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What type do you think I am?

Violet Rose

New member
Mar 26, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Socionics/MBTI/Enneagram/instinctual Stackings...

Personal concepts

1. What is beauty? What is love?

• Beauty is subjective and can be found in anything, as long as one looks hard enough. Beauty doesn't necessarily have to be something that is pleasing to the eye, but a romanticized idea, derived possibly from nostalgia, or that with which one can relate to, or find inspiration from etc.

•To me, love is a feeling that inspires loyalty that has been developed by a connection in which one relates to something else or possibly from respect...

2. What are your most important values?

•Integrity, Commitment, Understanding, Dependability, Humbleness, Wisdom, Sincerity..

3. Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?

• I don't have a particular religion that I affiliate myself with, but I like finding parallels in religion, and wonder if there is some underlying truth to them all in one way or another, in their similarities, or the reasons for which people practice religion.

4. Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?

•I don't like war at all. I wish that there was a better way that others would accept to come to a mutual agreement. It makes me sad to know that those opposing each other have their own families and they may misunderstand or even demonize each other by differences in culture or what they have heard from others about a particular race or culture. I think that once a fire had been shot, it can lead to a constant eye for an eye, and bitterness towards the opposition, until one side can now longer go on, with hatred that can last generations.

•Power is an influence over others.


5. What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?

•I like talking about books, why people do the things they do, I'll have conversation with just about anything, really. I like to read and to overthink everything.

6. Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?

•I'm not extremely interested about it. I like guessing what's wrong with people from their symptoms and helping them find an answer, usually resorting to google. I don't like eating foods high in sugar or fat. But I don't really exercise. I don't know, maybe?

7. What do you think of daily chores?

•If I get into the groove of doing everything, and keeping up with everything consistently, and not letting it pile up on me, I'm fine. But the moment it goes overboard, I find myself mad at myself for letting it get out of control, and find it hard to get back in the groove, so I try to stay in it.

8. Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.

•My favorite movies are The Lord of the Rings/Hobbit movies., Beauty and the Beast, Harry Potter movies,The Beach, Donnie Darko, The Hours..

•Books I have recently read: The Book Thief, Rebecca, Myth of Sisyphus, Northanger Abbey, The Thirteenth Tale, Mrs. Dalloway..

9. What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?

•Cry: Death of a loved one. Or the feeling of not living up to the standard of what I should be like, and being criticized for it.

•Smile: little kids, irony, people helping others, old couples opening doors for each other

10. Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?

•With my family.

Evaluation & Behaviour
11. What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?

•Weakness: I'm a pushover.

•Dislike about myself: Whenever I do anything I think is wrong, I dislike myself for it. My library books are late, therefore I feel like a bad person and it has been eating me alive. I don't really mind that I'm a pushover, because I don't like pushing others around. But I think I lack the ability to put myself out there, as in just accepting a position and staying there instead of trying to 'ladder climb'. I lack the will or the will to care because I don't have a competitive nature. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, but will probably hurt me in the long run.

12. What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

•Strengths: People generally say I'm easy to get along with. That I'm a good person.

•Like about myself: That I don't succumb to loosing myself in a group to gain recognition and popularity. That I stay true to myself.

13. In what areas of your life would you like help?

•I need guidance. Someone to manage my finances and tell me exactly how much I should spend on everything. Someone to budget my life. Someone to tell me how to do what I need/want to do.

14. Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

•Sometimes. Usually because of depression and life feeling monotonous. My reaction is to stay in my house and not leave. Pour myself into a book or google.

People & Interactions

15. What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?

•I like people that know what they are doing with confidence. I like people that genuinely try to understand and respect other people ,or that accept others, despite their flaws.

•I dislike people that say things that hurt others feelings just to appease a group, those with poor self-awareness, or that just do things for looks or popularity.

16. How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?

•I think of romance as a commitment to someone I love and respect. Qualities I like are maturity, intelligence, diligence, respectful...someone who knows what they are doing in life.

17. If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?

•That they will always be able to come to me for anything, no matter what. I want then to treat others well by being accepting of others and not a bully. To respect other people.

18. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?

•Inward I'd probably be mad, but try to understand why they might feel that way. It depends what it's about and how strongly I feel about the topic that decides whether I respond to it.

19. Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.

•I kind of see myself as outside society. I see people as a whole containing patterns of an underlying truth about humanity, remaining consistent over time, the good and bad.

•A prevalent social problem is the lack of understanding between people.

20. How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?

•I choose my friends by how interesting, reliable, and accepting they are, and our shared interests. I'm pretty open with my friends, random in conversation, dorky...

21. How do you behave around strangers?

•I keep a neutral distance and watch them from afar to decide if I'm going to like them or not, evaluating how they act towards others, sometimes. But if they seem open, approachable, and friendly, I'll be friendly back.
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Active member
Feb 5, 2015
You sound like a self predication /social / sexual instinct type: ( sp /So/Sx )

I think you may be a 9w8 INFJ.

Type: 9
Instinct: SP

Conches: 9w8 INFJ (core point energy)
Mood: 9w1 INFP (shadow or secondary point energy)
Agenda: 8w7 ESTP (auxiliary wing)

An interesting thing about the 8w7 ESTP is that Mood for this type is 9w1 INFP witch makes it interesting for both the for both the 9w1 INFP and the 9w8 INFJ..
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Violet Rose

New member
Mar 26, 2015
Instinctual Variant
You sound like a self predication /social / sexual instinct type: ( sp /So/Sx )

I think you may be a 9w8 INFJ.

Type: 9
Instinct: SP

Conches: 9w8 INFJ (core point energy)
Mood: 9w1 INFP (shadow or secondary point energy)
Agenda: 8w7 ESTP (auxiliary wing)

Thanks! Yeah, I've considered INFJ quite a bit.

Why do you think 9w8? I always get 8 last on all enneagram tests, not that I consider them the best method. I haven't read up on enneagram as much, but have been meaning to.

My instinctual stacking has always been an area of confusion for me. I think I've considered them all except sx/sp and sx/so. I've had others type me so/sx on another site that I'm a frequent poster at. I'm usually more reserved until I figure out group dynamics, especially in larger settings involving more people. I identify most with social 9, but I could always be wrong.

Some of the enneagram tests I've taken, might be helpful to put here:
Type 1 Perfectionism |||||| 22%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||| 26%
Type 3 Image Focus |||||| 22%
Type 4 Individualism |||||||||||||||| 62%
Type 5 Intellectualism |||||||||||||| 58%
Type 6 Security Focus |||||||||||||||| 70%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||| 30%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||| 22%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||||||||| 86%

type score type behavior motivation
9 21 I must maintain peace/calm to survive.
6 17 I must be secure and safe to survive.
4 15 I must be unique/different to survive.
5 14 I must be knowledgeable to survive.
7 7 I must be fun and entertained to survive.
2 6 I must be helpful and caring to survive.
1 5 I must be perfect and good to survive.
3 5 I must be impressive and attractive to survive.
8 5 I must be strong and in control to survive.

Your main type is Type 9
Your variant stacking is sp/sx/so
Your level of health is average
You are most likely a type 9 (the Peacemaker) with 1 wing

Self-preservation variant

Type 9 SP
Type 6 SO
Type 4 SO
Type 5 SP
Type 1 SP
Type 2 SP
Type 7 SP
Type 3 SP
Type 8 SO
Sexual |||||||||||| 38%
Social |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Self Preservation |||||||||||||||||| 54%


New member
Mar 22, 2015
Again, I'm agreeing with everyone else on INFP. You've got very strong Fi. :)


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
I drafted a full explanation that was complex and honest but for some reason when i pressed the submit reply it was lost into the ethers of cyber space.

Basically i lifted the lid and spoke a level of truth in relation to the structure of the questions structure and your responses that be leave was collaboratively drafted by two people with the assistance of a third a (9w1 sp , so/sp 8, and 6w5 or 5w6). And that most likely the persons who drafted the questions wrote the replays to the questions.

i presume from the action of my post having not being posted successfully was most likely because it was to honest and revealed a level of truth what was to accurate and was not deemed appropriately congenial to the game in play.

So i am not going to retype it all again. i am a believer in the game of truth but i also understand human nature so i am happy to go with the flow and accept the reality of what most likely took place and so i wish you well with you enneagram explorations and am happy to agree with your profiles self typing statement of: 9w1 infp so/sx 945.

Violet Rose

New member
Mar 26, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I drafted a full explanation that was complex and honest but for some reason when i pressed the submit reply it was lost into the ethers of cyber space.

Basically i lifted the lid and spoke a level of truth in relation to the structure of the questions structure and your responses that be leave was collaboratively drafted by two people with the assistance of a third a (9w1 sp , so/sp 8, and 6w5 or 5w6). And that most likely the persons who drafted the questions wrote the replays to the questions.

i presume from the action of my post having not being posted successfully was most likely because it was to honest and revealed a level of truth what was to accurate and was not deemed appropriately congenial to the game in play.

So i am not going to retype it all again. i am a believer in the game of truth but i also understand human nature so i am happy to go with the flow and accept the reality of what most likely took place and so i wish you well with you enneagram explorations and am happy to agree with your profiles self typing statement of: 9w1 infp so/sx 945.

Oh my. I'm sorry. I hate when I write out something like that and it gets erased. Are you saying you didn't think it was polite? Oh, I don't mind people disagreeing with my type. I notice a lot of people that post questionnaires and just want people to agree with them, and get offended when they don't tell them what they want to hear. I'm not saying this site, I'm just saying it's a commonality. It's ok if you disagree or wanting to be honest. Thank you for your reply, though :). I appreciate your efforts and for reading my questionnaire. So thank you.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
So it is your questionnaire. I was not offended that you disagreed with my analyses.

i wrote a lengthy response explaining many things and it was lost when i pressed post reply. i assumed that that the person who wore the questions answered the questions and the contrast between your first post and second post suggested to me that the input energy was not of 9w1 infp.

Regardless of weather i am correct or incorrect i have posted my thoughts and i am happy with your profiles self typing statement of: 9w1 infp so/sx 945.

Anyway lets not get into word games and it pleases me that you appreciate my efforts in reading your questionnaire. So i thank you for your sincere reply. :bye:


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
I have given some thought to the what has taken place and have come to a conclusion that I have most likely misinterpreted events and owe you an unreserved apology Violet Rose. I most likely lost connection with the server and there for lost the post I was to post.

But something good has come from this because it provided me with an opportunity to look at things differently.

I think it is possible that a pattern of difference exists between the Sx/Sp and the So/Sx that relates to how each instinct utilises the wings adjoining there core energy and the point energy feather reaching one place further.

I knottiest something interesting a pattern that seems to be a pattern that also exist for your type and it leads me to think that each of the six instinctual variant type may have a pattern of how they utilise the core and shadow and wing points to the left and right and the point further reaching two places from the core point energy.

I knew that there was a pattern of energy between the five points two to the left of the core energy and two to the right of the core energy but I did not realise that it may relate to the operations of the six variant energies.

So from this small conflict something of value has manifested.

So I thank you for being a part of this process in that if what took place from responding to your post had not have happened I most likely would have not connected the dot and realised the action I suspect takes place.

I will most likely only have to work out one more component to the triangle the Sp/So and I will most likely crack the code and the patten will become visible and the other triangle Sp/Sx and Sx/So and So/Sp will become visible also.

So happy days maybe around the corner with one more small enneagram mystery solved. Leaving still several mysteries to be excavated. Well at least in my head, mysteries that need to be work out.

The problem is now that I have more work to do, more complexity to sort. But that's ok I will examine it at my own pace and it will most likely fall in to place with a level of ease because the six variant instinct are not a mystery to me.

But what remains a mystery is the two missing MBTI types and how they relate to the process of the evolution of mind from infancy to phycological maturity. That's a tricky one because I suspect it will be like a linch pin that interconnects all working peaces between the MBTI and the Enneagram.

But any way this topic page is about your questionnaire and your question what type you maybe no my interests and investigations, so I will leave my input as is and wish you well and wish you the best of luck with your investigations Violet Rose.


New member
Mar 16, 2015
I think you are definitely NFP. It's hard to tell clearly if you prefer E over I, based on the questions, but I'm leaning towards INFP since the Fi is more obvious than the Ne.


Injustice Needs To stoP
Feb 19, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I think you're an ENFJ/INFJ.
Dominant: Extroverted Feeling
Auxiliary: Introverted Intuition
Tetriary: Extroverted Sensing
Inferior: Introverted Thinking
(the Dominant and Auxiliary functions might be switched around and the Tetriary and Inferior functions as well.)
The reason why I think you're an Extrovert, is because you said you smile when "little kids" (I know this is grammarily wrong). Being friendly to strangers is an extroverted trait. Also, you said you hate bullying. Might be a feeling thing, but doing something against that is also kinda Extroverted. I'd say you're an Extrovert. Also, you're always talking about people understanding eachother and social topics. You're hinting at being an Extrovert, at least your emotional cognitive function, at least. The only thing contradicting that is your last statement. Considering everything said, You're an Ambivert.
Also, you're a Judger, because you believe in long-term plans, via commitment.

Your Enneagram: Your profile states you're a 4w5w9, but additionally, I also believe you're also Type 2.
1. The hints leading to Extroversion might also be leading to you being a Type 2.
2. Your values are for the most part friendship-oriented. Seems very 2-ish.
3. You said you feel as if you were one with your family as an environment. That is socisl, and very 2-ish, indeed.

