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[Traditional Enneagram] KitchenFly's laboratory for the exploration of number patterns


New member
May 31, 2015
Instinctual Variant

Sounds like the neurotic part of your inner Sx/Sp/So is at work-KitchenFly

Do have much on going troubles with this over compensating part of your being?

4's 2's and nines can have This sheared inner difficulty "team is impotent" we kinda have to survive together would be a topical articulation a simpatico inspired hop to connect believe that self and other are on the same page connected as one on the same Planet.

Are you by chance a Sx:4 ? [MENTION=24144]KitchenFly[/MENTION]

It's interesting how the two Sp functions work within the overcompensation of the type via the sub conches needs to feel centred and free within the psychodrama of selfs need to de expressively free willed.

You seek to limit free will and choice with an other rather than accept diversity within the multiplicity and move on enjoying the aspects of being that generate aliveness within self.

So/sp instinct has its complicated stress stress structure, I know I am human to. Perhaps you would like to shear you hart felt experience as to the type you see your self as being and I could illuminate for you the structure and mechanics that are moving you while your self is focused upon holding balance rather than embracing the a texture of the posture of this inmate controlling component of Being.

Please do tell your story [MENTION=24144]KitchenFly[/MENTION]


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
I'll give it a go Snickie.

9w1 vs 1w9.

The way I see it is the middle type within the tri type has much to do with continuity, regulating controlling and influencing the explicate of the psychodrama narrative that we engage with within interpersonal relations selfs own regulated mind set with self and others at a level of influence orientation with minds focused continuity.

The 1w9 is more super ego driven were as the 9w1 is more Id driven.

Right action focused first impersonal towards how something affects personal and impersonal vs personal first looking out onto discriminating as whether an action or situation is correct ok or of an unsettling nature with a micro feeling feeling component (personal) and a detached observational global view visceral orientation.

The two energies couple or are linked as if a seesaw but egoic minds overcompensation so blind the receptive view from the other side of the seesaw that self becomes lazy in noting with empathy concisely both actions as states within selfs own Being.

Relating cognitively think-feel-Hart to Gut to experience as a reaction (Head) thoughts follow the hart as the selfs Gut dictates,can be the trap as a fixated emotional mind overcompensation factor. This is the ambidextrous S&N trance in action testing its will with the ESNTJ INNER DYNAMIC MIND SET ACTION in-play, a trance perceived by self as a mono toned experience, the Self is comfortably sitting on its own side of the seesaw self confident.

We're as the 9w1 relates cognitively feel-sense-Gut to Hart to experience as a reaction (Head) impressions follow the head as Gut dictates,can be the trap as a fixated emotional mind overcompensation factor. This is the N within the INP of the INFP trance as the F chooses to silently abstain interaction participation till egoic mind believes participation is warranted.

Two clearly differing states, like all types what is required is a shift in trance to act from a differing perspective within the selfs own minds eye. If you are not Serbian as to you tri-type don't be surprised if you find that as your Instinctual energy fluxes between the three energies (SP, SO, SX) and the six energy states and there dual directional paths eg: Sp/sx or Sp/Sx Point:2 to and with Point:4 across Point :3 to experience the via a mental action of receptivity (sense-feel), to switch to, Sp/sx connected to Point:5 SX (I am) asserted or to Point:8 SO asserting i am.

The point is there are switches at work and within or buzzy ness or business we are preoccupied to see the switching that takes place with our personal inner mental activity as trance transformers and re transformers with self knowing other than noting emotions experienced as being stressful joyful or mundane annoying extra.

So what I am saying is in one emotional state you could be 514 and in another emotional state you could be 594.

One instinct Another instinct in all six variations are posable via both four energies and the five energies and and the two fixed energies of 514 or 594.

Good luck and may the force be with you, that the easiest way to experience the Self as Being not stuck, sitting on the seesaw.


New member
Oct 5, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Fascinating thread but over my head and beyond my areas of expertise. Excellent read, however, and an interesting correlative theory.

:sage: :thumbup:


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Thanks for you input, much appreciated. (Big smile)
[MENTION=26269]Kheledon[/MENTION], Cheers.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
how do you become your own person? be the rugged individualist you guys are? share your wisdom infjs!

Well a switched on person I was seeking help from when I was 20-21 year old looked at me and said, "what other people think of me is non of my business! I look at him for a moment as the penny dropped and said to myself out loud, What Another person thinks about me is non of my business!

