It's a bit like that old joke about the surgeon who wouldn't operate on the boy injured in a car crash that killed his father, explaining "he's my son!". At first, it seems impossible for the surgeon also to be the boy's parent, until you realize she is in fact female, and the boy's mother.
Put another way: God is a deity. For those of us who believe there is only one God, God is THE deity. Any names for deity must therefore refer to this one, because it is the only one. Objecting to the use of these names because they refer to other deities admits the existence of other deities, which violates the first premise.
You seem very argumentative here. And I'm not really sure what is to be argued about. Trifle debates about what name should and should not be used for God debases those who engage in them.
Simply put, there is only One God. Whether you are Hindu, Buddhist, pagan, or anything else, that doesn't change. What you call God does matter because to call Him by a name intended for a deity (even though He is the only Deity), disrespects Him somewhat. Just as calling you by an incorrect name disrespects you. If someone doesn't know better, then okay. But if a person says they believe in God, then refers to God with a name other than representing God, then they do not know God well enough, nor love Him enough.
For example, I have an infp friend who says she loves God and believes in God. Then the next day she might speak about great spirits, or The Universe or some other vague term in place of saying God. This makes me wonder why she does this? GOD is 3 letters. Why not just use His name?
I think it's because a person does not want to submit to the notion that there really IS only One God, and/or a person wants to stay 'respectful' of all beliefs at the cost of hurting, and being disloyal to, God.
This is your quote from earlier which I was originally referring to:
I have come to believe that there is only one divine entity, that encompasses male and female, and any other human distinction imaginable, and of course transcends all that is human as well. The world's religions are just so many ways to try to relate to that divinity, and our many Gods and Goddesses just so many names for him/her. It is not wrong to relate to God primarily through one of these ways, as long as we do not deny the validity of someone else relating in another way. How we relate will also change through our lives, as we grow and what we need evolves.
It is wrong to relate to God as one of many deities.
You don't need to believe the Bible to experience faith or follow a religion; and you don't need to follow an organized religion to develop your own spirituality. Ultimately, it is that intuitive realization that is paramount. All the writings and rituals, teachings and traditions can at most serve as cross-checks and guides along the way. There is no substitute for what you honestly believe inside, and no one can walk your path for you.
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? ~Jeremiah 17:9
I have committed so much sin believing in my own heart, and using my mind as my main compass. It just doesn't work. We need rules and guides to keep us on God's great path.
The Bible is the greatest book ever written. It surpasses all other holy books and is a divine bridge to knowing God's covenants to us, and how He desires us to be obedient. Yes, His Holy Spirit is a part of the trinity, but it only comprises one-third of what we need, along with His Law and the understanding of the Gospel of Christ. Not only that, but a person won't clearly hear the Holy Spirit until he is obedient. And how can you be obedient if you don't know God's Law?