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Type me s'il vous plait?


New member
Dec 28, 2017
Recently I posted a thread that explains my understanding of the 4 functions and how I see them being manifested in me: Type me on my response to reality?

In addition to that, I decided to post a simpler thread, to expand upon what has already been said.

At work: I dislike monotonous repetitive work, and prefer to do something creative and unconventional instead. Even though I have an office job, I tend to jump at every opportunity to do something new and out-of-line-with-daily-responsibilities. Most of that creativity tends to flow into improving the quality and speed of my team. I like revising/re-writing work guidelines, reshaping the office environment, implementing new solutions/ideas into the workflow. Since I tend to be very meticulous with details, I spend a lot of time perfecting and fleshing-out my improvements, so that even a 5-year old child could understand them.
However, rather than just sitting in the office, I'd prefer to spend the majority of my time on business trips. The weird thing is that I used to be a homebody most of my life, rarely leaving the limits of my house or street, but when it comes to work/business, I want to travel and represent my company out in the world at large.

Socially: I am extremely reserved and introverted. I tend to avoid engaging people, until I've spent enough time observing them and figuring out their method of communication, their behavior, their "rough" sides, and sides which I would consider interesting. In other words, I need to calculate/figure out a person from a distance, before I am willing to engage with him. As soon as I feel like I have all the necessary information about my social environment, I can easily turn from reserved/shy into bossy/patronizing. Once the social environment has been fully "identified" by me on both a conscious and subconscious level, I eventually proceed towards establishing "my order" in it, by placing people into categories of morality/skills/taste/intellect, and then gently trying to push everyone in a direction which I consider they should be directed towards. (you could say I determined the overall utility of every person, and am compelled to push him/her into a direction where such utility is needed, regardless whether that utility is of professional, emotional, or of any other kind.)

Visually: I tend to place a lot of emphasis on how I look, and in particular, a lot of emphasis on the quality/luxuriousness/uniqueness of the clothes I wear. I have a fairly conservative style when it comes to fashion, but I spend a lot of time matching cloth fabrics, colors, etc. to ensure that I'm seen as not simply someone who likes expensive clothes, but also as someone who knows how to wear expensive clothes.
About 95% of my time I tend to have either a neutral or "angry" (as many people tell me) expression on my face. Although, I refuse to acknowledge that expression as "angry", as I'm simply trying to stay focused and vigilant in every situation, even if I'm just taking a walk in the park. However, my focus and vigilance doesn't have to be necessarily devoted just to my physical environment. A lot of it is also directed towards solving problems in my head.
Whenever I walk, I try to keep my back straight, and my shoulders wide. When standing, I tend to cross my arms a lot and place my feet a bit wide (again, maybe a bit of a bossy demeanor, but it makes me feel "proper" and confident that way)

When I speak: I often switch between "not being able to put 2 words together without stuttering" to "giving an eloquent 2-hour lecture on international law, military equipment, web-design, management strategies, or new IT technologies". I still have no idea how can I be so bad at speech in one situation, and so good at speech in another. They are like 2 opposite extremes. But I experience both on a daily basis. I think the stuttering/broken speech phenomenon happens when I'm pushed into a conversation which requires a lot of improvisation (which I was unable to prepare mentally for in advance.) But if the conversation is something I had expected prior, or if it touches upon a subject I'm knowledgeable about, people tend to gasp and complement my eloquence.

General communication: I prefer to mostly discuss very specific subjects, and am horrible at casual chit-chat. I will discuss work, hobbies, literature, art, IT, politics, philosophy, etc. and will always lead the conversation when I do so. But when it comes to casual non-topic specific subjects, I always take a back seat and barely say a word.
If I'm confident/secure enough around the person I communicate with, I tend to have an extremely sharp tongue, control the conversation, play word games, troll around in a very smug manner. Those who know me for a long time enjoy it, but new acquaintances find it offensive and hostile.

