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Help with my type analysis


Infinite Bubble

So, since I’m still unsure of my type, I thought I’d better make a thread for this. My uncertainty is probably stemming from the fact that I have a hard time applying the functions to my own personality. I could see myself using any of them really. Almost certain I’m an INxx type. When I first read the definition of an Intuitive, that’s when I realised what separated my thinking style from most other people. I seemingly look at the world in a very different way from others.

The J/P dimension is difficult for me to decide on too. Outwardly, you'd think I was a P; being late for things, being messy, but I think this is just from a lack of priority. I do usually like closure on decisions rather than leaving options open, but I can be a bit indecisive sometimes.

I’ll go through each function individually:


  • I am very future oriented, definitely the most future oriented person I know.
  • Most of the time I spend thinking about my future goals, events coming up, predicting things for the fun of it etc.
  • Planned the main outline of my entire life out. I've heard it’s a bad thing to do that, but once I know the main things I want to do, I’ll be able to appreciate the smaller details and activities more.
  • I am very much an ideas person. About the universe, people, art/music etc. I’m not sure if this correlates more with Ne though.
  • See the big picture (This could be Ne too.)
  • If there is something coming up in the future that I can’t escape and don’t want to do, I’ll worry about it a long time before the day itself. A college presentation is a classic example of this.


I’m unsure about Ne to be honest. Sometimes I think all my creative activities are a product of Ne, other times I think it’s probably Ni + Se. I don’t know.


Very doubtful I have much Si whatsoever to be honest. I look to the past for information about past events, but that’s it.

  • I hold no priority in the past. I don’t care about it. Sometimes I’ll have the odd nostalgic moment, but that’s most likely because I don’t like the place I am in now.


There’s conflicting points on Se. It’s probably low, but a few things question that.

  • Unfortunately, I’m never in the moment. And when I am, it’s boring anyway. Unless I'm playing piano.
  • I enjoy listening to music, in the physical sense too. (Always tapping my foot, can sort of 'feel' the chord changes/melodies. Not a dancer though...)
  • (On the above point) But when I’m composing music, it’s more of an intellectual pursuit than anything; trying to original, creative, producing unusual melodies.
  • Good at improvising pieces on piano
  • I enjoy creating in the visual arts, but only as a means to get concepts/ideas/thoughts out of my head. When I was young I used to draw aliens/robots/ things from my imagination and label it to show how it works.
  • Forget to eat a lot and don’t care.
  • Often insecure about my body because I am short.
  • When I am under stress, I often go into the present moment.


I don’t know really about Ti. Most of my thoughts on different subjects remain in my head, and I do not tell people about them. I don’t know if this has anything to do with Ti though.

  • I don’t think I put that much emphasis on logic and never have done.


  • I often do have ‘flowcharts’ in my head. Often relating to the future and my choices. (‘If I do this, this will happen, and I shouldn’t do that because...)
  • Te users supposedly are good at organising the external environment. I’m not. I think the main reason for this is a simply don’t care, and I don’t think it’s important enough for me to spend time doing it, unless it impedes progress.
  • I don’t know if my logic is my own subjective or is more empirical.
  • I enjoy making lists from time to time and clearly presenting ‘formal’ writing such as this in bullet point fashion.


I don’t about this either. I don’t know if I keep any tightly-held values. I don't think about right and wrong in a situation either.


This is another function I am unsure of. I have social anxiety, and am avoidant of social situations because of that, so it’s very likely it is suppressed outwardly, and obviously won’t be able to use it in those kinds of situations as much.

  • I care what people think about me.
  • I like collecting people’s opinions on things. I will look up people’s responses to a subject on the internet to see what the prevailing opinion is.

Also: could it be possible that for some people with social anxiety, that it is a result of overactive Fe?


Thanks for taking time to read this, and by all means ask the relevant question you need to.


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012

This is another function I am unsure of. I have social anxiety, and am avoidant of social situations because of that, so it’s very likely it is suppressed outwardly, and obviously won’t be able to use it in those kinds of situations as much.

  • I care what people think about me.
  • I like collecting people’s opinions on things. I will look up people’s responses to a subject on the internet to see what the prevailing opinion is.

Also: could it be possible that for some people with social anxiety, that it is a result of overactive Fe?

This caught my eye because I relate immensely and is a similar line of thought and questioning that I consider as well. I think this could indeed be a result of Fe, although overactive or not I could not say.

As for the rest. Well the idea of a 'big picture' in relation to intuitive's has always thrown me somewhat, mainly because what is considered 'big picture' is extremely relative. One person's big picture is only one tree in another's forest. As for the future-oriented planning nature of the intuitive functions, especially Ni, this is another one im not sure of myself.