One of the best slithers of wisdom someone ever shared with me as in return I purchased one copy of Personality Types and a copy of Understanding The Enneagram, by the author Don Richard Riso as a token of my apposition and gave them to him.

As a nine that was sound advice and as a person still thinking teenager thoughts while traveling forward though life that was the best advice.

Now as a 9w1w8 Sx/Sp I utilise my 3w2 Sp/Sx energy or my 1w2 Sp/So energy to deal with thinking about if needs be the concept of what if it other talk about me first before acting.

Stop think act. Kinda like a closed triangle.


Self image is important and affects all eight cognitive patterns equally.

If it's a T kinda perspective you would like to view first from them how about the logic: Energy follows thought.

And the F kinda perspective could be resistance is expressed in multiple forms of expression.

Silence and the withholding "E-motion" the outward E-motion expressed as an emotional attitude,from "inner reactions", is a standard form of resistance expressed by all.

S may aline with T as N may aline with F. And, I and P as E and J can also sustain the statuesque as often human are repetitive and frequently discriminate habitually.

In other words we al like to have a whinge if a supportive like minded person is prepared to lend a respective ear.


Yeah this is what I've seen too. Not that they don't mean it when they decide not to give a fuck anymore - they do. I think they have to get comfortable with the idea before embracing it.

Hmm completion; nine at Point:9.

I think in the context you are choosing to put forth as argument,. care is an action by the hart centre.

No shock no gain,. A step further requires an existent ethereal action action of hart and mind in unison with two actions the 9w8 can struggles with witch frequently confuses there primary function, view, to understand and express with via,. A liberating inner freedom that empowers Self to think as is sense,. But not separate.

Since it's Easter "Amen" reconciliation is worth contemplation.

To help do this we can take a view of the empowering conches mechanism we can all access that the 9w8w1 holds as a capability to mirror to all and In doing so invite conches awareness. A sheared active synergy inmate with the Soul of Man.

It is a dynamic an action a secondary reach.

The 9w8w1 has three clear states. It's primary fixation (INFJ) with its standard structural mechanical order in operation as a fluctuating mechanism N F NF I J .
It's second clear state observable is the actions from components existing within the structure of its two wings. ESTP and ESNTJ. Her we find the first key and as we know things often work in three's and in this case three steps.

With out going into to much detailed explanation, S&N is reached as a spit in attention empowers the 9w8 to, via its eight wing connects Point:5 were the ESTP energy links the 5w6w4 ambidextrous F&T energy with the second step action of the engaged ambidextrous S&N generated from the one wing of the 9w8w1's wing. A triangle action is active S&N with F&T with The Inner N, leading to, A New Step Two, the F couples with the first function F of the INFP (9w1w8 energy) 4, 6, 8,

N-F F-N , action at Point:9 (4) four parts. (A multiplicity of two subtype sheared Point energies)

N - S & N - F & T - F , action starting from Point:9, drawing from wing Point:1, then via wing Point:8's connection with Point:5 the F&T, and the activation of the second preferred Fe for the (9w8w1 INFJ). (6) six parts.

Then as you can detect the action of eight parts is the last six including the two parts from The most sacred:Zero At Point Nine.

We see now that the key now begins to tern. The Second Shock.

Note within the explanation honoured was (4, 6, 8) ,and the second shock point we know is located at Point Six.

The third Shock is the competing of another triangle action, step two was archived when: (N-F F-N) took place. And the The First Shock activated after when: (nine at Point:9 was honoured as the activating action), 9w8w1 coupled S&N with F&T.

Three into three is the next step requires I believe all processes begin at zero at point nine and end at nine at point nine, the activation of the hole person. The completing of the Primary inner triangle grounds the third shock into our Being. As our experienced state of being,. Authentic Man Human freed from our egoic state as being a so called mechanical man.

Other can better describe the making of the law of three happen within, but I thought it important articulate an important mechanical action that takes place as the retransformation takes place from mechanical man to hole man or Conches Being.

Anyway I don't real give a f*** about you but the meditation of Easter well I care greatly about taking some time out to refine my understanding of what was meant by the phrase "Son Of God", as a pin head you in orated me to well air my thoughts.

Perhaps it was our fathers will directing doth our narratives, or all our narratives. It's a thought.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
How do you understand or view the function? Is it utterly foreign to you, or do you have some understanding of it?

