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Lumi's Type Emporium: Do You Wanna Get Typed


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I know you typed me already but I am still curious!
For enneagram:
For heart: This is the hardest to read on you, from what you've posted. Honestly, any of them could possibly be it, but 3 seems least likely. You're so 9 that your motivation to seem one way or another is hidden under the transparency of the 9 honesty. (Can something be hidden under something transparent? It can now lol ;)). I think I'm gonna guess 2 here, but 4 is a real possibility.
For head: 5 seems most likely here. For 5: secretive, withdrawn, introspective, feel different, retreat into your mind, think before acting, withholding, undemanding, fear intrusion. For 6: dependable, self doubting, seem conscientious. For 7: fluid, unpolished in a way, optimistic, frustrated, open, charming, caring, dispersed.
For gut: And you're very clearly 9w1 core. For 9: accommodating, agreeable, stubborn, patient, withdrawn, introspective, feel different, seek harmony, fear conflict, self effacing, modest, unassertive, attached to peace, deflecting, steadfast, affable.

9w1 5w? 2w1. Silent cerebral water persuasion, soft lucidity.

For instinctual stacking:
SP: Since the other two seem so strong that I wouldn't guess they were last, I guess this one must be. But it doesn't seem like you're lacking here.
SX: Your collages have enough sx, that I would be really surprised if you had this last in your stacking. There's so much, that it's possible you're sx dom.
SO: There's quite a bit of so sparkle and diffusion in your collages also, so I don't think it would be last.

Synflow, so either so/sx or sx/sp.

The Extraversion-Introversion Facets: Forgive me if I'm way off on these.
Initiating-Receiving: R - I
Expressive-Contained: C -I
Gregarious-Intimate: balanced
Active-Reflective: leaning R-I
Enthusiastic-Quiet: Q-I

The Sensing-Intuition Facets:
Concrete-Abstract: seems more A- N
Realistic-Imaginative: ?
Practical-Conceptual: not sure
Experiential-Theoretical: guessing T -N
Traditional-Original: O -N
N seems likely, but could possibly be S, don't know you well enough for a better guess.

The Thinking-Feeling Facets:
Logical-Empathic: ?
Reasonable-Compassionate: C -F
Questioning-Accommodating: A -F
Critical-Accepting: leaning A -F
Tough-Tender: tender -F
Likely F

The Judging-Perceiving Facets:
Systematic-Casual: balanced
Planful-Open-Ended: ?
Early Starting-Pressure-Prompted: P
Scheduled-Spontaneous: P
Methodical-Emergent: seem to be more P
Likely P

Likely INFP


May 24, 2020
Wanna play?

  • Context
    • What is your age range and country?
      • 30-40, Hålogaland (What Scotland is to the UK).
    • Do you have any impairments that may affect the way that you answer this questionnaire?
      • I have BPD.
    • Any religious or political beliefs that also might have an effect?
      • Nordic religion. Former center-left. Now far-right.
    • Which types are you currently considering?
      • INTJ
    • Why are you considering them and why haven't you decided on one?
      • I have decided. I’m none the less intrigued by what you see, and this forum is pretty dead so trying to get some interaction going.
    • What do you deem as your purpose in life?
      • One of the issues with BPD is that you are void of identity and purpose.
    • Of the seven deadly sins, which one(s) do you relate to the most and the least and why?
      • An odd combination of Wrath and Sloth.
  • Analyzing your relationships with others, briefly describe:
    • The type of people you are drawn to.
      • Men: Calm and deflective, or easy to make laugh.
      • Women: Reserved, hawkeyed, quick with non-toxic wit.
    • The type of people who are drawn to you.
      • Men: Same as above.
      • Women: All kinds, except fanciful people. I have dated someone timid, nerdy, druggy, and an entrepreneur (ran their own shop).
    • The type of people you are repulsed by.
      • Fanciful people, and wannabes. Braggarts are annoying, but I’m not repulsed by them.
  • What are the traits in others that you admire but you cannot emulate yourself? Elaborate.
    • I used to be good at keeping my mouth shut. Now I don’t. I was more likeable when I kept my mouth shut.
  • Describe your relationship with the following:
    • Anger: Yes, but I keep it under somewhat control (BPD).
    • Shame: Yes (BPD).
    • Fear: Only in relationships (BPD).
    • Love/passion: Not anymore.
    • Conflict: Bleh.
  • What are some of the themes that have played a prominent role in your life (i.e., a struggle you've been unable to conquer, etc.)?
    • I don’t understand this question. I’ve conquered all my struggles, except the internal ones.
  • Answer only one of the following:
    • [College aged and above] What is your area of work/study? Why did you choose this, and would you change it? If so, what would be your ideal?
      • Computer engineer, systems developer, cybersecurity expert. I chose it because I’ve been doing it all my life.
  • When meeting a new person, what do you tend to focus on?
    • Making them laugh at my crippling sense of irony?
  • How do you feel about humanity as a whole?
    • It’s a very boring subject. Humans are full of themselves.
  • What do you feel are some of the biggest problems the human race faces and why?
    • I work on developing alternative energy sources because the chemistry and physics is fun, not because I care about the environment. I don’t care about the rest neither.
  • What are some of your hobbies and interests?
    • Programming.
  • How do you usually "hang out" with your friend(s)? When answering, think about what activities you tend to choose, whether you hang out with one person at once or many, whether or not you initiate the interaction.
    • If it’s 1-3, then we play some video games. If it’s more than that, then we have some BBQ, some drinks, and a laugh. I try to initiate contact once in a while because as we grow older people withdraw.
  • What is more important, actions or words? Why?
  • Both. If one does not match the other, they’re lying.
  • Oh dear, you've been cursed by a witch! It's ok though, you get a choice on which curse you will receive (elaborate why):
    • To be immortal.
      • Because I want to live to see this Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard trial come to an end.
  • What do you hope to avoid being? If it helps, describe a person who embodies what you avoid/you as a villain, etc.
    • My father’s lack of dignity, and my mother’s succubus nature.
  • How do you relate to obsession? Do you tend to "merge" with others or your interests? How do you feel about the idea of doing this?
    • This is a BPD issue.
  • Organized or messy? Plans and blueprints or impulse and surprises? What are your preferences and tendencies?
    • Both. I like to see change happen as I figure something out and adapt from there. I lack structure in my life but try to set myself rules to follow. I like making spontaneous choices, like suddenly drive off somewhere, but if I need to travel afar, I organize everything to the last-minute detail.
  • How do you subjectively view comfort and how do you create comfort in your life and surroundings?
    • Keeping the house clean and simple keeps me from regressing. To that end, a black and white theme is not just stylish but looks simple and clean. I prefer sweating over freezing. I want to put up pictures of my sister and her family, but I keep forgetting to buy the frames. I keep a lot of historical and cultural props around the house. I try to get some candles and lights out for Christmas, but nothing that doesn’t take 5 minutes tops to pack/unpack.


New member
May 26, 2022
1) Context:
a) What is your age range and general location (Country so that cultural values can be taken into account)? Do you have any impairments that may affect the way that you answer this questionnaire? Any religious or political beliefs (or anything else along those lines) that also might have an effect?

I'm 27 years old Indonesian woman with social anxiety. I'm not a native English speaker and I consider my English isn't good but isn't bad either, so maybe there will be some misunderstanding, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes. Islam is my religion but I don't really practice it and I'm not into politics so I don't have political beliefs.

b) Which types are you currently considering? Why are you considering them and why haven't you decided on one?

MBTI: All I'm sure about is I'm a feeling type so you can rule out any thinking types. I'm open to any feeling types, but ISFJ is the type I consider the most. I considered ISFP and ESFP in the past too but I'm no longer considered it actually.

Enneagram: Used to be torn between 9 and 6, but now I start to think I might also be a 7 with social anxiety and I'm actually no longer considered 6 (but I'm still open to the suggestion that I could be a 6). I'm open to other type suggestions too, except for 1, 3, 5 and 8. I'm clearly not those types.

2) What do you deem as your purpose in life?

I don't know, I just want to create stability in my life, that's it.

3) Of the seven deadly sins, which one(s) do you relate to the most and the least and why?

Most: Sloth. I live in inertia, when I don't do something, it's hard to start, but when I do something, it's hard to stop. So if I have something important to do, I always do it immediately and finish everything at once before I can relax.

Least: Wrath. I don't think I've ever been extremely angry with people, except when I got into a physical fight once when I was 11. Yes I do feel wrath, but only occassionally and I never express it to people. I express it to inanimate objects like pillows, walls, doors, and chairs when I'm alone.

I don't relate to greed either because I prefer to keep my life simple. I never want anything more than I need, whether it's money, possession, or food. It might just be a waste if I have more than I need anyway. But when I was a child, I used to be greedy when it comes to my favorite food.

4) Analyzing your relationships with others, briefly describe:
a) The type of people you are drawn to

I'm drawn to people who are playful, have similar interests with me, non-judgemental, supportive and open-minded.

b) The type of people who are drawn to you

Whatever type I am, I know for sure I'm unhealthy so I don't think anyone is drawn to me :/

c) The type of people you are repulsed by

I'm repulsed by people who are rigid, perfectionistic, close-minded, too serious, demanding, critical and judgemental. I'm also repulsed by people who are too nice because I have the same tendency and I dislike this trait in me.

5)What are the traits in others that you admire but you cannot emulate yourself? Elaborate.

I admire people who are self confident and have a great communication skills because they're at ease in social situation.

6) Describe your relationship with the following:
a) Anger

It's so rare for me to express my anger to people and there are some people in my life who has never seen me being angry. It doesn't mean I don't feel the anger though. I feel angry, but I repress it when I'm in front of people more often than express it, then I express it when I'm alone like I said in the seven deadly sins section. The reason I repress it is I'm afraid of someone else's anger. Anger is usually being responded by even more anger from the other person and I don't know the reason why I'm afraid of it. If I wasn't afraid of it, I would express my anger more, because I don't see anger as inherently bad. It can be good or bad, depending on how you react to it.

b) Shame

I feel shame when I compare myself with my cousins who already had a successful life (translation: have a stable job and achieved financial security) while I haven't had it yet.

c) Fear

I have lots of fear. Some of my fears are rejection, being criticised harshly and, like I said above, someone else's anger. Fears are the main cause of my life problems.

d) Love/passion

I don't think I've ever loved anyone so much, except for my mom and a few of my favorite celebrities. I'm indifferent to people most of the time, even to my family members. If I do love a person, I don't show it with words. I show it through what I do for them. I support whatever decisions they make, being there when they need me, and sacrifice myself for them.

e) Conflict

I tend to avoid conflict because I fear it. But when people hurt my feelings, I can be silently revengeful because I want them to face the consequences of doing bad things to me. Justice isn't achieved before they get the consequences, so I can be relentless in this regard.

7) What are some of the themes that have played a prominent role in your life (ie. A struggle you've been unable to conquer, ect)?

