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I don't see how God could plausibly exist (Christian definition of God)


Dec 10, 2008
Nicodemus is being consistent in some sense in that he continues to operate on the basis of what gives him pleasure and what does not. But, because this is biologically based and not principle based it inevitably leads to inconsistency between action and thought.

The obvious example of hypocrisy is that atheists condemn christians for living lives based upon illusions, but even though they may believe that they are grounded in the truth atheists do not live lives in accordance to the natural workings of their beliefs. That is they do try to live with a sense of meaning and purpose even though they beliefs would make it quite obvious that there is no meaning or purpose to life.

So unlike Christians atheists know that what they believe is an illusion created by themselves and yet persist in their fantasy of significance.


Dec 10, 2008
Nicodemus is being consistent in some sense in that he continues to operate on the basis of what gives him pleasure and what does not. But, because this is biologically based and not principle based it inevitably leads to inconsistency between action and thought.

The obvious example of hypocrisy is that atheists condemn christians for living lives based upon illusions, but even though they may believe that they are grounded in the truth atheists do not live lives in accordance to the natural workings of their beliefs. That is they do try to live with a sense of meaning and purpose even though they beliefs would make it quite obvious that there is no meaning or purpose to life.

So unlike Christians atheists know that what they believe is an illusion created by themselves and yet persist in their fantasy of significance.


Sep 25, 2009
The obvious example of hypocrisy is that atheists condemn christians for living lives based upon illusions, but even though they may believe that they are grounded in the truth atheists do not live lives in accordance to the natural workings of their beliefs. That is they do try to live with a sense of meaning and purpose even though they beliefs would make it quite obvious that there is no meaning or purpose to life.

So unlike Christians atheists know that what they believe is an illusion created by themselves and yet persist in their fantasy of significance.


A window to the soul

"If the solar system was brought about by an accidental collision, then the appearance of organic life on this planet was also an accident, and the whole evolution of Man was an accident too. If so, then all our present thoughts are mere accidents - the accidental by-product of the movement of atoms. And this holds for the thoughts of the materialists and astronomers as well as for anyone else's. But if their thoughts - i.e., Materialism and Astronomy - are mere accidental by-products, why should we believe them to be true? I see no reason for believing that one accident should be able to give me a correct account of all the other accidents. It's like expecting the accidental shape taken by the splash when you upset a milk-jug should give you a correct account of how the jug was made and why it was upset." -C. S. Lewis (former athiest)

"I was at this time of living, like so many Atheists or Anti-theists, in a whirl of contradictions. I maintained that God did not exist. I was also very angry with God for not existing. I was equally angry with Him for creating a world." -C. S. Lewis

...set out to prove God doesn't exist only to realize he does.

From what I've observed, it seems like the healthier one is in conjunction with an above average IQ,... the greater the ability to let go of pride, doubts, fear... the greater the understanding and trust in God.


New member
Aug 2, 2010
In case you have overlooked this important question:
Beefeater, how did you come to be a christian?

Nicodemus is being consistent in some sense in that he continues to operate on the basis of what gives him pleasure and what does not. But, because this is biologically based and not principle based it inevitably leads to inconsistency between action and thought.
My principle is grounded in biological processes just as yours is grounded in the assumption of the existence of god. The grounds that virtually no one doubts are mine.

There is, however, inconsistency in my life; for I believe it to be meaningless yet I am still here. If I were pure mind and thought, I would not be alive today, but there are more instinctive facets to the animals of this planet, so I continue living with the conflict of thought and instinct (or will) inside of me. Though even my feelings are meaningless, I still feel them, I still long rather for happiness than for sadness. Thus my maxim reads: Do what you want if you can.

The obvious example of hypocrisy is that atheists condemn christians for living lives based upon illusions, but even though they may believe that they are grounded in the truth atheists do not live lives in accordance to the natural workings of their beliefs. That is they do try to live with a sense of meaning and purpose even though they beliefs would make it quite obvious that there is no meaning or purpose to life.
I do not condemn children for believing in the tooth fairy and I do not condemn christians for believing in the lies their parents have told them. But I am not going to pretend that their beliefs were true.

So unlike Christians atheists know that what they believe is an illusion created by themselves and yet persist in their fantasy of significance.
No one can believe their own lies. The illusions we live are the illusions we have not yet fully dismantled. God is not the most convincing illusion, he is just the most soothing one.