Ive never really seen evidence for it. As far as I can tell what intuition actually does is try to find a way out of the present situation, essentially an escape from current confinements. So it is future-looking in that sense since it is not looking back and certainly not looking right here, at this moment in time. However im not entirely sold on the idea that this necessarily leads to planning in the outside world. Especially in those Ni dominants who have yet to train their Ni on something. Id say Si users are more likely to plan for a future outcome, but mainly from a position of conservation.

But ive recently considered the idea, (that many people have put forth before), of the connection between the functions. So Ni requires Se because it needs to perceive an immediate surface in order to dampen down that sense impression and leap away from it's immediacy, (escaping again see?), so as to prioritise the most core meaning or relevance of what that impression represents to the individual Ni user.

And Ne needs Si because it makes leaps of connection using past data points to reach a new outcome or possibility through relevant contexts...and they are relevant, they seem not so to weaker or shadow Ne users because they are not as capable of spotting the connections.

I apologise if this does not sound helpful, if you want I could try to give less 'gibberish' sounding examples if I can think of some.


Nov 23, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Hmm, I want to say INxJ (probably INFJ because of what you said about social anxiety). For me, it's easier to figure out my self-typing by describing myself in a more natural sense and how I view myself rather than how the MBTI views me. I think it's easier to determine if you're a J or P by finding out what function is extraverted and what function is introverted. Do you have any guesses as to what your dominant function is? Also have you ever tried testing yourself? Although tests aren't always accurate and on-point, taking multiple ones can point to certain patterns.

Sorry I can't be of more help. :( If I had to guess, I'd say INFJ!

Infinite Bubble

This caught my eye because I relate immensely and is a similar line of thought and questioning that I consider as well. I think this could indeed be a result of Fe, although overactive or not I could not say.

I think maybe healthy Fe cares for people and what others think etc, whereas unhealthy might overthink it thus getting social anxiety. That's my theory anyway. What's your type, may I ask (if you know it)?

As for the rest. Well the idea of a 'big picture' in relation to intuitive's has always thrown me somewhat, mainly because what is considered 'big picture' is extremely relative. One person's big picture is only one tree in another's forest. As for the future-oriented planning nature of the intuitive functions, especially Ni, this is another one im not sure of myself.

I’d say it was the individual’s personal ‘big picture’. Focusing on that in a situation rather than the minor details (unless they’re stressed).

Could it be that Ni provides a future vantage point, and the auxiliary judging function plans for it?

Ive never really seen evidence for it. As far as I can tell what intuition actually does is try to find a way out of the present situation, essentially an escape from current confinements. So it is future-looking in that sense since it is not looking back and certainly not looking right here, at this moment in time. However im not entirely sold on the idea that this necessarily leads to planning in the outside world. Especially in those Ni dominants who have yet to train their Ni on something. Id say Si users are more likely to plan for a future outcome, but mainly from a position of conservation.

I relate to escaping the present situation. And I plan so I know what to do, I don't want to be aimless throughout life, not getting anywhere. I don't think I have Si, just don't relate to it at all, from the descriptions. It's said that they sometimes look very similar, though.

But ive recently considered the idea, (that many people have put forth before), of the connection between the functions. So Ni requires Se because it needs to perceive an immediate surface in order to dampen down that sense impression and leap away from it's immediacy, (escaping again see?), so as to prioritise the most core meaning or relevance of what that impression represents to the individual Ni user.

And Ne needs Si because it makes leaps of connection using past data points to reach a new outcome or possibility through relevant contexts...and they are relevant, they seem not so to weaker or shadow Ne users because they are not as capable of spotting the connections.

I've heard this before, it makes a lot of sense. Not sure which one of those processes I use though.

I apologise if this does not sound helpful, if you want I could try to give less 'gibberish' sounding examples if I can think of some.

If you have the time, but thanks for replying!

Hmm, I want to say INxJ (probably INFJ because of what you said about social anxiety). For me, it's easier to figure out my self-typing by describing myself in a more natural sense and how I view myself rather than how the MBTI views me. I think it's easier to determine if you're a J or P by finding out what function is extraverted and what function is introverted. Do you have any guesses as to what your dominant function is? Also have you ever tried testing yourself? Although tests aren't always accurate and on-point, taking multiple ones can point to certain patterns.

Sorry I can't be of more help. :( If I had to guess, I'd say INFJ!