I'm struggling with low self esteem. I don't know what are my strengths, gifts or talents. Whenever I look at myself, all I can see is my weaknessess. I have a deep seated feeling that I don't matter. When I was a child, my parents always compare me with other children, being too demanding with me and criticized me harshly whenever I made mistakes.

8) Answer only one of the following:
a) [College aged and above] What is your area of work/study? Why did you choose this and would you change it? If so, what would be your ideal?

I'm a street food vendor and I'd like to change my current job because I have an unstable income. I'd like to change to a job with a more stable monthly income. The main reason is I live in a rent house and sometimes my income isn't enough to pay the monthly rent. If I had a job with a stable monthly income, I could manage my money better and don't have to worry about money anymore. I think about being a web developer even though it's actually not my passion.

9) When meeting a new person, what do you tend to focus on?

Sometimes I focus on hoping they won't approach me and start talking to me because I'm afraid I can't respond and they would notice my lack of communication skills.

Other times I focus on being careful and not letting my guard down while still being kind to them, because if I let my guard down, I'm afraid they would take advantage of me. I often being taken advantage of because of my passivity and I'm sick of it. I want to prove to people I can't be taken advantage of while still being nice to them.

10) How do you feel about humanity as a whole? What do you feel are some of the biggest problems the human race faces and why?

I think I'm starting to lose faith in humanity. From what I observed, humans are being more and more selfish. They care only about themselves without any regard to others. For example: vendors that lied to the customers about the product they sell so they can gain maximum profit, people who clearly did something wrong but they don't want to admit and instead they become defensive, people who use others for their own benefit, etc. I feel angry knowing this fact. Don't get me wrong though, I realize I'm not perfect and I could never be because I'm also a human being after all, but people who have good intentions won't do such a thing.

11) What are some of your hobbies and interests?

I'm interested in science, especially the topics about outer space and weather/climate. I'm interested in music too, especially rock and EDM.

13) How do you usually hang out with your friend(s)? When answering, think about what activities you tend to choose, whether you hang out with one person at once or many, whether or not you initiate the interaction.

I rarely hang out, but if I do, I prefer to hang out with many people because it's more fun. The activities I choose is usually making grilled sausage and meat, eating out, travelling to places we've never been to or watching movies in a cinema. I don't initiate the conversation most of the time.

14) What is more important, actions or words? Why?

Actions. Words can lie because it's easier to say something than do something. Action is the thing that can separate hypocrites from people who are sincere. People can say they'll do this or that a million times to make people trust them, but the key is in the action.

15) Oh dear, you've been cursed by a witch! It's ok though, you get a choice on which curse you will receive. Will you choose:
a) To never be able to experience the sensation of taste
b) To be immortal
c) To lose your memories
d) To be poor for the rest of your life
e) Or to never experience passion
Elaborate on why!

To never experience passion, because it's already hard for me to be passionate on anything anyway lol. Or to lose my memories but only if I can pick what memories I can get rid of because I have some memories that I'd like to permanently forget so I won't fall into the depression hole.

16) What do you hope to avoid being? If it helps, describe a person who embodies what you avoid/you as a villain, ect.

I don't want to be a braggart because nobody likes a braggart. They're annoying as hell.

17) How do you relate to obsession? Do you tend to "merge" with others or your interests? How do you feel about the idea of doing this?

The only time I've ever had obsession was when I was obsessed with my favorite bands when I was a teenager. I listened to them exclusively, thought of them all the time, browse facts about them, etc. And now I still love those bands but no longer being obsessed with them.

18) Organized or messy? Plans and blueprints or impulse and surprises? What are you preferences and tendencies?

I'm in between to all of these. I'm not really organized but not really disorganized either. I used to be more disorganized as a child though. And if it wasn't because of my mom, I would've been disorganized until now.

I hate to make plans/to-do list/schedules for my daily activity because it feels too controlling and restricting. Whenever I want to do something and I tried to make plans/schedules for those things, it turns into something that I should do and it makes me feel pressured, and I always end up stop doing the thing. But in some areas, especially the more important ones, I prefer to have plans first because I'll have the chance to prepare myself first so I won't make mistakes or if I'll still make mistakes, I'll make as little mistakes as possible.

19) How do you subjectively view comfort and how do you create comfort in your life and surroundings?

I care about comfort so much, especially physical comfort. I always make sure I'm as comfortable as possible.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I figured I would answer questions to make myself more "known" for kicks and grins, no pressure. I did not feel like polishing this, though, so it's kind of a jumble... I am out of energy. :(

1) Context:
(a) Influences: Early 50's, east coast USA. No impairments. Despite an extensive religious background (Christianity), I identify as agnostic, and I am also not really attached to any political party but just to issues stances.
b) Prior typings: I started looking at type back in the late 90's and typically have identified as INTP, e5w4, tritype 549 / 594, either SX/SP or SP/SX variants, although I've dabbled at times with other things... but none match up as well.

2) What do you deem as your purpose in life?
Explore and understand new frameworks of thinking; find patterns in reality that can reflect and clarify each other; capture these experiences and truths and communicate them in ways that others can resonate with; tap into something profound, deep, and meaningful that is common to life / human experience; provide a new way of seeing to others
A lot of 5 & 9
3) Of the seven deadly sins, which one(s) do you relate to the most and the least and why?
Probably sloth or greed are the ones I relate to most -- i tend to retain inertia (so when I am not moving or not investing energy, it it hard to get moving; and when I am moving, it is hard to stop),
and also I tend to hoard resources / don't feel like anyone else will provide for me, so i need to store things up in case something bad happens.
These are just isolated facets of those two "sins," I don't really care to accumulate lots of wealth (greed) or be lazy for laziness sake (sloth).

I don't understand pride or envy at all. I tend to undermine myself / always see what I am lacking and second-guess myself rather than being full of hubris (pride), and I don't understand why seeing someone else having something is a cause for me to want to take it from them (envy). I am very capable of looking at someone who has more than me and/or things I wish I had, and not begrudge them having it.

4) Analyzing your relationships with others, briefly describe:
a) The type of people you are drawn to: Quiet, considerate, passionate, intelligent, thoughtful, great senses of humor, artistic,

b) The type of people who are drawn to you: none? I honestly don't know anymore, I don't feel attractive or interesting to anyone. I feel pretty invisible again.
:hug:You are very intelligent & interesting, and honestly, that's much of the reason it's taken me so long to come back to the thread to type you. There's so much complexity and depth that I am afraid I'm not going to add anything enlightening here...
c) The type of people you are repulsed by: arrogant / boastful, greedy, accusatory, cowardly, manipulative, people who purposefully misrepresent others to win points, people who lie lie lie lie lie. Also people who live in total fear and never taking risks, or who have no imagination and purposefully try to ruin those who do.

5) What are the traits in others that you admire but you cannot emulate yourself?
I admire people who can express emotion passionately, also people who can fight for others tirelessly or continuously take care of others / show ongoing compassion. I just don't have the energy or ability to be so expressive or overtly compassionate. My strengths are elsewhere.
5 + 9
6) Describe your relationship with the following:

a) Anger - Didn't feel anger for many years. Nowadays I feel angry more about the state of the world and the kinds of people I listed in #5 who are destroying the world. Most of my anger (what bit I had) when young, I would punish myself for my inability to conform to my logical ideals. I also can get pissed when driving, but that's kind of a lark. I also can feel angry at hypocrisy and people who approach political and social issues cynically (i.e., they claim to believe one thing while living a different way, all for the purpose of political gain).

b) Shame -- I lived a long time in shame and can still struggle, feeling like I'm inadequate and have accomplished nothing with my life or am wasting my life.

c) Fear -- Fear has been another part of my life. For a long time, I would avoid confrontation and not enter into risky situations out of fear (fear of making a mistake, fear of losing something, fear of rejection?) I can be a very anxious person despite my calm demeanor and always think ahead about risks with doing or saying something. The fear has lessened later in life. Also, weirdly, "courage" became a valued quality to me in my 30's, especially with my transition. Engaging life is an act of courage in itself, rather than avoiding potential conflict. Put another way, I feel like I grew a spine. I'm more liable to just state what I think nowadays, and also believe I can defend myself or succeed in trying circumstances.
9 + 6
d) Love/passion -- I always wanted to find "kindred spirits" when younger, locating the people I could just melt into so we could be part of each other. But that wasn't my marriage, and the few people I found who I felt like that was possible with (friends or lovers) have melted way over time, so i am alone. I feel like I threw everything I had at trying to make relationships work and nothing ever lasted. I don't even blame myself, because i also see other people not persisting long term either *(relationships are two-way)... although I do feel like there is just something I am missing and/or don't know how to do. (Despite having a family when I was growing up, we existed in silence and I feel like i never learned whatever I needed to learn.) Anyway... I feel like a poet / philosopher soul who can't connect well on a practical/emotional level and will now probably never find someone who I resonate with and vice versa.

e) Conflict -- I spent a lot of life avoiding conflict / keeping things stable. Now I find I have the capacity to scrap and fight for what I want or what I believe... but I still don't much care to, it just seems pointless to fight if you can find understanding with another and a compromise that benefits you both somehow.
7) What are some of the themes that have played a prominent role in your life (ie. A struggle you’ve been unable to conquer, ect)?
Obvious one is the gender issues, where I suffered horribly for almost four decades before finally reaching a point of peace and self-embrace, and it kind of changed my entire approach to life and my basis for decision-making.

Theme #2 -- finding god / higher truth / beauty. I have moved away from a search with an anthropomorphic focus, but some of the most beautiful things I experience involve profound engagement with nature (like in the movie "Sunshine" when Capa experiences the destructive + creative energy of the sun in a moment that stretches on for eternity, it's profound!)
Theme #3 -- loneliness. I have always felt alone, and now I feel like I will always be alone, there seems to be some uncrossable gulf separating all entities as a simple parameter of individual nature. At best we have others for a little while, and then the boats drift apart on the vast ocean. I wonder if i would feel differently if I had felt truly known and loved when I was young.
withdrawn + sp
8) Answer only one of the following:
a) [College aged and above] I am a systems analyst (team lead), currently working on legacy systems for a fedgov agency. My degree was a Bachelor of Arts (writing/English) and I had a lot of computer programming background for a non-major. I chose it because I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life and at least lucked into a viable career -- my first job was being a copy editor for technical books, and then I became a technical writer and documentation person, and then I became a systems analyst.

Looking at it overall, it is a good fit for me in terms of my skills and ability -- and as a lead I get to indulge in some high-concept/overview thinking rather than just working in the trenches all the time. I also make a lot of money, so I don't have to worry about income (aside from wondering if I will have enough retirement funds).
5 + sp
To be honest, I always wanted to write fiction, put together books, draw cartoons, and compose music. I spent a lot of effort on this when younger but failed mostly because I just did not have the connections I needed to succeed + was married with kids and just didn't have the time to focus on it all. I feel like there should have been more to my life than what I have done; I don't feel like I have had much value to a lot of people.
lack of so, focus on so
9) When meeting a new person, what do you tend to focus on?
Their demeanor, their sense of humor, whether they communicate well, whether they are open-minded, the kinds of questions they ask, etc.

