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[ENFP] ENFP & Patterns


New member
Jul 23, 2008
yep yep...i have always felt like i would make a good mediator or marriage counselor because i think(sounds way arrogant i know) i understand where people are coming from easier than a lot of others...like i hear what someone is saying to someone else and i get the reason they're using the language and tone and mannerisms that they're using...i get what they're worried about and why and what kind of response they're looking for and then...i see the other persons response and do the same thing...and sometimes have to rephrase things so that it's in a language they understand and conveys what it's meant to...it seems like i was constantly doing that in my family...kinda weird

Most definitely.

It's like when people are communicating, they really are only seeing one side (Their Side) and don't even bother to try and understand why someone is acting the way they are, or why someone views something they way they do.. this frustrates me haha, especially when dealing with my istj

Do you find it hard to be confrontational? I most certainly do, and I think it's because I know and understand where someone else is coming from, so I feel like there's no reason to confront the issue sometimes, ... bad, i know :(


May 6, 2010
Yeah, it boggles my mind

Now, how does recalling this pattern of what you've seen before differ than Si?

(i just need clarification and more info)

Is it because it deals with people and not things? Is it because we can't recall the EXACT instance, but rather just a vague idea?
No clue personally. I don't understand the theories or whatever much at all because I haven't studied them. I don't know what it is called, just what I do. :)


May 6, 2010
Is it because we can't recall the EXACT instance, but rather just a vague idea?
Oh, but to this, it is never recalling an exact instance. It is just kind of a knowledge of how to navigate though a particular interaction, like the mood/tone is familiar even if the person is not. Does that make any sense?


May 6, 2010
like i hear what someone is saying to someone else and i get the reason they're using the language and tone and mannerisms that they're using...i get what they're worried about and why and what kind of response they're looking for and then...i see the other persons response and do the same thing...and sometimes have to rephrase things so that it's in a language they understand and conveys what it's meant to...it seems like i was constantly doing that in my family...kinda weird
I am constantly doing this. Just today in fact. 2 coworkers talking back and forth about something very simple. To be honest, I got distracted and tuned them out for about 5 minutes (this was in a team meeting :blush:). When I came back around I realized they were still talking about the same thing so I thought to myself "huh... why is there a debate here?" I paid attention for a minute or so and said basically "He is concerned about X, but you are telling him about Y." They were both like "Oh!" and then it was over and we moved on. And I went back to :headphne:



Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Most definitely.

It's like when people are communicating, they really are only seeing one side (Their Side) and don't even bother to try and understand why someone is acting the way they are, or why someone views something they way they do.. this frustrates me haha, especially when dealing with my istj

Do you find it hard to be confrontational? I most certainly do, and I think it's because I know and understand where someone else is coming from, so I feel like there's no reason to confront the issue sometimes, ... bad, i know :(

my confrontations tend to be more focused on them not seeing the full picture...regarding my view or someone elses.


New member
Jun 3, 2010
Limits of Ne
Whenever we notice something, we ignore something else. I finally realized that my strong Ne (I'm like 100% N) while a gift in some circumstances, was a burden in others. For example, I have a hard time paying attention to details. Whenever I'm in a situation that I'm forced to do so, I'm frustrated... no matter how well I've learned to suck it up.

Gifts of Ne
But Ne is a gift, too. I can tell you after a very short amount of time what makes someone tick. I can do the same for a culture or a religion or a philosophical faction. I focus my attention on people more than things. I observe discreet behaviors across time and geography and am able to put them together into a bigger operating theory.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons I find MBTI so fascinating. I'm constantly seeing the puzzle pieces fitting together per the theory. It's constant. And, at times overwhelming.

SO TRUE! I'm an ENFP ACCOUNTING major and I LOVE it! Not only that, and I'm not trying to brag, but I'm the top student in my year for the Accounting major. I credit it to my Ne!! I found out I was an ENFP by taking the myers-brigg test in my Management class and learned we're super rare in the business world, especially the accounting major! Then I realized why I was so good at accounting compared to everyone else.. it's because they were Ss, Ts and/or NJs, whereas ENFPs are rare in the business major. I easily can understand the concepts behind the accounting principles while everyone else in my classes try to memorize the rules instead of understand them. I make parallels between accounting and my life, which makes me so passionate about accounting. On tests, it doesn't matter if I've never seen a problem or situation before in the book or a real life example. I understand what the whole purpose of accounting is, and have spent a lot of time studying the framework, which most people skip over (but it's so logical!). From there I reasonably can figure out what to do.