I view it many ways mostly it's not foreign to me but I can find being hole focused in a respective state taking in receptively the cognitive relay of Ti can be mind blowing when the informative communicated is lazed in a precise manner with an intent to inform.

It I was to sum up the proactive side of Ti with one word, that word would be, thoughtful.

In a strange kinda way Ti reminds me at an instinctive level of a resonance between gut and hart that strikes it's refinance pitch at Point:6 for the SP instinct types via a relay between direct cognition and mass (Points 9 and 3) as points two and one ripple in two directions as a synergy and strike points three and nine sounding Point:6 Ti and Te are sounded as instinctual notes via a complex synergy two sets of three (2&1 to reach 6 and 3&9 to reach 6). The Gut and the Hart and the overdeveloped catalyst overcompensated being the The Head centre sounded as a chief Note from Points 1&2.

An interesting thing is that the Sp/Sx and the Sp/So both reach from their triangles to Points 5 and 7 the two Points eat her side of Point Six the hole point of the second Shock. The personal triangle (-1-4-7-) and the team work triangle (-2-5-:cool:.

One hole:1 + 1/2 (Point:9) +1/2 (Point:3) Plus a wharf of one hole Point:6, the sounded Note.

One hole:2 + 1/2 (Point:3) +1/2 (Point:9) Plus a wharf of one hole Point:6, the sounded Note.

1 + 1 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 Plus 1/2 of and the other 1/2 of one hole being the catalyst Point:6 equals, "FIVE".

Repeat this for SX & SO and the number becomes FIFTEEN, three short of the number eighteen and four short of the number nineteen.

Nineteen Boundaries Of Creation comes to mind.

We started with four points, Point:9, Point:1, Point:2. Point:3.

5+15+19= 39

Three tens (the law of ten and the three Points of the Primary inner triangle, nine units (nine Point of the Enneagram).

Why would this repeat its self three times?

The thought that comes to mind relates to the Atom:
- the strong force.
- the week force.
- the electromagnetic force.

Wow! did I just get all Ti for moment there?


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
in my understanding it's a misconception to see head types as the fear triad or fear types.

all types have their basic fear patterns. every individual has specific fears etc.

when you think patternwise about dangers in order to avoid them you're not a fear type in my eyes. it's a way to deal with things. that's all.

with the help of this thinking pattern head types also avoid the feeling of fear.

Hi Ron, at one level I get were your at and that's natural it's easy regardless of type and type and type to become cognitively mono syllabic in thought in regards to making sense of vast complexity,s that yield to a stereo similar within our own perception formed by our own part portion perspective.

The Triad that contains Points: 4 and 5 and 6, deals with first the information input from the head centre to determine,make discussions , and construct choices to act or act upon.

These three component actions require the remaining two centre's form which a cognitive flows flux is sustained.

Anyway the guts of the matter is The Head types / The Fear Types / The Thinking Types, or the types belonging to the grouping that centre upon the output influence of Point:6 all are influenced but the grey and white mater inside the scull and all the rest of it that the brain consists of.

For the types Five, Six and Severn, stress is experienced as agenda is ordered from the head centre, "if I, what if, I'm going to" , "I will, I may, I shall" ,("observe", "introspection", "plan")

these examples of deal with action at the personal level it is identity driven self determined action lead, it is lead by the head centre, "I"- in contrast to - environment.

Fear is synonymous with being alive due to two of the three basic component factors we are all influenced directly by, Creation -(the creative force) and Entropy -( the destructive force / entropy) or at the personal inner level entropy could be defined as the intropic force, fear based acts or fear biased actions or fear lead ignorance.

Anyway Agenda is the key to understanding a context for the three stresses experienced from the mental or mind lead by the influences or flux flow input from the three centre's.

To help you out Ron her is a link to Russ Hudson who has a mental fetish for all things metaphysical and relevantly related to Egypt and its ancient history.

IEA France : Russ Hudson - Le triangle et la loi de 3. Extrait du DVD


Active member
Feb 5, 2015

Exsprience is a good way of putting it,. The experience of thinking with the hart motor running, being mentally I gaged with the hart and its adrenaline flowing through the hum of selfs experiential emo filling the base like groin (sexual centre) feeling the supper ego's charge, in contrast not being sedated buy the gut centre neutralising both the active hart and head multiplicity aliveness (direct cognitive ratio.

