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[NT] Pet Peeves


New member
Jun 18, 2014
People who stop dead on a sidewalk to txt/instagram/snapchat Here I am going to my destination when you stop dead in the middle of the sidewalk to feverishly attend to some msg on your phone causing me to ram my shopping directly up your backside. It's a freaking txt, it can wait for you to move out of the flow of traffic to attend to it. Seriously I'm tripping over you and taking a shoulder injury because you've been sent a Lolcat pic. :doh:


New member
Dec 7, 2014
Norman Conquest, 1066: bunch of French guys took over England, and it had an enormous effect on English vocabulary. "Isle" is from the French word for island. The 's' is silent because it was silent in French; French is full of silent letters. L'Académie française got rid of the 's' and added a circumflex accent on the 'i' to make the modern-day île; they got rid of lots of silent letters and added circumflex accents to the vowels in front in the 18th century.
Eh, I know why English is a mess. I have a BA in English, and have read the amazing Bill Bryson!

But explanation is not justification.

Bitching about English spelling might be one of my pet peeves because the spelling makes a lot more sense if you know the etymology.
Similarly, history-lecturing about any given inconsistency -- linguistic or otherwise -- in an effort to justify the given inconsistency is becoming a pet peeve of mine. Knowing what not to repeat in the future is great, but knowing history doesn't change the present.

... so that when they're written we can tell the difference.
"I'm so close to finishing this painting! When I'm done I'll close the door and lock up. I can't wait to see Glenn Close in Anesthesia!"

"Live a little! Come see the live show with me!"

Spelling different words the same never seems to be a problem, even when the words aren't actually homophones. So call me a dreamer, but I don't think that a single phonetic spelling for 'aisle' and 'isle' would be a problem.


Active member
Dec 17, 2008
You're right, [MENTION=23629]Passacaglia[/MENTION]: full-blown neurosis.

Would you like me to explain why 360° = 2π rad? ;)


New member
Dec 7, 2014
You're right, [MENTION=23629]Passacaglia[/MENTION]: full-blown neurosis.
Can't say I didn't warn ya. ;)

Would you like me to explain why 360° = 2π rad? ;)
As I understand things, it involves the Greeks being preoccupied with circles, deciding that the circumference divided by the diameter was a super-important value, and then later mathematicians multiplying that value (pi) by 2 as full revolutions began to appear more and more in mathematics.

But if I missed something, feel free to enlighten me. :)


Active member
Dec 17, 2008
As I understand things, it involves the Greeks being preoccupied with circles, deciding that the circumference divided by the diameter was a super-important value, and then later mathematicians multiplying that value (pi) by 2 as full revolutions began to appear more and more in mathematics.

But if I missed something, feel free to enlighten me. :)

You're 90% of the way there. Radians are a useful way of measuring angles because it's using the inherent geometry of a circle to define angles rather than an otherwise arbitrary number like degrees. If you can relate an angle to a circle and vice-versa you can use the geometry of a circle anywhere you're using an angle.

1 rad is defined as the angle at which the arc length of a circle is equal to the radius (r). There are 2Ï€ radians in a circle because the circumference of the circle is 2Ï€r (2r = d).

If you can use a circle to define an angle you can use the constant π in trigonometry for instance, which greatly simplifies the math.



New member
Dec 7, 2014
You're 90% of the way there. Radians are a useful way of measuring angles because it's using the inherent geometry of a circle to define angles rather than an otherwise arbitrary number like degrees. If you can relate an angle to a circle and vice-versa you can use the geometry of a circle anywhere you're using an angle.

1 rad is defined as the angle at which the arc length of a circle is equal to the radius (r). There are 2Ï€ radians in a circle because the circumference of the circle is 2Ï€r (2r = d).

If you can use a circle to define an angle you can use the constant π in trigonometry for instance, which greatly simplifies the math.

Oh I love radians! They were a bit of a bother to wrap my head around in my first trig class -- though other students had more difficulty with them -- but the payoff is well worth the bother! I'm currently an electrical engineering student, and I roll my eyes every time a professor uses degrees instead of radians.

It's just that there's a simple way to combine the advantages of radians with the intuitiveness of one rotation = one character. And mathematicians already have a character for this: Tau! As you probably already know, tau is defined as the circumference of a circle divided by its radius, which results in ~6.28. I.e., 2*pi.

Tau radians = one rotation would be great, but I guess it's just too much bother to change all those reference books, text books, and mathematical proofs.


