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Newbie here, undecided about my type...


May 15, 2014
Hi guys I'm new to the forum (just joined today). One thing that has been bugging me a lot and drove me to join is difficulty assigning a personality to myself. I have a little experience in personality theory but would like others' opinions. To help you guys narrow it down, I'll start with what I know; I know I'm a Ni dom. The questions I (and other people, lol) often ask me is whether I'm an INTJ or INFJ. At various times I've identified as either one but not really felt at home with either description. Here are my results from the cognitive Function test at Similar-Minds:

Te (Extroverted Thinking) (45%)
your valuation of / adherence to logic of external systems / hierarchies / methods

Ti (Introverted Thinking) (50%)
your valuation of / adherence to your own internally devised logic/rational

Ne (Extroverted Intuition) (45%)
your valuation of / tendency towards free association and creating with external stimuli

Ni (Introverted Intuition) (100%)
your valuation of / tendency towards internal/original free association and creativity

Se (Extroverted Sensing) (0%)
your valuation of / tendency to fully experience the world unfiltered, in the moment

Si (Introverted Sensing) (50%)
your valuation of / focus on internal sensations and reliving past moments

Fe (Extroverted Feeling) (50%)
your valuation of / adherence to external morals, ethics, traditions, customs, groups

Fi (Introverted Feeling) (70%)
your valuation of / adherence to the sanctity of your own feelings / ideals / sentiment
based on your results your type is likely - infj

I notice some other people have been answering a questionnaire, so maybe that will help:

0. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex, age, and current state of mind.

The time of the day, actually. I have a strong diurnal cycle, I tend to be a lot clearer and more logical in the morning. Tiredness brings out the worst of me, I can sometimes get angry and shitty with people. And I've just take a break from writing a hard essay so I'm not the calmest I could be. I'd take that test score with a grain of salt lol, it's just a rough indication.

1. Click on this link: Flickr: Explore! Look at the random photo for about 30 seconds. Copy and paste it here, and write about your impression of it.

I'm not that good at describing pictures, sorry, but i'll try...what really stands out to me the most is the general symmetry/structure in the picture, the sense of order, and how that little flower in the foreground disrupts it. The flowers in the right foreground also seem quite imposing and aggressive, as if they're reaching towards me. Whoever has taken this photo has done a great job with the camera angles to create the contrast.

2. You are with a group of people in a car, heading to a different town to see your favourite band/artist/musician. Suddenly, the car breaks down for an unknown reason in the middle of nowhere. What are your initial thoughts? What are your outward reactions?

My initial thought would be frustration, with everything, and i'd mentally be making estimates about how much later we'd be. I'd also very quickly get restless and impatient, as I'd immediately start thinking about alternative ways to get to the concert. My outward reaction would be anger, I'd probably say something, but then I'd figure to what to do next.

3. You somehow make it to the concert. The driver wants to go to the afterparty that was announced (and assure you they won't drink so they can drive back later). How do you feel about this party? What do you do?

Well i wouldn't go to an after-party, as I mentioned I'm not an evening person. So I'd be ambivalent at best. But it would really irritate me that the driver decided to. I would've thought part of his job/contract would be to drive us straight back after the concert. In that situation I'd arrange for a taxi to take me back home but I would take the driver's name and complain to the company about what had happened the next day.

4. On the drive back, your friends are talking. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward reaction? What do you outwardly say?

Ignore it. I'm pretty confident in my views, and as I don't like conflict with my friends, they mean a lot to me. I may know that what they're saying is wrong but I realise that it's not worth arguing about. I would frown, use facial expressions to show I disapproved.

5. What would you do if you actually saw/experienced something that clashes with your previous beliefs, experiences, and habits?

It depends a lot on what you're talking about. I am generally pretty adaptable and open to changing my way of doing things as long as my beliefs, principles are not being violated in some way. For example if I failed an assignment due to procrastinating and starting too late I would at least try and adjust my work schedule. But my way of actually perceiving the world is inviolable and is not changing for anyone.

6. What are some of your most important values? How did you come about determining them? How can they change?

My most important values are loyalty, honesty and integrity (which are really all variations on the same theme). I am not sure how I came about determining them to be honest, I think they're just a part of who I am, and they're not going to change. It takes me a long time to trust someone fully, though I have a habit of "just knowing" without evidence whether someone is a good or bad person. Once i trust someone I will stick with them pretty much whatever (this has been abused a bit).

7. a) What about your personality most distinguishes you from everyone else? b) If you could change one thing about you personality, what would it be? Why?

Probably how reflective I am, how I see trends and think in the terms of the future, I dislike people who are unable to see the long term consequences of their actions. If I could change one thing about my personality, it would be either being more confident socially (especially with girls) or being less perfectionist.

8. How do you treat hunches or gut feelings? In what situations are they most often triggered?

I just have them, they're part of how I make decisions generally. It's kind of hard to explain (sorry I'm not being helpful here).

9. a) What activities energize you most? b) What activities drain you most? Why?

I get most energized with new knowledge and experiences, especially traveling, as well as listening to, playing and composing (as long as I'm not under too much stress) music. What drains me the most? I'm not quite sure but sitting at a desk for hours having to write essays, like I've had to do recently, would be near the top...

10. What do you repress about your outward behavior or internal thought process when around others? Why?

I pretty much freak out so go on autopilot when talking to girls so it's hard to say, I'm pretty nervous about how I'll be perceived. With other people I guess I'm thinking about not reveling things that might be used against me later while being forthright and engaging. It's a balance.


New member
May 8, 2014
Hi, SilentMusing. Welcome on forum.

I read your anserws and you seems diffident ISTP. I am not sure.
Could you take another tests and write more about yourself?


May 15, 2014
Hi, SilentMusing. Welcome on forum.

I read your anserws and you seems diffident ISTP. I am not sure.
Could you take another tests and write more about yourself?

Sure, here's another cognitive function test, from Keys2Cognition:

Your Cognitive Development Profile
The forty-eight questions you rated earlier tap into the eight cognitive processes. Some questions tapped into basic or developed use of a process used by itself, while other questions tapped into use of multiple processes at once. The profile below is based on your responses. The number of squares indicate strength of response. The equivalent numeric is shown in parentheses along with likely level of development.
Cognitive Process Level of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)
extraverted Sensing (Se) ***************** (17.1)
limited use
introverted Sensing (Si) *********************** (23.7)
limited use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ********************* (21.5)
limited use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ************************************************** (50.6)
excellent use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ******************** (20.5)
limited use
introverted Thinking (Ti) *********************************** (35.8)
good use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ********************* (21.8)
limited use
introverted Feeling (Fi) ************************************************ (48.8)
excellent use

Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive processes, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: INFJ

Lead (Dominant) Process
Introverted Intuiting (Ni): Transforming with a meta-perspective. Withdrawing from the world and focusing your mind to receive an insight or realization. Checking if synergy results. Trying out a realization to transform things.

Support (Auxilliary) Process
Extraverted Feeling (Fe): Building trust through giving relationships. Empathically responding to others' needs and take on their needs and values as your own. Checking for respect and trust. Giving and receiving support to grow closer to people.

If these cognitive processes don't fit well then consider these types: ENFJ, or INTJ


I would take the second test result more seriously as I took that test when I was back to my normal, calm, state.

Re saying more about myself, what would you like to know? Anything in particular? There's a lot I could say so some direction would be helpful.... I've added a bit more detail to my previous answers, too, now I have more time.


May 15, 2014
OK, a full day and very few replies...I'm going to go with my gut here.


New member
May 8, 2014
You should read about all 16 types. Look for similarities.

Could you take another tests and write more about yourself?
I asked you to write something about yourself. More then better.
How you spend your free time: at home or hung out with friends? What is you like? Party, travel, sport, new people, movies... etc.


May 15, 2014
[MENTION=21639]SilentMusings[/MENTION] there's a high chance that you are a Ti-dom... You seem to be impatient a bit as well... pointing at impulsivity... So you may be an IxTP...

Do these tests please...

Free Enneagram Personality Test

Socionics Tests


Enneagram Test Results

The Enneagram is a personality system which divides the entire human personality into nine behavioral tendencies, this is your score on each...

Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||| 38%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||| 14%
Type 3 Image Focus |||||||||||||||| 62%
Type 4 Individualism |||||||||||||||| 66%
Type 5 Intellectualism |||||||||||| 42%
Type 6 Security Focus |||||||||||||||||| 74%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||| 38%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||||| 54%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||| 42%

(14% helpfulness...lolol)

Test Results
Your Sociotype: ILI-3Ni (INTp)
Brief Description of the ILI

Using introverted intuition as his base function and extroverted thinking as his creative, the ILI is capable of deep and vivid imagery as well as the ability to analyze the correctness of conclusions. In fact, the ILI is excellent at critiquing everything from someone's statements and conclusions to the food he eats. They have an inherent understanding of the weak points in any argument, and they are particularly adept at identifying both empirical weaknesses and logical inconsistencies. As paradoxical as it might sound, the ILI has both the ability to foresee future trends and events, while at the same time refusing to make any assumptions that lack a thorough empirical backing. At his best, the ILI will act as a very useful advisor, pointing out weaknesses and flaws that he sees, while also making suggestions for improvements. At his worst, the ILI's penchant for deep and secluded thoughts, coupled with his refusal to sacrifice truth and accuracy in favor of diplomacy, can result in leaving him socially isolated. Learn more about the ILI here!
Other Possible Types

LIE (ENTj): 82% as likely as ILI.
IEI (INFp): 78% as likely as ILI.
LII (INTj): 77% as likely as ILI.


New member
May 8, 2014
I don't see his N but I think we agreed on I?TJ.
I point at S cos how he describe picture.

SilentMusings, I think you are ISTJ 6w5. Read a few descriptions and write what you think about it. You should also read INTJ.
You seems veery introvert, even too much. I read your post in another thread. Your response was TJ.


May 15, 2014
I don't see his N but I think we agreed on I?TJ.
I point at S cos how he describe picture.

SilentMusings, I think you are ISTJ 6w5. Read a few descriptions and write what you think about it. You should also read INTJ.
You seems veery introvert, even too much. I read your post in another thread. Your response was TJ.

I have never considered ISTJ as a type simply because I know I'm not a Sensor. In case you mention the self-reporting bias there is inherent to the online questionnaires, I would point to this test Frame and Line Test which differentiates obvious N and S preference users. My scores were 90 and 43 on the first and second tasks.

INTJ as a type? That's actually the type I had originally assigned myself but I started having doubts about it, because of how emotionally dense I am as a person compared to the other posters I was associating with, and I kind of got the feeling that I wasn't the same as them and that they didn't view me as such. Often when I am tired or upset, all these feelings and frustrations that I'd usually be able to suppress just come out. But that can happen to anyone I guess, we just have differing thresholds.

I'm "too introverted"? lol.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013

Enneagram Test Results

The Enneagram is a personality system which divides the entire human personality into nine behavioral tendencies, this is your score on each...

Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||| 38%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||| 14%
Type 3 Image Focus |||||||||||||||| 62%
Type 4 Individualism |||||||||||||||| 66%
Type 5 Intellectualism |||||||||||| 42%
Type 6 Security Focus |||||||||||||||||| 74%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||| 38%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||||| 54%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||| 42%

Your enneagram results are not consistent with INTP type (your socionics test result)...

Your enneagram results yield; 6w5 - 4w3 - 9w8 = (according to my own interpretation) Te - Fe Fi - Si ~= ESTJ

Does this description fit ESTJ personality | 16 Personality Types ?

If not, what about this ISTP personality | 16 Personality Types ?


May 15, 2014
Your enneagram results are not consistent with INTP type (your socionics test result)...

Your enneagram results yield; 6w5 - 4w3 - 9w8 = (according to my own interpretation) Te - Fe - Si ~= ESTJ

Does this description fit ESTJ personality | 16 Personality Types ?

If not, what about this ISTP personality | 16 Personality Types ?

I took another Enneagram test (PersonalityCafe) and came out as 4w6. Go figure. Self reporting tests are unreliable.

It's another subject in itself but a particular Enneagram =/= a particular MBTI type. Compare the number of potential Enneagram results to potential MBTI ones.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
I took another Enneagram test (PersonalityCafe) and came out as 4w6. Go figure. Self reporting tests are unreliable.

A particular Enneagram =/= a particular MBTI type, just think about the number of potential combinations there are.

The wing should be of one of the adjacent types to your 4... 4w5 or 4w3... If you have enough knowledge to lecture me, then why not figure out your type yourself?


May 15, 2014
Your enneagram results are not consistent with INTP type (your socionics test result)...

Your enneagram results yield; 6w5 - 4w3 - 9w8 = (according to my own interpretation) Te - Fe - Si ~= ESTJ

Does this description fit ESTJ personality | 16 Personality Types ?

If not, what about this ISTP personality | 16 Personality Types ?

I took another Enneagram test (PersonalityCafe) and came out as 4w6 (the personality description of which makes more sense to me). Go figure. Self reporting tests are unreliable tbh.

A particular Enneagram logically =/= a particular MBTI type, just think about the number of potential combinations there are.

And the attachment works for me when I click the link from your quote, so...


  • LabintheWild.jpg
    33 KB · Views: 193


May 15, 2014
I wanted others' opinions on the T-F axis, which it's hard for me to objectively decide on, you and others have helped me make a decision there so I thank you for that.

Having a mini war about the other axes isn't what I'd had in mind.

EDIT: I made a typo, it was 4w5, thanks for pointing that out :huh: I'm not so much of an asshole that I can't admit when I stuff up.


failed poetry slam career
Oct 18, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Well, well... looks like we got ourselves another INTJ-4 that is. I'm INTp-1Te that is.


May 15, 2014
Both of you are probably sixes, lol.

I've done the test here www.enneagramquiz.com/ and this is what I got:

You are a Type 5 with a 6 wing: "The Scientist"

Your trifix is 5w6, 1w2, 4w5.

In enneagram theory, you have one type for how you relate to the world (either 8, 9, or 1), one type for how you think (5, 6, 7) and one type for how you see yourself (2, 3, 4.) Your tri-fix contains one number from each of these triads. They are listed in the order of how strongly they present in your personality.

Your core type (your strongest type) is Type 5 with a 6 wing: Type Five individuals are cerebral, intelligent, and complex. Type Five is often called the Investigator type, because they are constantly trying to learn more about the world. To a Five, knowledge is power, and knowing more about the world around them makes the world a safer place. It’s common for a Five to withdraw into their own thoughts and ruminate on intricate ideas and concepts. Type Fives, when they are in a growth state, become self-confident and authoritative like a Type Eight. When they are stressed, Type Fives become scattered like an unhealthy Type Seven. You are a Type Five with a Six wing, which means that the cerebral nature of a Type Five combines with the troubleshooting thought style of a Type Six. This makes Type 5w6 the Enneagram type of the stereotypical scientist – the 5w6 is always creating new ideas and testing them.

Your second type (your next strongest type) is Type 1 with a 2 wing: Type One individuals have a very finely tuned sense of right and wrong, and they chart the course of their lives by following a righteous path. This doesn’t have to be religious… it can be any set of principles that the Type One finds ethical. Ones are perfectionists, often setting high standards for themselves and others. Type One may very well be the noblest type in the Enneagram. When a Type One is in a state of growth, they become excited and joyous like a Type Seven. When a Type One is stressed, they become emotional and overwhelmed like an unhealthy Type Four. You are a Type One with a Two wing, which means that the righteous traits of a Type One combine with the helpful nature of a Type Two. This makes you naturally inclined to advocate on behalf of other people, and the welfare of others is probably an important part of your worldview.

Your third type (the least-used of the three) is Type 4 with a 5 wing: Type Four individuals are intensely emotionally aware, and often retreat to their rich inner world of concepts and ideas. They are the most artistic type in the Enneagram and driven to create their own, unique identity. Type Fours value authenticity highly and express themselves whenever they can. They are one of the most individualistic types in the Enneagram. Type Fours, when in a state of growth, become principled like Type Ones. When stressed, Type Fours can become clingy like an unhealthy Type Two. You are a Type Four with a Five wing, which means that the individualist nature of a Four combines with the cerebral nature of a Five to make you one of the most creative types in the Enneagram.

What do you think?