Megalomania and power-games: I am extremely attuned to the wave-lengths of "power" in social exchange. I can easily tell who projects power, and who is the "underling" in any group and situation. And I can instantly tell whether someone is trying to dominate me or place himself/herself below me and under my power. Being so attuned to "power-games", I tend to enter them instantaneously within any interaction. So, let's say, if a new manager at work shows up, or a new attractive girl appears, the first bells that are set off in my mind are: "If he holds a higher position in the company, he poses [these] and [these] threats and utilities to me." or "If she's so attractive and confident about it, she could try to use those traits as weapons to achieve ulterior motives. I should be on my watch, and project an image that is at least just as powerful."
I absolutely can't stand being at the mercy of someone's power, so I always enter into an undeclared mental war against every person whom I deem even slightly powerful.

Impulsiveness: Even though for the most part I am pacific and distance myself from most forms of confrontation, deep inside I have an almost constant desire to "punch first and ask later" even if the person did nothing wrong to me. I have a strong need to blow off steam by becoming physically violent, but I very rarely do so. (did it a bit more often in school though). However, if I am REALLY provoked (which happens super rarely), I can get both physical and verbally abusive, and to a very extreme degree. When I'm in the heat of an aggressive confrontation, I like raising my voice and becoming a prideful and commanding asshole, seeking to dominate my opponent until the bitter end and with every tool at my disposal.

How others see me: People often comment that they're silently scared of me, but they rarely manage to explain why. Recently, however, I received the following comment from a friend who knows me very closely: "You're like a peach and ginger salad - you seem sweet and pleasant from a distance, but once people get closer, you start kicking the shit out of them, always when they least expect it."

Life goal: To ensure that I never behave, think, or live in a "pathetic/lowly" manner; and to become the best version of what I was designed by nature to become (whatever that is). I want to eliminate all weaknesses in me, and I have low tolerance for weaknesses in other people. I want to behave and make decisions in the most noble and chivalrous (not necessarily charitable) way possible, to do things I can be proud about, and to become someone others would want to look up to. I have this mental projection since childhood, that I must mold myself, my mind, my soul, my spirit into the a "perfect sword", that's made of the finest metal, is unique/rare, sturdy, elegant, and sharp.

Betty Blue

Let me count the ways
Jan 19, 2010
Instinctual Variant
so far i'm feeling ESTP despite the suggestions of introversion, certainly Ti and Se,


New member
Dec 28, 2017
Fe pairs with Ti. there's your answer

I know that Fe pairs with Ti.
But that's the thing, I really doubt I'm a Fe, considering that I'm predominantly concerned with authenticity and standing out, rather than creating/seeking harmony/comfort.

Since Ti can be imitated by Ni/Te, I can't treat it as a reliable indicator


Aug 20, 2016
Instinctual Variant
I know that Fe pairs with Ti.
But that's the thing, I really doubt I'm a Fe, considering that I'm predominantly concerned with authenticity and standing out, rather than creating/seeking harmony/comfort.

Since Ti can be imitated by Ni/Te, I can't treat it as a reliable indicator

would you say there is a function that can't be imitated or compensated for (in a convincing manner) by any other function?


New member
Dec 28, 2017
would you say there is a function that can't be imitated or compensated for (in a convincing manner) by any other function?

I'm only aware of Ti being imitated by Ni/Te.
No idea whether other functions have the potential to imitate anything. But I haven't heard of any.


New member
Nov 19, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Not sure on MBTI, but there is either 3w4 or 4w3 somewhere in there.


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
INTJ 3w4 5w6 8w sx dominant

For now

Ill try to break this down more later

Betty Blue

Let me count the ways
Jan 19, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Fe or Fi though?

I'd go with Fe because of the focus on controlling social situations and your position within them. I see very little to suggest Fi as I understand it. It seems you are very aware of others and how they behave but instead of using that to comfort others or make them feel at ease (Often seen in Fe primary or secondary feelers like XNFJ's) you use that knowledge to better your own position, this would fit with ESTP.