Head centre no fear state is the raw superego energy active, it is the ego as russ Hudson was saying in the vid clip , me as in "I" the selfs determination concisely active in the now. It is the six energy active the three energy negative and the nine energy neutral head hart gut all engaged with the aliveness self doing it the selfs way. Moving (6) centre sexual (3) centre and mental centre (9) the supper ego is drawing direct cognition but being reactive via its own hart (will) that is what I men by the sexual centre's energy it is as if at this level of operation Point 3-4-5 fuel Point:6 with an aspect of the instinctual SX energy at its raw level base level supper ego level and indirectly Point nine is a counter balance the eye of the meditation's energy (the inner neutral of the selfs "direct cognition" -personal) as if the experience could be thought of as a linear vibration were in one closed circle is a symbol were in the centre of the space is the sexual centre's active component the inner face of the circle is the moving centre's component and the outer face of the same circle is the mental centre component, a three into one action a supper ego action egoic mind active ego action. No Fear, insulated-insular!

But if we have in mind three three rings of the Imposable object a context of the three part balance of an experience of a higher action may remind up of the law of three as if sense think feel were each Anne ring of the three rings were as we have been thinking of three parts as a one component reactive action.

In the Imposable object a flow flows through the three rings as a ser it circuit action as it the HigherMind HigherEmotion and MovingCentre are as one.

This is one way of slicing the Pie but it is your experience this topic about you say you do not think head centre types are fear types.

At the egoic mind active level unchallenged but the truths that underlie reality that perception can be deemed in the now moment as perceptibly true, as via (( one ring vibrating )).

Yes the three part are always within your experience, you sense you think you feel regardless of were your head is at so all three centre's are active, the intuition is like the glue that bind the three together and the "binds" is what can "blind" blind the bind blind what is taking place, the higher action of making the law of three within requires "Presence" -a form of intuiting that Leeds to if the law of three is manifested within, intuition of a spiritual order, a no trace trance.

Hence the power of the symbol of the Imposable object.


3-4-1 the irony is interesting. Metaphorical speaking,

3 -Sense Think Feel (little 1/2 circles)

4 - Point:3 Point:4 Point:5 Point:6 (little 1/2 ovals)

1 - Intuition as (the outer-boundary)

The body of the black as a fig (the presence of self)

(Nine parts) (Six parts) the black is like the self as being the ninth part and that part is made up of six parts like the sis instinctive actions.

That's one of my own interpretation of the symbol of the Imposable object, scholar's would not speak things like this they would describe the Imposable object in a different way but I like thinking about things my way.

In this topical expression I pronounced the (SX) via 4 - Point:3 Point:4 Point:5 Point:6 ,it well could have been SO via 4 - Point:6 Point:7 Point:8 Point:9 , or SP via 4 - Point:9 Point:1 Point:2 Point:3

Or unbiased via 4 - (-1-4-7- triangle) (-2-5-8- triangle) 4 - (-3-6-9- triangle) (central component: synergetic unification point of all three triangles) working within , with all parts as a void a space for Soul with the transaction.

The Soul reminds us that we have come full circle because we started with one vibrating circle with a meditative space at its centre as being the false true Self.

Experience, (I realise my eyes towards my eye brows) , it can be thought of in so many ways I think out loud within my own mind (as I shake my head from side to side in short motions.


This symbol could also be interpreted inversely as also a symbol of the Instincts.

....... SO ------------ SP

................... SX

Implicate motivation's (the six point figure) law of Severn "Time"


Explicate behaviour's (the primary triangle) law of Three "Causality"

................... 9

6 .................................. 3


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Yes the examples above, of Mal and Padma and Tom remind me of the self as a single (( one ring vibrating )) trying to be hole or seen to be hole or reach the full a wear state in the now unsuccessfully. But that said with a consideration that recognises that what they maybe expressing is of value I not saying there out there wrong on there own tangent, trying to convince just that there stressing a view in the now that is endeavouring to be convincing. Three pars trying to be four parts or one ring trying to be three rings. Even Russ has a bit of it going on when he is receiving dictation, the self seeks to create holiness or hopes or longs to partake within it in the now although he maybe receiving input from the Imposable object within, or experiencing the miraculous as he extends his teachings, it's not always easy to comment correctly on another experience that they are experiencing. It's kinda like splitting attention between being the explainer conveying a message about the explained and or the splitting of attention between being the explainer and presence that is being utilised to extend input in order to explain.

