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Lumi's Type Emporium: Do You Wanna Get Typed


Dec 13, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Here's more helpful information:

I think all questions can be answered through a logical standpoint, yet the internal struggle of the flesh and spirit has brought me the most amount of joys and sorrow up to this point, I am currently at the age of twenty six, I'm an aspiring innovator, inventor and have thought up and patented an idea with my former company, the one I worked for before going too rehab. I'm also an aspiring writer and have been told that I can get heretical but what's the point of writing concerning the spiritual battle within all humans without getting blasphemous, the earthly is in anthropology. I found this quote relatable:
"A life intimately bound to the soul, to Nature,” Skovoroda responded animatedly. It seemed to him that Iosaf agreed with him. “The essence lies not in the monk’s hood and the order, but in magnanimity, in the serving of truth and man, in knowing oneself, and struggling to overcome such passions as self‑esteem, greed, excessive pride, conceit. Know yourself – this is the ultimate commandment, our alpha and omega. Otherwise, we become mere cattle!”
Either way I am a fervent believer and have faith even though I don't care to prove or disprove God's existence as all is futile but the relationship of good and evil in the form of theodicy is why I am not an agnostic.
My hobbies include reading, listening to music and studying up on computers.
I love to read books with a romantic flair and philosophy, I had a vision concerning myself not too long ago.
I had split black and white hair, was an information broker, using several monitors at the same time as if I was a security guard or playing Dota. This happened as I was thinking about the death of my ex, who had cancer and was buried by the military, she died by trying to prove the existence of the spirit by creating a sex dungeon having sex and being murdered allowing it to be under assistant suicide, either way I came by at the time lead by a friend and she viewed me as the devil at the time, I didn't partake, it was debased. The turn around is that in reality I was taken to the psychiatric ward but in this vision I had broken into the military base to sneak into the funeral and at the time of execution had snipers surrounding the area to shoot down the soldiers sneaking out. And later on a childhood friend was in court for she had made a terrorist message on a mirror and kissed 💋the top right all done with lipstick, in court she was about to shoot herself with a gun only for me to helicopter in and save her. That was the end of the vision and I feel like I'm the reincarnated figure of this man.
What else can I say about myself, I still struggle with not being able to be there for others and not being sober minded, I wish I didn't seek out pleasure or a way to calm myself down but I do know I can overcome as the God I worship is a Just God, a God of vengeance.
I can be angry at time or take things personally and therefore lash out at people but I'm typically phlegmatic. What I desire more than anything is joy, peace of mind and freedom. Please if you can provide an enneagram tritype, socionics, instinctual variant and mbti. At the moment I'm considering entp, 783, so/sp. By the way there where other depressing moments in the dream such as a melancholic warping, where there was smoking and drinking in a tavern allowing street urchins shoot up the bottles and paying for it, a constant look of not smiling nor crying just stoic.
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Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant

I'm sorry it took me so long, thanks for your patience. I'm very sorry about your ex girlfriend. It sounds like you've been through a lot of difficult times, and I admire your strength in getting through them.

From your collage, I would guess instinctual stacking of so/sp with the eye contact and rebellious attitude. Contraflow.

For the typing, I'm also referencing other posts of yours
In one of those threads, I said "I'll try to be more thorough there, but from this, I think so/sp from the images, and there's a lot of 6 and 7 influence in your answers. From what you said above, I think I'd guess 7w6. Maybe 782 or 783 or 793. Or 693 or 639. Double reactive may be too much?, same with triple positive, and possibly double rejection is too much also. It's a bit hard for me to differentiate between the reactivity of 6 and 8. There is a lot of what feels like the assertiveness of possible 7, 8, or 3, so at least double assertive. 738 or 782 perhaps." It's harder to type those with some health issues, since sometimes the symptoms seem like personality traits when they aren't (like myself for example - I have ocd like behaviors but I'm not a 1 core), so if some of this doesn't fit, that may be why.

For enneagram: For heart: I think 3, probably w2. Honestly, I could see the possibility of all three for you, but 3 seems most likely, with fairly balanced wings, maybe more 2 than 4.
For head: Definitely 7, and I think I'd go with 7w8. For 7: You seem enthusiastic, adventurous, fluid and quick moving intellectually, versatile, sensation seeking, unpolished, independent, initiating, stimulation seeking, frustrated, open minded, busy, free spirited, freedom seeking, impulsive, impatient, charming, caring, exuberant, fear limits, dispersed.
For gut: 8, and I think if you've got 7w8, then 8w9 may work well. For 8: You seem independent, initiating, stimulation seeking, forceful, rejection fearing/offering of your talents, uncensored, challenging, justice seeking, success focused, have a fear of being controlled, push limits, are direct, and can be impulsive and excessive. (With 9, you seem to be tempered by wanting to be agreeable, accommodating, utopian, a bit of withdrawal, feeling different, seek harmony, modesty.)

7w8 8w9 3w2 so/sp. Though the 7 could possibly be 7w6 and the 8, 8w7. You've got a lot of assertive triad (triple assertive). Single reactive, single positive outlook. Colorful justice seeking explorer.

