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The Future of American Christianity

The Cat

The Cat in the Tinfoil Hat..
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016


Mar 20, 2008
Looks more like creative writing to me - also a valuable skill, but a bit off the mark in this discussion.

All of science is based on Critical Thinking, and is counter intuitive, while religion and its offshoots is based on Faith, and is intuitive.

We learn to think intuitively at home at our mother's knee, naturally and easily, by contrast to learn to think counter intuitively, to Think Critically, we are taken from our warm homes by State Law, and taken to schools, where we are taught the counter intuitive skill of reading and writing and how to think counter intuitively, to Think Critically.

This process of transformation from intuitive natural thinking to counter intuitive unnatural thinking takes place in three stages - Primary School, High School, and University.

Until recently very few completed their transformation by going on to University, but recently we have opened our universities to all who want to attend, and unfortunately too many of these do not want to learn to Think Critically, to think counter intuitively, and they have vulgarised the university, and cancelled those who disagree.

And interestingly, it is disproportionately women who avoid STEM subjects, click The ‘gender-equality paradox’ in STEM fields – BBC Newsnight - YouTube.

Z Buck McFate

Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Aug 25, 2009
Instinctual Variant
The great replacement theory was created by terrorist, white supremacist and dead neo Nazi David Lane. He took this idea directly from Nazi propaganda - hence the 14 words/88 precepts so revered by the current crop of human garbage. Also see Wotansvolk movement. So I have a REAL issue with David Frum (who should fucking know better as a Jewish person) chalking this up to a rise in secularism. These are two different things, one is an actual threat to everyone, one is no threat at all. David Lane (white supremacist) - Wikipedia

As a side note - JD Vance has chosen the Tucker Carlson White Power Hour lane to drive his senate campaign in. He's already self identified as a nationalist (although I'm surprised that took as long as it did) and that the biggest threat to the universe is cancel culture. There is absolutely no difference in any of these people so I would hope one would no longer attempt to sift the "good conservatives/Republicans/right wingers". How many times do they need to keep proving it?

I just reread Frum's thread and I'm not seeing "chalking it up to secularism." He first posted a link to a NYT article about how Trump actually had a great deal of support from non-whites (more than he had in 2016), to back up the observation that "white replacement" is bullshit/not rooted in reality (or at the very least, connecting it to "the left" is delusional). Then he posted several opinion pieces to support his claim that faith in Christianity is disappearing precisely because of people like Tucker Carlson and Trump (and/or anyone else promulgating "great replacement" affiliated bullshit).

He's not saying the rise in secularism is causing anything; he's saying it's the consequence. ETA: And I don't think he's insinuating there's anything wrong with secularism. He's merely showing that if ANYTHING is actually being "replaced" right now in society, it's Christianity - and it's not by some outside hostile force, they're doing it to themselves.


Coolatta® Enjoyer
Apr 22, 2008
I just reread Frum's thread and I'm not seeing "chalking it up to secularism." He first posted a link to a NYT article about how Trump actually had a great deal of support from non-whites (more than he had in 2016), to back up the observation that "white replacement" is bullshit/not rooted in reality (or at the very least, connecting it to "the left" is delusional). Then he posted several opinion pieces to support his claim that faith in Christianity is disappearing precisely because of people like Tucker Carlson and Trump (and/or anyone else promulgating "great replacement" affiliated bullshit).

He's not saying the rise in secularism is causing anything; he's saying it's the consequence.

I can see that. But I guess when there are troops kicking the shit out of Americans protesting that exact violent overreach, while standing in front of a church with a bible for a photo op (after hiding in a bunker of course) - this is the outcome. White replacement, like most things that come from the far right, are never grounded in reality. And I'm very curious to see how much the R's have lost post Jan. 6 overall.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
“Rigid and fundamental religion. What has it achieved for humanity? Further divisions. Where is peace?”

“This is true more so for the Western religions of Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, and Baha’i.

I like in the Eastern traditions one can be all three of these plus any other belief. This would include Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.

In fact I take the best of all the worlds religions and secular wisdoms and partake of what is agreeable with me.

