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Type me please. Because I want to finally make sense of this all.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
Can someone please help type me? Any help at all would be great.

I have had issues with typing myself for plenty of reasons, and i've been at this for about 2 years. I find contradictions in the entire system and it messed with me. The reason I'm writing this thread is because at the moment, I feel to have the best understanding I have had of myself in a really long time. I have finally been able to climb over this wall of a rut, that I built I guess from being such a chameleon at times. That, mixed with peoples opinions I guess at the time....they made me start kind of questioning that I may be one way, when I'm not. In turn, kind of making me lose myself in a way. Getting this all out and making it make sense has been a hard task. It has also taken me a long time to realize a lot about myself. This has been a long process for myself, and now that i've done it, writing a type me thread only felt appropriate to get new feedback, that's based more on how I really am. (I've always been this way though, not a new discovery, but it's just that whenever I write a thread I get biased with putting information about myself that isn't really that accurate.)

Also I find contradictions with the entire system and it throws me off, because I never seem to be able to get an understanding that just lets me type myself.
Example. Someone could think they are more of a feeling type, but agree with let's say, INTJ and justify their "feelings" with an enneagram type, and visa vera. Let's say someone is an INFJ. Type 4 gives them the ability to incorporate Fi in there somewhere. You could be anything..... INFJ type 5 if you think you are somewhat "T like" and lets say INTJ type 4, to solve you contemplating your emotional "Fi side". I'm not sure if I'm for example some other type, or an INFJ type 5, as i've been told was possible. Enough with the stereotypes, but it's something I've noticed, and has been something that has made driven me in circles before.

Anywho, this may be long but I will put any random information I can think about myself, you can skim and do as you please, and then let me know what you come up with maybe, and what type you think I fit according to your perception of whatever I write. Explanations would be awesome.

ANYWHO....Here goes:

-I contemplate everything around me. Since I was a child, I tried to make everything make sense, and if it didn't i'd ask until I get enough information that would make it make sense to me, at least for the time being, knowing at some point in life i'd figure it out. This sort of thing happened when I was like 6 and asked about human existence. My parent's lovely answer. "Oh god did it".... My reply being something like,

"Nooooo, I'm serious tell meeeeee. But that doesn't make sense.... where did "god" come from?"
Parent's: " The star led the three wise men..."
Me : "Stars lead people places? what........ no.......huh? but....." -_-

Parent's: Omg it just happened that way and that's that, okay!?"
Me: Okay.... -___-

I grew up having some idea that god could be real, but it is fading, and if not, has already.
Now as I am not a child anymore, I talk with people, research and read online, and take classes.

-I go in depth with mostly everything. Clear Explanations are awesome for me. I like explanations that make some type of sense. If you explain something and it doesn't correlate with the same thing you told me about a week ago I quickly notice, and it's like... "um.. that makes no sense you said this" (in my head usually).... But then.. that's contradicting... what? And by this point the person is annoyed at me. Getting an explanation that something is just a vibe or a gut feeling, doesn't work for me if I want an actual explanation that can be explained.

-I pretty much just go along with things, without making a fuss. If people want to go to eat somewhere I don't want, I just say it's fine, because it technically is, I'm sure I can find something. I know people that refuse to go places just, because. I'm more let live in those kind of moments.

-It's hard for me to get things down into verbal words, things make a lot more sense in my head then coming from me when I try speaking.

-Typical, but I dislike being around people, and my room is my haven.

-Typical again, but I'm super detached... from everything around me, the world, and feelings. It's feels sort of like I'm a brain stuck with a body. It's a feeling i've had my entire life. I'm so far in my head, that I feel like a just a "being" stuck inside a human body. I'm just controlling the body from my brain, somewhat reminiscent of a puppet. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to not feel this way and perceive everything the way I don I'm assuming people a lot of people feel "alive", at least the ones around me because I could ask, and I'm curious to know what that feels like.
Perceiving everything around me, being "here" in some way, living in the "here and now" every now and then sounds like it'd be great.

-I over think everything, the workings of everything, why things are the way they are. I think about human kind, and all of this, as natural as i'm sure it is for some people, would be great if I could control when I think. My brain is on overdrive all day it seems, my entire life. Wikipedia and the internet are my best friends.

-I've tried over the past few years to come off more emotional, I'm assuming subconsciously because I am a girl. If someone called me cold, I would say or show I cared at some point, and try to come off more emotional around them, or come off like I'm hurt by something they said, when I really just think "People would be offended by this right? Okay I assume I should be too, so I'll act like it now." And then I go and do it. It became easier over time, to the point that at times I kinda started believing I was emotional, and an over all moody person. (Which I don't really think I am.) I think I wanted to come off like an "F" type..... Not saying I'm not, but I know I was conscious of it when acting or saying certain things, so I'm assuming it's relevant information......Which leads me to my next point.