For instinctual stacking:
SP: You may have an unhealthy relationship with the self care zone, as you mentioned addictive behaviors, at least it's an area of strong focus. You seem also to have focus on time and energy, parts of the resources zone.
SX: You likely have a stronger focus on the exploration zone with focus on activation, risk, finding and riding the edge. And somewhat in the merging zone, with being passionate.
SO: It seems like you're quite strong in the participation zone, where it's important for you to contribute in certain ways, and to belong to the right group. You also challenge social messages you don't agree with.

The main conclusion I have here is that you are likely not so blind. I would guess so/sp first, because you do seem contraflow.

For MBTI: This is harder with not knowing you very well, but here we go (sorry if I'm way off with these):
The Extraversion-Introversion Facets: E
Initiating-Receiving: I (E)
Expressive-Contained: E (E)
Gregarious-Intimate: G (E)
Active-Reflective: A (E)
Enthusiastic-Quiet: E (E)

The Sensing-Intuition Facets: N (this is a place where your symptoms may be making you seem more N than you are)
Concrete-Abstract: A (N)
Realistic-Imaginative: I (N)
Practical-Conceptual: C (N)
Experiential-Theoretical: T (N)
Traditional-Original: O (N)

The Thinking-Feeling Facets: leaning T/x
Logical-Empathic: mmmm I don't get a clear read, balanced?
Reasonable-Compassionate: leaning R (T)
Questioning-Accommodating: Q (T)
Critical-Accepting: leaning C (T)
Tough-Tender: balanced?
Leaning T

The Judging-Perceiving Facets:
Systematic-Casual: C (P)
Planful-Open-Ended: O (P)
Early Starting-Pressure-Prompted: ?
Scheduled-Spontaneous: ?
Methodical-Emergent: E (P)
Likely P

ENxP, perhaps ENTP.


Dec 13, 2013
Instinctual Variant

I'm sorry it took me so long, thanks for your patience. I'm very sorry about your ex girlfriend. It sounds like you've been through a lot of difficult times, and I admire your strength in getting through them.

From your collage, I would guess instinctual stacking of so/sp with the eye contact and rebellious attitude. Contraflow.

For the typing, I'm also referencing other posts of yours
In one of those threads, I said "I'll try to be more thorough there, but from this, I think so/sp from the images, and there's a lot of 6 and 7 influence in your answers. From what you said above, I think I'd guess 7w6. Maybe 782 or 783 or 793. Or 693 or 639. Double reactive may be too much?, same with triple positive, and possibly double rejection is too much also. It's a bit hard for me to differentiate between the reactivity of 6 and 8. There is a lot of what feels like the assertiveness of possible 7, 8, or 3, so at least double assertive. 738 or 782 perhaps." It's harder to type those with some health issues, since sometimes the symptoms seem like personality traits when they aren't (like myself for example - I have ocd like behaviors but I'm not a 1 core), so if some of this doesn't fit, that may be why.

For enneagram: For heart: I think 3, probably w2. Honestly, I could see the possibility of all three for you, but 3 seems most likely, with fairly balanced wings, maybe more 2 than 4.
For head: Definitely 7, and I think I'd go with 7w8. For 7: You seem enthusiastic, adventurous, fluid and quick moving intellectually, versatile, sensation seeking, unpolished, independent, initiating, stimulation seeking, frustrated, open minded, busy, free spirited, freedom seeking, impulsive, impatient, charming, caring, exuberant, fear limits, dispersed.
For gut: 8, and I think if you've got 7w8, then 8w9 may work well. For 8: You seem independent, initiating, stimulation seeking, forceful, rejection fearing/offering of your talents, uncensored, challenging, justice seeking, success focused, have a fear of being controlled, push limits, are direct, and can be impulsive and excessive. (With 9, you seem to be tempered by wanting to be agreeable, accommodating, utopian, a bit of withdrawal, feeling different, seek harmony, modesty.)

7w8 8w9 3w2 so/sp. Though the 7 could possibly be 7w6 and the 8, 8w7. You've got a lot of assertive triad (triple assertive). Single reactive, single positive outlook. Colorful justice seeking explorer.

For instinctual stacking:
SP: You may have an unhealthy relationship with the self care zone, as you mentioned addictive behaviors, at least it's an area of strong focus. You seem also to have focus on time and energy, parts of the resources zone.
SX: You likely have a stronger focus on the exploration zone with focus on activation, risk, finding and riding the edge. And somewhat in the merging zone, with being passionate.
SO: It seems like you're quite strong in the participation zone, where it's important for you to contribute in certain ways, and to belong to the right group. You also challenge social messages you don't agree with.

The main conclusion I have here is that you are likely not so blind. I would guess so/sp first, because you do seem contraflow.

For MBTI: This is harder with not knowing you very well, but here we go (sorry if I'm way off with these):
The Extraversion-Introversion Facets: E
Initiating-Receiving: I (E)
Expressive-Contained: E (E)
Gregarious-Intimate: G (E)
Active-Reflective: A (E)
Enthusiastic-Quiet: E (E)

The Sensing-Intuition Facets: N (this is a place where your symptoms may be making you seem more N than you are)
Concrete-Abstract: A (N)
Realistic-Imaginative: I (N)
Practical-Conceptual: C (N)
Experiential-Theoretical: T (N)
Traditional-Original: O (N)

The Thinking-Feeling Facets: leaning T/x
Logical-Empathic: mmmm I don't get a clear read, balanced?
Reasonable-Compassionate: leaning R (T)
Questioning-Accommodating: Q (T)
Critical-Accepting: leaning C (T)
Tough-Tender: balanced?
Leaning T

The Judging-Perceiving Facets:
Systematic-Casual: C (P)
Planful-Open-Ended: O (P)
Early Starting-Pressure-Prompted: ?
Scheduled-Spontaneous: ?
Methodical-Emergent: E (P)
Likely P

ENxP, perhaps ENTP.
Thank you, I`ll have to agree with you're typing:)


Dec 13, 2013
Instinctual Variant

I'm sorry it took me so long, thanks for your patience. I'm very sorry about your ex girlfriend. It sounds like you've been through a lot of difficult times, and I admire your strength in getting through them.