The focus of splitting attention is an art that utilises the two NF functions at point nine in unison Fe-Ni and Ne-Fi as you can see there are four ingredients Fi and Fe and Ni and Ne, if they are not expressed in there correct coding for during the utilisation within the transaction then the individuals expression can seem strained or a little of key. Get it right and the power is palpable or amazing to witness because you are receptive to the expression of the the law of three in action within another.

I would semester the correct order is Fi-Ne Ni-Fe as in a dual action utilising last and right brain in the now moment. The remaining 16 are utilised in the language of the Idea or concept being expressed outwardly/ communicated or thought within.

It is posable to hear thought of some one who is alive with presence or to hear the thought of another while alive with presence, or even communicate or connect with an other over vast distances via the the aliveness of the inner energy of presence this is partly what is so miraculous about Presence, it is an action of a spiritual order intuition of a spiritual order.

When we make the law of three happen within via sensing thinking and feeling we can manifest intuitions of a spiritual order, that is the miraculous the miraculous we are in search of, well at lest some of us are in search of reconnecting with this innate ability some people are fearful of this innate power and replace the any a weakness of with thinking that generates a form of self power that is beleave to be not fearful but confident and In control of that is normal supposably.
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Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Haha yeah it does. It also screams dominant Pe/ExxP type! :D

The catatonic, would you agree that it is Ni after being frustratingly Ti a Ti that has more than one secondary like expression cognitive focus like expression?

Dose the Ti and Ti act like two players arguing and presenting differing options view points examples?

Dose it seem as if Fi is whaling and evaluating the inner dialogue dual conversational role play? And can Nj be a trigger after Ni considers a bought and if so is there a subtle shift. A transformation of the Nj-"Ni"
To an other form of Ni reactive or catatonic or dreamy as in a lucid reflective visual like trance that seems to be processing as as (Si--Ni).

If you are a Self Preservation instinctive type a Sp/So then the one fix maybe the energy of the instinct quoter of your energy.

You may like to reflect in this way, see the Sp instinct as being the point three point of your inner triangle as if it were your own inner point three and the So instinct component energy as being your Point six of your inner triangle the Sx as being the Point nine of your inner triangle.

The easiest way I understand the action of having two wings is by understanding that each Of the nine points has three actions the action of two wings and an instinctive drive energy.

The 1:fix most likely be your phycology flowing through the top of the point:1 triangle and the other two components of that triangle will be the wing energies of 1w2 & 1w9. An easy way of thinking about the cognitive activity driving the facet of your phycology is by thinking of a proses of flow a considering and assessing flow that goes 9-1-2 present, as in three energies three filtering steps as an idea is being created to be put forward, put forward as the fourth step Point three.

So there are four energies flowering the creation of the expression. It is done as an automatic trance a repetitive action. See if you can generate enough presence to witness the construct under pinning the trance action, 9-1-2-(3).

And then look at the other two actions 3-4-5-(6) and 6-7-8-(9).

And I bet you smile because you will understand more about the general basic structure of the two type Severn structures, or the type Severn energy.

Test question

What is the structural difference between the 7w8 and the 7w6 in relation to the four step action?

Is the answer A or B or C

A) -the four step structures flow in the same direction 9-1-2-(3) and 3-4-5-(6) and 6-7-8-(9) for 7w6 and 9-1-2-(3) and 3-4-5-(6) and 6-7-8-(9) for 7w8.

B) -the four step structure flows in two directions and able to state at any of the three key four step starting points, 6-7-8-(9) and 9-1-2-(3) 3-4-5-(6) for the 7w6. And 9-8-7-(6) and 6-5-4-(3) and 3-2-1-(9) for the 7w8.

C) -nether of the above are correct KitchenFly must of landed in a bowl of crack cocaine and is obviously wicked of his nut.

Your answer?

And for the fun of it how about if we finish pattern by honouring the the components SP, SX, SO. and note what is one of the fundamental differentiation between the three instincts and the six variant instinctual energies by asking a yes or no answer.

Do all three instinct energies have the following dynamic action as a primary fundamental stable action.

- SX can travel in a dual direction and dose travel in four directions:
3-4-5-(6) & 6-5-4-(3) and 9-1-2-(3) & 9-8-7-(6).