- I don't think I am that much of a moody person. I'm pretty stable most of the time, and can obviously become unhappy and junk, but, it's mostly just average.

-A function I think I use highly is Ti, though who knows. Just from what i've read and know. I'm pretty big on things making sense, picking it apart and trying to understand it thourougly. I'm just not sure what my main thing is.

-When I take functions tests I score high on Ni, Ti, Fi, and lastly Si as my sensing function. I agree with those myself, and I get them as results on my tests too. I don't really agree with any of the extroverted functions descriptions that much except maybe Ne somewhat. That's about it though, and I know it's not possible according to MBTI to have all introverted functions as the top 4.

-I don't feel mushy or nice when I see nice things around me. Romantic things on tv, babies, etc. Nothing makes me feel anything like "awe". I can pretend and show it in words. If someone asks me if that was adorable, I could say "Yeah, I just don't show emotion on my face, you know that." or something like that.

-I'm not that emotional, I don't think. I can watch the news for example and not care, as mean as it sounds. When I was little I would tell my mother "I care about animals.. not this...."

-Most things said to me don't really bother me, and I'm not sure but an issue i've had with going toward NF types for example is that, even though I'm sure I have them, I don't think I'm very big on morals.. You can so called "step on them" dance all around them and stomp them to death. Defy them, and I couldn't care less. I don't even know what my morals are for the most part, or care about them that highly, but that's how I know I'm not big on them. And I'm sure I have tried to find something I highly take a stance on or believe is "right" or "wrong"...and ....yeah..I can't really think of anything.

-I tend to act kind of opposite than the person I'm around, usually when they are one extreme, like really outgoing, or shy. And act certain ways around certain groups of people because I know they have a preconceived notion of me.

- I have gotten "gut" feelings before, but I tend to defy them because they make no sense. I sometimes follow it though but am still not sure why I do it. Because I have read I should do so according to what I was typed, or just do. My gut feelings do tend to be right though. I usually think I should have followed it when I go against it on purpose, if it was true.

- I often watch people, and think they are kind of easily amused by things, and that they are highly predictable. I usually don't respond in the ways I observe in others. An example could be someone listening to a professor speak or anyone really speaking about something. The speaker want some evident reaction from his audience. They word things to get a certain response. The audience hears something that resonates with them, and they proceed to nod their heads in approval. When that person is clearly wording everything in their speech to get that exact reaction from their audience. They fall for it. It can get tiring. I usually guess what people are going to do or say.

This is long and messy..... Due to me not knowing what to include or what to leave out, and I'm sure I missed stuff I meant to include.

Even though I wrote a lot, if you have any questions at all that could help with typing me, feel free to ask. If you have any opinions on my enneagram that'd be interesting to hear too.

Thank you again. :)
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Betty Blue

Let me count the ways
Jan 19, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Ok so, i will go with vibe.
Vibes telling me INFX maybe INFJ Ni Fe Ti Se, you seem to be describing more Fe than Fi. I know you talk about coldness a lot but you also talk aboout making up emotions to fit in which is a little Fe (i think). Then again i know INFP's who talk about coldness, one in particular. You seem more tangential though.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
Ok so, i will go with vibe.
Vibes telling me INFX maybe INFJ Ni Fe Ti Se, you seem to be describing more Fe than Fi. I know you talk about coldness a lot but you also talk aboout making up emotions to fit in which is a little Fe (i think). Then again i know INFP's who talk about coldness, one in particular. You seem more tangential though.

Ah, okay thank you.
Not sure how I agree with Fe second though, which had been a reason I haven't been leaning to much toward INFJ. I don't have morals and stuff... at least nothing I'm big on. So meh. Not something I think about. I don't think things are wrong or right, or care. From what I knew Fe was about the group dynamic and group morals..... :/ I was wondering what Fe would be like if it were like my last function instead.

Betty Blue

Let me count the ways
Jan 19, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Ah, okay thank you.
Not sure how I agree with Fe as second though, which had been a reason I haven't been leaning to much toward INFJ. I don't have morals and stuff... at least nothing I'm big on. So meh. Not something I think about. I was wondering what Fe would be like if it were like my last function instead.