From your collage, I would guess instinctual stacking of so/sp with the eye contact and rebellious attitude. Contraflow.

For the typing, I'm also referencing other posts of yours
In one of those threads, I said "I'll try to be more thorough there, but from this, I think so/sp from the images, and there's a lot of 6 and 7 influence in your answers. From what you said above, I think I'd guess 7w6. Maybe 782 or 783 or 793. Or 693 or 639. Double reactive may be too much?, same with triple positive, and possibly double rejection is too much also. It's a bit hard for me to differentiate between the reactivity of 6 and 8. There is a lot of what feels like the assertiveness of possible 7, 8, or 3, so at least double assertive. 738 or 782 perhaps." It's harder to type those with some health issues, since sometimes the symptoms seem like personality traits when they aren't (like myself for example - I have ocd like behaviors but I'm not a 1 core), so if some of this doesn't fit, that may be why.

For enneagram: For heart: I think 3, probably w2. Honestly, I could see the possibility of all three for you, but 3 seems most likely, with fairly balanced wings, maybe more 2 than 4.
For head: Definitely 7, and I think I'd go with 7w8. For 7: You seem enthusiastic, adventurous, fluid and quick moving intellectually, versatile, sensation seeking, unpolished, independent, initiating, stimulation seeking, frustrated, open minded, busy, free spirited, freedom seeking, impulsive, impatient, charming, caring, exuberant, fear limits, dispersed.
For gut: 8, and I think if you've got 7w8, then 8w9 may work well. For 8: You seem independent, initiating, stimulation seeking, forceful, rejection fearing/offering of your talents, uncensored, challenging, justice seeking, success focused, have a fear of being controlled, push limits, are direct, and can be impulsive and excessive. (With 9, you seem to be tempered by wanting to be agreeable, accommodating, utopian, a bit of withdrawal, feeling different, seek harmony, modesty.)

7w8 8w9 3w2 so/sp. Though the 7 could possibly be 7w6 and the 8, 8w7. You've got a lot of assertive triad (triple assertive). Single reactive, single positive outlook. Colorful justice seeking explorer.

For instinctual stacking:
SP: You may have an unhealthy relationship with the self care zone, as you mentioned addictive behaviors, at least it's an area of strong focus. You seem also to have focus on time and energy, parts of the resources zone.
SX: You likely have a stronger focus on the exploration zone with focus on activation, risk, finding and riding the edge. And somewhat in the merging zone, with being passionate.
SO: It seems like you're quite strong in the participation zone, where it's important for you to contribute in certain ways, and to belong to the right group. You also challenge social messages you don't agree with.

The main conclusion I have here is that you are likely not so blind. I would guess so/sp first, because you do seem contraflow.

For MBTI: This is harder with not knowing you very well, but here we go (sorry if I'm way off with these):
The Extraversion-Introversion Facets: E
Initiating-Receiving: I (E)
Expressive-Contained: E (E)
Gregarious-Intimate: G (E)
Active-Reflective: A (E)
Enthusiastic-Quiet: E (E)

The Sensing-Intuition Facets: N (this is a place where your symptoms may be making you seem more N than you are)
Concrete-Abstract: A (N)
Realistic-Imaginative: I (N)
Practical-Conceptual: C (N)
Experiential-Theoretical: T (N)
Traditional-Original: O (N)

The Thinking-Feeling Facets: leaning T/x
Logical-Empathic: mmmm I don't get a clear read, balanced?
Reasonable-Compassionate: leaning R (T)
Questioning-Accommodating: Q (T)
Critical-Accepting: leaning C (T)
Tough-Tender: balanced?
Leaning T

The Judging-Perceiving Facets:
Systematic-Casual: C (P)
Planful-Open-Ended: O (P)
Early Starting-Pressure-Prompted: ?
Scheduled-Spontaneous: ?
Methodical-Emergent: E (P)
Likely P

ENxP, perhaps ENTP.
I added in a second part to all of this.


Alongside Questionable Clarity
Jun 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
If you're bored at any point and not too overwhelmed with the list, I would like to hear your opinion of myself as well


Feb 13, 2022
Me please if you don't mind

1-what makes you angry?


When I wait something for a long time , especially if this thing is a reply from my friends ( I want everything immediately mostly , and I can't wait even if I acted like I can wait , the only exception is when I'm busy with something else )

When somebody around me complain a lot

When someone is expressing his sad emotions ( because I somehow feel other people's emotions , so I will be affected by sad emotions and I hate it )

When a plan I've made and started to do is cancelled because of something external, such as a change of appointment from someone else, or a sudden circumstance the plan
Although I go with the flow sometimes , I can't do that all the time

2-do you care about being fashionable? why/why not?