For example, I literally was giggling in my Cost Accounting class when the professor was talking about using Theoretical Capacity while creating a budget. Theoretical Capacity is "idealistic capacity", basically the amount manufactured if everything were to go perfect and there were no breakdowns, sick days, waste, etc. I related this quickly to how I view life!! I'm such an idealist! Then the professor talked about how it's bad to use theoretical capacity b/c it's not realistic! (Literally I was getting so happy at this point during the lecture b/c I saw where it was leading). The professor then continued to say if you base everything on theoretical capacity, but in reality you manufacture less (because nothing is ever perfect), then the company would have to raise their selling price, and demand would decrease... and it was called the Downward Spiral Theory. At this point I couldn't help but smile and laugh b/c this is exactly how I saw myself and this is why I love accounting. It keeps me grounded and focused. Whenever I wonder off to "what ifs"... it pulls me back to reality.

I'm also know, due to Ne, that my biggest weakness is my lack of attention to details, which is such an important Account personality trait. But I'm extremely aware of it!! I'm ALWAYS the last one done on exams because I always go slow to make sure all the numbers are correct. But I'm also ALWAYS the person who has the high score. The only reason I've missed points on tests is NOT b/c I didn't understand or know what to do, it's always been b/c I copied the number wrong, or added an extra decimal by accident. And if anyone else has taken/is taking an accounting class, you know one TINY mistake has HUGE consequences in the accounting numbers. I relate this to my life and my past mistakes. It's never been my intentions that were wrong, it was WHAT I did, not WHY. We live in a world of S's and most think in the terms of "it is what it is" so they never ask why. I didn't understand that, and never realized I never took accountability for my actions (paralleled to accounting numbers).

Basically accounting is realistic, organized, logical, a detailed step-by-step approach, rule based and a safe career choice.... in every shape and form, 100% everything I'm not. All of this is why I love it! I feel like I'm becoming such a more well-rounded person and I just LOVE ACCOUNTING! This is all due to me seeing patterns in accounting and paralleling them to patterns in my own behavior in life.
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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I am constantly doing this. Just today in fact. 2 coworkers talking back and forth about something very simple. To be honest, I got distracted and tuned them out for about 5 minutes (this was in a team meeting :blush:). When I came back around I realized they were still talking about the same thing so I thought to myself "huh... why is there a debate here?" I paid attention for a minute or so and said basically "He is concerned about X, but you are telling him about Y." They were both like "Oh!" and then it was over and we moved on. And I went back to :headphne:


right exactly.


May 6, 2010
I don't want to come off like I think I have a superpower of people skills or something, these are just general type of things that seem to stand out about me as an odd-ball in a company that is like 80% SJ. These are the things I notice about myself that seem way different than my coworkers.

These things I am talking about I think they all fit kind of the same general talent/skill. I'm still not sure if they are the pattern thing or not though. Honestly, it is like what 2XtremeENFP said, it is hard to understand why others don't just naturally do these things.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
Instinctual Variant
yeah i know it's just the way you process information. it's not done on purpose but you don't just hear words you connect them to so many other things that you have learned or experienced at the same time so the picture you see is more defined than someone just hearing the words and applying them to what is right in front of them....and sometimes it can be completely off base...as in false intuition...:blush:


May 6, 2010
yeah i know it's just the way you process information. it's not done on purpose but you don't just hear words you connect them to so many other things that you have learned or experienced at the same time so the picture you see is more defined than someone just hearing the words and applying them to what is right in front of them....and sometimes it can be completely off base...as in false intuition...:blush:
Yep, definitely. It isn't always accurate. :doh:


Active member
Jul 31, 2009
Instinctual Variant
totally...exactly...i believe this is what makes us so nonjudgmental. we put all the pieces together and intimately understand why someone made the choices they made with the experiences they had.