- SO can travel in a dual direction and dose travel in four directions:
6-7-8-(9) & 9-8-7-(6) and 3-4-5-(6) & 3-2-1-(9).

- SP can travel in a dual direction and dose travel in four directions:
9-1-2-(3) & 3-2-1-(9) and 6-5-4-(3) & 6-7-8-(9).

Your answer?


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
The Point energy is the metaphor for the function.

Fe - Point:1
Fi - Point:2
Si - Point:3
Ni - Point:4
Ne - Point:5
Se - Point:6
Ti - Point:7
Te - Point:8

Point:9 ,S&N -all processes begin at zero at point:9
Point:9 ,F&T -all processes end at nine at Point:9

- All processes within a particular function, of a particular dynamic.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
for example INTJs Ti, they can still use Ti but they don't create systems of logic, they tear them down. They can use Ti, but only in a destructive way.

This is simply incorrect. They do creat systems of logic they simple need to work harder to develop the functionality of there 5 wing IN"T"P. They also utilise Te via there 7 wing EN"T"J.

Ti & Te via Ni,. That's the way it works and Ti,Fi,Si.

The conflict for the INTJ involves the two usages of Ti via point:5 and Ti via point:6

No wonder they have a difficult psyche that can tend to doubt. Look how the structure works.

1. Ti from auxiliary wing (agenda) preferred Ti for the INTP 5w4.
2. Ti from core point energy INTJ Point:6 6w5. Ti second preference.
3. Ti from subsidiary wing (4) 4w3 ENFP third preference Ti.
4. Ti from subsidiary wing (8) 8w9 ESFJ fourth preference Ti.

ISTJ (3) Te and INFP (9) Te are the stress points and freedom points if the system is understood correctly for the INTJ.

Now why do INTJ's tend to bought and stress, ,,lol,, well I wonder ,,lol,.. 3,4,5,6,7,8,9.

No wonder the SP INTJ's tend to be the more stable of the six different INTJ types.

Note to self: if you can be bothered return to subject and demonstrate the flow from point:3 to point nine and explain the shadow action of point 1-2 for the Ni via the Ti for the INTJ and then do the other three (Te,Se,Fe) in place of Ni.

Also touch upon as an example the path between the inner lines in contrast of the circular path following the action zero at point nine to nine at point nine.

Also give two examples or three examples of the two or three of the instinctual stack energies influence upon the narrative.

Make it the So/Sx 6w5 from doth sides So/Sx 6w5 and Sx/So 6w5 in contrast with the Sp/So 6w5 with an agenda to reveal the blind spot of the 6w5 that always undermines there sudo proactivity aspirations that undermine's there right action and authentic humility in service.

Demonstrate the counter balance, 6w7's pattern ,but withhold demonstrating the note's as a shifting pattern. "Key trance notes".


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
The Point energy is the metaphor for the function.

Fe - Point:1
Fi - Point:2
Si - Point:3
Ni - Point:4
Ne - Point:5
Se - Point:6
Ti - Point:7
Te - Point:8

Point:9 ,S&N -all processes begin at zero at point:9
Point:9 ,F&T -all processes end at nine at Point:9

- All processes within a particular function, of a particular dynamic.

For those who have been fortunate enough to have successfully experienced the hole process of: The Enneagram Of Letting Go may also as I do lean towards via inter reflection that the pattern above is the phenomenological cognitive emotional path of shifts felt while step by step moving though that most sacred of personal experiences.

I only went though the process once via a guidance or a motivational force difficult to describe when I was four and a haft years old.

I can still recall the experience as felt and I am quite shore the pattern above fits the process.

Although I would suggest that there is also a movement with the body centre's ( Gut - Hart - Head ) that accompany's the cognitive with the Instinctual.

It is some what difficult to exactly recall what is taking place at the instinctual level because of the nature of the experience being such a now moment experience but I am quite shore the order of the centre's action is ( Gut - Hart - Head ) but I suggest this observation requires qualification from others who have authentically undertaken successfully the hole nine step process.

So the proses starts with Presence at zero at point nine.

I am curious as what others may think.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
For a long time I've assumed that my heart center is 4w5 because my head center and lead type is 5w4, but recently I did a tritype test and came out as 5w4 - 9w1 - 3w4. I identify with some aspects of 3, such as the desire to achieve goals and be recognized, but I don't identify with other aspects, such as the vanity, self-promotion, and industriousness. I feel like I identify more with 4's desire to have a unique identity. How would I go about figuring out which one is the third place in my tritype?