Well the way it works is that you would not have four introverted functions as the first four, it's just the way they interplay with each other. It's not a perfect system and going by function order i have gripes with my own type though i do find the general description (ENFP) fits me very well. You may find another typing system that works better for you personally. Theres a big ole lucky dip of options. Big Five, Enneagram, Socionics...to name a few. Just find the one that is best fit, none will be perfect as we are all individuals.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
Well the way it works is that you would not have four introverted functions as the first four, it's just the way they interplay with each other. It's not a perfect system and going by function order i have gripes with my own type though i do find the general description (ENFP) fits me very well. You may find another typing system that works better for you personally. Theres a big ole lucky dip of options. Big Five, Enneagram, Socionics...to name a few. Just find the one that is best fit, none will be perfect as we are all individuals.

Yeah that makes sense. I understand that you couldn't have 4 introverted functions first but.. for example... INFJ.... The Fe in general, unless weak, I don't really agree with, and Se either... Even as my last, I don't think I have it in me in its "raw" state. Ni and Ti are the only things that seems to make sense for me. As for Fe at the end.... I've been contemplating INTP or ENTP, but, I am not sure how to distinguish NF from NT... I don't think I fit neither well enough. But I will look into the other options... I am kind of determined to figure out my MBTI type though. :3..... I'm having trouble figuring out my "true motivations" like it requires.

Betty Blue

Let me count the ways
Jan 19, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Yeah that makes sense. I understand that you couldn't have 4 introverted functions first but.. for example... INFJ.... The Fe in general, unless weak, I don't really agree with, and Se either... Even as my last, I don't think I have it in me in its "raw" state. Ni and Ti are the only things that seems to make sense for me. As for Fe at the end.... I've been contemplating INTP or ENTP, but, I am not sure how to distinguish NF from NT... I don't think I fit neither well enough. But I will look into the other options... I am kind of determined to figure out my MBTI type though. :3..... I'm having trouble figuring out my "true motivations" like it requires.

In very base (and therefore generally inaccurate) form, NT's types are rational logical types, whereas NF's would be more holistic in approach. I would highly doubt ENTP for you, INTP is a possibility but you just seem less ,..umm... something than other INTP's...can't put my finger on it.

Betty Blue

Let me count the ways
Jan 19, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Maybe it's the overuse of ellipsis.

Virtual ghost

Complex paradigm
Jun 6, 2008
Do you have any MBTI test results ?

I would prefer to have something more empirical/systematic ..... long talks about yourself are simply not objective enough as a method.

Plus forget about the functions ... that is probably to best way to get yourself lost. (especially if you dont know the enneagram type)


New member
Apr 12, 2012
Instinctual Variant
INFJ. Here's why:

You're an introvert and an intuitive, no doubt about that. Let's break it down by function.

You have very strong Ni. Predominant, even. Feeling detached, like a brain stuck within a body. Seeing the underlying dynamics between people. Having the need to develop a full understanding of things. All of these point to introverted intuition. On the other hand, nothing in your description suggests Ne (extroverted intuition).

Now, I can see why, as an introvert, you identify with Ti and Fi. But if Ni is your dominant function, we need to decide between Fe and Te. Thankfully, one of these makes sense for your personality :). I don't see any Te. Your writing style is far too wordy. I have trouble imagining anyone with strong Te talking like this:
"Nooooo, I'm serious tell meeeeee. But that doesn't make sense.... where did "god" come from?"
Parent's: " The star led the three wise men..."
Me : "Stars lead people places? what........ no.......huh? but....." -_-

Parent's: Omg it just happened that way and that's that, okay!?"
Me: Okay.... -___-
...unless, perhaps, you are quite young. I guess many teenage girls are conditioned to talk like that. (Also, I'd bet ten bucks you're Asian.)
On the other hand, much of your description can fit with Fe. Extroverted Feeling accounts for why you're so prone to blend in with the group and shape yourself according to others. As for not being moody or being affected by "emotional" things, that could be a combination of your reserved personality, a strong tertiary Ti, or simply a well-grounded mentality.

Cognitiveprocesses.com says this about INFJ's:
The INFJ theme is foresight.

Use their insights to deal with complexity in issues and people, often with a strong sense of "knowing" before others know themselves.

Talents lie in developing and guiding people.

Trust their inspirations and visions, using them to help others.

Thrive on helping others resolve deep personal and ethical dilemmas.

Private and complex, they bring a quiet enthusiasm and industry to projects that are part of their vision.
The bolded points fit you perfectly. Although the non-bolded points don't seem to be evident in you, you have given no proof against them.

So, INFJ, what do you think??

