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The Fantasy RPG Class Test


New member
Jan 6, 2009
Your result for The Fantasy RPG Class Test...
The Shadow Fist

12% Strength,30% Bloodlust,33% Intelligence,18% Spirit,33% Vitality and53% Agility!

Combining incredible martial arts skills along with their stealth, Shadow Fists make deadly adversaries. Swiftly and easily locating pressure points, Shadow Fists are able to take down opponents of deadly strength and ferocity. By targeting the pressure points of their opponents with dark energy, Shadow Fists can seal off the flow of energy within the bodies of opponents thus weakening them physically and also making them incapable of using any spells. Shadow Fists literally imbue their fists with shadows using dark magic striking fear and horror into all who stand before them. By unleashing blasts of dark energy, Shadow Fists can easily overwhelm any opponent. Shadow Fists have been known to take down entire battalions of warriors by creating armies of clones out of the shadows that are capable of physically damaging opponents. Although they use dark magic, they are not necessarily evil, and even though their darkness is often misconstrued as evil, they may be seen using their powers for good. In fact, most Shadow Fists fight for the side of good rather than evil.

Congratulations on reaching this high class!

You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.


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Please check out my other SHORT, ONE QUESTION quiz, The Side of You That's Locked Away Test!

Take The Fantasy RPG Class Test at HelloQuizzy


New member
Mar 20, 2011
The Grand Bishop

33% Strength, 28% Bloodlust, 35% Intelligence, 52% Spirit, 30% Vitality and 28% Agility!

The Grand Bishop

Grand Bishops often have few skills with weapons and they are probably the least physically powerful of all the classes. However, they are by no means the weakest class. In fact, Grand Bishops utilize some of the most powerful magic in world: the power to control time. By controlling time, Grand Bishops can change and reverse the course of events and defeat opponents that no other class could ever dream of defeating. In fact, Grand Bishops can even alter the time of an object, allowing them to fast forward that object into the future or revert it to a state in the past. As an extension, this can be used as an advanced form of healing, enabling Grand Bishops to restore severed limbs and wounds. Although time may be a powerful ally, it requires a great deal of energy and magic to manipulate, so Grand Bishops use this power sparingly. Instead, they more often use their mastery over light magic and the basic elements to battle their foes. Grand Bishops may be supremely powerful spellcasters, but they most often use their power for good rather than evil. Those who use their power for evil may abuse their power over time and fall into chaos and oblivion.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
This is good... :)

HelloQuizzy.com: The Fantasy RPG Class Test

Your result for The Fantasy RPG Class Test ...

The Silver Hand

20% Strength, 10% Bloodlust, 33% Intelligence, 63% Spirit, 45% Vitality and 17% Agility!


The Silver Hand is both a martial arts expert and a master of light and moon magic. Specifically Silver Hands either use their magic to launch blasts of powerful light based energy from their fists, or they use it to heal and restore life. With the ability to cure any illness or disease, Silver Hands are often viewed as gods to those around them, and as one of the most pure and benevolent classes, Silver Hands almost solely walk the path of good rather than evil.

However, because of their proficiency with life and moon magic, it is not uncommon for them to occassionally use their powers for the side of darkness. Indeed, just as they can give life, they can also drain it and absorb it as their own thus becoming even more powerful. By absorbing another's life energy they are literally absorbing their power, spirit, and will and are able to use it to enhance their own power. Furthermore, their moon magic gives Silver Hands powers of transformation and transmutation, which they can use to morph themselves and others from humans into ghastly creatures of darkness and divine creatures of light.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Your result for Test: The Side of You That's Locked Away Is... ...

OkCupid | Take Test: The Side of You That's Locked Away Is...


Spoiler inside...Don't look if you've not taken the



Happy Dancer
Feb 9, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Your result for The Fantasy RPG Class Test ...
The Star Glider
17% Strength, 12% Bloodlust, 60% Intelligence, 43% Spirit, 40% Vitality and 17% Agility!

The Star Glider


Using a powerful and ancient form of combat, Star Gliders appear to effortlessly slide across the ground as they move and attack. In fact, Star Gliders are actually hovering slightly above the surface of the ground using their powerful mastery over electromagnetism. Since their feet never touch the ground, the movements of Star Gliders are nearly impossible to predict, making Star Gliders extremely formidable adversaries. By using powerful rune magic to control electromagnetic fields, Star Gliders can manipulate terrestrial and cosmic plasmas! In addition, they have limited control over metals, and will often use magnetism to create shields and weapons out of any metals in the surrounding areas. Occasionally, Star Gliders may be skilled at controlling the energy within their own bodies, and they'll use that skill to undergo various minor transformations. For example, some Star Gliders possess the ability to transform and harden their own skin, making them more resistant to damage. Other Star Gliders who aren't skilled with transformation can simply condense metallic particles around their body to form a strong protective layer and enhance their defenses. Star Gliders are also quite skilled with powerful elemental magic and light magic, making them even more dangerous opponents in battle! By combining this incredibly powerful magic with their superlative combat skills, Star Gliders can release powerful blasts of electromagnetic energy, making them almost impossible to best in battle.

Congratulations on achieving this powerful class!

This is a powerful mixed class that requires at least three variables to be extremely high.

You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.


Nov 25, 2010
Instinctual Variant
The Hex Blade

47% Strength, 37% Bloodlust, 43% Intelligence, 20% Spirit, 32% Vitality and 10% Agility!


Evil, deadly, and sneaky, Hex Blades bring misfortune and destruction to anyone nearby. Hex Blades are masters of dark magic, chaotic magic, and casting curses, which they use to defeat their opponents. By combining dark with light energy, Hex Blades can unleash a wide array of curses that inflict harm and misery upon anyone who opposes them. In fact, strong warriors will become weak and useless in the face of the powerful and chaotic curses of the Hex Blades. On top of that, Hex Blades naturally cast an aura of shadow and misfortune around them making any foes slightly more unlucky. Conversely, some Hex Blades have high levels of spirit, which actually increases their own luck and makes them more fortunate in battle. By combining misfortune for the enemy and good luck for themselves, deadly enemy attacks simply graze past the Hex Blades, allowing them to turn the flow of any battle in their favor. Although Hex Blades are skilled with dark magic, they may occasionally also be quite skilled with light and elemental magic. For example, some Hex Blades can torment and torture their foes with powerful elemental curses, while others may augment their own dark hex magic with powerful divine magic to produce chaotic results. Even without elemental magic, Hex Blades can easily overcome their opponents with their swordsmanship. Hex Blades happen to be masters with swords and other bladed weapons, which they will often use to mercilessly trounce their enemies.

Congratulations on achieving this powerful class!

This is a rare mixed class that requires at least three variables to be extremely high.

You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie


Funny, because I mostly chose to handle the situations with ferocious physical force, not dark magic.

The extremely high variables (I'm guessing >35-40% counts as extremely high) were strength, bloodlust, intelligence, psionic force and explosive energy.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
[MENTION=9310]uumlau[/MENTION] [MENTION=11809]Hive[/MENTION] ... Damn power players... :)

five sounds

Jul 17, 2013
Instinctual Variant
The Enchanter [Th]
17% Strength, 17% Bloodlust, 18% Intelligence, 40% Spirit, 23% Vitality and 23% Agility!

You are the Enchanter, a powerful cleric that has delved into the dark arts. Using the forbidden combinations of your dark and light magic, you are able to create fearsome displays of magical power, but for the most part, you prefer to hide yourself in shadows and darkness. While you often enjoy spending time on your own gaining wisdom about the world of magic, you are not one to shy away for company or a vibrant conversation with others. Indeed, you find that learning more about the world is often best done by engaging with the world and those within it. Many people fear you though because of your knowledge of the dark arts; however, your dark magic allows you to better understand the side of evil, and therefore you are better able to fight it. Futhermore, your knowledge of dark magic actually helps enhance and augment your powerful support and healing magic. While you are a powerful warrior, you have not fully mastered all your skills.
Continuing to focus on mastering the shadows in order to more stealthily and swiftly aid your allies will lead you to The Sound Weaver, master of sound type magic. If instead you delve further into the world of forbidden and dark magic, you will reach the Dark Shaman, master of dark type magic.