Fi users, in general would be much less concerned with this and more concerned with placing their moral judgement.

How are you with close friends and family members?


New member
Dec 28, 2017
How are you with close friends and family members?

I have a very close relationship with my mum, because we have a mutual understanding on many levels, and communicate more like friends/equals instead of being in a parent-child relationship.
But this wasn't this way always. I had a somewhat complicated relationship with her until around my 12th birthday. She used to bitch out a lot when I refused to listen to her, and tried to punish me by giving me months of silent treatment and overall harsh behavior. Even back at that age, I felt like this kind of treatment trampled my pride, so instead of trying to appease her, I quietly made fun of her, showing that I don't care whether she talks to me or not, and that I'm perfectly happy with myself no matter what situation she tries to put me into. I admit I know I was intentionally exercising a form of mental/emotional sadism against her, as I thought it to be natural to fight fire with fire, instead of trying to extinguish the flames.
After many years she finally yielded and stopped getting angry at me no matter what I said or did.
Generally, I always show my true self to her, I openly make fun of things, express irony and sometimes provocative rhetoric questions, tell jokes, comment my true opinion on all matters, boldly confront her on every matter.

As for my dad, I always had a very complicated relationship with him. He's strict and demanding, but aside from that, he's also whom I'd define as an "emotional vampire", who always does everything to make you feel guilty, and does so in very underhanded and unfair ways. I tried to maintain my relationship with him to my greatest ability, but everytime he blackmailed me into doing something that either tramples my pride or goes against my values, I chose to cut my relationship with him, rather than yield to his demands. I'm extremely prideful, and I never sacrifice my pride for anyone, not even a parent.

My closest friend is somewhat distant with me. Me and him are both loners, who are more interested in spending time in our heads, rather than in groups of people. We know each other pretty much from birth (which is why I consider him more like a brother than a bestfriend), but we are very reserved in our self-expression towards each other. I found out about his girlfriend only 2 years into his relationship with her, and he still doesn't know about the girls I mingle(d) with either. We have some kind of undeclared/tacit agreement on what can be asked, and what can't, what can be discussed, and what can't, and we're very careful and abiding to that silent agreement. We greatly respect each other's personal spaces, and don't pry into personal lives, unless asked to.

As for other "friends", cough, acquaintances, I don't have a super close/open communication with anyone, because I tend to be elusive/secretive about myself, quite aloof, and any fraction of communication that does happen, tends to be spent on revealing a bit more about my genuine self, to shatter any kind of illusions/delusions people might have. I can very easily overwhelm a person if I open up, but when I do open up (or explode rather), I also shortly start feeling pathetic, because exposing/revealing yourself so easily is not only a gesture/expression of weakness, but also something that will actually put you into a weaker position later on. Never let people know everything about you. I feel very comfortable when I conceal information, and very vulnerable when I reveal it.

One more note: whenever someone asks me to help him, I always jump to it and do it, regardless of how close/distant, good/bad my relationship is with that person. Each time someone asks my help I feel as though its my duty to help, and go to very extreme extents to help said person, even at my own expense. However, I don't do it for the sake of the person's welfare. For some weird reason, the task I am asked to do, and the person who requests me to do that task, are two completely disconnected things for me. I feel like I enter into a give/take relationship with the task itself, and completely ignore the person. So I give it my all to solve someone's problem, for the sake of the problem itself, and then disappear, never again remembering the person whom I helped.
It's quite possible I feel this way, because whenever someone asks my help, I feel like my capabilities/skills/potency is being tested or questioned. So I jump into proving that I am capable of solving the problem. I don't care whether the solution I achieve will help/harm the person who requested my help. As long as the solution is, by my own standards, the best possible solution.


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
(Im going to try to break my typing down a bit).

