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Blatant discrimination: your favorite and least favorite MBTI types of mate


New member
Jun 25, 2008
I love ESFJs. They are my favorite. I ultimately want to end up with an ESFJ. They are really passionate, sweet, and innocent. They have really big hearts and they can never bring themselves to do love just for the carnal lust of it, even if that is their intention they never follow through. They see love as very special and intense, as if it's a separate and foreign world that they are really uncertain about and vulnerable in but secretly thrilled by. The only thing I don't like about ESFJs is how busy they are and how they can sometimes be kind of dumb about liking what's popular because it's popular. Also we don't always have much to talk about, but that doesn't make me like them any less.

INTPs I find arrogant and annoying. They always have these big ideas that they are loudly into and they always think they know exactly everything that is happening. They are overly cynical and depressive and think they are cool because they like esoteric shit. I think if I got in a relationship with an INTP female we would be highly competitive mentally and there would be a lot of anger that came about just by the fact that we disagreed on some lofty theory. Maybe it could be resolved in fiery bedroom passion sessions. I dunno.

NJ types are my least favorite, maybe because I grew up in a highly NJ environment and I resent them now. I find them boring and dry. I hate their passion for high culture and name dropping and I hate their Je professional orientation. They are pretentious snobs.
ENTJs are too much for me to handle. I wouldn't even want to have to tame one of them. I do have a certain admiration for them though.
INxJs are serious and boring and never say anything funny, at least not funny enough to crack anyone up. They also give this unarousing sense of ideological (as opposed to physical) practicality that makes romance really unexciting to me, even imprisoning.
ENFJs' interests are so far removed from my own as to not even register. I avoid them.

ISTPs are crude and unattractive to me. They are like dudes. I like my women feminine and girly.

IxFPs are timid and excessively weird to me. They just seem kind of dopey and floppy, or self absorbed. They are too passive and mushy. Too fragile. Almost humorless.

ESxPs are hardly even real to me, I don't tend to associate with them because I just don't think we have much in common. Honestly I see them as kind of trashy in their behavior. Too much physicality, too flashy. I couldn't keep up if I wanted to.

ISFJs are ok, but too quiet and serious for me. At their best they are neither quiet nor serious, but they are certainly not always at their best. I don't like the passive aggressive moodiness they can display. I'd rather have an ESFJ who, when she gets upset about something, is a lot more heart-on-sleeve and endearing.

ISTJs, like ISTPs, are a bit manly for my taste (NT women are as well to a lesser extent), but I actually do have more of a soft spot for them. They aren't as blunt and hedonistic as the ISTPs. I see them as brave because they humbly defy their gender stereotype and they have big hearts and firm principles.

ESTJs are not people I get tend to get along with very well.

Oops almost forgot the ENPs!

ENFPs, I think, would be too flighty and nutty for me, and would ultimately strike me as annoying and hollow. But maybe not! I could see exciting, hilarious times with one of them. I think they'd be a bit of a pain to tame.

ENTPs are kind of a wildcard. I think they would be really funny, insightful, and creative, but perhaps a bit too esoteric, and like other female T types, not particularly sexual to me.


Anyone else brave enough to talk this talk? If I bashed your type, take it with a grain of salt. None of this stuff is particularly firm. I think anything could happen, but I won't deny the fact that I have my preconceptions. Just saying, try not to take this too seriously and I think we'll all have fun. Remember, what one person thinks is not at all what everyone else thinks. People have their preferences, and some will always appreciate you and some won't.


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
So what you desire........is someone who never challenges you?

Well except for INJ's I think most can agree on their boring dryness and lack of appeal. Good thing there are allegedly so few of them.


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
"I desire what I desire, and it is good."


(you're going to have to be more specific)

Never! I like being as general as possible.

Well ok. Essentially most of what you mentioned about why you dislike, or would dislike, relationships with certain types is essentially something that is to do with something you cannot 'handle'.

I think if I got in a relationship with an INTP female we would be highly competitive mentally

Obvious example.

ENTJs are too much for me to handle.

Obvious example.

ENFJs' interests are so far removed from my own as to not even register. I avoid them.

Avoiding a challenge.

ISTPs are crude and unattractive to me. They are like dudes. I like my women feminine and girly.
Avoiding a challenge.

IxFPs are timid and excessively weird to me. They just seem kind of dopey and floppy, or self absorbed. They are too passive and mushy. Too fragile.

Too, too, too, everything is just TOO much for you.

ESxPs are hardly even real to me, I couldn't keep up if I wanted to.

Obvious example.

ISFJs are ok, but too quiet and serious for me.

See above.

ESTJs are not people I get tend to get along with very well.

Uh huh.

ENFPs, I think, would be too flighty and nutty for me


Of course for all intents and purposes this is faecitious and not serious as you claimed the original post was. I know I cherry picked my evidence and data, but that was all part of the fun. You lack of handling person stuff, you!


New member
Jun 25, 2008
Of course for all intents and purposes this is faecitious and not serious as you claimed the original post was. I know I cherry picked my evidence and data, but that was all part of the fun. You lack of handling person stuff, you!

