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AGA is an INTP!


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
I guess people never really influence me period. :mellow: Ideas influence me. Source impresses me. Pure concepts impress me.

I wonder where those ideas and concepts come from? I guess they just sort of float around...in...the air.


failure to thrive
Feb 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I wonder where those ideas and concepts come from? I guess they just sort of float around...in...the air.

I meant all that that is not person. Yet it intrigues me.

Not sure what word would qualify it.

If you know it, feel free to share. :)


New member
Jan 2, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I guess people never really influence me period. :mellow: Ideas influence me. Source impresses me. Pure concepts impress me.

^ This sounds a bit like FiTe to me? I may be wrong. Also, being a feeler doesn't necessarily mean that people have a lot of sway over you, particularly with Fi. Being a feeler doesn't necessarily mean that you're stupid and/or unreasonable either- it just means that you tend to output or input (Fe or Fi) things emotionally before you output or input them without emotion (Te or Ti). I don't have a lot of evidence/experience with you to go off of, but from what I've seen from your posts, I would agree that you appear to be a feeler.


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
I meant all that that is not person. Yet it intrigues me.

Not sure what word would qualify it.

If you know it, feel free to share. :)

So what? Perhaps an immortal essence of cognitive divulgence, separated from the vessel that contained it, which interests you absent from its original attachments?


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2014
Instinctual Variant
INTPs are really exacting in their reasoning and most debates come down to semantics and exact word definitions being used. They can really obsess on abstract minutia and are very pedantic at times.

Oh yeah!!!!

The trick is Ti.

Siúil a Rúin

when the colors fade
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I guess people never really influence me period. :mellow: Ideas influence me. Source impresses me. Pure concepts impress me.

That makes total sense. I would say the same about the aux, though to a lesser degree.

^ This sounds a bit like FiTe to me? I may be wrong. Also, being a feeler doesn't necessarily mean that people have a lot of sway over you, particularly with Fi. Being a feeler doesn't necessarily mean that you're stupid and/or unreasonable either- it just means that you tend to output or input (Fe or Fi) things emotionally before you output or input them without emotion (Te or Ti). I don't have a lot of evidence/experience with you to go off of, but from what I've seen from your posts, I would agree that you appear to be a feeler.
Have you considered INTJ? I think sometimes women can test as INFJ who are actually INTJ. Those two types can be very closely related especially if the T and F functions are about equal.


failure to thrive
Feb 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Have you considered INTJ? I think sometimes women can test as INFJ who are actually INTJ. Those two types can be very closely related especially if the T and F functions are about equal.

Well, I have considered it. I can be Tish for periods of time, it's true, which is why I had to see if INTP fit. I watched Highlander's intj film on here and I really do not resonate much with it, because I am not detached from my emotions. I emote easily and often. I also CAN repress my feelings for sure, but when prodded, share readily. I do not see my INTJ son doing that.

Thanks for your thoughts though.

I just crocheted this rainbow hat for a friend and I am so pleased with how well it turned out!

Making #2 now! Except leaving out the grey sections this time.

Siúil a Rúin

when the colors fade
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
In most cases people are much more complex than MBTI theory, and I'm not convinced that everyone's functions line up to match one of the 16 types. They serve as interesting approximations, and it can be helpful to find these more abstract commonalities with others and ways to better understand self.

The question you raised by stating that you do not experience much influence from others is an interesting issue for INFJs. I find for myself I experience both extremes. I'm impervious to "peer pressure" in acquaintance and friend environments, but mold like putty with a few people I've ventured to trust and connect to as my personal source of support.


Active member
May 5, 2007
I watched Highlander's intj film on here and I really do not resonate much with it, because I am not detached from my emotions.

Neither are many of the INTJs I know. Three or four of them yell at their computer monitor when posting. :D
Type =/=emotions.

If there's a film out there suggesting if you're emotional you're not INTJ, I'd ignore the film.


Happy Dancer
Feb 9, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Neither are many of the INTJs I know. Three or four of them yell at their computer monitor when posting. :D
Type =/=emotions.

If there's a film out there suggesting if you're emotional you're not INTJ, I'd ignore the film.

Entirely agreed. One of the interesting parts of the SLOAN/Big Five assessment is that four of the dichotomies correlate more or less with MBTI dichotomies, indicating that they're measuring more or less the same thing. The fifth dichotomy of SLOAN, Neuroticism, correlates with nothing in MBTI, thus suggesting that being emotional (limbic) vs unemotional (calm) is independent of MBTI type.


failure to thrive
Feb 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Jung Definitions of Ti and Fi

I was responding to a post yesterday in another thread and I got out my Psychological Types by Jung and consulted it about the original definition of Fe and Te. In researching that, I realized I am not F according to Carl Jung's definition of F because I do not put accepted values feelings over what I perceive is the 'real' truth of something. And I don't Te as much as I Ti (which was more clear cut for me to figure out using Jung's definitions).