Recently I posted a thread that explains my understanding of the 4 functions and how I see them being manifested in me: Type me on my response to reality?

In addition to that, I decided to post a simpler thread, to expand upon what has already been said.

At work: I dislike monotonous repetitive work, and prefer to do something creative and unconventional instead. Even though I have an office job, I tend to jump at every opportunity to do something new and out-of-line-with-daily-responsibilities. Most of that creativity tends to flow into improving the quality and speed of my team. I like revising/re-writing work guidelines, reshaping the office environment, implementing new solutions/ideas into the workflow. Since I tend to be very meticulous with details, I spend a lot of time perfecting and fleshing-out my improvements, so that even a 5-year old child could understand them.
However, rather than just sitting in the office, I'd prefer to spend the majority of my time on business trips. The weird thing is that I used to be a homebody most of my life, rarely leaving the limits of my house or street, but when it comes to work/business, I want to travel and represent my company out in the world at large.

Ni (bolded)
Natural introversion preference (underlined)
Weak evidence of 3 typing (bolded and underlined)

Socially: I am extremely reserved and introverted. I tend to avoid engaging people , until I've spent enough time observing them and figuring out their method of communication, their behavior, their "rough" sides, and sides which I would consider interesting. In other words, I need to calculate/figure out a person from a distance, before I am willing to engage with him. As soon as I feel like I have all the necessary information about my social environment, I can easily turn from reserved/shy into bossy/patronizing. Once the social environment has been fully "identified" by me on both a conscious and subconscious level, I eventually proceed towards establishing "my order" in it, by placing people into categories of morality/skills/taste/intellect, and then gently trying to push everyone in a direction which I consider they should be directed towards. (you could say I determined the overall utility of every person, and am compelled to push him/her into a direction where such utility is needed, regardless whether that utility is of professional, emotional, or of any other kind.)

Stronger Introversion preference evidence (underlined)
Weak Sx instinct evidence (bolded and underlined)
Moderately strong social instinct evidence (bolded italics)
Ni/Je (bolded)

Visually: I tend to place a lot of emphasis on how I look, and in particular, a lot of emphasis on the quality/luxuriousness/uniqueness of the clothes I wear. I have a fairly conservative style when it comes to fashion, but I spend a lot of time matching cloth fabrics, colors, etc. to ensure that I'm seen as not simply someone who likes expensive clothes, but also as someone who knows how to wear expensive clothes.
About 95% of my time I tend to have either a neutral or "angry" (as many people tell me) expression on my face. Although, I refuse to acknowledge that expression as "angry", as I'm simply trying to stay focused and vigilant in every situation, even if I'm just taking a walk in the park. However, my focus and vigilance doesn't have to be necessarily devoted just to my physical environment. A lot of it is also directed towards solving problems in my head.
Whenever I walk, I try to keep my back straight, and my shoulders wide. When standing, I tend to cross my arms a lot and place my feet a bit wide (again, maybe a bit of a bossy demeanor, but it makes me feel "proper" and confident that way)

Stronger 3 evidence (bolded)
Weakish Ni/Se axis evidence, moderately strong introversion evidence (underlined)

When I speak: I often switch between "not being able to put 2 words together without stuttering" to "giving an eloquent 2-hour lecture on international law, military equipment, web-design, management strategies, or new IT technologies". I still have no idea how can I be so bad at speech in one situation, and so good at speech in another. They are like 2 opposite extremes. But I experience both on a daily basis. I think the stuttering/broken speech phenomenon happens when I'm pushed into a conversation which requires a lot of improvisation (which I was unable to prepare mentally for in advance.) But if the conversation is something I had expected prior, or if it touches upon a subject I'm knowledgeable about, people tend to gasp and complement my eloquence.