The rest I merely let go. That being said Western psychologies CBT and REBT are good parallels with Eastern Buddhism.

Add the Stoic philosophy which was an ancient precursor to the emergence of western psychologies cognitive based approach.

Taken all together they help to discipline the mind. Of all the giants of wise sayings, Carl Jung comes to mind as extremely insightful. In fact his one quote of until we make the unconscious conscious, we shall not evolve.

Then there is Plato with his archaic term of the philosopher kings. The term is archaic but his insight his sound. Until we are governed by lovers of wisdom, we shall not evolve as a society but continue dysfunction.

Take Buddhism, CBT: Cognitive Behavior Therapy, REBT: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Stoicism, Carl Jung and Plato and you have a prescription for societal success.” LightSun


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
A recent opinion article attributes the decline in Christian affiliation and church attendance at least in part to a backlash against the "Christian right", especially among young people.

Recent legislation on the state level such as that allowing doctors to refuse to treat LGBT patients on the basis of religious conviction seems to run contrary to the example of Christ himself. The actions of many who claim to be Christians often fail that test of "What Would Jesus Do?" (WWJD) once popularized on everything from t-shirts to jewelry to coffee mugs.

This decline isn't limited to Christianity:

It is worth observing that paganism is a religion, too, but that's not the point here. The author continues with the hope (wishful thinking?) that:

Even in our threads here, people have bemoaned the bad name some Christian groups give to the faith. It is hardly surprising that some people are driven away by that. Is tapping into the desire for social justice of American youth the way for Christian churches to be revitalized?

I. Top 7 most peaceful religions in the world.
1. Buddhism (Buddha)
2. Hinduism (Krishna)
3. Christianity (Jesus)
4. Islam (Mohammed)
5. Taoism (Lao Tzu)
6. Jainism (Mahavira)
7. Judaism (Moses)

II. Top 10 most religious country in the world.
1. Israel
2. Saudi Arabia
3. India
4. Pakistan
5. Iran
6. Bangladesh
7. Sri Lanka
8. Indonesia
9. Afghanistan
10. Thailand

III. Top 6 countries with the least freedom of religion.
1. Myanmar
2. China
3. Iran
4. North Korea
5. Saudi Arabia
6. Sudan

IV. Top 10 countries that are losing religion (atheism).
1. China 97%
2. Japan 81%
3. Vietnam 67%
4. Germany 66%
5. South Korea 65%
6. Israel 61%
7. Slovenia 59%
8. Austria 59%
9. France 55%
10. Iceland 54%

I have not forgotten any religion. They just didn’t have the numbers to be part of the lists. This includes Baha’i, Confucian, Existentialism, Native American, Paganism, Shamanism, Shinto, Sikhism, Unitarianism, Wiccan and Zoroastrianism.” LightSun
Last edited:


Coolatta® Enjoyer
Apr 22, 2008
I. Top 7 most peaceful religions in the world.
1. Buddhism (Buddha)
2. Hinduism (Krishna)
3. Christianity (Jesus)
4. Islam (Mohammed)
5. Taoism (Lao Tzu)
6. Jainism (Mahavira)
7. Judaism (Moses)

II. Top 10 most religious country in the world.
1. Israel
2. Saudi Arabia
3. India
4. Pakistan
5. Iran
6. Bangladesh
7. Sri Lanka
8. Indonesia
9. Afghanistan
10. Thailand

III. Top 6 countries with the least freedom of religion.
1. Myanmar
2. China
3. Iran
4. North Korea
5. Saudi Arabia
6. Sudan

IV. Top 10 countries that are losing religion (atheism).
1. China 97%
2. Japan 81%
3. Vietnam 67%
4. Germany 66%
5. South Korea 65%
6. Israel 61%
7. Slovenia 59%
8. Austria 59%
9. France 55%
10. Iceland 54%
Nah. I also don't buy Islam being more peaceful than Jainism or Taoism. Also, how can Israel be the #1 most religious country in the world and also be #6 at losing their religion?