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[Type 2] Observable examples of introvert TWOs?


New member
Sep 30, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Just wondering if anyone can point me to any examples of introverted Type Twos. Either television/movie characters or forum members here whos posts I can read to better understand them and see if there are many/any similarities to myself. I know that twos are traditionaly outgoing Fe doms, but I relate to the 2s core values more than the other enneagram types, so I'm looking to see what non traditional Twos look like.

If you happen to be an introvert 2, how well do you relate to the description of 2s at various levels, and what is your wing?

Question for everyone:
Do you think the description of 2s is strongly tilted toward 2w3s and that it may be a poor representation of 2w1s?


Speed Gavroche

Whisky Old & Women Young
Oct 20, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Sarah Tancredi from Prison Break, 2w1 Sp/Sx and INFJ. The actress herself is an introvert 2w1 Sp/Sx. Another 2w1 Sp/Sx is Nancy Reagan, I'm pretty sure she is ISFJ.

Also, Clark Kent/Superman is an ISFJ 2w1 So/Sx, as well as Mother Theresa.

There's many IxFJ type 2, I think. Other types of introvert are more rare.


Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Just wondering if anyone can point me to any examples of introverted Type Twos. Either television/movie characters or forum members here whos posts I can read to better understand them and see if there are many/any similarities to myself. I know that twos are traditionaly outgoing Fe doms, but I relate to the 2s core values more than the other enneagram types, so I'm looking to see what non traditional Twos look like.

If you happen to be an introvert 2, how well do you relate to the description of 2s at various levels, and what is your wing?

Question for everyone:
Do you think the description of 2s is strongly tilted toward 2w3s and that it may be a poor representation of 2w1s?


Renee Fleming: INFJ 2w1 Sp/Sx


Lay the coin on my tongue
May 26, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I think [MENTION=8485]tinker683[/MENTION] and [MENTION=4398]Giggly[/MENTION] are both ISFJ type 2s. (sorry if I got that wrong, guys!!)

I agree with Speed that IxFJ seems like the most likely introverted 2. INFP seems like another likely possibility. Other introverted types seem less likely to me.


Whackus Bonkus
Nov 8, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I think [MENTION=8485]tinker683[/MENTION] and [MENTION=4398]Giggly[/MENTION] are both ISFJ type 2s. (sorry if I got that wrong, guys!!)

I agree with Speed that IxFJ seems like the most likely introverted 2. INFP seems like another likely possibility. Other introverted types seem less likely to me.

Two or Nine, one of those. I have strong characteristics of both. Probably along my Tri-type


Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Neil Diamond: INFP 2w3 Sx/Sp
John Denver: I?F? 2w3 So/Sx
[MENTION=7063]SilkRoad[/MENTION]: I don't think INFP 2s are all that common. INFJ 2s are probably a little more common because of Fe.


New member
Sep 30, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Thanks for the suggestions, that gives me more things to be on the lookout for when I'm watching tv or browsing youtube for music or videos.

I've read a few posts from Tinker and Giggly, but not enough to feel like I have a good sense of either of them, so I'll be on the lookout for more of their posts as well.

I'm curious about what things you most strongly agree with in the description of 2s, and what things you don't see in yourself that 2s are described as

Thanks again,


Whackus Bonkus
Nov 8, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I've read a few posts from Tinker and Giggly, but not enough to feel like I have a good sense of either of them, so I'll be on the lookout for more of their posts as well.

You can always bounce over to my blog under the SJ blogs if you'd like :)

I'm curious about what things you most strongly agree with in the description of 2s, and what things you don't see in yourself that 2s are described as

Thanks again,

Ok, firstly, I'm a guy so please keep that in mind :D

The need to be needed for one thing. It's something I *very* quietly go about expressing but I very often do things for my friends and my family not because I'm just trying to be nice but because I want to feel like I'm needed, like I'm an essential cog in the wheel and that I'm very important to them (and I want to, in a socially acceptable way, to tell them how much I care about them as well :) .)

Example: I live with my ESTP dance partner and my ENFP friend. ESTP is the owner of the house and I have a long, convoluted history with her (See blog for more details on that).

Well, it's Christmas time and I wanted to do something nice for her so I decided I'd pay someone to fix her garage door. The main spring had busted and she's been having a lot of problems with her car so she doesn't have a lot of money herself. The total cost was almost $400 but I don't really care. It's Christmas and I want her to feel safe around me, like she can depend on me. It's a feeling I very strongly desire. I had the money budgeted already so I went ahead and did that.

Thing number 2: My basic, primal fear is being unloved and unwanted. It's actually why I became suicidal and depressed ten years ago, because I was convinced that I was unlovable (I'm very happy to say that I know that isn't the case anymore :) ). But I also haven't been in an emotionally intimate relationship in almost 9 years and the loneliness can be really tough. I had a strictly physical relationship once a few years ago but it was a very empty and hollow experience for me so I avoid those. I'm happy that some people can be content with them but it's something that simply isn't for me.

