in each of the two other centers, 6 in the head center and 8 in the gut center to manage problems and create solutions.

Someone who's primary Enneagram Type is 8 could have a Tritype configuration of 8-7-4. This Tritype combination describes a person who is strong and who seeks solutions (8), options (7) and meaning (4). What is fascinating is that if the strategy of Type 8 fails to give the desired results of overcoming obstacles, this person would then employ the strategy of Type 7 and then if needed Type 4.

Tritype Examples
Those with the same Enneagram Type, but a different Tritype, will have distinct differences in their motivation and strategy. For example, if you were an 8-7-4 you would have secondary strategies that are very different than an 8-2-6. The 8-7-4 is a fast paced creative, feelingful and optimistic 8 whereas the 8-2-6 is a more cynical, loyal and helpful 8. Further, if you are the 8-7-4 Type 8, you may relate more to a 7-4-8 than another Type 8 that has a different Tritype.

The Tritype also explains why individuals sharing the same three fixations may have more in common than those sharing only the their primary Enneagram Type. For example those with a Tritype of 4-6-8, 6-8-4 and 8-4-6 would share the same three strategies for dealing with life and have a lot in common.

Understanding the Tritype in practice
Just as with your primary Enneagram Type you will experience the other Types in your Tritype in both positive and negative ways. You will experience both the high and low sides of the expression of the three Types in your Tritype.

On the positive side, if someone with a Tritype of 8-7-4, finds that taking charge like an 8 isn't working, they may try to lighten up or be positive like a 7, and if that doesn't work, they may search for meaning like a 4. Here the person is using the high side or more positive solution of each Enneagram Type. On the negative side, if an 8-7-4 feels disempowered and unable to direct their circumstances like an 8, they may feel over-extended and become scattered like a 7 and then may feel painfully lacking like a 4.

Another example would be a 4-6-8. Here we have a more aggressive and reactive Type 4 than a 4-9-5, who would be more withdrawn and avoidant. Another example would be a 9-7-2. This would be the Type 9 with a very rosy and positive outlook desiring easygoing relationships. A 9-5-3 would be the kind of 9 who is more intellectual, perfectionist and focused on efficiency with less of an emphasis on maintaining harmonious relationships.

How your Tritype was determined and what it means about you.
In the second half of the Enneacards Test, you were asked to rank Enneacards to determine your preferred Enneagram Type in each of the three Enneagram centers: head, heart and gut. You were then asked to rank your choices among the three centers. This revealed your preferred Enneagram Type in each center, in order of preference or your Tritype. This identified your possible Tritype. Now you will want to explore how this is or isn't true for you.

Difficulty determining your Enneagram Type.
When it is difficult to determine your primary Enneagram Type it can be helpful to try and first determine your Tritype. Understanding the Tritype also helps clear up look-a-likes.

We suggest you take the time to learn about all three Enneagram Types in your Tritype. Additionally, if you are still unsure of your Enneagram Type, research has shown, that there is a very high probability that your actual Enneagram Type is among the three Types in your Tritype. With observation, you can determine which of the 3 Types is the CEO. Identifying and confirming your dominant Enneagram Type is an essential part of the transformation process. Do not be discouraged if it takes time, as the process itself will give you many valuable insights.
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Jan 7, 2009
From this link:

359 Thinker Archetype

intellectual and clever, you find amiable and pleasant ways to manage difficult situations and relationships. often shy, you are slow to fully trust others and need time to more fully reveal yourself.

your life mission is to use your ability to unite opposing points of view, find compromise and create workable solutions. a true advocate (also, thinker), you are happiest when you can use your skills to be helpful and judicial.

your blind spot is that you can be so reserved that your true nature remains hidden and underexpressed which can cause you to appear aloof and indifferent. to feel in control, you may use withholding and punishment.

your growing edge is to recognize that your need to pull away and be a spectator before engaging denies you the opportunity to more fully be. true wisdom comes from following your higher guidance, revealing yourself to others and participating in life.

The 135, 358, and 359 tritypes are naturally inclined to be tenacious and persistent.

359s are very incognito for the most part....but the 3 wants the attention even if the 5 and 9 are reluctant.. It is an interesting dichotomy.