Ya I'm gonna stick with that. I'm not really thinking too hard about any of this.

You should make your own list.


New member
Jun 25, 2008
By the way, it kind of seems like from your perspective, if I don't like dudes, it's not because I am a heterosexual, it is because I am avoiding the challenge of it.


Boring old fossil
Nov 2, 2007
Oh, how fun. Here are a couple:

ISFP - Yoga with Enya on repeat. Hairy women and guys in cardigans. Fall sweaters with too much Spiced Pumpkin candle scent. Birkenstocks with foot odor permanently mushed into the toe grooves. The most forgettable fucking people you will ever meet.

ISFJ - Milhouse Van Houten. The perennial sidekick. On the receiving end of more purple nurples than can be mathematically compiled. Shoes thrown onto the school rooftop. The wiener who had his underwear dragged up the flagpole during the Salute Your Shorts intro.

ISTJ - Colorless drones. Nature's cheap shot. Fucked-up tie knot and a short sleeve button-down. Hairspray AND hair-gel. Loafers with swim trunks. Every person who has ever worked for the DMV or USPS.

ISTP - Racist Facebook updates. Oily hair and domestic beer. McDonald's wrappers. Asshole in the truck in front of you with the nutsack bumper decoration. Todd from Beavis and Butthead. Probably sizing you up for a sucker punch.

INTP - Entry level call center employee by day; YouTube hotshot by night. Probably a Millenial. Good at trivia; better at credit card debt. Neckbeards and fedora hats. Sometimes intelligent; never important.

INTJ - White guy with samurai swords on display in his living room. Interrupts your conversation to turn his nose with a condescending clarification - that always misses the point by taking things way too literally. Preening fraud. Too smart for other people, which is why he will die several years early and utterly alone.

ENTJ - Always screaming. Walks way too fast around the office. Laughs like a braying donkey at his own jokes. Overpriced pens. Weird that they're often viewed as the most desirable leadership type, as they're universally hated for all that they are, stand for and WILL EVER BE. Pray to holy fucking heaven the ISTP sucker punches him.


Kill it with fire.


AKA Nunki
Apr 7, 2009
Instinctual Variant
zago said:
INxJs are serious and boring and never say anything funny
I can't speak for other INXJs, but I know that if someone finds me boring, it's more likely than not because I find them boring. I'm not going to bother cranking up the enthusiasm around someone who can't reciprocate.

In response to the topic, there aren't any MBTI types that stand out to me as being generally unpleasant. In the context of a relationship, though, I think that INTP would be one of my worst matches. I recently had an INTP tell me that he doesn't know what flirting is and wouldn't be able to spot it if he saw it (what the heck?). INTPs also tend to be extremely phlegmatic (unemotional and inactive), and that is pretty much the opposite of what I need in a romance. I do like the fact, though, that INTPs usually are intellectual and creative--those are traits I look for in a romantic partner.


Apr 24, 2008
infp never ever again. Soulless egocentric heartbreakers ...
Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I realize that this is becoming a circlejerk, but also, INFPs. Too damn stubborn. I compromise all the time, they don't budge an inch. At least, that's how it felt.

Of course, she probably thought I was Marvin the depressed robot from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.


Apr 24, 2008
I realize that this is becoming a circlejerk, but also, INFPs. Too damn stubborn. I compromise all the time, they don't budge an inch. At least, that's how it felt.

Of course, she probably thought I was Marvin the depressed robot from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Yea and later on they will send you a letter that states they ended the relationship in favor of you, because they felt you wanted out but didnt manage to do it. And you have not the slightest idea what they are talking about

Porcelain Hearts

New member
Jan 4, 2012

only from my experiences, my least favourite to deal with are:
INTPs because they are way out to lunch with people's motives and I don't exactly feel a human connection with them (ie. cold).
ISTPs because if I'm not pursuing the same activities as them, they are quite boring.
ESTJs because they cramp my style.

my favourites generally have been: ENTP, INTJ, and all NFs.


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
I can't speak for other INXJs, but I know that if someone finds me boring, it's more likely than not because I find them boring. I'm not going to bother cranking up the enthusiasm around someone who can't reciprocate.

Ironic, because that's exactly why INJ's are boring. It's always SOMEBODY else and THEIR lack of vision.


Nov 23, 2012
Instinctual Variant
NFPs are my least favorite

Except me. :encore:

Let's see...No EFJs for me. As a friend, oh yes, come at me. But anything more than that is a no-no.
INFs have never made me laugh in the past. Their sense of humor is too mellow for me. INTs can have me rolling for days, though.
ISFJs are probably some of the nicest guys I've ever met. :wubbie: I find their personality (and a lot of the time their looks) alluring.
ESPs can be frustrating to talk to. But we have a great time if we're doing something together we both enjoy.
ISTJs and I somehow make a great team. When we put our heads together really cool things come out.
ISFPs are lovely. I prefer my ISFPs as 9s than 4s, though (but that's probably because I prefer 9 over 4 in general in a mate).
And I have yet to meet an ISTP. One day...one day...

But if you can make me laugh lots I'll always love you. :newwink: