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[SJ] SJ's: When You're Lost in Thought, What Are You Thinking About?


New member
Jul 11, 2010
The ISTJ I know seems to be in his own world; I ask a question and he's so zoned out that he doesn't hear me. It often happens when he's driving (mostly, actually), so I know he isn't sleeping. I know what I think about when I zone out, but what does an SJ's thoughts get lost in?

For clarity's sake, if you respond here and aren't SJ, please indicate that in your response.


Jun 17, 2010
Things that interest me, usually someone elses voice doesn't interest me so I pay little attention to what they say. I'm always in my "own world".


Whackus Bonkus
Nov 8, 2009
Instinctual Variant
For me it happens to be usually one of the following

1) Primarily, the woman I'm infatuted with or in a relationship with at the time. I wonder what she's doing, the things I'd like to say to her, ways I could show her how much I care about her, etc etc...
2) A close second is dancing: I'm thinking about what I'd like to know, how to properly execute a move, or I start making stuff up in my head that I think would be cool, or I picture myself years from now being REALLY good and showing off :cheese:
3) A recent topic of interest of mine (which could be anything from a discussion on TypoC, to an anime I just watched, a book I just read, or a movie I just saw) in which I usually fantasize myself taking a part in or incorporating some aspects of it into my own life.

For example, I re-watched an episode of Bleach in which Ichigo get's killed and then goes full-on Hollow and kicks the crap out of Ulquiorra, and I started to wonder if I could put that look that he had (Ichigo's Ressurecion Form) into a workable Halloween costume.


silentigata ano (profile)
Mar 19, 2009
I reflect on things that have happened, I think of what I want to do with my file, I think of things I want to have or do, I think of situations that could or would happen, I daydream about doing something courageous and being a hero, I think of what life would be like as a TV show, or sometimes I just zone and don't really think of anything. Also, I occasionally have thoughts that may be disturbing to other people.

So, I pretty much think about a lot of stuff.


Let's make this showy!
Nov 11, 2008
When I get lost in my head at work, it usually involves one of 3 things: planning things to do in the next few days, going over a personal interest in my head, or mulling over my life.

For instance, I had a list of about 7-8 things I need to get done over the next week. I was thinking about the priority level of each one, when I worked each day, where I had to go, and then I started going into planning in my head how I wanted to spend my paycheck.

The other and most common thing is that I'm just lost in my head thinking about an interest of mine. Lately, I could be lost in my head thinking about all the things I've installed on my new smart phone, whether I like all the changes I've made to it, what other things I want to research about it later on. Or it could be a movie, like I've been obsessed with National Treasure 2 the last week. I've been replaying scenes OVER and OVER and OVER again in my head. Or going over what's happened in the recent Pokemon episodes, and how the season will end in the next few months.

The other thing I get lost thinking about is what I want out of my life. What's important to me. Who is important to me. Am I satisfied with what I'm doing? Do I deserve to be doing something better?

my mind scatters off into tons of places.


New member
Jul 11, 2010
Do you ever wonder if heaven will be everything you've experienced here, only better? And what 'better' might mean? If there's such thing as truer colors than there are here, and what that might look like? Is it possible to hear color?
Do you think about the influence that art/music has over mankind, and whether it makes them better people? Can hearing a variation in a scale of musical notes really influence morality?
Do you wonder if there's something inherent in you that prevents you from being as good as some other MBTI type?
Do you come up with a methodical plan for improving who you are in some way? Like, promising yourself you'll study for an hour every day for the next five years, and then calculate whether that's enough of a chunk in a life to make a difference?

Come on, everyone really thinks about these things when they're zoned out, right?

I feel like Milo: "All right, a dog, I understand, but... deep down inside, we're all cats, right?"


New member
Jul 11, 2010
I think we posted at the same time.

The other thing I get lost thinking about is what I want out of my life. What's important to me. Who is important to me. Am I satisfied with what I'm doing? Do I deserve to be doing something better?

my mind scatters off into tons of places.

OK, so SJ's are really not much different than me. Maybe I should ask my ISTJ what he thinks about when he's zoning out.


Whackus Bonkus
Nov 8, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Do you ever wonder if heaven will be everything you've experienced here, only better? And what 'better' might mean? If there's such thing as truer colors than there are here, and what that might look like? Is it possible to hear color?

Not really, no. As an atheist I don't really take a lot of time out to wonder what some make-believe afterlife will be. If there is an afterlife then sure it could be some of those things but I consider it a waste of time to navel-gaze on stuff like that.

Do you think about the influence that art/music has over mankind, and whether it makes them better people? Can hearing a variation in a scale of musical notes really influence morality?

It's not something I really think about, but I suppose it could. I know music has the power to motivate or get me moving but I never had it effect me to such a degree as to where I felt like changing my life because of it. That being said, I know others don't think like me so it's certainly possible.

Do you wonder if there's something inherent in you that prevents you from being as good as some other MBTI type?

My problem with this statement is that it assumes that some MBTI types are objectively 'superior' than other types and I don't really agree with that. My type has it's weaknesses and and it's strengths. I do wish sometimes that I had those cognitive functions that would allow me to follow in and out of a crowd like the way an ESFP/ESTP does but then if I had those functions my whole personality would change and I wouldn't be me anymore.