10) How do you feel about humanity as a whole? What do you feel are some of the biggest problems the human race faces and why?
Kind of depressed. Individuals can be great, but society is like melting down a bunch of colored crayons -- it all becomes this gooey brown blah mess instead of retaining all of the bright individuality. I also watch culture cycle through repeatedly, the same mistakes are made repeatedly by human beings. Our toys are more complicated, but they just create more problems -- humanity's problem is inside itself, not external necessarily. We are self-centered and self-focused too much to engage the outside; or we are just so afraid of losing something we want that we destroy the other, or we destroy new ideas without examining them first. We also lie to ourselves a great deal / pretend things are okay when they are not, so nothing gets fixed. How many fucking problems do we actually create for ourselves, when there was no problem really?
11) What are some of your hobbies and interests?
Books, cinema, drawing, RPGs, drawing, walking/hiking, music

13) How do you usually “hang out†with your friend(s)? When answering, think about what activities you tend to choose, whether you hang out with one person at once or many, whether or not you initiate the interaction.
I no longer have any friends. I mean, I have "friends," but I only spend time with people at work as we work on things together. I do game twice a week via Discord, so that's fun but again limited to just RPGs. I comment on FaceBook (other people's posts) a bit, daily. I watch films with and talk to my eldest kid. I post here a bit each day. That is it.

When I would get together, typically it was just one-on-one (my preference). We'd go places, go shopping, get together for a meal, etc. I feel like my world got very small without me even trying.

14) What is more important, actions or words? Why?

Actions, in the end. Words are just words. But i do love words. Words are beautiful. Words take abstract ideas and put them together / boil them down so that they CAN be acted upon.

15) Oh dear, you’ve been cursed by a witch! It’s ok though, you get a choice on which curse you will receive. Will you choose….
a) To never be able to experience the sensation of taste
b) To be immortal
c) To lose your memories
d) To be poor for the rest of your life
e) Or to never experience passion

Wow, these all suck. I guess that's because they are "curses."

The most palatable is to be immortal. I guess if I had relationships, I wouldn't be as keen to watch everyone die, but since I'm rather alone, this gives me lots of time to observe, explore, and understand the world.
I already don't experience passion. I don't like being poor / not having my basic needs met or not having opportunities afforded by having some money. Losing my memories is actually death --- if we don't remember who we are, the identity ceases to be. And not being able to taste? It's the only sensuality I currently have in my life.

16) What do you hope to avoid being? If it helps, describe a person who embodies what you avoid/you as a villain, ect.
Never wanna be an invader or stalker
Or a hyprocrite or abuser
never be the reason another crawls back in their cave
or the one who crushes all their dreams and hopes
don't wanna be the one who sucks them dry
or the one they give up everything for because I can't live up to that price
5 + 9
17) How do you relate to obsession? Do you tend to "merge" with others or your interests? How do you feel about the idea of doing this?
My natural tendency is to find things I resonate and merge with them. I would never "possess" another, but when I say merge I mean "secret sharing / everything known and no judgment issues, just love/acceptance." Two people that know each other fully and are like merged souls.

Is it obsessive to find a piece of music I like, or an actor/director I like, or an author I like, and then immediate plunge into that entire genre/repertoire and become intimately involved with the details of that artist? I guess it could be, but that's what I do. I would never invade their privacy (and in fact feel stilted -- I'm scared to talk to people I admire because I never want to be seen as a pest or invader), but I will definitely learn everything I can quickly until there is no more I can find. I tend to know a lot about the things that resonate with me.
5, sx
18) Organized or messy? Plans and blueprints or impulse and surprises? What are you preferences and tendencies?
I am spatially organized but can't look neat and pressed even if I tried. I remember where I put various things even if it looks chaotic to anyone else, and it's all in relation to other things. I do think ahead and plan about things that matter (i.e., if the risk of failure would be too great, I plan) but always adjust my plan as I go and sometimes I just want to wing it so I can react the best in each moment. Very open-ended, very P.

19) How do you subjectively view comfort and how do you create comfort in your life and surroundings?
I don't like feeling miserable, and I do have a cubby-hole of a house, with the most comfortable food, surroundings, options. I keep the temperature at a consistent range (around 68-70F all year). I am a comfort eater, which isn't good for me honestly. i hate feeling on edge or in a constant state of deprivation. But i also don't like to sink a lot of time or resources into it, so never really become carnal.
In addition to the above, I looked through some of the other things you've posted on the forum over the years (a drop of them, as you've posted a lot), so I hope this is somehow worth the internet page it's written on. ;)

For enneagram: For heart: This is the hardest for me to judge with you. I think it could be 3 or 4, most likely. I'm pretty confident in it being last, since it's so hard to read. You are rather withdrawn, but with 59 leading, you'd be withdrawn no matter whether this is 3 or 4. You are quite self revealing, fear being insignificant, and perhaps focus on what's missing, are unsatisfied, and experience longing moreso than do you seem to be someone inattentive to feelings who seeks a polished image. So, I'm guessing 4.
For head: Well, this is pretty easy. 5: knowledge is an end in itself, you're secretive, process oriented, nihilistic, withdrawn, introspective, feel different, detached, offer up your talents/rejection triad, can be provocative, fear being helpless, retreat into your own mind, seek mastery, think before acting, theoretical, penetrating, cerebral, self sufficient, undemanding, investigative, inquisitive, systemic, objective, somewhat miserly, fear intrusion. I am going to guess 5w6, because with your sx being as strong as it is, well, 4sx just doesn't fit.
For gut: 9w1 is clear. You can be unenergetic, withdrawn, feel different, introspective, seek stability, seek harmony, fear loss and conflict, modest, seek permanence, unassertive, live vicariously, find comfort in routine, attached to peace, inclusive, affable.

594 Withdrawn fractured observer. It's interesting that you are triple withdrawn, yet you are very open in how much you share on the forum.

For instinctual stacking:
SP: You are very focused on the self-care zone, with food/fitness/sleep/relaxation being things you talk about a lot. Practicality and resources seem a decent focus for you, along with home life.
SX: I think you've got some focus on the area of attraction (perhaps the amount you share is part of broadcasting? and you're not confused about who you are attracted to), and there's some focus on exploration/activation/getting out of the comfort zone. It's complicated to gauge your level of the last zone, merging, because of your being a 5. Merging is really losing boundaries, energy so intense it can become obsessiveness, and with 5 making that more difficult, and to a certain extent, 9 also, it's really hard for me to say just by looking at the zones whether there would be more sx than sp. Probably more sp, just from the zones, and where your focus seems to be (but with you being a 5, it's possible that much of that sx is not visible to me). To be clear, it doesn't really matter how good you are at merging/losing boundaries or whether you want to, but rather you focus on it, and it seems like you very much do.
SO: You seem decently focused on interpretation (even if it's sometimes annoying for you) and participating, but like me, seem a little lost when it comes to connecting.

Even looking at Hudson's profiles doesn't help narrow it down. (Maybe one will ring truer for you than the other.)
The SP5: the passion of avarice in the SP zones. I translate this as "minimizing & containing needs in self pres." SP5s are the classic 5s in that they are the most introverted and the most needing solitude & space. They are the 5s who can easily feel drained by interaction. SP5s take pride in their ability to not need much in the way of comforts. But they have a great need for privacy & space. They may indeed enjoy going out to see friends, but they want to know when the gathering will be over. They are highly protective of their energy levels. SP5s, like SP4s, often focus on the domesticity zone, but in a very different way. Comfort & beauty are not priorities, but a space that feels like my domain, a place to think, to explore w/o interruption, to have my resources around me, is vital. Self care is seldom a focus. When troubled, SP5s can become eccentric or even delusional through extreme isolation. They may cut off from friends & allies, & descend into mental illness w/o reality checks. At their best, they follow a different drummer, & combine original thought w. human warmth & humor

Naranjo called SP5 Castle emphasizing the tendency to isolate and to create a fortress-like existence in the home. Stockpiling the castle can manifest as a tendency to hoarding. I call this subtype Solitude as it's a primary value for SP5s, although it can lead to isolation. Not every introvert is a 5. Enjoying private time is shared with 9s & 4s & the introverted expressions of any type. Further, avarice is not "being stingy with knowledge." Few 5s are that. It is withholding the self & the heart. It is an anxious contraction away from contact. Also, enjoying reading or learning is not the sole province of 5s. Many types enjoy these things. They key element in 5 is a capacity for long-term concentration & focus--even to an extreme degree. Most 5s collect things & the SP5 especially so. Look for shelves in the home!
The SX5: the passion of avarice in the SX zones. Avarice doesn't mean greed. It's withholding the heart & it is resisting need. Thus, "I don't want to need too much SX instinct, but..." SX5s are caught between the SX drive to become deeply involved & the 5 drive to pull back. SX5 tends to be more imaginative & creative rather than purely intellectual, especially with the 4-wing. The creativity here is provocative & dark, as if to frighten away those who aren't truly interested. SX5s test others to see if they can handle their strange inner worlds. Like SX4s, SX5s emphasize the edge & fusion zones of SX inst. The edge part is obvious--they like to explore the strange & forbidden. SX inst. can drive them to risk emotional connection, but when hurt they also can withdraw for a long time, perhaps staying single for years. When troubled, SX5s become nihilistic, withdrawing into a world of nightmarish fantasies & becoming overtly self-destructive. At their best, they invite others to see the strange wonder of existence, and may create artistic or scientific innovations well ahead of their time.

Naranjo called SX5 Confidence. This has a double meaning: the sharing of confidences--secrets & hidden knowledge, but also that SX5 needs confidence to overcome the impulse to withdraw & approach the object of desire. SX5s can be avoidant of those they are most attracted to. I call SX5 "This is My World." SX5s present peeks at their dark inner world, fairly convinced that most people will be turned off or dismiss them with nervous laughter. But if the other is intrigued, energy & interest go up, & the sense of fusion & exploration is unleashed. SX5 loves the freaky, sometimes disturbing elements of life, finding some of it also funny. It is worth noting that a number of horror writers & movie directors are 5s, & many SX5s. H.R. Giger is an example, his art is a blend of sexuality & the grotesque, but in a novel way
Either sx/sp or sp/sx.

For MBTI: Sorry if I simply don't know you well enough to be able to judge some of these very well...

The Extraversion-Introversion Facets:
Initiating-Receiving: leaning R? I
Expressive-Contained: ?
Gregarious-Intimate: I
Active-Reflective: I
Enthusiastic-Quiet: I

The Sensing-Intuition Facets:
Concrete-Abstract: you seem to be somewhat balanced here, like you're high in both lol
Realistic-Imaginative: probably N
Practical-Conceptual: N
Experiential-Theoretical: N
Traditional-Original: N?