Strong introversion and strong Ni/Te evidence (Ni/Te tends to either sound very spacy or very very oragnized when speaking, depending on whether someone can access their Te to accurately describe what they have collected through their Ni. Its like listening to music- if Ni can recognize the sound/idea- then Te will be naturally able to communicate the rest of the lyrics- if Ni cannot then the person tends to scramble)

General communication: I prefer to mostly discuss very specific subjects, and am horrible at casual chit-chat. I will discuss work, hobbies, literature, art, IT, politics, philosophy, etc. and will always lead the conversation when I do so. But when it comes to casual non-topic specific subjects, I always take a back seat and barely say a word.
If I'm confident/secure enough around the person I communicate with, I tend to have an extremely sharp tongue, control the conversation, play word games, troll around in a very smug manner. Those who know me for a long time enjoy it, but new acquaintances find it offensive and hostile.

Again strong Introversion evidence. Strong evidence of intuitive preference. Moderate evidence of just T preference (could be Ti or could be Te- but its Te in my opinion given the rest of the context) (underlined)

Moderate Te evidence, weak 3 evidence (bolded)

Megalomania and power-games: I am extremely attuned to the wave-lengths of "power" in social exchange. I can easily tell who projects power, and who is the "underling" in any group and situation. And I can instantly tell whether someone is trying to dominate me or place himself/herself below me and under my power. Being so attuned to "power-games", I tend to enter them instantaneously within any interaction. So, let's say, if a new manager at work shows up, or a new attractive girl appears, the first bells that are set off in my mind are: "If he holds a higher position in the company, he poses [these] and [these] threats and utilities to me." or "If she's so attractive and confident about it, she could try to use those traits as weapons to achieve ulterior motives. I should be on my watch, and project an image that is at least just as powerful."
I absolutely can't stand being at the mercy of someone's power, so I always enter into an undeclared mental war against every person whom I deem even slightly powerful.

Strong evidence for social instinct, moderate evidence for 3 influence (underlined)

Weak Sx evidence, weak reactive triad influence (6 or 8, probably influenced by both) (bolded)

Impulsiveness: Even though for the most part I am pacific and distance myself from most forms of confrontation, deep inside I have an almost constant desire to "punch first and ask later" even if the person did nothing wrong to me. I have a strong need to blow off steam by becoming physically violent, but I very rarely do so. (did it a bit more often in school though). However, if I am REALLY provoked (which happens super rarely), I can get both physical and verbally abusive, and to a very extreme degree. When I'm in the heat of an aggressive confrontation, I like raising my voice and becoming a prideful and commanding asshole, seeking to dominate my opponent until the bitter end and with every tool at my disposal.

Reactive triad evidence- sx evidence

How others see me: People often comment that they're silently scared of me, but they rarely manage to explain why. Recently, however, I received the following comment from a friend who knows me very closely: "You're like a peach and ginger salad - you seem sweet and pleasant from a distance, but once people get closer, you start kicking the shit out of them, always when they least expect it."

Evidence of estroverted thinking. Haha weak evidence of INTJ death glare (half kidding)

Life goal: To ensure that I never behave, think, or live in a "pathetic/lowly" manner; and to become the best version of what I was designed by nature to become (whatever that is). I want to eliminate all weaknesses in me, and I have low tolerance for weaknesses in other people. I want to behave and make decisions in the most noble and chivalrous (not necessarily charitable) way possible, to do things I can be proud about, and to become someone others would want to look up to. I have this mental projection since childhood, that I must mold myself, my mind, my soul, my spirit into the a "perfect sword", that's made of the finest metal, is unique/rare, sturdy, elegant, and sharp.

Ni/Te. (Bolded)
Evidence of weak Fi. (Underlined)

Typing: INTJ 3w4 5w6 8w9 so/sx


New member
Dec 28, 2017

Thanks, for 2 years now I keep jumping between xNxJ's and xSTP's, and with occasional xNTP's falling into the mix. But I think my Ni/Se or Se/Ni orientation is solid proven. The T's and F's are hard to figure out.
But I seem to be floating somewhere in that department.