The 3,5 and 9 all conceal who they are in favor of who they think they need to be. 3 adapts to their environment to give us their best image, the 5 wants camouflage to hide detection to feel safe and the 9 wants to match their environment and go along to get along. The 359 needs to adjust to avoid detection and scrutiny.

the 359 is private and introspective and often pairs with a more assertive outgoing type like the 1 or 8.

I have to laugh as the 359s may not want to respond. They have reported a strong sensitivity to exposure.
I think 3-5-9 may expose him or her self if it is done say in one's writing in the name of academic or theological inspiration to others. We might describe our Dark Nights; however, immediately rush ahead to the good part where we overcame the darkness with our keen and wise mind and all is hunky dory now.

Calling all 359s... do you notice the need to conceal your true feelings from others?
I feel the need to conceal my true feelings from myself.
I smile when I read this. It is amazing to me that other 359s have something very similar. I need to add that 359s have a great sense of humor that is dry and witty.
The above is actually a true statement. I really have a difficult time with feelings. I feel things like enthusiasm, bursts of love and insight, and discomfort. There is a person in my life that makes me feel really upset. Instead of sadness or anger; whenever she comes around I get a migraine...
Do we have feelings?
Yes... or so I am told, tucked away in separate locked boxes.

The 935, or 539 is a very mediating tritype, this is the person who wants to mediate conflict amongst people in a detached way, less inclined to be fluid and artistic but is rather personable and detached. You can get kind of a robotic feel much like the 531.

359 Tritype is very hidden.

935 tritype: calm, composed, professional and slightly hidden

The sx 359 is as you describe...It is the shy 3 that is more covert and internal but still has a great need to be seen and admired for achievements... and focuses on being the ideal image of femininity (or masculinity).

(3)-5-9 - The Withdrawn 3
3-(5)-9 - The Normative 5
3-5-(9) - The Competent 9

This tritype is a dreamer of sorts, but also somewhat intellectual. They have many ideas of what they would like to happen in their life, and may construct plans to accomplish it, but an isolationist.

Another example; if someone is a 3, they may have a tritype of 3-5-9. This means that once the 3 has exhausted their main type strategies (image maintenance, solution orientation, efficiency, self promotion, etc) they will move to the head center and utilize the strategies of the 5 (cerebral reflection, theorizing, withdrawal, and avarice, etc.) in order to gain the results they need. If 5 strategies don’t work they may move to the strategies of the 9 (placating, merging, passive aggression, etc). It has been my experience that the tritype seems to play itself out most obviously in relationship with others..

Another 9 may have the 935 or "The Thinker" Tritype that will present very differently according to Fauvre. The 935 will utilize the Type 9 strategy as dominant, but after exhausting wings and lines of connection will move to Type 3 and become more expedient, professional or image focused, and then to Type 5 and become more cerebral, remote and concealed. This Tritype combination will seem significantly different than the 927.

A 9-5-3 would be the kind of 9 who is more intellectual (5), perfectionistic and focused on efficiency (3) with less of an emphasis on maintaining harmonious relationships than other 9s.

5-9-3: Most success-oriented Five. Needs prestige, especially if SOC.

five with a nine fix: pattern seeking above all. whimsical exploration,
disposition of reluctant idealist. open minded,
philosophical perspective. can seem to lack focus
while associating groupings of information into larger
theories. likes people and humanity as a whole,
shares ideas and is relatively easy to get along with.

5-3-9: these Fives might strike others as rather pleasant and cooperative persons, but they are usually more ambitious and purposeful than they let on. They are goal-oriented individualists who dream of achieving an impressive and long-lasting success in their field – they secretly desire becoming famous and leaving their mark on the world. These Fives are also more dependent on outer validation than others – they care more about their image and the way others perceive and react to them, therefore they might seem a little more conventional and mainstream in their behavior.
typical subtypes: social, self-preserving, balanced wings
similar tritypes: 5-9-3, 9-5-3
flavours: cunning, congenial, goal-oriented and flexible

5-9-3: these Fives are naturally diplomatic, peaceful and somewhat charismatic. They care about harmony and balance and are a bit anxious of people’s rejection and disapproval. Very sentient and tactful, they know how to reach their objectives without causing much fuss around them – they go with the flow and adapt to people and situations in a facile manner. They’re the type of people that others don’t see coming, skillfully speculating opportunities to their advantage while keeping a low profile.
typical subtypes: self-preserving, social, 5w6

similar tritypes: 5-9-3, 9-5-3
flavours: cunning, congenial, goal-oriented and flexible​

etc ...

