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Subconscious Personality Test


New member
Apr 2, 2014
1. Right, to the wooded valley
2. Grizzly bear eating berries minding its own business.
3. A hunting shotgun.
4. Pick up the gun.
5. A medium-sized lake. The waters are very still and crystal clear.
6. There is more forest and trees, as well as a large mountain, and a little cottage near the lake.


New member
Dec 10, 2012
1. right
2. dark brown, going about its business, probably looking for food or a place to poo.
3. an antique pistol, like the kind that the pirates used.
4. take it
5. A clear stream with some rocks and rapids a short ways down.
6. A girl taking care of a bear and singing to it. They are in front of a hill, shortly beyond which lies a vast kingdom.


New member
Dec 10, 2012
The initial path that you chose to take is said to represent your state of mind and your current willingness to take a chance on the unknown.

If you decided to turn left and travel across the open plains, your subconscious mind is telling you that you may now be ready to explore that new idea or opportunity that has recently presented itself in your life. Even though you realize that there is always a risk of failure, this might be the right time for you to try something new.

If you decided to turn right and travel into the wooded valley, your subconscious mind is telling you that right now you may prefer the comfort of a familiar situation rather than risk exposing yourself to taking any unnecessary risks. By psychologically retreating into the protective covering of the forest, you are indicating a strong desire for security and a need to guard your innermost feelings from others, at least for now.

The symbol of the “Bear” represents how you would typically view strangers or other people you have just met. Think about this for a moment, when you generally meet someone for the first time, do you usually see them as an ally or a potential adversary?

Did you imagine the bear to be large and intimidating (like a grizzly), about the same size as you (psychologically as an equal), or perhaps something much smaller that is easily controlled or manipulated (such as a small bear cub or a stuffed teddy bear). Think about not only what kind of bear it is, but also what the bear is doing (eating, sleeping, attacking, running away, playing, etc..) What might this behavior tell you about your current relationship with others?

The “Gun” that you find lying on the ground is said to indicate how you generally interact with other people whom you already know. What kind of gun is it? If it is a large powerful gun, such as a shotgun or an automatic assault rifle, then you are probably not known for your subtlety when dealing with others. When you walk into a room you want others to notice, and even if you don’t always express it, you want to be the one in charge in any given situation.

On the other hand if the gun you find is only a small pistol or just a toy, you are probably far more receptive to the thoughts and opinions of others. You are confident enough in your own abilities that you don’t always have to have your own way. Generally you are willing to listen to other people’s ideas before making up your mind.

Whether or not you pick up the gun, is said to represent how comfortable you are with this particular aspect of your personality. In other words, do you accept this part of who you are, or do you often find yourself doing one thing while thinking another? For example, those who envision a large shotgun but leave it lying on the ground may be indicating a secret desire for more power in their relationships but they are unwilling to assert themselves. This is known as the passive aggressive personality type.

The “Body of water” that you encounter next is said to symbolically represent how you see the immediate path in front of you. In other words, how difficult is it going to be to get across this body of water and reach your goal on the other side? Did you imagine a gently rolling stream or raging white-water rapids? What might your subconscious mind be telling you about your level of confidence in your abilities to achieve your current goal?

Take another look. How big is this body of water? Is it a small creek that you could easily jump over or is this a vast ocean with no visible land on the other side? The size of the water is itself a symbol that represents how long you believe it will take to get to where you want to go.

Finally, the land that you see on the other side of this water is said to represent your current vision of your goals. Look closely, does the land appear to be an inviting place worthy of your effort to get there, or is it a barren desert with not much to offer?

If this land does not appear to be a desirable place, you may want to ask yourself if it is possible that you are pursuing the wrong path. On the other hand, if the land across the water appears to be full of flowers and lush green fields, it may be your subconscious mind’s way of telling you that it’s time to focus your energy and do whatever it takes to get there.

Seems accurate enough.


New member
Apr 24, 2014
I've seen several of these over the internet, and I thought I would share one with you guys. I'll post my original answers to this test below this post.

Try and answer with the first picture that comes in your head when you read the "describe" questions.


1. One day you decide to go for a hike in the country. After walking for a while, you come to a fork in the road, which way do you decide to go?
- If you go right, you will be led to a wooded valley.
- If you go left, you will be led to a wide open plain.

2. Farther down the path you chose, you suddenly came across a bear, describe what kind of bear it is and what it is doing as you approach it.

3. As you look around, you discover that there is a gun on the ground nearby, what type of gun is it?

4. Do you decide to pick up the gun or leave it on the ground?

5. After making you decision, you continue down the path and arrive at a body of water, describe it in detail (size, shape, color, activity, etc.)

6. Finally, as you stand there looking across the body of water, what lies on the other side of it?


I can't click the spoilers


Nov 23, 2012
Instinctual Variant
1. Go left

2. A brown grizzly bear, searching for fish in a river.

3. A handgun.

4. Leave it on the ground.

5. Wide and open, shining and sparkling in the sun's rays. Surrounded by greenery and as blue as the sky.

6. A shrine.

/looks at interpretation now


1 - Right, into the woods. Plains sounded boring.
2 - Large, snarling polar bear.
3 - Beautiful antique shotgun.
4 - Picked it right up.
5 - Busy alpine lake, bustling with a summer regatta.
6 - The open sea.