Yes and no
Yes because it's important for me to have a good and somehow different appearance
A little no because I have things that are more important

3-do you prefer to fit in or stand out?

Usually to fit in
But I don't mind standing out sometimes

4-do you like being in a relationship? why/why not?

Yes , I want it
The only reason I avoid it (and it does) is because of trust issues

It's not like doubting every moment that the other one will betray me

This happens because of bad previous experiences with trust, the people I trusted betrayed my trust and caused me many problems and tarnished my reputation as well.
So, every time I reveal a secret to someone or become very close to them, I get the feeling that they will reveal my secret as others have done, but I remove it

5-what do you spend the most time thinking about?

Imagining , not thinking

I imagine different situations, great conversations with imaginary people, I imagine I have a group of very close friends, who love and help me, people outside the group are watching us ( I'm involved in so many groups and communities but all of them are on the net , not in real life and I want to try a real group )

Me and myself in a high position is another subject within my imagination

Even though I fantasize a lot I still focus on my goals

Sometimes, it happens that in my imagination I re-explain the information I know to other people

If I think, I'll think about what I'll do next

6-How much have you changed over the years? Who were you as a child?

A lot I think ?
As I child , obsession was my second name, I was obsessed with anything that caught my eye: a hobby, a person, a cartoon, a place or anything else.
I remember being voluntarily separated from my family when I was four or five years old so that I could imagine more my mom thought I was acting strange , I move everywhere and speak , meanhile in my imagination I was imitating the role of a teacher, or principal, or singer, or something like that

I didn't believe in the idea that there should be something called "limits" between me and others, my energy was so tiring to others because of my endless activity, and the amount of my clinging to others, as a result of this, I was rejected and excluded and this was so painful

As I got older, I continued to live in my imagination, looking for stimuli, and getting close to the people who were important to me, even though I was fully aware of how others saw me, and I knew the difference between my imagination and reality.I continued to live in my fantasy for a long time and consider it reality and reject the reality that I understood well , I ignored everything , starting from ordinary reality, down to the family quarrels that erupted a lot

Anyway, the situation changed later, and gradually and due to the influence of family and school, I changed to a shy and introverted person, and lonely in some years. I also remember that I was jealous of my little brother because of the different treatment I was acting like a really sad person even though I don't remember if the cause of the jealousy was real or not
I got over this later, and still working to break out of the lonely sad person's shell, I got to know a lot of nice people that I was grateful to have in my life.
Despite the mild confidence issues I talked about earlier, I'm setting boundaries now (though they don't always exist).

7. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Someone who has status, is loved by everyone, is famous, helps everyone, enjoys his life and has close friends
and of course, independent, maybe married or has a boyfriend ? 🤔

8. When you are romantically interested in an individual, how do you generally act (shy, outgoing, annoying, etc.)?

The first thing I will do is I will watch him, gather information about him from his social media, maybe talk to him later if not those pesky ones who spread rumors about me in middle school around.

If I find him suitable, and read his acceptance of me, I will ask him to make our relationship closer, and devote more time to him (although much of my time goes to communicate with friends, his time will be the most)

I want the relationship more private, everything is just between us, I want him to be my secret person, and me to be his secret person, I don't mind talking about our relationship sometimes to others, but not always, privacy is important

9. Define justice!

Justice is equality, taking into account the circumstances of each person

10. What is your idea of the perfect day?

A day in which I enjoy, go out alone or with friends, do different activities and many tasks

11. If you could live anywhere, where would you live (doesn't have to be a real place)?

A very crowded city where I can feel free , although I won't be outside every day ( Because as I said, I fantasize most of the time, and I can't comfortably do this outside.)

12. What tends to weigh on your decisions? (Do you think about people, pro-cons, how you feel about it, etc.)

What I will benefit from it, the possible consequences, perhaps its impact on others close to me (persons or a group)
sometimes I make rash decisions just for fun

13. What makes you dislike the personalities of some people?

Their arrogance perhaps?
Being so superficial, fake, and arrogant without any reason why they deserve it, too, I don't like people controlling my life even though I like people who are very assertive

I hate people who are obsessed with beauty and cosmetic surgeries and superficial appearances

People who value their comfort and personal benefit above all

selfish people

14. What's it like to be you?

To be like me means to have an unconscious desire of perfection , to feel disappointed with anything you do ( work ) , any pleasurable experiences you have ( films you watch , music you listen to , etc ) because it doesn't live up to your expectations and you want it to be better
and sometimes you can be lazy and hopeless because there is no possibility of doing everything perfectly

It means being calm on the inside, careless and sometimes enthusiastic on the outside, helping others while you search for yourself, doing your best to gain appreciation from others, being proud sometimes but not losing yourself, seeing better ways to make other people's work wonderful, but not always for yourself, to be close to your friends and far from them too, to support those close and be happy at their success as much as for yourself

15. They claim enneagram type is a hidden love need. What are your attitudes toward finding love?

I swing between: I want love, admiration, and appreciation from others, and I don't want that shit

17. Your schooling is done and it's time to strike out into the world!! What sort of career do you want to go into and why?

I want to be responsible for a position in the company, and I prefer to be able to communicate with others and work on my own at the same time
Something about humanitarian organizations attracts me more than commercial ones, but I don't mind any of them

18. You get into an argument with a friend/family member/co-worker. They criticize one of your personality traits. What would most likely be the focus of their critique?