The Thinking-Feeling Facets:
Logical-Empathic: seem midline
Reasonable-Compassionate: leaning T
Questioning-Accommodating: more T
Critical-Accepting: midline?
Tough-Tender: leaning T

The Judging-Perceiving Facets:
Systematic-Casual: seem midline, leaning P
Planful-Open-Ended: midline, leaning P
Early Starting-Pressure-Prompted: not sure
Scheduled-Spontaneous: J
Methodical-Emergent: P

INTP, what a surprise ;)


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Hi @Luminous , appreciate it if you could give it a go if you feel like it.

Another Krayfish questionnaire except this time, I haven't filled it out (yet)! I've filled out a ton of questionnaires and typed a lot of people, and these are some of the questions I've found to be most helpful. If you use it, please don't post your responses on this thread and also don't worry about credits because I don't care enough for that and lets face it, this probably isn't super unique. I may or may not edit this to add more questions/fix errors

Feedback would also be nice -

1) Context:

a) What is your age range and general location (Country so that cultural values can be taken into account)? Do you have any impairments that may affect the way that you answer this questionnaire? Any religious or political beliefs (or anything else along those lines) that also might have an effect? 40s

b) Which types are you currently considering? Why are you considering them and why haven’t you decided on one? N/A

2) What do you deem as your purpose in life? Find a life partner, strive to live without suffering and happily until I die.

3) Of the seven deadly sins, which one(s) do you relate to the most and the least and why? Most-Sloth cause I don't like going out and having to interact with people, Least - Greed cause I find minimalist lifestyle easier to manage.

4) Analyzing your relationships with others, briefly describe:

a) The type of people you are drawn to - Who can control their impulses and respect other people's boundaries

b) The type of people who are drawn to you - People who want to take advantage of me

c) The type of people you are repulsed by - People who don't respect others' rights and want to exploit them

5)What are the traits in others that you admire but you cannot emulate yourself? Elaborate. - Intimidation, so that they wouldn't try to fuck with me.

6) Describe your relationship with the following:
a) Anger - I get angry when people are blatantly disrespectful/uncivil and don't want to acknowledge their faults, try to mislead others for personal benefit. I try not to get angry and rather resort to legal course/authorities cause I don't have confidence in my brawling skills if it comes to that.

b) Shame - I have much less shame these days. I feel a bit ashamed when I make a blatant error of judgment/reasoning.

c) Fear - I don't like being afraid, I am afraid/tense around aggressive (risk of bodily harm) people and situations cause I don't know how to handle myself in those situations.

d) Love/passion - I don't fall in love or get infatuated as I used to anymore, I value compassion and understanding more in a partner.

e) Conflict - I can get into intellectual or legal conflicts with others if I believe I am in the right and have the jurisdiction but not physical conflicts.

7) What are some of the themes that have played a prominent role in your life (ie. A struggle you've been unable to conquer, ect)? Physical bullying and being disrespected by others

8) Answer only one of the following:

a) [College aged and above] What is your area of work/study? Why did you choose this and would you change it? If so, what would be your ideal? Civil Engineer, high school teacher concluded I was good at technical topics, elder brother was also an Engineer and Engineering was a respected (by Dad as well)and well-paying discipline at the time. I would rather go for Social Sciences, Philosophy, Psychiatry or similar if I could now in hindsight. I am not particularly gifted at math or coding, I can learn them but they don't stick me for long as I am not passionate about them, I am more passionate about understanding the mechanics of human relations/politics and international relations/politics and how those can be improved in a sustainable and efficient manner so that human suffering and aggression can be minimized and I can live in a peaceful/serene environment.

b)[Under college aged] What do you plan on studying/working as in the future? How did you go about deciding this? If this is not your ideal area of pursuit, what would be? N/A

9) When meeting a new person, what do you tend to focus on? Body language, is it haughty/aggressive or friendly/empathic, are they sneering or signaling irritation/disrespect or lack of restraint

10) How do you feel about humanity as a whole? What do you feel are some of the biggest problems the human race faces and why?
Same as 8a)

11) What are some of your hobbies and interests? Youtube videos and twitter (scifi, psychology, nature, politics), Exercising (running and some weightlifting to maintain weight), also trying to improve stockmarket/crypto trading skills to increase savings but still novice at them.

13) How do you usually hang outâ with your friend(s)? When answering, think about what activities you tend to choose, whether you hang out with one person at once or many, whether or not you initiate the interaction. I have only 3 people left that I've been seeing lately, 1 long-term friend from college and 2 coworkers at previous employer but I don't desire hanging out with them any longer these days, there just doesn't seem to be enough overlapping topics left to discuss when we hang out so they are they ones initiating interaction. When I hang out with them, I want to be able to discuss ideas and hypothesis and learn about their perspective about certain topics to see if I am missing something in my own understanding, so that I can temper it. Twitter seems to make up for this need these days.

14) What is more important, actions or words? Why? Words not put into action cannot be authenticated and doesn't deliver what is preached. However, words intended to move/rally people might turn into collective action, that however is usually exhibited by people with leadership skills and charisma. So both are important and need to be consistent, practice what you preach I guess.

15) Oh dear, you've been cursed by a witch! It's ok though, you get a choice on which curse you will receive. Will you choose:

a) To never be able to experience the sensation of taste
b) To be immortal
c) To lose your memories
d) To be poor for the rest of your life
e) Or to never experience passion
Elaborate on why! a) Food is just sustenance. I can keep the will to live even without taste or on bland food, so long as I have mental passions/pleasures to keep me happy and occupied. Immortality might drive me crazy, losing memories would result in enfeeblement, poverty is insufferable, not having any passion, even for topics to explore would make my life quite dull.

16) What do you hope to avoid being? If it helps, describe a person who embodies what you avoid/you as a villain, ect. Bully

17) How do you relate to obsession? Do you tend to "merge" with others or your interests? How do you feel about the idea of doing this? I am obsessive about topics I am curious about, cannot let go until I read about it or watch videos to satisfy my curiosity, it's like itching to discover a puzzle piece, without which I would remain blindsided.

18) Organized or messy? Plans and blueprints or impulse and surprises? What are you preferences and tendencies? Organized, try to place stuff in organized places/slots so that I can easily and quickly find what I am looking for, if it gets too messy it would take too much time and I would lose patience and time. Also, I like to plan ahead for activities so that I can minimize risks and maximize comfort/joy/efficiency. Can improvise but would rather not cause increases risk of making more mistakes, leading to unneeded trouble and waste of resources.

19) How do you subjectively view comfort and how do you create comfort in your life and surroundings? Undisturbed environment so that I won't lose focus, not noisy or smelly, not cluttered, not hot or cold, comfortable seating, easy access to wifi/laptop, some simple artwork on the walls but not too crowded, comfortable, useful and aesthetically pleasing furniture without overcrowding the space, ample windows with unobstructed view of outside and allowing plenty of natural light in if possible, I like gazing outside from time to time to relax and rest my mind, too tightly placed buildings obstructing my view and light suffocate me and make me depressed.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
what information do I need to provide
I think you did one of the questionnaires, but must have deleted it? (I couldn't find it.) I apologize that it took me so long to type you. I've been tossing what I think regarding your type around in the back of my mind since I posted the last typing in this thread.

For enneagram:
For heart: 2 seems easy to cross out for you. That leaves 3 and 4. I think you exhibit 4 more than 3, with being self conscious, somewhat self revealing, withdrawn, introspective, feeling different, untrusting, frustrated, imagining the horrible, focus on what's missing, feeling separate, vulnerable. Not sure on the wing, probably 5 though. 4w5.
For head: 7 seems an easy cross out. For 5: secretive, nihilistic, withdrawn, introspective, feel different, detached, comfortable with the horrible/horror/odd/provocative/etc, retreat into your mind, seek mastery, undemanding, inquisitive, systemic, fear intrusion. For 6: dependable, self doubting, testing, dutious, rebellious, ambiguous, conscientious, untrusting, loyal, pessimistic, need to vent, analytical. I think 5w6, but 6w5 wouldn't seem weird at all.
For gut: 9 seems pretty clear. You're (or seem) accommodating, stubborn, patient, withdrawn, introspective, feel different, seek stability, fear loss, self effacing, modest, seek permanence, unassertive, honest, can be passive aggressive. I think you're 9w8, with 8 influence with being protective, somewhat forceful, independent, initiating, untrusting, seeking justice, seeking legacies, pushing limits.

It's a bit hard with the 9 and the 5 both seeming really strong for you, but I think you're more likely 9 core, so 9w8 5w6 4w5. Triple withdrawn with the wings and instincts urging you to come out before you withdraw again. Sensitive alien in night dreamer.

For instinctual stacking:
SP: You sometimes reference fitness, but I think it's more related to sx than to sp. I get the sense that your focus on self care, practicality, and home life are moderate.
SX: You seem to have quite a bit of focus on the zones of attraction (broadcasting as referenced above with fitness, being attracted, etc) and exploration (especially regarding music and entertainment).
SO: There seems to be focus on the zones of interpretation (reading people, between the lines, attuning yourself) and communication (reciprocity).

You seem relatively balanced here, which is great.

I'm gonna look at Hudson's descriptions for them:
SP 9 is the passion of sloth applied in the Self Pres Zones. SP 9 is an interesting contradiction--at once the most easygoing 9 but also the most stubborn. SP9s tend to be grounded & to appreciate simplicity. They generally prefer to keep their lives uncomplicated as possible. The SP variant of each type tends to introversion, and SP9 is no exception. SP9s enjoy solitude & are particularly attuned to nature. They have a live & let live attitude but are also the 9s who can most easily tell people off if offended. They like to go at their own pace. They can be very practical & are often valued for their common sense. Of the 3 zones, they tend to have problems w. self care & are the 9s who can get caught in ruts--becoming resistant to new experiences. They can be brilliant & creative, but are also genuinely humble.

Naranjo called SP9 "Appetite"--referring to one way this type may try to narcotize. I call this combo "The Comfort Seeker"--noting that there are many ways we humans try to be comfortable, & the healthy side of SP9 is the capacity to relax & simply be. SP9s help others land too.
The SX9: the passion of sloth in the SX zones. For me, this is "I can't have what I really want in the sexual energy, but this will work." SX9s are often highly romantic, creative, & sensual. The SX energy brings more volatility to feelings so they are often mistaken for 4s. SX9s combine an earthy sense of enjoyment w. an ethereal quality that is difficult to describe. They attract w. a presentation of innocence & openness--even though they may be highly experienced in the ways of the world. They have a rich fantasy life & love stories & symbols. SX9s emphasize the merging zone as well as the attraction zone, although their desire to merge can clash with the 9 wish for autonomy. Thus, SX9s may go back & forth with the objects of their attraction--becoming intensely involved them moving away to restore themselves. When troubled, SX9s can feel torn btwn the need for space & the need to merge. They may resolve this through triangulated relationships but can also lose themselves in fantasies about a perfect partner coming along. At their best they are brilliant, sparkling, & passionate.

