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Blatant discrimination: your favorite and least favorite MBTI types of mate


New member
May 16, 2012
Instinctual Variant
haha! no worries! i can complain about infjs but my mom is one too and i adore her to bits! and my son is an entp and obviously i think he's perfect and lovely cool amazing etc but there's truth in what you said too! haha

Children excluded from the thread. They all rock!!

Infinite Bubble

Based on stereotypes. If anyone is offended, remember it's all in good fun. That's my excuse anyway. :newwink:

Those people who write some pretentious message onto an artsy photographic of the evening sky, thinking they're being "deep". What types are those? Them, whatever they are.

SJs; I'd have to jump off a bridge if I was forced to live like they typically do. Repetitive lives. Traditionalists. Sheep. Too security-oriented to be different.

High Fi users that are consumed with self-pity.

High Te users being overly forceful and annoying persistence.

Fe sheep, Fe cliques. INTP inf-Fe can be terrible.


Edit: forgot to add my faves, lol. ENPs are generally awesome and ISPs are cool too. ESPs can be a bit too impulsive/physically aggressive and obnoxious on occasions.
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Sunny Ghost

New member
May 28, 2010
Favorite Types: NT's. Notably the ENTP's and INTJ's. ENTJ's can be a bit much for me. FP's come in second.

Of the types I've dated:

INTJ: Quietly fun, smart and insightful. Keeps me grounded.

ENTP: Out there and interesting. Keep me moving.

INTP: Someone I can chat with all night.

INFP: Soul mates. But then I want to shake them. Quit telling me to go with the flow!

ENFP: Too talkative. Though, when I'm engaged, the conversations are interesting. Not aware of surroundings to the point it disturbs my Se.

ESFP: Too talkative. Can we just watch the movie? I don't need constant commentary. K. Thanks.

ESFJ: Fun and get me out of my shell. However, uninspiring.

ISFJ: never met an ISFJ male that I know of...

INFJ: never met an INFJ male that was straight that I know of.

ENFJ: Fun, smart... but way too concerned with people pleasing, to the point it's annoying.

ISFP: like minded. Usually attractive physically, but whiny. Soul mates.

ISTP: never dated one. The male ISTP's I've known have never really intrigued me. We're usually just friends.

ESTP: Too shallow. No attraction. Usually just fun pals to hang out with.

ESTJ: not enough data.

ISTJ: strangely, a ladies man. Charming.

ENTJ: doesn't take a hint that it's time for him to go home. Too much. Will punch.


Nerd King Usurper
Oct 25, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Oh, how fun. Here are a couple:

ISFP - Yoga with Enya on repeat. Hairy women and guys in cardigans. Fall sweaters with too much Spiced Pumpkin candle scent. Birkenstocks with foot odor permanently mushed into the toe grooves. The most forgettable fucking people you will ever meet.

ISFJ - Milhouse Van Houten. The perennial sidekick. On the receiving end of more purple nurples than can be mathematically compiled. Shoes thrown onto the school rooftop. The wiener who had his underwear dragged up the flagpole during the Salute Your Shorts intro.

ISTJ - Colorless drones. Nature's cheap shot. Fucked-up tie knot and a short sleeve button-down. Hairspray AND hair-gel. Loafers with swim trunks. Every person who has ever worked for the DMV or USPS.

ISTP - Racist Facebook updates. Oily hair and domestic beer. McDonald's wrappers. Asshole in the truck in front of you with the nutsack bumper decoration. Todd from Beavis and Butthead. Probably sizing you up for a sucker punch.

INTP - Entry level call center employee by day; YouTube hotshot by night. Probably a Millenial. Good at trivia; better at credit card debt. Neckbeards and fedora hats. Sometimes intelligent; never important.

INTJ - White guy with samurai swords on display in his living room. Interrupts your conversation to turn his nose with a condescending clarification - that always misses the point by taking things way too literally. Preening fraud. Too smart for other people, which is why he will die several years early and utterly alone.

ENTJ - Always screaming. Walks way too fast around the office. Laughs like a braying donkey at his own jokes. Overpriced pens. Weird that they're often viewed as the most desirable leadership type, as they're universally hated for all that they are, stand for and WILL EVER BE. Pray to holy fucking heaven the ISTP sucker punches him.


Kill it with fire.

This guy... is on to something.

Except for the ISFP description. They have the best weed. And you're a square for not knowing it.


Nerd King Usurper
Oct 25, 2008
Instinctual Variant
ESTP - Will steal your shit
ESTJ - Jägerbomb
ESFP - Tee hee, I suck a lot of dicks
ISTP - You gonna get stuck with the bag, son
ISTJ - Square squared
ISFJ - Please give me more work sir / I can't believe I am the only one here that works :'(
ESFJ - Am I popular yet?
ENTP - Have you heard about my totally legit pyramid scheme?
ENTJ - Fuck you, pay me
INTJ - Boy, everyone's stupid except me


Oh this is fun. :) Can I jump in?

Disclaimer- all types have good and bad points. Some are unhealthy. Some are healthy.