I study a little, then I distract myself with something and then I go back to studying again, and the cycle continues without full focus on what I am doing
In another form : I study but when I almost reach the end, I no longer have the energy to complete it, I feel suffocated and trapped

daily life affairs don't bother me so much

I don't study if what I'm studying is difficult and boring ( I may try sometimes, I still have this sense of duty and responsibility inside me, but it misses me a lot sometimes)

19. It's New Year ! You and your friends are out and about after a party. Being drunk, one of your friends suggests to do something....'questionable' (Nothing serious. I.e, drugs, escort, etc.). What are your thoughts and how do you respond?

I wouldn't mind doing something a little problematic just for fun as long as it doesn't completely tarnish our reputation (to the point of damage) or punish us legally.
However , i'll stay careful
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Burning Paradigm

Vibe Curator & Night Owl
May 16, 2020
Instinctual Variant
I would actually love an Enneagram typing (core and tritype if that's okay). I'm confident in so/sp, but I vacillate between different types.

I think you know me pretty well, but I'd be happy to fill out a questionnaire or just type out my thoughts if that helps you out, just me know!

Mind Maverick

Emotional Machine
Jan 17, 2018
I'll sign up but I don't expect much from anyone besides @SirCanSir, so it's not just you. It's because of certain things about me.

As for you, I still see Fe, particularly in Socionics. Basically every post you make is full of things intended to generate or maintain the emotional atmosphere. There's not a hint of Fe Ignoring in them. Fe Ignoring means you're not only willing to break atmospheres for Fi related reasons, but you're also not motivated to participate in it. I don't think you're EII. Seem more Fe valuing. Peaceful, harmonious, fluffy atmosphere stuff. Looking to the moods of the social situations. The way you post "feel good" gifs and other images intended to set the mood of the interactions (see first post in this thread as example) is textbook Fe.

I wish I realized how pushy/firm my perspective sounded before I wrote it. Sorry about that. Anyway, it's only food for thought. Maybe I just don't know enough details. That's the other thing, though...you were always tough to close the distance with. Fi is about psychological distance, closeness. It tends to cut through to the authentic nuances while not being opposed to breaking emotional atmospheres (ignores them). I never saw that from you. Quite the opposite, it was hard to close the distance with you because the fluff got in the way. Perhaps the Fe fluff was just your shield keeping me and others at bay, though.

I wonder if I'm just sensing some (withdrawing) reactions to my Se, if you are Se PoLR. I am pretty goddamn Se. I just always felt some resistance when I tried to get closer, more personal, more intimate. I sensed anxiety or something behind it. Maybe it's just because I used to be sensitive and toxic. I don't know.
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Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
If you’re stumped on mine then just skip me
I'm not sure how good I'll be at typing you, but I'm gonna try. Sorry I've just been quite busy offline with unfun stuff, that's why the thread is moving slowly.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Argh, I had partially finished Stig's typing, but the draft wasn't saved. :scream:


Feb 13, 2022
Argh, I had partially finished Stig's typing, but the draft wasn't saved. :scream:

Then I would recommend to retype it using voice typing (via the keyboard if it supports this option, or via the a specialized app), you will need to retype some of the words that the app mistypes , but it's easier than rewriting everything manually

Just search for an audio to text converter on the App Store, download one and use it


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I'll take a cone with all the type toppings please.

For enneagram: For heart: I think 3 is most likely here, though with it being last in your tritype, none of them would seem horrifyingly wrong. The 3 motivations to appear smooth, composed, independent, successful, being goal oriented, detached, self assured, pragmatic, cool, efficient are more visible than are the motivations of 2 or 4.
For head: 5 is very clear to me here. You're very withdrawn and secretive/selective. Your aesthetics can be nihilistic. You're introspective and feel different, detached, you fit the rejection triad in the offering up of your talents. There's a sense that you retreat into your own mind, think before acting, and that you're withholding (of information). You're self sufficient, undemanding, investigative, objective, and can be very calm in a crisis.
For gut: 9, very very 9. I think you're a core 9 as you exhibit these layered on top of the 5 characteristics - the 5 is added seasoning on the 9, I think, more than it's the 9 seasoning the 5, if that makes sense. You are accommodating, agreeable, stubborn, patient, come across as somewhat unenergetic, withdrawn, introspective, feel different, seek stability and harmony, fear loss and conflict, are self effacing, modest, find comfort in routines, honest, deflecting, inclusive, steadfast, affable, can be passive aggressive.

953 Unruffled reserved sensitive intellect observer while also being a wholesome strategic competitor.

For instinctual stacking:
SP: You give interest to self care and I get the sense that you're focused on practicality and resources.
SX: I think you give some attention to the area of attraction, you're in touch with that, and to some extent exploration. You don't seem to focus much on merging however.
SO: You seem to focus on interpreting others (and you're good at it), and though your withdrawn nature makes it more difficult, you're interested in connecting and participating.

Sp/so: Sp is pretty clearly your dominant here, I think. And as such, both sp/so and sp/sx could be possible, but sp/so seems much more likely, as you focus more on so matters than sx matters.