Thanks for the detailed result, I'll look into what 3w4 5w6 8w9 so/sx entails, since I'm new to these other systems.


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant

Thanks, for 2 years now I keep jumping between xNxJ's and xSTP's, and with occasional xNTP's falling into the mix. But I think my Ni/Se or Se/Ni orientation is solid proven. The T's and F's are hard to figure out.
But I seem to be floating somewhere in that department.

Thanks for the detailed result, I'll look into what 3w4 5w6 8w9 so/sx entails, since I'm new to these other systems.

Here is information on instinct varient- sx (sexual), so (social), and sp (self preservation)

Instinctual variants

Information on tritype

Enneagram Tritype

Information on type 3

Type Three — The Enneagram Institute

Information on type 5

Type Five — The Enneagram Institute

Information on type 8

Type Eight — The Enneagram Institute

Betty Blue

Let me count the ways
Jan 19, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I have a very close relationship with my mum, because we have a mutual understanding on many levels, and communicate more like friends/equals instead of being in a parent-child relationship.
But this wasn't this way always. I had a somewhat complicated relationship with her until around my 12th birthday. She used to bitch out a lot when I refused to listen to her, and tried to punish me by giving me months of silent treatment and overall harsh behavior. Even back at that age, I felt like this kind of treatment trampled my pride, so instead of trying to appease her, I quietly made fun of her, showing that I don't care whether she talks to me or not, and that I'm perfectly happy with myself no matter what situation she tries to put me into. I admit I know I was intentionally exercising a form of mental/emotional sadism against her, as I thought it to be natural to fight fire with fire, instead of trying to extinguish the flames.
After many years she finally yielded and stopped getting angry at me no matter what I said or did.
Generally, I always show my true self to her, I openly make fun of things, express irony and sometimes provocative rhetoric questions, tell jokes, comment my true opinion on all matters, boldly confront her on every matter.

As for my dad, I always had a very complicated relationship with him. He's strict and demanding, but aside from that, he's also whom I'd define as an "emotional vampire", who always does everything to make you feel guilty, and does so in very underhanded and unfair ways. I tried to maintain my relationship with him to my greatest ability, but everytime he blackmailed me into doing something that either tramples my pride or goes against my values, I chose to cut my relationship with him, rather than yield to his demands. I'm extremely prideful, and I never sacrifice my pride for anyone, not even a parent.

My closest friend is somewhat distant with me. Me and him are both loners, who are more interested in spending time in our heads, rather than in groups of people. We know each other pretty much from birth (which is why I consider him more like a brother than a bestfriend), but we are very reserved in our self-expression towards each other. I found out about his girlfriend only 2 years into his relationship with her, and he still doesn't know about the girls I mingle(d) with either. We have some kind of undeclared/tacit agreement on what can be asked, and what can't, what can be discussed, and what can't, and we're very careful and abiding to that silent agreement. We greatly respect each other's personal spaces, and don't pry into personal lives, unless asked to.

As for other "friends", cough, acquaintances, I don't have a super close/open communication with anyone, because I tend to be elusive/secretive about myself, quite aloof, and any fraction of communication that does happen, tends to be spent on revealing a bit more about my genuine self, to shatter any kind of illusions/delusions people might have. I can very easily overwhelm a person if I open up, but when I do open up (or explode rather), I also shortly start feeling pathetic, because exposing/revealing yourself so easily is not only a gesture/expression of weakness, but also something that will actually put you into a weaker position later on. Never let people know everything about you. I feel very comfortable when I conceal information, and very vulnerable when I reveal it.