:laugh: Pretty spot on for me at the moment.


1. Right.

2. Polar bear, it's sneezing.

3.A handgun.

4. Pick it up.

5.A lake, completely still, covered in leaves, lily pads and other debris. It's clear in color and medium-small in size, it's an almost circular oval shape.

6. Denser foliage/ a path deeper into the woods.


cool cat
Dec 4, 2013
Instinctual Variant
1. Right
2. Black bear standing on its hind legs and staring at me
3. Pistol
4. Leave it
5. Sea; dark, deep blue; beach has dark, grainy sand; calm, gentle waves
6. Can't see what's beyond it; it goes on as far as the eye can see

Ingrid in grids

Active member
Sep 1, 2009
1. I take the left road that leads to the wide open plain.

2. He's a large, brown bear. He's sniffing and scratching at a tree. He then rubs his back against it. He doesn't see me.

3. A .30-06 rifle.

4. No one else seems to be around. It doesn't appear to belong to someone, and it shouldn't be left here, so I pick it up and take it with me.

5. A big, still, deep lake.

6. A bank, behind which there is a dense forest.


Active member
Jul 31, 2009
Instinctual Variant
1. One day you decide to go for a hike in the country. After walking for a while, you come to a fork in the road, which way do you decide to go?
- If you go right, you will be led to a wooded valley.
- If you go left, you will be led to a wide open plain.

I wanted to walk between the forest and plains for a while to see which way i should go, and i dont really mind if im walking on a road or not, since i obviously have good trekking shoes :D . Also i would rather walk off road to begin with if i have the shoes for it.

2. Farther down the path you chose, you suddenly came across a bear, describe what kind of bear it is and what it is doing as you approach it.

But when i read this, i imagined the bear in forest, but thats most likely because bears prefer forests rather than open fields. Its a regular brown bear that we have in my country, im not sure what it was doing before it noticed me as it had already seen me when i saw him. And no im not going to approach it, it might have cubs nearby and that might make it attack me.

3. As you look around, you discover that there is a gun on the ground nearby, what type of gun is it?

9mm handgun

4. Do you decide to pick up the gun or leave it on the ground?

Ofc, it would be stupid not to pick it up, THERE IS A BEAR NEXT TO ME YOU KNOW. And even if there wouldnt be a bear close to me anymore, i would pick it up because i might run in other bears, since there might be more of them nearby. And even if that wouldnt be the case i would pick it up out of curiosity(assuming that this place is something that people dont go to much, so that its not some murder weapon to which im going to put my finger prints, DNA and scent into and be accused of murder)

5. After making you decision, you continue down the path and arrive at a body of water, describe it in detail (size, shape, color, activity, etc.)

few meters wide small river, clean water, water flows calmly in it.

6. Finally, as you stand there looking across the body of water, what lies on the other side of it?

Same as on this side, small river doesent really change the landscape much. But since its ahead of me, its where my goal is.


New member
May 18, 2014
Instinctual Variant
1. One day you decide to go for a hike in the country. After walking for a while, you come to a fork in the road, which way do you decide to go?
- If you go right, you will be led to a wooded valley.
- If you go left, you will be led to a wide open plain.

Wooded valley.

2. Farther down the path you chose, you suddenly came across a bear, describe what kind of bear it is and what it is doing as you approach it.

Grizzly bear. It's holding a freshly-caught fish in its mouth, and it's staring at me.

3. As you look around, you discover that there is a gun on the ground nearby, what type of gun is it?


4. Do you decide to pick up the gun or leave it on the ground?

Pick it up.

5. After making you decision, you continue down the path and arrive at a body of water, describe it in detail (size, shape, color, activity, etc.)

A calm stream of water.

6. Finally, as you stand there looking across the body of water, what lies on the other side of it?

Continuation of my current path.


If you want a more expanded and thorough test, try this one, I'll post my answers to this one under a spoiler.
Life Destiny

Also did this one. :)

The scenario:

Imagine that you are on a boat at sea. Late in the evening when it is totally dark, your boat hits a rock. Water starts to pour in from the damaged hull of the boat. The sea tosses and turns making it impossible to bail out the water. Slowly the boat starts to sink from the weight of the water. Suddenly the boat lunges to one side throwing you out of the boat into the open sea. You manage to find a life vest and stay afloat. Exhausted from your ordeal, you fall asleep. Several hours later you are awoken by the light of a morning sun. You look about and notice that you are being swept ashore onto an island.

Where is the geographical location of the island?

Somewhere near the equator. A tropical island.

Describe what you are wearing when you are swept ashore onto the beach.

Light clothes I typically wear at home.

Describe the island's vegetation.

Rich. Lots of plants and trees, including plenty of palm trees, coconuts and bananas.

What is the first thing that you do when you land on the island's beach?

Relax and try to think things through.