For MBTI: Sorry if I'm way off on any of these.
The Extraversion-Introversion Facets:
Initiating-Receiving: leaning receiving - I
Expressive-Contained: Contained - I
Gregarious-Intimate: Gregarious - E
Active-Reflective: Reflective - I
Enthusiastic-Quiet: balanced.
Overall I.

The Sensing-Intuition Facets:
Concrete-Abstract: leaning A - N
Realistic-Imaginative: hmm... not sure. leaning N.
Practical-Conceptual: balanced.
Experiential-Theoretical: again, not sure, leaning N.
Traditional-Original: O -N.

The Thinking-Feeling Facets:
Logical-Empathic: leaning L - T
Reasonable-Compassionate: leaning L - T
Questioning-Accommodating: Q - T
Critical-Accepting: balanced.
Tough-Tender: leaning tough - T.
Leaning T.

The Judging-Perceiving Facets:
Systematic-Casual: C - P.
Planful-Open-Ended: I'm not sure. I suspect balanced.
Early Starting-Pressure-Prompted: Again, I suspect balanced.
Scheduled-Spontaneous: Balanced?
Methodical-Emergent: E - P.
Leaning P.

So INTP seems like a good fit. Was there ever a doubt? ;)


Edited to add 9w1 5w4 3w2. Those are just guesses aside from the w1 (you're more superego than I think a w8 would be). I could easily see 5w6 3w4 instead of 5w4 3w2.
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Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant


Feb 13, 2022
Do you mind if I reanswer the questionnaire and put it in my comment instead of the previous questionnaire ?
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Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Do you mind if I reanswer the questionnaire and put it in my comment instead of the previous questionnaire ?
Of course! You can fill out any you would like to!


New member
May 4, 2022
New here, filled out the questionnaire:

a) Late teens, USA. No impairments. Atheist/nonspiritual but don't see how that would affect anything.
b) Not saying to avoid influencing you.

Tried answering this a few times but found it difficult to truly express what I'm going for. In short, I want to Change The World. And also scientific discovery. Again, this really doesn't get at the heart of it.

Can relate to most. Don't really care about lust but I'm asexual. I'm not really greedy or envious in terms of standard materialistic things although I can be ambitious and competitive. Unfortunately I can relate to sloth since I've been too stuck on random internet things as opposed to doing what I want to be doing.

a) Interesting people. Yes, I realize that's tautological. See 9.
b) Hopefully same as a. Don't know. I'm generally too reclusive/isolated to notice.
c) The close-minded and self-righteous.

Consistent high social energy and work ethic.

Bullshit power tripping on the part of authority pisses me off. That gets me in trouble sometimes.
I can get embarrassed but honestly it's not a big deal. Who cares?
I think I used to fear failure more. Still do to some extent, just in a more existential/irreversible way. I also have a fear of being controlled.
Sometimes I feel I'm searching for a passion in life. There are things that highly interest me and are fun but I don't have a strong emotion for.
It depends. Some people are very annoying to deal with in conflict.

So personal. I'm rather too private to truthfully reveal something like this.

No plan to attend college. Will try and set my own path by starting some of my business ideas.

Do they do interesting (unconventional) things or have interesting ideas/perspectives/values/goals?

Humanity is what it is. It's interesting to examine the structures behind human relations and the reasons for them. The concept of "the human experience" and whatnot is highly confused and overrated.

Math, CS, the sciences, philosophy, analysis of things in general. Most of my free time is spent reading about these topics.

(the number 12 was skipped. is this a test of detail orientation lol. that would be sorta clever)

Don't really hang out with them outside of school.

Words are a form of action. I know what you're asking but this isn't a clear dichotomy. I'd say actions, since they impact how things are more directly.

A, it's much better than the remaining options. True immortality is likely to be excruciating boring. Losing my memories, depending on how that's interpreted, basically amounts to death. Being poor would severely hamper my ability to achieve things I want, as would not experiencing passion. But losing taste, while sad, isn't devastating and provides the upside of allowing me a much healthier diet.

Losing sight of myself, taking the easy way in life.

I can get obsessive about a particular interest sometimes (e.g. certain video games), usually for a few days before I get bored of it. Don't understand "merging", and don't want to "merge" with anyone. I value my independence too much.

Very rarely bother to organize my desk. Some of my digital files are highly organized (e.g. specific naming system), others are just tossed into a folder. I can find everything anyway, what's the point?
I do plan things but also often drop the plan. Sometimes it's a form of fantasy for me (e.g. planning a cross country trip I'll never take).

I appreciate comfort, I guess. It's not something I think about a lot though, so dunno.

Note: Looking back, it might be difficult to get my type from this. I'm interested to see if you can figure things out from the way I think about and say things in addition to the actual content.