Naranjo called SX9 Union & I call SX9 Merging. Here Claudio & I are quite close in our observations. Many SX9s do not easily recognize themselves as 9s. They can be adventurous, free-spirited, & creative in many ways. They express their passions more openly than SP or SO9s. As SX types, SX9s are good at broadcasting: they know how to attract. They sometimes feign surprise when others are interested, but it may be true that they know quite well what they're doing. Winking face They often write well, & their personal notes & diaries can be full of richness. Even w. verbal skills, SX9s prefer nonverbal expression. They are often fond of music, dance, symbols & imagery, & can be talented in these areas. They tend to "pick up" energies from others, including animals, & base many decisions on what they feel in others' energy field.
The SO9: "sloth" in the SO zones. "I can't get what I really want socially, but this will do." S09s can be outgoing, positive & purposeful--they can resemble 3s & 7s. While externally engaged w. others, they can maintain an internal aloofness, a safe distance emotionally. SO9s are the mediating 9s--the 9s who easily see different sides of a conflict & help people come together around an issue. They're often trusted as leaders because people sense they will be fair. They have a gift for making others feel welcome & included--they seek consensus. SO9s focus on the bonding & reading zones of SO. They sometimes struggle finding their purpose but can pursue goals when they feel someone believes in them. They want to belong but get annoyed with themselves when they lose their identity in relationships or group dynamics. When troubled, the usually energized SO9s become flat & listless. They are prone to depression & a sense of futility, surviving through basic routines. At their best, they are wonderfully sensitive & inclusive, inspiring leaders, & profoundly supportive friends & partners.

Naranjo called S09 Participation: deciding what to participate in is important, because SO9s are deeply influenced by who & what they engage. I call SO9 One Happy Family, because of their wish to be inclusive. Helen Palmer's name for 9s, The Mediator, also works well here.
SO9s can be introverted, but are more likely to be found in organizations than SP or SX9s. They have the ability to be involved while maintaining an "untouched" inner world. When stressed, they still show up but are disengaged emotionally. They have a robust sense of humor. Much of the journey for SO9 is learning how to belong without "blending" into the culture or values of others--even in intimate relationships. They discover that people sincerely want to know their authentic hearts, & when they trust this, their wisdom can be hugely healing.
Looking at these, I think so can get relegated to the last spot, leaving sp/sx or sx/sp. I'm not sure how much of the 9sx merginess you have? (Not being close to you, it may not be easily observable to me.) Or how much connection to animals and nature you feel? You give off some sp/sx vibes with your aesthetics, for whatever that's worth. What do you think?

The Extraversion-Introversion Facets:
Initiating-Receiving: R
Expressive-Contained: leaning C
Gregarious-Intimate: I
Active-Reflective: R
Enthusiastic-Quiet: leaning Q

The Sensing-Intuition Facets:
Concrete-Abstract: middle?
Realistic-Imaginative: not sure...
Practical-Conceptual: middle?
Experiential-Theoretical: T
Traditional-Original: O
middle to leaning N?

The Thinking-Feeling Facets:
Logical-Empathic: L
Reasonable-Compassionate: R
Questioning-Accommodating: Q
Critical-Accepting: C
Tough-Tender: Tough

The Judging-Perceiving Facets:
Systematic-Casual: not sure... C?
Planful-Open-Ended: again not sure... O?
Early Starting-Pressure-Prompted: middle?
Scheduled-Spontaneous: leaning Scheduled?
Methodical-Emergent: M

Sorry if this is off, as I just don't feel I know you well enough to accurately gauge some of them.

Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Looking at these, I think so can get relegated to the last spot, leaving sp/sx or sx/sp. I'm not sure how much of the 9sx merginess you have? (Not being close to you, it may not be easily observable to me.) Or how much connection to animals and nature you feel? You give off some sp/sx vibes with your aesthetics, for whatever that's worth. What do you think?

I've been torn between sp and sx for some time. It is possible there's nearly an even balance of the two, although I'm inclined to say I'd lean slightly more to the sx side. Merging has been a real issue for me in the past, to the point I have to be careful when it comes to certain people like platonic female friends (made worse by the fact that I tend to get along with and be more relaxed around women than I do around other men). I start to merge without even realizing it. I'm normally a recluse but a meaningful one-on-one connection (not necessarily romantic or sexual in nature) can be very invigorating--I can become very attuned to another person if there is any sort of intimate or deep connection. Sometimes just the prospect/fantasy of a connection that never actually comes to fruition is just as invigorating and can take me on a wild series of daydreams. As much as I might joke of being a misanthrope, a part of me is always looking for someone that will spark a connection. I'm a reserved person but I come out of my shell around the right person.

Regarding animals and nature, I love animals and in many ways they make better friends than humans. I have to take daily nature walks at the park on my lunch breaks to maintain my sanity, and I enjoy being in the ocean feeling the current or in any outdoor place where the unharnessed power of nature is especially apparent
The Extraversion-Introversion Facets:
Initiating-Receiving: R
Expressive-Contained: leaning C
Gregarious-Intimate: I
Active-Reflective: R
Enthusiastic-Quiet: leaning Q

The Sensing-Intuition Facets:
Concrete-Abstract: middle?
Realistic-Imaginative: not sure...
Practical-Conceptual: middle?
Experiential-Theoretical: T
Traditional-Original: O
middle to leaning N?

The Thinking-Feeling Facets:
Logical-Empathic: L
Reasonable-Compassionate: R
Questioning-Accommodating: Q
Critical-Accepting: C
Tough-Tender: Tough

The Judging-Perceiving Facets:
Systematic-Casual: not sure... C?
Planful-Open-Ended: again not sure... O?
Early Starting-Pressure-Prompted: middle?
Scheduled-Spontaneous: leaning Scheduled?
Methodical-Emergent: M

Sorry if this is off, as I just don't feel I know you well enough to accurately gauge some of them.
If I ignore cognitive functions and focus on the 4 letters, The J/P dichotomy has always been the hardest for me. I think I am close to balanced on intuition vs sensing, so that might suggest IxxP with Sensing and Intuition as auxiliary and tertiary. I was much more of the stereotypical space cadet in my youth, more intuitive and a sensotard, but I have gotten more in touch with my sensory side with age, to the point I think there's close to a 40-60 balance now



Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
If you're bored at any point and not too overwhelmed with the list, I would like to hear your opinion of myself as well
For enneagram: For heart: Definitely heart last, I think, with none of them being strong. For 2: you can be generous, appreciative, dedicated, conscientious, more work than play, rejection triad/offering of your talents, put others first, offer rather than seek, helpful, supportive, responsible, unable to say no easily, don't voice own needs. For 3: you seek to be smooth/frictionless in interaction, goal oriented, independent, detached, driven to excel, fear failure, pragmatic, compare self to others, industrious, inattentive to feelings. For 4: Withdrawn, introspective, feel different, perhaps somewhat untrusting, frustrated, feel somewhat broken. I think 3 is the strongest, with 2 second strongest, so 3w2.
For head: I honestly could see you as 3 core types: 5, 6, and 9. So we can toss aside 7 here. For 5: knowledge focused, studious, secretive, process oriented, withdrawn, introspective, feel different, detached, rejection triad/offer talents, provocative, fear being helpless, retreat into your mind, seek mastery, think before acting, impractical, theoretical, ungrounded, withholding, cerebral, undemanding, investigative, inquisitive, systemic, objective, miserly (in some ways), fear intrusion, calm in crisis. For 6: dependable, self doubting, duteous, dedicated, conscientious, seek stability, feel inferior, loyal, don't trust own mind, friendly, inquisitive, analytical, can be contrary (or at least you say you can be). 5w6.
For gut: Clearly not 8. For 1: principled, fair, perfectionistic, rigid, controlled, action oriented, dedicated, conscientious, more work than play, detached, frustrated, may appear cold, particular, suppressed emotions, prone to guilt, disciplined, responsible, consistent, precise, critical, self punitive, honest. For 9: accommodating, agreeable, stubborn, patient, unenergetic, withdrawn, introspective, feel different, contented, seek stability, self effacing, modest, unassertive, deflecting, hazy, inclusive, indecisive, steadfast, affable. 9w1, you're softer than a 1 core.

It's really hard to decide which is your core, 5 or 9. At any rate, 359 tritype. Inscrutable unruffled abstract eye.

For instinctual stacking:
SP: Though you may not be as good at it as you'd like, you do put some focus into self care, practicality/resources, and home life.
SX: There's some focus on the attraction zone, and some on exploration (especially with music), and more in the merging zone than I think you realize (for instance, that you seek a balance between concentration and distraction by listening to podcasts while doing lab work).
SO: You pay attention to interpreting, put some focus on connection, and have awareness of participation.

I think I'd type you sp/so.

The Extraversion-Introversion Facets:
Initiating-Receiving: R
Expressive-Contained: C
Gregarious-Intimate: I
Active-Reflective: R
Enthusiastic-Quiet: Q

The Sensing-Intuition Facets:
Concrete-Abstract: A
Realistic-Imaginative: midrange
Practical-Conceptual: C
Experiential-Theoretical: midrange
Traditional-Original: O

The Thinking-Feeling Facets:
Logical-Empathic: midrange
Reasonable-Compassionate: R-midrange
Questioning-Accommodating: Q-midrange
Critical-Accepting: lean C
Tough-Tender: You say you're more tough but I dunno
I think your e9 makes this harder to determine, because I think you are T, but that you have a great ability to show compassion and be tender and caring. So I think you prefer T, but are better at F than you think.

The Judging-Perceiving Facets:
Systematic-Casual: lean C
Planful-Open-Ended: not sure?
Early Starting-Pressure-Prompted: midrange?
Scheduled-Spontaneous: midrange?
Methodical-Emergent: lean E
lean P



New member
Apr 18, 2022
Hi Lumi! If you're still doing this, could I please have some input on my MBTI? You typed me one of my previous threads as a 3w4, which is spot on, but I wanted your input specifically on my MBTI.

1) Context:

  1. What is your age range and general location (Country so that cultural values can be taken into account)? Do you have any impairments that may affect the way that you answer this questionnaire? Any religious or political beliefs (or anything else along those lines) that also might have an effect?

18-20, I’ve lived in a few different countries, mostly Western ones. I have social anxiety but don’t have any prominent religious or political beliefs that’d affect the way I answer this test. <3

b) Which types are you currently considering? Why are you considering them and why haven’t you decided on one?

I’m considering all types (except ESFJ) which have a Fe dom or aux. I’m not so sure about ENFJ because I’m not very outgoing and I’m not particularly extroverted (I’m more introverted). And I’m not sure about IxFJ because I like attention and success, so that contradicts the humility of ISFJ particularly.

One of the reasons I considered ENFJ for a while was because I often find it interesting to study people and their psychologies and motivations, rather than my own mind and ideas, and the world or greater areas of study. I like talking to people and asking what they'd do and how they'd feel in hypothetical situations. I'm not sure if this is a good indication but I watched a video of Frank James distinguishing between INFJ and ENFJ and he said that INFJ usually focuses on themes when watching a movie, while ENFJ focuses on characters, which is certainly me. I also relate to having a tricky sense of Ti, where I understand my reasoning for things but couldn't always properly explain it or help others in very similar situations. It's a tricky conflict between my Fe and Ti where I can and want to help but I also don't want to feel responsible and possibly put someone in a tricky situation.