But I'll play this game with the types in MY LIFE and what I feel about them. So this is extremely biased and based on a limited, personal test group!

ESFJ: wonderful (when healthy- I hear so many horror stories- but all of my ESFJs have been seemingly healthy.) They are amazing people that take care of everyone, the underdogs, and get shit done. They don't feel the need to keep up with the Joneses or satisfy the current trends of the day. They march to the beat of their own drums. They are not deep enough intellectually speaking- that is my disconnect with them.

ENTJ: Love/Hate. I can't peel myself away from them. But they are assholes. They have no Ne to speak of and so out of touch / afraid of emotion- so they truly believe they are always right when in a bigger picture sense- they hardly ever are.

ENFP: I am one- and I love ENFPs, but I can only take them in small doses as it's like talking to myself all day which is quite draining. But I trust them (the healthy ones) so much.

ENFJ: LOVE ENFJs, but also can only take them in small doses. They are so real and authentic- and care so much about people- I love and respect this about them so much. But their sappiness gets on my nerves. I know it's a good thing that they are this way- but it's like pouring a few big squirts of maple syrup into your mouth. You need to walk away and rinse and wait awhile before you try to do it again.

ESFP: Love the ESFPs in my life SO much. But their sensing exciteability is very difficult for me to keep up with as I am not in tune with my sensing side. But I do it because I love them so much and love seeing them happy. They are deeply emotional and LOVE their convinctions which they stick to bar none. They do not let others get underneath their skin- they stick with their values- love this. They are LEADERS among their peers.

ISFJ: I love the ISFJ in my life. We clash over the years on anal type things like money matters and schedules- that shit gets on my nerves. But aside from that- there is a such a beautiful dynamic that goes on- that is priceless!

INFP: Appreciate them for their uniqueness. Feel sorry for how HARD they feel. Can hardly be around them- they depress the shit out of me.

INFJ: I only know one online and she is a manipulative and pathetic soul. Let's hope I never have to meet her in real life where I would tear into her like the piece of shit that she is. Stupid girl doesn't know who she is messing with.

ENTP: Love them- but they are little bastards, you know. They are brilliant. I respect them so much and also want to kick their asses on a regular basis.

That's all I got. Wow- that was cathartic.

Haha nice. That was fun to read. All of them were great. I can personally relate to the ENFJ one. I can be super gushy but usually hold back. :D. The latest gushy thing I have said to someone was, "I have no doubt in my mind that I really really like you".


New member
May 16, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Haha nice. That was fun to read. All of them were great. I can personally relate to the ENFJ one. I can be super gushy but usually hold back. :D. The latest gushy thing I have said to someone was, "I have no doubt in my mind that I really really like you".

hahaha "really really" and "very very" really means you were sincere :D


Sugar Hiccup
Mar 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant

I've experienced that with INFP's and how they don't take my drama very seriously. People need to take my drama seriously. fo serious.

I'm more of a sunlounger listening, surfing to the sunset, sex on the beach kinda person. I get irritated with constant happiness and fluffiness, and get irritated with personalities who think life is one giant party all the time. There needs to be drama and struggle or else the highs won't feel so high. Anyone living in constant happiness is delusional.

Well, you are an 8, and I confess I have met few 8s of any Jungian type. Most ESTPs I've known seem to be 3, 6 or 7.
I take everyone's drama seriously, but I don't necessarily emote in response to it.

Anyhow, said ESTP is STILL calling me despite high levels of indifference on my part. Pretty sure he just likes the chase... and my cool clothes. Can't decide if he's 3 or 6 - leaning towards 3 now, as cp 6w7 is overtyped & he's very status-y and not the slightest bit ambiverted.


Single data point anecdotes!! That's how I roll!!

The ISFP was unambitious to the point of majoring in a "foreign" language that she already spoke.

The INTJ was haughty enough to tell me that I was obviously playing Tetris wrong when I was stacking up my pieces, not knowing that you get a huge freakin' score for shoving the I piece down a narrow corridor and getting four freakin' lines cleared at once.

Therefore, all people of those types would never work for me, I guess? Sure, why not; I'll draw that conclusion.

ENFJ works.

INTP type sounds like it'd also work, though I don't have a single data point anecdote for that one.
Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
The INTJ was haughty enough to tell me that I was obviously playing Tetris wrong when I was stacking up my pieces, not knowing that you get a huge freakin' score for shoving the I piece down a narrow corridor and getting four freakin' lines cleared at once.

I thought everyone knew that!


I thought everyone knew that!
I figure that, since INTJs do know everything, that it's not actually the case that dropping the I piece down a narrow corridor nets you a Tetris (the game's namesake) and clears four lines in a row.

Like, somehow, that's not actually true.