You notice a distant hill that will give you a view of the entire island. You climb the hill and from atop the hill you discover that there is a clearing that is close to the middle of the island. You leave the hill and return to the beach. Then you decide that you are going to make your way to the center of the island. You leave the beach and begin walking inland. However, most of the island is heavily forested. You must make your way through the forest to the center of the island. Describe what you see and how you will get to the center of the island.

I'll find a stick or a rod that I could use against possible obstacles.

You have finally made your way through the forest and have made it to the center of the island. At the center of the island is a large clearing. In the middle of the clearing is a house. Describe the house. What does it look like? What is it made out of? How tall is it?

Simple hut made out of bamboo and dry leaves. Small, only a few meters high, fit enough for survival needs.

You walk around the house looking at it in detail. Then you decide that you want to get a look at the inside of the house. You make your way to the front entrance. What do you see? How will you get into the house?

There is no door!

You walk through the house's front entrance. What is the interior of the house like? Describe it.

Not too shabby. Built-in bed, table, and seats, all made out of bamboo. :p

After wandering around the inside of the house you decide to leave it and continue your exploration of the island. You walk out into the clearing and then proceed further into the island. Suddenly you are standing in front of a body of water. Describe what you see. What do you do?

A small pond - ignored it and continued exploring.

After your discovery of the body of water, you continue your exploration of the island. You walk into the forest when suddenly you come across a huge wall which extends for as far as the eye can see cutting the island in two. The wall is much higher than your height and it is made out of stone. Look at the wall. How high is it? What do you do next?

Probably 3-4 meters. I kick it out of frustration then proceeded to climb a nearby tree to peek at the other side.
Last edited:


New member
May 2, 2014
1. Right
2. A black bear licking his paws
3. Uzi
4. Pick it up
5. Large, big, blue, calm
6. Open green pastures


May 15, 2014
1. Right to the wooded valley

2. A grizzly came out of nowhere through the trees, I didn't have time to see what it was doing, wtf

3. .223 rifle

4. Yes, in case the bear came back. (Seeing there was a gun, I'd check to see if there was any ammunition around...there's no point having only one if any shots.)

5. A small-ish river, running rapidly, foamy, with many rocks in it.

6. A small grassy area and around it, a continuation of the forest rising uphill.


New member
Sep 14, 2014
1.Wooded Valley.
2.A large brown bear scratching its claws on a tree.
3.A 22.
4.Leave the gun.
5.A small,clear, green/blue creek with a waterfall in the distance, fish and other wildlife are everywhere.
6.A volcano.


bon vivant
Jan 25, 2014
1. Right toward the wooded valley.

2. Brown, large, overpowering, On its hind legs and agitated. About to charge.

3. Ordinary black handgun.

4. Evade first, then pick up the gun and shoot.

5. Small stream leading to a river. Water moves at normal pace, narrow and easy to cross.

6. Cabins, plenty of cabins.

Edit: These results... what even? I've done the cube test and it was accurate, this one isn't. It seems like I have trust issues with newcomers. Whoa, not me.


New member
Sep 10, 2014
1. I go right into the woods.
2. It is a big cuddly bear, it approaches me and I pet it. We become friends.
3. A fake gun made of plastic.
4. Leave it on the ground (what would I do with a plastic gun).
5. A huge peaceful blue lake
6. The other side looks kind of like my side, but it has less trees and I can only see a very small part of it, so I don't really know what it looks like


perfect person
Sep 12, 2009
Instinctual Variant
1. wooded valley
2. a big brown bear, eating leaves, doesn't notice me
3. shotgun
4. pick it up to investigate, probably won't carry it with me
5. small river with rocks, pretty clear, water streaming, shallow enough to cross
6. more trees


Nov 25, 2010
Instinctual Variant
1. Open plains
2. Grizzly bear, eating its prey
3. Handgun
4. Pick it up
5. Brook, small enough to get over if I just make a leap
6. More fields

five sounds

Jul 17, 2013
Instinctual Variant
1. One day you decide to go for a hike in the country. After walking for a while, you come to a fork in the road, which way do you decide to go?
- If you go right, you will be led to a wooded valley.
- If you go left, you will be led to a wide open plain.
I go left, the plain lets me see for miles and allows me to know where I want to head next.

2. Farther down the path you chose, you suddenly came across a bear, describe what kind of bear it is and what it is doing as you approach it.

He's a brown bear cub. He's playing and eating berries. I wonder where his mom is and hope I don't see her.

3. As you look around, you discover that there is a gun on the ground nearby, what type of gun is it?
Um don't know too much about guns, but an old rifle. Rusty and long.

4. Do you decide to pick up the gun or leave it on the ground?
I would pick it up and see how it made me feel. Depending on how scared for my life I was, I might pick it up anyway. I want to leave it though, maybe kick it off to the side and cover it with leaves.

5. After making you decision, you continue down the path and arrive at a body of water, describe it in detail (size, shape, color, activity, etc.)
A clear mountain lake with a rushing stream leading into it. The water is cold and you can see the rocks and fish clearly.

6. Finally, as you stand there looking across the body of water, what lies on the other side of it?
More land. Lush trees and a wide sky. Open land that I can see across.