I considered ISFJ for a while because I'm also very organised and appreciate structure. I look to the past and what's been done before to help me make my decisions and chart my own course. However, I also feel like I'm prouder, vainer and more self-centered than the average ISFJ.

2) What do you deem as your purpose in life?

I want to be happy, of course, but I also want to accomplish goals and look back on my years with satisfaction when I’m older. I want happy relationships, exciting experiences, and an excellent career.

3) Of the seven deadly sins, which one(s) do you relate to the most and the least and why?

I relate most to pride. It’s very important to me, and a lot of what I do relates back to my pride. For example I never want to be made a joke of, and it upsets me greatly when I let people take advantage of me. It also hurts my pride to think back to all the times I didn’t stand up for myself. Now I focus on being respectful and kind to other people but I like to meet people in the middle, instead of making a massive effort, because I don’t like the disappointment when my efforts aren’t reciprocated. I also don’t like admitting that I need reciprocation because I feel it makes me look needy and pathetic.

I also like to achieve things for the social merit they hold, as well as the fulfillment. For example, telling someone you know a lot about certain distinguished subject inspires respect, which I crave and appreciate.

I relate least to wrath. I feel my anger in envy and regret often. I repress direct anger.

4) Analyzing your relationships with others, briefly describe:
  1. The type of people you are drawn to
I am usually drawn to people who are very confident in themselves, funny and quietly interesting. They don't outwardly seek anyone’s approval but still have loads of commendable attributes. They also are usually quieter, preferring to do their own thing than to lead or follow, which I like. I also like sensitive people, but I also worry that advice I give them isn’t sufficient or helpful.

b) The type of people who are drawn to you
The people who are drawn to me are relatively quiet and completely kind. It’s interesting because I always believed I impressed upon people that I was too very reserved and quiet, but a lot of people think I’m more outgoing than I feel. Those people are honestly very kind and open about their feelings. I really like talking to them because of how open and expressive they are, when they’re familiar with you. I don’t talk about my feelings often but I like to hear how other people conceptualise their own.

c) The type of people you are repulsed by

I am repulsed by people who put others down for the fun of it, not simply because they’re in anger or pain, but because they find it funny. Putting anyone down for any reason is horrible but doing so for your own amusement is close to inexcusable.

5)What are the traits in others that you admire but you cannot emulate yourself? Elaborate.

Uninhibited confidence and courage. If someone tries to hurt me, I put on a brave front, and when adrenaline’s going, I can also say something back. However, most of the time my feelings are all over the place and I can’t understand them. I can defend loved ones but it’s hard for me to stand up for myself.

Also, possibly being more self-assured and less naive/trusting, with which I struggle. I admire people who can make decisions without other people's input and opinions. I make long pro-con lists and analyse my choices, but I still need and like other people to count of them. Like if I were to enter a relationship with someone six years older than me (as an example), I would ask other people what they'd do in my position and want to know what they think, because I know that isn't a conventional choice - in my circle.

6) Describe your relationship with the following:

a) Anger

I repress anger now. I’ll look back on some of the times I felt immensely angry as a child with shame and quickly think about something else afterwards. I usually express anger in biting remarks or a cold exterior. If I can’t ignore or repress it, I’ll cry, but I try and stop that response.

b) Shame

Shame is another emotion I repress but actively work to avoid. Once a week I’ll think of something I wish I could take back or erase. I feel like they’re long-term indications that I’ll never be perfect.

c) Fear

Because I have anxiety, I think fear is more present in my life than it would be without it. I often fear people’s anger or sadness, and try earnestly to avoid it. When I think someone’s in a bad mood, I either try to cheer them up or give them space. I’ll occasionally try and say something understanding as well or open up a conversation (but in a way that they can deny it if they want).

d) Love/passion

I think I experience passion more than love. Love is one of those abstract things I feel for friends and family, and can easily understand because they’ve been in my life so long. However, when it comes to loving romantically, it’d take me a while to understand when it progresses from infatuation to love, because I don’t think about my deep feelings and focus on the sentiments that are easier to reach and express.

e) Conflict

I’m not particularly conflict-avoidant but I rarely seek it out. I try to compromise or agree to disagree. When I’m in a position of answering to someone who has power over me or of whom I’m afraid, I’ll reluctantly concede and sometimes play innocent/dumb, so my responses don’t trigger them (it’s more of coping mechanism than a conscious decision). However, with people I’m on equal footing with I’ll try to reasonably and maturely express my opinion. Sometimes I like to be quippy and intelligent, but it also makes me look pretentious so I use that sometimes.

7) What are some of the themes that have played a prominent role in your life (ie. A struggle you’ve been unable to conquer, ect)?

A recurring theme has been finding the next big thing. I’ve always had big dreams, some of which are unrealistic, but I worked on them to the best of my ability. It’s actually been a struggle because I achieved very few of those dreams, which affected my own feelings of worth. However I rarely acknowledge the feelings of unworthiness and look for the next best thing or quietly concede before looking for the next best thing.

8) Answer only one of the following:

a) [College aged and above] What is your area of work/study? Why did you choose this and would you change it? If so, what would be your ideal?

I’m studying English, Economics and Political science (not majors, just major areas). I chose English and Polisci because I wanted to go into journalism one day but switched over to Economics in as well, because I want greater options. Now I think I would much prefer to go into business than into journalism.

9) When meeting a new person, what do you tend to focus on?

I tend to focus on the way they word things (this happens more when I communicate with them over text or email solely/as well), how they treat other people and me. I notice other distinguishing features like how cheerful they seem and what they usually talk about.

10) How do you feel about humanity as a whole? What do you feel are some of the biggest problems the human race faces and why?

This is a mundane answer but humanity is complex. I’m not one of those people who think we’re inherently terrible and evil. I think we’ve evolved to the best of our ability but it’d still serve us to work on ourselves and help each other in that regard.

I feel some of the biggest problems the human race struggles with are insufficient communication and overall inequality.

11) What are some of your hobbies and interests?

Painting, reading, exercise, discovering new musical groups and artists (this is one of my favourite things to do), talking for hours with people I love, drinking coffee, occasionally cooking.

13) How do you usually “hang out†with your friend(s)? When answering, think about what activities you tend to choose, whether you hang out with one person at once or many, whether or not you initiate the interaction.

When I hang out with my friends, we mostly just spend time together and talk. I usually hang out with one friend at a time but wish I had more mutual friends so we could hang in a group. I initiate the interaction with some friends or to be polite, if they usually initiate the interaction, but in general, I think it’s 50/50 or I wait for them to begin first.

14) What is more important, actions or words? Why?

Actions are more important than words, because, in my opinion, follow-through is so important. You can make promises with your words but if you don’t actually demonstrate them, they lose their importance.

15) Oh dear, you’ve been cursed by a witch! It’s ok though, you get a choice on which curse you will receive. Will you choose….

a) To never be able to experience the sensation of taste

b) To be immortal

c) To lose your memories

d) To be poor for the rest of your life

e) Or to never experience passion

Elaborate on why!

I will choose never experiencing passion. I feel like passion is one of those things that would theoretically waste my time if I indulged in it. The temporary fulfillment of doing something fun and completely engaging doesn’t equate to long term fulfillment. If I didn’t experience passion, I’d still have a ton of other fun things to experience. And furthermore, I could still be or present as a passionate person, so I wouldn’t discourage others from that either.

16) What do you hope to avoid being? If it helps, describe a person who embodies what you avoid/you as a villain, ect.

I don’t want to be someone who gives up on themself or others. I never want to stop caring about my appearance or my eventual career because it’s easier not to. I want to keep trying to be the best version of myself. I also don't want to ever take advantage of other people's kindness and advantage, and to convey proper thankfulness and appreciation for it.

17) How do you relate to obsession? Do you tend to "merge" with others or your interests? How do you feel about the idea of doing this?

I definitely merge with my interests, less so with other people. When I enjoyed painting, I decided I was artsy. When I was temporarily very “cowabunga!” for lack of a better word, I would identify as very carefree, even though that isn’t me at all. When I was especially into fitness, I’d give people health tips.

I don’t merge with other people. I try and relate to them and emphasise between us the qualities we both share but that wouldn’t become part of my general identity. I remember a friend and I used to bond because I thought I was an INFP as she was, and it made me a bit sad that I don’t relate to that anymore.

Sometimes I try and emulate qualities in fictional characters I admire, but I wouldn’t say I “merge” with them.

18) Organized or messy? Plans and blueprints or impulse and surprises? What are you preferences and tendencies?

Organised to the best of my ability. Sometimes I’ll be a bit messy but I try my hardest to be mostly organized.

Plans and blueprints all day. I love lists and plans.

19) How do you subjectively view comfort and how do you create comfort in your life and surroundings?

I view comfort as not having any imminent stressful responsibilities and appointments. Also as generally being in a comfortable environment with people I’m familiar with. I create comfort but having little parts of the day I can always enjoy like a cup of tea or coffee, by having a routine, by doing something healthy for myself (like exercising/taking a long walk) and productive (like work obviously, reading chapters of a classic and journalling)
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Earl Grey

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2017
Instinctual Variant

*stands in line for a type-me ticket*


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Me please if you don't mind

1-what makes you angry?


When I wait something for a long time , especially if this thing is a reply from my friends ( I want everything immediately mostly , and I can't wait even if I acted like I can wait , the only exception is when I'm busy with something else )

When somebody around me complain a lot

When someone is expressing his sad emotions ( because I somehow feel other people's emotions , so I will be affected by sad emotions and I hate it )

When a plan I've made and started to do is cancelled because of something external, such as a change of appointment from someone else, or a sudden circumstance the plan
Although I go with the flow sometimes , I can't do that all the time

2-do you care about being fashionable? why/why not?

Yes and no
Yes because it's important for me to have a good and somehow different appearance
A little no because I have things that are more important

3-do you prefer to fit in or stand out?

Usually to fit in
But I don't mind standing out sometimes

4-do you like being in a relationship? why/why not?

Yes , I want it
The only reason I avoid it (and it does) is because of trust issues

It's not like doubting every moment that the other one will betray me

This happens because of bad previous experiences with trust, the people I trusted betrayed my trust and caused me many problems and tarnished my reputation as well.
So, every time I reveal a secret to someone or become very close to them, I get the feeling that they will reveal my secret as others have done, but I remove it

5-what do you spend the most time thinking about?

Imagining , not thinking

I imagine different situations, great conversations with imaginary people, I imagine I have a group of very close friends, who love and help me, people outside the group are watching us ( I'm involved in so many groups and communities but all of them are on the net , not in real life and I want to try a real group )

Me and myself in a high position is another subject within my imagination

Even though I fantasize a lot I still focus on my goals

Sometimes, it happens that in my imagination I re-explain the information I know to other people

If I think, I'll think about what I'll do next

6-How much have you changed over the years? Who were you as a child?