I always though I was an Ni dominant, and Ni always comes out the highest by far in the cognitive function tests I've taken. They give me INTJ, as my Fe comes out one of the lowest (for reasons already stated). I've never 'felt' like an INTJ, though, and relate much more to INFJ descriptions. Thanks for the response. :)


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
[MENTION=17266]Infinite Bubble[/MENTION]

Id say, at a guess, that INF is at least accurate. INFJ might be correct. As for examples I think I might borrow some from Lenore Thompson's Personality Type; An owner's manual.

She explains, in the introverted intuition types section, about a scenario concerning a day at the beach. In terms of the intuitive functions she writes for Ne:

Extraverted Intuition would move us to unify our sense impressions with their larger context, thereby creating new options for meaning and response. For example, as we lie on our blanket in the sun, perhaps we hear music in the distance. Suddenly we're thinking: "Hey, there must be an amusement park nearby. If it's on our way to town, we can check out the rides before we look for the restaurant that passerby was talking about. In fact, maybe the guy knows about other places we should consider. Where did he go?"

And for Introverted Intuition:
Introverted Intuition would prompt us to liberate our sense impressions from their larger context, thereby creating new options for perception itself. For example, we might find ourselves wondering why people feel so strongly about getting a good tan. We remember reading somewhere that before the Industrial Revolution, being tan marked one as a manual laborer, because it suggested work out of doors. After the Industrial Revolution, it was pale skin that suggested manual labour, because it indicated work in a poorly lit factory. Such correlations arent relevant today, but a good tan is still considered attractive. Why is that? We consider raising the question as a topic of conversation but we're pretty sure our friends will think we're observing a situation instead of enjoying it.

I hope that is helpful, I found her book quite useful in it's explanations. As for my type, I believe I am an ExFJ of some kind, but this is about your type not mine and I wouldn't want to detract from the main topic. ;)


Nov 23, 2012
Instinctual Variant
INFJs seem to be the most rational of all the NF types in my opinion. My friend had the same thing happen to her where she tested as INTJ but didn't seem like one at all. Then we realized INFJ fit her much more. So yes, I think if you're set on being Ni dom I would say you're INFJ. :)

Infinite Bubble


Definitely Ni, from this. Is that particular example Ni + Fe by the way? And I wanted to know your type because ones that relate often have very similar functions.

I'm definitely leaning towards INFJ now.


Yes, I have heard that before. It's possible I have quite developed Ti as well, especially with my interest in physics (although I have a natural affinity for art). I think it says something that I found it easy to tell that I was N rather than S, but more unsure about F/T.


Your discernment of Ni and Si leaves something to be desired. They aren't so different, many things you listed under Ni is doubly applicable.
Last edited:


your associations with Fe stands well enough, and your associations with Te actually corrolates more with Ti, mental causality trees are a very casual exploration of information, as apposed to Te superimposing a goal upon the information. using that, we can already slim down the options to xxFJ or xxTP (and cross out TJ/FP).

i would wager the first, and INFJ is not unreasonable, but i am not compelled by the quantity of information to form an opinion yet.

Eric B

Mar 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Ni and Te you seem to be the most confident in; all the others you start off mentioning "uncertainty". For Te, you mention not being into organizing the environment, but INTJ's are a bit less into that stuff than STJ's.
The flowcharts and lists would basically be the external organization (it starts out in your head, but the main purpose seems, to be applied outward, with the "if I do this...". The functions are actually more like loops, accessing both the internal and external worlds, and the true orientation is determined by the starting/ending point). You seem to be much more sure of that than either Feeling function.

What you say about Fe doesn't sound like a preferred function at all. Social anxiety is probably not necessarily Fe. In a "preferred" position, it would likely be more "mature" and confident.
Fi can care about what others think too. Especially in a non-preferred position, where it's less mature than in a preferred position. The focus would be internal, yet the internal function is more universalistic, which also connects with everyone else. The difference is that the extraverted function focuses on the others more directly.


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
What you say about Fe doesn't sound like a preferred function at all. Social anxiety is probably not necessarily Fe. In a "preferred" position, it could likely be more "mature" and confident.

This does not match up with anything ive read on the theory. Fe dominants and auxiliaries, for example, can feel especially out of place in unfamiliar environments because they have not yet understood, (or have no prior information), of the social context they are placed in and what protocol those around them adhere to.

This is even more noticeable in young Fe users who are unsure of how to act until they know all the information.

Also from Lenore Thompson:

Young EFJ's can be surprisingly awkward in social situations, particularly when compared with the more outgoing Extraverted Perceiver's. Until they know how to gauge people's expectations well enough, they're self-conscious and reluctant to take action.