Thing Number 3: Pride. My personal pride is one of my more closely kept secrets. I put on a very strong appearance of humility and while I do think I am a humble and modest person, I know for a fact that I do have a strong sense of self worth and when others don't recognize that as much as I'd like them too, there is a part of me that gets very bitter and resentful about it. There is a part of me that strongly dislikes it when my accomplishments go unnoticed, when my efforts are taken for granted, my adoration ignored, my kindness abused. I get this ugly feeling of, "Someone like you should be GLAD that someone like me is willing to even give you the time of day, you worthless parasite!" that I really don't like. It's truly one of the aspects of myself that I wish I could change the most.

Mind you these feelings and impulses that I *rarely* ever express and I'm ashamed to even admit that I have them. I know their irrational and I know they're only reactions caused by loneliness, a willing on my own part to allow others to take advantage of me (which I've taken steps to stop for the past couple of years and I've had pretty good success), and some as-of-yet unresolved feelings of inferiority that I've carried with me since I was in elementary school.

Now, that being said, I hope you don't get the wrong idea and think me some mental case. The past two years have been a time of significant personal growth for me. I've learned how to get over my pride and realize that it's OK and even worthwhile to give affection and attention for it's own sake and not get anything back for it. I've learned to stand up for myself, express myself, and to say no without beating the shit of myself with guilt for being a worthless friend or worker because I failed some bullshit expectation of me that didn't exist in the first place.

I'm a much different person now than I was a few years ago and I'm very proud of that :)


New member
Sep 30, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Thanks for your reply,

I'll visit your blog after I reply here...
Read a few posts from the beginning of your blog, when you described your internal thought processes I could relate to some of the relationship stuff - felt similar to things I went through in high school and shortly after that and I approached similar situations in similar ways.

I am also male, and sometimes I do forget that gender can account for some type descriptions being skewed more toward one gender or the other (but I think that applies more to MBTI than the Enneagram).

That need to be needed bit is interesting. I feel in myself what I would call a "need to be wanted" and a "desire to be helpful", but I would not say I feel a "need to be needed".

I enjoy the feeling I get from doing things for others and by helping friends and family out whenever I can, and I also enjoy doing things for some strangers, but when it gets outside of friends and family, I limit it to social groups I identify with on some level. I usually won't go out of my way to help complete strangers, but if I see something in them that I identify with, then I don't mind taking the time to talk with them and see if there is anything I can do for them, but I usually limit it to advice and/or sympathy in those cases. One very important factor for me is that if someone asks me to do something for them, that diminishes the enjoyment of it in most cases (if they are coming to me because its a personal matter and they trust me to be able to talk about it, or if they are seeking my help in an area I have expertise in, thats something I appreciate, and is very different from "hey, can you help me move furniture this weekend?") - if I don't feel like I'm the one making the choice of how to use my time and talents to do something for someone, then it doesnt feel special to me. When I can do something unexpected and/or creative for someone that brightens their day, thats when I feel really good about it. Sometimes I will be shopping and see something and say "oh! I bet so and so would love this" and get it for them (at least thats what I used to do when i was employed :)), and sometimes a friend will talk about some problem they are having, and if I think I can offer advice, support or a solution, I will try to find a way to approach them and offer to help (if I feel there is anything i can do).

Being motivated by wanting to be loved is the main thing I identify with in Type 2s, but I'm not sure if what I feel is quite the same thing as you describe either. My single greatest goal in life is to find one person I can love who will also love me and I can spend the rest of my life with. Outside of the desire for a romantic love, I do still have a very strong desire to be liked and respected by everyone, but I'm not sure where that fits when compared to wanting to be loved by everyone. I have felt the frustration of love not returned before, and I questioned weather I was worthy of being loved at that time which sounds similar to the fear of being unlovable, but its something I only experience when I love someone and I begin to have doubts whether they feel the same or not. I've never felt the feeling of "nobody loves me" because I know I have relatives and friends that care about me, but their feelings about me are not what really matters to me in the moments where I'm questioning my self worth.

I'm actually more likely to feel anger/frustration/torment at the sentiment of "nobody understands me" (which points back to a high probability that 4 is my core type even tho I don't make an effort to be individualistic). There was a year or two in my life where I felt like all I needed was "someone who understands me", but through nearly all my life I've felt/known that what I need is "somebody to love who will also love me", so I have a hard time deciding which of those is more influential in Enneagram type.

The notion of a self image of "goodness" is one I also relate to at least a little bit. I didn't used to give this much thought, but there have been several instances where it was brought to my attention that several people did not feel I showed enough appreciation for the things they did for me and although it never crossed my mind that a simple "thank you" was insufficient, I still felt terrible once I knew how they felt. I try to be humble about it, and I don't ask for or expect anything when I do something for someone, but I do feel a sense of pride in the attributes of being "kind" and "caring" and when I feel that I have failed to be those things, I feel bad about myself. It's only happened a couple times in my life but I have had moments where I felt like (but do not actually say) "I do my best to be there for all of you, but when I need some help, is anyone willing to do the same for me? no!" (that particular instance was in regard to frustration with my guild mates when I was playing a Everquest quite a few years ago). I can't deny feeling a bit of resentment in those rare times, and of course I later go on to feel bad about having had that feeling/reaction in the first place.

I'm going through a phase of my own right now where I'm trying to analyze and correct my flaws and weak areas, but for me those are quite different than the ones you have overcome. For me, those problem areas are self confidence, self sufficiency, not being as open as I feel I should be in relationships, and being more receptive to the concerns and feedback of friends and family.