Tri type Placings 1 - 2 - 3

Perhaps the third placing is related to action.

What action actions you take and the second placing maybe related to agenda the focusing of you agenda in selfs own attitude and expression.
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Active member
Feb 5, 2015
I was just trying to point out what I observe and that is there seems to be three different per posers behind the three expressions and what I see in others as I think about then they are expressing the phase of self that is Tri type energy is that it seems (Tri type energy) it seems to be related to three different aspect of a persons focused attention and within that there seems to be three per poses each lead by an energy per pose or of per pose, and the third Tri type energy seems to be related to action.

So in picking your own third tritype energy perhaps you may like to think about the three differences in the phycology underlying the wants and needs and aspirations within your self while in tritype mode.

It's like a 1 2 3, 1 2 3, flow in what ever order between the three energies as the self makes its persuasive pitch ignored to influence an other via personal opinion.

Is the 9w1 energy more linked to agenda or action it it is the second energy it will be more about focusing on agenda related subject matter within your conversation put forward. If it is the third energy it will be more about the evaluation perspective pertaining to action. What action took place what action to take, what action the self thinks feels or be leaves is appropriate fitting correct or is appropriate or what ever, the point is the sub conches flow underlying the focused energy being expressed relates to action.

That my opinion.

My third Tritype energy is 5w6, can you see how I am taking a somewhat 5w6 approach to identifying the action.

The agenda focus by me, within my topic response to your post is about the actualising of self. 4w5 is my second tritype energy.

The "conches" self, "the me" ,looking out with a with a focus of concern or of interest is my 9w1 energy my first tritype energy.

So between the three part of attention: -conches focus, -agenda interest, and -action interest. My tri type dose its per pose it dose its job or function.

That the way I see it. As a, Sx/Sp 9w1 4w5 5w6

So I am suggesting, think about those three aspects of attention, -conches focus, -agenda interest, and -action interest. The subjective interest of the three focuses, your focuses. And go from there.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Well that's interesting Zeego, I would like you to, if you would like to, look at the three energies in a slightly different way and tell me your thoughts as if how true is it for you.

Can you reflect or over the next week or two or when ever it is viewable in your minds eye, dose 5w4 within tritype seem some what Ni and the energy of 9w1 some what S&T and 3w4 some what Si.

Or in other words:

5w4 - 9w1 - 3w4 , Equals or is equivalent in energy to as Ni - S&T - Si

This would be helpful to me to know your opinion.

For me as 9w1 Sx/Sp/So with a tri type: 9w8 - 4w5 - 5w6,
equals: S&T - Ni - Ne. But the 9w1 is N&F, no wonder nine's can be so spacey like they seem at times uncommitted sacked out not paying attention in a committed manner and so on.

You will see that I see my Tri type conches energy or first energy being 9w8 not 9w1, the nine with one energy is my subtype energy and I see it as being different to my Tri type leading energy.

Your thoughts.

I also see both wings the one wing as being related to agenda and the eight wing related to mood and the (N&F) as being the nine core energy.

For you the four wing would be agenda related (NI) and the six wing mood (Se) related and the five core energy would be (Ne).

You would still have you natural MBTI energy but this would be a slightly different energy setting with your personality. As for example the INTP can be seen as being different mixers like:
-INPT, IPNT, NTPI, TINP, and so on. There are description of these differing energy setting on the net but I am unsure who did the work and were to find it again but it is out there. So one may know we're to find it it you are curious. I found it interesting.

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The more you know..
Oct 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Who are you?! 0_0


Active member
Feb 5, 2015

There is little explanation here which is probably why this post was passed over. How and why is MBTI linked to the points? It's nice you mentioned the book but I may as well read that rather than discuss here. Your own personal analysis is thin; how about some more? I'm interested.

Ok well take away the personality as if each point is a blank slate free of text so to say and the raw energy is as recorded.

Go through the process of the enneagram of letting go and the raw energy is as recorded. It's that simple.

I could wright down the nine step process from the book but I don't want to do that because the book explains each step and the action as a focus to take at each of the nine steps and I think I don't want to plagiarise other people's good work, I much rather simply add my own discoveries and let people discover what others have done before my input without copying there good work. If you get my purpose it is to build upon to contribute to that is my work and contribution. To add to and make larger as a body of knowledge.