One more note: whenever someone asks me to help him, I always jump to it and do it, regardless of how close/distant, good/bad my relationship is with that person. Each time someone asks my help I feel as though its my duty to help, and go to very extreme extents to help said person, even at my own expense. However, I don't do it for the sake of the person's welfare. For some weird reason, the task I am asked to do, and the person who requests me to do that task, are two completely disconnected things for me. I feel like I enter into a give/take relationship with the task itself, and completely ignore the person. So I give it my all to solve someone's problem, for the sake of the problem itself, and then disappear, never again remembering the person whom I helped.
It's quite possible I feel this way, because whenever someone asks my help, I feel like my capabilities/skills/potency is being tested or questioned. So I jump into proving that I am capable of solving the problem. I don't care whether the solution I achieve will help/harm the person who requested my help. As long as the solution is, by my own standards, the best possible solution.

Theres just so much emphasis on power and control I find it hard to see any other type than STP. There appears to be less emphasis on how things fit in with your moral compass (which I would associate with Fi) and much more emphasis on how you can manipulate relationships and structures irl... which I would associate with Se/Ti

I am a bit stumped by the introversion hints as I have not come across many ESTP's who spend a lot of time alone although they can be masters and architects of thought (if that makes sense).

What are you like within a new group of people, socially and/or at work?


New member
Dec 28, 2017
What are you like within a new group of people, socially and/or at work?

Extremely withdraw, but silently assertive.
In the sense that, I'm fully conscious of the fact that if you act in an excessively withdrawn manner in a group, you will be perceived as weak/shy/socially-awkward, which I am in many ways. But since I'm conscious of the consequences of projecting such an image, I try to compensate it by disguising my insecurity/awkwardness with an apathetic, self-absorbed, function/utility-oriented, sharp, witty mask. So instead of being seen as weak/shy, I end up being seen as stuck-up and too-important. I find this to be the best possible strategy - as it (1) allows me to stick to my introverted ways, (2) helps me maintain distance from people long enough to figure out where exactly they fit into in my world, (3) what to expect from them, and (4) how to handle them. And all of this is achieved without placing myself into a vulnerable/inferior position within the group.
But in all honesty, given the comments I get from people, it might even be a waste of time to attempt to project that imagery, because people see me as apathetic and self-absorbed anyway.

Betty Blue

Let me count the ways
Jan 19, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Extremely withdraw, but silently assertive.
In the sense that, I'm fully conscious of the fact that if you act in an excessively withdrawn manner in a group, you will be perceived as weak/shy/socially-awkward, which I am in many ways. But since I'm conscious of the consequences of projecting such an image, I try to compensate it by disguising my insecurity/awkwardness with an apathetic, self-absorbed, function/utility-oriented, sharp, witty mask. So instead of being seen as weak/shy, I end up being seen as stuck-up and too-important. I find this to be the best possible strategy - as it (1) allows me to stick to my introverted ways, (2) helps me maintain distance from people long enough to figure out where exactly they fit into in my world, (3) what to expect from them, and (4) how to handle them. And all of this is achieved without placing myself into a vulnerable/inferior position within the group.
But in all honesty, given the comments I get from people, it might even be a waste of time to attempt to project that imagery, because people see me as apathetic and self-absorbed anyway.

That does sound more INTx than previous paragraphs you have written.

Could you make a type me video? I like to see/hear you speaking.


Jul 2, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Se oblivious

My guess is ESTP and 3w4 for sure. ;)

Betty Blue

Let me count the ways
Jan 19, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Hes also got this thread, which I think INTJ is even more obvious in. I think 3w4 8w9 and sx/so can make him seem more Se than he actually is.

Type me again

But yeah. INTJ 358 is my guess. From what Ive read

Here though- try higlanders test!

New Version of Forum Personality Test

Ok so i looked at the link and here is one of the most ESTP phrases I have ever seen

"I will inevitably (eventually) contest the leader's position, seek to take his place, and then use that as a stepping stone to rise above, even if that means abandoning the group."

I don't see INTJ needing to contest the leader and take their position as a matter of form. It could be one possible outcome but not written in stone. INTJ's can be adept at achieving their goals from many positions not necessarily the perceived top position if that makes sense. I think we should ask some INTJ's though, be good to get some perspective.