Aug 29, 2012
ESTP: I like them but too extroverted and shallow
ISTP: Tend to be hit or miss. Really rolling the dice on this one never know what you are going to get. Sometimes too shy or too weird or too intense.
ESTJ: not laid back enough
ISTJ: Not enough adventure
ESFP: Same problem with estp but worse
ISFP: Weirdly lazy and not logical enough
ESFJ: Not rebel enough. Not logical enough.
ISFJ: Been there done that. Too traditional and crap.
ENFJ: Too positive for me looks cheesy
INFJ: I like them but too spiritual. Choosing spiritual logic over real logic rubs me the wrong way.
ENTP: Never met a girl one but I hated the guy ENTP I knew. Too slimy. Flawed logic. And probably too extroverted for me.
INTP: Never met one but probably not rebel enough or adventurous.
ENTJ: Most likely too intense not laid back enough but I like their logicalness
INTJ: I am already socially awkward enough as it is. Also not adventurous enough.
ENFP: Could work but I doubt it. Haven't jumped at the chance yet.
INFP: Too stuck in la la land. Just not my type.

So yea I'm basically stuck with rolling the dice on other ISTPs. Although I do test the waters with INFJs and ESTPs too.


New member
Oct 28, 2013
I think I hate all the types...

Hmm. I think of ISFJs as being whiny pushovers.
IXTPs as being neck beards on 4chan.
ESFPs as being hedonistic and all-in-all lame.
INFXs as being indecisive and yeah, whiny.
INTJs as being elitists.
I don't feel like listing anymore.

James W

New member
Nov 4, 2013
Instinctual Variant
For me, MBTI type doesn't really bother me too much on who I'd like to date. All depends on the person. I like fun, energetic, positive people with a bit of substance to them. Plus, who doesn't love a challenge?

Saying that though, I'd absolutely love to date an INFJ. I actually had a shot at one not too long ago, but stayed loyal to my ESFP girlfriend at the time. Not too heartbroken over my decision, but damn, looking back now, seemed like a once in a lifetime opportunity. It's hard to find that genuine kindness and need for authenticity while still making each day worthwhile and exciting with a lot of other personality types. ENFPs too would be a likely candidate, they just seem to "get it" with me and vice versa.

The only types I would generally avoid are SJs. Can't really see us clicking too well in the long term on the relationship front. I think I have enough Si in my life already without needing to nurture it any further.


failed poetry slam career
Oct 18, 2013
Instinctual Variant
For me, MBTI type doesn't really bother me too much on who I'd like to date. All depends on the person. I like fun, energetic, positive people with a bit of substance to them. Plus, who doesn't love a challenge?

Saying that though, I'd absolutely love to date an INFJ. I actually had a shot at one not too long ago, but stayed loyal to my ESFP girlfriend at the time. Not too heartbroken over my decision, but damn, looking back now, seemed like a once in a lifetime opportunity. It's hard to find that genuine kindness and need for authenticity while still making each day worthwhile and exciting with a lot of other personality types. ENFPs too would be a likely candidate, they just seem to "get it" with me and vice versa.

The only types I would generally avoid are SJs. Can't really see us clicking too well in the long term on the relationship front. I think I have enough Si in my life already without needing to nurture it any further.

So you wouldn't consider ESTJs at all?

James W

New member
Nov 4, 2013
Instinctual Variant
So you wouldn't consider ESTJs at all?

Not particularly, no. I understand the principle behind the idea, Socionics and dual types and whatnot. I sympathize and respect their level of stability in many ways so that society doesn't become one giant clusterfuck of anarchy and ESTPs killing each other for "Emperor of the Universe" status. But in a romantic sense? Just doesn't appeal to me.

Maybe it's because I have a resentment of Si. It's my least preferred of the functions. When I think of Si, the phrase "comfortable stagnation" comes to mind. The only use I have for it these days is through physical exercise and a high protein diet, which I'm ashamed to say I get a huge kick out of. Someone with high Ne/Se sounds much more appealing to me. Maybe it's a type 4 thing. Being an emotional masochist and all.


I think you got it lucky with ESFPs being the INTJ's dual type. Those chicks know how to have a good time. Plus, they have a surprising amount of love for sarcastic wit and objective knowledge. *nudge nudge*


Not Your Therapist
Nov 9, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I can't really deal with the FPs, particularly the xSFPs. The Fi+Te mix is just too toxic to me. They can get too carried away with their idealism and their vision of the world and how it should be vs the ugly truth of the world. We always end up clashing rather badly. I know only one ENFP whom I get along with well, but that is due to a combination of restraint on my part and a lot of hard life lessons on his.

I get along with ISTPs and INTPs very, very well. I like those guys because they're such amazing conversationalists. When they know a thing, they know it inside and out, and picking their brain is such an adventure. I could listen to their info-dumps for days.

Finding other NFJs is a really special thing for me. We understand each other. There's no judgement. They know where I'm coming from and I know where they're coming from.

NTJs can be a challenge, but a rewarding one, if they've learned how to mellow and not try to control everything or project too much.

The SJs -- part of me likes them, part of me doesn't. Superficially we get along and I feel like we understand each other, but then, it's like we take one step too far into understanding each other and some line gets crossed. Then this rift is formed, and they get offended, or I get offended. I have to keep them at arm's length, for the most part -- which gets complicated, because there are so many of them.