For what it's worth, I don't actually believe in any of these personality systems but I'm curious anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Yes yes yes I do!
For enneagram: For heart: I can see the possibility of 2 or 4 easily here. I think it's important for you to be seen both as a kind helpful person and as a unique individual. Neither is your core, of course. You're more focused on *being yourself* than appearing as anything else. For 2: you are generous, somewhat demonstrative, nurturing, appreciative, dedicated, conscientious, more work than play, optimistic, talent offering, tend to put others first, want to be seen as unselfish, drawn toward others, offer rather than seek, and are friendly and people oriented. For 4: I think you would like to be seen as special, are self conscious, self revealing, withdrawn, introspective, feel different, untrusting, frustrated. But I don't think you have an over attachment to suffering. So I think 2w1.
For head: 6 seems really clear here. You're dependable, self doubting, duteous, rebellious, dedicated, conscientious, more work than play, seek stability, feel inferior, value loyalty, fear being without support, are tuned into danger, insecure, don't trust your own mind, need to vent, are vigilant, checking, friendly, have a sort of ping pong quality, collaborative, risk taking, contrary. I'm not sure, but I think 6w7 is probably more likely.
For gut: This is a bit harder, though 9 is easy for me to say, 9w1. Both the 9 and the 1 are strong, but 9 wins. For 9, you're accommodating, agreeable, stubborn, patient, withdrawn, introspective, feel different, seek stability, seek harmony, fear loss and conflict, self effacing, modest, unassertive, you seem to find comfort in routines, indecisive, inclusive, steadfast, affable, sometimes passive aggressive. For 1, you're principled, fair, dedicated, conscientious, more work than play, frustrated, seek justice, may appear cold, fear corruption, prone to guilt, have moral indignation, are responsible, consistent, critical, can be inflexible, judgmental, self punitive, non adaptive, and honest. 9w1 core.

9w1 6w7 2w1 Moral self-doubting fair-minded egalitarian ally.

For instinctual stacking:
SP: You show attention to self care (especially food and sleep), practicality and resources (time, energy, money), and your home life. I think moderate focus on this area.
SX: You don't seem to be very focused on the attraction zone, or the exploration zone. I think there's likely more focus on the merging zone, but still not a lot.
SO: There's a lot of focus on interpreting others, reading them, reading between the lines, attunement to them, empathy, adapting to them. And to connecting to others, play, communication. And also a decent focus on participation, whether you involve yourself or not, what you contribute.

So/sp seems pretty clear.

The Extraversion-Introversion Facets:
Initiating-Receiving: Midrange... maybe more receiving. Lean I.
Expressive-Contained: Expressive. E.
Gregarious-Intimate: Lean gregarious, E.
Active-Reflective: Reflective, I.
Enthusiastic-Quiet: Midrange online, offline quiet, I.
Leaning I, more I in person than online.

The Sensing-Intuition Facets:
Concrete-Abstract: N.
Realistic-Imaginative: Leaning N.
Practical-Conceptual: Leaning N.
Experiential-Theoretical: S.
Traditional-Original: N.
Overall N.

The Thinking-Feeling Facets:
Logical-Empathic: F or midrange.
Reasonable-Compassionate: Midrange.
Questioning-Accommodating: Midrange, both.
Critical-Accepting: lol, again both.
Tough-Tender: Midrange.
This one is tough because with 9 and w1 and 6 being strong influences, you ping pong back and forth and land in the middle fairly often, it seems to me. I think that I'd say leans F.

The Judging-Perceiving Facets:
Systematic-Casual: P.
Planful-Open-Ended: midrange, good balance.
Early Starting-Pressure-Prompted: probably leans P.
Scheduled-Spontaneous: I'm not sure... midrange?
Methodical-Emergent: P.
Overall P.

So likely INFP.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Care to try me?
For enneagram:
For heart: 3w4. 3 is pretty clear here, though the wing isn't as clear to me. For 3: You seek being desirable, important, come off as a smooth surface reflecting whatever back to those around you, are goal oriented, seek stimulation, seem detached, contented, seek praise, are pragmatic, compare self to others, are industrious, ambitious. For 2: You can be demonstrative, dedicated, conscientious, offer up your talents, are friendly. For 4: being special seems somewhat important, you're self conscious, self revealing, introspective, seek identity.
For head: 6w5. I think you're pretty clearly 6 core. I say this because after reading a bunch of your threads and questionnaires, you ping pong back and forth so much that initially, it's hard to think what type you might be (the fact that I think you're also 3 attachment types in your tritype doesn't help as that generally makes it harder for me to recognize people's types). 6s can be very black and white. They can be contradictory. They can be this or that. They're complex. You seem quite in your head, and this is the head center. For 6: you are motivated to be dependable, self doubting, duteous, rebellious, ambiguous, conscientiousness, have a sense of being superior, untrusting, seek stability, feel inferior (yeah, in addition to feeling superior), are tuned into danger, insecure, don't trust your own mind, friendly, inquisitive, analytical, contrary. You've got more 5 influence than 7, I think, with being more withdrawn and likely to retreat, more detached, less fun seeking, less exuberant.
For gut: 9w1. There's quite a lot of 1 influence for you, so much that 1w9, if gut is last, wouldn't seem all that odd. But 9 is stronger... you are motivated by being accommodating, agreeable, stubborn, introspective, seek stability, self effacing, unassertive, find comfort in routines, hazy, deflecting, affable. For 1: motivated to be principled, fair, controlled, conscientious, appear cold, critical/judgmental, value honesty.

6w5 3w4 9w1. Self doubting/questioning double mirror.

For instinctual stacking:
SP: You seem to have a moderate healthy amount of focus on self care, resources, and home life.
SX: You don't have focus on the attraction zone, though there is more focus on the merging and the exploration zones, but not as much a focus as on the sp areas.
SO: You largely seem focused on this, especially attuning and adapting to others and the rest of the interpretation zone. Though you have some struggles with connecting regarding relationships, there's focus on it, and there's decent focus on the participating zone.