New member
May 8, 2014
The Warrior Monk
35% Strength, 12% Bloodlust, 30% Intelligence, 22% Spirit, 55% Vitality and 23% Agility!

A brilliant, peaceful, and respected warrior, you are the Warrior Monk. As a master of both hand-to-hand combat and weapon combat, Warrior Monks can be truly fierce opponents in battle. However, they normally only use their abilities and power for just causes and when they feel it is absolutely necessary. Warrior Monks may occasionally stray to the side of evil, but for the most part, they are just and honorable warriors. With the ablility to release blasts of energy from their sword and fists, the Warrior Monks can shatter even the toughest armor. Defensively, Warrior Monks are virtually unmatched because their skin is tough as steel, and they can literally block a sword with their bare hands. In addition, Warrior Monks can further increase their strength, speed, and dexterity by using their mastery of moon magic to transform into the Silver Simian, a powerful and pure warrior of the night.

Congratulations on reaching this formidable class!

You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

:D Like it!


May 2, 2014
Your result for The Fantasy RPG Class Test...

The Silver Hand: 33% Strength, 27% Bloodlust, 22% Intelligence, 45% Spirit, 37% Vitality and 25% Agility


The Silver Hand is both a martial arts expert and a master of light and moon magic. Specifically Silver Hands either use their magic to launch blasts of powerful light based energy from their fists, or they use it to heal and restore life. With the ability to cure any illness or disease, Silver Hands are often viewed as gods to those around them, and as one of the most pure and benevolent classes, Silver Hands almost solely walk the path of good rather than evil. However, because of their proficiency with life and moon magic, it is not uncommon for them to occassionally use their powers for the side of darkness. Indeed, just as they can give life, they can also drain it and absorb it as their own thus becoming even more powerful. By absorbing another's life energy they are literally absorbing their power, spirit, and will and are able to use it to enhance their own power. Furthermore, their moon magic gives Silver Hands powers of transformation and transmutation, which they can use to morph themselves and others from humans into ghastly creatures of darkness and divine creatures of light.

Congratulations on reaching this high class!
You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

Really enjoyed this! (Only liked being Paladin in Neverwinternights :))


The Typing Tabby
Jan 28, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Personal bookmark for later. Thanks to (you know who you are) for hash_tagging me to the thread. :hi:


Nov 25, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Did all of you who didn't master any hidden power granted by the genie refuse her offer?
[MENTION=20531]yeghor[/MENTION] [MENTION=18819]five sounds[/MENTION] - Since it wasn't mentioned that did you didn't master any powers granted, did you accept one of her gifts?

I refused because it sounded like the second you were granted the power, you'd lose the will to use it. Basically become Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen, rendered apathetic by your omnipotence.


May 2, 2014
Your result for Test: The Side of You That's Locked Away Is... ...

OkCupid | Take Test: The Side of You That's Locked Away Is...




Nov 25, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Your result for Test: The Side of You That's Locked Away Is... ...

OkCupid | Take Test: The Side of You That's Locked Away Is...

7w8, anyone? :whistling:


New member
Mar 10, 2014
The Grand Bishop
8% Strength, 8% Bloodlust, 47% Intelligence, 57% Spirit, 23% Vitality and 28% Agility!


Grand Bishops often have few skills with weapons and they are probably the least physically powerful of all the classes. However, they are by no means the weakest class. In fact, Grand Bishops utilize some of the most powerful magic in world: the power to control time. By controlling time, Grand Bishops can change and reverse the course of events and defeat opponents that no other class could ever dream of defeating. In fact, Grand Bishops can even alter the time of an object, allowing them to fast forward that object into the future or revert it to a state in the past. As an extension, this can be used as an advanced form of healing, enabling Grand Bishops to restore severed limbs and wounds. Although time may be a powerful ally, it requires a great deal of energy and magic to manipulate, so Grand Bishops use this power sparingly. Instead, they more often use their mastery over light magic and the basic elements to battle their foes. Grand Bishops may be supremely powerful spellcasters, but they most often use their power for good rather than evil. Those who use their power for evil may abuse their power over time and fall into chaos and oblivion.