New member
Jun 17, 2014
My pet peeves: People leaving trash in my car, theres nothing worse than pulling up to the bank and having trash all over the floor of you car. I take care of my things, I don't want to go out and have my car looking like a trash can. My daughter has learned. The other day she came in with her backpack and proceeded to empty it into the kitchen garbage. I looked her and said "trash in your backpack?" She said "you don't like trash in your car". I replied, "Good Girl".


Active member
Dec 17, 2008
Oh I love radians! They were a bit of a bother to wrap my head around in my first trig class -- though other students had more difficulty with them -- but the payoff is well worth the bother! I'm currently an electrical engineering student, and I roll my eyes every time a professor uses degrees instead of radians.

It's just that there's a simple way to combine the advantages of radians with the intuitiveness of one rotation = one character. And mathematicians already have a character for this: Tau! As you probably already know, tau is defined as the circumference of a circle divided by its radius, which results in ~6.28. I.e., 2*pi.

Tau radians = one rotation would be great, but I guess it's just too much bother to change all those reference books, text books, and mathematical proofs.

Never heard of Ï„ = 2Ï€.

Like you said, full-blown neurosis...


New member
Dec 7, 2014
Never heard of Ï„ = 2Ï€.
Really? It's definitely a thing. You can see a simple pictorial demonstration here, and if you need help falling asleep tonight you can read a lengthy case for using tau instead of 2*pi here.

Like you said, full-blown neurosis...
Maybe, but I could say the same about people who expect everyone to be able to correctly spell two not-particularly-common homophones differentiated only by a single letter. :)


Active member
Dec 17, 2008
Bleh, I regret having posted in this thread in the first place.


New member
Mar 15, 2015
I realize I'm a bit late into this conversation, but some of my pet peeves are:

Having to explain things to people when they aren't even paying attention to what I'm saying.

People peeking over my shoulder when I'm on the computer (My parents do this a lot and I've just gotten into the habit of switching tabs or doing something else just before they enter the room. As an INTJ, privacy is very important to me).

On the same note, being interrupted by acquaintances who carry out their small talk while I'm doing something productive is really annoying and completely derails my train of thought. :dont:

Also, people accidentally stepping on (and scuffing up) my shoes.


Si vis pacem, para bellum
Staff member
Apr 18, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I realize I'm a bit late into this conversation, but some of my pet peeves are:

Having to explain things to people when they aren't even paying attention to what I'm saying.

People peeking over my shoulder when I'm on the computer (My parents do this a lot and I've just gotten into the habit of switching tabs or doing something else just before they enter the room. As an INTJ, privacy is very important to me).

On the same note, being interrupted by acquaintances who carry out their small talk while I'm doing something productive is really annoying and completely derails my train of thought. :dont:

Also, people accidentally stepping on (and scuffing up) my shoes.
I haven't encountered the shoe problem, but agree with the rest.

(Also, great avatar.)


New member
Jun 11, 2015
- People who either blatantly ignore me or ask me my opinion then completely disregard it
- Clingy/demanding/overly emotional people
- Astrology
- Hypocrites- parents who criticize their children for behaving in the same exact fashion as them
- Having my space violated; particularly sudden, overt sexual advances
- Loud, open-mouth chewing
- Bullies, animal/child abusers
- Arrogance
- Anyone who tries to get a rise out of me or tries to lie to my face
- People who cancel plans, or aren't punctual
- Questions like "why are you mad at me?" or "what's you're problem now?" just because my mind is someplace else and I'm not smiling
- "Bubbly" people
- Onions
- Receiving criticism for being a picky eater
- Forced conversations
- Extremists
- Phonies ;)
Last edited:


New member
May 22, 2015
-When people around me feel the need to make talking more akin to white noise than actually discussing something important or interesting.
-People who are always anal about how I should be more productive, even though I would be wasting time either way.
-People who don't question rules and kiss the ass of the authority just to be treated like a good doggy.
-People who tell me that I should be more outgoing and smile more.
-People who buy pizza hours before they are going to eat and just throw it in the refrigerator nonchalantly as if it wouldn't completely ruin the pizza forever. (Once refrigerated, it's gone to Hell.)
-People who believe that house maintenance is more important than video games.
-People who think that wearing professional business attire makes their opinion matter more, even though it's obvious bullshit coming out of their mouths.
-Overly aggressive and violent men (It's only attractive when females do it). The entire football team seems to fall under this category. My God are they... Ugh.
-People who disregard either logic or emotion and completely depend on the other without considering that humans weren't built to attain the status of a robot or an irrational psychopath.