From what I've observed, it seems like the healthier one is in conjunction with an above average IQ,... the greater the ability to let go of pride, doubts, fear... the greater the understanding and trust in God.
May I ask what your understanding of god is?

C. S. Lewis, by the way, died a year before the discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation.


Post Human Post
Jul 30, 2010
Instinctual Variant
C.S. Lewis is an amazing man, his books prompted me to convert to Christianity many years ago. It didn't stick, because I tried to read the Bible.

Don't get me wrong, in spite of some very angry athiests say, Christianity has done a heck of lot of good for the world. And I'm really not against any type of belief, as long as it is sufficiently benign, which Christianity has the capability of being.

But, it is utterly worthless for a Christian to try and argue the Bible. It is a very well known stance among them that the world was created in such a way that faith is necesary. What this means is that there is no logical connection between what the world is and the truth of Christianity. Not everyone agrees, of course, but the fact of the matter is God could've made 'truth' known in 1000 ft tall flaming letters that spoke it aloud in all languages of the world simultaneously. So, it goes to show that obscurity is at least part of the Christian God's agenda.

So, how the hell does a good Christian convert others? Well, the Old Testament is not a helpful example. You can call forth flame in the sky in his name, or God will send a helpful messenger just to let you know. This wasn't important, he was the God of a tribe. The other people didnt really matter.

The New Testament is interpreted to introduce the idea of the Holy Spirit. This type of spiritual transmission is not rooted in argument or logic, but some sort of deep connection where truth can be transmitted directly. Those who are evil reject the call.

So, my advice to Christians. Do you want to make more of you? Just do good things in the Christian spirit, make your prayers, and don't argue on Internet forums, God doesn't want that.


Active member
Jun 21, 2009
C.S. Lewis is an amazing man, his books prompted me to convert to Christianity many years ago. It didn't stick, because I tried to read the Bible.

Don't get me wrong, in spite of some very angry athiests say, Christianity has done a heck of lot of good for the world. And I'm really not against any type of belief, as long as it is sufficiently benign, which Christianity has the capability of being.

But, it is utterly worthless for a Christian to try and argue the Bible. It is a very well known stance among them that the world was created in such a way that faith is necesary. What this means is that there is no logical connection between what the world is and the truth of Christianity. Not everyone agrees, of course, but the fact of the matter is God could've made 'truth' known in 1000 ft tall flaming letters that spoke it aloud in all languages of the world simultaneously. So, it goes to show that obscurity is at least part of the Christian God's agenda.

So, how the hell does a good Christian convert others? Well, the Old Testament is not a helpful example. You can call forth flame in the sky in his name, or God will send a helpful messenger just to let you know. This wasn't important, he was the God of a tribe. The other people didnt really matter.

The New Testament is interpreted to introduce the idea of the Holy Spirit. This type of spiritual transmission is not rooted in argument or logic, but some sort of deep connection where truth can be transmitted directly. Those who are evil reject the call.

So, my advice to Christians. Do you want to make more of you? Just do good things in the Christian spirit, make your prayers, and don't argue on Internet forums, God doesn't want that.

This may surprise you but I am a Christian, a Roman Catholic Christian (although some will consider that contradictory as a consequence of the literary trends and personalities growing out of the reformation tragedy) and I dont consider the bible to be that significant, why should it be more significant than CS Lewis? Both are books after all, what is important is tradition and a living faith, if faith is bound in a book then it is surely dead.

I dont believe that God has created a world in which faith is intrinsic or necessary but it is a world in which faith is highly adaptive, you want to be happen then understand God and that life and the world are complete gifts, which I believe is the message of the old and new testaments, the life and ministry of Jesus was a final attempt to make this clear through God becoming incarnate as a man himself, the prophets had not been listened to or where misunderstood, so he came in person but it still was not clear to a lot of people and the rest is history.

I've read the bible and scripture but never had this problem you speak of, perhaps it is to do with the expectation or way in which you approached the book? I know plenty of people who claim to be buddhists or have an affinity with buddhism who could not read The Light of The World for instance.