So I am back to thinking of myself in context to being an INTP. My friend says emphatically I am an INFJ with undeveloped Fe, which could be true. I respect this belief of his because he is pretty good at typing and knows me pretty well. I could have skipped the development of my Fe and gone straight to Ti instead which is hypothesized to be the function developed third in an INFJ. This is a theory I do not necessarily espouse, in fact I have iterated on Type C somewhere else that I am more in line with Jung's thinking about it. His thinking is that the dominant function is oriented inward or outward and all other functions are opposed to that orientation. Meaning if someone were Ni-dom, all their other function preferences would be extraverted in people with normal development. For those of us who suffered abuse or neglect, I believe we get a smorgasbord of functions going on, and there is no applicable rule.

Whether or not I was originally intended to be an xnfj by nature matters little if by nurture I developed functions more in line with an intp. This is where the fulcrum exists for a person's nature vs nurture development; the launching place for becoming a different person. Perhaps?

However, It is also conceivable I first used Ti then instead of developing the proper Ne, I turned my Ni inward. I have conscious memories of noticing patterns when I was young and having this almost-OCD type quality of needing things to be symmetrical. Which I now perceive as being an Ne/Se drive.? I have always been very good at guesstimating as well, into the crazy realm where N is required. But I am definitely more Ni than Ne, at least as far as I know.

Anyway, I will further explore Ti and Fi here to see if I can shed some more light on my function preferences (since there are not great tests yet for them).


Ti Psychological Types pps. 380-386:

Ti is primarily oriented by the subjective factor; it does not lead from concrete experience back again to the object, but always to the subjective content. External facts are not the aim and origin of this thinking, though the introvert would often like to make his thinking appear so. It begins with the subject and leads back to the subject, though it may range far into the realm of actual reality. New views rather than knowledge of new facts are its main concern. It formulates questions and creates theories, it opens up new prospects and insights, but with regard to facts its attitude is one of reserve. Facts are okay as examples, but they must not be allowed to predominate; they are only used as evidence for a theory. What is of paramount importance is the development and presentation of the subjective idea, of the initial symbolic image hovering darkly before the mind's eye; the shaping of that image into a luminous idea. It wants to reach reality. The creative power of this thinking shows itself when it actually creates an idea which manifests as a suitable expression of it. Its task is completed when the idea it has fashioned seems to emerge so inevitably from the external facts that they actually prove its validity.

The accumulation of facts (Te) paralyzes thought and smothers their meaning. Kant represents this Ti thinking type. Ti types are strongly influenced by ideas, originating in the subjective realm. He will follow his ideas like the extravert, but in the reverse direction. Intensity is his aim, not extensity. His judgment appears cold, inflexible, arbitrary, and ruthless, because it relates far less to the object than the subject. He may be polite, amiable, and kind, but one is constantly aware of a certain uneasiness betraying an ulterior motive--the disarming of an opponent, who must at all costs be pacified and placated lest he prove himself a nuisance. He will never not a think a thought because it might be dangerous, subversive, heretical, or wounding to other's feelings. Yet he will feel badly if he has to make it an objective reality. And when he introduces his ideas to the world, he does not do it gracefully, but dumps them there and gets extremely annoyed if they fail to thrive on their own. :) He is impractical. Others must bow to its truth. He will rarely go out of his way to win anyone's appreciation of it, but if he does, he does so clumsily and it has the opposite effect intended. He usually has bad experiences with rivals in his own field because he never understands how to curry their favor; as a rule he only succeeds in showing them how entirely superfluous they are to him. In pursuit of his ideas he is generally stubborn, headstrong, and quite unamenable to influence. :unsure: Yet he will lay himself open to the most undesirable elements, which can seize hold of him from the unconscious. He lets himself be brutalized and exploited in the most ignominious ways if only he can be left in peace to pursue his ideas. lol

In his personal relations he is tacitern or else throws himself on people who cannot understand him, or for him this is one more proof of the abysmal stupidity of man. He is easy prey, or he may develop into a misanthropic bachelor with a childlike heart. He can be childishly naive. Casual acquaintances think him inconsiderate and domineering, but the better one knows him, the more favorable one's judgment becomes, and his closest friends value his intimacy very highly. :blush: To outsiders he seems unapproachable and arrogant and sometimes soured. (this is why i didn't do well as a teacher perhaps). As a teacher he has little influence, since the mentality of his students is strange to him. Teaching holds little interest for him unless it provides him with a theoretical problem. He is a poor teacher, because he is not concerned enough with the object(s) receiving the information.

Outside influences are shut off and he becomes rigid in his convictions. He may become surly, even burst out with vicious retorts......ok that is enough! I think we get the picture. :smile:

I AM TOTALLY TI. Don't know what is stronger though, my Ti or Ni. hmmmm.

I will do Fi later. I want to think now. :D


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Your an INFJ and your stubborn ass Ni combined with Ti has really restricted your Fe :alttongue:

On another note. I swear half way down the Ti description a Je took over and turned us incompetent because we are not as social as them. Makes me wanna argue against Je. While they can get things across better, they talk out of their ass alot and miss the truth for getting the point across. Creating stupidity, but you know what, we got our point across.


failure to thrive
Feb 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Your an INFJ and your stubborn ass Ni combined with Ti has really restricted your Fe :alttongue:

On another note. I swear half way down the Ti description a Je took over and turned us incompetent because we are not as social as them. Makes me wanna argue against Je. While they can get things across better, they talk out of their ass alot and miss the truth for getting the point across. Creating stupidity, but you know what, we got our point across.

Of course. There are pros and cons with both Ti and Te. Te is better at getting those points across and reinforcing them, but doesn't like to have original thought or go as deep.

I remember my mom visited me in college when I was 19. She got upset with me because I had no Fe mindset; I did not offer her something to drink when she came in and was clueless I needed to, although I grew up in a Southern house where I should have known better....but at the same time she moved out when I was little and I could see I would not have learned Fe properly. I suspect I am Ni/Ti/Fe to my best guess. Which is a weird mix.

Again: It could be INFJ gone awry, or INTP gone awry. The way to know is to figure out if I am more Ni or Ti...Agreed?


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Of course. There are pros and cons with both Ti and Te. Te is better at getting those points across and reinforcing them, but doesn't like to have original thought or go as deep.

I remember my mom visited me in college when I was 19. She got upset with me because I had no Fe mindset; I did not offer her something to drink when she came in and was clueless I needed to, although I grew up in a Southern house where I should have known better....but at the same time she moved out when I was little and I could see I would not have learned Fe properly. I suspect I am Ni/Ti/Fe to my best guess. Which is a weird mix.

Again: It could be INFJ gone awry, or INTP gone awry. The way to know is to figure out if I am more Ni or Ti...Agreed?

IMHO you have a main function and support functions. Which one delegates? Who is in control? That is your dominant function. My stack is very strange as Ti and Te are way up there


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I think you are a INFJ in a NiTi loop. I read the entire thread and you seem to lack self-awareness of your Fe.

The test result is likely from your own lack of self-awareness. I tested as a ISTP 20 years ago, and again in April when I first came back to typology. I next tested INFP, then INFJ. I test ENFJ every time now because I can finally see myself. Every previous test was from my limited ego and what it could accept.

You mentioned your ex was a Ti dom, so that exposure could definitely influence your functions. Add in a difficult childhood (almost guaranteed for Fe doms and auxs) and your functions get screwed up.

I would recommend focusing on your Se for a bit. It should help you break out of your loop.

Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Your an INFJ and your stubborn ass Ni combined with Ti has really restricted your Fe :alttongue:

On another note. I swear half way down the Ti description a Je took over and turned us incompetent because we are not as social as them. Makes me wanna argue against Je. While they can get things across better, they talk out of their ass alot and miss the truth for getting the point across. Creating stupidity, but you know what, we got our point across.

Of course. There are pros and cons with both Ti and Te. Te is better at getting those points across and reinforcing them, but doesn't like to have original thought or go as deep.

I remember my mom visited me in college when I was 19. She got upset with me because I had no Fe mindset; I did not offer her something to drink when she came in and was clueless I needed to, although I grew up in a Southern house where I should have known better....but at the same time she moved out when I was little and I could see I would not have learned Fe properly. I suspect I am Ni/Ti/Fe to my best guess. Which is a weird mix.

Again: It could be INFJ gone awry, or INTP gone awry. The way to know is to figure out if I am more Ni or Ti...Agreed?

The problem with arguing with Je doms, imo, is that they seem to be done with the argument or discussion when they feel they're done, whereas I want to go deeper and dissect the argument's points more, but by that point they've usually already lost interest or moved on.

Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
You vibe much more as an INFJ than you do as an INTP. Just my observation though, and far from an educated one.

INFJs can be pretty damn analytical. I can see why the confusion might arise. I've been in similar predicaments since I discovered Jungian Cognitive Function Theory.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
The problem with arguing with Je doms, imo, is that they seem to be done with the argument or discussion when they feel they're done, whereas I want to go deeper and dissect the argument's points more, but by that point they've usually already lost interest or moved on.

Subject vs object. They are off the object and onto another. The object is done being discussed, someone else can tackle the subject.


New member
Mar 22, 2015
I think ENFJ or INFJ would actually work well for you.