A lot I think ?
As I child , obsession was my second name, I was obsessed with anything that caught my eye: a hobby, a person, a cartoon, a place or anything else.
I remember being voluntarily separated from my family when I was four or five years old so that I could imagine more my mom thought I was acting strange , I move everywhere and speak , meanhile in my imagination I was imitating the role of a teacher, or principal, or singer, or something like that

I didn't believe in the idea that there should be something called "limits" between me and others, my energy was so tiring to others because of my endless activity, and the amount of my clinging to others, as a result of this, I was rejected and excluded and this was so painful

As I got older, I continued to live in my imagination, looking for stimuli, and getting close to the people who were important to me, even though I was fully aware of how others saw me, and I knew the difference between my imagination and reality.I continued to live in my fantasy for a long time and consider it reality and reject the reality that I understood well , I ignored everything , starting from ordinary reality, down to the family quarrels that erupted a lot

Anyway, the situation changed later, and gradually and due to the influence of family and school, I changed to a shy and introverted person, and lonely in some years. I also remember that I was jealous of my little brother because of the different treatment I was acting like a really sad person even though I don't remember if the cause of the jealousy was real or not
I got over this later, and still working to break out of the lonely sad person's shell, I got to know a lot of nice people that I was grateful to have in my life.
Despite the mild confidence issues I talked about earlier, I'm setting boundaries now (though they don't always exist).

7. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Someone who has status, is loved by everyone, is famous, helps everyone, enjoys his life and has close friends
and of course, independent, maybe married or has a boyfriend ? 🤔

8. When you are romantically interested in an individual, how do you generally act (shy, outgoing, annoying, etc.)?

The first thing I will do is I will watch him, gather information about him from his social media, maybe talk to him later if not those pesky ones who spread rumors about me in middle school around.

If I find him suitable, and read his acceptance of me, I will ask him to make our relationship closer, and devote more time to him (although much of my time goes to communicate with friends, his time will be the most)

I want the relationship more private, everything is just between us, I want him to be my secret person, and me to be his secret person, I don't mind talking about our relationship sometimes to others, but not always, privacy is important

9. Define justice!

Justice is equality, taking into account the circumstances of each person

10. What is your idea of the perfect day?

A day in which I enjoy, go out alone or with friends, do different activities and many tasks

11. If you could live anywhere, where would you live (doesn't have to be a real place)?

A very crowded city where I can feel free , although I won't be outside every day ( Because as I said, I fantasize most of the time, and I can't comfortably do this outside.)

12. What tends to weigh on your decisions? (Do you think about people, pro-cons, how you feel about it, etc.)

What I will benefit from it, the possible consequences, perhaps its impact on others close to me (persons or a group)
sometimes I make rash decisions just for fun

13. What makes you dislike the personalities of some people?

Their arrogance perhaps?
Being so superficial, fake, and arrogant without any reason why they deserve it, too, I don't like people controlling my life even though I like people who are very assertive

I hate people who are obsessed with beauty and cosmetic surgeries and superficial appearances

People who value their comfort and personal benefit above all

selfish people

14. What's it like to be you?

To be like me means to have an unconscious desire of perfection , to feel disappointed with anything you do ( work ) , any pleasurable experiences you have ( films you watch , music you listen to , etc ) because it doesn't live up to your expectations and you want it to be better
and sometimes you can be lazy and hopeless because there is no possibility of doing everything perfectly

It means being calm on the inside, careless and sometimes enthusiastic on the outside, helping others while you search for yourself, doing your best to gain appreciation from others, being proud sometimes but not losing yourself, seeing better ways to make other people's work wonderful, but not always for yourself, to be close to your friends and far from them too, to support those close and be happy at their success as much as for yourself

15. They claim enneagram type is a hidden love need. What are your attitudes toward finding love?

I swing between: I want love, admiration, and appreciation from others, and I don't want that shit

17. Your schooling is done and it's time to strike out into the world!! What sort of career do you want to go into and why?

I want to be responsible for a position in the company, and I prefer to be able to communicate with others and work on my own at the same time
Something about humanitarian organizations attracts me more than commercial ones, but I don't mind any of them

18. You get into an argument with a friend/family member/co-worker. They criticize one of your personality traits. What would most likely be the focus of their critique?

I study a little, then I distract myself with something and then I go back to studying again, and the cycle continues without full focus on what I am doing
In another form : I study but when I almost reach the end, I no longer have the energy to complete it, I feel suffocated and trapped

daily life affairs don't bother me so much

I don't study if what I'm studying is difficult and boring ( I may try sometimes, I still have this sense of duty and responsibility inside me, but it misses me a lot sometimes)

19. It's New Year ! You and your friends are out and about after a party. Being drunk, one of your friends suggests to do something....'questionable' (Nothing serious. I.e, drugs, escort, etc.). What are your thoughts and how do you respond?

I wouldn't mind doing something a little problematic just for fun as long as it doesn't completely tarnish our reputation (to the point of damage) or punish us legally.
However , i'll stay careful
Based on the questionnaire above,

For enneagram: For heart: I think 3 is most likely, as you seem relatively balanced here, with some 2 influence (desiring to be seen as caring) and also some 4 influence (wanting to be different and unique) showing up along with 3. So 3wx.
For head: I think you're most likely head core, I can see influences of all of them. There concerns about privacy (5), and there's a need for activity/distraction (7), so I think 6 is likely your core type. You're concerned about being responsible, dependable, duteous, you're testing/doubting whether others are trustworthy, tuned into the possibility of danger above other things, you're friendly, checking. It's a bit difficult to say which is your wing, as both 5 and 7 seem quite influential, but I think 7 seems more so. 6w7.
For gut: 1 seems pretty clear, maybe 1w9. You're pretty focused on whether things live up to perfection/the ideal.

For instinctual stacking:
SP: The primary area this seems to show up is in a focus on stimulation vs comfort, and in home being your safe place/launch pad where you can dream.
SX: You don't seem very focused on the attraction zone, but there is a bit more focus on the merging zone (being obsessive with interests, not holding yourself back well in terms of needing immersive activity).
SO: This seems to be your main focus. You spend time interpreting others, reading them, adapting, and there's attention toward belonging, contributing, whether there's reciprocity.

So dom, I think most likely so/sx, but I could be wrong.

613 so/sx

For MBTI: Sorry if I'm way off on any of these.
The Extraversion-Introversion Facets:
Initiating-Receiving: leaning Initiating
Expressive-Contained: middle
Gregarious-Intimate: middle
Active-Reflective: A
Enthusiastic-Quiet: Q
Somewhere in the middle here... at times more E, at times more I.

The Sensing-Intuition Facets:
Concrete-Abstract: not sure
Realistic-Imaginative: I
Practical-Conceptual: not sure
Experiential-Theoretical: E
Traditional-Original: middle
Not sure I know enough about you to judge this very well

The Thinking-Feeling Facets:
Logical-Empathic: L
Reasonable-Compassionate: R
Questioning-Accommodating: A
Critical-Accepting: C
Tough-Tender: Tough

The Judging-Perceiving Facets:
Systematic-Casual: middle
Planful-Open-Ended: P
Early Starting-Pressure-Prompted: not sure
Scheduled-Spontaneous: Scheduled
Methodical-Emergent: M

xxTJ, probably IxTJ, probably ISTJ


New member
Jul 4, 2022
Instinctual Variant
Hi, can you also tell me what you think my MBTI type is based on the questionnaire I filled out before, please? I'm thinking I might not be an INFP after all...


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Hey, thanks for doing my type review! I happened to see this thread today and looked back -- I have no memory whether I actually saw this when you responded originally! :ohmy: But thank you for putting in the time to look at it.

:hug:You are very intelligent & interesting, and honestly, that's much of the reason it's taken me so long to come back to the thread to type you. There's so much complexity and depth that I am afraid I'm not going to add anything enlightening here...

I know what you are saying, but I appreciate having someone outside my own head giving me information back, to see myself from the outside.

For enneagram: For heart: This is the hardest for me to judge with you. I think it could be 3 or 4, most likely. I'm pretty confident in it being last, since it's so hard to read. You are rather withdrawn, but with 59 leading, you'd be withdrawn no matter whether this is 3 or 4. You are quite self revealing, fear being insignificant, and perhaps focus on what's missing, are unsatisfied, and experience longing moreso than do you seem to be someone inattentive to feelings who seeks a polished image. So, I'm guessing 4.
For head: Well, this is pretty easy. 5: knowledge is an end in itself, you're secretive, process oriented, nihilistic, withdrawn, introspective, feel different, detached, offer up your talents/rejection triad, can be provocative, fear being helpless, retreat into your own mind, seek mastery, think before acting, theoretical, penetrating, cerebral, self sufficient, undemanding, investigative, inquisitive, systemic, objective, somewhat miserly, fear intrusion. I am going to guess 5w6, because with your sx being as strong as it is, well, 4sx just doesn't fit.
For gut: 9w1 is clear. You can be unenergetic, withdrawn, feel different, introspective, seek stability, seek harmony, fear loss and conflict, modest, seek permanence, unassertive, live vicariously, find comfort in routine, attached to peace, inclusive, affable.
I definitely have some Six traits and empathy for Six's in terms of understanding / getting along with Six folks, so nothing here seems odd to me especially nowadays. For a lot of my life I was really caught up in self-expression and more emotional intensity, but the way I related to people wasn't really much Four, if that makes any sense. I feel like a lot of that drive has settled, I just can't tell whether it's out of disappointment and giving up, or something else.

I never really grasp Three well, it might be the one enneagram type I have trouble recognizing and describing because I don't understand it.

594 Withdrawn fractured observer. It's interesting that you are triple withdrawn, yet you are very open in how much you share on the forum.
I know. I think it comes down to wanting to feel close to and/or connected with people rather than so isolated and alone, yet feeling like I don't have either the energy or the skill to do so over the long term. Typically I feel also like it is all up to me when I make efforts, because people just wander off or stop investing... which makes it harder for me to want to try. I don't really even get angry or frustrated anymore, I just often feel resigned. I have had situations where people I was close to once are separated from me by physical distance or life situation, and I will try to invest and get together or talk, but while they say they want to reciprocate, they just don't, and when I stop, they don't pursue. This was crushing to me to me at first, and now I just wonder if it is how life works. I have no roadmap because I've never really had anyone in my family who I could look to for an example either.

Bu you mention a word here at one point -- I forget where, I'll look for it -- when you wonder whether I am "broadcasting." Yup. That honestly could be it, I suck at doing things the normal way and instead am open as a way of leaving a light on or putting out a signal that others might be able to respond to if they are interested in connecting. And not just romantic interest but people to connect deeply with.

Sometimes I wish I was either better at relating or more content to be alone. I seem to be trapped in a quasi-world of naturally being alone while not necessarily being content.

