I think I have commented on this before, but after further reflection, I also wanted to add a few things:
The sexual/social style of seduction is almost like a tiger hunting for prey. The sexual/social style of seduction is very direct and in your face.
I get what this is trying to say, in that I have actually ended up almost always establishing first contact with someone I was attracted to. That is, I pretty blatantly "pursued" them, at least in the very beginning. After that, of course, things can become more balanced, ideally.
Example, when I was about 12, I told my crush that I liked him. I needed to tell him! My friends pulled me aside one day and they said "wow, that's really brave. I cannot do that." I was very confused, because the only alternative would have been to NOT tell him and that never appeared as an option in my mind...
Of course, I was also a child, and my 'approach' more unsubtle I guess, naive, straightforward. But one thing I
cannot do, is to never try to get close to someone I am attracted to. To watch them from afar or something. That has just never happened.
But I am also not direct in the Se sense, I cannot force anyone, have a rather "soft" vibe compared to Se egos.
There is no confusion as to what the sx/so is after.
makes sense
The sx/so style of seduction can either come off as extremely sexy or down-right creepy. With this style of seduction the individual in question goes to a social group and basically steals people out of that social group and makes their own group. Also, they can infiltrate the social group and work through the group to seduce the individual.
I am however, a little confused on the "social groups" part. To me, the group does not matter once I have the attention of the individual. I don't think I use to group to "seduce" them or anything. In fact, I don't think I flirt, my interest is sincere and serious.
I am just not focused on any "group" when I have my eyes set on someone. I pretty much don't really see anything else. I want to talk to them one on one.