Your Socionics: Whatever ENFJ/INFJ means... (too lazy to look it up right now)

Your Alignment: (obviously) Lawful Good

So. I left my opinion about your personality. I believe you're a wonderful person, on top of that. There should be more like you, but then again, if you're a 4 by Enneagram, you wouldn't want that. Whatever. Keep being you, and everything is gonna be 78% awesome!

Violet Rose

New member
Mar 26, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I think you're an ENFJ/INFJ.
Dominant: Extroverted Feeling
Auxiliary: Introverted Intuition
Tetriary: Extroverted Sensing
Inferior: Introverted Thinking
(the Dominant and Auxiliary functions might be switched around and the Tetriary and Inferior functions as well.)
The reason why I think you're an Extrovert, is because you said you smile when "little kids" (I know this is grammarily wrong). Being friendly to strangers is an extroverted trait. Also, you said you hate bullying. Might be a feeling thing, but doing something against that is also kinda Extroverted. I'd say you're an Extrovert. Also, you're always talking about people understanding eachother and social topics. You're hinting at being an Extrovert, at least your emotional cognitive function, at least. The only thing contradicting that is your last statement. Considering everything said, You're an Ambivert.
Also, you're a Judger, because you believe in long-term plans, via commitment.

Your Enneagram: Your profile states you're a 4w5w9, but additionally, I also believe you're also Type 2.
1. The hints leading to Extroversion might also be leading to you being a Type 2.
2. Your values are for the most part friendship-oriented. Seems very 2-ish.
3. You said you feel as if you were one with your family as an environment. That is socisl, and very 2-ish, indeed.

Your Socionics: Whatever ENFJ/INFJ means... (too lazy to look it up right now)

Your Alignment: (obviously) Lawful Good

So. I left my opinion about your personality. I believe you're a wonderful person, on top of that. There should be more like you, but then again, if you're a 4 by Enneagram, you wouldn't want that. Whatever. Keep being you, and everything is gonna be 78% awesome!

Thanks for your reply! I don't think I'm Fe base or an extravert, but have considered INFJ quite a bit. INFp and INFj have the same dimensionality in functions in socionics. The Reinin dichotomies I relate most to are the ones the two types share. However, I more so identify with Delta. I believe I may be a harmonizing subtype in DCHN which may make me appear more INFp or INFJ....I don't know if this is necessarily so, though..which is why I kind of made this thread to see what functions others might see I'm using more so of, as it's harder, I believe to evaluate ones own writing, unbiased, or how one comes a crossed to others. Although I believe ones questionaire's can be manipulated to how one wishes to be seen by focusing on, or emphasizing certain things, so there's always that. Tricking myself lol.

I really have never considered E2. I will give it some thought. It could possibly be in my tritype. I have read very little on enneagram, honestly, besides what's available online. I probably need to buy an enneagram book to get a good grasp of it, but thank you for your opinion.


Injustice Needs To stoP
Feb 19, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Thanks for your reply! I don't think I'm Fe base or an extravert, but have considered INFJ quite a bit. INFp and INFj have the same dimensionality in functions in socionics. The Reinin dichotomies I relate most to are the ones the two types share. However, I more so identify with Delta. I believe I may be a harmonizing subtype in DCHN which may make me appear more INFp or INFJ....I don't know if this is necessarily so, though..which is why I kind of made this thread to see what functions others might see I'm using more so of, as it's harder, I believe to evaluate ones own writing, unbiased, or how one comes a crossed to others. Although I believe ones questionaire's can so be manipulated to how one wishes to be seen, so there's always that. Tricking myself lol.

I really have never considered E2. I will give it some thought. It could possibly be in my tritype. I have read very little on enneagram, honestly, besides what's available online. I probably need to buy an enneagram book to get a good grasp of it, but thank you for your opinion.

I seriously doubt you're a perciever.
Everything said goes against it.


New member
Aug 20, 2012
Instinctual Variant
I think you're an ENFJ/INFJ.
Dominant: Extroverted Feeling
Auxiliary: Introverted Intuition
Tetriary: Extroverted Sensing
Inferior: Introverted Thinking
(the Dominant and Auxiliary functions might be switched around and the Tetriary and Inferior functions as well.)
The reason why I think you're an Extrovert, is because you said you smile when "little kids" (I know this is grammarily wrong). Being friendly to strangers is an extroverted trait. Also, you said you hate bullying. Might be a feeling thing, but doing something against that is also kinda Extroverted. I'd say you're an Extrovert. Also, you're always talking about people understanding eachother and social topics. You're hinting at being an Extrovert, at least your emotional cognitive function, at least. The only thing contradicting that is your last statement. Considering everything said, You're an Ambivert.
Also, you're a Judger, because you believe in long-term plans, via commitment.