All that could easily cause social anxiety. Then of course there is personal experience, which is not as reliable, but given the lack of evidence for the theory, personal experience may as well play a part....in short im obviously big on Fe, but I feel socially anxious very often.

Although I agree with what you said about Fi.

And I wanted to know your type because ones that relate often have very similar functions.

Oh I got that, which is why I said I was some kind of ExFJ.

Eric B

Mar 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
This does not match up with anything ive read on the theory. Fe dominants and auxiliaries, for example, can feel especially out of place in unfamiliar environments because they have not yet understood, (or have no prior information), of the social context they are placed in and what protocol those around them adhere to.

This is even more noticeable in young Fe users who are unsure of how to act until they know all the information.

All that could easily cause social anxiety. Then of course there is personal experience, which is not as reliable, but given the lack of evidence for the theory, personal experience may as well play a part....in short im obviously big on Fe, but I feel socially anxious very often.
I was assuming the person is grown. Of course, when a child (literally "immature"), even the preferred functions will be immature. When they mature, they tend to connect and find environments where they are comfortable. The OP makes it sound more of a general situation ("avoidant of social situations", altogether), than either being young or an instance of an environment being unfamiliar.


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
I was assuming the person is grown. Of course, when a child (literally "immature"), even the preferred functions will be immature. When they mature, they tend to connect and find environments where they are comfortable. The OP makes it sound more of a general situation ("avoidant of social situations", altogether), than either being young or an instance of an environment being unfamiliar.

Ah I see. Yes in that case I understand your point.

Infinite Bubble


I'm doubtful of Si to be honest. Si-doms (at least stereotypically) are usually into customs, traditions etc, aren't they? I'm definitely not. Also, I'm not very good with details and not very down to earth. In fact it's when when I have to think about the 'real world' that I feel bad. I seem obviously an N, to me anyway. Unless I’m totally misunderstanding the functions.

Huh, I did not realise that what I listed for Te was actually more like Ti. Maybe it's that I use after all then. Also, I’d be extremely surprised if I turned out an E too.

Ni and Te you see to be the most confident in; all the others you start off mentioning "uncertainty". For Te, you mention not being into organizing the environment, but INTJ's are a bit less into that stuff than STJ's.
The flowcharts and lists would basically be the external organization (it starts out in your head, but the main purpose seems, to be applied outward, with the "if I do this...". The functions are actually more like loops, accessing both the internal and external worlds, and the true orientation is determined by the starting/ending point). You seem to be much more sure of that than either Feeling function.

This does make sense to me. Especially the whole starts off in your head, but is applied to the outside world. I don’t know if it’s relevant, but when I think of an idea I particularly like, I have to write it down somewhere or I’ll forget about it.

What you say about Fe doesn't sound like a preferred function at all. Social anxiety is probably not necessarily Fe. In a "preferred" position, it would likely be more "mature" and confident.
Fi can care about what others think too. Especially in a non-preferred position, where it's less mature than in a preferred position. The focus would be internal, yet the internal function is more universalistic, which also connects with everyone else. The difference is that the extraverted function focuses on the others more directly.

You might be right, but for what it's worth I've found out I'm good at working out peoples expressions and what they're thinking/feeling from it. Obviously I can't be sure unless I asked them.

Another thing is, I understand how social situations work, but I will appear inept because of SA. I'm not sure on this but I've read some thinkers (introverted, I suppose) can't understand why people do the things they do, but I've always understood why and their motivations.

If it would help, I'm 18, so all my functions obviously won't be fully developed yet. I was always quiet but became more shy towards around the age of 12 and it's slowly built up to what it is now. Maybe it's more down to personal experience than functions.



I'm doubtful of Si to be honest. Si-doms (at least stereotypically) are usually into customs, traditions etc, aren't they? I'm definitely not. Also, I'm not very good with details and not very down to earth. In fact it's when when I have to think about the 'real world' that I feel bad. I seem obviously an N, to me anyway. Unless I’m totally misunderstanding the functions.

Stereotypical indeed - if you did want to use the stereotype, it is equally valid for Ni users. Both are fond of logical or emotional attachment to physical and ethereal systems. I believe the word I would choose is 'loyal', and I think they are so because they are seemingly well-versed in the things they choose to place stock in.

One way I've discerned the two apart is the acceptance of relevant facts. I think Si users are better at 'trimming the fat' than Ni users are, or at least much more suspicious about what they choose to allow into the framework. Given opportunity, they will probably resort to factual expos of information, like Google or something. I think Ni users are much more suspect to letting information float in space until it coincidentally makes sense somehow, likely through casual observation - that is to say Ni users are like worrywarts.