Does any of that resonate?


Happy Dancer
Feb 9, 2010
Instinctual Variant
5-9-3: these Fives are naturally diplomatic, peaceful and somewhat charismatic. They care about harmony and balance and are a bit anxious of people’s rejection and disapproval. Very sentient and tactful, they know how to reach their objectives without causing much fuss around them – they go with the flow and adapt to people and situations in a facile manner. They’re the type of people that others don’t see coming, skillfully speculating opportunities to their advantage while keeping a low profile.
typical subtypes: self-preserving, social, 5w6

similar tritypes: 5-9-3, 9-5-3
flavours: cunning, congenial, goal-oriented and flexible

etc ...

Does any of that resonate?

Oro types me as 5w6 sp/so.

Also, this
A 9-5-3 would be the kind of 9 who is more intellectual (5), perfectionistic and focused on efficiency (3) with less of an emphasis on maintaining harmonious relationships than other 9s.
seems to resonate.


Happy Dancer
Feb 9, 2010
Instinctual Variant
From here: http://personalitycafe.com/type-9-forum-peacemaker/71609-type-9-tritypes-5.html#post1794354, quoting the same poster PB did.

Okay, critical feedback session: I'll start with my tritype 935/953...I personally don't order the fixes after 9. The way I see it, the 5 and 3 feed into the 9 equally.

I very much relate to this tritype, and its detached and hidden nature especially. While I would not describe myself as secretive, I am a private and reserved person. A good way to describe myself is the sociable hermit. I like to partake in good food, good drink, and good company with good conversation. But more often than not, I'll be home alone on a Friday night, on my laptop or reading a book, and be perfectly content. I have a tendency to isolate myself when I don't want to deal with life. A lot of the descriptions of 9 tritypes describe 9s as dreamers, and 359 is no exception. I wouldn't necessarily describe myself as a dreamer; I'm a realist, and I think that's the 3 putting it's two cents in. However, I do live in my head and zone out all the time, often analyzing something in a conversation that made me think of something else, that leads me something else, etc. Next thing I know, I completely missed the entire conversation.

I also think that the 3 and 5 make me less interested in the harmony of my environment than other types might be. I am also less susceptible to the effects of conflict. Depending on the situation, there are many instances where I find it entertaining. Another thing that I think the 3 and 5 affects is my competitive nature. I'm extremely competitive. I want to be the best at anything I do. If I'm not good at something right away, I will pursue it and practice until I attain mastery in it. I don't like not understanding something or not knowing something. I pride myself on being competent and self-reliant.

359s are very incognito for the most part....but the 3 wants the attention even if the 5 and 9 are reluctant.. It is an interesting dichotomy.
: I see this interaction of the types within myself. There is a part of me that is 3 that wants my accomplishments acknowledged, but I hate having the spotlight on me. Being the center of attention makes me want to make a run for it.

When it comes to being a "mediator", I have a "live and let live" mentality. I usually start mediating when conflict is getting in the way of getting the job done, so to speak, or when I think that there is an obvious practical solution to the problem that the other two parties are ignoring, or when the conflict starts getting on my nerves (aka disturbing my inner peace). But I'm more likely to stay out of conflicts until necessity requires me to step in.

This, especially the last section, makes sense for me. One of the indicators against being a 9 was the notion that 9s feel compelled to keep the peace, or that 9s are almost excessively accommodating.

In more INTJ terms, conflict with others gets in the way of my being effective, while inner conflict gets in the way of me being myself. "Peace" for me means finding a balance, both internally and externally. But having found that balance, it doesn't mean I get pushed to and fro by external forces as I try to avoid conflict. Rather, I use that balance like a dancer or a martial artist; it is how I maintain control, it is precisely why I don't get pushed to and fro.

It's the balance of a sailboat on a stormy sea: too much sail and it might capsize or lose its mast, too little sail and it gets pushed in whatever direction the winds and tides take it, just the right balance and it endures the storm, making progress all the while.

For those familiar with Nardi's recent work, it is by maintaining that balance, that peace, that allows me to easily get into that Ni zone. It would be interesting to see if type 9 INxJs can get into that Ni zone more readily than non-9s.