The Extraversion-Introversion Facets: Forgive me if I'm way off on these.
Initiating-Receiving: R - I
Expressive-Contained: E- E
Gregarious-Intimate: I? - I
Active-Reflective: A - E
Enthusiastic-Quiet: midrange
Overall, I. You're quite balanced here, but people tend to drain your energy, so I'm gonna go I over E.

The Sensing-Intuition Facets:
Concrete-Abstract: C - S
Realistic-Imaginative: R - S
Practical-Conceptual: P -S
Experiential-Theoretical: E -S
Traditional-Original: midrange

The Thinking-Feeling Facets:
Logical-Empathic: L - T
Reasonable-Compassionate: R - T
Questioning-Accommodating: A - T
Critical-Accepting: midrange
Tough-Tender: Tough - T

The Judging-Perceiving Facets:
Systematic-Casual: midrange
Planful-Open-Ended: P - J
Early Starting-Pressure-Prompted: ?
Scheduled-Spontaneous: Scheduled - J
Methodical-Emergent: M - J
I had a hard time gauging you here, because it felt like you can simultaneously be both quite P and J. BUT, much like with Introversion/Extraversion, I am gonna go with J.

ISTJ. or iSTj if you prefer. :)


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Can you type me too please? 🥰
For enneagram:
For heart: 2 and 3 show up very strongly for you. For 2: you're generous, demonstrative, sentimental, nurturing, appreciative, dedicated, conscientious, offer talents, put others first, fear being unwanted, want to be seen, are drawn toward others, engaging, offer rather than seek, are personal, friendly, people oriented, helpful, supportive, responsible, have difficulty saying no, don't always voice your own needs. For 3: you are motivated to appear desirable, important, smooth, cool, composed, successful, seek status, seek stimulation, fear being nobody, driven to excel, fear failure, compare self to others, are ambitious, enthusiastic, may be overextended, inattentive to feelings. Overall, I think the 3 is stronger than the 2, especially when you consider what are considered the more negative sides to both these types, as you don't exhibit much in the way of those for 2, but do more so for 3. 3w2. You've got some 4 qualities (being self conscious, withdrawn, feel broken, vulnerable), but I don't think the motivation is there at all.
For head: There are a few 5 characteristics/motivations: being secretive, process oriented, withdrawn, but there's far more 6 and 7. For 6: you seek to be dependable, are self doubting, duteous, dedicated, conscientious, seek stability, feel inferior, are loyal, fear being without support, don't trust own mind, can be checking, friendly, collaborative, but you don't have much of the ambiguous, testing, contrariness a 6 would have. Instead, you've got lots of 7: enthusiastic, adventurous, fluid, versatile, sensation seeking, optimistic and frustrated, seek fun, focus on missed fun, fear pain and deprivation, are open minded, want to try it all, attractived to the novel, free spirited, charming, caring, exuberant, spontaneous, fear limits, dispersed, quick thinking. But here again, you don't have many of the more negative aspects of 7 as much (like feeling entitled, being uncommitted, impatient, etc), so I think 3 is your core, followed by a strong 7. 7w6.
For gut: 9 seems super obvious to me here. 9: accommodating, agreeable, there's some stubbornness, patient, utopian, withdrawn, optimistic, idealistic, seek stability, seek harmony, fear of loss and conflict, self effacing, modest, seek permanence, unassertive, find some comfort in routines, trusting, hazy, attached to peace, deflecting, inclusive, steadfast, affable. For 8 influence, you can be protective, untrusting, offer talents, seek justice. I think you've got more 8 than 1, so 9w8.

3w2 7w6 9w8 bright smooth colorful bubbling possibility.

For instinctual stacking:
SP: Circumstances force you to pay more attention to this than I think you'd like. There is some focus on self care, of course, especially comfort, some on resources, and some on home life.
SX: I don't think you're sx blind, and there's a moderate amount of focus on attraction, exploration, and definitely with merging.
SO: clearly your dom. You spend a lot of time focused on this area, in all the zones (interpretation - especially attunement, reading, and empathy/concern, connecting - particularly in sustaining relationships, communication, play, and reciprocity, and participating - especially belonging).

Sparkling so/sx.

The Extraversion-Introversion Facets: Forgive me if I'm way off on these.
Initiating-Receiving: I think under normal circumstances, initiating. E
Expressive-Contained: midrange. You tend to be more contained, but under the right circumstances, expressive. E
Gregarious-Intimate: Under normal circumstances, probably leaning gregarious, though more toward the middle.
Active-Reflective: leaning active.E
Enthusiastic-Quiet: enthusiastic. E
Overall, E.

The Sensing-Intuition Facets:
Concrete-Abstract: midrange.
Realistic-Imaginative: imaginative. N
Practical-Conceptual: conceptual? N
Experiential-Theoretical: leaning theoretical. N
Traditional-Original: midrange to original.

The Thinking-Feeling Facets:
Logical-Empathic: leaning empathic. F
Reasonable-Compassionate: compassionate. F
Questioning-Accommodating: leaning accommodating. F
Critical-Accepting: leaning accepting. F
Tough-Tender: midrange.

The Judging-Perceiving Facets:
Systematic-Casual: casual. P
Planful-Open-Ended: midrange.
Early Starting-Pressure-Prompted: pressure? P
Scheduled-Spontaneous: midrange.
Methodical-Emergent: leaning emergent. P