I haven't really gotten into your type specifically yet. Been busy. I'll try to get around to writing something hopefully fun to read sometime soon.


Super Senior Member
Dec 20, 2008
Instinctual Variant
INTJ or maybe INFJ..... obvious Ni>Se thing going on.

Infinite Bubble

Stereotypical indeed - if you did want to use the stereotype, it is equally valid for Ni users. Both are fond of logical or emotional attachment to physical and ethereal systems. I believe the word I would choose is 'loyal', and I think they are so because they are seemingly well-versed in the things they choose to place stock in.

One way I've discerned the two apart is the acceptance of relevant facts. I think Si users are better at 'trimming the fat' than Ni users are, or at least much more suspicious about what they choose to allow into the framework. Given opportunity, they will probably resort to factual expos of information, like Google or something. I think Ni users are much more suspect to letting information float in space until it coincidentally makes sense somehow, likely through casual observation - that is to say Ni users are like worrywarts.

I haven't really gotten into your type specifically yet. Been busy. I'll try to get around to writing something hopefully fun to read sometime soon.

Woops, bit late, but about accepting facts, I'm unsure which applies to me TBH. I'd say I'm mostly accepting until it's proven wrong than rejecting until I've found the truth. I worry massively about things as well if that's relevant.

I'd be stunned if I'm an ISxJ. I'd go through every temperament before reaching SJ's really. They're almost like the opposite to me (from what I gather).

INTJ or maybe INFJ..... obvious Ni>Se thing going on.

That's what I thought, it's just the case of Te vs Fe I suppose.


New member
Dec 11, 2012
Instinctual Variant

This is another function I am unsure of. I have social anxiety, and am avoidant of social situations because of that, so it’s very likely it is suppressed outwardly, and obviously won’t be able to use it in those kinds of situations as much.

  • I care what people think about me.
  • I like collecting people’s opinions on things. I will look up people’s responses to a subject on the internet to see what the prevailing opinion is.

Also: could it be possible that for some people with social anxiety, that it is a result of overactive Fe?

I think maybe INTP. In my experience, one of the best ways to figure out your dominant function if to figure out your inferior function. Your inferior function is probably Fe, though I can see how people might think INFJ because you care about what others think and have social anxiety, but that is probably just inferior Fe.

I could also believe INTJ, but I think you are probably using Ti, not Te.

I am also of the opinion that you may be confusing Ni for Ne, though the N functions are the most confusing to me.

Infinite Bubble

I think maybe INTP. In my experience, one of the best ways to figure out your dominant function if to figure out your inferior function. Your inferior function is probably Fe, though I can see how people might think INFJ because you care about what others think and have social anxiety, but that is probably just inferior Fe.

I could also believe INTJ, but I think you are probably using Ti, not Te.

I am also of the opinion that you may be confusing Ni for Ne, though the N functions are the most confusing to me.

I could be, although I was under the impression that someone with Inferior Fe would be somewhat more oblivious to it... isn't it supposed to be unconscious whereas its fairly conscious with me. Thought they wouldn't care too much about other people's thoughts, in general.

Maybe it's my own ignorance to what the functions actually do and difficulty in applying it to my own behavior that is causing the difficulty.


New member
Dec 11, 2012
Instinctual Variant
I could be, although I was under the impression that someone with Inferior Fe would be somewhat more oblivious to it... isn't it supposed to be unconscious whereas its fairly conscious with me. Thought they wouldn't care too much about other people's thoughts, in general.

Maybe it's my own ignorance to what the functions actually do and difficulty in applying it to my own behavior that is causing the difficulty.

I wouldn't say that. Everyone uses all four (T, F, S, N) in different orders, but they're definitely all there, and to some extent, both conscious and accesible. If you have Fe as your inferior function, it could totally make you aware of other people, but not in a GOOD way. Usually, Fe doms/aux enjoy the company of others, and are generally comfortable being around them. An Fe inferior on the other hand, would often be anxious around other people and not want to be around them. Other people are not your main concern, but sometimes you can be painfully aware of other peoples' eyes on you and it makes you want to just...stay out of the way. My dad is an ISTP, Fe inferior. He doesn't really care about other people, but he hates having his picture taken and he's afraid to initiate conversation with strangers, not that he really WANTS to though. He avoids overt displays of emotion, and in general does not care what others think, though he hates to be put on the spot or made an ass of. His Fe is so underused that he really has no idea how to behave in social settings.