For instinctual stacking:
SP: You are very focused on the self-care zone, with food/fitness/sleep/relaxation being things you talk about a lot. Practicality and resources seem a decent focus for you, along with home life.
SX: I think you've got some focus on the area of attraction (perhaps the amount you share is part of broadcasting? and you're not confused about who you are attracted to), and there's some focus on exploration/activation/getting out of the comfort zone. It's complicated to gauge your level of the last zone, merging, because of your being a 5. Merging is really losing boundaries, energy so intense it can become obsessiveness, and with 5 making that more difficult, and to a certain extent, 9 also, it's really hard for me to say just by looking at the zones whether there would be more sx than sp. Probably more sp, just from the zones, and where your focus seems to be (but with you being a 5, it's possible that much of that sx is not visible to me). To be clear, it doesn't really matter how good you are at merging/losing boundaries or whether you want to, but rather you focus on it, and it seems like you very much do.
I think consciously about it a lot. It's odd that I've focused more on resources in the last ten years. I wonder how situational some of this is, versus inherent. Or it's inherent, but our situation still brings certain desires more to the forefront.

SO: You seem decently focused on interpretation (even if it's sometimes annoying for you) and participating, but like me, seem a little lost when it comes to connecting.
Yeah. It's so frustrating for me. And maybe I'm just judging myself unfairly. I have no idea. I just know the results of my efforts aren't good, but I can't tell whether it's me, or others, or just reality of human connection in a fractured world with loose ties. While I always loathed the rigidity of culture and social roles in past times, now that a lot of that is dissolved and people are free-floating, there's nothing really natural in place to anchor people and provide some kind of permanence.

For MBTI: Sorry if I simply don't know you well enough to be able to judge some of these very well...

The Extraversion-Introversion Facets:
Initiating-Receiving: leaning R? I
Expressive-Contained: ?
Gregarious-Intimate: I
Active-Reflective: I
Enthusiastic-Quiet: I
Usually I score more Introverted on these, but people who only know certain parts of me can mistake me for more extroverted. When I have energy, my desire to actually not be alone, my mind always focusing on humorous responses to things (I like things to be fun, while meaningful), and being a cooperative/accommodating personality can make me seem more engaging. I can look more extroverted than other introverts in the room. Maybe ambivert in appearance?

The Sensing-Intuition Facets:
Concrete-Abstract: you seem to be somewhat balanced here, like you're high in both lol
I'm like an abstractionist (hooray for Everything Everywhere All At Once) who is also extremely grounded and not prone to illusion (maybe the same film? Maybe that is why that film is so great to me?) -- so I'm equally annoyed by realists and idealists, lol.

I don't know really whether this is me inherently or whether it's accentuated by growing up in a shit lonely alcoholic family, so I would fantasize about escape and found my world inside of me, while at the same time being a survivor meant being ruthless about separating fact from fiction. But those seeds might have also always been there.

INTP, what a surprise ;)
I know -- shocking huh?


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I would actually love an Enneagram typing (core and tritype if that's okay). I'm confident in so/sp, but I vacillate between different types.

I think you know me pretty well, but I'd be happy to fill out a questionnaire or just type out my thoughts if that helps you out, just me know!
I'm sorry it took me so long to do this.

For enneagram: For heart: For 2: You're generous, can be demonstrative, sentimental, nurturing, appreciative, conscientious, optimistic, want to be seen as unselfish, drawn toward others, engaging, are personal, friendly, people oriented, helpful, supportive, responsible. For 3: You seek to be desirable to those important to you, would like to be important, smooth, composed, goal oriented, independent, initiating, seek stimulation, seek praise, successful, driven to excel, self assured, pragmatic (and also idealistic lol - idealistic in a practical way - you want to put your ideals into action), cool, fast paced, ambitious, confident, enthusiastic, can be inattentive to feelings, overextended, tendency toward vanity. For 4: Despite being composed, you are self conscious, introspective, frustrated, seek identity. 3 is clear here to me. Probably 3w2.
For head: For 5: You love knowledge (but it doesn't seem to be an end in itself which points more toward 7, I think), studious, process oriented, introspective, seek mastery, penetrating in seeking depth of knowledge, rather cerebral, self sufficient, inquisitive, objective, appear calm in crisis. For 6: Dependable, duteous, dedicated, conscientious, friendly, inquisitive, analytical. For 7: You are enthusiastic, adventurous, fluid, versatile, sensation seeking, independent, initiating, seek stimulation, optimistic, frustrated, seek fun, uncensored, can be excessive, can put self first, open minded, novel, busy, free spirited, seek freedom, charming, caring, exuberant, uncommitted, dispersed, quick thinking. 7, a lot of 7. Perhaps 7w8? 7w6 wouldn't sound off, though.
For gut: For 8: Shrewd, entrepreneurial, can be confrontational, independent, initiating, seek stimulation, uncensored, challenging, seek justice, successful, strong boundaries, seek legacies, impatient, magnanimous, excessive. For 9: Fairly agreeable, stubborn, utopian, introspective, optimistic, imagine the ideal, seek harmony, inclusive, steadfast, affable. For 1: Principled, fair, action oriented, dedicated, conscientious, frustrated, seek justice, improving, disciplined, responsible, consistent, honest. I think you must be head last. It's the hardest to decipher. Any seem possible. With the 3 and the 7, either 1 or 9. So 9w1 or 1w9.

Tritype 73(1 or 9) Scattered order, lively wholesome possibilities.

For instinctual stacking:
SP: You pay attention to food and nutrition, even if you do indulge, and you seem to have a good balance of stimulation and comfort, so self care seems pretty balanced for you. You're a persistent person, and value practical know-how, though I'm not sure you pay much attention to personal energy, so you seem toward the middle for the zone of practicality and resources. The structure of your home, the privacy, and launch pad it provides also seem toward the middle.
SX: You rate fairly high in the zone of attraction; you focus on the spark, the broadcast, the attraction. And you rate fairly high in the area of exploration, looking to be activated by different subjects, though I'm not sure how much you pay attention to finding the edge and getting out of your comfort zone. With the merging zone, you can focus, but I think you don't lose sense of yourself, so a low rating.
SO: You are very focused on the zone of interpretation; reading people, between the lines, attunement, empathy and concern. You are focused on awareness of creating and sustaining relationships, you're interested in play. And you're definitely aware and focused on the zone of participating. You're driven to be involved with others and the world, to contribute and belong.

No surprise: so/sp seems right! Though so/sx wouldn't be odd!

The Extraversion-Introversion Facets:
Initiating-Receiving: initiating - E
Expressive-Contained: expressive - E
Gregarious-Intimate: gregarious - E
Active-Reflective: middle
Enthusiastic-Quiet: enthusiastic - E
Generally E

The Sensing-Intuition Facets:
Concrete-Abstract: well balanced
Realistic-Imaginative: again, I think you're well balanced here
Practical-Conceptual: once again
Experiential-Theoretical: I suspect more theorhetical
Traditional-Original: original
Leaning N, you're a delightful balance of idealism and practicality

The Thinking-Feeling Facets:
Logical-Empathic: balanced
Reasonable-Compassionate: leaning compassionate, but I think you're also pretty balanced here
Questioning-Accommodating: questioning
Critical-Accepting: balanced
Tough-Tender: perhaps more tough? but pretty balanced
Quite balanced, leaning T

The Judging-Perceiving Facets: I'm not sure on any of these
Systematic-Casual: leaning casual
Planful-Open-Ended: planful?
Early Starting-Pressure-Prompted: ???
Scheduled-Spontaneous: guessing balanced, or leaning spontaneous
Methodical-Emergent: leaning emergent
Leaning P

Entp with a capital E


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I'll sign up but I don't expect much from anyone besides @SirCanSir, so it's not just you. It's because of certain things about me.
You're not easy to type, I agree, but I shall try. Sorry if I'm off...

For enneagram: For heart: For 2: You can be generous, demonstrative, appreciative, dedicated, conscientious, a rescuer, helpful, responsible, demanding. For 3: You are goal oriented, independent, initiating, seek stimulation, can be detached, boastful, success is a theme, driven to excel, self assured, pragmatic, seem cool, ambitious, efficient, confident, impatient, inattentive to feelings, overextended. For 4: At times you have been self revealing, sometimes withdrawn, feel different, untrusting, frustrated, (you can be mysterious and are unique, but I don't think you particularly care about those things so they don't count here), envious, expressive, moody, self absorbed, unsatisfied, longing, demanding. I think that most of the 4 stuff that comes up here isn't actually indicative of you having 4,but more so things you were forced into due to outside circumstances. It's hard to see your heart type, maybe it's last in your tritype. I think 3w2 seems most likely, because you are very goal oriented and independent.
For head: For 5: You have a sense of feeling different, fear being helpless, can be cerebral, self sufficient, investigative, inquisitive. For 6: You can be testing, rebellious, ambiguous, dedicated, conscientious, more work than play, untrusting, seek stability, loyal, tuned into danger, pessimistic, need to vent, vigilant, checking, friendly, analytical, risk taking, blaming, aggressive, contrary, strategic. For 7: Sensation seeking, unpolished, independent, initiating, frustrated, uncensored, excessive, busy, seek freedom, impulsive, impatient, authority rejecting, fear limits, dispersed, quick thinking. I think 6w7 probably fits the best.
For gut: For 8: You can be shrewd, entrepreneurial, confrontational, forceful, empowered, independent, initiating, seek stimulation, untrusting, seek power, uncensored, challenging, seek justice, successful, street smart, push limits, dominating, impatient, direct, declarative, excessive, impulsive. For 9: You can be stubborn, feel different, seek stability, steadfast. For 1: You can be fair, rigid, controlled, action oriented, dedicated, conscientious, more work than play, detached, frustrated, seek justice, appear cold, focus on what needs to be fixed, uncompromising, improving, disciplined, responsible, critical, inflexible, judgmental, resentful, honest. 8 seems most likely here, and I guess 8w7 because you've got very little 9.

So that would mean 8w7 6w7 3w2 Potent expansive tough protector.

For instinctual stacking:
SP: I think you're very focused on the self care zone, along with practicality/resources, and home life.
SX: You're highly focused on exploration/activation/risk, and decently focused on the zone of attraction and all that entails. I don't think merging is something you focus on, though.
SO: This is clearly your last instinct to me.


The Extraversion-Introversion Facets:
Initiating-Receiving: I
Expressive-Contained: E
Gregarious-Intimate: G
Active-Reflective: A
Enthusiastic-Quiet: E

The Sensing-Intuition Facets:
Concrete-Abstract: C
Realistic-Imaginative: R
Practical-Conceptual: P
Experiential-Theoretical: E
Traditional-Original: O

The Thinking-Feeling Facets:
Logical-Empathic: L
Reasonable-Compassionate: R
Questioning-Accommodating: Q
Critical-Accepting: C
Tough-Tender: Tough

The Judging-Perceiving Facets:
Systematic-Casual: Midrange?
Planful-Open-Ended: O
Early Starting-Pressure-Prompted: P
Scheduled-Spontaneous: Spontaneous?
Methodical-Emergent: not sure... midrange?
Leaning P