Oh, and your full enneatype (take this with a grain of salt, I'm much more familiar with MBTI than with enneagram): 3w2 5w4 9w1.
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New member
Apr 12, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Do you have any MBTI test results ?

I would prefer to have something more empirical/systematic ..... long talks about yourself are simply not objective enough as a method.

Plus forget about the functions ... that is probably to best way to get yourself lost. (especially if you dont know the enneagram type)

I understand that INTJ's like objective data, but aren't you also supposed to be able to read between the lines? In fact, her description is more valuable to you than test results because you're getting it from the source, not a secondary (and at least partially flawed) interpretation. Step up your game! ;)


New member
Mar 20, 2011
Instinctual Variant
You really remind me of an INTJ friend (from your description). I don't see how you could be an F. These are my 2 cents.


New member
Mar 20, 2011
Instinctual Variant
No no, read carefully, she's so NT it hurts. The whole description if super NT. Def INT and we can argue about the last letter.

INFJ. Here's why:

You're an introvert and an intuitive, no doubt about that. Let's break it down by function.

You have very strong Ni. Predominant, even. Feeling detached, like a brain stuck within a body. Seeing the underlying dynamics between people. Having the need to develop a full understanding of things. All of these point to introverted intuition. On the other hand, nothing in your description suggests Ne (extroverted intuition).

Now, I can see why, as an introvert, you identify with Ti and Fi. But if Ni is your dominant function, we need to decide between Fe and Te. Thankfully, one of these makes sense for your personality :). I don't see any Te. Your writing style is far too wordy. I have trouble imagining anyone with strong Te talking like this:

...unless, perhaps, you are quite young. I guess many teenage girls are conditioned to talk like that. (Also, I'd bet ten bucks you're Asian.)
On the other hand, much of your description can fit with Fe. Extroverted Feeling accounts for why you're so prone to blend in with the group and shape yourself according to others. As for not being moody or being affected by "emotional" things, that could be a combination of your reserved personality, a strong tertiary Ti, or simply a well-grounded mentality.

Cognitiveprocesses.com says this about INFJ's:

The bolded points fit you perfectly. Although the non-bolded points don't seem to be evident in you, you have given no proof against them.

So, INFJ, what do you think??

Oh, and your full enneatype (take this with a grain of salt, I'm much more familiar with MBTI than with enneagram): 3w2 5w4 9w1.


New member
Apr 12, 2012
Instinctual Variant
No no, read carefully, she's so NT it hurts. The whole description if super NT. Def INT and we can argue about the last letter.

Woah there. Okay, we disagree. Before we jump ahead to INT_, would you care to explain what makes her so NT?


New member
Feb 3, 2011
INFJ. Here's why:

You're an introvert and an intuitive, no doubt about that. Let's break it down by function.

You have very strong Ni. Predominant, even. Feeling detached, like a brain stuck within a body. Seeing the underlying dynamics between people. Having the need to develop a full understanding of things. All of these point to introverted intuition. On the other hand, nothing in your description suggests Ne (extroverted intuition).

Now, I can see why, as an introvert, you identify with Ti and Fi. But if Ni is your dominant function, we need to decide between Fe and Te. Thankfully, one of these makes sense for your personality :). I don't see any Te. Your writing style is far too wordy. I have trouble imagining anyone with strong Te talking like this:

...unless, perhaps, you are quite young. I guess many teenage girls are conditioned to talk like that. (Also, I'd bet ten bucks you're Asian.)
On the other hand, much of your description can fit with Fe. Extroverted Feeling accounts for why you're so prone to blend in with the group and shape yourself according to others. As for not being moody or being affected by "emotional" things, that could be a combination of your reserved personality, a strong tertiary Ti, or simply a well-grounded mentality.

Cognitiveprocesses.com says this about INFJ's:

The bolded points fit you perfectly. Although the non-bolded points don't seem to be evident in you, you have given no proof against them.

So, INFJ, what do you think??

Oh, and your full enneatype (take this with a grain of salt, I'm much more familiar with MBTI than with enneagram): 3w2 5w4 9w1.