Kanra Jest

Av'ent'Gar'de ~
Jun 30, 2015
Instinctual Variant
- Ignorance, Arrogance, Stupidity,
- Clinging, Demanding, Bossy people
- Yelling and screaming to win and argument(primitive raging intimidation)
- Rudeness, disrespect
- Having my quiet time violated, people coming in without knocking, people rushing me
- Overly emotional people, including depressive and dependent ones and people who just won't ever move on, taking everything personally
- Senseless Bullies, Overwhelming arrogance, creating fantasies about oneself (accept the reality stop pretending and denying the past or true self)
- Dancing (I'm actually fine at slow dancing, though... :dry:)
- Musicals, Opera (like nails on a chalkboard)
- People who think they "know" everything for a fact and don't consider possibilities
- Stupid Questions
- People being too bubbly and hyper ( I just don't know how to act around it)
- Being pressured into anything
- Receiving criticism for being a picky eater
- Small talk(pointless)
- Zealous Religious Folk
- Not getting a straight to the point answer
-One word text responses, mixed signals (wasting my time)
-No self dignity

-Dishonorable acts or acts that cross my value system, especially.

A bit of a list, I got here.

Kingu Kurimuzon

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
-When people want "just a sip" of my drink. If we were in the desert and you were about to die, I'd gladly share. Otherwise, get your own. This is my biggest pet peeve with my wife. We'll be at a restaurant, fast food joint, or similar business, and she'll say, "it's okay, I'll just have some of yours." I don't like drinking others' backwash. This made me freak the fuck out as a child.

-Grammar and spelling nazis. Yes, it bothers me to no end when I see people confuse "your" with "you're," however, it's annoying when someone makes such a fuss that it distracts from the topic of discussion. Given the conversational nature of internet forums and social media sites, such mistakes are bound to occur. It's less forgivable on forums, however. I think it bothers me the most when I read company memos and emails and see glaringly obvious mistakes. I don't expect everyone to possess perfect spelling and grammar skills (I certainly don't), but surely they've heard of spell check.

-When people don't fact check on facebook, reddit, forums, etc; when people post any article and assume it's legitimate even though anyone can publish an article online. Check the article's sources, at least. If they don't list sources, assume the article may be bullshit or poorly researched. Don't share it with your friends as fact.

-Imperial/Standard measurements. The OP said it better, I won't repeat it. There is something very appealing about the metric system. Everything converts easily. Why is the US still using a dated and confusing system? It's like a big fuck you to the rest of the world. I'm an inventory buyer and we have buy metric and "standard" hardware, which means our production team has to make 2 versions of many of our kits (1 for international, 1 for domestic). It's inefficient and costly. It makes no logical sense. I understand it would take time for the US and any countries using the old system to convert to metric, but it would be beneficial in the long run.

-Small talk. Enough said. I don't care what your dog did to your curtains. I don't want to talk about what I did last weekend.

-Road rage. You sped up and weaved through traffic to get around me because I accidentally cut you off. Oh look, we've stopped at the same traffic light. So you didn't make it to your destination any sooner and you've consumed more of your gas and endangered other drivers by trying to pretend you're racing the Indianapolis.

-When people hover in my cube or stand behind me while I'm trying to work.

-When (I assume) I'm displaying my "normal" face and people ask if I'm upset or angry. "Nope, just thinking." Worse, when they continue to push the issue it as if they didn't believe me, which does lead to me becoming upset or angry because my thoughts have been distracted and I've had to expend energy persuading them that, no, nothing is wrong. Even worse is if they then say, "see! you are upset about something!" Then I explain why I'm upset which inevitably hurts their feelings and makes me look like an asshole.

-When people try to micromanage my time and work.

-semi-related to the above: When I have a particular way of doing a task or solving a problem, yet people question it and insist I do it their way (usually bosses and my dad). Then, if I make mistakes or take longer, they wonder what went wrong. "Didn't ya do it like I said?!?" "Yes I did, and if you'd let me do it the way I'd been doing it, I wouldn't have made this mistake." "But that's not tha way y're supposed to do it!" "Yes, but it works."

-Alpha males who feel a need to display their alpha traits with every chance they have.

-When people select a tiny quote or statement from a larger speech, body of writing, etc by another person and take it out of context to prove a point which could easily be countered had they understood or read the entire speech/book/article/etc. This is an increasingly common occurrence in the age of sound byte driven media.

-When people ask, "whatcha thinking about?"

Yes, I realize that everything I just typed is :notype:


Most Senior Member
Apr 9, 2015
My pet peeves are as follows:
-dimwittedness (sometimes)
-when extroverts or feelers think themselves and talk as if they are very intelligent, while they are just dimwits in reality
-behaving with powerful people politely, while being rude to the weak ones
-rudeness among friends


Most Senior Member
Apr 9, 2015
-praising and talking about the beauty of art
-discussions on spiritual feelings
-oh and yes, getting angry and agressive in a debate