In spite of all my flaws, I do like being me :cheese:

Do you come up with a methodical plan for improving who you are in some way? Like, promising yourself you'll study for an hour every day for the next five years, and then calculate whether that's enough of a chunk in a life to make a difference?

Sometimes I do this. Unfortunately I have to admit pure sloth on putting these plans into action. For example, I often think about ways I could go about approach strength training and putting on a little more muscle (considering how skinny I am) but I just haven't gotten off of my ass to actually do it yet as I haven't had a real need to do it yet.

That however is going to change very rapidly as I'll be participating in a dance competition this December with two, possible three women and as such I'll REALLY need to get in shape :shock:

Come on, everyone really thinks about these things when they're zoned out, right?

I feel like Milo: "All right, a dog, I understand, but... deep down inside, we're all cats, right?"

Sorry to disappoint but....no ;) :hug: It's ok though, I'm glad someone does.

Donna Cecilia

L'anima non dimora
Mar 19, 2010
Lots of things, but the most frequent ones:

- things I have to do at Uni,
- the Formula 1 championship,
- I listen to music in my mind sometimes, I choose a song that I like and start "travelling",
- a new outfit, or make-up look,
- my next after-office,
- the place where I will hanging out with my friends the next weekend,


Let's make this showy!
Nov 11, 2008
Do you ever wonder if heaven will be everything you've experienced here, only better? And what 'better' might mean?

I don't subscribe to a religion, so I can't relate on the heaven thing. I think sometimes about what happens after death. Whether it's just a lack of existence or perhaps departure of your soul from your body.

If there's such thing as truer colors than there are here, and what that might look like? Is it possible to hear color?

Not sure where you're going with this, but no, I don't.

Do you think about the influence that art/music has over mankind, and whether it makes them better people? Can hearing a variation in a scale of musical notes really influence morality?

I think more about how attached I become to my music collection. It's become so personalized over the last 10 years. Over half of the songs in my collection are attached to a personal memory of something, and trigger that memory each time I hear it.

Do you wonder if there's something inherent in you that prevents you from being as good as some other MBTI type?

Like said above by someone else, this is situational. I have MBTI on my mind all the time also. Constantly analyzing other people, figuring out their type or temperament. I allow myself to forgive myself for my faults that other types succeed at because I have strengths that make up for it.
Do you come up with a methodical plan for improving who you are in some way? Like, promising yourself you'll study for an hour every day for the next five years, and then calculate whether that's enough of a chunk in a life to make a difference?

Donna Cecilia

L'anima non dimora
Mar 19, 2010
Do you ever wonder if heaven will be everything you've experienced here, only better? And what 'better' might mean? If there's such thing as truer colors than there are here, and what that might look like? Is it possible to hear color?

I´m agnostic. I think of heaven as a state of mind rather than a place to be in. The sound of a colour? No such thing. When you say true colours, I think of Pantone.

Do you think about the influence that art/music has over mankind, and whether it makes them better people? Can hearing a variation in a scale of musical notes really influence morality?

I do. But, in fact, I think it´s the other way round. Morality influences art.

Do you wonder if there's something inherent in you that prevents you from being as good as some other MBTI type?

Nothing prevents me from being as good as I want to be. MBTI has nothing to do with my self-awareness.

Do you come up with a methodical plan for improving who you are in some way? Like, promising yourself you'll study for an hour every day for the next five years, and then calculate whether that's enough of a chunk in a life to make a difference?

Yes, my sense of time is highly developed. I plan my life in terms of time.

Come on, everyone really thinks about these things when they're zoned out, right?

Seriously, I don´t.

I feel like Milo: "All right, a dog, I understand, but... deep down inside, we're all cats, right?"

Now, I wonder what was Milo´s dog food made of.


New member
Jul 11, 2010
I didn't mean those things specifically; they were examples of the kinds of things I assumed everyone wondered and thought about when they were zoned out.

Donna Cecilia

L'anima non dimora
Mar 19, 2010
I didn't mean those things specifically; they were examples of the kinds of things I assumed everyone wondered and thought about when they were zoned out.

I know. ;)

Something I learned here is that, the more you know people, the less you can assume.


Whackus Bonkus
Nov 8, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I didn't mean those things specifically; they were examples of the kinds of things I assumed everyone wondered and thought about when they were zoned out.


Oh I know, but sadly I'm very mundane when it comes to my thought processes :cheese:


Jan 7, 2009
My hubs is ESTJ; when he's zoned out and I ask him what he's thinking about often it's about how to structure upcoming tasks or solve some problem on his mind.

But, other times, he says he's thinking about nothing. Sometimes zoning out seems to be just that. Which is also somewhat of a guy thing I think.

Research has shown that women's brains are more hard-wired to multi-tasking, while men's are more task-completion oriented, taking one idea from thought to completion, then engaging the next thought. If anyone is interested I can find links to that research.


New member
Jul 11, 2010
Research has shown that women's brains are more hard-wired to multi-tasking, while men's are more task-completion oriented, taking one idea from thought to completion, then engaging the next thought. If anyone is interested I can find links to that research.

No, you don't need to find links -- I've seen it referenced before. Women multitask better because it's necessary for them as mothers. And I've seen that part of it at work--if I'm at the park with my kids, I can chat or read or whatever and never lose sight of my kids, but my husband can't. As soon as he starts chatting with someone, he forgets that kids even exist. His mind has to focus on one thing at a time.