Ah I'm starting to lean further away from INFJ. What I wrote about "No no!" was when I was little.... that sounded like a child.. That was referring to myself when I was like 6. Not in any way when I got older. I've been down the INFJ path before, and i've recently noticed that I don't think that's the case... I know Fe is big on group morals and stuff like that. I don't ever think about it. It doesn't matter to me, ever since I was little. I don't worry about social matters but I was in high school, I just felt like changing my image because no one knew me just to see what happened. Beside that, I don't change much, or worry about right and wrong, or anything like that. The things that make NF's....NF's.. It'd be cool if I did I guess but i've come to realize I don't care about these things, and never have. Also I do agree with the bolded parts but seem vague and seem as though they could be applied toward anyone that is one of many types.. I don't agree with the unbolded parts but mostly the one that says "Thrive on helping others resolve deep personal and ethical dilemmas." Yeah... if someone needs help with someone I can help them, but I do not thrive on it, and usually my advice does not help with ethical dilemmas. Recently my advice to an ENFP friend of mine about something that she did that she felt upset about because it was against her morals, (she said morals.) was "well......and? It happened... we're human, these things are normal. Society makes certain things looks bad, read before and why fret on something you think it's "wrong". You did it.. it's done.. you can't change it.. the only thing you can change is your thoughts about it.. so yeah." She responded to me that it still doesn't take the "bad nasty feeling away." And I said okay, and proceeded to find some advice that could make her own brain feel better about it. I'm not that great on fixing ethical dilemmas. Wish I was I guess. I could be anything from an ESFP to and INTJ, but I do know what I don't agree with, and the moral Fe or Fi thing is starting to make me veer from NF types.
But I guess I will take another look at INFJ..... just incase.....thanks. :)


New member
Feb 3, 2011
In very base (and therefore generally inaccurate) form, NT's types are rational logical types, whereas NF's would be more holistic in approach. I would highly doubt ENTP for you, INTP is a possibility but you just seem less ,..umm... something than other INTP's...can't put my finger on it.

Thank you hmm. The very first time I ever took the MBTI test I believe I got ENTP as a result in school, back when I didn't now what it was, that or INTP. But, I have no looking into ENTP.... I wish you could put your finger on it. :p But I will read up on ENTP more, and see if I can relate. Thanks!


New member
Feb 3, 2011
Do you have any MBTI test results ?

I would prefer to have something more empirical/systematic ..... long talks about yourself are simply not objective enough as a method.

Plus forget about the functions ... that is probably to best way to get yourself lost. (especially if you dont know the enneagram type)

I rather not forget about the functions because it actually makes sense. Going off of stereotypes isn't what I'm trying to go for. If someone can get something from what I wrote, even stereotypes to guide me in the right direction, that works fine for me because I can further look into it.......

I took it again just now, and these were my results.

Introverted (I) 68.75% Extroverted (E) 31.25%
Intuitive (N) 72.73% Sensing (S) 27.27%
Thinking (T) 75.76% Feeling (F) 24.24%
Perceiving (P) 55.88% Judging (J) 44.12%

Your type is: INTP

INTP - "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 3.3% of total population.

You scored as Type 5

Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||| 43%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||| 46%
Type 3 Image Awareness |||||||||||| 50%
Type 4 Individuality |||||||||||||| 53%
Type 5 Rationality |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Type 6 Anxiety |||||||||||||| 56%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||||| 50%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||| 50%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||||||| 73%

type score type behavior motivation
5 25 I must be knowledgeable to survive.
9 22 I must maintain peace/calm to survive.
6 17 I must be secure and safe to survive.
4 16 I must be unique/different to survive.
3 15 I must be impressive and attractive to survive.
7 15 I must be fun and entertained to survive.
8 15 I must be strong and in control to survive.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
What's the origin of your user name?

I've been double majoring in music, and so it's one of the first things that came to mind to use.... A cantata being a type of song.....and arpeggiating from arpeggios.....
Just random but that's how I made it up, I looked at what was around me. :p

Virtual ghost

Complex paradigm
Jun 6, 2008
I understand that INTJ's like objective data, but aren't you also supposed to be able to read between the lines? In fact, her description is more valuable to you than test results because you're getting it from the source, not a secondary (and at least partially flawed) interpretation. Step up your game! ;)

That is exactly why I am asking. I am pretty sure that I can represent myself as a ENTJ and everything would be factually correct ..... but that would not make me a ENTJ.

Reading between the lines exactly suggests that the first post could be incomplete and pretty subjective picture.

You really remind me of an INTJ friend (from your description). I don't see how you could be an F. These are my 2 cents.

It has alot of Enneagram 5 traits but nothing that clearly says INTJ.

Thanks! INTJ... ergh....
Maybe. Though the Te is kind of eh....
But will look into it, thanks. :)

When I merge your own descriptions and test results I would say that you are most likely to be an INTP or a INFJ that is stuck in a NiTi loop (INFJ type 5)

I simply dont see any real TJ arrogance in you and you seem to be a fairly passive person from your enneagram results.