As an example, tonight at work I was watch some tv between tasks in a room with some fellow workers and as a nine I allowed my self to become open to being more present and receptive and open to taking in or being aware. As a result I became more energy emanating naturally and another person could sense and feel my inner experience as that was happening I was aware that there was a fullness to my experience that consisted of the two elements N&F and S&T and as long as I stayed in the now moment the energies coexisted and I could distinguish the S and the T and the N and the F components within my direct experience. They were nether I or E or P or J , it was if I was on the apex of all four polarities. I could have become larger but I would have drawn more attention to my self and I could have then enacted uncommon abilities via the access of receptivity and presence I was empowered by and in a sense within.

I became self conches in a sense fearing via the fearful imagination posable negative values espoused by my self of others posable reaction or responses if I allowed my self to enlarge my receptivity and presence so the energy dissipated as I became self conches and in so doing lost my place of being sentenced within my own being respective to what was within the now moment.

It's not something I do often in fact I most likely only allowed my self to do it perhaps because I am inter reflecting on the model above and its components and how it work in real time as a real experience experienced. Testing the pattern via questions within that I am quires about.

I do recall before hand thinking about if it would be posable to right a monologue, if that is the right word start with the first energy N&F describing or crafting language that invokes the activation of The readers N&F function or nine energy and thinking if I could morph the language into the next energy Fe and then Fi and then Si and then Ni and the I thought to my self would it be posable to more via the lines like from Ne to Ti (or point 5 to point 8 and then for some reason moments later I became present in the now moment and found the balance I described respective via N&F as within my body and alert S&T to my environment as a presence at the centre F aware N in universally directed understanding. All rolled into one.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
I suppose coming at it from the angle of respect, I might change a habit if I thought one of my peers did not respect me and I wanted to be respected. I guess maybe that's a form of external accountability.

On a different note, I was reading the rebel description and wondering what it means to tie your choices to your identity and how that helps.

The two contrast each other, as an unhealthy nine in my early years like Primary school days I had may internal and external struggles and the rebel identity was very much my style and I did not have the respect of my role models so I needed to shift my attitude and behaviours and it was difficult I had find other parts of myself that fitted the complying role of fitting in as a team player. Sports was a first step. And cross country running was my first step to learning a new discipline. It helped me with changing my mind set and staying focused on the unity of being being me without the mind leading, a kind of meditation. In short it helped me develop my heathy point three within and the team loyalty of point:6 by staying the course. I embraced sports and became the best at football ruby and long distance running, and gained the second highest grading ever recorded at the time for Jujitsu within the Southern Hemisphere.

It lead to cultivating presence and utilising my one wing and eight wing heathy aspects in flow to with my Severn wing and two wing with out getting stuck within the solo terrain of my nine energy alone it's lower Heath parts.

So some how I found an attitude from those elements of the points 3-6-1-8-7 and 2. I think this was a start to the development of my heathy Id because I need to assess and utilise the reasoning skills from point:5 and point:4 to facilitate and maintain my own personal development.

I think this is how I gained my Tri type 9w8 5w4 4w3 it was not though being a scholar it was though learning to regulate my emotions and behaviours thinking INFTP (5w6 head centre) and feeling ENTP (4w5 hart centre). Lead to my personal development of Think Point Nine at the instinctual level as a 9w1 Sx/Sp this lead to me balancing my So/Sx third instinctual energy that was out of balance and running my avoidance patterns my lower nine energy of trying to ignore and disengage from being conches and alert to the narrative the sense think feel of others within there general phycology expressed.

I was frittered of being receptive to there agendas phycology and mood driven phycology but basically I was frittered of the free instinctual energy underlying the personality.

I guess that is why I am able to see and understand that the both wings have a direct link to agenda and or mood.

Anyway that part of my story and I can relate closely to two of the four tendencies. I am shore if I was to think about the other two I could see how they to play a role within my minds operations. The questioner maybe linked to my eight wing 8w9 energy and the obliger maybe linked to my one wing. One wing agenda, Eight wing mood.

Another posable way to stack the four Tendencies for myself could be as follows.

Questioner: Points 9 and 5 and 4

Obliger: Points 1 and 7 and 4

Rebel: Points 3 and 6 and 9

Upholder:points 2 and 5 and 8