This is one of the major reasons why i like enfps so much, they are so understanding. I feel like if i can make any sense of my feelings myself, they will understand them. Also if i act in ways that arent acceptable by others because they wont understand why i do it, they will understand and because they understand they wont judge me.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
I am going to subscribe to this thread, because there is something REALLY important in here, that we, as ENFPs, need to discuss, I think, regarding our particular type of intelligence regarding pattern recognition in human beings/behavior.

yes. We have a people library inside of our heads.

We see behavior and remember and encode with an emotional component into Si. Things we have a value (Fi) interest in-like people-merit bonus Si points and get stored more easily than facts.

As we gather these observations via Ne we use Ne to begin cross linking the Si stored observations and use Te to give it structure.

TeSi is my people library. It is a database of behavioral observations made on people. I use Ne to sort through the database and match new people to the old people, thus can make predictions about what the new people will do. It allows me to understand how to influence them.

I think Fi values keep us from using this to hurt others though.

I think of the TeSi people library as being 2D. Fi adds the third dimension to each person-it makes them unique and fleshes them out into not just a pattern, but a beautiful entity to be loved. I would suggest we store an FiSi representation of that person inside our minds in the people library-we feel it is part of US. If you attack THEM-you attack us and trigger an Fi defensive response. Because we have cared enough to emotionally connect with them, they become part of our self definition in a tiny way-thus we will seek to protect them from harm.

Is this why we can love unconditionally so easily? Since they have become part of us-we must love them or we end up hating a part of ourselves? We can forgive almost anyone? As if we do not forgive, we are angry at ourself? how odd...

Esoteric Wench

Professional Trickster
Dec 20, 2009
I kinda just knew when things would turn out a way, or know how to communicate to someone because of how I've seen them act in the past to certain events (related or somewhat related).

Ever since I was a child, there were just certain things I k-n-e-w. And the feeling that I was r-i-g-h-t was very profound. I'm not talking about just a simple hunch or intuition. I have these too. And these may or may not be accurate. I'm talking about an overwhelmingly powerful intuition about an impending decision. I just k-n-e-w how it was going to go down.

I've only had a few handful of these kind of profound intuitive experiences... and I've never been wrong even once. (Well we're still waiting on my most recent one to see how it shakes out so we'll see if my perfect record holds up.)

For example, I remember thinking to myself (I couldn't have been older than 11), "My parents are going to buy THAT lot. They are going to choose to build a house rather than buy an existing house." At that time, my parents were in constant disagreement about the way to proceed and I spent more afternoons than I care to remember in the back seat of realtors' cars. My parents had no idea how they were going to proceed at that moment. But I knew. I even remember telling my mother my thoughts on the matter. She corrected me and told me that she had just ruled out building a house. My parents, then closed on the lot I predicted they would buy within the next 30 days.

I didn't even know how I knew what I knew. I just did. If I didn't know better, I'd say it felt almost like a portentous vision. But since I am grounded in the empirical world, my money is on me subconsciously picking up cues given by my parents and coupling these with what I knew of their behavior. In other words, my ENFP-ness was damn accurate at putting all the puzzle pieces together.

I think a really important thing about seeing these people patterns for ENFPs is that the process of assembling the puzzle pieces in our heads is non-conscious. In other words, I do it without even trying. And, I'm not always aware that I'm even doing it. I think this gives it an almost prescient feel sometimes.

I can't help but recalling the words of one ENFP profile which said that we were "damn near psychic." I laughed uncomfortably when I read this. I was uncomfortable because even though I don't believe in a 6th sense, I could not deny the veracity of this statement.


Happy Dancer
Feb 9, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I've a question for all of you ENFPs, here.

There are a lot of responses indicating how predictive your pattern-spotting is, that you just know what is true and isn't, especially with respect to people and motivations.

How would you distinguish this Ne-Fi behavior from Ni-Fe behavior? How are the predictions and observations different?


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
Instinctual Variant
outside in vs inside out ?? wait...does that make sense?


New member
Jul 23, 2008
Exactly!! How does all of this differe from Ni or even Si predictions. I don't get it lol

and yes the outside in-inside out makes sense but how does this look in action? I mean wouldn't Ni doms have to gather something from the external world? No matter if you're introverted or not you're still living in an outside world