Your Enneagram: Your profile states you're a 4w5w9, but additionally, I also believe you're also Type 2.
1. The hints leading to Extroversion might also be leading to you being a Type 2.
2. Your values are for the most part friendship-oriented. Seems very 2-ish.
3. You said you feel as if you were one with your family as an environment. That is socisl, and very 2-ish, indeed.

Your Socionics: Whatever ENFJ/INFJ means... (too lazy to look it up right now)

Your Alignment: (obviously) Lawful Good

So. I left my opinion about your personality. I believe you're a wonderful person, on top of that. There should be more like you, but then again, if you're a 4 by Enneagram, you wouldn't want that. Whatever. Keep being you, and everything is gonna be 78% awesome!

Your analysis is quite honestly bunk and stereotypes off traits. Even if we are typing off traits, wouldn't an extrovert feel energized by the environment? Everyone has a desire to establish human connection with others, so that alone cannot be used as the basis for typing. Furthermore, an INFP is actually a judger first because Fi is a judging function.

Also, if one is typing off traits then socionics quadra values are very important. Makes me wonder what you've actually been studying if you can't discern between beta and delta quadra.

Also, a lot of stereotype 2 traits are actually 9 traits and people very commonly confuse the two types.
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Injustice Needs To stoP
Feb 19, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Your analysis is quite honestly bunk and stereotypes off traits. Even if we are typing off traits, wouldn't an extrovert feel energized by the environment? Everyone has a desire to establish human connection with others, so that alone cannot be used as the basis for typing. Furthermore, an INFP is actually a judger first because Fi is a judging function.

Also, if one is typing ofd traits then socionics quadra values are very important. Makes me wonder what you've actually been studying if you can't discern between beta and delta quadra

Also, a lot of stereotype 2 traits are actually 9 traits and people very commonly confuse the two types.

I'm just considering the possibilities. And by the way, it's not a fact that she's an INFP, so don't act like it.
Furthermore, MBTI actually got it right by changing the J-P with introverts.
Extroverted Judging + Introverted Perception = Planning (J)
Introverted Judging + Extroverted Perception = Spontaneous (P)
She is absolutely a planning person, a J.


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
•Dislike about myself: Whenever I do anything I think is wrong, I dislike myself for it. My library books are late, therefore I feel like a bad person and it has been eating me alive. I don't really mind that I'm a pushover, because I don't like pushing others around. But I think I lack the ability to put myself out there, as in just accepting a position and staying there instead of trying to 'ladder climb'. I lack the will or the will to care because I don't have a competitive nature. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, but will probably hurt me in the long run.

Above is a total Fi giveaway.

•I don't like war at all. I wish that there was a better way that others would accept to come to a mutual agreement. It makes me sad to know that those opposing each other have their own families and they may misunderstand or even demonize each other by differences in culture or what they have heard from others about a particular race or culture. I think that once a fire had been shot, it can lead to a constant eye for an eye, and bitterness towards the opposition, until one side can now longer go on, with hatred that can last generations.

Fi, Ne



New member
Aug 20, 2012
Instinctual Variant
I'm just considering the possibilities. And by the way, it's not a fact that she's an INFP, so don't act like it.
Furthermore, MBTI actually got it right by changing the J-P with introverts.
Extroverted Judging + Introverted Perception = Planning (J)
Introverted Judging + Extroverted Perception = Spontaneous (P)
She is absolutely a planning person, a J.

I never claimed it's a fact that the OP is an INFP, but I am claiming that it is a fact that the INFP type is actually a judging type first, because Fi is a judging function. That's a big difference.

Also, traits such as being planning and organized or spontaneous are largely learned. I'm an INTJ but I'm mostly spontaneous as a person. Why? I lead with perception first, and I have inferior Se. /shrug


Injustice Needs To stoP
Feb 19, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I never claimed it's a fact that the OP is an INFP, but I am claiming that it is a fact that the INFP type is actually a judging type first, because Fi is a judging function. That's a big difference.

Also, traits such as being planning and organized or spontaneous are largely learned. I'm an INTJ but I'm mostly spontaneous as a person. Why? I lead with perception first, and I have inferior Se. /shrug

Perception in MBTI doesn't mean perception. P is spontaneous.
Judging in MBTI doesn't mean judging. J is planning.

INFP is a spontaneous personality,
and INFJ is a planning personality.