Post Human Post
Jul 30, 2010
Instinctual Variant
This may surprise you but I am a Christian, a Roman Catholic Christian (although some will consider that contradictory as a consequence of the literary trends and personalities growing out of the reformation tragedy) and I dont consider the bible to be that significant, why should it be more significant than CS Lewis? Both are books after all, what is important is tradition and a living faith, if faith is bound in a book then it is surely dead.

I dont believe that God has created a world in which faith is intrinsic or necessary but it is a world in which faith is highly adaptive, you want to be happen then understand God and that life and the world are complete gifts, which I believe is the message of the old and new testaments, the life and ministry of Jesus was a final attempt to make this clear through God becoming incarnate as a man himself, the prophets had not been listened to or where misunderstood, so he came in person but it still was not clear to a lot of people and the rest is history.

I've read the bible and scripture but never had this problem you speak of, perhaps it is to do with the expectation or way in which you approached the book? I know plenty of people who claim to be buddhists or have an affinity with buddhism who could not read The Light of The World for instance.

Most of what I said was aimed at fundamentalists. Catholicism is a very different animal, like you said, it's a living tradition which is capable of adapting in a way that other's aren't. The Church and tradition is the important part, not the book. And, honestly, I don't really understand it completely, someday I'll have to take a good long in-depth look at it. Buddhism is also a very different animal.

I was addressing an internal inconsistency shared by a lot of people who like to argue about this sort of thing ad infinitum, and personal about it. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I like to argue, and conflict can uncover some very interesting things. But from a Christian point of view, what exactly are you trying to accomplish? Most of the time people are furthering their egos instead of their ideals, and utimately sullying their own position.


Apr 24, 2008
I'ld never condemn a person, who beliefs in something for his belief. Belief is probably the most real force in life. On the contrary, I rather tend to respect beliefs.

But when I notice or have the feeling a religion is being very unwise, like for example when it says woman have lesser rights than men and the people from Brazil are not allowed to use condoms, I discontinue to take it serious.
And besides that, I think most religious people have a "Vollschuß", dunno how to translate that, it's when a ball hits you very hard in the face. I tho dont think that because of their belief, but because of the lack of social competence they often have, imo. But that's my personal opinion


Active member
Jul 31, 2009
Instinctual Variant
god is just testing your faith :laugh:


Meat Tornado
Apr 13, 2009
I do not condemn children for believing in the tooth fairy and I do not condemn christians for believing in the lies their parents have told them. But I am not going to pretend that their beliefs were true.

What will it take for you to realize that you shouldn't shit all over peoples beliefs with reckless abandon?


Meat Tornado
Apr 13, 2009
If you don't understand the concept of belief I fail to see how you had the temerity involve yourself in this thread.

If that is your stance, there is nothing anyone could ever do to change your mind.

What is your goal in discussing this here? To mock those who believe in things you do not, while not investing yourself at all because you believe in nothing?

That is a cowardly way to conduct yourself.

Red Herring

Jun 9, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I suggest moving the last few pages to a seperate thread about nihilism (or the graveyard), since this one was supposed to be about the classic debate about evidence for or against the existence of the Christian god. Nihilism can be a consequence of atheism, but it is NOT the same and not a direct consequence! Besides, this has turned into a personal beef between two members. Less muscle flexing and more debating, please!


Meat Tornado
Apr 13, 2009
That is no better than schoolyard bullying and I will not stand for it here or anywhere else...

How much worse that you autopsy others most closely held beliefs than merely scar their bodies?


New member
Aug 2, 2010
If you don't understand the concept of belief I fail to see how you had the temerity involve yourself in this thread.
I do understand the concept of belief. That does not mean that I have to like or accept it. Can you tell me how your belief in god differs from a child's belief in Santa Claus?

If that is your stance, there is nothing anyone could ever do to change your mind.
The only way is to prove or make plausible the existence of god.

What is your goal in discussing this here? To mock those who believe in things you do not, while not investing yourself at all because you believe in nothing?
All I am doing is questioning your beliefs. If they are so strong, they can take that and the little spice I bring along. How do you want me to invest myself if it so happens that I believe in nothing?

That is a cowardly way to conduct yourself.
Bullshit, Private.


Meat Tornado
Apr 13, 2009
It's easy to fight Nicodemus when you have no Chips on the table, or no stake in the game.

You have nothing to lose, yet I have everything to lose because I have laid bare my core belief for you.

You disgust me.