Congratulations on reaching this high class!


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
The Mirror Mage
37% Strength, 22% Bloodlust, 35% Intelligence, 38% Spirit, 37% Vitality and 20% Agility!

The Mirror Mage

As swift as the Ninjas, fierce as the Monks, skilled as the Knights, and intelligent as the Spellcasters, the formidable Mirror Mage is probably the class that invokes the most terror and unease in its opponents. Not only are Mirror Mages extremely skilled with a sword, but often they are also masters offensive elemental magic, combat, and martial arts. Furthermore, Mirror Mages are often quite agile and speedy in battle, and some of the greatest Mirror Mages have mastered the art of stealth. However, there is often a tradeoff between skill in stealth and skill in martial arts: Mirror Mages who are more skilled in stealth are less skilled in martial arts and vice versa. On top of all that, Mirror Mages are experts of element magic and can easily launch a slew of powerful spells at their opponents. With their unique combination of abilities, Mirror Mages are a balanced and deadly class able to easily take down any opponent in battle. Lastly, Mirror Mages have one final incredible ability that surpasses all their others: the ability to use their powerful light magic to copy almost any opponent's spells or techniques. Using their light based mirror magic, Mirror Mages gain the ability to use almost any power their opponent uses. For example, if an opponent uses a special martial arts move or unleashes a powerful spell, Mirror Mages can use their own magic to instantly learn how to perform those abilities; however, Mirror Mages must first have the capacity to use those abilities. In other words, a Mirror Mage with low levels of agility and stealth would not be able to use any techniques copied from a Ninja. Similarly, a Mirror Mage with no knowledge of dark and light magic would not be able to use the powers and spells copied from an opponent who uses dark and light magic. Yet even with these restrictions, the Mirror Mage is still a truly amazing class!

Congratulations on achieving this powerful class!

This is a rare mixed class that requires at least three variables to be extremely high.

You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.


don't ask me
Jan 16, 2014
Instinctual Variant
The Silver Hand.jpg

The Silver Hand

7% Strength, 8% Bloodlust, 35% Intelligence, 45% Spirit, 43% Vitality and 33% Agility!

The Silver Hand

The Silver Hand is both a martial arts expert and a master of light and moon magic. Specifically Silver Hands either use their magic to launch blasts of powerful light based energy from their fists, or they use it to heal and restore life. With the ability to cure any illness or disease, Silver Hands are often viewed as gods to those around them, and as one of the most pure and benevolent classes, Silver Hands almost solely walk the path of good rather than evil. However, because of their proficiency with life and moon magic, it is not uncommon for them to occassionally use their powers for the side of darkness. Indeed, just as they can give life, they can also drain it and absorb it as their own thus becoming even more powerful. By absorbing another's life energy they are literally absorbing their power, spirit, and will and are able to use it to enhance their own power. Furthermore, their moon magic gives Silver Hands powers of transformation and transmutation, which they can use to morph themselves and others from humans into ghastly creatures of darkness and divine creatures of light.

Congratulations on reaching this high class!

You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

I love it! :happy2:


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Did all of you who didn't master any hidden power granted by the genie refuse her offer?
[MENTION=20531]yeghor[/MENTION] [MENTION=18819]five sounds[/MENTION] - Since it wasn't mentioned that did you didn't master any powers granted, did you accept one of her gifts?

I refused because it sounded like the second you were granted the power, you'd lose the will to use it. Basically become Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen, rendered apathetic by your omnipotence.

I refused genie's offer....

The Ü™

May 26, 2007
Instinctual Variant
How do I get people to stop tagging me?